/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2019 FrontISTR Commons * This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HECMW_VIS_PSF_RENDERING_H_INCLUDED #define HECMW_VIS_PSF_RENDERING_H_INCLUDED /*#define ResSize 1 #define PixelSize 1 #define DIGN_PE 2 */ #define BAR_WIDTH 10 #define NUM_CONTROL_PARAS2 49 #define SQR(x) (x) * (x) #define PI 3.1415926 typedef struct _rendering_parameter_struct { int xr; int yr; int projection_style; int num_of_lights; double view_point_d[3]; double screen_point[3]; double up[3]; double k_ads[3]; int color_mapping_style; double *light_point; int interval_mapping_num; double *interval_point; /* 2:mincolor, maxcolor 3: interval_mapping_num*2 (value, mark_value) */ int transfer_function_style; /* 1: constant input: value 2: first-order derivatives input: none 3: feature points input: num_of_featurepoints, point[num] 4: feature intervals input: num_of_intervals point[num*2] 5: distance inverse 6: distance proportional 7: look-up table input: name of the look-up table file */ double opa_value; int num_of_features; double *fea_point; char name_lookup[128]; int rotate_style; int color_mapping_bar_on; int scale_marking_on; int rotate_num_of_frames; int deform_num_of_frames; double background_color[3]; double font_color[3]; int color_system_type; double font_size; int color_bar_style; int fixed_range_on; double range_value[2]; int num_of_scale; int mark_0_on; int histogram_on; int boundary_line_on; double isoline_color[3]; int time_mark_on; int fixed_scale_mark; int smooth_shading; double fixed_mesh_range[6]; double start_time; double time_interval; } Parameter_rendering; /* Parameter_rendering *sr; */ #endif /* HECMW_VIS_PSF_RENDERING_H_INCLUDED */