In this directory there are hdf utility programs, makefiles, and a subdirectory, testfiles/, which contains all the data files needed to test the utilities. The utilities are: . hdf24to8 -- converts 24-bit raster images to hdf 8-bit images . hdfcomp -- re-compresses an 8-bit raster hdf file . hdfls -- lists basic information about an hdf file . hdfpack -- compacts an hdf file . hdftopal -- extracts a palette from an hdf file . hdftor8 -- extracts 8-bit raster images and palettes from an hdf file . hdfed -- hdf file editor . hdfunpac - unpacks an HDF file by exporting the scientific data elements (DFTAG_SD) to external object elements. This is a utility for external file handling for the parallel I/O interface on the CM5. . paltohdf -- converts a raw palette to hdf . r8tohdf -- converts 8-bit raster images to hdf . ristosds -- converts a series of raster image hdf files into a single 3D sds hdf file. . vmake -- creates vsets . vshow -- dumps out vsets in an hdf file . jpeg2hdf -- converts jpeg images to hdf raster images . hdf2jpeg -- converts hdf raster images to jpeg images . fp2hdf -- converts 2D and 3D floating point data sets into HDF SDS.