#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/graphics/charts/textlabels.py __version__='3.3.0' import string from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.utils import simpleSplit, _simpleSplit from reportlab.lib.validators import isNumber, isNumberOrNone, OneOf, isColorOrNone, isString, \ isTextAnchor, isBoxAnchor, isBoolean, NoneOr, isInstanceOf, isNoneOrString, isNoneOrCallable, \ isSubclassOf from reportlab.lib.attrmap import * from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth, getAscentDescent, getFont from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, Group, Circle, Rect, String, STATE_DEFAULTS from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget, PropHolder from reportlab.graphics.shapes import _baseGFontName, DirectDraw from reportlab.platypus import XPreformatted, Paragraph, Flowable from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle, PropertySet from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER _ta2al = dict(start=TA_LEFT,end=TA_RIGHT,middle=TA_CENTER) from ..utils import (text2Path as _text2Path, #here for continuity pathNumTrunc as _pathNumTrunc, processGlyph as _processGlyph, text2PathDescription as _text2PathDescription) _A2BA= { 'x': {0:'n', 45:'ne', 90:'e', 135:'se', 180:'s', 225:'sw', 270:'w', 315: 'nw', -45: 'nw'}, 'y': {0:'e', 45:'se', 90:'s', 135:'sw', 180:'w', 225:'nw', 270:'n', 315: 'ne', -45: 'ne'}, } try: from rlextra.graphics.canvasadapter import DirectDrawFlowable except ImportError: DirectDrawFlowable = None _BA2TA={'w':'start','nw':'start','sw':'start','e':'end', 'ne': 'end', 'se':'end', 'n':'middle','s':'middle','c':'middle'} class Label(Widget): """A text label to attach to something else, such as a chart axis. This allows you to specify an offset, angle and many anchor properties relative to the label's origin. It allows, for example, angled multiline axis labels. """ # fairly straight port of Robin Becker's textbox.py to new widgets # framework. _attrMap = AttrMap( x = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc=''), y = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc=''), dx = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='delta x - offset'), dy = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='delta y - offset'), angle = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='angle of label: default (0), 90 is vertical, 180 is upside down, etc'), boxAnchor = AttrMapValue(isBoxAnchor,desc='anchoring point of the label'), boxStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='border color of the box'), boxStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='border width'), boxFillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='the filling color of the box'), boxTarget = AttrMapValue(OneOf('normal','anti','lo','hi'),desc="one of ('normal','anti','lo','hi')"), fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='label text color'), strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='label text border color'), strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='label text border width'), text = AttrMapValue(isString,desc='the actual text to display'), fontName = AttrMapValue(isString,desc='the name of the font used'), fontSize = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='the size of the font'), leading = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), width = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc='the width of the label'), maxWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc='maximum width the label can grow to'), height = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc='the height of the text'), textAnchor = AttrMapValue(isTextAnchor,desc='the anchoring point of the text inside the label'), visible = AttrMapValue(isBoolean,desc="True if the label is to be drawn"), topPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='padding at top of box'), leftPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='padding at left of box'), rightPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='padding at right of box'), bottomPadding = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='padding at bottom of box'), useAscentDescent = AttrMapValue(isBoolean,desc="If True then the font's Ascent & Descent will be used to compute default heights and baseline."), customDrawChanger = AttrMapValue(isNoneOrCallable,desc="An instance of CustomDrawChanger to modify the behavior at draw time", _advancedUsage=1), ddf = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(isSubclassOf(DirectDraw),'NoneOrDirectDraw'),desc="A DirectDrawFlowable instance", _advancedUsage=1), ddfKlass = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(isSubclassOf(Flowable),'NoneOrDirectDraw'),desc="A DirectDrawFlowable instance", _advancedUsage=1), ddfStyle = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(isSubclassOf(PropertySet)),desc="A style for a ddfKlass or None", _advancedUsage=1), ) def __init__(self,**kw): self._setKeywords(**kw) self._setKeywords( _text = 'Multi-Line\nString', boxAnchor = 'c', angle = 0, x = 0, y = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0, topPadding = 0, leftPadding = 0, rightPadding = 0, bottomPadding = 0, boxStrokeWidth = 0.5, boxStrokeColor = None, boxTarget = 'normal', strokeColor = None, boxFillColor = None, leading = None, width = None, maxWidth = None, height = None, fillColor = STATE_DEFAULTS['fillColor'], fontName = STATE_DEFAULTS['fontName'], fontSize = STATE_DEFAULTS['fontSize'], strokeWidth = 0.1, textAnchor = 'start', visible = 1, useAscentDescent = False, ddf = DirectDrawFlowable, ddfKlass = None, ddfStyle = None, ) def setText(self, text): """Set the text property. May contain embedded newline characters. Called by the containing chart or axis.""" self._text = text def setOrigin(self, x, y): """Set the origin. This would be the tick mark or bar top relative to which it is defined. Called by the containing chart or axis.""" self.x = x self.y = y def demo(self): """This shows a label positioned with its top right corner at the top centre of the drawing, and rotated 45 degrees.""" d = Drawing(200, 100) # mark the origin of the label d.add(Circle(100,90, 5, fillColor=colors.green)) lab = Label() lab.setOrigin(100,90) lab.boxAnchor = 'ne' lab.angle = 45 lab.dx = 0 lab.dy = -20 lab.boxStrokeColor = colors.green lab.setText('Another\nMulti-Line\nString') d.add(lab) return d def _getBoxAnchor(self): '''hook for allowing special box anchor effects''' ba = self.boxAnchor if ba in ('autox', 'autoy'): angle = self.angle na = (int((angle%360)/45.)*45)%360 if not (na % 90): # we have a right angle case da = (angle - na) % 360 if abs(da)>5: na = na + (da>0 and 45 or -45) ba = _A2BA[ba[-1]][na] return ba def _getBaseLineRatio(self): if self.useAscentDescent: self._ascent, self._descent = getAscentDescent(self.fontName,self.fontSize) self._baselineRatio = self._ascent/(self._ascent-self._descent) else: self._baselineRatio = 1/1.2 def _computeSizeEnd(self,objH): self._height = self.height or (objH + self.topPadding + self.bottomPadding) self._ewidth = (self._width-self.leftPadding-self.rightPadding) self._eheight = (self._height-self.topPadding-self.bottomPadding) boxAnchor = self._getBoxAnchor() if boxAnchor in ['n','ne','nw']: self._top = -self.topPadding elif boxAnchor in ['s','sw','se']: self._top = self._height-self.topPadding else: self._top = 0.5*self._eheight self._bottom = self._top - self._eheight if boxAnchor in ['ne','e','se']: self._left = self.leftPadding - self._width elif boxAnchor in ['nw','w','sw']: self._left = self.leftPadding else: self._left = -self._ewidth*0.5 self._right = self._left+self._ewidth def computeSize(self): # the thing will draw in its own coordinate system ddfKlass = getattr(self,'ddfKlass',None) if not ddfKlass: self._lineWidths = [] self._lines = simpleSplit(self._text,self.fontName,self.fontSize,self.maxWidth) if not self.width: self._width = self.leftPadding+self.rightPadding if self._lines: self._lineWidths = [stringWidth(line,self.fontName,self.fontSize) for line in self._lines] self._width += max(self._lineWidths) else: self._width = self.width self._getBaseLineRatio() if self.leading: self._leading = self.leading elif self.useAscentDescent: self._leading = self._ascent - self._descent else: self._leading = self.fontSize*1.2 objH = self._leading*len(self._lines) else: if self.ddf is None: raise RuntimeError('DirectDrawFlowable class is not available you need the rlextra package as well as reportlab') sty = dict( name='xlabel-generated', fontName=self.fontName, fontSize=self.fontSize, fillColor=self.fillColor, strokeColor=self.strokeColor, ) sty = self._style = (ddfStyle.clone if self.ddfStyle else ParagraphStyle)(**sty) self._getBaseLineRatio() if self.useAscentDescent: sty.autoLeading = True sty.leading = self._ascent - self._descent else: sty.leading = self.leading if self.leading else self.fontSize*1.2 self._leading = sty.leading ta = self._getTextAnchor() aW = self.maxWidth or 0x7fffffff if ta!='start': sty.alignment = TA_LEFT obj = ddfKlass(self._text,style=sty) _, objH = obj.wrap(aW,0x7fffffff) aW = self.maxWidth or obj._width_max sty.alignment = _ta2al[ta] self._ddfObj = obj = ddfKlass(self._text,style=sty) _, objH = obj.wrap(aW,0x7fffffff) if not self.width: self._width = self.leftPadding+self.rightPadding self._width += obj._width_max else: self._width = self.width self._computeSizeEnd(objH) def _getTextAnchor(self): '''This can be overridden to allow special effects''' ta = self.textAnchor if ta=='boxauto': ta = _BA2TA[self._getBoxAnchor()] return ta def _rawDraw(self): _text = self._text self._text = _text or '' self.computeSize() self._text = _text g = Group() g.translate(self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy) g.rotate(self.angle) ddfKlass = getattr(self,'ddfKlass',None) if ddfKlass: x = self._left else: y = self._top - self._leading*self._baselineRatio textAnchor = self._getTextAnchor() if textAnchor == 'start': x = self._left elif textAnchor == 'middle': x = self._left + self._ewidth*0.5 else: x = self._right # paint box behind text just in case they # fill it if self.boxFillColor or (self.boxStrokeColor and self.boxStrokeWidth): g.add(Rect( self._left-self.leftPadding, self._bottom-self.bottomPadding, self._width, self._height, strokeColor=self.boxStrokeColor, strokeWidth=self.boxStrokeWidth, fillColor=self.boxFillColor) ) if ddfKlass: g1 = Group() g1.translate(x,self._top-self._eheight) g1.add(self.ddf(self._ddfObj)) g.add(g1) else: fillColor, fontName, fontSize = self.fillColor, self.fontName, self.fontSize strokeColor, strokeWidth, leading = self.strokeColor, self.strokeWidth, self._leading svgAttrs=getattr(self,'_svgAttrs',{}) if strokeColor: for line in self._lines: s = _text2Path(line, x, y, fontName, fontSize, textAnchor) s.fillColor = fillColor s.strokeColor = strokeColor s.strokeWidth = strokeWidth g.add(s) y -= leading else: for line in self._lines: s = String(x, y, line, _svgAttrs=svgAttrs) s.textAnchor = textAnchor s.fontName = fontName s.fontSize = fontSize s.fillColor = fillColor g.add(s) y -= leading return g def draw(self): customDrawChanger = getattr(self,'customDrawChanger',None) if customDrawChanger: customDrawChanger(True,self) try: return self._rawDraw() finally: customDrawChanger(False,self) else: return self._rawDraw() class LabelDecorator: _attrMap = AttrMap( x = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), y = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), dx = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), dy = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), angle = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), boxAnchor = AttrMapValue(isBoxAnchor,desc=''), boxStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc=''), boxStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), boxFillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc=''), fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc=''), strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc=''), strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone),desc='', fontName = AttrMapValue(isNoneOrString,desc=''), fontSize = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), leading = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), width = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), maxWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), height = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc=''), textAnchor = AttrMapValue(isTextAnchor,desc=''), visible = AttrMapValue(isBoolean,desc="True if the label is to be drawn"), ) def __init__(self): self.textAnchor = 'start' self.boxAnchor = 'w' for a in self._attrMap.keys(): if not hasattr(self,a): setattr(self,a,None) def decorate(self,l,L): chart,g,rowNo,colNo,x,y,width,height,x00,y00,x0,y0 = l._callOutInfo L.setText(chart.categoryAxis.categoryNames[colNo]) g.add(L) def __call__(self,l): from copy import deepcopy L = Label() for a,v in self.__dict__.items(): if v is None: v = getattr(l,a,None) setattr(L,a,v) self.decorate(l,L) isOffsetMode=OneOf('high','low','bar','axis') class LabelOffset(PropHolder): _attrMap = AttrMap( posMode = AttrMapValue(isOffsetMode,desc="Where to base +ve offset"), pos = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='Value for positive elements'), negMode = AttrMapValue(isOffsetMode,desc="Where to base -ve offset"), neg = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='Value for negative elements'), ) def __init__(self): self.posMode=self.negMode='axis' self.pos = self.neg = 0 def _getValue(self, chart, val): flipXY = chart._flipXY A = chart.categoryAxis jA = A.joinAxis if val>=0: mode = self.posMode delta = self.pos else: mode = self.negMode delta = self.neg if flipXY: v = A._x else: v = A._y if jA: if flipXY: _v = jA._x else: _v = jA._y if mode=='high': v = _v + jA._length elif mode=='low': v = _v elif mode=='bar': v = _v+val return v+delta NoneOrInstanceOfLabelOffset=NoneOr(isInstanceOf(LabelOffset)) class PMVLabel(Label): _attrMap = AttrMap( BASE=Label, ) def __init__(self, **kwds): Label.__init__(self, **kwds) self._pmv = 0 def _getBoxAnchor(self): a = Label._getBoxAnchor(self) if self._pmv<0: a = {'nw':'se','n':'s','ne':'sw','w':'e','c':'c','e':'w','sw':'ne','s':'n','se':'nw'}[a] return a def _getTextAnchor(self): a = Label._getTextAnchor(self) if self._pmv<0: a = {'start':'end', 'middle':'middle', 'end':'start'}[a] return a class BarChartLabel(PMVLabel): """ An extended Label allowing for nudging, lines visibility etc """ _attrMap = AttrMap( BASE=PMVLabel, lineStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone, desc="Non-zero for a drawn line"), lineStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, desc="Color for a drawn line"), fixedEnd = AttrMapValue(NoneOrInstanceOfLabelOffset, desc="None or fixed draw ends +/-"), fixedStart = AttrMapValue(NoneOrInstanceOfLabelOffset, desc="None or fixed draw starts +/-"), nudge = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="Non-zero sign dependent nudge"), boxTarget = AttrMapValue(OneOf('normal','anti','lo','hi','mid'),desc="one of ('normal','anti','lo','hi','mid')"), ) def __init__(self, **kwds): PMVLabel.__init__(self, **kwds) self.lineStrokeWidth = 0 self.lineStrokeColor = None self.fixedStart = self.fixedEnd = None self.nudge = 0 class NA_Label(BarChartLabel): """ An extended Label allowing for nudging, lines visibility etc """ _attrMap = AttrMap( BASE=BarChartLabel, text = AttrMapValue(isNoneOrString, desc="Text to be used for N/A values"), ) def __init__(self): BarChartLabel.__init__(self) self.text = 'n/a' NoneOrInstanceOfNA_Label=NoneOr(isInstanceOf(NA_Label)) from reportlab.graphics.charts.utils import CustomDrawChanger class RedNegativeChanger(CustomDrawChanger): def __init__(self,fillColor=colors.red): CustomDrawChanger.__init__(self) self.fillColor = fillColor def _changer(self,obj): R = {} if obj._text.startswith('-'): R['fillColor'] = obj.fillColor obj.fillColor = self.fillColor return R class XLabel(Label): '''like label but uses XPreFormatted/Paragraph to draw the _text''' _attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=Label, ) def __init__(self,*args,**kwds): Label.__init__(self,*args,**kwds) self.ddfKlass = kwds.pop('flowableClass',XPreformatted) self.ddf = kwds.pop('directDrawClass',self.ddf) if False: def __init__(self,*args,**kwds): self._flowableClass = kwds.pop('flowableClass',XPreformatted) ddf = kwds.pop('directDrawClass',DirectDrawFlowable) if ddf is None: raise RuntimeError('DirectDrawFlowable class is not available you need the rlextra package as well as reportlab') self._ddf = ddf Label.__init__(self,*args,**kwds) def computeSize(self): # the thing will draw in its own coordinate system self._lineWidths = [] sty = self._style = ParagraphStyle('xlabel-generated', fontName=self.fontName, fontSize=self.fontSize, fillColor=self.fillColor, strokeColor=self.strokeColor, ) self._getBaseLineRatio() if self.useAscentDescent: sty.autoLeading = True sty.leading = self._ascent - self._descent else: sty.leading = self.leading if self.leading else self.fontSize*1.2 self._leading = sty.leading ta = self._getTextAnchor() aW = self.maxWidth or 0x7fffffff if ta!='start': sty.alignment = TA_LEFT obj = self._flowableClass(self._text,style=sty) _, objH = obj.wrap(aW,0x7fffffff) aW = self.maxWidth or obj._width_max sty.alignment = _ta2al[ta] self._obj = obj = self._flowableClass(self._text,style=sty) _, objH = obj.wrap(aW,0x7fffffff) if not self.width: self._width = self.leftPadding+self.rightPadding self._width += self._obj._width_max else: self._width = self.width self._computeSizeEnd(objH) def _rawDraw(self): _text = self._text self._text = _text or '' self.computeSize() self._text = _text g = Group() g.translate(self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy) g.rotate(self.angle) x = self._left # paint box behind text just in case they # fill it if self.boxFillColor or (self.boxStrokeColor and self.boxStrokeWidth): g.add(Rect( self._left-self.leftPadding, self._bottom-self.bottomPadding, self._width, self._height, strokeColor=self.boxStrokeColor, strokeWidth=self.boxStrokeWidth, fillColor=self.boxFillColor) ) g1 = Group() g1.translate(x,self._top-self._eheight) g1.add(self._ddf(self._obj)) g.add(g1) return g