\name{mnlHess} \alias{mnlHess} \concept{multinomial logit} \concept{hessian} \title{ Computes --Expected Hessian for Multinomial Logit} \description{\code{mnlHess} computes expected Hessian (\eqn{E[H]}) for Multinomial Logit Model.} \usage{mnlHess(beta, y, X)} \arguments{ \item{beta}{ \eqn{k x 1} vector of coefficients } \item{y}{ \eqn{n x 1} vector of choices, (\eqn{1,\ldots,p}) } \item{X}{ \eqn{n*p x k} Design matrix } } \details{ See \code{\link{llmnl}} for information on structure of X array. Use \code{\link{createX}} to make X. } \value{\eqn{k x k} matrix} \section{Warning}{ This routine is a utility routine that does \strong{not} check the input arguments for proper dimensions and type. } \author{Peter Rossi, Anderson School, UCLA, \email{perossichi@gmail.com}.} \references{For further discussion, see Chapter 3, \emph{Bayesian Statistics and Marketing} by Rossi, Allenby, and McCulloch. \cr \url{http://www.perossi.org/home/bsm-1}} \seealso{ \code{\link{llmnl}}, \code{\link{createX}}, \code{\link{rmnlIndepMetrop}} } \examples{ \dontrun{mnlHess(beta, y, X)} } \keyword{models}