AIPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Group%1 Grup%1 Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item About Contributions from: Kontribusi dari: &About Tent&ang SVN Revision: A&uthors Pen&ulis &Translations &Terjemahan &Online &Online &Close &Tutup Development Team: Tim Pengembang: Official Documentation: Dokumentasi Resmi: Other Documentation: Dokumentasi Lain: AppImage for Linux: Official Translations and Translators (in order of locale shortcode): Penerjemahan Pesmi dan Penerjemah (berdasarkan kode) Homepage Situs resmi Online Reference Referensi Online Bugs and Feature Requests Bug dan Permintaan Fitur Mailing List Milis Previous Translation Contributors: Kontributor Terjemahan Sebelumnya: About Scribus %1 Tentang Scribus %1 Wiki Wiki %1 %2 %3 %1 %2 %3 %3-%2-%1 %4 %5 %3-%2-%1 %4 %5 Using Ghostscript version %1 Menggunakan Ghostscript versi %1 No Ghostscript version available Tidak ada versi Ghostscript tersedia Build ID: Tanda Pengenal Build: Mac OS&#174; X Aqua Port: Port Mac OS&#174; X Aqua: Windows&#174; Port: Port Windows&#174;: Tango Project Icons: Proyek Ikon Tango &Updates Pem&utakhiran Check for updates to Scribus. No data from your machine will be transferred off it. Periksa pemutakhiran Scribus. Tidak ada data dari mesin Anda akan ditransfer. OS/2&#174;/eComStation&#8482; Port: OS/2&#174;/eComStation&#8482; Port: Splash Screen: Splash Screen: This panel shows the version, build date and compiled in library support in Scribus. Panel ini menampilkan versi, tanggal perakitan dan kompilasi dalam dukungan pustaka di Scribus. The C-C-T-F equates to C=littlecms C=CUPS T=TIFF support F=Fontconfig support.Last Letter is the renderer C=cairo or Q=Qt C-C-T-F adalah C=littlecms C=CUPS T=TIFF support F=Fontconfig support. Huruf terakhir adalah C renderer= cairo atau Q=Qt Missing library support is indicated by a *. This also indicates the version of Ghostscript which Scribus has detected. Dukungan pustaka yang tidak ada ditunjukkan dengan tanda "*". Ini juga menunjukkan versi Ghostscript yang dideteksi oleh Scribus. The Windows version does not use fontconfig or CUPS libraries. Versi Windows tidak menggunakan fontconfig atau pustaka CUPS. <p align="center"><b>%1 %2</b></p><p align="center">%3<br>%4 %5<br>%6</p> <p align="center"><b>%1 %2</b></p><p align="center">%3<br>%4 %5<br>%6</p> Scribus Version Versi Scribus Check for Updates Cek Pemutakhiran Developer Blog Blog Pengembang &Licence &Lisensi Unable to open licence file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for licencing information. Gagal membuka berkas lisensi. Mohon periksa direktori instalasi Anda atau situs Scribus untuk informasi lisensi. Doc Translators: Penerjemah Dokumentasi Webmasters: Webmaster: Refactoring text layout code, the new boxes model & CTL text layout, Oman House of Open Source Technology team: Unable to open %1 file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for %1 information. Gagal membuka berkas %1. Periksa direktori instalasi Anda atau situs Scribus untuk informasi %1. Haiku Port: Port Haiku: Scribus 1.5.1+ Icon Set: Kumpulan Ikon Sribus 1.5.1+ AboutPlugins Filename: Nama berkas: Version: Versi: Release Date: Tanggal Rilis: Description: Deskripsi: Author(s): Pembuat: Copyright: Hak cipta: License: Lisensi Scribus: About Plug-ins Scribus: Tentang Plug-ins ActionManager &Tabulators... &Tabular &Open... B&uka... &Close &Tutup &Save &Simpan Save &As... Simp&an Sebagai... Re&vert to Saved K&embali ke Tersimpan Collect for O&utput... Kumpulkan untuk &Output... Get Text... Ambil Teks... Append &Text... Gabungkan &Teks Get Image... Ambil Gambar... Save &Text... Simpan &Teks Save as P&DF... Simpan sebagai P&DF... Document &Setup... Pengaturan Do&kumen &Print... &Cetak... &Quit Ke&luar &Undo &Batalkan &Redo &Ulangi &Item Action Mode Mode Aksi &Item Cu&t Po&tong &Copy &Salin &Paste Tem&pel Select &All Pilih Semu&a &Deselect All Ti&dak Pilih Semua &Search/Replace... Ca&ri/Ganti... &Master Pages... Halaman &Master... P&references... P&referensi... PDF... PostScript... %1 pt %1 pt &Other... &Lainnya... &Left &Kiri &Center &Tengah &Right &Kanan &Block &Blok &Forced &Paksa &Normal &Normal &Underline &Garis bawah Underline &Words Garis bawah &Kata-kata &Strike Through &Dicoret &All Caps %Semua Huruf Besar Small &Caps &Huruf Besar Ukuran Kecil Su&perscript Bentuk p&angkat Su&bscript &Bentuk indeks D&uplicate D&uplikat &Delete &Hapus &Group &Grup &Ungroup &Pisahkan Is &Locked &Dikunci Si&ze is Locked Ukuran Terkunc&i Lower to &Bottom Turunkan ke Paling &Bawah Raise to &Top Naikkan ke Paling &Atas &Lower &Turunkan &Raise &Naikkan &Attributes... &Atribut I&mage Visible Gambar Ta&mpak Embed Image Gambar Tempel Is PDF &Bookmark Adalam &Bukmak PDF Is PDF A&nnotation Adalah A&notasi PDF &Edit Shape... &Edit Bentuk &Attach Text to Path &Sematkan Teks pada Path &Detach Text from Path &Lepaskan Teks dari Path &Combine Polygons &Gabungkan poligon Split &Polygons Pisahkan &Poligon &Bezier Curve Kurva &Bezier &Image Frame Frame &Gambar &Polygon &Poligon &Text Frame Frame &Teks &Glyph... &Glyph... &Insert... S&isipkan... Im&port... Im&por... &Delete... &Hapus... &Copy... &Salin... &Move... &Pindahkan... &Apply Master Page... &Terapkan Halaman Master Manage &Guides... Atur &Garis Pandu &50% &50% &75% &75% &100% &100% &200% &200% Show &Margins Tampilkan &Margin Show &Frames Tampilkan &Frame Show &Images Tampilkan &Gambar Show &Grid Tampilkan &Grid Show G&uides Tampilkan G&aris Pandu Show &Baseline Grid Tampilkan Grid Garis dasar Show &Text Chain Tampilkan Rantai &Teks Sn&ap to Grid Melekat pada Grid Sna&p to Guides Melekat pada Garis Pa&ndu &Properties &Properti &Scrapbook &Scrapbook &Layers &Layer &Bookmarks &Bookmark &Measurements &Pengukuran Action &History &Riwayat Aksi Preflight &Verifier &Memeriksa Kesiapan Symbols Simbol &Tools Alat bantu P&DF Tools Sarana P&DF Select Item Pilih Objek Rotate Item Putar Item Zoom in or out Perbesar atau Perkecil Zoom in Perbesar Zoom out Perkecil Edit Contents of Frame Edit Isi Frame Edit Text with Story Editor... Edit Text dengan Editor Cerita... Link Text Frames Tautkan Frame Teks Unlink Text Frames Lepaskan Tautan Frame Teks Unlink Text Frames and Cut Text Lepaskan tautan Frame Teks dan Potong Teks &Eye Dropper &Pemilih Warna Copy Item Properties Salin Properti Item &Manage Images... &Atur Gambar &Hyphenate Text &Potong Teks &Generate Table Of Contents &Buat Daftar Isi &About Scribus &Tentang Scribus About &Qt Tentang &Qt Action &Search Toolti&ps Pesan Keterang&an Zero Width Non-Joiner Zero Width Joiner Non Breaking Hyphen Non Breaking &Space Non Breaking &Space Page &Number &Nomor Halaman Copyright Hak cipta Registered Trademark Merek Dagang Terdaftar Trademark Merek Dagang Bullet Bullet Em Dash Garis Em En Dash Garis En Figure Dash Figure Dash Quotation Dash Quotation Dash Toggle Palettes Toggle Palet S&hadow Bayangan &Low Resolution Resolusi &Rendah &Normal Resolution Resolusi &Normal &Full Resolution Resolusi &Penuh Edit Image... Edit Gambar... &Update Image &Perbaharui Gambar Adjust Frame to Image Sesuaikan Frame terhadap Gambar Show Control Characters Tampilkan Karakter Kontrol &Align and Distribute &Perataan dan Penyebaran New Line Baris Baru Frame Break Pisah Bingkai Column Break Pisah Kolom Toggle Guides Toggle Panduan &Arrange Pages &Susun Halaman Dehyphenate Text Hapus tanda "-" pada Teks Manage Page Properties... Atur Properti Halaman... &JavaScripts... &JavaScripts... Convert to Master Page... Konversikan ke Halaman Master... &Cascade &Berlapis &Tile Mengubin More Info... Info Lebih Lanjut... &Printing Enabled &Pencetak difungsikan &Flip Horizontally &Balik Secara Horisontal &Flip Vertically &Balik Secara Vertikal Show Rulers Tampilkan Penggaris &Outline Document Outline Palette &Outline Solidus Solidus Middle Dot Middle Dot En Space Spasi En Em Space Spasi Em Thin Space Spasi Tipis Thick Space Spasi Tebal Mid Space Spasi Menengah Hair Space Spasi Rambut ff ff fi fi fl fl ffi ffi ffl ffl ft ft st st S&tyles... &Gaya... &Outline type effect &Outline &Outlines Convert to oulines &Outline Paste (&Absolute) Tempel (&Absolut) C&lear Bersihkan Save as &EPS... Simpan sebagai &EPS Show Text Frame Columns Tampilkan Kolom Frame Teks Preview Mode Mode Pratinjau Show Layer Indicators Tampilkan Indikator Layer Sticky Tools Alat Stiki &New... &Baru... Print Previe&w... Tampilan Prapandan&g &Image Effects... &Efek Gambar... &Multiple Duplicate... &Penyalinan Banyak &Transform... &Mengubah... Extended Image Properties... Properti Gambar Lebih Lanjut... Annotation P&roperties... P&roperti Anotasi Field P&roperties... P&roperti Anotasi Sample Text... Teks Contoh... &Fit to Height &Sesuaikan terhadap Tinggi Fit to Width Sesuaikan terhadap Lebar Show Bleeds Tampilkan Bleed Soft &Hyphen &Hipenasi Halus Narrow No-Break Space &Zero Width Space Zero Width NB Space Apostrophe Unicode 0x0027 Apostrof Straight Double Unicode 0x0022 Coret Ganda Single Left Unicode 0x2018 Tunggal Kiri Single Right Unicode 0x2019 Tunggal Kanan Double Left Unicode 0x201C Dobel Kiri Double Right Unicode 0x201D Dobel Kanan Single Reversed Unicode 0x201B Double Reversed Unicode 0x201F Single Left Guillemet Unicode 0x2039 Guillemet Tunggal Kiri Single Right Guillemet Unicode 0x203A Guillemet Tunggal Kanan Double Left Guillemet Unicode 0x00AB Guillemet Dobel Kiri Double Right Guillemet Unicode 0x00BB Guillemet Dobel Kanan Low Single Comma Unicode 0x201A Low Double Comma Unicode 0x201E CJK Single Left Unicode 0x300C CJK Tunggal Kiri CJK Single Right Unicode 0x300D CJK Tunggal Kanan CJK Double Left Unicode 0x300E CJK Dobel Kiri CJK Double Right Unicode 0x300F CJK Dobel Kanan &400% &400% Scribus Homepage Situs resmi Scribus Scribus Online Documentation Dokumentasi Online Scribus Scribus Wiki Wiki Scribus Getting Started with Scribus Memulai menggunakan Scribus Show Context Menu Tampilkan Menu Konteks &About Plugins Tentang Plugins Insert Unicode Character Begin Sequence Sisipkan Urutan Awal Karakter Unicode Get Vector File... Ambil File Vektor... Advanced Select All... Pilih Semua Tingkat lanjut... Edit Source... Edit Sumber... Replace Colors... Ganti Warna... Rulers Relative to Page Penggaris Relatif terhadap Halaman Check for Updates Cek Pemutakhiran Number of Pages Jumlah halaman Adjust Image to Frame Sesuaikan Gambar terhadap Frame File File &File &File Edit Edit &Edit &Edit Style Gaya &Style &Gaya Item Item &Item &Item Insert Sisipkan I&nsert Sisipka&n Page Halaman &Page &Halaman View Lihat &View &Lihat Extras Tambahan E&xtras T&ambahan Windows Jendela &Windows &Jendela Help Bantuan &Help &Bantuan Plugin Menu Items Item Menu Plugin Others Lainnya Unicode Characters Karakter Unicode Move/Resize Value Indicator Pindah/Ubah Ukuran Indikator Nilai New &from Template... Baru &dari Templat Paste Image from Clipboard Tempel Gambar dari Clipboard Insert Rows... Sisipkan Baris... Insert Columns... Sisipkan Kolom... Delete Rows Hapus Baris Delete Columns Hapus Kolom Merge Cells Gabungkan Sel Split Cells... Pisahkan Sel... Set Row Heights... Tentukan Tinggi Baris... Set Column Widths... Tentukan Lebar Kolom... Distribute Rows Evenly Bagi Rata Baris Distribute Columns Evenly Adjust Frame to Table Sesuaikan Frame terhadap Tabel Adjust Table to Frame Sesuaikan Tabel Terhadap Frame &Frames... &Frame... Adjust Frame Height to Text Sesuaikan Tinggi Frame Terhadap Teks Marks... Tanda... Notes Styles... Gaya Catatan... Adjust Group Atur Grup Anchor Mark Tanda Acuan Variable Text Reference to Item Referensi ke Item Reference to Mark Referensi ke Tanda Foot/Endnote Catatan Kaki/Akhir Edit Mark Edit Tanda Update Marks Perbarui Tanda Snap to Items Colors and Fills... Warna dan Isian... Patterns Pola Inline Items &Symbol &Simbol &Update Document M&utakhirkan Dokumen Table Tabel &Table &Tabel Copy Salin Content Properties Scribus &Help... Cut Potong Paste Tempel Redo Ulangi Undo Batalkan Close the current document Tutup dokumen ini Export the document to PDF Ekspor dokumen sebagai PDF Create a new document Buat dokumen baru Open an existing document Buka dokumen yang sudah ada Print the document Cetak dokumen Save the current document Simpan dokumen ini Copy item properties Salin Properti obyek Edit contents of a frame Edit Isi Frame Eye Dropper Pemilih Warna Insert an arc Sisipkan busur Insert a bezier curve Sisipkan kurva bezier Insert a calligraphic line Sisipkan garis kaligrafi Insert a freehand line Sisipkan garis bebas Insert an image frame Sisipkan frame gambar Insert a line Sisipkan garis Insert a polygon Sisipkan poligon Insert a render frame Insert a shape Sisipkan bentuk Insert a spiral Sisipkan spiral Insert a table Sisipkan Tabel Insert a text frame Sisipkan frame teks Link text frames Tautkan frame teks Measurements Pengukuran Insert link annotation Sisipkan anotasi tautan Insert text annotation Masukkan anotasi teks Insert PDF check box Sisipkan Kotak Cek PDF Insert PDF combo box Sisipkan Kotak Kombo PDF Insert PDF list box Sisipkan Kotak Daftar PDF Insert PDF push button Sisipkan Tombol Tekan PDF Insert PDF radio button Sisipkan Tombol Radio PDF Insert PDF text field Sisipkan Kolom Teks PDF Analyse the document for issues prior to exporting to PDF Menganalisis dokumen terhadap isu-isu sebelum mengekspor sebagai PDF Rotate an item Putar item Select an item Pilih item Unlink text frames Lepaskan tautan frame teks Insert 3D annotation Sisipkan anotasi 3D Unweld Items Weld Items T&runcate Edit in Preview Mode Edit dalam Mode Pratinjau Toggle Color Management System &View Tools Lihat Peralatan &Render Frame T&able T&abel &Shape &Bentuk Arc Busur Spiral Spiral &Line &Garis Calligraphic Line Garis Kaligrafi &Freehand Line &Garis Bebas PDF Push Button Tombol PDF PDF Radio Button Tombol Radio PDF PDF Text Field Kolom Teks PDF PDF Check Box Kotak Centang PDF PDF Combo Box Kotak Kombo PDF PDF List Box Kotak Daftar PDF Text Annotation Anotasi Teks Link Annotation Anotasi Pranala 3D Annotation Anotasi 3D Edit text in story editor Edit teks dalam editor cerita Enable preview mode Aktifkan mode pratinjau Enable editing in preview mode Aktifkan penyuntingan dalam mode pratinjau Toggle color management system Edit Weld Edit Weld &Downloads &Unduhan &Resources Chat with the Community Chat dengan Komunitas ActionSearchDialog Action Search Search for action... AlignDistribute Align Perataan &Selected Guide: Panduan Terpilih: &Relative To: &Relatif Terhadap: &Align Sides By: R&atakan Sisi-Sisi Menurut: Distribute Distribusikan &Distance: &Jarak: Reverse Distribution Membalik Distribusi Swap Align and Distribute Ratakan dan Distribusikan AlignDistributePalette First Selected Terpilih Pertama Last Selected Terpilih Terakhir Page Halaman Margins Margin Selection Seleksi Align bottoms Ratakan sisi bawah Align right sides Ratakan sisi kanan Center on vertical axis Tengahkan pada sumbu vertikal Align left sides Ratakan sisi kiri Center on horizontal axis Tengahkan pada sumbu horizontal Align tops Ratakan sisi atas Distribute left sides equidistantly Bagi sisi kiri dengan jarak yang sama Distribute bottoms equidistantly Bagi bagian bawah dengan jarak yang sama Distribute centers equidistantly horizontally Bagian bagian tengah dengan jarak yang sama secara horisontal Distribute centers equidistantly vertically Bagian bagian tengah dengan jarak yang sama secara vertikal Distribute tops equidistantly Bagi bagian atas dengan jarak yang sama Distribute right sides equidistantly Bagi sisi kanan dengan jarak yang sama Guide Garis Pandu Distribute the items with the distance specified Distribusikan obyek dengan jarak yang ditetapkan When distributing by a set distance, reverse the direction of the distribution of items None Selected Tiada Terseleksi Swap items to the left Swap items to the right Y: %1%2 Y: %1%2 X: %1%2 X: %1%2 Align right sides of items to left side of anchor Ratakan sisi kanan obyek ke sisi kiri acuan Align left sides of items to right side of anchor Ratakan sisi kiri obyek ke sisi kanan acuan Align tops of items to bottom of anchor Ratakan sisi atas obyek ke sisi bawah acuan Align bottoms of items to top of anchor Ratakan sisi bawah obyek ke sisi atas acuan Make horizontal gaps between items equal Buat jarak horisontal antar obyek sama besar Make horizontal gaps between items equal to the value specified Buat jarak horisontal antar obyek sesuai nilai yang ditentukan Make vertical gaps between items equal Buat jarak vertikal antar obyek sama besar Make vertical gaps between items equal to the value specified Buat jarak vertikal antara objek sama besar sesuai nilai yang ditentukan Make horizontal gaps between items and sides of page equal Buat jarak horisontal antara objek dan sisi sisi halaman sama besar Make vertical gaps between items and the top and bottom of page margins equal Buat jarak vertikal antar objek dan margin atas dan bawah halaman sama besar Make horizontal gaps between items and sides of page margins equal Buat jarak horisontal antar objek dan margin sisi-sisi halaman sama besar Make vertical gaps between items and the top and bottom of page equal Buat jarak vertikal antar objek dan sisi atas dan bawah halaman sama besar <qt>Align relative to the:<ul><li>First selected item</li><li>Second Selected Item</li><li>The current page</li><li>The margins of the current page</li><li>A Guide</li><li>The selection</ul></qt> <qt>Ratakan relatif terhadap<ul><li>Objek yang pertama dipilih</li><li>Objek ke dua dipilih</li><li>Halaman ini</li><li>Margin halaman ini</li><li>Panduan</li><li>Pilihan</ul></qt> The location of the selected guide to align to Letak dari panduan yang digunakan untuk meratakan Move Pindahkan Resize Ubah ukuran <qt>When aligning one side of an item do one of the following:<ul><li>Always move the other side too (preserve existing width and height)</li><li>Keep the other side fixed (resize the item instead of moving it) whenever possible</li></ul></qt> AlignSelect Align Text Left Ratakan Sisi Kiri Teks Align Text Right Ratakan Sisi Kanan Teks Align Text Center Ratakan Sisi Tengah Teks Align Text Justified Ratakan Sisi Kiri dan Kanan Teks Align Text Forced Justified Ratakan Sisi Kiri dan Kanan Teks secara Paksa Annota Annotation Properties Properti Anotasi Text Teks Link Tautan External Link Pranala Luar External Web-Link Pranala Web Luar New Paragraph Destination Tujuan pt pt &X-Pos: &X-Pos: Open Buka &Type: &Tipe: C&hange... Uba&h... &Page: Ha&laman: &Y-Pos: &Y-Pos: %1;;All Files (*) %1;;Semua Berkas (*) Export absolute Filename Options Pilihan Icon: Ikon: Note Catatan Comment Komentar Key Kunci Help Bantuan Paragraph Paragraf Insert Sisipkan Cross Silangkan Circle Lingkaran Annotation is Open Anotasi Terbuka ApplyMasterPageDialog Apply Master Page Terapkan Master Page &Master Page: Halaman &Master Alt+P Alt+P Alt+E Alt+E Alt+D Alt+D Alt+A Alt+A Alt+W Alt+W to ke: Alt+O Alt+O Alt+C Alt+C Apply the selected master page to even, odd or all pages within the following range Terapkan halaman master terpilih ke halaman genap, ganjil, atau semua halaman dalam rentang berikut: Apply to Terapkan pada Current &Page &Halaman Ini &Even Pages Halaman &Genap O&dd Pages Halaman G&anjil &All Pages Semu&a Halaman &Within Range Dalam Rentan&g ArcVectorBase Edit Arc Edit Busur Start Angle: Sudut Awal: End Angle: Sudut Akhir: Height: Tinggi: Width: Lebar: End Edit Sunting Akhir ArcWidgetBase Start Angle: Sudut Awal: End Angle: Sudut Akhir: Sample Polygon Poligon Contoh AutoformButtonGroup Arrows Panah Flow Chart Diagram Alir Jigsaw Jigsaw Specials Spesial Default Shapes Bentuk Default Barcode Barcode Barcode Insert a barcode Sisipkan barcode Scribus frontend for Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript BarcodeGenerator Select Type Pilih Tipe Select a barcode format Pilih format barcode Point of Sale Supply Chain Two-dimensional symbols Simbol dua dimensi One-dimensional symbols Simbol satu dimensi GS1 DataBar family Postal symbols Pharmaceutical symbols Less-used symbols Simbol yang jarang digunakan GS1 Composite symbols Select a barcode family BarcodeGeneratorBase Reset the barcode samples Atur ulang contoh barcode Alt+I Alt+I If checked, there will be numbers in the barcode too Jika dicentang, pada barcode juga akan ada angka Alt+G Alt+G Draw arrows to be sure of space next the code Gambar panah untuk memastikan ruang di samping kode &Background &Latar belakang Alt+B Alt+B Background color - under the code lines Warna latar belakang - di bawah garis kode &Lines &Garis Alt+L Alt+L Color of the lines in barcode Warna garis dalam barcode &Text &Teks Alt+T Alt+T Color of the text and numbers Warna teks dan angka Alt+N Alt+N Generate and include a checksum in barcode Buat dan sertakan checksum dalam barcode Alt+U Alt+U Include the checksum digit in the barcode text Sertakan digit checksum dalam teks barcode Insert Barcode Sisipkan Barcode Colors Warna Options Pilihan Display checksum Tampilkan Checksum Show readable text Tampilkan teks yang bisa dibaca Parse specials Guard whitespace ^NNN as ASCII ^NNN sebagai ASCII Add checksum Tambahkan checksum Advanced options for the barcode Opsi lanjutan untuk barcode &Barcode: &Barcode: Type Tipe &Contents: &Isi: Options: Opsi: The contents encoded in the barcode Isi yang terkodekan dalam barcode Select one of the available barcode types here Pilih salah satu dari tipe barcode yang ada di sini Version: Versi: Error correction level: Tingkatan koreksi kesalahan: Barcode Family: Keluarga Barcode: Version of the symbol Versi simbol Error correction level Tingkatan koreksi kesalahan Biblio Scrapbook Scrapbook Delete Hapus Object Obyek New Entry Entri Baru Rename Namai Ulang &Name: &Nama: Choose a Scrapbook Directory Pilih Direktori Scrapbook Choose a scrapbook file to import Pilih berkas scrapbook untuk diimpor Create a new scrapbook page Buat halaman scrapbook baru Close the selected scrapbook Tutup scrapbook yang dipilih Copy To: Salin Ke: Move To: Pindahkan Ke: Main Utama Copied Items Item-Item yang Tersalin New Name Nama Baru Scrapbook (*.scs *.SCS) Scrapbook (*.scs *.SCS) Paste to Page Tempel pada Halaman Close Tutup Delete Contents Hapus Konten Do you really want to delete all entries? Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua entri? Import a scrapbook file from Scribus <=1.3.2 Impor berkas scrapbook dari Scribus <=1.3.2 Hide Images Sembunyikan Gambar Hide Vector files Sembunyikan Berkas Vektor Go up one Directory Naik satu Direktori Configure the scrapbook Konfigurasikan scrapbook Hide Directories Sembunyikan Direktori Open Directories in a new tab Buka Direktori di tab baru BookPalette Bookmarks Bookmark ButtonIcon Icon Placement Penempatan Ikon Layout: Tataletak: Caption only Hanya Caption Icon only Hanya Ikon Caption below Icon Caption di bawah Ikon Caption above Icon Caption di atas Ikon Caption right to Icon Caption di kanan Ikon Caption left to Icon Caption di kiri Ikon Caption overlays Icon Caption melapisi Ikon Scale: Skala: Always Selalu When Icon is too big Jika Ikon terlalu besar Never Tidak pernah Scale How: Skala Bagaimana: Proportional Proporsional Non Proportional Tidak Proporsional Icon Ikon OK OK Cancel Batal Reset Reset When Icon is too small Jika Ikon terlalu kecil CMYKChoose Edit Color Edit Warna CMYK CMYK RGB RGB Web Safe RGB Web Safe RGB Color Map Peta Warna C: C: M: M: Y: Y: Dynamic Color Bars Batang Warna Dinamis Static Color Bars Batang Warna Statis R: R: G: G: B: B: % % You cannot create a color named "%1". It is a reserved name for transparent color Anda tidak dapat membuat warna bernama "% 1". Ini adalah nama yang disediakan untuk warna transparan Choosing this will make this color a spot color, thus creating another spot when creating plates or separations. This is used most often when a logo or other color needs exact representation or cannot be replicated with CMYK inks. Metallic and fluorescent inks are good examples which cannot be easily replicated with CMYK inks. Memilih ini akan membuat warna ini menjadi warna spot, sehingga menciptakan spot lain saat membuat pelat atau separasi. Ini paling sering digunakan ketika logo atau warna lain membutuhkan representasi yang tepat atau tidak dapat direplikasi dengan tinta CMYK. Tinta metalik dan fluorescent adalah contoh yang baik yang tidak mudah direplikasi dengan tinta CMYK. Scribus Swatches User Swatches If color management is enabled, an exclamation mark indicates that the color may be outside of the color gamut of the current printer profile selected. What this means is the color may not print exactly as indicated on screen. More hints about gamut warnings are in the online help under Color Management. You cannot create a color without a name. Please give it a name Anda tidak dapat membuat warna tanpa nama. Harap berikan nama. The name of the color already exists. Please choose another one. Nama warna ini sudah ada. Harap pilih yang lain. Lab Lab HLC HLC L: L: a: a: b: b: H: H: CMYKChooseBase Edit Color Sunting Warna &Name: &Nama: Color &Model &Model Warna Is Spot Color Adalah Warna Spot OK OK Cancel Batalkan New Baru Old Lama C: C: % % M: M: Y: Y: K: K: CWDialog Merging colors Gabungkan warna Error: Kesalahan: Color %1 exists already! Warna %1 sudah ada! Color %1 appended. Warna %1 ditambahkan. Now opening the color manager. Sekarang sedang membuka manajer warna Color Merging Penggabungan Warna Unable to find the requested color. You have probably selected black, gray or white. There is no way to process this color. Tidak dapat menemukan warna yang diminta. Anda mungkin memilih hitam, abu-abu atau putih. Tidak ada cara untuk memproses warna ini. Color Wheel Roda Warna Click the wheel to get the base color. Its color model depends on the chosen tab. Klik roda untuk mendapatkan warna dasar. Model warnanya tergantung pada tab yang dipilih. Result Colors Warna-Warna Hasil CMYK CMYK RGB RGB HSV HSV Color Scheme Method Metode Skema Warna Angle: Sudut: Difference between the selected value and the counted ones. Refer to documentation for more information. Perbedaan antara nilai yang dipilih dan yang dihitung. Lihat dokumentasi untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Select one of the methods to create a color scheme. Refer to documentation for more information. Pilih salah satu metode untuk membuat skema warna. Lihat dokumentasi untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Merge created colors into the document colors Gabungkan warna yang dibuat ke dalam warna dokumen &Merge &Gabung Alt+M Alt+M Replace created colors in the document colors Ganti warna yang dibuat ke dalam warna dokumen &Replace &Ganti Alt+R Alt+R Leave colors untouched Biarkan warna tidak tersentuh &Cancel &Batal Alt+C Alt+C Preview: Pratinjau: Simulate common vision defects here. Select type of the defect. Mensimulasikan cacat visi umum di sini. Pilih jenis cacat. Vision Defect Type: Jenis Cacat Penglihatan: C: C: % % M: M: Y: Y: K: K: RGB: RGB: HSV: HSV: R: R: G: G: B: B: CMYK: CMYK: H: H: S: S: V: V: Document Dokumen Sample color scheme Skema warna contoh Colors of your chosen color scheme Warna-warna dari skema warna yang Anda pilih Canvas X: %1 Y: %2 X: %1 Y: %2 X: %1 X: %1 Y: %1 Y: %1 Length: %1 Angle: %2 Panjang: %1 Sudut: %2 Width: %1 Height: %2 Lebar: %1 Tinggi: %2 Angle: %1 Sudut: %1 CanvasMode_EyeDropper The selected color does not exist in the document's color set. Please enter a name for this new color. Color Not Found Warna Tidak Ditemukan RGB %1 The name you have selected already exists. Please enter a different name for this new color. CanvasMode_FrameLinks Linking Text Frames Menautkan Text Frames Before Sebelu After Sesudah You are trying to insert a frame into an existing text chain, where would you like to insert it? Anda mencoba menyisipkan frame ke dalam untaian teks yang sudah ada, dimana Anda ingin sisipkan? You are trying to link a frame to itself. Anda menaut sebuah bingkai ke dirinya sendiri. Frame is already linked. Unlink it before linking it to another frame. You are trying to link a non-empty frame to frame which is already linked. Anda mencoba menautkan frame yang tidak kosong ke frame yang sudah memiliki tautan. CanvasMode_Normal All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Open Buka Go to Page %1 Pergi ke Halaman %1 Go to URL %1 Pergi ke Alamat %1 Go to Page %1 in File %2 Pergi ke Halaman %1 dalam Berkas %2 Page %1 does not exist! Halaman %1 tidak ada! Link Target is Web URL. URL: %1 Information Informasi Link Target is external File. File: %1 Page: %2 Overflow Characters: %1 (%2 White Spaces) Click to link to existing text frame or auto-create new linked text frame CdrPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project CgmPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item CharSelect Scribus Char Palette (*.ucp);;All Files (*) Scribus Char Palette (*.ucp);;Semua Berkas (*) Open Character Palette Buka Palet Karakter Error Kesalahn Error reading file %1 - file is probably corrupted. Cannot write file %1 Tidak dapat menulis berkas %1 Character Palette Karakter Palet Empty the Palette? Kosongkan Palet ? You will remove all characters from this palette. Are you sure? Anda akan membuang semua karakter dalam palet ini. Anda yakin? Save Quick Character Palette Simpan Cepat Karakter Palet Show/Hide Enhanced Palette Tampilkan/Sembunyikan Palet Lanjutan Unicode Search Pencarian Unicode Load a Character Palette Memuat Palet Karakter Save the Character Palette Simpan Palet Karakter Empty the Character Palette Kosongkan Palet Karakter Font: %2 Huruf %2 CharSelectEnhanced Full Character Set Set Lengkap Karakter Basic Latin Latin Dasar Latin-1 Supplement Pelengkap Latin-1 Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-B Latin Extended-B General Punctuation Tanda Baca Umum Super- and Subscripts Super- and Subscripts Currency Symbols Simbol Mata Uang Letterlike Symbols Number Forms Arrows Panah Mathematical Operators Operator Matematik Box Drawing Block Elements Geometric Shapes Bentuk Geometri Miscellaneous Symbols Aneka Simbol-Simbol Dingbats Dingbats Small Form Variants Ligatures Ligatur Specials Spesial Greek Yunani Greek Extended Cyrillic Cyrillic Cyrillic Supplement Pelengkap Cyrillic Arabic Arab Arabic Extended A Arab Extended A Arabic Extended B Arab Extended B Hebrew Hibrani Enhanced Character Palette Palet Karakter Lanjutan &Font: &Font: C&haracter Class: You can see a thumbnail if you press and hold down the right mouse button. The Insert key inserts a Glyph into the Selection below and the Delete key removes the last inserted one Anda dapat melihat thumbnail jika Anda menekan dan menahan tombol kanan mouse. Tombol Insert menyisipkan Glyph ke dalam Pilihan di bawah dan tombol Hapus menghapus yang terakhir disisipkan Insert &Code: Masukkan &Kode: Glyphs to Insert Glyphs yang dimasukkan Insert the characters at the cursor in the text Masukkan huruf pada posisi kursor &Insert &Masukkan Delete the current selection(s). Hapus yang sedang dipilih C&lear Be_rsihkan Type in a four digit Unicode value directly here Masukkan 4 digit Unicode disini CharTableView Delete Hapus CheckDocument Glyphs missing Glyph hilang Text overflow Object is not on a Page Objek tidak ada di Halaman Missing Image Gambar Hilang Object has transparency Objek transparan Object is a PDF Annotation or Field Obyek adalah Anotasi atau Kolom PDF Object is a placed PDF Objek adalah PDF yang ditaruh. Document Dokumen No Problems found Tidak ada masalah yang ditemukan Page Halaman Free Objects Objek Bebas Preflight Verifier Pemeriksa Kesiapan Items Item Problems Masalah Current Profile: Profil Saat Ini: &Ignore Errors &Abaikan Galat Check again Cek Kembali Image is GIF Gambar adalah GIF OK OK Transparency used Transparasi digunakan Blendmode used Layer "%1" Layer "%1" Ignore found errors and continue to export or print. Be sure to understand the errors you are ignoring before continuing. Abaikan galat yang ditemui dan lanjutkan ekspor atau cetak. Pahami galat yang anda abaikan sebelum melanjutkan Rerun the document scan to check corrections you may have made Jalankan kembali pemindaian dokumen untuk memeriksa koreksi yang telah Anda buat Empty Image Frame Kosongkan Image Frame Layers Layer Master Pages Halaman Master Layer Layer Image resolution below %1 DPI, currently %2 x %3 DPI Resolusi gambar di bawah adalah %1 DPI. sekarang %2 x %3 DPI. Image resolution above %1 DPI, currently %2 x %3 DPI Resolusi gambar di atas adalah %1 DPI. sekarang %2 x %3 DPI. Image dimension is smaller than its frame Dimensi gambar terlalu kecil dibanding bingkai ini After Marks update document was changed Setelah memperbaharui tanda, dokumen berubah Issues: %1 Isu: %1 Object colorspace is not CMYK or spot Applied master page has different page destination (left, middle, right side) Halaman Master yang diterapkan memiliki tujuan halaman yang berbeda (sisi kiri, tengah, kanan) Empty Text Frame Bingkai Teks Kosong Indicates that editorial changes have been made to a PDF are still present or your PDF contains unprintable annotation items. They may cause issues in professional printing. Also helpful reminder if you are wanting to publish a final draft without editorial relics. Have you applied the correct Master Page? Anda sudah menerapkan Halaman Master yang benar? Imported document contains non-embedded fonts Dokumen yang telah di impor mengandung fonta yang tidak disematkan This warning alerts you that you are using a bitmap based graphic format that is typically not used for high resolution images (.gif is one of those). This may result in poor viewing quality (for example: when commercially printed, viewed on a high-resolution screens, etc...). If your PDF will be printed commercially, there are some printing systems that will have difficulty printing these types of images. PDF supports many different ways to represent the color of any object including RGB, CMYK and Spot (aka Separation) colors. Some of the PDF standards, such as PDF/X-1a, require the only CMYK and Spot colors be used. PDF mendukung beragam cara dalam menyajikan warna obyek termasuk warna-warna RGB, CMYK, dan Spot (alias Separasi). Beberapa standar PDF, seperti PDF/X-1a mensyaratkan hanya warna-warna CMYK dan Spot yang digunakan. The warning is verifying for you that there is a PDF loaded into an Image Frame, where it will be rasterized or converted to a bitmap. Its resolution may be less than ideal. See PDF Export to learn how to minimize this problem. There is more text than can show in the frame as sized. Nonvisible excess characters like spaces and carriage returns may trigger this if nothing appears to be missing. This warning indicates that your document contains images that have a transparent layer. This is really only an issue if using older printing profiles or PostScript. It is safe to ignore this when exporting to PDF version greater than 1.4. Annotation uses a non-TrueType font Anotasi menggunakan huruf non-TrueType Annotations support only a standard set of fonts. Choose another one. Anotasi hanya mendukung font-font standar. Silakan pilih font yang lain. This layer uses transparency, only an issue if using older printing profiles. You may safely ignore this when using modern printing methods, or exporting to PDF version greater than 1.4. This layer uses blendmodes which relies on transparency, only an issue if using older printing profiles. You may safely ignore this when using modern printing methods, or exporting to PDF version greater than 1.4. Print/Visible mismatch The image does not fit the whole space you reserved for it. Maybe this is intended, or maybe this is caused by bad inner placement or scale. The result will either be a cropped image or white space around the image. Preflight profile to base the report generation on. Options can be set in Document Setup or Preferences. If you have created an image frame, there is the presumption that you planned to put an image in it If you have created a text frame, there is the presumption that you planned to put text in it When some imported document uses non-embedded fonts, then their rendering will be wrong, unless by chance you have them installed on their system, but that cannot be guaranteed in case you want to share the resulting document This is a user definable setting serving as a caution for high resolution images, which may lead to unnecessarily large files This is a user definable setting serving as a caution for low resolution images, which may lead to poor quality output You have one or more characters which do not have a corresponding glyph in your chosen font Anda memiliki satu atau lebih karakter tanpa glyph yang sesuai dalam font yang Anda pilih The assigned image file cannot be found Berkas gambar yang dikaitkan tidak dapat ditemukan An object is placed somewhere outside of the page borders, it will not be printed and might be missing somewhere Ada obyek yang berada di luar batas halaman, itu tidak akan tercetak dan mungkin hilang ClockWidget A A CollectForOutput Choose a Directory Pilih Direktori Cannot create directory: %1 Tidak dapat membuat direktori: %1 Collecting... Mengumpulkan... Cannot collect all files for output for file: %1 Tidak dapat mengumpulkan semua berkas untuk berkas keluaran: %1 Cannot collect the file: %1 Tidak dapat mengumpulkan berkas: %1 CollectForOutput_UI Collecting Items: Mengumpulkan item: Collecting Patterns: Mengumpulkan Pola: Collecting Fonts: Mengumpulkan Font: Collecting Profiles: Mengumpulkan Profil: Collecting... Mengumpulkan... Cannot collect all files for output for file: %1 Tidak dapat mengumpulkan semua berkas untuk berkas keluaran: %1 Cannot collect the file: %1 Tidak dapat mengumpulkan berkas: %1 ColorListBox Sort by Name Urutkan berdasarkan Nama Sort by Color Urut Berdasarkan Warna Sort by Type Urut Berdasarkan Tipe ColorListModel R: %1 G: %2 B: %3 R: %1 G: %2 B: %3 C: %1% M: %2% Y: %3% K: %4% C: %1 M: %2 Y: %3 K: %4 L: %1 a: %2 b: %3 L: %1 a: %2 b: %3 ColorPalette Solid Solid Gradient Gradasi Hatch Pattern Pola Custom Atur Sendiri Create Mesh ColorWheel Monochromatic Monochromatic Analogous Analogous Complementary Komplementer Split Complementary Split Complementary Triadic Triadic Tetradic (Double Complementary) Tetradic (Double Complementary) Base Color Base Color Monochromatic Light Monokromatik Terang Monochromatic Dark Monokromatik Gelap 1st. Analogous 2nd. Analogous 1st. Split 2nd. Split 3rd. Split 4th. Split 1st. Triadic 2nd. Triadic 1st. Tetradic (base opposite) 2nd. Tetradic (angle) 3rd. Tetradic (angle opposite) ColorWheelPlugin &Color Wheel... &Roda Warna... Color setting helper Bantuan pengaturan warna Color selector with color theory included. Pemilih warna berdasarkan teori warna. ColorsAndFillsBase Colors and Fills Warna dan Isian If color management is enabled, an exclamation mark indicates that the color may be outside of the color gamut of the current printer profile selected. What this means is the color may not print exactly as indicated on screen. Spot colors are indicated by a red circle. More hints about gamut warnings are in the online help under Color Management. Registration colors will have a registration mark next to the color. Use Registration only for printers marks and crop marks. 1 1 Import colors to the current set from an existing document Impor warna ke kumpulan ini menggunakan dokumen yang sudah ada &Import &Impor Create a new color within the current set Buat warna baru dalam set saat ini Add Tambahkan Edit the currently selected color Edit warna yang sedang dipilih &Edit &Edit Make a copy of the currently selected color Buat salinan dari warna yang sedah dipilih D&uplicate D&uplikat Delete the currently selected color Hapus warna yang sekarang dipilih &Delete &Hapus Remove unused colors from current document's color set Hapus warna yang tidak digunakan pada kumpulan warna dokumen &Remove Unused &Hapus yang tidak digunakan Color Sets Kumpulan Warna Current Color Set: Kumpulan Warna Saat Ini: Save the current color set Simpan kumpulan warna saat Ini &Save Color Set &Simpan Kumpulan Warna Make the current colorset the default color set Buat kumpulan warna sekarang sebagai kumpulan warna bawaan OK OK Cancel Batal ColorsAndFillsDialog Solid Colors Warna Solid Gradients Gradien Patterns Pola Scribus Swatches User Swatches Merge Color Set Gabungkan Set Warna Sort by Name Urutkan berdasarkan Nama Sort by Color Urut Berdasarkan Warna Sort by Type Urut Berdasarkan Tipe &Import &Impor Add Tambahkan &Edit &Edit Load File Memuat Berkas Load Set Memuat Set Rename Namai Ulang New Gradient Gradien Baru New Color Warna Baru &Name: &Nama: Rename Entry Namai Ulang Entri Copy of %1 Salinan dari %1 Selected Colors Warna Terpilih Do you really want to clear all your gradients? Anda yakin akan membersihkan semua gradien Anda? Do you really want to clear all your colors and gradients? Anda yakin akan membersihkan semua warna dan gradien Anda? Do you really want to clear all your patterns? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua pola-pola anda? All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Scribus Gradient Files "*.sgr" (*.sgr *.SGR);; Gimp Gradient Files "*.ggr" (*.ggr *.GGR);; All Files (*) Semua File (*) Open Buka All Supported Formats (%1);;Documents (%2);;Other Files (%3);;All Files (*) Dukungan Semua Format (%1);;Berkas (%2);;Berkas Lain (%3);;Semua Berkas (*) Import Colors Impor Warna Information Informasi The file %1 does not contain colors which can be imported. If the file was a PostScript-based, try to import it with File -&gt; Import. Not all files have DSC conformant comments where the color descriptions are located. This prevents importing colors from some files. See the Edit Colors section of the documentation for more details. Berkas %1 tidak mempunyai warna yang bisa di impor. Jika berkas merupakan PostScript-based, coba impor dengan Berkas -&gt; Impor. Tidak semua berkas sesuai dengan DSC mengenai deskripsi warna Hal ini mencegah impor warna dari beberapa berkas. Lihat bagian dokumentai Edit Warna untuk keterangan lebih lanjut Choose a Directory Pilih Direktori Loading Patterns Memuat Pola R: %1 G: %2 B: %3 R: %1 G: %2 B: %3 C: %1% M: %2% Y: %3% K: %4% C: %1 M: %2 Y: %3 K: %4 L: %1 a: %2 b: %3 L: %1 a: %2 b: %3 Choose a Name Pilih Nama ColumnResize Width Lebar CommonStrings &Apply &Terapkan &Cancel &Batal &OK &OK &Save &Simpan Warning Peringatan None color name Kosong PDF 3D Annotation Anotasi 3D PDF Symbol Simbol Custom CommonStrings, custom page size Atur Sendiri Single Page Satu halaman 3-Fold Lipat 3 4-Fold Lipat 4 Monday Senin Tuesday Selasa Wednesday Rabu Thursday Kamis Friday Jum'at Saturday Sabtu Sunday Minggu January Januari February Februari March Maret April April May Mei June Juni July Juli August Agustus September September October Oktober November November December Desember Yes Ya No Tidak &Yes &Ya &No &Tidak Facing Pages Halaman Berhadapan Left Page Left page location Halaman Kiri Middle Middle page location Tengah Middle Left Middle Left page location Tengah Kiri Middle Right Middle Right page location Tengah Kanan Right Page Right page location Halaman Kanan Normal Default single master page Normal Normal Left Default left master page Normal Kiri Normal Middle Default middle master page Normal Tengah Normal Right Default right master page Normal Kanan Normal Vision Color Blindness - Normal Vision Pengelihatan Normal Protanopia (Red) Color Blindness - Red Color Blind Protanopia (Buta Warna Merah) Deuteranopia (Green) Color Blindness - Greed Color Blind Deuteranopia (Buta Warna Hijau) Tritanopia (Blue) Color Blindness - Blue Color Blind Tritanopia (Buta Warna Biru) Full Color Blindness Color Blindness - Full Color Blindness Buta Warna Custom: Custom Tab Fill Option Kustom: Solid Line Garis Solid Dashed Line Garis Putus-putus Dotted Line Garis Titik-titik Dash Dot Line Garis Putus Titik Dash Dot Dot Line Garis Putus Titik Titik None Optical Margin Setting Kosong Left Protruding Optical Margin Setting Menonjol Kiri Right Protruding Optical Margin Setting Menonjol Kanan Left Hanging Punctuation Optical Margin Setting Tanda Baca Gantung Kiri Right Hanging Punctuation Optical Margin Setting Tanda Baca Menggantung Kanan Default Optical Margin Setting Standar Aplikasi Min. Word Tracking Min. Pelacakan Kata Max. Word Tracking Max. Pelacakan Kata Min. Glyph Extension Min. Glyph Extension Max. Glyph Extension Max. Glyph Extension None Kosong RGB Colorspace RGB CMYK Colorspace CMYK Grayscale Colorspace Grayscale Duotone Colorspace Duotone Unknown Colorspace (Unknown) Tidak diketahui PostScript PostScript Text Frame Frame Teks Image Frame Image Frame Line Garis Polygon Poligon Polyline Polyline Text on a Path Teks pada Path Multiple Multiple frame types Multiple PDF Push Button PDF Tombol PDF Text Field PDF Kolom Teks PDF Check Box PDF Kotak Centang PDF Combo Box PDF Combo Box PDF List Box PDF List Box PDF Text Annotation PDF Anotasi Teks PDF Link Annotation PDF Anotasi Tautan File File PDF PDF PostScript Level 1 PostScript Level 1 PostScript Level 2 PostScript Level 2 PostScript Level 3 PostScript Level 3 Windows GDI Windows GDI Render Frame Render Frame Default Paragraph Style Gaya Paragraf Bawaan Default Character Style Gaya Karakter Bawaan Default Line Style Gaya Garis Bawaan Group Grup Regular Polygon Arc Busur Spiral Spiral Table Tabel Default Table Style Default Cell Style PDF Radio Button Tombol Radio PDF Button Tombol RadioButton Tombol Radio Textfield Kolom Teks Checkbox Kotak Centang Combobox Kotak Kombo Listbox Kotak Daftar TextAnnot Link Link Monochrome Colorspace Monokrom Alt Alt Shift Alt Cmd Cmd Ctrl Ctrl Windows Jendela Meta Meta px px ContentPalette Content Properties Group Properties Image Properties Page Properties Table Properties Text Properties Properti Teks ContentPalette_Default <html><body><p>Open a document</p><p>and select an item to see its properties</p></body></html> Select a single item to see its properties Select an item to see its properties ContentPalette_DefaultBase <html><head/><body><p align="center">Open a document</p><p align="center">and select an item to see its properties</p></body></html> ContentPalette_PageBase Select an item to see its properties. ContextMenu Preview Settings Pratinjau Pengaturan Paste File... Tempelkan Berkas Delete Page Hapus Halaman In&fo In&fo Print: Cetak: Enabled Bolehkan Disabled Dimatikan Edit 3D Annotation... Edit Anotasi 3D Insert Mark Sisipkan Tanda Image Gambar Locking Mengunci Send to Kirim ke Scrapbook Scrapbook Send to La&yer Kirim ke La&yer Le&vel Tingkatan Conve&rt to Uba&h ke &PDF Options O&psi-Opsi PDF Edit Edit... &Paste Here Tempelkan Di sini Paste Recent Tempel Terkiri Content Konten CopyPageToMasterPageBase Convert Page to Master Page Ubah Halaman ke Halaman Master Name: Nama: Copy Applied Master Page Items CopyPageToMasterPageDialog New Master Page %1 Halaman Master Baru %1 CreateMode 3DAnnot CreateRange Create Range Buat Jarak Number of Pages in Document: Nomer dari Halaman dalam Dokumen: Basic Range Selection Range of Pages Cakupan Halaman De&lete Ha&pus Alt+L Alt+L Move &Down Pindah ke &Bawah Alt+D Alt+D Move &Up Pindah ke &Atas Alt+U Alt+U Add a Range of Pages Tambahkan Rentang Halaman Consecutive Pages Halaman Berurutan Even Pages Halaman Genap From: Dari: To: Ke: &Add To Range Alt+A Alt+A Odd Pages Halaman Ganjil Comma Separated List Daftar Dengan Pemisah Koma Advanced Reordering Penyusunan Ulang Tingkat Lanjut Sample Page Order: Page Group Size: &OK &OK Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel &Batal Alt+C Alt+C CsvDialog CSV Importer Options Field delimiter: (TAB) (TAB) Value delimiter: First row is a header Baris pertama adalah header OK OK Cancel Batal None delimiter Kosong CupsOptions Printer Options Pilihan Printer Option Pilihan Value Nilai Page Set Ketetapan Halaman All Pages Semua Halaman Even Pages only Halaman Genap saja Odd Pages only Halaman Ganjil saja Mirror Balik Orientation Orientasi Portrait Tegak Landscape Datar N-Up Printing N-Up Printing Page per Sheet Halaman per Lembar Pages per Sheet Halaman per Lembar This panel displays various CUPS options when printing. The exact parameters available will depend on your printer driver. You can confirm CUPS support by selecting Help > About. Look for the listings: C-C-T These equate to C=CUPS C=littlecms T=TIFF support. Missing library support is indicated by a *. CurveWidget Open Buka Save as Simpan sebagai Cannot write the file: %1 Tidak dapat menulis berkas: %1 Inverts the curve Resets the curve Switches between linear and cubic interpolation of the curve Loads a curve Saves this curve Simpan kurva ini Curve Files (*.scu *.SCU);;All Files (*) CustomFDialog Encoding: Sedang mengkodekan: &Compress File Meng&kompres Berkas &Include Fonts &Sertakan Fonta Show Preview Tampilkan Pratinjau &Include Color Profiles &Sertakan Profil Warna Show a preview and information for the selected file Tampilkan pratinja dan informasi dari berkas yang dipilih Compress the Scribus document on save Kompres dokumen Scribus saat di simpan Include fonts when collecting files for the document. Be sure to know and understand licensing information for any fonts you collect and possibly redistribute. Include color profiles when collecting files for the document Import Option: Opsi Impor: Keep original size Jaga ukuran asli Downscale to page size Kecilkan sesuai ukuran halaman Upscale to page size Perbesar sesuai ukuran halaman CvgPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item CxfImportDialog Lab Lab RGB RGB CMYK CMYK CxfImportDialogBase CxF Import Impor CxF The file you are trying to import contains multiple definitions for colors. Please select how you would like colors to be imported by priority: DashEditor Value: Nilai: Offset: Offset: DeferredTask Cancelled by user Dibatalkan oleh pengguna DelColor Delete Color Hapus Warna Delete Color: Hapus Warna: Replace With: Ganti Dengan: DelPages Delete Pages Hapus Halaman to: ke: Delete From: Hapus Dari: DialogsAPI Alert - Scribus Peringatan - Scribus DirectionSelect Left to right paragraph Paragraf kiri ke kanan Right to left paragraph Paragraf kanan ke kiri DocIm Importing failed Import gagal Importing Word document failed %1 Import berkas Word gagal %1 DownloadsPalette Show In Finder Show In Explorer Remove Hapus Remove All Hapus Semua DownloadsPalette_Base Downloads Show Tampilkan Remove Hapus Remove All Hapus Semua DrwPlug Group%1 Grup%1 Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item EPSPlug Importing File: %1 failed! Mengimpor Berkas %1 gagal! Fatal Error Kesalahan Fatal Error Kesalahn Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item Analyzing PostScript: Menganalisa PostScript: Converting of %1 images failed! Group%1 Grup%1 Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 EditToolBar Edit Edit... Editor Editor Penyunting &New &Baru &Open... B&uka... Save &As... Simp&an Sebagai... &Save and Exit &Simpan dan Keluar &Exit without Saving &Keluar tanpa Menyimpan &Undo %Undo &Redo &Redo Cu&t Po&tong &Copy &Salin &Paste Tem&pel C&lear Be_rsihkan &Get Field Names &Ambil Field Nama &File &Berkas &Edit &Edit JavaScripts (*.js);;All Files (*) JavaScripts (*.js);;Semua Berkas (*) Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Ctrl-V Ctrl-V OK OK Cancel Batal EffectsDialog Image Effects Efek Gambar Options: Opsi: Color: Warna: Preview Prapandang Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: Brightness: Pencerahan: Contrast: Kontras: Radius: Radius: Value: Nilai: Posterize: Posterize: Available Effects Efek Tersedia Blur Blur Brightness Pencerahan Colorize Pewarnaan Contrast Kontras Grayscale Grayscale Invert Balik Posterize Posterize Sharpen Ketajaman Add Tambahkan Remove Hapus Applied Effects OK OK Cancel Batal Color 1: Warna 1: Color 2: Warna 2: Color 3: Warna 3: Color 4: Warna 4: Duotone Duotone Tritone Tritone Quadtone Quadtone Curves Kurva EmfPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item ExceptHookDialog Script error Skrip galat An exception occured while running the script. &Close &Tutup Exception Pengecualian &Details >> &Detail >> ExportBitmap File exists. Overwrite? Berkas sudah ada. Tulis Ulang? exists already. Overwrite? sudah ada. Tulis ulang? Save as Image Simpan sebagai gambar Insufficient memory for this image size. Memori tidak mencukupi untuk ukuran gambar ini. Error writing the output file(s). Kesalahan menuliskan berkas output. ExportForm &All pages &Semua halaman Change the output directory Rubah direktori pengeluaran The output directory - the place to store your images. Name of the export file will be 'documentname-pagenumber.filetype' Direktori outpu - tempat untuk menyimpan gambar-gambar anda. Nama dari berkas ekspor akan tertera 'namadokumen-nomorhalaman.tipeberkas' Choose an Export Directory Pilih Direktori Ekspor Export only the current page Ekspor hanya halaman saat ini Available export formats Format ekspor yang tersedia C&hange... Uba&h... &Export to Directory: &Ekspor ke Direktori: Image &Type: &Tipe Gambar: &Quality: &Kualitas Export as Image(s) Ekspor sebagai Gambar Options Pilihan &Resolution: &Resolusi: % % dpi dpi Range R &Current page &Halaman saat ini &Range &Jarak Export a range of pages Ekspor cakupan dari halaman Export all pages Ekspor semua halaman Resolution of the Images Use 72 dpi for Images intended for the Screen Resolusi gambar Gunakan 72 dpi untuk gambar yand ditujukan untuk layar &Size: &Ukuran Size of the images. 100% for no changes, 200% for two times larger etc. Ukuran gambar. 100% untuk tanpa perubahan, 200% untuk dua kali lebih besar dst. Image size in Pixels Ukuran gambar dalam Pixel The compression ratio of your images - 100% is no compression, 0% highest compression. If in doubt, use 'Automatic' Rasio kompresi dari gambar anda - 100% adalah tanpa kompresi, 0% kompresi tertinggi. Jika ragu, gunakan 'Otomatis' Automatic Otomatis Naming of exported files: Prefix: No Background Don't export Page Background Create a range of pages Insert a comma separated list of tokens where a token can be * for all the pages, 1-5 for a range of pages or a single page number ExtImageProps Extended Image Properties Properti Gambar Lebih Lanjut Normal Normal Darken Darken Lighten Lighten Hue Hue Saturation Saturasi Color Warna Luminosity Luminosity Multiply Multiply Screen Layar Dissolve Pecahkan Overlay Overlay Hard Light Hard Light Soft Light Soft Light Difference Perbedaan Color Dodge Color Dodge Color Burn Color Burn Blend Mode: Blend Mode: Opacity: Opasitas % % Name Nama Layers Layer Don't use any Path Jangan gunakan Path Paths Path Exclusion Exclusion Live Preview Pratinjau Secara Langsung Plus Destination In Destination Out FDialogPreview Size: Ukuran: Title: Judul: No Title Tidak Berjudul Author: Penulis: Unknown Tidak diketahui Scribus Document Berkas Scribus Resolution: Resolusi DPI DPI Colorspace: Colorspace: File Format: Format Berkas FhPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project FileLoader Some fonts used by this document have been substituted: Beberapa font yang digunakan dokumen ini sudah di ganti was replaced by: telah digantikan oleh: FileToolBar File Berkas FlattenPathPlugin Flatten Path Path Tools Alat Path Flattens a Path Converts a Bezier Path to a Path made of line segments. FontComboH Family: Family: Style: Gaya: Font Family of Selected Text or Text Frame Font family dari Teks yang dipilih atau Text Frame Font Style of Selected Text or Text Frame Style Font dari Teks yang dipilih atau Text Frame FontEmbeddingModel Embed or Subset Outline All Fonts Do Not Embed FontListModel Font Name Nama Font Use Font Gunakan Font Family Family Style Gaya Variant Varian Type Tipe Format Format Subset Subset Access Akses Used in Doc Digunakan dalam Doc Path to Font File Lokasi Berkas Font Unknown font type Tidak diketahui Unknown font format Tidak diketahui User font preview Pengguna System font preview Sistem Click to change the value Klik untuk merubah nilai FontPreview Leave preview font preview Keluar dari pratinjau Size of the selected font Ukuran dari font yang dipilih Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz font preview Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz Fonts Preview Pratinjau Font &Quick Search: &Font Size: Ukuran &Font: Text Teks Sample text to display Se&t Alt+T Alt+T Reset the text &Close &Tutup Alt+C Alt+C Typing the text here provides quick searching in the font names. Searching is case insensitive. The given text is taken as substring. &Default &Default Show Extended Font Information Set the preview text Tentukan pratinjau teks FontPreviewPlugin &Font Preview... Pratinjau &Font Font Preview dialog Dialog Pratinjau Font Sorting, searching and browsing available fonts. FontReplaceDialog Font Substitution Substitusi Font Original Font Substitution Font Font Substitusi Make these substitutions permanent Buat substitusi ini permanen This document contains some fonts that are not installed on your system, please choose a suitable replacement for them. Cancel will stop the document from loading. Di dokumen ini terdapat beberapa font yang tidak terpasang pada sistem anda, silahkan pilih pengganti yang sesuai. Pembatalan akan menghentikan dokumen untuk di muat. Enabling this tells Scribus to use these replacements for missing fonts permanently in all future layouts. This can be reverted or changed in File > Preferences > Fonts. Cancels these font substitutions and stops loading the document If you select OK, then save, these substitutions are made permanent in the document FontSelect Select Alternate Font Font Font GradientEditor Add, change or remove color stops here GradientEditorBase Position: Posisi: % % Color: Warna: Opacity: Opasitas Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: GradientPreview Add Stop Remove Stop GradientVectorBase Gradient Vector Vektor Gradasi Start: Mulai: / End: Akhir: Skew: Focal: Scale: Skala: 1. Point: 2. Point: 3. Point: 4. Point: 5. Point: Edit Grid Points Edit Control Points Reset selected Control Point Reset all Control Points New Mesh... Reset Mesh Mesh -> Shape Snap to other Mesh Points Add Patch Remove Patch GuideManager &Single &Satu Horizontals Horisontal &Add &Tambahkan Alt+A Alt+A D&elete H&elp Alt+E Alt+E Verticals Vertikal A&dd Alt+D Alt+D De&lete Ha&pus Alt+L Alt+L &Lock Guides &Kunci Panduan Appl&y to All Pages Alt+Y Alt+Y &Column/Row &Kolom/Baris &Number: U&se Gap: Alt+S Alt+S &Page &Halaman Alt+P Alt+P M&argins M&argins S&election Nu&mber: No&mor Use &Gap: Alt+G Alt+G &Misc &Dll Delete all guides from the current page Hapus semua panduan pada halaman ini Delete Guides from Current &Page Hapus Panduan dari &Halaman ini Delete all guides from the current document Hapus semua panduan dari dokumen ini Delete Guides from &All Pages Hapus Panduan dari &Semua Halaman Guide Manager Add a new horizontal guide Tambah panduan horisontal Delete the selected horizontal guide Hapus panduan horisontal yang dipilih Add a new vertical guide Tambah panduan vertikal Delete the selected vertical guide Hapus panduan vertikal yang dipilih Lock the guides Kunci panduan Apply to all pages Terapkan pada semua halaman Number of horizontal guides to create Jumlah panduan horisontal yang akan dibuat Number of vertical guides to create Jumlah panduan vertikal yang akan dibuat Create rows with guides, with an additional gap between the rows Buat baris dengan panduan, dengan tambahan jarak diantara baris Create columns with guides, with an additional gap between the columns Buat kolom dengan panduan, dengan tambahan jarak diantara kolom Create the selected number of horizontal guides relative to the current page Create the selected number of horizontal guides relative to the current page's margins Create the selected number of horizontal guides relative to the current selection of items Create the selected number of vertical guides relative to the current page Create the selected number of vertical guides relative to the current page's margins Create the selected number of vertical guides relative to the current selection of items Apply the shown guides to all pages in the document Refer to HelpBrowser Scribus Online Help Bantuan Find Temukan Search Term: &Delete &Hapus &Print... &Cetak... &File &Berkas &Find... &Temukan... Find &Next Temukan &Selanjutnya Find &Previous Temukan &Sebelumnya &Edit &Edit Navigation &Add Bookmark D&elete All &Bookmarks &Bookmark Scribus Help Bantuan Scribus &Exit Find &Next... Find &Previous... &Add &Tambahkan &Quit Ke&luar <h2><p>Sorry, no manual is installed!</p><p>Please see:</p><ul><li> for updated documentation</li><li> for downloads</li></ul></h2> HTML message for no documentation available to show HelpBrowserNavigation &Contents Se&arch Searching is case insensitive &Search &Cari 1 1 Book&marks &New &Baru &Delete &Hapus D&elete All HunspellDialog Spelling check complete Pengecekan ejaan lengkap HunspellDialogBase Check Spelling Periksa Ejaan Text Language: Bahasa Teks: Not in dictionary Tidak Ada di Kamus: Ignore Once Abaikan Sekali Ignore All Abaikan Semua Suggestions Saran Change Ubah Change All Ubah Semua HunspellPlugin Check Spelling... Periska Ejaan... HyAsk Possible Hyphenation Hifenasi yang Mungkin Accept Terima Skip Lewati Cancel Batal Add to the Exception List Masukkan ke Daftar Pengecualian Add to the Ignore List Masukkan ke Daftar Pengabaian Accept the proposed hyphenation Add edited hyphen to local hyphenation dictionary list Add edited word to words that should not be hyphenated Do not apply the proposed hyphenation IdmlPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item ImageInfoDialog Image Info Info Gambar General Info Info Umum Date / Time: Tanggal / Jam: Has Embedded Profile: Mempunyai Pofil Tertanam: Profile Name: Nama Profil: Has Embedded Paths: Has Layers: EXIF Info Info EXIF Artist: Seniman: Comment: Komentar: User Comment: Komentar Pengguna Camera Model: Model Kamera: Camera Manufacturer: Pabrikan Kamera: Description: Deskripsi: Copyright: Hak cipta: Scanner Model: Model Pemindai Scanner Manufacturer: Pabrikan Pemindai: Exposure time Aperture: ISO equiv.: Persamaan ISO ImportAIPlugin Import AI... Impor AI... Imports Illustrator Files Impor Berkas Illustrator Use the PDF part Use the AI part The file could not be imported Berkas tidak bisa di impor This file contains 2 versions of the data. Imports most Illustrator files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. Choose which one should be imported The PDF Import plugin could not be found The EPS Import plugin could not be found ImportCdrPlugin Import Corel Draw... Corel Draw Imports Corel Draw Files Imports most Corel Draw files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung The Uniconverter Import plugin could not be found Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project Corel Draw (*.ccx *.CCX *.cdr *.CDR *.cdt *.CDT *.cmx *.CMX) ImportCgmPlugin CGM File CGM File (*.cgm *.CGM) Imports CGM Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import Computer Graphics Metafile... Computer Graphics Metafile Computer Graphics Metafile (*.cgm *.CGM) Imports most binary CGM files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportCvgPlugin All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import Calamus Vector Graphics... Imports Calamus Vector Graphics Files Imports most Calamus Vector Graphics files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportDrwPlugin Micrografx DRW File Micrografx DRW File (*.drw *.DRW) Imports DRW Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import Micrografx Draw... Micrografx Draw Micrografx Draw (*.drw *.DRW) Imports most DRW files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportEmfPlugin EMF EMF (*.emf *.EMF) Imports EMF Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import Enhanced Metafile... Enhanced Metafile Enhanced Metafile (*.emf *.EMF) Imports most EMF files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportFhPlugin Import Freehand... Freehand Freehand (*.fh* *.FH*) Imports Freehand Files Imports most Freehand files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportIdml Adobe InDesign IDML Adobe InDesign IDML (*.idml *.IDML) Imports Adobe IDML Packages Imports Adobe InDesign's IDML packages into Scribus converting InDesign objects into Scribus pageitems; not all are supported in Scribus, but all those supported are being imported here GPL All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportIdmlPlugin Import Idml... Imports IDML Files Adobe InDesign IDML Adobe InDesign IDML (*.idml *.IDML) Adobe InDesign IDMS Adobe InDesign IDMS (*.idms *.IDMS) Imports most IDML files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportOdgPlugin Import ODF Document... ODF Drawing Import/export format name ODF Drawing (*.odg *.ODG *.fodg *.FODG) ODF Presentation Import/export format name ODF Presentation (*.odp *.ODP *.fodp *.FODP) Imports ODF Drawing Files Imports most ODF Drawing files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportPSPlugin Import PostScript... Impor PostScript... Imports PostScript Files Impor Berkas-Berkas PostScript Imports most PostScript files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. Impor sebagian besar berkas PostScript ke dalam dokumen yang sekarang, mengonversi data vektornya menjadi objek Scribbus ImportPagesPlugin Import iWorks Pages... iWorks Pages iWorks Pages (*.pages *.PAGES) Imports iWorks Pages Files Imports most iWorks Pages files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportPctPlugin All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import Macintosh Pict... Imports Macintosh Pict Files Imports most Macintosh Pict files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportPdfPlugin Import PDF... Imports PDF Files Imports most PDF files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung The Import plugin cannot handle Postscript files ImportPmPlugin Import Pagemaker... Pagemaker Pagemaker (*.pmd *.PMD *.pm *.PM *.pm3 *.PM3 *.pm4 *.PM4 *.pm5 *.PM5 *.pm6 *.PM6 *.p65 *.P65) Imports Pagemaker Files Imports most Pagemaker files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportPubPlugin Import PUB... MS Publisher MS Publisher (*.pub *.PUB) Imports PUB Files Imports most MS Publisher files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportQxpPlugin Import QuarkXPress... QuarkXPress QuarkXPress (*.qxd *.QXD *.qxt *.QXT) Imports QuarkXPress Files Imports QuarkXPress 3.1-4.1 files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportShapePlugin Import Dia Shapes... Imports Dia shape Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Dia Shapes Dia Shapes (*.shape *.SHAPE) Imports most Dia shapes into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. Dia shapes (*.shape *.SHAPE) ImportSmlPlugin Import Sml... Imports most Kivio stencils into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. Kivio Stencils "*.sml" File Kivio Stencils "*.sml" File (*.sml *.SML) Imports Sml Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Kivio Stencils Kivio Stencils (*.sml *.SML) ImportSvmPlugin Import SVM... Impor SVM... SVM SVM SVM (*.svm *.svm) SVM (*.svm *.svm) Imports SVM Files Impor Berkas SVM Imports most SVM files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportVivaPlugin Import Viva... Viva Designer XML Viva Designer XML (*.xml *.XML) Imports Viva Files Imports most Viva files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportVsdPlugin Import Visio... MS Visio MS Visio (*.vsd *.VSD *.vdx *.VDX *.vsdx *.VSDX) Imports MS Visio Files Imports most MS Visio files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportWpgPlugin All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung Import WordPerfect Graphics... Imports WordPerfect Graphics Files Imports most WordPerfect Graphics files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. ImportXarPlugin Import Xara... Imports most Xara files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. XARA "*.xar" File XARA "*.xar" File (*.xar *.XAR) Imports Xara Files All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung XARA XARA (*.xar *.XAR) ImportXfigPlugin Import Xfig... Import Xfig Imports Xfig Files Impor Berkas Xfig Imports most Xfig files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportXpsPlugin Import Xps... Microsoft XPS Microsoft XPS (*.xps *.XPS) Open XML Paper Open XML Paper (*.oxps *.OXPS) Imports XPS and Open XML Paper Files Imports most XPS and Open XML Paper files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung ImportZmfPlugin Import Zoner Draw... Zoner Draw Zoner Draw (*.zmf *.ZMF) Imports Zoner Draw Files Imports Zoner Draw 4-5 files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung InlinePalette Paste to Item Edit Item Remove Item Inline Items InsPage Insert Page Masukkan Halaman before Page sebelum Halaman after Page sesudah Halaman at End di Akhir Page(s) &Insert &Masukkan &Master Page: Halaman &Master Page Size Ukuran Halaman &Size: &Ukuran Orie&ntation: Orie&ntasi Portrait Tegak Landscape Datar &Width: &Lebar &Height: &Tinggi Move Objects with their Page Master Pages Halaman Master Override Master Page Sizing InsertAFrame Open Buka T&ype T&ipe &Text Frame Frame &Teks &Image Frame Frame &Gambar &Location &Lokasi Page Placement Penempatan Halaman Current Page &Halaman Ini All Pages Semua Halaman Position of Frame Posisi Frame Top Left of Margins Kiri Atas Margin Top Left of Page Kiri Atas Halaman Top Left of Bleed Kiri atas Bleed X: X: Y: Y: &Size U&kuran Same as the Page Margins Sama dengan Margin Halaman Same as the Page Sama dengan Halaman Same as the Bleed Sama dengan Bleed Same as the Imported Image Sama dengan Gambar Impor Height: Tinggi: Width: Lebar: &Options &Pilihan Source Image: Sumber Gambar: There are no options for this type of frame Pilihan tidak tersedia untuk Frame tipe ini Columns: Kolom: Gap: Jarak: Source Document: Sumber Berkas Range of Pages Cakupan Halaman Custom Position Custom Size <b>Insert a text frame</b><br/>A text frame allows you to enter any text in a defined position with the formatting you choose. You may select a text file on the Options tab if you want to immediately import a document into the frame. Scribus supports a wide variety of importable formats from plain text to<br/>Your text may be edited and formatted on the page directly or in the Story Editor. <B> Masukkan Teks Frame </ b> <br/> Teks Frame memungkinkan Anda untuk memasukkan teks dalam posisi yang telah ditentukan dengan format yang Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih berkas teks pada tab Pilihan jika Anda ingin segera mengimpor dokumen ke dalam frame. Scribus mendukung berbagai macam format diimpor dari teks biasa untuk <br/> Teks Anda dapat diedit dan diformat pada halaman langsung atau dalam Story Editor. <b>Insert an image frame</b><br/>An image frame allows you to place an image onto your page. Various image effects may be applied or combined including transparencies, brightness, and posterisation that allow retouching or the creation of interesting visual results. Image scaling and shaping is performed with the Properties Palette. <B> Masukkan image frame </ b> <br/> image frame memungkinkan Anda untuk menempatkan gambar ke halaman Anda. Berbagai efek gambar dapat diterapkan atau dikombinasikan termasuk transparansi, brightness, dan posterisation yang memungkinkan retouching atau penciptaan hasil visual yang menarik. Pengyekalaan gambar dan bentuk dilakukan dengan Palet Properti. Insert one or more text frames Tambahkan satu atau lebih teks frame Insert one or more image frames Tambahkan satu atau lebih image frame Place the new frames on the current page, on all pages or on a selected range Letakkan frame baru pada halaman ini, pada semua halaman atau pada cakupan halaman yang dipilih Insert the frame on the current page only Masukkan frame hanya di halaman ini Insert one frame for each existing page Masukkan satu frame untuk setiap halaman yang ada Insert frames on a range of pages Masukkan frame pada halaman cakupan Range of pages to insert frames on Cakupan halamanya yang akan dimasukkan frame Position the new frame in relation to the page Insert the frame at the top left of the page margins Masukkan frame di kiri atas margin halaman Insert the frame at the top left of the page Masukkan frame di kiri atas halaman Insert the frame at the top left of the page bleed Masukkan frame di kiri atas bleed halaman Insert the frame at a custom position on the page Masukkan frame di halaman dengan posisi sendiri Top position of the inserted frame Left position of the inserted frame Insert the new frame with the same dimensions as the page margins Insert the new frame with the same dimensions as the page Insert the new frame with the same dimensions as the bleed area outside the boundary of the page itself Insert the new frame with the same dimensions as the image that will be imported Tambahkan frame baru dengan ukuran yang dengan ukuran gambar yang akan di impor Insert the new frame with a custom size Width of the inserted frame Lebar dari frame yang dimasukkn Height of the inserted frame Tinggi dari frame yang dimasukkan Number of columns for the inserted text frame Jumlah kolom untuk bingkai teks yang dimasukkan Distance between the columns in the text frame Jarak antara kolom pada teks frame Link the inserted text frames together to form a chain of frames Tautkan bingkai teks yang disisipkan bersama untuk membentuk rantai bingkai Link Inserted Frames Link the first inserted frame to a preexisting text frame Link to Existing Frame Name of existing text frame to link to Source document to load into the text frame Source image to load into the inserted image frame Insert Frames Masukkan Frame InsertTable Insert Table Masukkan Tabel Number of rows: Jumlah baris: Number of columns: Jumlah kolom: InsertTableColumnsDialog Insert Column(s) Number of Columns: Jumlah Kolom Position: Posisi: Before Sebelu positions After Sesudah Beginning Awal End Akhir InsertTableRowsDialog Insert Row(s) Number of Rows: Jumlah Baris: Position: Posisi: Before Sebelu positions After Sesudah Beginning Awal End Akhir JavaDocs New Script Skrip Baru Edit JavaScripts &Edit... &Edit... &Add... &Delete &Hapus &Close &Tutup &New Script: Do you really want to delete this script? Adds a new Script, predefines a function with the same name. If you want to use this script as an "Open Action" script be sure not to change the name of the function. LatexEditor Enter Code: Update Revert Program Messages: Status: Unknown Kill Program Options Pilihan Resolution: Resolusi Automatic Otomatis DPI DPI Program: Use Preamble Status: Error Kesalahn Finished Selesai Running Berjalan No item selected! Tidak Ada Item Dipilih Editor Penyunting Information Informasi An editor for this frame is already running! Editor running! Please specify an editor in the preferences! Could not create a temporary file to run the external editor! Run External Editor... Running the editor failed with exitcode %d! Running the editor "%1" failed! Insert Symbol Sisipkan Simbol LayerPalette Layers Layer Delete Layer Hapus Layer Name Nama Do you want to delete all objects on this layer too? Opacity: Opasitas % % Blend Mode: Blend Mode: Normal Normal Darken Darken Lighten Lighten Multiply Multiply Screen Layar Overlay Overlay Hard Light Hard Light Soft Light Soft Light Difference Perbedaan Color Dodge Color Dodge Color Burn Color Burn Exclusion Exclusion Hue Hue Saturation Saturasi Color Warna Luminosity Luminosity Selects the Blendmode, works only in PDF 1.4 Layer Transparency, works only in PDF 1.4 and SVG Add a New Layer Tambahkan Layer Baru Duplicate the Current Layer Raise Layer Naikkan Layer Lower Layer Turunkan Layer Color of the Layer Indicator. Each layer has a color assigned to display on the canvas when layer indicators are enabled. You can double click to edit the color. Make Layer Visible. Uncheck to hide the layer from the display. Print Layer. Uncheck to disable printing. Lock or Unlock Layer. Unchecked is unlocked. Make text in lower layers flow around objects. Enabling this forces text in lower layers to flow around objects of the layer for which this option has been enabled. Outline Mode. Toggles the 'wireframe' display of objects to speed the display of very complex objects. Select Objects on Layer. Check to enable selecting. Name of the Layer. Double click on the name of a layer to edit the name. LensDialogBase Optical Lens + + - - Lens Parameters Add a new lens &Add Lens Remove selected lens &Remove Lens Zoom In Perbesar Zoom Out Perkecil &X Pos: &X-Pos: Horizontal position of the lens &Y Pos: &X-Pos: Vertical position of the lens The selected lens acts like a magnification lens &Magnification Lens The selected lens acts like a fish eye lens &Fish Eye Lens Ra&dius: Radius of the lens &Strength: Strength of the lens LensEffectsPlugin Lens Effects... Efek Lensa... Path Tools Alat Path Lens Effects Efek Lensa Apply fancy lens effects LoadSavePlugin All Files (*) Semua File (*) An error occurred while opening file or file is damaged An error occurred while parsing file at line %1, column %2 : %3 No File Loader Plugins Found LoremManager Select Lorem Ipsum Author: Penulis: Get More: XML File: File XML: Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Paragraphs: Paragraf: Alt+O Alt+O Alt+C Alt+C Standard Lorem Ipsum Random Paragraphs Number of paragraphs of selected sample text to insert List of languages available to insert sample text in Append to existing text MarginWidget &Bottom: &Bawah: &Top: &Atas: &Right: &Kanan: &Left: &Kiri: Distance between the top margin guide and the edge of the page Jarak antara panduan margin atas dan pinggir halaman Distance between the bottom margin guide and the edge of the page Jarak antara panduan margin bawah dan pinggir halaman &Inside: &Dalam: O&utside: L&uar: Preset Layouts: Apply the margin changes to all existing pages in the document Terapkan perubahan margin pada semua halaman yang ada di dalam berkas Printer Margins... Margin Printer... Apply settings to: Terapkan pengaturan pada: All Document Pages Semua Berkas Dokumen All Master Pages Semua Halaman Master Apply the margin changes to all existing master pages in the document Terapkan perubahan margin pada semua halaman master yang ada didalam dokumen Margin Guides Pemandu Gari Tepi Top: Atas: Bottom: Bawah: Distance for bleed from the top of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian atas fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the bottom of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian bawah fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the left of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kiri fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the right of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kanan fisik halaman Bleeds Bleeds Inside: Di Dalam: Outside: Di Luar: Left: Kiri: Right: Kanan: Import the margins for the selected page size from the available printers Distance between the left margin guide and the edge of the page. If a double-sided, 3 or 4-fold layout is selected, this margin space can be used to achieve the correct margins for binding. Distance between the right margin guide and the edge of the page. If a double-sided, 3 or 4-fold layout is selected, this margin space can be used to achieve the correct margins for binding. Ensure all bleeds have the same value Ensure all margins have the same value Mark2Item Mark to Item Mark2ItemDlg Dialog Dialog Label: Label: Item: Item: Mark2Mark Anchors Mark to Mark Mark to Item Note mark Mark2MarkDlg Dialog Dialog Label: Label Select marker: Pilih penanda: MarkAnchor Anchor Mark Tanda Acuan MarkAnchorDlg Dialog Dialog Label: Label MarkNote Insert Foot/Endnote MarkNoteDlg Dialog Dialog Notes Style: MarkVariableText New Mark Edit variable text Mark with Variable Text Edit selected Mark's label. To create new Mark select "New Mark" in drop list and input new label. Edit selected Mark's label MarkVariableTextDlg Add new Mark for Variable Text Label: Label Text to insert: MarksManager Update All Marks Edit Edit... Delete Hapus Anchors Variable Text Marks to Items Marks to Anchors Notes marks Marks Manager Double click to find mark in text Edit selected mark Update all reference texts for all marks MeasurementsBase X1: X1: Y1: Y1: X2: X2: Y2: Y2: Length: Panjang: DX: DX: DY: DY: Angle: Sudut: Unit: Satuan: Measurements Pengukuran MergeDoc Open Buka Documents (*.sla *.sla.gz *.scd *.scd.gz);;All Files (*) Import Page(s) Impor Halaman &Import Master Page: Create Page(s) Buat Halaman from %1 dari %1 Import Master Page &From Document: &Import Page(s): Before Page Sebelum Halaman After Page Sesudah Halaman At End &Import &Impor &Select... Insert a comma separated list of tokens import where a token can be * for all the pages, 1-5 for a range of pages or a single page number MeshDistortionDialog + + - - Mesh Distortion Drag the red handles with the mouse to distort the mesh Zoom In Perbesar Zoom Out Perkecil Resets the selected handles to their initial position. If no handle is selected all handles will be reset. &Reset &Reset MeshDistortionPlugin Mesh Distortion... Path Tools Alat Path Mesh Distortion of Polygons MissingFont Missing Font Font Hilang The Font %1 is not installed. Font %1 belum terinstal. Use Gunakan instead sebagai pengganti ModeToolBar Tools Alat bantu Properties... Properti... Angle: Sudut: Width: Lebar: MovePages Move Pages Pindah Halaman Copy Page Salin Halaman Move Page(s): Pindah Halaman: Move Page(s) Before Page Sebelum Halaman After Page Sesudah Halaman At End To: Ke: Number of Copies: Jumlah Salinan Swap with Page MultiProgressDialog Progress Pencapaian Overall Progress: Pencapaian Keseluruhan: &Cancel &Batal %v of %m %v of %m MultipleDuplicate &Horizontal Shift: &Vertical Shift: &Horizontal Gap: &Vertical Gap: Multiple Duplicate Penyalinan Banyak &By Number of Copies &Number of Copies: &Shift Created Items By Alt+S Alt+S Create &Gap Between Items Of Buat &jarak Antara Objek dari Alt+G Alt+G Rotation: Perputaran: By &Rows && Columns Berdasarkan &Baris && Kolom Vertical Gap: Jarak Vertikal Horizontal Gap: Jarak Horisontal Number of Rows: Jumlah Baris: Number of Columns: Jumlah Kolom By &Page &Following Pages Following &Even Pages Following &Odd Pages Ran&ge of Pages: &Link Text Frames &OK &OK &Cancel &Batal MyPlugin My &Plugin &Pengayaanku MyPluginImpl Scribus - My Plugin Scribus - Pengayaku The plugin worked! Pengaya yang berfungsi NewDocDialog New Document Dokumen Baru &New Document Berkas &Baru New &from Template Open &Existing Document Buka Berkas Yang Ada Open Recent &Document Buka &Berkas Barusan Ini Do not show this dialog again Document page size, either a standard size or a custom size Orientation of the document's pages Width of the document's pages, editable if you have chosen a custom page size Height of the document's pages, editable if you have chosen a custom page size Initial number of pages of the document Default unit of measurement for document editing Create text frames automatically when new pages are added Number of columns to create in automatically created text frames Distance between automatically created columns Document Layout &Size: &Ukuran Orie&ntation: Orie&ntasi Portrait Tegak Landscape Datar &Width: &Lebar &Height: &Tinggi &Default Unit: Unit &Default: Margin Guides Pemandu Garis Tepi Options Pilihan N&umber of Pages: First Page is: &Automatic Text Frames Colu&mns: Kol&om: &Gap: Show Document Settings After Creation Open Buka New from Template Open Existing Document Open Recent Document NewMarginWidget Preset Layouts: Left: Kiri: Right: Kanan: Top: Atas: Bottom: Bawah: Printer Margins... Margin Printer... Distance between the top margin guide and the edge of the page Jarak antara margin atas dan pinggir halaman Distance between the bottom margin guide and the edge of the page Jarak antara panduan margin bawah dan pinggir halaman &Inside: &Didalam &Left: &Kiri: O&utside: L&uar: &Right: &Kanan: Ensure all margins have the same value Distance between the left margin guide and the edge of the page. If a double-sided, 3 or 4-fold layout is selected, this margin space can be used to achieve the correct margins for binding. Distance between the right margin guide and the edge of the page. If a double-sided, 3 or 4-fold layout is selected, this margin space can be used to achieve the correct margins for binding. Ensure all bleeds have the same value Import the margins for the selected page size from the available printers Distance for bleed from the top of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian atas fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the bottom of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian bawah fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the left of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kiri fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the right of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kanan fisik halaman NodePalette Nodes Node Move Nodes Pindahkan Node Move Control Points Pindahkan Titik Kontrol Add Nodes Tambahkan Node Delete Nodes Hapus Node Reset Control Points Reset Titik Kontrol Reset this Control Point &Absolute Coordinates &X-Pos: &X-Pos: &Y-Pos: &Y-Pos: Hide Nodes Edit &Contour Line Edit Garis &Kontur &Reset Contour Line &Setel ulang garis kontur Move Control Points Independently Move Control Points Symmetrical Open a Polygon or Cuts a Bezier Curve Close this Bezier Curve Mirror the Path Horizontally Mirror the Path Vertically Shear the Path Horizontally to the Left Shear the Path Vertically Up Shear the Path Vertically Down Rotate the Path Counter-Clockwise Rotate the Path Clockwise Enlarge the Size of the Path by shown % Angle of Rotation Activate Contour Line Editing Mode Aktifkan Mode Pengeditan Garis Kontur Reset the Contour Line to the Original Shape of the Frame Atur Ulang Garis Kontur ke Bentuk Asli Bingkai Shear the Path Horizontally to the Right % % Shrink the Size of the Path by shown % Reduce the Size of the Path by the shown value Enlarge the Size of the Path by the shown value % to Enlarge or Shrink By Value to Enlarge or Shrink By Set Contour to Image Clip Reset the Contour Line to the Clipping Path of the Image Atur Ulang Garis Kontur ke Path Kliping gambar to Canvas to Page Set Shape to Image Clip Set the Shape to the Clipping Path of the Image OK OK Cancel Batal Reset all edits When checked use coordinates relative to the page, otherwise coordinates are relative to the Object NotesStylesEditor Notes Styles Editor Add New Style New Style Name Footnotes Endnotes Numbering Range R Start Number Prefix Suffix Superscript in text Superscript in notes Mark Character Style Note Paragraph Style Auto Height Auto Width Auto Welding Remove if empty Apply Terapkan Delete Hapus OK OK Document Dokumen Story Cancel Batal Dialog is in adding new notes style mode. After pressing Cancel button dialog will be switched into normal notes styles edit mode. Add Style default No Style Tanpa Gaya Warning! Deleting Notes Style You are going to delete notes style %1. All notes and marks using that style are also going to be deleted. Cancel Adding Notes Styles Editor is in adding new notes style mode. After pressing Cancel button Notes Styles Editor switch into normal notes styles edit mode. OODPlug This document does not seem to be an OpenOffice Draw file. Group%1 Grup%1 OODrawImportPlugin Import & Draw... Imports Draw Files Imports most Draw files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. 1.x Draw Import/export format name This file contains some unsupported features The file could not be imported Berkas tidak bisa di impor 1.x Draw (*.sxd *.SXD) OSGEditor 3D Properties Load Model ... Clear Model Views Name: Nama: Options Pilihan Solid Solid Solid Wireframe Transparent Transparent Wireframe Wireframe Shaded Wireframe Hidden Wireframe Vertices Shaded Vertices Illustration Solid Outline Shaded Illustration Line Color: Warna Garis: Face Color: Opacity: Opasitas % % Render Style: Bounding Box Transparent Bounding Box Transparent Bounding Box Outline Lighting: None Kosong Headlamp White Day Night Hard Primary Blue Red Cube CAD Artwork Field of Vision Angle: Sudut: Add View... Remove View OSGEditorDialog Default Standar Aplikasi Add a new View Name: Nama: New View Import 3-D Model OdgPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item OutlinePalette Element Elemen Name "%1" isn't unique.<br/>Please choose another. Nama "%1" tidak unik.<br/>Silahkan pilih lagi Page Halaman Free Objects Objek Bebas Outline Outline Filter: Filter: Active Aktif Visible Tampak Printing Pencetakan Locked Terkunci Layer: " Inline Frame Enter a keyword or regular expression to filter the outline OutlineValues % % Linewidth: OutlineWidget Layer is: active visible invisible printing non printing locked X-Pos: X-Pos: Y-Pos: Y-Pos: OutputPreviewBase Dialog Dialog Scaling: Skala: Resize the scale of the page 50% 50% 100% 100% 150% 150% 200% 200% Fit to Width Sesuaikan terhadap Lebar Fit to Height Sesuaikan terhadap Tinggi Fit to Page Sesuaikan terhadap Halaman Close Tutup Export... Ekspor... OutputPreview_PDF Preview Settings Pengaturan Pratinjau Screen / Web Layar / Web Printer Printer Grayscale Grayscale Mirror Page(s) Horizontally Mirror Pages(s) Vertically Clip to Printer Margins Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. Convert Spot Colors Display Settings Pengaturan Tampilan Provides a more pleasant view of Type 1 fonts, TrueType Fonts, OpenType Fonts, EPS, PDF and vector graphics in the preview, at the expense of a slight slowdown in previewing Enable &Antialiasing Aktifkan &Antialiasing Shows transparency and transparent items in your document. Requires Ghostscript 7.07 or later. Display Trans&parency Tampilan dan transparansi Gives a print preview using simulations of generic CMYK inks, instead of RGB colors Menampilkan pratinjau cetak menggunakan simulasi generik tinta CMYK, bukan dengan warna RGB &Display CMYK &Tampilan CMYK Display Ink Coverage Threshold: PDF Output Preview Separation Name Cyan Sian Magenta Magenta Yellow Kuning Black Hitam % % OutputPreview_PS Preview Settings Pengaturan Pratinjau Color Warna Grayscale Grayscale Mirror Page(s) Horizontally Mirror Pages(s) Vertically Clip to Printer Margins Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. Convert Spot Colors A way of switching off some of the gray shades which are composed of cyan, yellow and magenta and using black instead. UCR most affects parts of images which are neutral and/or dark tones which are close to the gray. Use of this may improve printing some images and some experimentation and testing is need on a case by case basis. UCR reduces the possibility of over saturation with CMY inks. Cara mematikan beberapa warna abu-abu yang terdiri dari cyan, kuning dan magenta dan menggunakan hitam sebagai gantinya. UCR paling memengaruhi bagian gambar yang berwarna netral dan/atau gelap yang mendekati abu-abu. Penggunaan ini dapat meningkatkan pencetakan beberapa gambar dan beberapa eksperimen dan pengujian diperlukan berdasarkan kasus per kasus. UCR mengurangi kemungkinan saturasi berlebih dengan tinta CMY. &Under Color Removal Display Settings Pengaturan Tampilan Provides a more pleasant view of Type 1 fonts, TrueType Fonts, OpenType Fonts, EPS, PDF and vector graphics in the preview, at the expense of a slight slowdown in previewing Enable &Antialiasing Aktifkan &Antialiasing Shows transparency and transparent items in your document. Requires Ghostscript 7.07 or later. Display Trans&parency Tampilan dan transparansi Gives a print preview using simulations of generic CMYK inks, instead of RGB colors Menampilkan pratinjau cetak menggunakan simulasi generik tinta CMYK, bukan dengan warna RGB &Display CMYK &Tampilan CMYK Display Ink Coverage Threshold: PostScript Output Preview Separation Name Cyan Sian Magenta Magenta Yellow Kuning Black Hitam % % PDFExportDialog Save as PDF Simpan sebagai PDF O&utput to File: Cha&nge... Uba&h... Output one file for eac&h page Open PDF after Export &Save &Simpan PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*) Berkas PDF (*.pdf);;Semua Berkas (*) This enables exporting one individually named PDF file for each page in the document. Page numbers are added automatically. This is most useful for imposing PDF for commercial printing. %1 does not exists and will be created, continue? Cannot create directory: %1 Save As Save As Open the exported PDF with the PDF viewer as set in External Tools preferences, when not exporting to a multi-file export destination The save button will be disabled if you are trying to export PDF/X and the info string is missing from the PDF/X tab The range of pages to export is invalid. Please check it and try again. PDFLibCore Saving PDF Menyimpan PDF Exporting Master Page: Exporting Page: Exporting Items on Current Page: Qt build miss both "UTF-16" and "ISO-10646-UCS-2" text codecs, pdf export is not possible Page: Halaman: Date: Tanggal: Failed to embed the PDF file : %1. Please disable experimental PDF and PS embedding and try again. Failed to load an image : %1 Gagal untuk memuat gambar : %1 Failed to write an image : %1 Failed to load an image mask : %1 Gagal untuk memuat mask gambar : %1 Insufficient memory for processing an image Memori tidak mencukupi untuk memproses gambar A write error occurred, please check available disk space PDFToolBar PDF Tools PSLib Processing Master Page: Exporting Page: Failed to write data for an image Failed to open file for writing : %1 Failed to load an image : %1 Gagal untuk memuat gambar : %1 Failed to load an image mask : %1 Gagal untuk memuat mask gambar : %1 Insufficient memory for processing an image Memori tidak mencukupi untuk memproses gambar PageItem Image Gambar Text Teks Line Garis Polygon Poligon Polyline Polyline PathText Symbol Simbol Copy of Salinan dari Group Grup RegularPolygon Arc Busur Spiral Spiral Table Tabel PageItemAttributes Relates To Is Parent Of Is Child Of None relationship Kosong None types Kosong Boolean Boolean Integer Integer Real Number String String &Add &Tambahkan Alt+A Alt+A &Copy &Salin Alt+C Alt+C &Delete &Hapus Alt+D Alt+D C&lear Be_rsihkan Alt+L Alt+L &OK &OK &Cancel &Batal Name Nama Type Tipe Value Nilai Parameter Parameter Relationship Relationship To Attributes PageItem_ImageFrame Image Gambar Embedded Image File: Berkas: Original PPI: PPI Asli: Actual PPI: PPI Aktual: Size: Ukuran: Colorspace: Colorspace: Unknown Tidak diketahui Page: Halaman: Pages: Halaman: Embedded Image missing missing hilang No Image Loaded missing or corrupt PageItem_LatexFrame Error Kesalahn Running the external application failed! Menjalankan aplikasi eksternal gagal! Could not create a temporary file to run the application! Running the application "%1" failed! Running Berjalan The application "%1" crashed! Application Aplikasi DPI DPI State Finished Selesai Render This is usually a problem with your input. Please check the program's output. Biasanya masalah ini berhubungan dengan input Anda. Silahkan periksa output aplikasi. Do you want to open the editor to fix the problem? The config file didn't specify a executable path! The application "%1" failed to start! Please check the path: Aplikasi "%1" gagal dijalankan! Silahkan periksa letak aplikasi Render Frame Render Frame No configuration defined to run the application! No application defined Rendering... Render Error Galat Render PageItem_NoteFrame Endnote frame Footnote frame No Style Tanpa Gaya PageItem_OSGFrame OSG Default Standar Aplikasi 3D Model File: Berkas: PageItem_PathText Paragraphs: Paragraf: Lines: Garis: Words: Kata: Chars: PageItem_TextFrame Linked Text Text Frame Frame Teks Paragraphs: Paragraf: Lines: Garis: Words: Kata: Chars: PageLayouts First Page is: Document Layout Location on the canvas where the first page of the document is placed Number of pages to show side-by-side on the canvas. Often used for allowing items to be placed across page spreads. PagePalette Manage Masterpages Arrange Pages Susun Halaman PagePalette_MasterPages Edit Master Pages Duplicate the selected master page Delete the selected master page Add a new master page Import master pages from another document This master page is used at least once in the document. Do you really want to delete master page "%1"? &Name: &Nama: New Master Page Name: Nama: New MasterPage Halaman master baru New Master Page %1 Halaman Master Baru %1 PagePalette_MasterPagesBase <<< Return to Normal Page Mode PagePalette_Pages This master page is used at least once in the document. Do you really want to delete this master page? Delete Page? Hapus Halaman? Are you sure you want to delete this page? Anda yakin ingin menghapus halaman ini? PagePalette_PagesBase Arrange Pages Susun Halaman Available Master Pages: <qt>List of master pages in the document. Master page names may be dragged onto the page view below to apply master pages, or onto the empty space between pages to create new pages.</qt> Document Pages: Halaman Dokumen: <qt>List of normal pages in the document, shown with the document layout. Pages may be dragged to rearrange or delete them.</qt> Document Layout <qt>Drag pages or master pages onto the trash to delete them</qt> PagePropertiesDialog Manage Page Properties Pengaturan Properti Halaman Page Size Ukuran Halaman &Size: &Ukuran Orie&ntation: Orie&ntasi Portrait Tegak Landscape Datar &Width: &Lebar &Height: &Tinggi Move Objects with their Page Type: Tipe: Margin Guides Pemandu Garis Tepi Other Settings Pengaturan Lainnya Master Page: Halaman Master... Size of the inserted pages, either a standard or custom size Orientation of the page(s) to be inserted Orientasi halaman yang akan dimasukkan Width of the page(s) to be inserted Lebar halaman yang akan dimasukkan Height of the page(s) to be inserted When inserting a new page between others, move objects with their current pages. This is the default action. PageSelector Go to the first page Pergi ke halaman pertama Go to the previous page Pergi ke halaman sebelumnya Go to the next page Pergi ke halaman selanjutnya Go to the last page Pergi ke halaman terakhir Select the current page Pilih halaman sekarang of %1 number of pages in document dari %1 PagesPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project PathAlongPathPlugin Path Along Path... Path sepanjang Path... Path Tools Alat Path Bends a Polygon along a Polyline This plugin bends a Polygon with the help of a Polyline. Bends a Polygon along a Path. PathConnectDialogBase Connect Paths Sambung Path Starting Point Titik Awal End Point Titik Akhir a straight Line Garis lurus Points moving Preview on Canvas Pratinjau pada Kanvas Connect First Line Sambung Garis Pertama with Second Line dengan Garis Ke Dua by using: dengan menggunakan: PathConnectPlugin Connect Paths Sambung Path Path Tools Alat Path Connect 2 Polylines. Sambung 2 Polyline Connects two Paths. Sambung 2 Path PathCutPlugin Cut Polygon Path Tools Alat Path Cuts a Polygon by a Polyline Error Kesalahan The cutting line must cross the polygon and both end points must lie outside of the polygon Cuts a Polygon with a Path. PathDialogBase Path along Path Path sepanjang Path Effect Type Tipe Efek Single Satu Single, stretched Repeated Diulang Repeated, stretched Horizontal Offset Offest Horizontal Vertical Offset Offset Vertical Gap between Objects Celah diantara Objek Preview on Canvas Pratinjau pada Kanvas Rotate Objects by: Rotasi Objek berdasarkan 0° 0° 90° 90° 180° 180° 270° 270° PathFinderBase Boolean Path Operations Operasi Boolean Path + + = = Operation Operasi Swap Shapes Tukar Bentuk Unites the shapes Satukan bentuk Intersection of the shapes Interseksi dari bentuk Result is the area where the two shapes do not intersect Hasil adalah daerah dimana kedua bentuk tidak bertemu Break apart, The result is a combination of "Intersection" and "Exclusion" Memisahkan, Adalah kombinasi dari "Interseksi" dan "Eksklusi" Custom Colors Warna Sendiri Stroke: Fill: Keep a copy of the original item after applying the operation Keep Menahan Subtracts the second shape from the first shape Exchange the Source Shapes The resulting shape uses the color of the first source shape First Shape Bentuk Pertama The resulting shape uses the color of the second source shape Second Shape Bentuk Kedua The resulting shape uses the colors listed below Stroke Color Fill Color Warna Isi Result Takes Color from: First source shape Second source shape The resulting shape PathFinderDialog Result gets Color of: Intersection gets Color of: PathFinderPlugin Path Operations... Path Tools Alat Path Path Operations Apply fancy boolean operations to paths. PathStrokerPlugin Create Path from Stroke Path Tools Alat Path Converts the stroke of a Path to a filled Path. PatternPropsDialog Pattern Properties pt pt % % Offsets Offset X: X: Y: Y: Scaling Skala X-Scale: Skala-X Y-Scale: Skala-Y Rotation Rotasi Skewing Spacing Value: Nilai: X-Skew: Y-Skew: Angle: Sudut: Flip: Close Tutup PctPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item PdfImportOptions PDF-Import Importing File: Page Range All Pages Semua Halaman Single Page Satu halaman Choose Pages Pilih Halaman Crop to: Media Box Bleed Box Trim Box Crop Box Art Box Text Teks Import Text As Vectors Import Text As Text Note: importing text as text may significantly alter PDF visual aspect The range of pages to import is invalid. Please check it and try again. PdfPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item Open PDF-File Password Kata kunci PdfVersionModel PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4) PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6) PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7) PDF/X-1a PDF/X-3 PDF/X-4 PermitDialog Confirm to run unsafe script <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Attention:</span> This script file contains code which <span style=" font-style:italic;">might harm </span>your system.</p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">You should only permit execution of this script if you are sure that it comes from a trustworthy source. </p></body></html> De&tails >> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"></p></body></html> &Remember preference for this file &Allow &Deny PicSearch Size: Ukuran: Resolution: Resolusi DPI DPI Unknown Tidak diketahui Colorspace: Colorspace: Result Hasil Search Results for: Hasil Pencarian untuk: &Preview &Pratinjau Alt+P Alt+P Apply to all &matching images Alt+M Alt+M Since you selected an image with a broken link, only image frames with invalid links will be modified. &Select Alt+S Alt+S Cancel Batal PicSearchOptions Cancel Search Batalkan Pencarian Start Search Mulai Pencarian Select a base directory to search for Scribus - Image Search Scribus - Pencarian Gambar The search failed: %1 Pencarian gagal: %1 Search Images Cari Gambar Search for: Pencarian untuk: Start at: Mulai pada: Change... Ubah... Searching Sedang Mencari Case insensitive search Search recursively Base directory for search does not exist. Please choose another one. The filesystem will be searched for case insensitive file names when you check this on. Remember it is not default on most operating systems except MS Windows. PicStatus Scribus - Image Search Scribus - Pencarian Gambar No images named "%1" were found. Close Tutup Not on a Page Tidak ada di Halaman JPG JPG TIFF TIFF PSD PSD EPS/PS EPS/PS PDF PDF JPG2000 JPG2000 emb. PSD emb. PSD Unknown Tidak diketahui n/a n/a Information Informasi Path: Search... Pencarian... Name: Nama: Image Gambar DPI: DPI: Format: Format: Colorspace: Colorspace: Size Ukuran Pixels: Pixel: Scale: Skala: Printed: Tercetak: Layout Rancangan On Page: Di Halaman: Select Pilih Image Tools Set format specific properties of certain image types, like clipping paths Image Visible Image Effects... Edit Image... Edit Gambar Extended Image Properties... Properti Gambar Lebih Lanjut... Sort by Name Urutkan berdasarkan Nama Sort by Page Urutkan berdasarkan Halaman Manage Images Mengelola Gambar Go to Pergi ke Name of the image file Nama berkas gambar Location where the image file is stored Lokasi dimana gambar di simpan Search for a missing image Cari untuk gambar yang hilang Show Image in the File Manager Show directory... Type of the image Tipe dari gambar The colorspace of the image Ruang warna gambar Colorspace used within the image, eg RGB or CMYK Ruang warna yang digunakan pada gambar, RGB atau CMYK Native resolution of the image, in dots per inch Resolusi asli gambar, dalam dot per inci Height and width of the image Tinggi dan lebar dari gambar Horizontal and vertical scaling applied to the image Skala horisontal dan vertikal yang diterapkan pada gambar Size of the image when printed Ukuran gambar ketika dicetak Page that the image is displayed on Halaman dimana gambar di tampilkan Page Item: Name of the page item that contains the image Effective DPI: DPI Efektif: Effective resolution of the image after scaling Move to the page that the image is on Move to the page that the item is on and select it Enable or disable exporting of the item Export/Print Image Edit the image in the default editor Make the image visible or invisible Apply non destructive effects to the image in its frame Embedded Image PictureBrowser Folder Browser Collection Browser Document Browser Include Subdirectories Create new category New collection Delete selected collection Edit selected collection Add selected images to collection(s) Remove selected images from current collection Tag selected images Import collection/collectionset Export collection/collectionset add selected images to collections More Always on Top Sort by Name Urutkan berdasarkan Nama Sort by Date Sort by Size Sort by Type Urut Berdasarkan Tipe Zoom in Perbesar Zoom out Perkecil Preview with Information Quick Insert Custom Insert Add to Collection Go 0 Image(s) Displayed, 0 Image(s) Filtered Autosave Settings Reset Settings Close Tutup Information Informasi File Berkas Name: Nama: Path: Size: Ukuran: Date: Tanggal: Image Gambar Format: Format: Width: Lebar: Colorspace: Colorspace: Height: Tinggi: DPI: DPI: Layers: Embedded Profile: Profile Name: Nama Profil: Filter / Search Filters: Filter Displayed Images Search Images Cari Gambar Filter Collections Criteria << Add Name (Wildcards Allowed) Date Tanggal Size Ukuran Type Tipe Tag Contains Doesn't Contain Newer than Older than Smaller than Bigger than KB add Apply Filters Clear Filters Insert Image Image Placement Position of New Frame(s) Top Left of Margins Kiri Atas Margin Top Left of Page Kiri Atas Halaman Top Left of Bleed Kiri atas Bleed Custom Position X: X: Y: Y: Same as Page Margins Same as Page Same as Bleed Same as Image Custom Size Insert Image into 0 Page(s) 0 Frame(s) Insert Masukkan Tag Image(s) Selected Images: Tag Selected Image(s) Add New Tag Set Tags Picture Browser Error No Image(s) Selected You have to create a category first No image(s) selected No page/image frame selected Directory does not exist Select Directory Import Image Collection Scribus ImageCollection (*.sic) Export Image Collection You have to select something you want to export No tag entered %1 image(s) displayed, %2 image(s) filtered Image still loading JPG JPG TIFF TIFF PSD PSD EPS/PS EPS/PS PDF PDF JPG2000 JPG2000 emb. PSD emb. PSD not available No image selected Hide Go to Page Preview Images Only Page(s): Image Frame(s): Picture Browser Move the document view to the selected page Show/Hide advanced tools Always keep Picture Browser on top of other windows Change sort order Change preview settings Enable Picture Browser autosave settings Reset Picture Browser to default settings Select a directory Add filter Filter criteria Search criteria Type name Set date Set size Select file type(s) Select the page(s) where to insert the image(s) Select which frame(s) to use Set the position of the image frame(s) to insert Horizontal position Vertical position Set the size of the image frame(s) to insert Width Lebar Height Tinggi Type Tag name PictureBrowserPlugin &Picture Browser... PixmapExportPlugin Save as &Image... Simpan sebagai &Gambar Export As Image Ekspor Sebagai Gambar Exports selected pages as bitmap images. Ekspor halaman yang dipilih sebagai gambar bitmap Save as Image Simpan sebagai gambar Export successful Ekspor Berhasil The target location %1 must be an existing directory The target location %1 must be writable PluginManager Error loading plugin plugin manager Unknown error plugin manager Cannot find symbol (%1) plugin manager Simbol (%1) tidak ditemukan Plugin: loading %1 plugin manager Pengaya: memuat %1 init failed plugin load error Init gagal unknown plugin type plugin load error Tipe pengaya tidak dikenal Plugin: %1 loaded plugin manager Pengaya: %1 dimuat Plugin: %1 failed to load: %2 plugin manager Pengaya: %1 gagal di muat: %2 Plugin: %1 initialized ok plugin manager Pengaya: %1 inisialisasi ok Plugin: %1 failed post initialization plugin manager Pengaya: %1 gagal setelah inisialisasi There is a problem loading %1 of %2 plugins. %3 This is probably caused by some kind of dependency issue or old plugins existing in your install directory. If you clean out your install directory and reinstall and this still occurs, please report it on PmPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project PolyVectorDialog Polygon Properties Properti Poligon PolygonProps Polygon Properties Properti Poligon PolygonWidgetBase Corn&ers: Sud&ut: Number of corners for polygons Jumlah sudut untuk Poligon &Rotation: &Rotasi Degrees of rotation for polygons Derajat rotasi untuk poligon Sample Polygon Contoh Poligon Apply Convex/Concave Factor to change shape of Polygons Apply &Factor &Factor: A negative value will make the polygon concave (or star shaped), a positive value will make it convex % % Inner Rotation: Inner C&urvature: Outer Curvature: PreferencesDialog Preferences Preferensi Export... Ekspor... Defaults &Apply &Terapkan &OK &OK &Cancel &Batal Document Setup Pengaturan Dokumen PrefsManager Postscript PostScript Migrate Old Scribus Settings? Migrasi Setting Lama Scribus? PostScript PostScript Could not open preferences file "%1" for writing: %2 Tidak bisa membuka berkas preferensi "%1" untuk menuliskan: %2 Scribus has detected existing Scribus 1.3.5 preferences files. Do you want to migrate them to the new Scribus version? Writing to preferences file "%1" failed: QIODevice status code %2 Penulisan ke berkas preferensi "1%" gagal: QIODevice kode status %2 Failed to open prefs file "%1": %2 Gagal membuka berkas prefs "%1": %2 Failed to read prefs XML from "%1": %2 at line %3, col %4 Gagal membaca XML pref dari "%1": %2 pada baris %3, kolom %4 Error Writing Preferences Kesalah Penulisan Preferensi Scribus was not able to save its preferences:<br>%1<br>Please check file and directory permissions and available disk space. scribus app error Scribus tidak bisa menyimpan preferensinya:<br>%1<br>Silahkan periksa berkas dan izin direktori dan space pada disk. Error Loading Preferences Kesalahan Memuat Preferensi Scribus was not able to load its preferences:<br>%1<br>Default settings will be loaded. Scribus tidak bisa memuat preferensi:<br>%1<br>Setting bawaan yang akan dimuat. No valid renderframe config found. Using defaults! Prefs_ColorManagement Color Management Manajemen Warna Document Options Opsi Dokumen Activate Color Management Simulate Printer on the Screen Convert all colors to printer space Konversi semua ke ruang warna printer Mark Colors out of Gamut Use Blackpoint Compensation Document Profiles Profil Dokumen RGB Images: CMYK Images: RGB Solid Colors: CMYK Solid Colors: Printer: Document Rendering Intents Images: Gambar: Solid Colors: Warna Solid: Monitor Profile Profil Monitor Monitor: Perceptual Persepsi Relative Colorimetric Colorimetric Relatif Saturation Saturasi Absolute Colorimetric Colorimetric Absolut Monitor profiles can only be changed when no documents are open. <qt>Color Management cannot be activated due to missing color profiles.</br>You need to install at least one RGB and one CMYK profile. Prefs_Display Display Tampilan Show Images Show Text Control Characters Tampilkan Text Control Characters Show Rulers Tampilkan Penggaris Show Rulers Relative to Page Show Text Chains Tampilkan Text Chains Show Frames Tampilkan Frames Show Layer Indicators Tampilkan Indikator Lapisan Show Unprintable Area in Margin Color Show Bleed Area Tampilkan Area Bleed Show Page Shadow Tampilkan Bayangan Halaman Show Preflight Verifier Warnings on the Page Scratch Space Left: Kiri: Right: Kanan: Top: Atas: Bottom: Bawah: Display Scaling Scratch Space: Gaps Between Pages Pages Halaman Horizontal: Horisontal: Vertical: Vertikal: Scale% Skala% Resets the scale to the default dpi of your display Colors Warna Page Fill: Selected Page Border: Page Border Terpilih: Frames: Locked Frames: Selected Frames: Linked Frames: Grouped Frames: Annotation Frames: Text Control Characters: Color for paper (onscreen) Mask the area outside the margins in the margin color Display non-printing characters such as paragraph markers in text frames Tampilkan karakter non-cetak seperti penanda paragraf dalam bingkai teks Turns the display of frames on or off Turns the display of layer indicators on or off Turns the display of images on or off Turns the page shadow on or off Defines amount of space left of the document canvas available as a pasteboard for creating and modifying elements and dragging them onto the active page Defines amount of space right of the document canvas available as a pasteboard for creating and modifying elements and dragging them onto the active page Defines amount of space above the document canvas available as a pasteboard for creating and modifying elements and dragging them onto the active page Defines amount of space below the document canvas available as a pasteboard for creating and modifying elements and dragging them onto the active page Set the default zoom level Setel tingkat deafult zoom Place a ruler against your screen and drag the slider to set the zoom level so Scribus will display your pages and objects on them at the correct size dpi dpi Enable or disable the display of linked frames Prefs_DocumentInformation Document Information Informasi Berkas Document Dokumen Title: Judul: Author: Penulis: Subject: Keywords: Description: Deskripsi: Further Information Publisher: Contributors: Date: Tanggal: Type: Tipe: Format: Format: Identifier: Source: Language: Bahasa Relation: Coverage: Rights: Prefs_DocumentItemAttributes Document Item Attributes Name Nama Type Tipe Value Nilai Parameter Parameter Relationship Relationship To Auto Add To &Add &Tambahkan Alt+A Alt+A &Copy &Salin Alt+C Alt+C &Delete &Hapus Alt+D Alt+D C&lear Be_rsihkan Alt+L Alt+L None relationship Kosong Relates To Is Parent Of Is Child Of None auto add Kosong Text Frames Bingkai-bingkai Teks Image Frames Image Frame None types Kosong Boolean Boolean Integer Integer Real Number String String Prefs_DocumentSections Sections Page Number Out Of Bounds The value you have entered is outside the range of page numbers in the current document (%1-%2). Document Sections Name Nama Shown Ditampilkan From Dari To Ke Style Gaya Start Mulai &Add &Tambahkan Alt+A Alt+A &Delete &Hapus Alt+D Alt+D Field Width Fill Character Reversed Prefs_DocumentSetup Document Setup Pengaturan Dokumen General Umum Page Size Ukuran Halaman Size: Ukuran: Orientation: Orientasi: Units: Satuan: Width: Lebar: Height: Tinggi: Apply changes to all pages Apply changes to all master pages Layout Rancangan Page Layout Facing Pages Halaman Berhadapan Saving && Undo Save in Compressed Format Try to save an "Emergency File" in case of a crash Autosave Simpan otomatis Enable automatic saving of documents Interval: min Number of files to keep: Save into the same directory as the document Save into: Change... Ubah... Keep backup files after closing the document Show autosave countdown clock on the canvas Undo / Redo Enable Undo/Redo System Action History Length: Single Page Satu halaman 3-Fold Lipat 3 4-Fold Lipat 4 Language: Bahasa First Page is: Margins && Bleeds Margins Batas-Batas Bleeds Bleeds Portrait Tegak Landscape Datar Width of document pages, editable if you have chosen a custom page size Height of document pages, editable if you have chosen a custom page size Default page size, either a standard size or a custom size. More page sizes can be made visible by activating them in Preferences. Enable or disable more page sizes by jumping to Page Size preferences Default orientation of document pages Orientasi default dari halaman-halaman dokumen Default unit of measurement for document editing When enabled, Scribus saves backup copys of your file each time the time period elapses Keep this many files during the editing session. Backup files will be removed when you close the document. Choose a Directory Pilih Direktori Time period between saving automatically Set the length of the action history in steps. If set to 0 infinite amount of actions will be stored. Apply the page size changes to all existing pages in the document Apply the page size changes to all existing master pages in the document Prefs_ExternalTools External Tools Program Eksternal External Tools and Applications PostScript Interpreter &Name of Executable: &Nama dari Eksekutabel: <qt>Add the path for the Ghostscript interpreter. On Windows, please note it is important to note you need to use the program named gswin32c.exe - NOT gswin32.exe. Otherwise, this maybe cause a hang when starting Scribus.</qt> <qt>Tambahkan path untuk interpreter Ghostscript. Pada Windows, harap di ingat bahwa penting untuk dicatat bahwa Anda perlu menggunakan program bernama gswin32c.exe - BUKAN gswin32.exe. Jika tidak, ini mungkin menyebabkan hang ketika memulai Scribus.</qt> &Change... &Ubah Alt+C Alt+C Antialias text for EPS and PDF onscreen rendering Antialias &Text Alt+T Alt+T Antialias graphics for EPS and PDF onscreen rendering Grafis Antialias untuk EPS dan PDF rendering pada layar Antialias &Graphics &Grafis Antialias Alt+G Alt+G Resolution: Resolusi dpi dpi Image Processing Tool Program Pemroses Gambar Name of &Executable: Nama dari &Eksekutabel: <qt>File system location for graphics editor</qt> Web Browser Peramban Web PDF Viewer Uniconvertor Render Frames Render Frames Configurations: Konfigurasi: Up Atas Down Bawah Add Tambahkan Delete Hapus Change... Ubah... External Editor: Penyunting Eksternal: Start with empty frame Mulai dengan Frame kosong Use Embedded Editor Force DPI Paksa DPI Rescan for the external tools if they do not exist in the already specified location Pindai untuk alat eksternal jika mereka tidak ada di lokasi yang sudah ditentukan &Rescan &Pindai Ulang Alt+R Alt+R Locate Ghostscript Cari Letak Ghostscript Locate your image editor Cari letak penyunting gambar Anda Locate your web browser Cari letak peramban web Anda Locate your PDF viewer Locate the uniconvertor executable Locate your editor Temukan editor Anda Uniconvertor executable not found! Locate a Configuration file Temukan Berkas Konfigurasi Configuration files Berkas Konfigurasi Change Command Ubah Perintah Enter new command: (leave empty to reset to default command; use quotes around arguments with spaces) Masukkan perintah baru: (biarkan kosong untuk me-reset ke perintah default; gunakan tanda kutip di sekitar argumen dengan spasi) Command: Perintah: LaTeX Command Scribus has found the following pdflatex command: %1 Do you want to use this? <qt>File system location for web browser</qt> <qt>File system location for PDF viewer</qt> <qt>File system location for Uniconvertor</qt> <qt>Path to the editor executable</qt> Always use the configured DPI setting for calculating the size, even if the image file reports something different Prefs_Fonts Fonts Fonta Delete Hapus C&hange... Uba&h... A&dd... &Remove &Hapus Rejected Fonts Font name Error message Font file Available Fonts Font yang tersedia Font Substitutions Substitusi Font Additional Paths Path Tambahan Font Name Nama Font Replacement Penggantian Font search paths can only be set in File > Preferences, and only when there is no document currently open. Close any open documents, then use File > Preferences > Fonts to change the font search path. Choose a Directory Pilih Direktori Prefs_Guides Guides Pemandu Placement Snap Distance: Jarak Melekat: px px Grab Radius: Grab Radius: Visibility Margins Batas-Batas Page Grid Baseline Grid Distances Jarak Minor Grid Spacing: Baseline Grid Spacing: Major Grid Spacing: Baseline Grid Offset: Colors Warna Guides: Margins: Major Grid: Minor Grid: Baseline Grid: Place guides in front of or behind objects on the page Distance between the minor grid lines Jarak antara garis grid minor Distance between the major grid lines Jarak antara garis grid utama Distance within which an object will snap to your placed guides. After setting this you will need to restart Scribus to set this setting. Jarak di mana objek akan menempel ke panduan Anda ditempatkan. Setelah mengatur ini, Anda perlu me-restart Scribus untuk menetapkan pengaturan ini. Color of the minor grid lines Warna garis grid minor Color of the major grid lines Warna garis grid utama Color of the guide lines you insert Warna garis panduan yang Anda masukkan Color for the margin lines Warna untuk garis margin Color for the baseline grid Warna untuk grid baseline Turns the basegrid on or off Tampilkan basegrid ya atau tidak Distance between the lines of the baseline grid Jarak antara garis dari grid garis dasar Distance from the top of the page for the first baseline Jarak dari bagian atas halaman untuk panduan dasar pertama Turns the gridlines on or off Tampilkan grid ya atau tidak Turns the guides on or off Tampilkan panduan ya atau tidak Turns the margins on or off Tampilkan margin ya atau tidak Type: Tipe: Content Objects Grid Lines Crosses and Dots Radius of the area where Scribus will allow you to grab an objects handles. After setting this you will need to restart Scribus to set this setting. Prefs_Hyphenator Hyphenation Pemenggalan &Hyphenation Suggestions Saran &Pemenggalan Hyphenate Text Automatically &During Typing Penggal teks secara otomatis &Saat Pengetikan Behaviour Perilaku Word Lists Exceptions Pengecualian Edit Edit... Ignore List Daftar Pengabaian Hyphenator Hifenator Add a new Entry Tambahkan Entri Edit Entry Edit Entri Exception List Daftar Pengecualian A dialog box showing all possible hyphens for each word will show up when you use the Extras > Hyphenate Text option Enables automatic hyphenation of your text while typing Prefs_ImageCache Enabling the image cache will significantly speed up the loading of images. Enable the cache if you are often working on large documents with lots of images and if you have plenty of disk space in your application data directory. Set the level of compression for images in the cache. Higher values result in smaller cache files but also make writes to the cache slower. Image Cache Enable Image Cache Cache Size Limit: Mb Cache Entry Limit: Compression Level: Limit the total size of all files in the image cache directory to this amount Limit the number of cache entries to this number Prefs_ItemTools Item Tools Text Teks Columns: Kolom: Column Gap: Tab Fill Character: Tab Width: Fill Color: Warna Fill: Line Color: Warna Garis: Shading: % % Columns & Text Distances Jarak kolom dan teks Top: Atas: Bottom: Bawah: Left: Kiri: Right: Kanan: Font: Font: Size: Ukuran: Color: Warna: Stroke: Preview Prapandang Images Use Embedded Clipping Path Scaling Skala Free Scaling Horizontal Scaling: Vertical Scaling: Scale Image to Frame Size First Line Offset Offset: Offset: Maximum Ascent Font Ascent Line Spacing Baseline Grid Keep Aspect Ratio On Screen Preview Full Resolution Normal Resolution Low Resolution Shapes Line Style: Line Width: Lebar Garis: Regular Polygons Lines Start Arrow: End Arrow: Hairline Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz None tab fill Kosong Dot Titik Hyphen Underscore Garis bawah Custom Atur Sendiri Calligraphic Pen Pen Angle: Pen Width: Keep horizontal and vertical scaling the same Arc Busur Spiral Spiral Prefs_KeyboardShortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts Pintasan Kibor Search: Cari: Action Aksi Shortcut Pintasan Shortcut for Selected Action Pintasan untuk Aksi yang Dipilih &No Key &Tidak Ada Tombol Alt+N Alt+N &User Defined Key Tombol Ditetapkan &Pengguna Alt+U Alt+U Set &Key &Tombol Set Alt+K Alt+K CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W Loadable Shortcut Sets Set Pintas Dapat Dimuat Keyboard shortcut sets available to load Set pintasan keyboard tersedia untuk dimuat Load the selected shortcut set Muat set pintasan yang dipilih &Load &Memuat Alt+L Alt+L Import a shortcut set into the current configuration Impor pintasan yang disetel ke konfigurasi saat ini &Import... &Import Alt+I Alt+I Export the current shortcuts into an importable file Ekspor pintasan saat ini menjadi file yang dapat diimpor &Export... &Ekspor Alt+E Alt+E Reload the default Scribus shortcuts Muat kembali pintasan default Scribus &Reset &Reset Alt+R Alt+R Select a Key set file to read Key Set XML Files (*.xml) Set Kunci Berkas XML (* .xml) Select a Key set file to save to Export Keyboard Shortcuts to File Ekspor Pintasan Kibor ke File Enter the name of the shortcut set: Masukkan nama set pintasan: The %1 key sequence is already in use by "%2" Prefs_Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Always ask before fonts are replaced when loading a document Selalu tanyakan sebelum font diganti saat memuat dokumen Preview of current Paragraph Style is visible when editing Styles Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Always use standard Lorem Ipsum text Paragraph Count: Prefs_OperatorTools Operator Tools Zoom Minimum: Maximum: Stepping: % % Miscellaneous Item Duplicate X Displacement: Y Displacement: Rotation Tool Constrain To: Minimum magnification allowed Maximum magnification allowed Change in magnification for each zoom operation Horizontal displacement of page items Vertical displacement of page items Constrain value for the rotation tool when the Control key is pressed Prefs_PDFExport PDF Export Ekspor PDF Export Range Ekspor Cakupan All Pages Semua Halaman Choose Pages Pilih Halaman Rotation and Mirroring Rotation: Perputaran: Page Mirroring: Page Binding: Resolution for EPS Graphics: dpi dpi Clip to Printer Margins Limit Maximum Image Resolution to: Allow Copying Text and Graphics File Options Pilihan File Pages Halaman Compatibility: Generate Thumbnails Save Linked Text Frames as PDF Articles Include Layers Include Bookmarks Embed PDF && EPS Files (Experimental) Compression Compress Text and Vector Graphics Image Compression Method: Image Compression Quality: Security Use Encryption Passwords Katakunci Owner: User: Settings Pengaturan Allow Printing the Document Allow Changing the Document Allow Adding Annotations and Fields Color Warna Output Intended For: Convert Spot Colors to Process Colors Solid Colors Warna Solid Use Color Profile Gunakan Profil Warna Profile: Rendering Intent: Intensitas Rendering Images Do not use Embedded Color Profiles Custom Rendering Use Custom Rendering Color: Warna: Frequency: Angle: Sudut: ° Spot Function: Pre-Press Printer Marks Page Information Embedding Memasukkan Facing Pages Left Facing Pages Right Registration Marks Tanda Registrasi Crop Marks Tanda Potong Bleed Marks Tanda Bleed Color Bars Bleed Settings Use Document Bleeds Gunakan bleed dokumen Output Profile: Information String: Fonts Fonta Embed All Fonts to Embed Extras Tambahan Enable Presentation Effects Display Duration: Effect Duration: Effect Type: Moving Lines: From the: Direction: s Apply Effect to All Pages Show Page Previews Tampilkan Prapandang Halaman Viewer Document Layout Single Page Satu halaman Continuous Pages Visual Appearance Use Viewer's Default Use Full Screen Mode Display Bookmarks Tab Display Thumbnails Display Layers Tab Hide Viewer's Menu Bar Hide Viewer's Tool Bar Zoom Pages to fit Viewer Window Special Actions Javascript to be executed when PDF document is opened: Automatically rotate the exported pages Export all pages to PDF Export a range of pages to PDF Determines the PDF compatibility.<br/><b>PDF 1.3</b>, which is the earliest supported version, gives the widest compatibility with printers' RIPS.<br/><b>PDF 1.4</b>, which is the default version, supports features such as transparency and 128 bit encryption.<br/><b>PDF 1.5</b> is necessary when you wish to preserve objects in separate layers within the PDF.<br/><b>PDF/X-1a</b> is for blind exchange with colors strictly specified in CMYK or spot colors.<br/><b>PDF/X-3</b> is for exporting the PDF when you want color managed RGB for commercial printing and is selectable when you have activated color management. Use only when advised by your printer or in some cases printing to a 4 color digital color laser printer.<br/><b>PDF/X-4</b> is an extension of PDF/X-3 to support transparency and layering. Determines the binding of pages in the PDF. Unless you know you need to change it leave the default choice - Left. Generates thumbnails of each page in the PDF. Some viewers can use the thumbnails for navigation. Embed the bookmarks you created in your document. These are useful for navigating long PDF documents. Export resolution of text and vector graphics. This does not affect the resolution of bitmap images like photos. Export PDFs in image frames as embedded PDFs. This does *not* yet take care of colorspaces, so you should know what you are doing before setting this to 'true'. Enables lossless compression of text and graphics. Unless you have a reason, leave this checked. This reduces PDF file size. Method of compression to use for images. Automatic allows Scribus to choose the best method. ZIP is lossless and good for images with solid colors. JPEG is better at creating smaller PDF files which have many photos (with slight image quality loss possible). Leave it set to Automatic unless you have a need for special compression options. Metode kompresi untuk digunakan untuk gambar. Otomatis memungkinkan Scribus memilih metode terbaik. ZIP tidak memiliki lossless dan bagus untuk gambar dengan warna solid. JPEG lebih baik dalam membuat dokumen PDF yang lebih kecil yang memiliki banyak foto (dengan sedikit kehilangan kualitas gambar). Biarkan diatur ke Otomatis kecuali Anda memiliki kebutuhan untuk opsi kompresi khusus. Compression quality levels for lossy compression methods: Minimum (25%), Low (50%), Medium (75%), High (85%), Maximum (95%). Note that a quality level does not directly determine the size of the resulting image - both size and quality loss vary from image to image at any given quality level. Even with Maximum selected, there is always some quality loss with jpeg. Limits the resolution of your bitmap images to the selected DPI. Images with a lower resolution will be left untouched. Leaving this unchecked will render them at their native resolution. Enabling this will increase memory usage and slow down export. Enable the security features in your exported PDF. If you selected PDF 1.3, the PDF will be protected by 40 bit encryption. If you selected PDF 1.4, the PDF will be protected by 128 bit encryption. Disclaimer: PDF encryption is not as reliable as GPG or PGP encryption and does have some limitations. Allow copying of text or graphics from the PDF. If unchecked, text and graphics cannot be copied. Allow adding annotations and fields to the PDF. If unchecked, editing annotations and fields is prevented. This is an advanced setting which is not enabled by default. This should only be enabled when specifically requested by your printer and they have given you the exact details needed. Otherwise, your exported PDF may not print properly and is truly not portable across systems. Ini adalah pengaturan lanjutan yang tidak diaktifkan secara default. Ini hanya boleh diaktifkan ketika secara khusus diminta oleh printer Anda dan printer telah memberi Anda rincian yang tepat diperlukan. Jika tidak, PDF yang Anda ekspor tidak dapat dicetak dengan benar dan benar-benar tidak portabel di seluruh sistem. Embed a color profile for solid colors Color profile for solid colors Rendering intent for solid colors Embed a color profile for images Do not use color profiles that are embedded in source images Color profile for images Rendering intent for images Mirror Page(s) horizontally Mirror Page(s) vertically Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. Do not show objects outside the margins in the exported file Creates crop marks in the PDF indicating where the paper should be cut or trimmed after printing This creates bleed marks which are indicated by _ . _ and show the bleed limit Add registration marks to each separation Add color calibration bars Tambah Add document information which includes the document title and page numbers Indicate the distance offset for the registration marks Tunjukkan jarak offset untuk tanda registrasi Use the existing bleed settings from the document preferences Gunakan pengaturan bleed yang ada dari preferensi dokumen Output profile for printing. If possible, get some guidance from your printer on profile selection. Mandatory string for PDF/X or the PDF will fail PDF/X conformance. We recommend you use the title of the document. Automatic Otomatis Lossy - JPEG Lossy - JPEG Lossless - Zip Lossless - Zip None Kosong Maximum Maksimum High Tinggi Medium Sedang Low Rendah Minimum Minimum Left Margin Margin Kiri Right Margin Margin Kanan Screen / Web Layar / Web Printer Printer Grayscale Grayscale Simple Dot Line Garis Round Ellipse Perceptual Persepsi Relative Colorimetric Colorimetric Relatif Saturation Saturasi Absolute Colorimetric Colorimetric Absolut Page Halaman No Script InfoString No Effect Tidak ada Efek Blinds Berkedip Box Kotak Dissolve Pecahkan Glitter Split Pisahkan Wipe Seka Push Tekan Cover Uncover Fade Embed fonts into the PDF. Embedding the fonts will preserve the layout and appearance of your document. Enables presentation effects when using Adobe&#174; Reader&#174; and other PDF viewers which support this in full screen mode. Show page previews of each page listed above. Length of time the page is shown before the presentation starts on the selected page. Setting 0 will disable automatic page transition. Length of time the effect runs. A shorter time will speed up the effect, a longer one will slow it down. Show the document in single page mode Show the document in single page mode with the pages displayed continuously end to end like a scroll Show the document with facing pages, starting with the first page displayed on the left Show the document with facing pages, starting with the first page displayed on the right Use the viewer's defaults or the user's preferences if set differently from the viewer defaults Enables viewing the document in full screen Display the bookmarks upon opening Display the page thumbnails upon opening Forces the displaying of layers. Useful only for PDF 1.5+. Hides the Tool Bar which has selection and other editing capabilities Mark Length: Mark Offset: Length of crop marks Choose an owner password which enables or disables all the security features in your exported PDF Create a range of pages Embedding mode: Fonts to Subset Subset All Insert a comma separated list of tokens where a token can be * for all the pages, 1-5 for a range of pages or a single page number Generate PDF Articles, which is useful for navigating linked articles in a PDF Layers in your document are exported to the PDF. Only available if PDF 1.5 is chosen. DPI (Dots Per Inch) for image export Choose a password for users to be able to read your PDF Allow modifying of the PDF. If unchecked, modifying the PDF is prevented. Color model for the output of your PDF. Choose Screen/Web for PDFs which are used for screen display and for printing on typical inkjets. Choose Printer when printing to a true 4 color CMYK printer. Choose Grayscale when you want a grey scale PDF. Type of the display effect Direction of the effect of moving lines for the split and blind effects Starting position for the box and split effects Direction of the glitter or wipe effects Apply the selected effect to all pages Hides the Menu Bar for the viewer, the PDF will display in a plain window Fit the document page or pages to the available space in the viewer window Embed only subset fonts with glyphs used in the document into the PDF PDF/X Output Intent Allow printing of the PDF. If unchecked, printing is prevented. Prefs_PageSizes Page Sizes Available Sizes Active Sizes Prefs_Paths Paths Path Documents: &Change... &Ubah Alt+C Alt+C Color Profiles: C&hange... Uba&h... Alt+H Alt+H Scripts: Ch&ange... Ub&ah... Alt+A Alt+A Document Templates: Cha&nge... Uba&h... Alt+N Alt+N Default documents directory Direktori default dokumen Default Scripter scripts directory Direktori default skrip Scripter Additional directory for document templates Direktori tambahan untuk template dokumen Choose a Directory Pilih Direktori Default ICC profiles directory. This cannot be changed with a document open. By default, Scribus will look in the System Directories under Mac OSX and Windows. On Linux and Unix, Scribus will search $home/.color/icc, $home/.local/share/color/icc, /usr/share/color/icc and /usr/local/share/color/icc Direktori default profil ICC. Ini tidak dapat diubah ketika dokumen terbuka. Secara default, Scribus akan melihat di Direktori Sistem di bawah Mac OSX dan Windows. Di Linux dan Unix, Scribus akan mencari $home/.color/icc, $home/.local/share/color/icc, /usr/share/color/icc dan /usr/local/share/color/icc Prefs_Plugins Plugins Pengaya Plugin Pengaya How to run Bagaimana menjalankan Type Tipe Load it? Plugin ID ID Pengaya File Berkas You need to restart the application to apply the changes. Prefs_PreflightVerifier Preflight Verifier Pemeriksa Kesiapan Show pages without errors Show errors for items on layers that will not print Profile Setup Output Profile: Add New Profile Remove Profile Hapus Profil Profile Options Ignore all errors Abaikan semua galat Automatic check before printing or exporting Cek otomatis sebelum mencetak atau mengekspor Check for missing glyphs Cek untuk glyphs yang hilang Check for items not on a page Cek untuk item-item yang tidak di halaman Check for overflow in text frames Cek untuk overflow di bingkai teks Check for used transparencies Cek untuk transparansi yang digunakan Check for missing images Cek untuk gambar hilang Check image resolution Cek resolusi gambar Minimum Resolution: dpi dpi Maximum Resolution: Check for placed PDF files Check for GIF images Cek untuk gambar-gambar GIF Check for PDF Annotations and Fields Cek untuk Anotasi PDF dan Fields Check for Visible/Printable mismatch in layers Ignore non-printable layers Check for part filled image frames Check for empty text frames Check if applied master page location is the same as each page's location Prefs_Printer Printing Pencetakan Destination Tujuan Alternative Printer Command Command: General Options Pilihan umum Output: Normal Normal Separations Include PDF Annotations and Links Sertakan Anotasi PDF dan Tautan Page Halaman Mirror Page(s) Horizontally Mirror Page(s) Vertically Set Media Size Clip to Printer Margins Color Warna Apply Under Color Removal Convert Spot Colors to Process Colors Print In: Color (If Available) Grayscale Grayscale Printing Language Marks and Bleeds Crop Marks Tanda Potong Bleed Marks Tanda Bleed Registration Marks Tanda Registrasi Color Bars Offset: Offset: Bleed Settings Printer Printer Do not show objects outside the margins on the printed page Use an alternative print manager, such as kprinter or gtklp, to utilize additional printing options Gunakan pengaturan pencetak alternatif, seperti kprinter atau gtklp, untuk memanfaatkan pilihan tambahan pencetak Sets the printing language to use. Setting to Postscript Level 1 or 2 can create huge files. A way of switching off some of the gray shades which are composed of cyan, yellow and magenta and using black instead. UCR most affects parts of images which are neutral and/or dark tones which are close to the gray. Use of this may improve printing some images and some experimentation and testing is need on a case by case basis. UCR reduces the possibility of over saturation with CMY inks. Cara mematikan beberapa warna abu-abu yang terdiri dari cyan, kuning dan magenta dan menggunakan hitam sebagai gantinya. UCR paling memengaruhi bagian gambar yang berwarna netral dan/atau gelap yang mendekati abu-abu. Penggunaan ini dapat meningkatkan pencetakan beberapa gambar dan beberapa eksperimen dan pengujian diperlukan berdasarkan kasus per kasus. UCR mengurangi kemungkinan saturasi berlebih dengan tinta CMY. Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. Length: Panjang: This enables you to explicitly set the media size of the PostScript file. Not recommended unless requested by your printer. Prefs_Scrapbook Scrapbook Scrapbook Send Copied Items Automatically to the Scrapbook Keep Copied Items Permanently Across Sessions Write Item Previews to the Scrapbook Directory Number of Copied Items to Keep in Scrapbook This enables copied items to be kept permanently in the scrapbook Save generated scrapbook previews in the scrapbook directory The minimum number is 1; the maximum is 100 This enables the scrapbook to be used an extension to the copy/paste buffers. Simply copying an object or grouped object will send this to the Scrapbook automatically. Prefs_Scripter Scripter Extensions Ekstensi Enable Extension Scripts Aktifkan Extension Scripts Startup Script: Change... Ubah... Console Konsol Base Texts: Comments: Keywords: Signs: Errors: Galat: Strings: Numbers: Locate Startup Script Prefs_ShortWords Save Simpan Reset Reset User settings Setelah pengguna System wide configuration Konfigurasi sistem menyeluruh Short Words Kata-Kata Singkat User configuration exists already. Do you really want to overwrite it? Cannot write file %1. Tidak dapat menulis berkas %1. User settings saved Setelah pengguna disimpan System wide configuration reloaded Konfigurasi sistem menyeluruh dimuat ulang Cannot open file %1 Tidak dapat membuka berkas %1 Prefs_Spelling Spelling Ejaan Installed Spelling Dictionaries Memasang Kamus Ejaan Downloadable Spelling Dictionaries Mengunduh Kamus Ejaan Refresh Downloadable List Perbarui Daftar yang Dapat Diunduh Download Selected Dictionaries Unduh Kamus Terpilih Language Bahasa Code Kode Location Lokasi Installed Terpasang Download Unduh Downloading Mengunduh Prefs_TableOfContents Table of Contents &Add &Tambahkan Alt+A Alt+A &Delete &Hapus Alt+D Alt+D Properties Properti Item Attribute Name: Nama Atribut Item: The Item Attribute that will be set on frames used as a basis for creation of the entries Atribut Item yang akan ditetapkan pada frame yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pembuatan entri Destination Frame: Frame Tujuan: The frame the table of contents will be placed into Frame daftar isi akan ditempatkan ke dalam Page Number Placement: Penempatan Nomor Halaman: Place page numbers of the entries at the beginning or the end of the line, or not at all Tempatkan nomor halaman entri pada awal atau akhir baris, atau tidak sama sekali Paragraph Style: Gaya Paragraf: The paragraph style used for the entry lines Include frames that are set to not print as well List Non-Printing Entries Daftar Entri Non-Percetakan Tables of Contents Beginning Awal End Akhir Not Shown Tidak Ditampilkan Table of Contents %1 Daftar Isi %1 Prefs_Typography Typography Tipografi Subscript Subscript Displacement: % % Scaling: Skala: Superscript Superscript Underline Garis Bawah Line Width: Lebar Garis: Auto Auto Strikeout Small Caps Huruf Besar Dengan Ukuran Kecil Automatic Line Spacing Line Spacing: Displacement below the baseline of the normal font on a line Relative size of the subscript compared to the normal font Displacement above the baseline of the font on a line Relative size of the superscript compared to the normal font Displacement below the baseline of the normal font expressed as a percentage of the fonts descender Line width expressed as a percentage of the font size Displacement above the baseline of the normal font expressed as a percentage of the fonts ascender Relative size of the small caps font compared to the normal font Percentage increase over the font size for the line spacing Prefs_UserInterface User Interface Antar Muka Main Window Appearance Penampilan &Language: &Bahasa &Theme: &Tema: Use Small Widgets on Palettes Use Tabs for Documents &Recent Documents: Language and Regionalization Number Format: Font Sizes &Menus: pt pt &Palettes: Story Editor Penyunting Cerita Font: Font: Use Smart Text Selection Interactivity Time before resize or move starts: ms ms &Wheel Jump: Start Up Show Splashscreen Show Startup Dialog Tampilkan Startup Dialog Choose the default window decoration and looks. Scribus inherits any available KDE or Qt themes, if Qt is configured to search KDE plugins. Pilih default dekorasi dan tampilan jendela. Scribus mewarisi semua tema KDE atau Qt yang tersedia, jika Qt dikonfigurasi untuk mencari plugin KDE. Number of recently edited documents to show in the File menu Jumlah dokumen yang baru saja diedit untuk ditampilkan di menu Berkas Use either the system or selected language related definition for number formats for decimals for numbers in the interface Default font size for the menus and windows Ukuran default font untuk menu dan jendela Default font size for the tool windows Ukuran font default untuk jendela alat Time before resize or move starts allows for a slight delay between when you click and the operation happens to avoid unintended moves. This can be helpful when dealing with mouse sensitivity settings or accessibility issues related to ergonomic mice, touch pads or moveability of the wrists and hands. Icon Set: Choose the default icon set Select your default language for Scribus to run with. Leave this blank to choose based on environment variables. You can still override this by passing a command line option when starting Scribus. Palette windows will use smaller (space savy) widgets. Requires application restart. Use System Format Use Interface Language Format Number of lines Scribus will scroll for each "notch" of the mouse wheel The default behavior when double-clicking on a word is to select the word and the first following space. Smart selection will select only the word, without the following space. PresetLayout Magazine Majalah Fibonacci Fibonacci Golden Mean Golden Mean Nine Parts Sembilan Bagian Gutenberg Gutenberg None layout type Kosong When you have selected a Document Layout other than Single Page, you can select a predefined page layout here. 'None' leaves margins as is, Gutenberg sets margins classically. 'Magazine' sets all margins to the same value. Leading is Left/Inside value. PrintDialog All Semua Cyan Sian Magenta Magenta Yellow Kuning Black Hitam Print Current Pa&ge Cetak Ha&laman Ini Print Normal Cetak Biasa PostScript Files (*.ps);;All Files (*) Berkas PostScript (*.ps); Semua Berkas (*) Failed to retrieve printer settings Gagal mengambil setting pencetak Inside: Di Dalam: Outside: Di Luar: PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*) Berkas PDF (*.pdf);;Semua Berkas (*) Save As Save As PrintDialogBase Setup Printer Pengaturan Printer Print Destination Tujuan Cetak &Options... &Pilihan... &File: &Berkas: C&hange... Uba&h... Use an alternative print manager, such as kprinter or gtklp, to utilize additional printing options Gunakan pengaturan pencetak alternatif, seperti kprinter atau gtklp, untuk memanfaatkan pilihan tambahan pencetak A&lternative Printer Command Co&mmand: Range Rentang Print &All Cetak &Semua N&umber of Copies: J&umlah salinan Print Current Pa&ge Cetak Ha&laman Ini Print &Range &Jarak Cetak Options Pilihan Print Normal Cetak Biasa Print Separations Print in Color if Available Cetak dalam Warna jika Tersedia Print in Grayscale Cetak dalam Grayscale Advanced Options Pilihan Advanced Page Halaman Mirror Page(s) Horizontal Mirror Halaman Horisontal Mirror Page(s) Vertical Mirror Halaman Vertical Set Media Size Color Warna Apply Under Color Removal Convert Spot Colors to Process Colors Marks This creates crop marks in the PDF indicating where the paper should be cut or trimmed after printing Crop Marks Tanda Potong Add registration marks which are added to each separation Registration Marks Tanda Registrasi This creates bleed marks which are indicated by _ . _ and show the bleed limit Bleed Marks Tanda Bleed Add color calibration bars Tambah Color Bars Offset: Offset: Indicate the distance offset for the registration marks Tunjukkan jarak offset untuk tanda registrasi Bleeds Bleeds Top: Atas: Distance for bleed from the top of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian atas fisik halaman Left: Kiri: Distance for bleed from the right of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kanan fisik halaman Bottom: Bawah: Distance for bleed from the bottom of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian bawah fisik halaman Right: Kanan: Distance for bleed from the left of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kiri fisik halaman Use the existing bleed settings from the document preferences Gunakan pengaturan bleed yang ada dari preferensi dokumen Use Document Bleeds Gunakan bleed dokumen Preview... Pratinjau... &Print &Cetak Cancel Batal Include PDF Annotations and Links Sertakan Anotasi PDF dan Tautan This enables you to explicitly set the media size of the PostScript file. Not recommended unless requested by your printer. Clip to Printer Margins <qt>A way of switching off some of the gray shades which are composed of cyan, yellow and magenta and using black instead. Under Color Removal mostly affects parts of images which are neutral and/or dark tones which are close to the gray. Use of this may improve printing some images and some experimentation and testing is need on a case by case basis. Under Color Removal reduces the possibility of over saturation with CMY inks.</qt> <qt>Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled.</qt> Length: Panjang: Create a range of pages Insert a comma separated list of tokens where a token can be * for all the pages, 1-5 for a range of pages or a single page number Include PDF Annotations and Links into the output. Note: PDF Forms will not be exported. Sets the PostScript Level. Setting to Level 1 or 2 can create huge files. PrintPreview Print Preview Tampilan Prapandang Gives a print preview using simulations of generic CMYK inks, instead of RGB colors Menampilkan pratinjau cetak menggunakan simulasi generik tinta CMYK, bukan dengan warna RGB Separation Name Cyan Sian Magenta Magenta Yellow Kuning Black Hitam A way of switching off some of the gray shades which are composed of cyan, yellow and magenta and using black instead. UCR most affects parts of images which are neutral and/or dark tones which are close to the gray. Use of this may improve printing some images and some experimentation and testing is need on a case by case basis. UCR reduces the possibility of over saturation with CMY inks. Cara mematikan beberapa warna abu-abu yang terdiri dari cyan, kuning dan magenta dan menggunakan hitam sebagai gantinya. UCR paling memengaruhi bagian gambar yang berwarna netral dan/atau gelap yang mendekati abu-abu. Penggunaan ini dapat meningkatkan pencetakan beberapa gambar dan beberapa eksperimen dan pengujian diperlukan berdasarkan kasus per kasus. UCR mengurangi kemungkinan saturasi berlebih dengan tinta CMY. File File Provides a more pleasant view of Type 1 fonts, TrueType Fonts, OpenType Fonts, EPS, PDF and vector graphics in the preview, at the expense of a slight slowdown in previewing Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. % % None Kosong Shows transparency and transparent items in your document. Requires Ghostscript 7.07 or later. Resize the scale of the page PrintPreviewBase Print Preview Tampilan Prapandang Preview Settings Pengaturan Pratinjau Color Warna Grayscale Grayscale Mirror Page(s) Horizontally Mirror Pages(s) Vertically Clip to Printer Margins Convert Spot Colors &Under Color Removal Display Settings Pengaturan Tampilan Enable &Antialiasing Aktifkan &Antialiasing Display Trans&parency Tampilan dan transparansi &Display CMYK &Tampilan CMYK Display Ink Coverage Threshold: Scaling: Skala: Resize the scale of the page 50% 50% 100% 100% 150% 150% 200% 200% Fit to Width Sesuaikan terhadap Lebar Fit to Height Sesuaikan terhadap Tinggi Fit to Page Sesuaikan terhadap Halaman Close Tutup Print... Cetak... PropertiesPalette Properties Properti X, Y, &Z X, Y, &Z &Shape &Bentuk &Line &Garis &Colors &Warna &Transparency Drop Shadow PropertiesPalette_GroupBase Group clips Contents When the group's bounding frame has been edited, clip the contents of the page items to the edited bounding frame PropertiesPalette_Image Auto Auto Perceptual Persepsi Relative Colorimetric Colorimetric Relatif Saturation Saturasi Absolute Colorimetric Colorimetric Absolut Global Automatic Otomatis Lossy - JPEG Lossy - JPEG Lossless - Zip Lossless - Zip None Kosong Maximum Maksimum High Tinggi Medium Sedang Low Rendah Minimum Minimum % % pt pt &To Frame Size PropertiesPalette_ImageBase Rotation: Perputaran: &Page Number: Nomor Halaman &X-Pos: &X-Pos: Horizontal offset of image within frame Offset horisontal gambar di dalam frame &Y-Pos: &Y-Pos: Vertical offset of image within frame Offset vertikal gambar di dalam frame Auto Auto Scaling Skala X-Sc&ale: Sk&ala-X: Resize the image horizontally Ubah ukuran gambar secara horisontal Y-Scal&e: Sk&ala-Y: Resize the image vertically Ubah ukuran gambar secara vertikal Keep the X and Y scaling the same Jaga scala X dan Y tetap sama Actual X-DPI: X-DPI Aktual: Effective horizontal DPI of the image after scaling Actual Y-DPI: Y-DPI Aktual: Effective vertical DPI of the image after scaling Allow the image to be a different size to the frame &Free Scaling Use image proportions rather than those of the frame Make the image fit within the size of the frame &To Frame Size Input Profile: Profil Masukan: Source profile of the image Rendering Intent: Intensitas Rendering Rendering intent for the image Proportional Proporsional Color Management Manajemen Warna PDF Compression Method: Compression method used in PDF export for the image Quality: Compression quality used in PDF export for the image Image Effects Efek Gambar Extended Properties PropertiesPalette_Line Custom Atur Sendiri No Style Tanpa Gaya Left Point Titik Kiri End Points &Basepoint: &Basepoint: T&ype of Line: Start Arrow: End Arrow: Scaling: Skala: Line &Width: Ed&ges: Miter Join Bevel Join Round Join Flat Cap Square Cap Round Cap &Endings: % % pt pt Hairline Change settings for left or end points Pattern of line Thickness of line Ketebalan garis Type of line joins Type of line end Line style of current object Arrow head style for start of line Arrow head style for end of line Arrow head scale for start of line Arrow head scale for end of line PropertiesPalette_LineBase &Basepoint: &Basepoint: T&ype of Line: Start Arrow: Scaling: Skala: End Arrow: Line &Width: Hairline Ed&ges: &Endings: PropertiesPalette_Shadow X-Offset: Y-Offset: Blur: Color: Warna: Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: Opacity: Opasitas Blendmode: Has Drop Shadow Black Hitam Normal Normal Darken Darken Lighten Lighten Multiply Multiply Screen Layar Overlay Overlay Hard Light Hard Light Soft Light Soft Light Difference Perbedaan Exclusion Exclusion Color Dodge Color Dodge Color Burn Color Burn Hue Hue Saturation Saturasi Color Warna Luminosity Luminosity Content covers Drop Shadow Inherit Object Transparency PropertiesPalette_ShadowBase Object has a drop shadow X-Offset: Y-Offset: Color: Warna: Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: Opacity: Opasitas % % Blendmode: Normal Normal Darken Darken Lighten Lighten Multiply Multiply Screen Layar Overlay Overlay Hard Light Hard Light Soft Light Soft Light Difference Perbedaan Exclusion Exclusion Color Dodge Color Dodge Color Burn Color Burn Hue Hue Saturation Saturasi Color Warna Luminosity Luminosity Blur: px px PropertiesPalette_ShapeBase Choose the shape of frame... Pilih bentuk frame &Edit... &Edit... Text flow around contour line Set radius of corner rounding Shape: Bentuk: Text flow around bounding box Text flow around frame shape Text flow around frame disabled Text flow around image clip path Text Flow: Fill Rule: Any path self-intersections or subpaths create holes in the fill (fill-rule: evenodd) Fill is solid unless a subpath is counterdirectional (fill-rule: nonzero) PropertiesPalette_TableBase Table: Cells: Cell style of currently selected cell Remove Direct Cell Formatting Borders Width: Lebar: Color: Warna: Type: Tipe: Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: % % Fill Styles Table style of currently selected table Remove Direct Table Formatting PropertiesPalette_Text First Line Offset Optical Margins Optical Margins Hyphenation Pemenggalan Advanced Settings Path Text Properties Auto Auto Baseline Font Features remove direct paragraph formatting Fixed Linespacing Automatic Linespacing Align to Baseline Grid Rata terhadap Baseline Grid Orphans and Widows Color && Effects Columns && Text Distances Paragraph Effects PropertiesPalette_TextBase Font Size Ukuran Font pt pt Select the line spacing mode Line Spacing Text Language Paragraph style of currently selected text or paragraph Remove Direct Paragraph Formatting Character style of currently selected text or paragraph Remove Direct Character Formatting PropertiesPalette_XYZ &X-Pos: &X-Pos: &Y-Pos: &Y-Pos: &Height: &Tinggi &X1: &X1: X&2: X&2: Y&1: Y&1: &Y2: &Y2: &Width: &Lebar Name "%1" isn't unique.<br/>Please choose another. Nama "%1" tidak unik.<br/>Silahkan pilih lagi Properties Properti pt pt PropertiesPalette_XYZBase Name Nama Name of selected object Geometry Geometri &X-Pos: &X-Pos: Horizontal position of current basepoint &Width: &Lebar &Y-Pos: &Y-Pos: Vertical position of current basepoint Width of current selection &Height: &Tinggi Height of current selection &Rotation: &Rotasi Rotation of object at current basepoint Point from which measurements or rotation angles are referenced Basepoint: Basepoint: Keep the aspect ratio Jaga aspek rasio Level Level Move one level up Pindah keatas satu level Move one level down Pindah satu tingkat kebawah Move to front Pindahkan ke depan Move to back Indicates the level the object is on, 1 means the object is at the bottom 0 0 Group the selected objects Ungroup the selected group Flip horizontally Balik secara horisontal Flip vertically Balik secara vertikal Lock or unlock the object Enable or disable exporting of the object Lock or unlock the size of the object PropertyWidget_AdvancedBase Offset to baseline of characters % % Manual Tracking Scaling width of characters Scaling height of characters Word Tracking Min: Min: Minimal width of spaces between words Normal width of spaces between words Norm: Minimal shrinkage of glyphs for justification Maximal extension of glyphs for justification Max: Max: Glyph Extension PropertyWidget_Distance Gap: Jarak: Width: Lebar: pt pt Distance between columns Jarak antara kolom Column width Lebar kolom Top Middle Tengah Bottom PropertyWidget_DistanceBase Vertical Alignment: Colu&mns: Kol&om: Number of columns in text frame Jumlah kolom pada teks frame Switches between Gap or Column width Gap: Jarak: Width: Lebar: Distance between columns Jarak antara kolom To&p: Ata&s: Distance of text from top of frame Jarak teks dari bagian atas frame &Bottom: &Bawah Distance of text from bottom of frame Jarak teks dari bagian bawah frame &Left: &Kiri: Distance of text from left of frame Jarak teks dari bagian kiri frame &Right: &Kanan: Distance of text from right of frame Jarak teks dari bagian kanan frame Edit tab settings of text frame... T&abulators... T&abulators... Top Middle Tengah Bottom PropertyWidget_DropCap Use Drop Caps Drop Caps lines Drop Caps offset Drop Cap use character style... Choose character style or leave blank for use default paragraph style PropertyWidget_DropCapBase Height Tinggi lines Offset use Drop Caps Use Character Style Number of lines used by the drop cap PropertyWidget_FlopBase Set the height of the first line of the text frame to use the tallest height of the included characters Maximum Ascent Set the height of the first line of text frame to use the full ascent of the font(s) in use Font Ascent Set the height of the first line of the text frame to the specified line height Line Spacing Set the base line of the first line of the text frame to the base line grid Baseline Grid PropertyWidget_FontFeatures Common Ligatures (liga) Ligatur Umum (liga) Common Ligatures Contextual Ligatures (clig) Contextual Ligatures Discretionary Ligatures (dlig) Discretionary Ligatures Historical Ligatures (hlig) Historical Ligatures Normal capitals Default Capitals Small capitals (smcp) Small Capitals Small capitals from capitals (c2sc) Small Capitals from Capitals Petite capitals (pcap) Petite Capitals Petite capitals from capitals (c2pc) Petite Capitals from Capitals Unicase (unic) Unicase Titling (titl) Titling Default numbers style Default Numerals Lining Figures (lnum) Lining Oldstyle Figures (onum) Old Style Default numbers width Default Numeral Width Proportional Figures (pnum) Proportional Proporsional Tabular Figures (tnum) Tabular Tabular No fractions No Fractions Fractions (frac) Diagonal Fractions Alternative Fractions (afrc) Stacked Fractions Normal position Default Position Subscript (subs) Subscript Subscript Superscript (sups) Superscript Superscript Ordinals (ordn) Ordinals Slashed Zero (zero) Slashed Zero Stylistic sets 1 1 5 5 9 9 13 13 17 17 2 2 6 6 10 10 14 14 18 18 3 3 7 7 11 11 15 15 19 19 4 4 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 PropertyWidget_HyphenationBase Smallest Word: Length of the smallest word to be hyphenated Characters Karakter Consecutive Hyphenations Allowed: Maximum number of Hyphenations following each other. A value of 0 means unlimited hyphenations. Jumlah maksimum Hyphenations mengikuti satu sama lain. Nilai 0 berarti hyphenations tak terbatas. Hyphenation Character: The character used for automatic hyphen. Can be empty. PropertyWidget_OptMarginsBase None Kosong Both Sides Kedua Sisi Left Only Kiri Saja Right Only Kanan Saja Reset Reset PropertyWidget_OrphansBase Ensure that first lines of a paragraph won't end up separated from the rest (known as widow/orphan control) lines Don't separate first: Don't separate last: Ensure that last lines of a paragraph won't end up separated from the rest (known as widow/orphan control) If checked, ensures that the paragraph won't be split across multiple pages or columns Do not split paragraph If checked, automatically moves the paragraph to the next column or page if the next paragraph isn't on the same page or column Keep with next paragraph PropertyWidget_ParEffect Drop Caps Bulleted List Numbered List No Paragraph Effects PropertyWidget_ParEffectBase Effect Parameters Drop Caps Number of lines used by the drop cap Lines: Garis-garis: Bullet Char(s): Enhanced Character Table to choose bullet characters Level: Level: Start: Mulai: Set: Format: Format: Prefix: Suffix: Char Style: Choose Character Style or leave blank to use default Paragraph Style Auto-Indent Offset: Offset: Numbered List Bulleted List Char Table PropertyWidget_PathText Default Standar Aplikasi Stair Step Skew Flip Text Show Curve Tampilkan Kurva Type: Tipe: Start Offset: Distance from Curve: Jarak dari Kurva: pt pt PropertyWidget_PathTextBase Type: Tipe: Start Offset: Distance from Curve: Jarak dari Kurva: Flip Text Show Curve Tampilkan Kurva PropertyWidget_TextColorBase Saturation of color of text fill Color of selected text. If Outline text decoration is enabled, this color will be the fill color.<br/>If Drop Shadow Text is enabled, then this will be the top most color. Color of text stroke and/or drop shadow, depending which is chosen.<br/>If both are chosen, then they share the same color. Saturation of color of text stroke Saturasi warna dari stroke teks Background color of selected text Saturation of color of text background PubPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project PythonConsole &Open... B&uka... &Save &Simpan &File &Berkas &Run &Save Output... &Script Script Console Output of your script Save the Python Commands in File Text Files (*.txt) Berkas Teks (*.txt) Save Current Output Save &As... Simp&an Sebagai... Run As &Console Scribus Python Console This is a standard Python console with some known limitations. Please consult the Scribus Scripter documentation for further information. Open Python Script File Buka Berkas Pythin Script Python Scripts (*.py *.PY) Python Scripts (*.py *.PY) Col: %1 Row: %2/%3 Kol: %1 Baris: %2/%3 Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+S &Quit Ke&luar Another script is already running... Please let it finish its task... >>> Another script is already running... Write your commands here. A selection is processed as script. QColorDialog Hu&e: Hu&e: &Sat: &Sat: &Val: &Red: Me&rah: &Green: Hi&jau: Bl&ue: Bir&u: A&lpha channel: A&lpha channel: &Basic colors &Warna Dasar &Custom colors Warna sendi&ri &Define Custom Colors >> &Tentukan Warna Sendiri >> OK OK Cancel Batal &Add to Custom Colors Pick Screen Color Select Color QFileDialog Copy or Move a File Read: %1 Baca: %1 Write: %1 Tulis: %1 File &name: &Nama File: File &type: &Tipe File: One directory up Naik satu direktori Cancel Batal All Files (*) Semua File (*) Name Nama Size Ukuran Type Tipe Date Tanggal Attributes OK OK Look &in: L&ihat di: Back Create New Folder Buat Folder Baru List View Tampilan Daftar Detail View Tampilan Detail Preview File Info Pratinjau Info Berkas Preview File Contents Prapandang Isi File Read-write Read-only Write-only Inaccessible Symlink to File Symlink to Directory Symlink to Special File Berkas Dir Special Open Buka Save As Save As &Open &Buka &Save &Simpan &Rename &Delete &Hapus R&eload Sort by &Name Urutkan berdasarkan &Nama Sort by &Size Urutkan berdasarkan &Ukuran Sort by &Date Urutkan berdasarkan &Tanggal &Unsorted Sort Urutkan Show &hidden files the file the directory the symlink Delete %1 <qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt> New Folder 1 New Folder Folder Baru New Folder %1 Folder Baru %1 Find Directory Cari Direktori Directories Direktori Save Simpan Error Kesalahn %1 File not found. Check path and filename. %1 Berkas tidak ditemukan. Periksa lokasi dan nama All Files (*.*) Select a Directory Pilih Direktori: Directory: Direktori: Files of type: Look in: Forward Parent Directory Recent Places Delete Hapus Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? &New Folder QFontDialog &Font &Font Font st&yle Ga&ya Font &Size U&kuran Effects Efek Stri&keout Stri&keout &Underline &Garis bawah &Color &Warna Sample Contoh Scr&ipt Skr&ip OK OK Apply Terapkan Cancel Batal Close Tutup Select Font Pilih Font QLineEdit Clear Bersihkan Select All Pilih Semua &Undo %Undo &Redo &Redo Cu&t Po&tong &Copy &Salin &Paste Tem&pel Delete Hapus QMainWindow Line up Customize... QMdiArea &Restore &Kembalikan &Move &Pindahkan &Size U&kuran Mi&nimize Mi&nimalkan Ma&ximize Maksi&malkan &Close &Tutup Stay on &Top Minimize Minimalkan Restore Down Close Tutup Sh&ade %1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] &Unshade QMessageBox <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for multiplatform GUI &amp; application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants.<br>Qt is also available for embedded devices.</p><p>Qt is a Trolltech product. See <tt></tt> for more information.</p> QObject Initializing... Background Latar Belakang Open Buka Save as Simpan sebagai All Files (*) Semua File (*) Newsletters Laporan berkala Brochures Brosur Catalogs Katalog Flyers Pamflet Signs Cards Kartu Letterheads Envelopes Amplop Business Cards Kartu Bisnis/Nama Calendars Kalender Advertisements Labels Label Menus Menu Programs Aplikasi PDF Forms Formulir PDF PDF Presentations Presentasi PDF Magazines Majalah Posters Poster Announcements Pengumuman Text Documents Dokumen Teks Folds Own Templates Importing text All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung HTML Files html Text Files Berkas Teks Comma Separated Value Files CSV_data CSV_header External Links Text Filters Media Cases Albanian Arabic (Algeria) Arabic (Bahrain) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Kuwait) Arabic (Lebanon) Arabic (Libya) Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman) Arabic (Qatar) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Sudan) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (Tunisia) Arabic (UAE) Arabic (Yemen) Basque Bulgarian Bulgaria Catalan Catalan Efik Gondi Southern Hamer-Banna Kölsch Koryak Konyanka Maninka Kpelle Krio Kui (India) Kui (Indonesia) Kumaoni Kumyk Kumzari Kurdish (Sorani) Kurukh Kuy Kwanyama Kyrgyz Ladakhi Ladin Ladino Lak Laki Lambani Lampung Api Lombard Latvian Laz Lezgi Ligurian Limbu Limburgish Lingala Lisu Lojban Lomwe Low German Low Mari Lower Sorbian Lü Luba-Kasai Luba-Katanga Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) Luri (Northern) Luri (Southern) Macedonian Madurese Magahi Maharashtrian Konkani Maithili Majang Makasar Makhuwa Makonde Malay Malagasy Malayalam Maldivian Male (Ethiopia) Male (Papua New Guinea) Maltese Maori Manding Manchu Mandar Mandinka Manipuri Maninkakan (Eastern) Maninkakan (Western) Mansi Manx Marathi Marshallese Marwari Marwari (Pakistan) Mazanderani Mende (Sierra Leone) Me'en Meru Merwari Mewari Mewari (India) Mewati Minangkabau Mirandese Mizo Mon Mohawk Moksha Moldavian Morisyen Mossi Mundari N'Ko Nahuatl Nanai Naskapi Nauru Navajo Ndau North Ndebele South Ndebele Ndonga Neapolitan Newari Ngabaka Nigerian Fulfulde Nimadi Nisi (India) Nisi (China) Niuean Nogai Novial Nyamwezi Nyankole Occidental Occitan (post 1500) Ojibwa Oji-Cree Oromo Oriya Ossetian Pa'O Palaung (Ruching) Palaung (Shwe) Pali Palpa Panjabi Panjabi Western Pangasinan Pashto Pennsylvania German Persian (Afghanistan) Phake Pitcairn-Norfolk Picard Papiamento Pwo Eastern Karen Pwo Western Karen Rinconada Bikol Quechua Rakhine Rajasthani Rejang Riang (India) Riang (Myanmar) Romansh Romany Rundi Russian Buriat Rusyn S'gaw Karen Sadri Sasak Samoan Samogitian Sami (Northern) Sami (Southern) Sami (Lule) Sami (Skolt) Sango Sankaran Maninka Santali Sardinian Saterfriesisch Scots Sebat Bet Gurage Selkup Sena Seraiki Shan Serer Shekhawati Shona Sibe Sicilian Sidamo Silesian Silt'e Sindhi Sinhala Slavey (North) Slavey (South) Sodo Gurage Soga Songe Soninke Sotho Northern Sotho Southern Spanish (Generic) Swadaya Aramaic Sukama Sundanese Suri Svan Swahili Swedish (Finland) Swati Sylheti Syriac Tày Tabasaran Tagalog Tahitian Tai Nüa Tajik Tamashek Tamil Tatar Temne Tetum Thai Northern Tibetan Tigre Tigrinya Tiv Tok Pisin Tonga (Tonga Islands) Tsonga Tswana Tulu Tumbuka Turkmen Turoyo Aramaic Tuvin Twi Upper Saxon Upper Sorbian Udmurt Uighur Umbundu Urdu Written Oirat (Todo) Chinese China Czech Ceko Danish Denmark Dutch Belanda Piedmontese Ukrainian Uzbek Uzbek (Northern) Uzbek (Southern) Venda Venetian Vlaams Vlax Romani Volapük Võro Wa Wagdi Walloon Waray (Philippines) Wayuu Wolane Wolof Xhosa Yao Yakut Yiddish Yoruba Zande Zarma Zeeuws Zhuang Zulu English Inggris Esperanto Esperanto German Jerman Finnish Finlandia French Perancis Galician Greek Yunani Persian Hindi Aari Abaza Abkhazian Acoli Adyghe Afar Aiton Akan Altai Amharic Arabic (Jordan) Armenian Aromanian Assamese Asturian Athapaskan Avaric Awadhi Aymara Azerbaijani Azerbaijani (North) Azerbaijani (South) Badaga Baghelkhandi Bagri Bakhtiari Balkar Balanta-Ganja Balanta-Kentohe Balinese Baluchi Balti Bambara Bamileke Banda Bashkir Batak Simalungun Batak Toba Baulé Bavarian Bench Bandjalang Bemba Berber Beti (Cameroon) Beti (Côte d'Ivoire) Bhili Bhojpuri Bikol Bikol (Central) Bilen Bini Bishnupriya Bislama Blackfoot Bodo (India) Bouyei Brahui Braj Bhasha Buginese Burmese Cajun French Carrier Catanduanes Bikol Northern Catanduanes Bikol Southern Cebuano Central Atlas Tamazight Chamorro Chattisgarhi Chavacano Chechen Cherokee Chewa Cheyenne Chiga Chipewyan Chittagonian Choctaw Chukchi Church Slavic Chuvash Comorian Coptic Cornish Cree Cree (Moose) Cree (East Southern) Woods Cree Creek Crimean Tatar Cusco Quechua Dangme Dargwa Afghan Dari Dhundari Dinka Dimli Dogri Ebira English (Old 450-1100) Erzya Estonian (Standard) Even Evenki Ewe Faroese Fijian Filipino Fon Forest Maninka Franco-Provençal Frisian Friulian Fulah Ga Gagauz Ganda Garhwali Garo Ge'ez Georgian Gilaki Gilyak Gogo Gondi Gondi Northern Guarani Gumuz Gusii Haitian Creole Harari Harauti Haryanvi Hausa Hawaiian Haya Hazaragi Herero High Mari Hiligaynon Hindko (Northern) Hindko (Southern) Hiri Motu Hmong Daw Ho Hungarian Hongaria Ibibio Ido Igbo Ijo Ilokano Indonesian Indonesia Ingush Interlingua Inuktitut Inupiaq Irish Irish Old (to 900) Italian Italia Izon Jamaican Creole English Javanese Jula K'iche' Kabardian Kabyle Kalaallisut Kalmyk Kalenjin Kamba (Kenya) Kanauji Kanuri Kapampangan Karaim Karakalpak Karelian Karen Kachchi Kashmiri Kashubian Kayah Kazakh Khakass Khamti Khasi Khowar Kikuyu Kildin Sami Kimbundu Kinyarwanda Kita Maninkakan Kituba (Congo) Kokni Komi Komi-Permyak Komi-Zyrian Komo (Congo) Komo (Sudan) Komso Kongo Konkani Koorete Korean Korea Kannada Kurdish Kurd Lithuanian Lithuania Mongolian Norwegian (Nynorsk) Norwegian Norwegia Polish Polandia Russian Rusia Somali Swedish Swedia Spanish Spanyol Spanish (Latin) Spanyol (Latin) Slovak Slovakia Slovenian Slovenia Serbian Serbia Cannot get font size of non-text frame. python error Cannot get font of non-text frame. python error Cannot get text color of non-text frame. python error Cannot get text size of non-text frame. python error Cannot get vertical alignment of non-text frame. python error Cannot get column count of non-text frame. python error Cannot get fontfeatures of non-text frame. python error Cannot get linked frames of non-text frame. python error Cannot get first line offset of non-text frame. python error Cannot get line space of non-text frame. python error Cannot get column gap of non-text frame. python error Cannot get text of non-text frame. python error Cannot set text of non-text frame. python error Cannot insert text into non-text frame. python error Selection index out of bounds python error Unit out of range. Use one of the scribus.UNIT_* constants. python error Target is not an image frame. python error Corner radius must be a positive number. python error Cannot get a color with an empty name. python error Cannot change a color with an empty name. python error Cannot create a color with an empty name. python error Cannot delete a color with an empty name. python error Cannot replace a color with an empty name. python error Writer Documents page number is invalid. python error layer name is invalid. python error Page item must be an ImageFrame python error Custom (optional) configuration: short words plugin Standard configuration: short words plugin Short Words processing. Wait please... short words plugin Short Words processing. Done. short words plugin Afrikaans Turkish Turki Ukranian Ukrania Welsh Welsh The filename must be a string. python error Cannot delete image type settings. python error The image type must be a string. python error 'allTypes' attribute is READ-ONLY python error Failed to export image python error Color not found. python error Warna tidak ditemukan Color not found in document. python error Warna tidak ditemukan dalam dokumen Color not found in default colors. python error Cannot scale by 0%. python error Specified item not an image frame. python error Font not found. python error Cannot render an empty sample. python error Cannot have an empty layer name. python error Layer not found. python error Cannot remove the last layer. python error Cannot create layer without a name. python error Insert index out of bounds. python error Cannot layout text of a non-text frame. python error Cannot layout text chain for a non-text frame. python error Alignment out of range. Use one of the scribus.ALIGN_* constants. python error Cannot set text alignment on a non-text frame. python error direction out of range. Use one of the scribus.DIRECTION* constants. python error Cannot set text direction on a non-text frame. python error Font size out of bounds - must be 1 <= size <= 512. python error Cannot set font size on a non-text frame. python error Cannot set font feature on a non-text frame. python error Cannot set font on a non-text frame. python error First line offset out of bounds, Use one of the scribus.FLOP_* constants. python error Cannot set first line offset on a non-text frame. python error Line space out of bounds, must be >= 0.1. python error Cannot set line spacing on a non-text frame. python error Line space mode invalid, must be 0, 1 or 2 python error Cannot set line spacing mode on a non-text frame. python error Column gap out of bounds, must be positive. python error Cannot set column gap on a non-text frame. python error Column count out of bounds, must be > 1. python error Cannot set number of columns on a non-text frame. python error Vertical alignment out of bounds, Use one of the scribus.ALIGNV_* constants. python error Cannot set vertical alignment on a non-text frame. python error Cannot select text in a non-text frame python error Count must be positive, 0 or -1 python error Cannot delete text from a non-text frame. python error Cannot set text fill on a non-text frame. python error Cannot set text stroke on a non-text frame. python error Cannot set text shade on a non-text frame. python error Can only link text frames. python error Target frame links to another frame. python error Target frame is linked to by another frame. python error Source and target are the same object. python error Cannot unlink a non-text frame. python error Cannot convert a non-text frame to outlines. python error Can't set bookmark on a non-text frame python error Tidak dapat mengatur penanda halaman pada bingkai non-teks Can't get info from a non-text frame python error Tidak bisa mendapatkan info dari bingkai non-teks. Croatian Kroasia Portuguese Portugis Portuguese (BR) Portugis (NR) Page Halaman Master Page 4A0 4A0 2A0 2A0 Comm10E DLE Output stream not writeable Verification of settings failed: %1 %1 (line %2 col %3) Load PDF settings Unable to read settings XML: %1 null root node Load PDF settings <pdfVersion> invalid Load PDF settings found %1 <%2> nodes, need 1. Load PDF settings node <%1> not an element Load PDF settings element <%1> lacks `value' attribute Load PDF settings element <%1> value must be `true' or `false' Load PDF settings element <lpiSettingsEntry> lacks `name' attribute Load PDF settings Scribus Development Version pt pt mm mm in in p p cm cm Points (pt) Point (pt) Millimeters (mm) Millimeter (mm) Inches (in) Inci (in) Picas (p) Picas (p) Centimeters (cm) Sentimeter (cm) File exists Document Template: Failed to save document. python error Gagal untuk menyimpan dokumen Argument must be page item name, or PyCObject instance Property not found Invalid property Couldn't convert result type '%1'. Property type '%1' not supported Couldn't convert '%1' to property type '%2' Types matched, but setting property failed. Unable to save pixmap scripter error Point list must contain at least two points (four values). python error Point list must contain an even number of values. python error Point list must contain at least three points (six values). python error Point list must contain at least four points (eight values). python error Point list must have a multiple of six values. python error Object not found. python error Objek tidak ditemukan Cannot get character style of a non-text frame. python error Cannot get style of a non-text frame. python error Style not found. python error Model tidak ditemukan Cannot set character style on a non-text frame. python error Character style not found. python error incorrect argument: must be a string or a list of strings python error incorrect argument: must be a list of strings python error Cannot set style on a non-text frame. python error Failed to save EPS. python error Gagal untuk menyimpan EPS Page number out of range. python error argument is not list: must be list of float values. python error argument contains non-numeric values: must be list of float values. python error argument contains no-numeric values: must be list of float values. python error second argument is not tuple: must be tuple of integer values. python error second argument contains non-numeric values: must be list of integer values. python error Line Style not found. python error Line width out of bounds, must be 0 <= line_width <= 300. python error Line shade out of bounds, must be 0 <= shade <= 100. python error Fill shade out of bounds, must be 0 <= shade <= 100. python error Line style not found. python error Object is not a linked text frame, can't unlink. python error Only text frames can be checked for overflowing python error &Execute Script... Show &Console &About Script... &Script &Scribus Scripts &Recent Scripts About Script Scribus Python interface module This module is the Python interface for Scribus. It provides functions to control scribus and to manipulate objects on the canvas. Each function is documented individually below. A few things are common across most of the interface. Most functions operate on frames. Frames are identified by their name, a string - they are not real Python objects. Many functions take an optional (non-keyword) parameter, a frame name. Many exceptions are also common across most functions. These are not currently documented in the docstring for each function. - Many functions will raise a NoDocOpenError if you try to use them without a document to operate on. - If you do not pass a frame name to a function that requires one, the function will use the currently selected frame, if any, or raise a NoValidObjectError if it can't find anything to operate on. - Many functions will raise WrongFrameTypeError if you try to use them on a frame type that they do not make sense with. For example, setting the text color on a graphics frame doesn't make sense, and will result in this exception being raised. - Errors resulting from calls to the underlying Python API will be passed through unaltered. As such, the list of exceptions thrown by any function as provided here and in its docstring is incomplete. Details of what exceptions each function may throw are provided on the function's documentation, though as with most Python code this list is not exhaustive due to exceptions from called functions. Modul antarmuka Scribus Python Modul ini adalah antarmuka Python untuk Scribus. Ini menyediakan fungsi untuk mengontrol scribus dan memanipulasi objek di kanvas. Setiap fungsi didokumentasikan secara individual di bawah ini. Beberapa hal umum terjadi di sebagian besar antarmuka. Sebagian besar fungsi beroperasi pada frame. Bingkai diidentifikasi dengan nama mereka, string - mereka bukan objek nyata Python. Banyak fungsi mengambil opsional (kata-nonkunci) parameter, nama frame. Banyak pengecualian juga umum di sebagian besar fungsi. Ini adalah saat ini tidak didokumentasikan di docstring untuk setiap fungsi. - Banyak fungsi akan menaikkan NoDocOpenError jika Anda mencoba menggunakannya tanpa dokumen untuk beroperasi. - Jika Anda tidak memberikan nama frame ke fungsi yang membutuhkan, fungsi akan menggunakan frame yang saat ini dipilih, jika ada, atau meningkatkan NoValidObjectError jika tidak dapat menemukan apa pun untuk dioperasikan. - Banyak fungsi akan membangkitkan WrongFrameTypeError jika Anda mencoba menggunakannya pada jenis frame yang tidak masuk akal. Misalnya, pengaturan warna teks pada bingkai grafis tidak masuk akal, dan akan menghasilkan dalam exception. - Kesalahan yang dihasilkan dari panggilan ke API Python yang mendasari akan menjadi melewati tidak berubah. Dengan demikian, daftar pengecualian dilemparkan oleh fungsi apa pun yang disediakan di sini dan dalam dokstringnya tidak lengkap. Rincian pengecualian apa yang dapat diberikan setiap fungsi pada dokumentasi fungsi, meskipun seperti kebanyakan kode Python daftar ini tidak lengkap karena pengecualian dari fungsi yang dipanggil. Could not open output file %1 Could not open input file %1 Freetype2 library not available Font %1 is broken (read stream), no embedding Font %1 has broken glyph %2 (charcode %3) Font %1 cannot be read, no embedding Failed to load font %1 - font type unknown Gagal memuat font %1 - tipe font tak dikenal Font %1 loaded from %2(%3) Font %1 dimuat dari %2(%3) Font %1(%2) is duplicate of %3 Font %1(%2) adalah duplikat dari %3 Loading font %1 (found using fontconfig) Failed to load a font - freetype2 couldn't find the font file extracting face %1 from font %2 (offset=%3, nTables=%4) Scribus Crash Scribus Galat Scribus crashes due to Signal #%1 Need selection or argument list of items to group python error Cannot group less than two items python error Selection must contain only shapes or bezier curves. python error c c Cicero (c) Cicero (c) The filename should not be empty string. python error page page export halaman Color Wheel Roda Warna Font Preview Pratinjau Font My Plugin Save As Template Simpan Sebagai Templat No User Template Location Defined You have not configured where to save document templates.<br>Please go to the Paths section in the Scribus application Preferences to set a location. Scripter Short Words Kata-Kata Singkat SVG Export SVG Import Draw Importer Scribus crashes due to the following exception : %1 Creating Font Cache Font is broken: "%1" Font %1 is broken, discarding it. Error message: "%2" Failed to load font: font family unspecified Failed to load font %1 - font family unspecified Failed to load font: font type unknown Failed to load font: font is not scalable Failed to load font %1 - font is not scalable New Font found, checking... Font %1 has broken glyph %2 (charcode U+%3). Error message: "%4" Modified Font found, checking... Reading Font Cache Writing updated Font Cache Searching for Fonts Mencari Font The changes to your document have not been saved and you have requested to revert them. Do you wish to continue? A file named '%1' already exists.<br/>Do you want to replace it with the file you are saving? firstPageOrder is bigger than allowed. python error German (Trad.) Jerman (Trad.) Exporting PostScript File Ekspor Berkas PostScript Printing File Thai Thailand Barcode Generator Word Documents Palm PDB Documents PDB Importer PDB Import PDB Importer Could not open file %1 PDB Importer Luxembourgish Luxembourg Japanese Jepang Given master page name does not match any existing. python error Font %1(%2) is broken Arabic Arab Dzongkha Estonian Estonia font %1 size %1 +fontfeatures %1 +style +color +underline -underline +strikeout -strikeout +shadow -shadow +outline -outline +tracking %1 -tracking +baseline %1 +stretch parent= %1 Font %1 is broken (no Face), discarding it Latin Latin Icelandic Islandia Romanian Romania Quarto Quarto Foolscap Letter Letter Govt. Letter Legal Legal Ledger Executive Post Crown Large Post Demy Medium Sedang Royal Elephant Double Demy Quad Demy STMT A A B C D E 9x12 (Arch A) 12x18 (Arch B) 18x24 (Arch C) 24x36 (Arch D) 36x48 (Arch E) 30x42 (Arch E1) 26x38 (Arch E2) 27x39 (Arch E3) %1 may be corrupted : missing resolution tags Font %1 has broken glyph %2 Transparency out of bounds, must be 0 <= transparency <= 1. python error Blendmode out of bounds, must be 0 <= blendmode <= 15. python error Scribus 1.2.x Support This file is not recognized as a PDB document. Please, report this as a bug if you are sure it is one. PDB Importer Cannot get number of lines of non-text frame. python error Breton Breton %1 may be corrupted : missing or wrong resolution tags German (Swiss) Jerman (Swiss) Hebrew Hibrani Font %1 has broken metrics in file %2, ignoring metrics Chinese (Trad.) China (Trad.) Scribus 1.3.0->1.3.3.x Support Dukungan Scribus 1.3.0->1.3.3.x % % Khmer Khmer Lao Lao Vietnamese Vietnam An error occurred while initializing icc transforms Output profile is not supported ° degrees, unicode 0xB0 WMF Import Import WMF New Layer Layer Baru Adobe Illustrator Importer Pengimpor Adobe Illustrator PostScript Importer Pengimpor PostScript %1;;All Files (*) %1;;Semua Berkas (*) Do you really want to overwrite the file: %1 ? GIF GIF JPEG JPEG Krita Pattern Files Berkas Pola PDF Document Dokumen PDF PNG PNG TIFF TIFF XPM XPM Valid metrics were found for font %1, using metrics in file %2 No metrics found for font %1, ignoring font Error Kesalahn Configfile %1 not found or the file is not readable Cannot have an empty paragraph style name. python error hasdropcap is true but dropcaplines value is invalid python error hasdropcap and bullet are not allowed to be specified together. python error invalid tab-position specified. python error Cannot have an empty char style name. python error Specified font is not available. python error Specified fill color is not available in document. python error Specified stroke color is not available in document. python error Specified color is not available in document. python error Can only hyphenate text frame python error Can only dehyphenate text frame python error Lens Effects Efek Lensa PathCutter PathFinder PathStroker Subdivide Xfig Importer Importir Xfig Xfig File Berkas Xfig Norwegian (Bokmål) Norwegia (Bokmål) Parsing the configfile %1 failed! Depending on the type of the error render frames might not work correctly! %2 MeshDistortion PathAlongPath Cannot get text distances of non-text frame. python error Tidak bisa mendapatkan jarak teks dari bingkai non-teks. Text distances out of bounds, must be positive. python error Cannot set text distances on a non-text frame. python error Tidak dapat mengatur jarak teks pada bingkai non-teks. Bengali Bengali Sanskrit Sansekerta Scribus 1.3.4+ Support Dukungan Scribus 1.3.4+ PathConnect The Font(s): %1 are not embedded or available for Scribus. They might be replaced by "Courier", depending how your Ghostscript is configured. Therefore the image may be not correct Save As Save As Printing... Mencetak... Color name cannot be an empty string. python error Stop shade out of bounds, must be 0 <= shade <= 100. python error Ramp point out of bounds, must be 0 <= rampPoint <= 1. python error Opacity out of bounds, must be 0 <= transparency <= 1. python error Character scaling out of bounds, must be >= 10 python error Cannot set character scaling on a non-text frame. python error Tidak dapat mengatur penyekalaan karakter pada bingkai non-teks. Opening the configfile %1 failed! %2 Pict Importer Pengimpor Pict Uniconvertor Import WPG Importer Xara Importer Picture Browser Could not get pixel data! Could not get alpha channel data! Could not allocate output buffer! (mp items) Quark XPress Tags Document Cgm Importer Adobe IDML Importer DRW Importer Scripter Plugin Highlighter error: Invalid index returned by Qt's QString.indexOf(). This is a incompatibility between different Qt versions and it can only be fixed by recompiling Scribus with the same Qt version that is running on this system. Syntax highlighting is disabled now, but render frames should continue to work without problems. PGF BMP BMP Scribus 1.5.0+ Support Dukungan Scribus 1.3.4+ {1.5.0+?} Shape Importer Sml Importer FlattenPath SmoothPath Grids Grid PDF Importer Cannot set cell text on a non-table item. python error The cell %1,%2 does not exist in table python error Cannot get cell text on a non-table item. python error Cannot get cell style on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell style on a non-table item. python error Cannot get cell row span from non-table item. python error Cannot get cell column span from non-table item. python error Cannot get cell fill color on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell fill color on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell left border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell right border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell top border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell bottom border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell left padding on a non-table item. python error Cell padding must be >= 0.0 python error Cannot set cell right padding on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell top padding on a non-table item. python error Cannot set cell bottom padding on a non-table item. python error Both numRows and numColumns must be greater than 0. python error Cannot get table row count of non-table item. python error Cannot get table column count of non-table item. python error Cannot insert rows on a non-table item. python error Table row index out of bounds, must be >= 0 and < %1 python error Table row count out of bounds, must be >= 1 python error Cannot remove rows from a non-table item. python error Table row count out of bounds, must be >= 1 and < %1 python error Row deletion range out of bounds, index + numRows must be <= %1 python error Cannot get row height from non-table item. python error Cannot resize row on a non-table item. python error Table row height must be > 0.0 python error Cannot insert columns on a non-table item. python error Table column index out of bounds, must be >= 0 and < %1 python error Table column count out of bounds, must be >= 1 python error Cannot remove columns from a non-table item. python error Table column count out of bounds, must be >= 1 and < %1 python error Column deletion range out of bounds, index + numColumns must be <= %1 python error Cannot get column width from non-table item. python error Cannot resize column on a non-table item. python error Table column width must be > 0.0 python error Cannot merge cells on a non-table item. python error Number of rows and columns must both be > 0. python error The area %1,%2 %3x%4 is not inside the table. python error Cannot get table style on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table style on a non-table item. python error Cannot get table fill color on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table fill color on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table left border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table right border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table top border on a non-table item. python error Cannot set table bottom border on a non-table item. python error %1 is not a valid page number. python error Expected a list of border lines python error Border line width must be > 0.0 python error Idml Importer Border lines are specified as (width,style,color,shade) tuples python error Aragonese Belarusian Belarusia English (Australia) English (Canada) English (UK) Inggris (UK) English (New Zealand) Inggris (New Zealand) English (South Africa) Spanish (Argentina) Spanyol (Argentina) Hunspell Plugin Pengaya Hunspell Bengali (Bangladesh) German (Austria) Jerman (Austria) English (US) Scottish Gaelic Gujarati Nepali Nepal You are running a development version of Scribus 1.5.x. The document you are working with was created in Scribus 1.2.x. Saving the current file under 1.5.x renders it unable to be edited in Scribus 1.2.x versions. To preserve the ability to edit in 1.2.x, save this file under a different name and further edit the newly named file and the original will be untouched. Are you sure you wish to proceed with this operation? PUB Importer <p>You are trying to import more pages than there are available in the current document counting from the active page.</p>Choose one of the following:<ul><li><b>Create</b> missing pages</li><li><b>Import</b> pages until the last page</li><li><b>Cancel</b></li></ul> Unacceptable settings for note style Compact Disc Letter Half US Letter US Legal 11x17 2A17 {11x?} Pages Importer Viva Importer MS Visio Importer Xps Importer XPS Export Microsoft XPS (*.xps *.XPS);;All Files (*) Output Settings: Low Resolution Medium Resolution High Resolution Anii Open Document Importer Draw (*.sxd *.SXD);;All Files (*) Corel Draw Importer unexpected null <%1> node Load PDF settings element <%1> value must be an integer Load PDF settings element <%1> value must be a double Load PDF settings Pagemaker Importer Failed to open document: %1 python error Gagal membuka dokumen: %1 Page number out of range: '%1'. python error Master page does not exist: '%1' python error Page number out of range: %1. python error Failed to apply masterpage '%1' on page: %2 python error Bosnian Serbian (Latin) Telugu EMF Importer SVM Importer Custom Shapes Encapsulated PostScript Encapsulated PostScript PostScript PostScript Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Windows Meta File Berkas Windows Meta Scalable Vector Graphics Scalable Vector Graphics Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Open Raster GraphicsMagick UniConvertor Macintosh Pict <fontEmbedding> invalid Load PDF settings Calamus Vector Graphics Importer Calamus Vector Graphics WordPerfect Graphics Qt Supported File Freehand Importer RTF Document DOCX Document ODT Document Action must be an integer in range 0-9 Page item must be an annotation python error Action must be 0-9 which must be 1 to Icon must be 0 to 8 python error which must be 0 to 8 python error Doesn't have OSG can't create 3DAnnotation python error 3DAnnot Can't set annotation on a non-text frame python error QuarkXPress Importer Zoner Draw Importer MarkDown Document QTextEdit Clear Bersihkan Select All Pilih Semua &Undo %Undo &Redo &Redo Cu&t Po&tong &Copy &Salin &Paste Tem&pel QTitleBar System Menu Menu Sistem Shade Tingkat Kegelapan Unshade Normalize Normalkan Minimize Minimalkan Maximize Maksimalkan Close Tutup QtIOCompressor Internal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::open The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. Internal zlib error: Query Name "%1" already exists. Do you want to replace the current contents? Name "%1" is not unique. Please choose another. Name "%1" is not allowed. Please choose another. QxpPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project RecoverDialog Click here to toggle your choice Autosaved files are automatically saved versions of a document that was opened in a previous Scribus session. (recovered) Emergency Autosave Simpan otomatis ResourceManager Show In Finder Show In Explorer Fonts Fonta Hyphenation Dictionaries Spelling Dictionaries Help Manuals Palettes Description Deskripsi Type Tipe Installed Terpasang Download Unduh Language Bahasa Code Kode Location Lokasi Licence License Source ResourceManagerBase Resource Manager Category: Kategori: Installed Terpasang Description Deskripsi ID Location Lokasi Show in Filesystem Delete Selected Available Download Unduh Update Available List Show License ResourceManagerLicenseBase License RowResize Height Tinggi RulerMover Reset Rulers Move on current Page Origin at Top Left Origin at Top Right Origin at Bottom Left Origin at Bottom Right Origin at Center Origin at Top Center Origin at Bottom Center RunScriptDialog Python Scripts (*.py *.PY);; All Files (*) Run as Extension Script Run Script SATDialog Save as Template Simpan sebagai Templat Legal Legal Letter Letter Tabloid Tabloid landscape portrait custom SATDialogBase Save as Template Simpan sebagai Templat Name: Nama: Name of the document template Show more details to describe the document template &More Details &Keterangan Lebih Lanjut Category: Kategori: Category of the document template Page Size: Ukuran Halaman: Page size of the document template Colors: Warna Description of the color format of the document, or some hints regarding colors used Deskripsi format warna dokumen, atau beberapa petunjuk tentang warna yang digunakan Description: Deskripsi: Description of the document template Usage: Penggunaan: Planned usage of the document template Author: Penulis: Author of the document template Email: Email: Email address of the author of the document template SMAlignSelect P P as in Parent Use parent style's alignment instead of overriding it SMCStyleWidget Tracking Language Bahasa Based On: Berdasarkan: Language: Bahasa Shade Tingkat Kegelapan Properties Properti Basic Formatting % % Advanced Formatting Hyphenation Pemenggalan Hyphenation Character: Smallest Word: Colors Warna characters Font Features Parent Style Font Size Ukuran Font Baseline Offset Horizontal Scaling Vertical Scaling Fill Color Warna Isi Fill Shade Stroke Color Stroke Shade Background Color Background Shade A default style cannot be assigned a parent style Default width for space SMCellStyle Properties Properti Cell Styles Cell Style New Style Gaya Baru Setting that style as parent would create an infinite loop. SMCellStyleWidget Colors Warna Fill Color Warna Isi Based On: Berdasarkan: Fill Shade A default style cannot be assigned a parent style Shade Tingkat Kegelapan SMCharacterStyle Character Styles Character Style New Style Gaya Baru Setting that style as parent would create an infinite loop. SMColorCombo Use Parent Value SMDirectionSelect P P as in Parent Use parent style's direction instead of overriding it SMFontComboH Use Parent Font SMFontFeatures Default Capitals Small Capitals Small Capitals from Capitals Petite Capitals Petite Capitals from Capitals Unicase Titling Default Position Subscript Subscript Superscript Superscript Ordinals Default Numerals Lining Old Style Default Numeral Width Proportional Proporsional Tabular Tabular No Fractions Diagonal Fractions Stacked Fractions SMLineStyle Properties Properti Line Styles Line Style New Style Gaya Baru SMLineStyleWidget Flat Cap Square Cap Round Cap Miter Join Bevel Join Round Join % % Line Width: Lebar Garis: SMNumFormatCombo Use Parent Value SMPStyleWidget Fixed Linespacing Automatic Linespacing Align to Baseline Grid Rata terhadap Baseline Grid Drop Caps Properties Properti Choose Character Style or leave blank to use default Paragraph Style Paragraph Effects characters offset Auto-Indent Use Parent Values Character Style Distance from Text: Parent Style Line Spacing Mode Line Spacing Space Above Space Below Maximum white space compression allowed. Expressed as a percentage of the current white space value. Min: Min: Max: Max: Consecutive Hyphenations Allowed: Tabs and Indentation Bulleted List Bullet Char(s): Enhanced Character Table for inserting custom characters as bullets Char Table Numbered List Drop Cap Lines Garis Drop Cap First Line Indent Indent dari Garis Pertama Left Indent Indent Kiri Right Indent Indent Kanan Based On: Berdasarkan: Colors Warna None Kosong Maximum compression of glyphs Maximum extension of glyphs Optical Margins Optical Margins A default style cannot be assigned a parent style Use Parent Value Reset to Default Advanced Settings Both Sides Kedua Sisi Left Only Kiri Saja Right Only Kanan Saja Orphans and Widows Ensure that first lines of a paragraph won't end up separated from the rest (known as widow/orphan control) lines Do not split paragraph Keep with next paragraph Ensure that last lines of a paragraph won't end up separated from the rest (known as widow/orphan control) If checked, ensures that the paragraph won't be split across multiple pages or columns If checked, automatically moves the paragraph to the next column or page if the next paragraph isn't on the same page or column No Style Tanpa Gaya Lines: Garis-garis: Paragraph Effects Character Style for Effect: Set: Create New Set: Restart after other format Restart after higher level Hang Paragraph Effect before paragraph indent Document Dokumen Story Alignment and Distances Glyph Extension Background Color Background Shade Min. Space Width: Shade Tingkat Kegelapan Level: Level: Numbering Style: Start with: Prefix: Suffix: Restart: SMParagraphStyle Paragraph Styles Paragraph Style New Style Gaya Baru Setting that style as parent would create an infinite loop. SMReplaceDia Remove Hapus Replace with Delete Styles &OK &OK Ca&ncel Ba&talkan Alt+N Alt+N SMRowWidget No Style Tanpa Gaya SMScComboBox Use Parent Value SMShadeButton Use Parent Value SMStyleImport Character Styles Paragraph Styles Line Styles Choose Styles Available Styles &Rename Imported Style R&eplace Existing Style Select or Unselect All In case of a name clash SMStyleSelect P P as in Parent Use parent style's effects instead of overriding them SMTableStyle Properties Properti Table Styles Table Style New Style Gaya Baru Setting that style as parent would create an infinite loop. SMTableStyleWidget Colors Warna Fill Color Warna Isi Based On: Berdasarkan: A default style cannot be assigned a parent style Shade Tingkat Kegelapan Fill Shade SMTabruler Parent Tabs SToolBAlign Style of current paragraph Gaya paragraf ini Style Settings SToolBColorF Color of text fill Saturation of color of text fill Fill Color Settings Pengaturan Warna Fill SToolBColorS Color of text stroke Warna dari stroke teks Saturation of color of text stroke Saturasi warna dari stroke teks Stroke Color Settings Pengaturan Warna Stroke SToolBFont Font of selected text Fonta dari teks terpilih Font Size Ukuran Font Scaling width of characters Font Settings Pengaturan Fonta Scaling height of characters SToolBStyle Character Settings Pengaturan Karakter Manual Tracking SVGExportPlugin Exports SVG Files Ekspor Berkas SVG Exports the current page into an SVG file. Save as &SVG... Simpas sebagai &SVG Compress File Kompres Berkas Save Images inline Adds all Images on the Page inline to the SVG. Caution: this will increase the file size! Export Page background Adds the Page itself as background to the SVG SVGImportPlugin Import &SVG... Impor &SVG Imports SVG Files Impor Berkas SVG Imports most SVG files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. The file could not be imported Berkas tidak bisa di impor SVGPlug Group%1 Grup%1 SWDialog Short Words short words plugin Kata-Kata Singkat Short Words Kata-Kata Singkat &Languages: Baha&sa &Selected Frames Bingkai Ter&pilih Active &Page Halaman A&ktif &All Items Semu&a Item Language Settings Pengaturan Bahasa &Use Language from Style Definition Apply Unbreakable Space To: Apply Unbreakable Space To: short words plugin &Selected Frames short words plugin Bingkai Ter&pilih Active &Page short words plugin Halaman A&ktif &All Items short words plugin Semu&a Item Only selected frames processed short words plugin Only actual page processed short words plugin All items in document processed short words plugin SaveAsTemplatePlugin Save as &Template... Simpan sebagai &Templat Save a document as a template Simpan sebuah dokumen sebagai sebuah templat Save a document as a template. Good way to ease the initial work for documents with a constant look ScAnnot Field Properties Properti Field Type: Tipe: Button Tombol Text Field Field Teks Check Box Kotak Cek Combo Box Kotak Combo List Box Kotak Daftar Properties Properti Name: Nama: Tooltip: Tooltip: Text Teks Font for use with PDF 1.3: Fonta untuk digunakan dengan PDF 1.3: Border Batas Color: Warna: Width: Lebar: Thin Tipis Normal Normal Wide Lebar Style: Gaya: Solid Solid Dashed Putus-putus Underline Garis Bawah Beveled Beveled Inset Sisipan Other Lainnya Read Only Hanya-Baca Required Dibutuhkan Do Not Export Value Jangan Ekspor Nilai Visibility: Visibilitas: Visible Tampak Hidden Tersembunyi No Print Tidak boleh Dicetak No View Tidak boleh Dilihat Appearance Penampilan Text for Button Down Teks untuk Tombol Turun Text for Roll Over Teks untuk Roll Over Icons Ikon-ikon Use Icons Gunakan Ikon Remove Hapus Pressed Ditekan Roll Over Roll Over Icon Placement... Peletakan Ikon... Highlight Sorot Invert Balik Outlined Outline Push Tekan Multi-Line Banyak-Garis Password Kata kunci Limit of Batas dari Characters Karakter Do Not Scroll Jangan Scroll Do Not Spell Check Jangan Periksa Ejaan Check Style: Periksa Gaya: Check Periksa Cross Silang Diamond Berlian Circle Lingkaran Star Bintang Square Persegi Default is Checked Default Terpilih Editable Bisa diedit Options Pilihan None action Kosong JavaScript JavaScript Go To Pergi Ke Submit Form Kirim Formulir Reset Form Reset Formulir Import Data Impor Data Event: Kejadian: Mouse Up Mouse Naik Mouse Down Mouse Turun Mouse Enter Mouse Enter Mouse Exit Mouse Keluar On Focus Saat Fokus On Blur Saat Blur Script: Skrip: Edit... Edit... Destination Tujuan To File: Ke Berkas: Change... Ubah... Export absolute Filename Page: Halaman: X-Pos: X-Pos: pt pt Y-Pos: Y-Pos: Submit to URL: Kirim ke URL: Submit format: Kirim Formulir: FDF FDF HTML HTML XFDF XFDF PDF PDF Import Data from: Impor Data dari: Action Aksi Field is formatted as: Field diformat sebagai: Number Nomor Percentage Persentasi Date Tanggal Time Waktu Custom Atur Sendiri Number Format Format Penomoran Decimals: Desimal: Use Currency Symbol Gunakan Simbol Mata Uang Prepend Currency Symbol Tambahkan Simbol Mata Uang Di Depan Formatting Pengaturan Percent Format Format Persen Date Format Format Tanggal Time Format Format Waktu Custom Scripts Skrip Sendiri Format: Format: Keystroke: Kunci: Format Format Value is not validated Nilai tidak divalidasi Value must be greater than or equal to: Nilai harus lebih besar atau sama dengan: and less or equal to: dan kurang dari atau sama dengan: Custom validate script: Skrip divalidasi sendiri: Validate Validasi Value is not calculated Nilai tidak dihitung Value is the Nilainya adalah sum jumlah product perkalian average rata-rata minimum minimum maximum maksimum of the following fields: dari field berikut: Pick... Ambil... Custom calculation script: Skrip perhitungan sendiri: Calculate Hitung OK OK Cancel Batal Flag is ignored for PDF 1.3 Bendera diabaikan untuk PDF 1.3 Enter a comma separated list of fields here Masukkan daftar bidang dipisahkan dengan koma disini You need at least the Icon for Normal to use Icons for Buttons Anda membutuhkan setidaknya Ikon untuk Normal untuk menggunakan Ikon untuk Tombol Open Buka Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;%1;;All Files (*) Gambar (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;%1;;Semua berkas (*) Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;All Files (*) Gambar (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;Semua berkas (*) Example: Contoh: Selection Change Perubahan Pilihan None Kosong PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*) Berkas PDF (*.pdf);;Semua Berkas (*) Radio Button Named Action Name First Page Previous Page Next Page Last Page Go Back Go Forward Go Back Doc Go Forward Doc Go To Page Actual Size Fit Page Fit Width Fit Height Fit Visible Single Page Satu halaman Two Pages One Column Two Columns Zoom View In Zoom View Out Zoom To Print Cetak Close Tutup Quit Keluar General Prefs General Info Info Umum Page Setup Full Screen Show/Hide Bookmarks Show/Hide Thumbnails Show/Hide Toolbar Editing Show/Hide Toolbar Commenting Show/Hide Toolbar Edit Show/Hide Toolbar File Show/Hide Toolbar Find Show/Hide Toolbar Forms Show/Hide Toolbar Measuring Show/Hide Toolbar Data Show/Hide Toolbar Page Display Show/Hide Toolbar Navigation Show/Hide Toolbar Print Production Show/Hide Toolbar Redaction Show/Hide Toolbar Basic Tools Show/Hide Toolbar Tasks Show/Hide Toolbar Typewriter Show/Hide Articles Show/Hide File Attachment Show/Hide Annot Manager Show/Hide Fields Show/Hide Optional Content Show/Hide Model Tree Show/Hide Signatures Courier Courier Bold Courier Italic Courier Bold Italic Helvetica Helvetica Bold Helvetica Italic Helvetica Bold Italic Times Times Bold Times Italic Times Bold Italic Zapf Dingbats Symbols Simbol Plain Text ScGTFileDialog Select a file to import Pilih berkas untuk diimpor Append Bubuhkan Show options Tampilkan opsi ScMWMenuManager Open &Recent Buka Te&rbaru Paste Recent Tempel Terkiri &Import &Impor &Export &Ekspor Contents Konten &Level &Level Send to Layer Kirim ke Layer Previe&w Settings Pra&tinjau Pengaturan &PDF Options O&psi-Opsi PDF Character Karakter Quote Quote Space Space Liga&ture &Alignment Per&ataan Online &Tutorials Tutorial Daring C&onvert to &Output Preview Duplicate/Transform Grouping Locking Mengunci Send to Kirim ke Scrapbook Scrapbook Adjust Image Gambar Text Frame Links Welding Marks Zoom Preview Prapandang Measurement Text Frames Bingkai-bingkai Teks Image Frames Image Frame Document Dokumen Grids and Guides ScPlugin Persistent plugin manager plugin type Action plugin manager plugin type Aksi Load/Save/Import/Export Muat/Simpan/Impor/Ekspor Unknown Tidak diketahui ScProgressBar %1 of %2 %1 of %2 Scribus12Format Scribus 1.2.x Document Dokumen Scribus 1.2.x Copy #%1 of Salinan #%1 dari Scribus 1.2.x File Format Support Dukungan Format Berkas Scribus 1.2.x Allows Scribus to read Scribus 1.2.x formatted files. You have opened a file produced by Scribus 1.2.x. If you save it in this version, it will no longer be readable by older Scribus versions. Group%1 Grup%1 Scribus134Format Copy #%1 of Salinan #%1 dari Scribus 1.3.4+ File Format Support Dukungan Format Berkas Scribus 1.3.4+ Allows Scribus to read Scribus 1.3.4 and higher formatted files. Izinkan Scribus membaca berkas berformat Scribus 1.3.4 dan lebih tinggi. Scribus 1.3.4+ Document Dokumen Scribus 1.3.4+ Scribus13Format Copy #%1 of Salinan #%1 dari Scribus 1.3.0-> Document Scribus 1.3.x File Format Support Dukungan Format Berkas Scribus 1.3.x Allows Scribus to read Scribus 1.3.0->1.3.3.x formatted files. You have opened a file produced by Scribus 1.3.3.x. If you save it in this version, it will no longer be readable by older Scribus versions. Scribus150Format Scribus 1.5.0+ Document Dokumen Scribus 1.3.4+ {1.5.0+?} Copy #%1 of Salinan #%1 dari Scribus 1.5.0+ File Format Support Dukungan Format Berkas Scribus 1.3.4+ {1.5.0+?} Allows Scribus to read Scribus 1.5.0 and higher formatted files. Izinkan Scribus membaca berkas berformat Scribus 1.3.4 dan lebih tinggi. {1.5.0 ?} ScribusCore Initializing Plugins Inisialisasi Plugin Initializing Keyboard Shortcuts Menyalakan Pintasan-Pintasan Kibor Reading Preferences Membaca Preferensi Initializing Image Cache Searching for Fonts Mencari Font There are no fonts found on your system. Tidak ada fonta ditemukan pada sistem Anda Exiting now. Keluar sekarang. Fatal Error Kesalahan Fatal Font System Initialized Sistem Fonta Dinyalakan Reading Color Profiles Membaca Profil Warna ScribusDoc Document Dokumen Background Latar Belakang Cannot Delete In-Use Item Tidak Dapat Menghapus Item yang Sedang Digunakan The item %1 is currently being edited by Story Editor. The delete operation will be cancelled Some objects are locked. Beberapa objek terkunci. &Unlock All B&uka Kunci Semua &Skip locked objects Lompati objek-objek terkunci An error occurred while opening ICC profiles, color management is not enabled. Sebuah error terjadi ketika membuka profil ICC, manajemen warna sedang tidak aktif. Adjusting Colors Mengatur Warna remove direct paragraph formatting remove direct char formatting Number of copies: %1 Horizontal shift: %2 Vertical shift: %3 Rotation: %4 Number of rows: %1 Number of columns: %2 Horizontal gap: %3 Vertical gap: %4 Copied %1 items on %2 pages Group%1 Grup%1 Imported Prefix of imported default style File %1 autosaved No Style Tanpa Gaya %1 note style has document as range and provide same numbering style as set %2 Do you really want to clear the content of all selected frames? ScribusMainWindow Initializing Story Editor Menyalakan Penyunting Cerita Reading Scrapbook Membaca Scrapbook Fatal Error Kesalahan Fatal Open &Recent Buka Te&rbaru &Import &Impor &Export &Ekspor Preview Settings Pratinjau Pengaturan Level Level Send to La&yer Kirim ke La&yer Ready Siap Open Buka Importing Pages... Mengimpor Halaman... Import Page(s) Impor Halaman Import done Impor selesai Found nothing to import Tidak ada yang bisa diimpor File does not exist on the specified path : %1 File %1 is not in an acceptable format Loading... Memuat... was replaced by: telah digantikan oleh: (converted) (terkonversi) Filename and Path for Image All Files (*) Semua File (*) Cannot write the file: %1 Tidak dapat menulis berkas: %1 Save As Save As Saving... Menyimpan... Scribus has detected some errors. Consider using the Preflight Verifier to correct them Scribus sudah mendeteksi beberapa galat. Pertimbangkan penggunaan Pemeriksa Kesiapan untuk mengkoreksi kesalahan tersebut. Printing... Mencetak... Document Dokumen Printing failed! Pencetakan gagal! Cannot Cut In-Use Item The item %1 is currently being edited by Story Editor. The cut operation will be cancelled About Qt Tentang Qt Scribus Manual Manual Scribus &Size: &Ukuran Size Ukuran An error occurred while opening monitor profile. Former monitor profile will be used. Scribus detected some errors. Consider using the Preflight Verifier to correct them. Scribus mendeteksi beberapa galat. Pertimbangkan penggunaan Pemeriksa Kesiapan untuk mengkoreksi kesalahan tersebut. Detected some errors. Consider using the Preflight Verifier to correct them Beberapa Galat terdeteksi. Pertimbangkan penggunaan Pemeriksa Kesiapan untuk mengkoreksi kesalahan tersebut. -Page%1 Some objects are locked. Beberapa objek terkunci. &Lock All Locate your PDF viewer &Unlock All B&uka Kunci Semua Do you really want to replace your existing image? Contents Konten &Character &Karakter &Quote K&utip Liga&ture Paste Recent Tempel Terkiri Documents (*.sla *.sla.gz);;All Files (*) Do you really want to clear all your text? Anda yakin ingin membersihkan semua teks? Some color profiles used by this document are not installed: Beberapa profil warna yang digunakan oleh dokumen ini tidak terinstal: %1;;All Files (*) %1;;Semua Berkas (*) Applying User Shortcuts Menerapkan Pintasan Pengguna Updating Images Memutakhirkan Gambar Your document was saved to a temporary file and could not be moved: %1 Print engine initialization failed All Supported Formats Semua Format yang Didukung &Name: &Nama: New Entry Entri Baru Ghostscript is missing : PostScript Print Preview is not available Ghostsript tidak ada : Pratinjau Cetak Postscript tidak ada. Document is already opened Dokumen sudah dibuka The file may be damaged or may have been produced in a later version of Scribus. Editing Symbol: %1 Unknown Tidak diketahui %1 Objects selected, Selection Size = %2 x %3 Initializing Languages All Supported Formats (%1);;%2All Files (*) Marks Insert new Anchor mark Mark with <%1> variable text Mark to %1 item Mark to %1 mark Duplicate/Transform &Output Preview Grouping Locking Mengunci Send to Kirim ke Scrapbook Scrapbook Adjust Image Gambar P&DF Options Text Frame Links Path Tools Alat Path Welding S&paces && Breaks Zoom Preview Prapandang Text Frames Bingkai-bingkai Teks Image Frames Image Frame Grids and Guides % % X: X: Y: Y: This document is already open. It will be set as the active document. Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) Save as Simpan sebagai &Language: &Bahasa Language Bahasa Editing Inline Item The program %1 is missing or failed to open Current zoom level Zoom level saat ini Zoom to 100% Zoom out by the stepping value in Tools preferences Zoom in by the stepping value in Tools preferences Select the current layer Select the current unit Edit %1 C&onvert to %1 selected C&reate Measurement ScribusQApp File %1 does not exist, aborting. Options: Opsi: Print help (this message) and exit Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de' List the currently installed interface languages Daftar Bahasa Antarmuka yang tersedia saat ini Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded Do not show the splashscreen on startup Stop showing the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.config/scribus path Use path for user given preferences location Output version information and exit Preferences directory %1 does not exist, aborting. Installed interface languages for Scribus are as follows: To override the default language choice: scribus -l xx or scribus --lang xx, where xx is the language of choice. Scribus Version Versi Scribus Scribus, Open Source Desktop Publishing Scribus, Open Source Desktop Publishing Homepage Situs resmi Documentation Dokumentasi Wiki Wiki Issues Masalah Display a console window Invalid argument: %1 Run unit tests and exit Do not start GUI Show location of ICC profile information on console while starting Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version Usage: scribus [options] [files] Explicit end of command line options Option %1 requires an argument. Python script %1 does not exist, aborting. script arguments ... Run script in Python [with optional arguments]. This option must be last option used ScribusView Out of gamut colors display is active. Therefore the color display may not match the perception by visually impaired Do you really want to clear all your text? Anda yakin ingin membersihkan semua teks? Copy Here Salin ke Sini Move Here Pindah ke Sini Cancel Batal Print: Cetak: Enabled Bolehkan Disabled Dimatikan Cannot Convert In-Use Item The item %1 is currently being edited by Story Editor. The convert to outlines operation for this item will be skipped Page %1 to %2 Halaman %1 sampai %2 Preview Mode Mode Pratinjau End Edit Sunting Akhir Click here to leave this special edit mode ScribusWin Document: Dokumen: has been changed since the last save. telah dirubah sejak terakhir disimpan. ScriptEditor Script Editor &File &Berkas &New &Baru &Run &Close &Tutup Ctrl+W &Exit Ctrl+R Run script in &console Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Python Ctrl+N Ctrl+N QtScript Clear Bersihkan Clear The Console Save &As Save the script Ctrl+A &Open &Buka Open a script Ctrl+O Ctrl+O &Save &Simpan Save the current script Ctrl+S Ctrl+S ScriptPlugin Embedded Python scripting support for Python 3.x. ScripterCore Script error Skrip galat If you are running an official script report it at <a href=""></a> please. This message is in your clipboard too. Use Ctrl+V to paste it into bug tracker. Examine Script There was an internal error while trying the command you entered. Details were printed to stderr. Startup Script error Could not find script: %1. Setting up the Python plugin failed. Error details were printed to stderr. Documentation for: Script doesn't contain any docstring! Python Scripts (*.py *.PY);;All Files (*) ScripterImpl Scripter Please enter a Python command: Scribus - Scripter Plugin If you see this box, Scripter probably works :) SeList Show Page Previews Tampilkan Prapandang Halaman SearchReplace Search/Replace Cari/Ganti Search for: Pencarian untuk: Text Teks Font Font Font Size Ukuran Font Font Effects Fill Color Warna Isi Fill Shade Stroke Color Stroke Shade Left Kiri Center Tengah Right Kanan Block Blok Forced Paksakan Replace with: Ganti dengan: &Ignore Case, Diacritics and Kashida Search finished Pencarian selesai &Whole Word Kata &Utuh &Search &Cari &Replace &Ganti Replace &All G&anti Semua &Close &Tutup C&lear Be_rsihkan Search finished, found %1 matches Pencarian selesai, ditemukan %1 kecocokan Alignment Perataan Search for text or formatting in the current text Replace the searched for formatting with the replacement values Replace all found instances Ganti semua yang ditemukan Clear all search and replace options Bersihkan semua opsi cari dan ganti Close search and replace Tutup cari dan ganti Style Gaya SelectFields Select Fields Pilih Field Available Fields Field yang Tersedia Selected Fields Field Terpilih &>> &<< ShadeButton Other... Lainnya... Shade Tingkat Kegelapan &Shade: ShadowValues % % X-Offset: Y-Offset: ShapePalette Choose a shape file to import Photoshop Custom Shape (*.csh *.CSH) Custom Shapes Load Photoshop Custom Shapes Close current Tab ShapePlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item Group%1 Grup%1 ShapePlugin Palette for Photoshop Custom Shapes. ShapeView Delete selected Shape Delete all Shapes Display Icons only Do you really want to clear all your shapes in this tab? ShortWordsPlugin Short &Words... short words plugin Short Words Kata-Kata Singkat Special plug-in for adding non-breaking spaces before or after so called short words. Available in the following languages: ShortcutWidget &No Key &Tidak Ada Tombol &User Defined Key Tombol Ditetapkan &Pengguna Set &Key &Tombol Set Alt Alt Ctrl Ctrl Shift Alt Meta Meta Meta+ Meta+ Shift+ Shift+ Alt+ Alt+ Ctrl+ Ctrl+ No shortcut for the style Style has user defined shortcut Assign a shortcut for the style SideBar No Style Tanpa Gaya SmlPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item SmoothPathPlugin Smooth Path Path Tools Alat Path Smoothes a Path Converts a Polyline made of straight Lines to a smoothed Bezier Curve. SpiralVectorBase Edit Spiral Start Angle: Sudut Awal End Angle: Sudut Akhir: Factor: % % End Edit Sunting Akhir SpiralWidgetBase Start Angle: Sudut Awal End Angle: Sudut Akhir: Factor: % % Sample Polygon Contoh Poligon StoryEditor Story Editor Penyunting Cerita &Sample Text... &Smart Text Selection Current Paragraph: Words: Kata: Chars: Totals: Paragraphs: Paragraf: Open Buka Save as Simpan sebagai Do you want to save your changes? &Reload Text from Frame &Muat Ulang Teks dari Frame &Save to File... &Load from File... Save &Document &Update Text Frame and Exit &Perbarui Bingkai Teks dan Keluar &Exit Without Updating Text Frame &Keluar Tanpa Memperbarui Bingkai Teks Cu&t Po&tong &Copy &Salin &Paste Tem&pel C&lear Be_rsihkan &Update Text Frame &Perbarui Bingkai Teks &File &Berkas &Edit &Edit Select &All Pilih Semu&a File Berkas &Search/Replace... Ca&ri/Ganti &Fonts Preview... Pratinjau &Font... &Display Font... &Settings &Pengaturan Clear All Text Bersihkan Semua Teks Story Editor - %1 Do you really want to lose all your changes? Do you really want to clear all your text? Anda yakin ingin membersihkan semua teks? &Insert &Masukkan Character Karakter Quote Quote Spaces && Breaks Ligature Space Space Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) &Glyph... &Glyph StrikeValues Auto Auto Displacement: Linewidth: % % StyleManager Name: Nama: &Reset &Reset &Apply &Terapkan << &Done << &Selesai &New &Baru &Import &Impor &Clone &Delete &Hapus Reset all changes Apply all changes Apply all changes and exit edit mode Create a new style Import styles from another document Clone selected style Delete selected styles New Baru Import Impor Clone Klon Delete Hapus &Edit &Edit &Done Shortcut Pintasan Name Nama Edit Edit... New %1 Baru %1 This key sequence is already in use Urutan tombol ini sudah digunakan Edit styles Name of the selected style Nama gaya yang dipilih More than one style selected Lebih dari satu gaya dipilih Open Buka documents (*.sla *.sla.gz *.scd *.scd.gz);;All Files (*) dokumen (*.sla *.sla.gz *.scd *.scd.gz);;Semua berkas (*) Alt+N Alt+N Alt+C Alt+C Alt+I Alt+I Alt+D Alt+D Please select a unique name for the style Silakan pilih nama yang unik untuk gaya tersebut Alt+A Alt+A Alt+R Alt+R Style Manager Manajer Gaya Clone copies the style to make similar styles easily StyleSelect Small Caps Huruf Besar Dengan Ukuran Kecil Subscript Subscript Superscript Superscript All Caps Semua Huruf Besar Underline Text. Hold down the button momentarily to set line width and displacement options. Teks Bergaris Bawah. Tahan tombol sesaat untk menentukan lebar garis dan opsi pergeseran. Underline Words Only. Hold down the button momentarily to set line width and displacement options. Garis Bawah per Kalimat. Tahan tombol sesaat untk menentukan lebar garis dan opsi pergeseran. Strike Out. Hold down the button momentarily to set line width and displacement options. Outline. Hold down the button momentarily to change the outline stroke width. Shadowed Text. Hold down the button momentarily to change the shadow offset values. SubdividePlugin Subdivide Path Path Tools Alat Path Subdivide Subdivide selected Path Subdivide a path by inserting new Nodes. SvmPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item SxwDialog Use document name as a prefix for paragraph styles Gunakan nama dokumen sebagai awalan untuk gaya paragraf Do not ask again Jangan tanya lagi OK OK Writer Importer Options Pilihan Importir Writer Enabling this will overwrite existing styles in the current Scribus document Mengaktifkan ini akan menimpa gaya yang ada dalam dokumen Scribus saat ini Merge Paragraph Styles Gabungkan Gaya Paragraf Merge paragraph styles by attributes. This will result in fewer similar paragraph styles, will retain style attributes, even if the original document's styles are named differently. Gabungkan gaya paragraf menurut atribut. Ini akan menghasilkan lebih sedikit gaya paragraf yang serupa, akan mempertahankan atribut gaya, meskipun style dokumen asli diberi nama berbeda. Prepend the document name to the paragraph style name in Scribus. Tuliskan nama dokumen ke nama gaya paragraf di Scribus. Overwrite Paragraph Styles Timpa Gaya Paragraf Cancel Batal Make these settings the default and do not prompt again when importing an 1.x document SymbolPalette Symbols Simbol Edit Item Remove Item SymbolView Display Icons only TabManager Manage Tabulators TabPDFOptions Export Range Ekspor Cakupan &All Pages Semu&a Halaman C&hoose Pages &Rotation: &Rotasi File Options Pilihan File Compatibilit&y: &Binding: Left Margin Margin Kiri Right Margin Margin Kanan Generate &Thumbnails Save &Linked Text Frames as PDF Articles Simpan &Tautkan Bingkai Teks sebagai Artikel PDF &Include Bookmarks dpi dpi &Resolution for EPS Graphics: &Resolusi untuk Grafis EPS Com&press Text and Vector Graphics Automatic Otomatis None Kosong Maximum Maksimum High Tinggi Medium Sedang Low Rendah Minimum Minimum &General Embedding Memasukkan Fonts to embed: Font yang dimasukkan: &Fonts Enable &Presentation Effects PDF/X Output Intent Mandatory string for PDF/X or the PDF will fail PDF/X conformance. We recommend you use the title of the document. Page Halaman Show Page Pre&views Effects Efek &Display Duration: Effec&t Duration: Effect T&ype: &Moving Lines: F&rom the: D&irection: sec No Effect Tidak ada Efek Blinds Berkedip Box Kotak Dissolve Pecahkan Glitter Split Pisahkan Wipe Seka Horizontal Horisontal Vertical Vertikal Inside Di Dalam Outside Di Luar Left to Right Kiri ke Kanan Top to Bottom Atas ke Bawah Bottom to Top Bawah ke Atas Right to Left Kanan ke Kiri Top-left to Bottom-Right E&xtras T&ambahan &Use Encryption Passwords Katakunci &User: &Pengguna: &Owner: &Pemilik: Settings Pengaturan Allow &Printing the Document Allow &Changing the Document Allow Cop&ying Text and Graphics Allow Adding &Annotations and Fields S&ecurity Facing Page Left Facing Page Right General Umum Output &Intended For: Screen / Web Layar / Web Printer Printer Grayscale Grayscale &Use Custom Rendering Settings Rendering Settings Fre&quency: &Angle: S&pot Function: Simple Dot Line Garis Round Ellipse Solid Colors: Warna Solid: Profile: Perceptual Persepsi Relative Colorimetric Colorimetric Relatif Saturation Saturasi Absolute Colorimetric Colorimetric Absolut Images: Gambar: C&olor &Info String: Output &Profile: Show page previews of each page listed above. Type of the display effect. Direction of the effect of moving lines for the split and blind effects. Starting position for the box and split effects. Direction of the glitter or wipe effects. Apply the selected effect to all pages. Export all pages to PDF Export a range of pages to PDF Determines the PDF compatibility.<br/><b>PDF 1.3</b>, which is the earliest supported version, gives the widest compatibility with printers' RIPS.<br/><b>PDF 1.4</b>, which is the default version, supports features such as transparency and 128 bit encryption.<br/><b>PDF 1.5</b> is necessary when you wish to preserve objects in separate layers within the PDF.<br/><b>PDF/X-1a</b> is for blind exchange with colors strictly specified in CMYK or spot colors.<br/><b>PDF/X-3</b> is for exporting the PDF when you want color managed RGB for commercial printing and is selectable when you have activated color management. Use only when advised by your printer or in some cases printing to a 4 color digital color laser printer.<br/><b>PDF/X-4</b> is an extension of PDF/X-3 to support transparency and layering. Color model for the output of your PDF. Choose Screen/Web for PDFs which are used for screen display and for printing on typical inkjets. Choose Printer when printing to a true 4 color CMYK printer. Choose Grayscale when you want a grey scale PDF. Embed a color profile for solid colors Color profile for solid colors Rendering intent for solid colors Embed a color profile for images Do not use color profiles that are embedded in source images Color profile for images Rendering intent for images Output profile for printing. If possible, get some guidance from your printer on profile selection. Distance for bleed from the top of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian atas fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the bottom of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian bawah fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the left of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kiri fisik halaman Distance for bleed from the right of the physical page Jarak untuk bleed dari bagian kanan fisik halaman Mirror Page(s) horizontally Mirror Page(s) vertically Convert Spot Colors to Process Colors Compression &Quality: &Kualitas Kompres Allow copying of text or graphics from the PDF. If unchecked, text and graphics cannot be copied. Allow adding annotations and fields to the PDF. If unchecked, editing annotations and fields is prevented. Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled. Include La&yers Compression Metho&d: Meto&de Kompresi: Embed fonts into the PDF. Embedding the fonts will preserve the layout and appearance of your document. Length of time the effect runs. A shorter time will speed up the effect, a longer one will slow it down. Determines the binding of pages in the PDF. Unless you know you need to change it leave the default choice - Left. Generates thumbnails of each page in the PDF. Some viewers can use the thumbnails for navigation. Embed the bookmarks you created in your document. These are useful for navigating long PDF documents. Export resolution of text and vector graphics. This does not affect the resolution of bitmap images like photos. Enables lossless compression of text and graphics. Unless you have a reason, leave this checked. This reduces PDF file size. Enable the security features in your exported PDF. If you selected PDF 1.3, the PDF will be protected by 40 bit encryption. If you selected PDF 1.4, the PDF will be protected by 128 bit encryption. Disclaimer: PDF encryption is not as reliable as GPG or PGP encryption and does have some limitations. Display Settings Pengaturan Tampilan Single Page Satu halaman Continuous Visual Appearance Use Viewers Defaults Use Full Screen Mode Display Bookmarks Tab Display Thumbnails Display Layers Tab Hide Viewers Toolbar Hide Viewers Menubar Zoom Pages to fit Viewer Window Special Actions No Script Viewer Lossy - JPEG Lossy - JPEG Lossless - Zip Lossless - Zip Javascript to be executed when PDF document is opened: Enables presentation effects when using Adobe&#174; Reader&#174; and other PDF viewers which support this in full screen mode. Do not show objects outside the margins in the exported file Length of time the page is shown before the presentation starts on the selected page. Setting 0 will disable automatic page transition. Printer Marks Crop Marks Tanda Potong Bleed Marks Tanda Bleed Registration Marks Tanda Registrasi Color Bars Page Information Offset: Offset: Bleed Settings Top: Atas: Bottom: Bawah: Left: Kiri: Right: Kanan: Use Document Bleeds Gunakan bleed dokumen Pre-Press Method of compression to use for images. Automatic allows Scribus to choose the best method. ZIP is lossless and good for images with solid colors. JPEG is better at creating smaller PDF files which have many photos (with slight image quality loss possible). Leave it set to Automatic unless you have a need for special compression options. Metode kompresi untuk digunakan untuk gambar. Otomatis memungkinkan Scribus memilih metode terbaik. ZIP tidak memiliki lossless dan bagus untuk gambar dengan warna solid. JPEG lebih baik dalam membuat dokumen PDF yang lebih kecil yang memiliki banyak foto (dengan sedikit kehilangan kualitas gambar). Biarkan diatur ke Otomatis kecuali Anda memiliki kebutuhan untuk opsi kompresi khusus. Compression quality levels for lossy compression methods: Minimum (25%), Low (50%), Medium (75%), High (85%), Maximum (95%). Note that a quality level does not directly determine the size of the resulting image - both size and quality loss vary from image to image at any given quality level. Even with Maximum selected, there is always some quality loss with jpeg. Inside: Di Dalam: Outside: Di Luar: &Embed all Document Layout Maximum Image Resolution: Show the document in single page mode Show the document in single page mode with the pages displayed continuously end to end like a scroll Show the document with facing pages, starting with the first page displayed on the left Show the document with facing pages, starting with the first page displayed on the right Use the viewer's defaults or the user's preferences if set differently from the viewer defaults Enables viewing the document in full screen Display the bookmarks upon opening Display the page thumbnails upon opening Forces the displaying of layers. Useful only for PDF 1.5+. Hides the Tool Bar which has selection and other editing capabilities Limits the resolution of your bitmap images to the selected DPI. Images with a lower resolution will be left untouched. Leaving this unchecked will render them at their native resolution. Enabling this will increase memory usage and slow down export. Creates crop marks in the PDF indicating where the paper should be cut or trimmed after printing This creates bleed marks which are indicated by _ . _ and show the bleed limit Add registration marks to each separation Add color calibration bars Tambah Add document information which includes the document title and page numbers Indicate the distance offset for the registration marks Tunjukkan jarak offset untuk tanda registrasi Use the existing bleed settings from the document preferences Gunakan pengaturan bleed yang ada dari preferensi dokumen Use Color Profile Gunakan Profil Warna Do not use embedded color profiles &Apply Effect to all Pages Automatically rotate the exported pages Export PDFs in image frames as embedded PDFs. This does *not* yet take care of colorspaces, so you should know what you are doing before setting this to 'true'. Push Tekan Cover Uncover Fade Embed PDF && EPS files (EXPERIMENTAL) Rendering Intent: Intensitas Rendering Clip to Printer Margins Length: Panjang: Indicate the size of crops'marks Image Quality Settings Choose an owner password which enables or disables all the security features in your exported PDF Create a range of pages 0 ° 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° ° Embedding Mode: Fonts to subset: &Subset all Embed only subset fonts with glyphs used in the document into the PDF. This is an advanced setting which is not enabled by default. This should only be enabled when specifically requested by your printer and they have given you the exact details needed. Otherwise, your exported PDF may not print properly and is truly not portable across systems. Ini adalah pengaturan lanjutan yang tidak diaktifkan secara default. Ini hanya boleh diaktifkan ketika secara khusus diminta oleh printer Anda dan printer telah memberi Anda rincian yang tepat diperlukan. Jika tidak, PDF yang Anda ekspor tidak dapat dicetak dengan benar dan benar-benar tidak portabel di seluruh sistem. Insert a comma separated list of tokens where a token can be * for all the pages, 1-5 for a range of pages or a single page number Generate PDF Articles, which is useful for navigating linked articles in a PDF Layers in your document are exported to the PDF. Only available if PDF 1.5 is chosen. DPI (Dots Per Inch) for image export Choose a password for users to be able to read your PDF Allow modifying of the PDF. If unchecked, modifying the PDF is prevented. Hides the Menu Bar for the viewer, the PDF will display in a plain window Fit the document page or pages to the available space in the viewer window Allow printing of the PDF. If unchecked, printing is prevented. TableColumnWidthsDialog Set Column Widths Column Width: TableRowHeightsDialog Set Row Heights Row Height: Tinggi Baris: Tabruler Left Kiri Right Kanan Comma Koma Center Tengah Delete All Indentation for first line of the paragraph Indentation from the left for the whole paragraph Delete all Tabulators &Position: &Posisi: Fill Char: Dot Titik Hyphen Underscore Garis bawah Custom Atur Sendiri None tab fill Kosong Indentation from the right for the whole paragraph Fill Character of Tab Type/Orientation of Tab Position of Tab Period Delete Selected Delete selected Tabulator TextPalette Text Properties Properti Teks TransformDialog Scaling Skala Translation Rotation Rotasi Skewing Scale Skala Scale H = %1 % V = %2 % Skala H = %1 % V = %2 % Translate Translate H = %1%2 V = %3%4 Rotate Rotate Angle = %1%2 Skew Skew H = %1%2 V = %3%4 TransformDialogBase Transform Add Tambahkan Remove Hapus Scaling Skala Horizontal: Horisontal: Vertical: Vertikal: Angle: Sudut: % % Translation Rotate Skew Basepoint Copies Salinan TransparencyPalette Custom Atur Sendiri UnZip ZIP operation completed successfully. ZIP berhasil diselesaikan. Failed to initialize or load zlib library. Gagal untuk menjalankan atau memuat pustaka zlib. zlib library error. Kesalahan pustaka zlib. Unable to create or open file. Tidak bisa membuat atau membuka berkas Partially corrupted archive. Some files might be extracted. Corrupted archive. Wrong password. No archive has been created yet. Arsip belum dibuat. File or directory does not exist. Berkas atau direktori tidak ada. File read error. Kesalahan pembacaan berkas. File write error. Kesalah penulisan berkas. File seek error. Unable to create a directory. Invalid device. Invalid or incompatible zip archive. Inconsistent headers. Archive might be corrupted. Unknown error. UnderlineValues Auto Auto % % Displacement: Linewidth: UndoGui Action History Riwayat Aksi UndoManager Add vertical guide Tambah panduan vertikal Add horizontal guide Tambah panduan horisontal Remove vertical guide Hapus panduan vertikal Remove horizontal guide Hapus panduan horisontal Move vertical guide Move horizontal guide Lock guides Kunci panduan Unlock guides Move Pindah Resize Rubah ukuran Rotate X1: %1, Y1: %2, %3 X2: %4, Y2: %5, %6 X1: %1, Y1: %2, %3 X2: %4, Y2: %5, %6 W1: %1, H1: %2 W2: %3, H2: %4 W1: %1, H1: %2 W2: %3, H2: %4 Selection Seleksi Group Grup Selection/Group Seleksi/Grup Create Buat X: %1, Y: %2 W: %3, H: %4 X: %1, Y: %2 L: %3, T: %4 Align/Distribute Ratakan/Distribusikan Items involved Cancel Batal Set fill color Tentukan warna isi Color1: %1, Color2: %2 Warna1: %1, Warna2: %2 Set fill color shade Set line color Tentukan warna garis Set line color shade Flip horizontally Balik secara horisontal Flip vertically Balik secara vertikal Lock Kunci Unlock Buka Kunci Lock size Kunci ukuran Unlock size Ungroup Pisahkan Delete Hapus Rename Namai Ulang From %1 to %2 Dari %1 ke %2 Apply Master Page Terapkan Master Page Paste Tempel Cut Cut Set fill color transparency Set line color transparency Set line style Set the style of line end Set the style of line join Set line width Tentukan tebal garis No style Tanpa style Set custom line style Do not use custom line style Set start arrow Set end arrow Create table Buat tabel Rows: %1, Cols: %2 Baris: %1, Kol: %2 Set font Tentukan font Set font size Tentukan ukuran font Set font width Tentukan lebar font Set font fill color Set font stroke color Set font fill color shade Set font stroke color shade Set kerning Tentukan kerning Set line spacing Set paragraph style Set language Tentukan Bahasa Align text Ratakan text Set font effect Image frame Text frame Bingkai teks Polygon Poligon Bezier curve Kurva bezier Polyline Polyline Convert to Konversikan ke Import SVG image Impor Gambar SVG Import Uniconvertor image Import EPS image Impor Gambar EPS Scratch space Ruang scratch Text flows around the frame Teks mengalir di sekitar bingkai Text flows around bounding box Teks mengalir di sekitar kotak pembatas Text flows around contour line Teks mengalir di sekitar garis kontur No text flow Tidak ada aliran teks No bounding box Tidak ada kotak pembatas No contour line Tidak ada contour line Page %1 Halaman %1 Set image scaling Tentukan penyekalaan gambar Frame size Ukuran bingkai Free scaling Penskalaan bebas Keep aspect ratio Jaga aspek rasio Break aspect ratio Abaikan aspek rasio Edit contour line Edit contour line Edit shape Edit bentuk Reset contour line Reset contour line Add page Tambahkan halaman Add pages Tambahkan halaman-halaman Delete page Hapus halaman Delete pages Hapus halaman-halaman Add layer Tambahkan layer Delete layer Hapus layer Rename layer Ganti nama layer Raise layer Naikkan layer Lower layer Turunkan layer Send to layer Kirim ke layer Enable printing of layer Aktifkan pencetakan layer Disable printing of layer Nonaktifkan pencetakan layer Change name of the layer Ubah nama layer Get image Ambil gambar Import Draw image Impor gambar Draw Set font height Tentukan tinggi font Text on a Path Teks pada Path Enable Item Printing Aktifkan Pencetakan Item Disable Item Printing Nonaktifkan Pencetakan Item Multiple duplicate Duplikat multipel Change Image Offset Change Image Scale X1: %1, Y1: %2 X2: %4, Y2: %5 X1: %1, Y1: %2 X2: %4, Y2: %5 X: %1, Y: %2 X: %4, Y: %5 X: %1, Y: %2 X: %4, Y: %5 Apply text style Terapkan gaya teks &Undo: %1 f.e. Undo: Move &Undo: %1 &Undo %Undo &Redo: %1 f.e. Redo: Move &Redo: %1 &Redo &Redo No object frame Tidak ada bingkai objek Reset control point Reset titik kontrol Reset control points Reset titik kontrol Apply image effects Terapkan efek gambar Insert frame Masukkan bingkai Adjust frame to the image size Sesuaikan bingkai terhadap ukuran gambar Set start and end arrows Atur panah awal dan akhir Remove all guides Hapus semua panduan Copy Salin Copy page Salin halaman Remove vertical auto guide Hapus panduan otomatis vertikal Remove horizontal auto guide Hapus panduan otomatis horizontal Text flows around image clipping path Teks mengikuti jalur kliping gambar Remove page guides Hapus panduan halaman Convert to outlines Konversikan ke outline Change formula Ubah formula Import AI drawing Imports gambar AI Import XFig drawing Impor gambar XFig Render frame Render frame Import Barcode Impor Kode Batang Duplicate layer %1 Salin layer %1 More than 20 items involved Lebih dari 20 item yang terlibat Import WMF drawing Imports gambar WMF Change shape type Ubah tipe bentuk Change page properties Ubah properti halaman Enable text flow around for lower layers Aktifkan alur teks di sekitar layer-layer di bawah Disable text flow around for lower layers Nonaktifkan alur teks di sekitar layer-layer di bawah Set layer blend mode Tentukan Set layer opacity Tentukan opasitas layer Lock layer Kunci layer Unlock layer Buka kunci layer Link text frame Tautkan bIngkai teks Unlink text frame Lepaskan tautan bingkai teks Move page Pindahkan halaman Clear image frame content Hapus konten bingkai gambar Path Operation Operasi Path Connect path Change overprint Change blend mode Ubah mode blend Change action PDF Add master page Tambah halaman master Del master page Hapus halaman master Import master page Import halaman master Duplicate master page Duplikat halaman master Combine Polygons Menggabungkan Poligon Split Polygons Memisah Poligon Level up Level down Send to front Pindahkan kedepan Send to bottom Turunkan ke paling bawah Change image resolution Ubah resolusi gambar Set mask gradient type Change round corner Set start arrow scale Set end arrow scale Change fill gradient type Change fill gradient values Change stroke gradient values Change gradient color Change stroke gradient type Layer Layer Edit polygon Edit poligon Edit arc Edit spiral Import Apple Pages document Import CorelDraw drawing Import CGM drawing Import Calamus CVG drawing Import Micrografx Draw drawing Import EMF drawing Import FreeHand document Import IDML document Import PageMaker document Import PDF document Import Macintosh Pict drawing Import MS Publisher document Import QuarkXPress document Import Shape drawing Import Kivio stencil Import SVM image Import Viva Designer document Import Visio document Import WordPerfect graphic Import Xara image Import XPS document Import Zoner Draw image Change columns Change columns gap Change text to frame distance Show image Create mesh gradient Change mesh gradient Change Mode Replace text Change First Line Offset Delete text Insert text Append text Import text Clear text Add Lorem Ipsum Insert mark Insert note Edit mark Delete mark Delete note Add note style Edit note style Delete note style Change gradient position Duplicate Salin Remove mesh patch Remove text style Import page Change Page Attributes Transform Weld Items Rename Master Page Truncate text Drop Shadow Drop Shadow Color Drop Shadow Shade Drop Shadow Blur Radius Drop Shadow X Offset Drop Shadow Y Offset Drop Shadow Opacity Drop Shadow Blend Mode Swap page Unweld Items UndoPalette Initial State Keadaan Awal &Undo %Undo &Redo &Redo Show the action history for the selected item only. This changes the effect of the undo/redo buttons to act on the object or document. Tampilkan riwayat aksi hanya untuk item yang dipilih. Ini mengubah efek aksi tombol batalkan/ulangi untuk pada objek atau dokumen. Undo the last action for either the current object or the document Batalkan aksi terakhir untuk objek saat ini atau dokumen Redo the last action for either the current object or the document Ulangi tindakan terakhir untuk objek saat ini atau dokumen Show Selected Object Only Hanya Tampilkan Objek yang Dipilih %1 - %2 %3 %1 - %2 %3 UndoWidget %1: %2 undo target: action (f.e. Text frame: Resize) %1: %2 UnicodeSearch Unicode Search Pencarian Unicode &Search: &Cari: Enter the search phrase. Then press Enter. Masukkan frasa pencarian. Lalu tekan Enter. UniconvImportPlugin Imports Vector Files with UniConvertor Converts many vector formats to SVG and then loads the resulting SVG. Uniconvertor Import Starting Uniconvertor failed! The executable name in File->Preferences->External Tools may be incorrect or the software has been uninstalled since preferences were set. (%1) Uniconvertor did not exit correctly: %1 Uniconvertor failed to convert the file: %1 The SVG Import plugin could not be found UpgradeChecker Timed out when attempting to get update file. Waktu habis ketika mencoba mendapatkan file pembaruan. File not found on server Dokumen tidak ditemukan di server Could not open version file: %1 Error:%2 at line: %3, row: %4 Tidak dapat membuka file versi: %1 Kesalahan:%2 pada baris:%3, baris:%4 An error occurred while looking for updates for Scribus, please check your internet connection. Terjadi kesalahan saat mencari pembaruan untuk Scribus, silahkan periksa sambungan internet Anda. No updates are available for your version of Scribus %1 Tidak ada pembaruan yang tersedia untuk versi Scribus Anda %1 One or more updates for your version of Scribus (%1) are available: Satu atau beberapa pembaruan tersedia untuk versi Scribus Anda (%1): Please visit for details. Silakan kunjungi untuk detailnya. Finished Selesai This list may contain development/unstable versions. Daftar ini mungkin berisi versi pengembangan/tidak stabil. If you have installed Scribus from a package management system, for example on a Linux-based operating system, your package manager may have this upgrade available. Error: %1 Galat: %1 No data on your computer will be sent to an external location Tidak ada data di komputer Anda yang akan dikirim ke lokasi eksternal Attempting to get the Scribus version update file: Mencoba mendapatkan file pembaruan versi Scribus: UrlLauncher Locate your web browser Cari letak peramban web Anda External Web Browser Failed to Start Browser Web Eksternal Gagal Mulai Scribus was not able to start the external web browser application %1. Please check the setting in Preferences. Would you like to start the system's default browser instead? Scribus tidak dapat memulai aplikasi browser web eksternal %1. Silakan periksa pengaturan di Preferensi. Apakah Anda ingin memulai peramban bawaan sistem sebagai gantinya? UsePrinterMarginsDialog Minimum Margins for Page Size %1 Margin minimum untuk Ukuran Halaman %1 Use Printer Margins Gunakan Margin Pencetak Select &Printer: Pilih &Pencetak Margins Batas-Batas Right: Kanan: &Top: &Atas: &Bottom: &Bawah &Left: &Kiri: &OK &OK Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel &Batal Alt+C Alt+C ViewToolBar View Tools High Tinggi Normal Normal Low Rendah Select the image preview quality Pilih kualitas gambar pratinjau Select image preview quality Pilih kualitas gambar pratinjau Select display visual appearance Select the visual appearance of the display. You can choose between normal and several color blindness forms. VivaPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item VsdPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project WMFImportPlugin Import &WMF... Impor &WMF... Imports WMF Files Imports Berkas WMF Imports most WMF files into the current document, converting their vector data into Scribus objects. The file could not be imported Berkas tidak bisa di impor WMF file contains some unsupported features Berkas WMF berisi beberapa fitur yang tidak didukung WpgPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: XPSExportPlugin Save as XPS... Simpan sebagai XPS... Exports XPS Files Ekspor Berkas XPS Exports the current document into an XPS file. Ekspor dokumen ini menjadi berkas XPS XarPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Group%1 Grup%1 Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item XfigPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item XpsImportOptions XPS Import Impor XPS Importing File: Page Range All Pages Semua Halaman Single Page Satu halaman Choose Pages Pilih Halaman XpsPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Generating Items Menghasilkan Item-Item XtgDialog Quark XPress Tags Importer Options Pilihan Label Importir Quark XPress Use document name as a prefix for Styles Gunakan nama dokumen sebagai awalan untuk gaya. Do not ask again Jangan tanya lagi OK OK Cancel Batal Prepend the document name to the Style name in Scribus Tuliskan nama dokumen ke nama gaya di Scribus. Make these settings the default and do not prompt again when importing an XPress Tags document Zip ZIP operation completed successfully. ZIP berhasil diselesaikan. Failed to initialize or load zlib library. Gagal untuk menjalankan atau memuat pustaka zlib. zlib library error. Kesalahan pustaka zlib. Unable to create or open file. Tidak bisa membuat atau membuka berkas No archive has been created yet. Arsip belum dibuat. File or directory does not exist. Berkas atau direktori tidak ada. File read error. Kesalahan pembacaan berkas. File write error. Kesalahan penulisan berkas. File seek error. Unknown error. ZmfPlug Importing: %1 Sedang mengimpor: %1 Analyzing File: Sedang Menganalisis Berkas: Parsing failed! Please submit your file (if possible) to the Document Liberation Project Parsing gagal! Silahkan kirimkan berkas anda (jika memungkinkan) ke Document Liberation Project colorPalette Shade: Tingkat Kegelapan: % % Linear Linier Radial Radial Move Vector Pindahkan Vektor Pattern follows Path Properties... Properti... 4 Colors 4 Warna Diamond Berlian Mesh Mesh Color Warna Shade Tingkat Kegelapan Transparency Transparasi Color: Warna: Edit Colors Display only used colors Overprinting Knockout Knockout Overprint Fill Fill Mode % % Stroke Stroke Mode Conical Patch Mesh Distance: Jarak: Angle: Sudut: Type: Tipe: Single Satu Double Triple Rangkap tiga Line Color: Warna Garis: Extend: None Kosong Pad Opacity: Opasitas Background: Latar Belakang: gradientAddEditDialog Edit Gradient Edit Gradasi Name: Nama: gradientEditDialog You cannot create a gradient without a name Please give it a name The name of the gradient already exists, please choose another one. gtFileDialog Choose the importer to use Pilih pengimpor yang akan digunakan Automatic Otomatis Import text without any formatting Import teks tanpa format Prepend the item name to the Style name in Scribus Open Buka &Importer: &Importir: Import &Text Only Impor &Teks Saja &Encoding: &Encoding: Prefix Styles with Item Name gtImporterDialog Choose the importer to use Pilih pengimpor yang akan digunakan Choose the importer to use for %1 file: Pilih pengimpor yang akan digunakan untuk berkas %1: Choose the importer to use: Pilih pengimpor yang akan digunakan Remember association Ingat asosiasi Remember the file extension - importer association and do not ask again to select an importer for files of this type. Ingat ekstensi file - asosiasi importir dan jangan tanya lagi untuk memilih importir untuk file jenis ini. imagedialog Dialog Dialog Fit to Window Custom Zoom % % Original Size Ukuran Asli Close Tutup Current zoom level Zoom level saat ini Set zoom to 100% Set zoom ke 100% nftdialog New From Template Baru Dari Template nftwidget &Remove &Hapus &Open &Buka All Semua Name Nama Page Size Ukuran Halaman Colors Warna Description Deskripsi Usage Penggunaan Created with Dibuat dengan Date Tanggal Author Penulis Downloading Templates Unduh template Document templates can be found at in the Downloads section. Template dokumen dapat ditemukan di di bagian Unduhan. Installing Templates Instalasi Template Extract the package to the template directory ~/.scribus/templates for the current user or PREFIX/share/scribus/templates for all users in the system. Ekstrak paket ke direktori template ~/.scribus/templates untuk pengguna saat ini atau PREFIX/share/scribus/templates untuk semua pengguna dalam sistem. Preparing a template Menyiapkan template Make sure images and fonts you use can be used freely. If fonts cannot be shared do not collect them when saving as a template. Pastikan gambar dan font yang Anda gunakan dapat digunakan dengan bebas. Jika font tidak dapat dibagikan, jangan mengumpulkannya saat menyimpan sebagai template. The template creator should also make sure that the Installing Templates section above applies to their templates as well. This means a user should be able to download a template package and be able to extract them to the template directory and start using them. Pencipta template juga harus memastikan bahwa bagian Installing Templates di atas berlaku untuk template mereka juga. Ini berarti pengguna harus dapat mengunduh paket template dan dapat mengekstraknya ke direktori templat dan mulai menggunakannya. Removing a template Menghapus template Removing a template from the New From Template dialog will only remove the entry from the template.xml, it will not delete the document files. A popup menu with remove is only shown if you have write access to the template.xml file. Menghapus template dari dialog Dokumen Baru Berdasarkan Template hanya akan menghapus entri dari template.xml, itu tidak akan menghapus file dokumen. Menu popup dengan penghapusan hanya ditampilkan jika Anda memiliki akses tulis ke dokumen template.xml. Translating template.xml Menerjemahkan template.xml Copy an existing template.xml to a file called template.lang_COUNTRY.xml (use the same lang code that is present in the qm file for your language), for example for Finnish language template.xml. The copy must be located in the same directory as the original template.xml so Scribus can load it. Salin template.xml yang ada ke file bernama template.lang_COUNTRY.xml (gunakan kode lang yang sama yang ada dalam file qm untuk bahasa Anda), misalnya untuk template bahasa Finlandia.xml. Salinan harus berada di direktori yang sama dengan template.xml asli sehingga Scribus dapat memuatnya. &About Tent&ang &Preview &Pratinjau &Help &Bantuan recoverDialogBase Crash Recovery <html><head/><body><p>It appears that Scribus crashed with the following files open.<br>Would you like to try to recover them?</p></body></html> Name Nama Date Tanggal Type Tipe Recover Remove Hapus Close Tutup replaceColorDialog Replace Color Ganti Warna Replace: Ganti with: dengan: replaceColorsDialog Original Asli Replacement Penggantian Replace Colors Ganti Warna Add ... Tambahkan ... Remove Hapus Edit... Edit... selectDialog Text Frame Frame Teks Image Frame Image Frame Shape Bentuk Polyline Polyline Line Garis Render Frame Render Frame Symbol Simbol Fill Color Warna Isi Line Color Warna Garis Line Width Tebal garis Printable Bisa dicetak Yes Ya No Tidak Locked Terkunci Select all items on the current page Pilih semua objek di halaman ini Select all items on the current layer on all pages Pilih semua objek pada lapisan ini pada semua halaman Select all items not on a page Pilih semua objek yang tidak ada di halaman Narrow the selection of items based on various item properties Perkecil pemilihan objek berdasarkan beberapa properti objek With the Following Attributes Dengan atribut sebagai berikut Select based on item type Pilih berdasarkan tipe objek Item Type Tipe objek Select based on the color that the item is filled with Pilih berdasarkan warna yang digunakan untuk mengisi objek Select based on the color of the line or outline Pilih berdasarkan warna garis atau garis luar Select based on the width of the line of the item Pilih objek berdasarkan lebarnya garis Select items based on whether they will be printed or not Pilih objeck berdasarkan apakah akan di cetak atau tidak Select items based on their locked status Pilih objek berdasarkan status terkunci Select items based on whether they have their size locked or not Pilih item berdasarkan apakah mereka memiliki ukuran terkunci atau tidak Select All Items Pilih semua objek on Current Page di halaman ini on Current Layer pada lapisan ini on the Scratch Space di Ruang Scratch Resizable Dapat diubah smFontFeaturesBase <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#008000;">The current selected font does not have any font features.</span></p></body></html> Discretionary Ligatures (dlig) Contextual Ligatures (clig) Historical Ligatures (hlig) Capitals && Position Capitals: Default Capitals Small Capitals Petite Capitals Unicase Titling Common Ligatures (liga) Ligatur Umum (liga) Ligatures Ligatur Common Umum Discretionary Contextual Historical Petite Capitals from Capitals Small Capitals from Capitals Position: Posisi: Default Position Subscript Subscript Superscript Superscript Ordinals Numerals Style: Gaya: Default Numerals Lining Old Style Width: Lebar: Default Numeral Width Proportional Proporsional Tabular Tabular Fraction: Pecahan No Fractions Diagonal Fractions Stacked Fractions Slashed Zero (zero) Slashed Zero Stylistic Sets: click to select tfDia Create filter Buat filter C&lear Be_rsihkan &Delete &Hapus Choose a previously saved filter Pilih filter yang disimpan sebelumnya Give a name to this filter for saving Berikan nama pada filter ini untuk disimpan Give a name for saving Berikan nama untuk disimpan tfFilter Disable or enable this filter row Nonaktifkan atau aktifkan baris filter ini Remove this filter row Hapus baris filter ini Add a new filter row Tambahkan baris filter baru to ke: and dan remove match hapus yang sama do not remove match jangan hapus yang sama words kata Remove Hapus Replace Ganti Apply Terapkan Value at the left is a regular expression Nilai di sebelah kiri adalah ekspresi reguler with dengan paragraph style style paragraf all instances of semua hal dari all paragraphs semua paragraf paragraphs starting with paragraf di mulai dengan paragraphs with less than paragraf kurang dari paragraphs with more than paragraf lebih dari transparencyPalette Edit Line Color Properties Edit Properti Warna Garis Edit Fill Color Properties Edit Properti Warna Isi Opacity: Opasitas Set the transparency for the color selected Atur transparansi untuk warna yang dipilih % % Blend Mode: Blend Mode: Normal Normalkan Darken Darken Lighten Lighten Multiply Multiply Screen Layar Overlay Overlay Hard Light Hard Light Soft Light Soft Light Difference Perbedaan Exclusion Exclusion Color Dodge Color Dodge Color Burn Color Burn Hue Hue Saturation Saturasi Color Warna Luminosity Luminosity Solid Solid Gradient Gradasi Linear Linier Radial Radial Move the start of the gradient vector with the left mouse button pressed and move the end of the gradient vector with the right mouse button pressed Gerakkan awal dari gradasi vektor dengan tombol kiri tetikus ditekan dan gerakkan akhir dari gradasi vektor dengan tombol kanan tetikus ditekan Move Vector Pindahkan Vektor Use Luminosity as Alpha Pattern Pola Properties... Properti... Use inverted Pattern weldEditBase Move Object Pindahkan Objek End Edit Sunting Akhir Edit Weld Sunting Weld Move Weld Point