# runs are executed in the same order as in this file # the second field tells which test should be run in order to compare with the last available output # see regtest/TEST_FILES # HeH-noconstraint.inp 1 2e-13 -3.01067446615063 # These tests use different optimizers for the CDFT constraint # Newton: test different finite different schemes HeH-cdft-newton-fd1backward.inp 1 9e-04 -2.80114428543899 HeH-cdft-newton-fd2.inp 1 9e-04 -2.71354237564800 HeH-cdft-newton-fd1central.inp 1 3e-04 -2.76375295298293 # Newton: use backtracking line search HeH-cdft-newton-ls-fd2backward.inp 1 2e-03 -2.44853002459689 # Use restart for inverse Jacobian HeH-cdft-newton-fd1backward-restjacobian.inp 1 9e-04 -2.80098856516107 # Continue line search as long as constraint gradient norm decreases HeH-cdft-newton-contls-fd2backward.inp 1 2e-03 -2.43211811596821 #EOF