//#************************************************************** //# //# filename: control.cpp //# //# author: Gerstmayr Johannes, Rafael Ludwig //# //# generated: 17.October 2004 //# description: Driver and model for timeintegration //# Model of a rigid arm and a hydraulic zylinder //# remarks: //# //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved. //# //# This file is part of HotInt. //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details. //# //# bug reports are welcome!!! //# WWW: www.hotint.org //# email: bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org //#*************************************************************************************** #include "element.h" #include "constraint.h" #include "sensors.h" #include "control.h" #include "elementdataaccess.h" #include "graphicsconstants.h" #include "rendercontext.h" const double DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE = 20; //! AD: these strings are the default SYMBOL TEXTs, used as label in the 2D IO Blocks Window //! AD: shortened names to fit nicer into the element rectangle const char* CSText_InputOutputElement = "IOElement"; const char* CSText_LinearTransformation = "y=Ax+b"; //"IOLinearTransformation"; const char* CSText_STransferFunction = "S-Fcn"; //"IOContinuousTransferFunction"; const char* CSText_LinearODE = "lin ODE"; //"IOLinearODE"; const char* CSText_IOTime = "Time"; //"IOTime"; const char* CSText_IODisplay = "..."; //"IODisplay"; const char* CSText_IOResponseElement = "Response"; const char* CSText_IOKeyResponseElement = "Key"; const char* CSText_IOMouseResponseElement = "Mouse"; const char* CSText_InputOutputElementDiscrete = "Discr."; //"IODiscrElement"; const char* CSText_ZTransferFunction = "Z-Fcn"; //"IODiscreteTransferFunction"; const char* CSText_RandomSource = "Random"; //"IORandomSource"; const char* CSText_Quantizer = "Quant."; //"IOQuantizer"; const char* CSText_SDActor = "SDActor"; const char* CSText_ControllerInterface = "Contr."; //"ControllerInterface"; //$ RL 2010-04 const char* CSText_IOSaturate = "Saturate"; //"IOSaturate"; //$ RL 2011-01 const char* CSText_IODeadZone = "DeadZone"; //"IODeadZone"; //$ RL 2011-01 const char* CSText_IOProduct = "X"; //"IOProduct"; //$ RL 2011-05 const char* CSText_IOPulseGenerator = "Pulse"; //"IOPulseGenerator"; //$ RL 2011-07 const char* CSText_IOStopComputation = "Stop"; //"IOStopComputation";//$ RL 2012-2-1: //$ MS 2012-2-1: const char* CSText_IOElementDataModifier = "Modify"; const char* CSText_IOTimeWindow = "TWindow"; //"IOTimeWindow"; const char* CSText_IOMathFunction = "f(x)"; const char* CSText_IOMinMax = "MinMax"; const char* CSText_IOTCPIPBlock = "TCPIP"; const char* Quantizer::SymbolText() const { return CSText_Quantizer; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS const char* InputOutputElementDiscrete::SymbolText() const { return CSText_InputOutputElementDiscrete; } double InputOutputElementDiscrete::Roundval(double x) const { double d = 0.; if (modf(x,&d)>=.5) return x>=0?ceil(x):floor(x); else return x<0?ceil(x):floor(x); } double InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetDiscreteTime() const { double tol = discrete_time_tol_inv; double val = (double)GetK()*deltaT + toff; val = Roundval(val*tol)/tol; return val; } double InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetNextDiscreteTime() const { double tol = discrete_time_tol_inv; double val = (double)(GetK()+1.)*deltaT + toff; val = Roundval(val*tol)/tol; return val; } void InputOutputElementDiscrete::StartTimeStep() { double time_to_next_event = GetNextDiscreteTime() - GetMBS()->GetTime(); if(GetMBS()->GetStepSizeNew() >= time_to_next_event) { if (time_to_next_event < GetMBS()->GetStepRecommendation()) { GetMBS()->SetStepRecommendation(time_to_next_event); } } } void InputOutputElementDiscrete::EndTimeStep() { // call this function after TItime += TIstep and before the sensor data is written! if(isDiscreteEvent(GetNextDiscreteTime())) //t == (k+1)* deltaT? { UpdateDiscreteElementState(); // update state variables xk SetK(GetK()+1); // k --> k+1 UpdateDiscreteElementInput(GetDiscreteTime()); // update uk } } int InputOutputElementDiscrete::isDiscreteEvent(double discrete_time) const { //if(GetMBS()->GetStepEndTime() >= (discrete_time-discrete_time_tol))return 1; // values of end of time step are computed --> update of discrete element if(GetMBS()->GetTime() >= (discrete_time-discrete_time_tol))return 1; // values of actual time step must be computed --> update of discrete element else return 0; // solver endtime point before than next disctrete time point --> no update of discrete element }; void InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(deltaT, "discrete_time_step"); ed.SetToolTipText("Sample time \"dT\""); /*edc.Add(ed);*/ edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetDouble(toff, "discrete_time_offset"); ed.SetToolTipText("Sample offset \"off\": Tk = k*dT + off"); /*edc.Add(ed);*/ edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 } int InputOutputElementDiscrete::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.discrete_time_step", deltaT, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.discrete_time_offset", toff, 0); return rv; } void InputOutputElementDiscrete::DrawBlockSymbol() { // TODO: add specific symbol } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* ZTransferFunction::SymbolText() const { return CSText_ZTransferFunction; } int ZTransferFunction::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void ZTransferFunction::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetVector(num.GetVecPtr(), num.Length(), "num_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of numerator polynomial of z-function"); /*, b0+b1*z+b2*z\\^2+...+bn*z\\^n*/ edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetVector(den.GetVecPtr(), den.Length(), "den_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of denominator polynomial of z-function"); /*, a0+a1*z+a2*z\\^2+...+am*z\\^m*/ edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 //ed.SetVector(init_vec.GetVecPtr(), init_vec.Length(), "init_vec"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Initial state vector."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // added: MSax 28-02-2013 //SetElemDataVector(edc, num, "Num_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of numerator polynomial of z-function, b0+b1*z+b2*z^2+...+bn*z^n"); //SetElemDataVector(edc, den, "Den_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of denominator polynomial of z-function, a0+a1*z+a2*z^2+...+am*z^m"); //XXX: ElementData ed; //XXX: ed.SetDouble(yk, "Initial_output"); ed.SetToolTipText("Initial output value."); edc.Add(ed); } int ZTransferFunction::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::SetElementData(edc); Vector numI, denI; //double y0; //GetElemDataVector(mbs, edc, "Num_coeffs", numI, 1); //GetElemDataVector(mbs, edc, "Den_coeffs", denI, 1); GetElemDataVector(mbs,edc,"IOBlock.num_coeffs",numI,1); GetElemDataVector(mbs,edc,"IOBlock.den_coeffs",denI,1); //XXX: GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "Initial_output", y0, 1); //GetElemDataVector(mbs,edc,"IOBlock.init_vec",init_vec,1); // $MSax 2013-03-01: added if (num.Length() != den.Length()) { rv = 0; //not successful } else { SetZTransferFunction(numI, denI); //, init_vec); // $MSax 2013-03-01: changed --> added 3rd. input argument init_vec //XXX: SetZTransferFunction(numI, denI, y0); // not implemented yet! } return rv; } void ZTransferFunction::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); // $ MSax 2013-03-01: added } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void RandomSource::SetRandomSource(double amplitudeI, double offsetI, TRandomType methodI, double seedI, double init_val, int Nbits) { InitRandomSource(amplitudeI, offsetI, methodI, seedI, init_val, Roundval(pow(2., Nbits)-1.)); } // rand_max_i ... 2^N-1 void RandomSource::InitRandomSource(double amplitudeI, double offsetI, TRandomType methodI, double seedI, double init_val, int rand_maxi) { amplitude = amplitudeI; offset = offsetI; seed = seedI; method = methodI; SetNOutputs(1); SetNStates(0); int dimIODiscrete = DataS(); // dimension of root element if(seed > 1.0) { seed = 1.0; // max. value of seed GetMBS()->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "WARNING: InitRandomSource: \"seed\" bigger than 1.0 --> automatically set to 1.0\n"; } if(seed < 0.0) { seed = 0.0; // min. value of seed GetMBS()->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "WARNING: InitRandomSource: \"seed\" negative --> automatically set to 0.0\n"; } Vector init; init.SetLen(0); // new init vector inclusive base element variables init = init.Append(GetDataInit()); init = init.Append(init_val); // x(t=0) = y(t=0) // initialize random signal generator if(method == (TRandomType)Trand) { if(seed)srand((int)seed); //initialize random generator SetNDiscreteStates(1); // yk = xk } else //if(method == (TRandomType)TLFSR { SetRandMax(rand_maxi); int random_value = (int)(seed * rand_maxi); if(!random_value) { random_value++; // intialize state with value unequal 0 } init = init.Append((double)random_value); // internal state of LSFR random generator, unequal 0. SetNDiscreteStates(2); // yk = xk, state } SetDataInit(init); } // random integer number € [0, RAND_MAX]; method TLFSR returns numbers unequal zero int RandomSource::GetRandomInt() { if(method == (TRandomType)Trand) { return rand(); } else //if method == (TRandomType)TLFSR { int shift_left = (int)(log10((double)abs(~GetRandMax()))/log10(2.)); // NOT(7FFF) = 32768 = 2^15 = 1000 0000 0000 0000 ==> 16 = log2(2^15)+1 = log10(2^15)/log10(2) + 1 unsigned int rand_val = (unsigned int)XDiscrete(2); // get current internal state unsigned int newBit = 0; switch(GetRandMax()) { case 1: newBit = rand_val&1; break;//Fibonacci LFSR, Bit1 ... 1 Bits case 3: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 2 Bits case 7: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 3 Bits case 15: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2)>> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 4 Bits case 31: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit3) ... 5 Bits case 63: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 6 Bits case 127: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 7 Bits case 255: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2)^((rand_val&8) >> 3)^((rand_val&16) >> 4); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit3) XOR (Bit4) XOR (Bit5)... 8 Bits case 511: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&16) >> 4); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit5) ... 9 Bits case 1023: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit4) ... 10 Bits case 2047: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit3) ... 11 Bits case 4095: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1)^((rand_val&16) >> 4)^((rand_val&64) >> 6); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) XOR (Bit5) XOR (Bit7) ... 12 Bits case 8191: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3)^((rand_val&128) >> 7); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) XOR (Bit4) XOR (Bit8) ... 13 Bits case 16383: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3)^((rand_val&32) >> 5); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) XOR (Bit4) XOR (Bit6) ... 14 Bits case 32767: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 15 Bits case 65535: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2)^((rand_val&8) >> 3)^((rand_val&32) >> 5); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit3) XOR (Bit4) XOR (Bit6) ... 16 Bits case 131071: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit4) ... 17 Bits case 262143: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&128) >> 7); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit8) ... 18 Bits case 524287: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2)^((rand_val&32) >> 5); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) XOR (Bit3) XOR (Bit6) ... 19 Bits case 1048575: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit4) ... 20 Bits case 2097151: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&4) >> 2); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit3) ... 21 Bits case 4194303: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) ... 22 Bits case 8388607: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&32) >> 5); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit6) ... 23 Bits case 16777215: newBit = rand_val & (rand_val&1)^((rand_val&2) >> 1)^((rand_val&8) >> 3)^((rand_val&16) >> 4); break; //Fibonacci LFSR, (Bit1) XOR (Bit2) XOR (Bit4) XOR (Bit5) ... 24 Bits default: mbs->UO(UO_LVL_err) << "XOR-operation only implemented for maximal 24 Bits."; } newBit = newBit << shift_left; // newBit € {1000 0000 0000 0000, 0000 0000 0000 0000} rand_val = (rand_val + newBit) >> 1; // one shift left (doesn't work with rand_val = 0) XDiscrete(2) = (double)rand_val; // store new internal state return rand_val; } } //function is called every discrete event // xk+1 = f(xk,uk) void RandomSource::UpdateDiscreteElementState() { int randval = GetRandomInt(); assert(randval >= 0 && randval <= GetRandMax()); XDiscrete(1) = amplitude*((double)randval/(double)GetRandMax() - 0.5) + offset; } const char* RandomSource::SymbolText() const { return CSText_RandomSource; } int RandomSource::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void RandomSource::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(amplitude, "max_amplitude"); ed.SetToolTipText("Max. amplitude of random value."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(offset, "mean_value"); ed.SetToolTipText("Offset of random signal."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetBool((TRandomType)method, "method"); ed.SetToolTipText("Random generator method."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); int bits = (int)Roundval(log10(rand_max+1.)/log10(2.)); // Bits = log2(max_rand+1) ed.SetInt(bits, "bits"); ed.SetToolTipText("Number of bits for random signal."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetBool(isConstAmplitude, "constant_amplitude"); ed.SetToolTipText("Output values are +amplitude or -amplitude if flag is activate."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(seed, "seed"); ed.SetToolTipText("seed € [0.,1.]... initialization of random generator"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //$ MSax 2013-02-28: added ed.SetDouble(init_val, "init_val"); ed.SetToolTipText("initial value of the generator x(t=0) = y(t=0)"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //$ MSax 2013-02-28: added } int RandomSource::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.max_amplitude", amplitude, 1); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.mean_value", offset, 1); int methodI; GetElemDataBool(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.method", methodI, 1); int bits; GetElemDataInt(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.bits", bits, 1); GetElemDataBool(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.constant_amplitude", isConstAmplitude, 1); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.seed", seed, 1); //$ MSax 2013-02-28: added GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.init_val", init_val, 1); //$ MSax 2013-02-28: added // TODO: add init_data SetRandomSource(amplitude, offset, (TRandomType)methodI, seed, init_val, bits); SetConstantAmplitude(isConstAmplitude); inputs.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added input_types.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added input_localnum.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added return rv; } void RandomSource::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } // DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS DISCRETE SYSTEMS //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void InputOutputElement::CopyFrom(const Element& e) { Constraint::CopyFrom(e); const InputOutputElement& ce = (const InputOutputElement&)e; inputs = ce.inputs; input_types = ce.input_types; input_localnum = ce.input_localnum; n_output = ce.n_output; n_state = ce.n_state; ref_pos=ce.ref_pos; draw_dim=ce.draw_dim; rotation = ce.rotation; input_nodes.SetLen(ce.input_nodes.Length()); input_nodes_num.SetLen(ce.input_nodes_num.Length()); for (int i=1; i <= ce.input_nodes.Length(); i++) { input_nodes(i) = ce.input_nodes(i); input_nodes_num(i) = ce.input_nodes_num(i); } colbackground = ce.colbackground; colforeground = ce.colforeground; } void InputOutputElement::InitConstructor() { draw_element = 1; type = TMBSElement(TController+TConstraint); elementname = GetElementSpec(); elements.SetLen(0); inputs.SetLen(0); input_localnum.SetLen(0); input_types.SetLen(0); n_output = 0; n_state = 0; x_init = Vector(SS()); rotation = 0; input_nodes.SetLen(0); input_nodes_num.SetLen(0); //AddInput(1, 1); // $ MSax 2013-02-28: added //drawing properties: ref_pos = Vector2D(0.,0.); // default size for elements made much larger to represent pixels in 2D View draw_dim = Vector3D(DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE,DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE,0.); // draw_dim = Vector3D(1.,1.,0.); rotation = 0; colbackground = Vector3D(-1.,-1.,-1.); //-1. ... no background color colforeground = colblack; } void InputOutputElement::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { //if(1) //{ Constraint::GetElementData(edc); //} //else //{ // old: // Constraint::GetElementData(edc); // ElementData ed; // ed.SetInt(GetNInputs(), "Number_of_inputs"); ed.SetLocked(1); edc.Add(ed); // ed.SetInt(GetNOutputs(), "Number_of_outputs"); ed.SetLocked(1); edc.Add(ed); // ed.SetInt(GetNStates(), "Number_of_states"); ed.SetLocked(1); edc.Add(ed); // // ed.SetVector2D(ref_pos.X(), ref_pos.Y(), "Drawing_ref_pos"); ed.SetToolTipText("reference position for drawing"); edc.Add(ed); // ed.SetVector3D(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y(), draw_dim.Z(), "Draw_size"); ed.SetToolTipText("drawing parameters: x=width, y=height, z=unused"); edc.Add(ed); // SetElemDataIVector(edc, inputs, "Input_element_numbers"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Only valid element numbers permitted!"); // SetElemDataIVector(edc, input_types, "Input_element_types"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("1=InputOutputElement, 2=Sensor"); // SetElemDataIVector(edc, input_localnum, "Input_local_number"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Local number i = output number i of referred element"); //} Matrix mat; mat.SetMatrix2n(input_nodes); ElementData ed; ed.SetVector2DList(mat.GetMatPtr(), input_nodes.Length(), "input_nodes"); edc.TreeAdd("Graphics",ed); } int InputOutputElement::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { //InitConstructor(); int rv = Constraint::SetElementData(edc); //int old = 0; //if(old) //{ // GetElemDataVector2D(mbs, edc, "Drawing_ref_pos", ref_pos, 0); // GetElemDataVector3D(mbs, edc, "Draw_size", draw_dim, 0); // GetElemDataIVector(mbs, edc, "Input_element_numbers", inputs, 1); // GetElemDataIVector(mbs, edc, "Input_element_types", input_types, 1); // GetElemDataIVector(mbs, edc, "Input_local_number", input_localnum, 1); //} double *mp; int n; edc.TreeGetVector2DList("Graphics.input_nodes",&mp,n); Matrix mat(n,2,mp); mat.GetVector2DList(input_nodes); return rv; } int InputOutputElement::GetAvailableSpecialValues(TArrayDynamic& available_variables) { // call base class routines Constraint::GetAvailableSpecialValues(available_variables); // Automatic entries for this class InputOutputElement::GetAvailableSpecialValuesAuto(available_variables); // Manual entries for this class for(int i=1; i<=GetNOutputs();i++) { available_variables.Add(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType("IOBlock.output",i,0,0.,mystr("IOBlock.output[i] ... measures the i-th output of this IOBlock"))) ; } for(int i=1; i<=GetNInputs();i++) { available_variables.Add(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType("IOBlock.input",i,0,0.,mystr("IOBlock.input[i] ... measures the i-th input of this IOBlock"))) ; } return 0; } int InputOutputElement::ReadSingleElementData(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata) { // call base class routine int rv = Constraint::ReadSingleElementData(RWdata); if (rv == 1) return 1; // manual things to read if( RWdata.variable_name == mystr("IOBlock.output") ) { if (RWdata.comp1 > 0 && RWdata.comp1 <= GetNOutputs()) //range check { RWdata.value = GetOutput(RWdata.time, RWdata.comp1); return 1; } else return -2; } else if(RWdata.variable_name == mystr("IOBlock.input")) { if (RWdata.comp1 > 0 && RWdata.comp1 <= GetNInputs()) //range check { RWdata.value = GetInput(RWdata.time, RWdata.comp1); return 1; } else return -2; } return ReadSingleElementDataAuto(RWdata); } const char* InputOutputElement::SymbolText() const { return CSText_InputOutputElement; } int InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = Constraint::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv==2){ return rv;} if ((GetNInputs() != input_types.Length()) || (inputs.Length() != input_localnum.Length())) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: lengths of vectors for definition of input don't match in element " + elementname + ". "; return 2; } if(GetExpectedNumberOfInputs()!= -1 && GetNInputs() != GetExpectedNumberOfInputs()) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: please connect " + mystr(GetExpectedNumberOfInputs()) + " inputs to element " + elementname + ". "; return 2; } for(int i=1; i<=input_types.Length();i++) { if(input_types(i)!=IOInputTypeSensor && input_types(i)!=IOInputTypeElement) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: unexpected type of " + mystr(i) + "-th input. "; return 2; } else if(input_types(i)==IOInputTypeSensor) { if(inputs(i) < 1 /*||inputs(i) > NSensors()*/) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: invalid sensor number found in element " + elementname + ". "; return 2; } } else if(input_types(i)==IOInputTypeElement) { if(inputs(i)>mbs->GetNElements()) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: input element number not well-defined in element " + elementname + ". "; return 2; } else if(!mbs->GetElement(inputs(i)).IsType(TController)) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: can't connect the element with number " + mystr(inputs(i)) + " to element " + elementname + "(no output found). "; return 2; } else if(input_localnum(i) < 1 || mbs->GetElement(inputs(i)).IsType(TController) && ((InputOutputElement*)mbs->GetElementPtr(inputs(i)))->GetNOutputs() < input_localnum(i)) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: can't connect the element with number " + mystr(inputs(i)) + " to element " + elementname + "(unexpected output number " + mystr(input_localnum(i)) + "). "; return 2; } } } return rv; } Vector2D InputOutputElement::GetInputPosD(int i) const //return absolute position of input #i { double phi = rotation*MY_PI*0.5; Matrix3D rot; rot.Set22(cos(phi), -sin(phi),sin(phi), cos(phi)); double y = 0; if (GetNInputs() > 1) { // y = draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNInputs()+0.5)) * (double)i; y = draw_dim.Y()/2. - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNInputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5); } double x =draw_dim.X()*0.5; Vector2D dpos(-x,y); if(rotation == 1)//rotation, 1==90°, 2==180°, 3==270°, 4=360°) { dpos = Vector2D(-y,-x); } else if(rotation == 2) { dpos = Vector2D(x,y); } else if(rotation == 3) { dpos = Vector2D(-y,x); } return GetRefPos2DD() + dpos; //rot * Vector2D(-draw_dim.X()*0.5,y); } Vector2D InputOutputElement::GetOutputPosD(int i) const //return absolute position of input #i { double phi = rotation*MY_PI*0.5; Matrix3D rot; rot.Set22(cos(phi), -sin(phi),sin(phi), cos(phi)); double y = 0; if (GetNOutputs() > 1) { y = draw_dim.Y()/2. - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNOutputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5); } return GetRefPos2DD() + rot * Vector2D(draw_dim.X()*0.5,y); } void InputOutputElement::DrawElement() { //DrawElement2D(); if (!GetMBS()->GetIOption(144)) return; //do not draw control object //draw text in center of symbol: double phi = rotation*MY_PI*0.5; Matrix3D rot = RotMatrix3(phi); //Matrix rot(cos(phi), -sin(phi), sin(phi), cos(phi)); //draw rectangle: double b = draw_dim.X(); double h = draw_dim.Y(); Vector2D rp = GetRefPos2DD(); Vector3D rp3 = ToP3D(rp); Vector3D p1(-0.5*b,-0.5*h,0.); //ll 2 Vector3D p2( 0.5*b,-0.5*h,0.); //lr 3 Vector3D p3( 0.5*b, 0.5*h,0.); //ur 4 Vector3D p4(-0.5*b, 0.5*h,0.); //ul 1 if(colbackground(1) < 0) { GetMBS()->MyDrawRectangle(rp3+rot*p4, rp3+rot*p1, rp3+rot*p2, rp3+rot*p3, 1, &colforeground); //$ RL 2011-11-17: draw only lines } else { GetMBS()->MyDrawRectangle(rp3+rot*p4, rp3+rot*p1, rp3+rot*p2, rp3+rot*p3, 1, &colforeground, &colbackground); //$ RL 2011-11-17: draw color rectangle } Vector2D tp = rp - Vector2D(draw_dim.X()*0.3,-draw_dim.Y()*0.3); GetMBS()->GetRC()->PrintText3D((float)tp.X(), (float)tp.Y(), 0., GetElementName().c_str()); if (GetMBS()->GetIOption(123)) { char text[40]; sprintf(text,"element %d", GetOwnNum()); GetMBS()->GetRC()->PrintText3D((float)tp.X(),(float)(tp.Y()-draw_dim.Y()*0.3),0.,text); } //draw inputs and outputs: Vector3D v1=rot*Vector3D(-0.1*b, 0.1*h, 0.); Vector3D v2=rot*Vector3D(-0.1*b,-0.1*h, 0.); if(GetNInputs() == input_types.Length()) { for (int i=1; i <= GetNInputs(); i++) { //GetMBS()->MyDrawCircleXY(ToP3D(GetInputPosD(i)), draw_dim.Y()*0.1, color); Vector3D pi(0.); if(Dim() == 2) { pi = ToP3D(GetInputPosD(i)); } else { pi = GetInputPos3DD(i); } GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(pi + v1, pi, 2., colforeground); GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(pi + v2, pi, 2., colforeground); Vector3D po(0.,0.,0.); int show = 0; if (GetInputType(i) == 1) //if InputOutputElement, draw line to last IO-Element { Element *elp = GetMBS()->GetElementPtr(inputs(i)); if(! elp->IsType(TController)) //$ DR 2013-03-28 added this check { GetMBS()->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "WARNING: input " << i << " of element " << elp->GetOwnNum() << " should be an other IO-Element, but is not. Drawing of controll elements stopped!\n"; return; } InputOutputElement* ioe = (InputOutputElement*)GetMBS()->GetElementPtr(inputs(i)); if (ioe->Dim()==2) { po = ToP3D(ioe->GetOutputPosD(GetInputLocalNum(i))); } else { po = ioe->GetOutputPos3DD(GetInputLocalNum(i)); } show = 1; } else if (GetMBS()->GetIOption(127) && GetInputType(i) == 2) { // sensor als eingang if(GetMBS()->GetSensor(inputs(i)).GetNumberOfDrawingPositions() > 0) { po = GetMBS()->GetSensor(inputs(i)).GetDrawPosition(1); show = 1; } } if (show) { // zwischenpunkte Vector3D last = pi; for (int j=1; j <= input_nodes.Length(); j++) { if (input_nodes_num(j) == i) { GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(ToP3D(input_nodes(j)), last, 1., colforeground); last = ToP3D(input_nodes(j)); } } GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(last, po, 1., colforeground); } } } for (int i=1; i <= GetNOutputs(); i++) { Vector2D v2d = GetOutputPosD(i); Vector3D po = ToP3D(GetOutputPosD(i)); GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(po + Vector3D(v1(1),2.0/GetNOutputs()*v1(2),v1(3)), po, 1., colforeground); GetMBS()->MyDrawLine(po + Vector3D(v2(1),2.0/GetNOutputs()*v2(2),v2(3)), po, 1., colforeground); } }; void InputOutputElement::SetOutputName(int output_nr, mystr& name) { if(output_names.Length() != GetNOutputs()) // conditional reset ( is called when a name is added for the first time ) { output_names.Reset(); for (int i=1; i<=GetNOutputs(); i++) { output_names.Add(""); } } if (name.Length()>=80) { name.Left(77); name += "..."; } output_names.Set(output_nr, name); } char* InputOutputElement::GetOutputName(int output_nr) { if( output_names.Length() > 0 && output_nr <= output_names.Length() ) return output_names.Get(output_nr); else return NULL; } void InputOutputElement::DrawElement2D() { // ASSUMPTION: the default element size is 24x24 (const double DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE = 24;) const int textboxheight = 8; const int nodediameter = 1; // Basic Size, rotation Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); double phi = rotation*MY_PI*0.5; Matrix2D rot; rot.SetSkew(phi); Vector2D center, size; // used for frame, labels Vector2D nodecenter, nodesize; // individual nodes / lines // Drawing order for nice pictures // 1: connection lines // 2: Element Frame // 3: Nodes // 4: Text // **************** // (1) CONNECTIONS // **************** // loop over Input Nodes center = Vector2D(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); size = Vector2D(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); int last_array_pos_to_insert = 1; // array pos to insert the node at for (int i=1; i <= GetNInputs(); i++) { nodecenter = Vector2D(-0.5*draw_dim.X(), 0.5*draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNInputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5)); // relative position nodecenter = rot * nodecenter + center; nodesize = Vector2D(nodediameter,nodediameter); // nodesize = Vector2D(nodediameter/2.,nodediameter/2.); // construction nodes smaller then IO Nodes if (GetInputType(i) == 1) // connected to an other IO-Element { //InputOutputElement* ioe = (InputOutputElement*)GetMBS()->GetElementPtr(inputs(i)); //$ DR 2013-03-28 added the following check Element *elp = GetMBS()->GetElementPtr(inputs(i)); if(! elp->IsType(TController)) { GetMBS()->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "WARNING: input " << i << " of element " << elp->GetOwnNum() << " should be an other IO-Element, but is not."; } else { InputOutputElement* ioe = (InputOutputElement*)elp; Vector2D final = ioe->GetOutputPosD(GetInputLocalNum(i)); Vector2D start = nodecenter; Vector2D end; for (int j=1; j <= input_nodes.Length(); j++) { if (input_nodes_num(j) == i) { end = input_nodes(j); last_array_pos_to_insert = j; int identifier_subelnr = i * 65536 + last_array_pos_to_insert; // combines Input Number and Array Position to insert a split node // AD: NOTE - I dont want to change the data struct and access functions right now, but to identify the connection line unambiguous there are two integer numbers required. // As these integers are short I store them both in the variable sub_elnr. GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier identifier_subelnr, TConnectionLine, // DRAW identifier start, end, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier identifier_subelnr, TConstructionNode, // DRAW identifier end, nodesize, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color start = end; last_array_pos_to_insert++; // after a node is found increase the array position to insert new nodes } } int identifier_subelnr = i * 65536 + last_array_pos_to_insert; // combines Input Number and Array Position to insert a split node GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier identifier_subelnr, TConnectionLine, // DRAW identifier start, final, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color } } } // ****************** // (2) ELEMENT FRAME // ****************** center = Vector2D(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); size = Vector2D(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Rect( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TElementFrame, // DRAW identifier center, size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), colbackground); // colors : border always black, area as set ... // specific Symbol if(size.X() > 2) DrawBlockSymbol(); // *************************** // (3) INPUT AND OUTPUT NODES // *************************** center = Vector2D(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); size = Vector2D(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); nodesize = Vector2D(nodediameter,nodediameter); // Input Nodes for (int i=1; i <= GetNInputs(); i++) { nodecenter = Vector2D(-0.5*draw_dim.X(), 0.5*draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNInputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5)); // relative position nodecenter = rot * nodecenter + center; if (GetInputType(i) == 1) // connected to an other IO-Element { GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TInputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter, nodesize, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color } else if (GetInputType(i) == 2) // connected to a sensor { GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TInputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter, nodesize, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color } else { GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TInputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter, nodesize, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(1.,0.,0.)); // color } } // Output Nodes for (int i=1; i <= GetNOutputs(); i++) { nodecenter = Vector2D( 0.5*draw_dim.X(), 0.5*draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNOutputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5)); // relative position nodecenter = rot * nodecenter + center; GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TOutputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter, nodesize, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); // color } // *********** // (4) LABELS // *********** // Element Name below the element // "about a 3rd to 4th of the default height" center = Vector2D(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()-0.5*draw_dim.Y() - textboxheight/2); size = Vector2D(draw_dim.X(), textboxheight); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TElementName, // DRAW identifier center, size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black GetElementName(), // label element with element name TTextAllign (HCenter+VTop) ); // other properties // MBS-element number //b 123 PostProcOptions.Bodies.show_element_numbers 0 "1|(0) ... (Don't) show element body numbers." //b 124 PostProcOptions.Connectors.show_constraint_numbers 0 "1|(0) ... (Don't) show constraint number." if (GetMBS()->GetIOption(124)) { size = Vector2D( 6, 5); // rectangle of constant absolute size in top right corner ( "for about 4 digits" ) center = Vector2D( refpos.X()+0.5*draw_dim.X()-0.5*size.X(), refpos.Y()+0.5*draw_dim.Y()-0.5*size.Y()); if(draw_dim.X() > 5) { GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Rect( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 2, TElementName, // DRAW identifier center, size, // extent colforeground, colbackground); // colors : border always black, area as set ... GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 2, TElementName, // DRAW identifier center, size, // extent colforeground, // color of this label is alway black mystr(GetOwnNum()), // label element with element name TTextAllign (HCenter+VTop) ); // other properties } } center = Vector2D(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); size = Vector2D(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); // Input Nodes for (int i=1; i <= GetNInputs(); i++) { nodecenter = Vector2D(-0.5*draw_dim.X(), 0.5*draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNInputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5)); // relative position nodecenter = rot * nodecenter + center; Vector2D shift(-DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE/2-nodediameter , textboxheight/2 + nodediameter); Vector2D textbox(DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE, textboxheight); if (GetInputType(i) == 2) // connected to a sensor { if (inputs(i) > 0 && inputs(i) <= GetMBS()->NSensors()) { mystr name = GetMBS()->GetSensor(inputs(i)).GetSensorName(); mystr label = mystr("S")+mystr(inputs(i))+mystr(":")+name; GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TInputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter+shift, textbox, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black label, // label input node with sensor name TTextAllign (HRight+VBottom) ); // other properties } } } // Output Nodes for (int i=1; i <= GetNOutputs(); i++) { nodecenter = Vector2D( 0.5*draw_dim.X(), 0.5*draw_dim.Y() - (draw_dim.Y()/((double)GetNOutputs())) * ((double)i - 0.5)); // relative position nodecenter = rot * nodecenter + center; Vector2D shift(+DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE/2+nodediameter , textboxheight/2 + nodediameter); Vector2D textbox(DEFAULT_IOE_SIZE, textboxheight); if (GetOutputName(i) != NULL) { GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier i, TOutputNode, // DRAW identifier nodecenter+shift, textbox, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black mystr(GetOutputName(i)), // label output with load identifier TTextAllign (HLeft+VBottom) ); // other properties } } return; }; void InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol() { Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, size, // extent colforeground, // color mystr(SymbolText()), // label element with element name TTextAllign (HCenter+VCenter) ); // other properties } void InputOutputElement::GetDirectFeedThroughElements(TArray& elnums) const //return all elements which are depending on this element by direct feed through { if (IsDirectFeedThrough()) { for (int i=1; i <= GetNInputs(); i++) { if (GetInputType(i) == IOInputTypeElement) { elnums.Add(GetInputNum(i)); GetMBS()->GetElement(GetInputNum(i)).GetDirectFeedThroughElements(elnums); } } } } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* LinearTransformation::SymbolText() const { return CSText_LinearTransformation; } void LinearTransformation::SetLinearTransformation(const Matrix& A, const Vector& b) { //inputs must be added separately A_coeff.Resize(A.Getrows(), A.Getcols(),1); A_coeff = A; b_coeff = b; SetNOutputs(b.Length()); //check if sizes are consistent! //if (A.Getrows()*A.Getcols() != 0) assert(A.Getrows() == b.Length()); //-->moved to CheckConsistency } void LinearTransformation::SetConstant(double val) { //inputs must be added separately A_coeff = Matrix(1,0); b_coeff = Vector(val); SetNOutputs(1); } void LinearTransformation::SetGain(double val) { //inputs must be added separately A_coeff = Matrix(val); b_coeff = Vector(1); b_coeff(1) = 0; SetNOutputs(1); } void LinearTransformation::SetAdder(const Vector& signs) { //inputs must be added separately A_coeff = Matrix(1,signs.Length()); for (int i=1; i <= signs.Length(); i++) {A_coeff(1,i) = signs(i);} b_coeff = Vector(1); b_coeff(1) = 0.; SetNOutputs(1); } //To be overwritten in derived class: void LinearTransformation::CopyFrom(const Element& e) { InputOutputElement::CopyFrom(e); const LinearTransformation& ce = (const LinearTransformation&)e; A_coeff.Resize(ce.A_coeff.Getrows(), ce.A_coeff.Getcols(),1); A_coeff = ce.A_coeff; b_coeff = ce.b_coeff; } void LinearTransformation::InitConstructor() { InputOutputElement::InitConstructor(); elementname = GetElementSpec(); SetNStates(0); Matrix A_init(4,4); SetLinearTransformation(A_init,Vector(4)); } int LinearTransformation::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv==2){return rv;} if(A_coeff.Getrows()*A_coeff.Getcols() != 0) { if(A_coeff.Getcols() != GetNInputs()) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: columns of A_matrix and number of inputs do not match " + mystr("(check element with number ") + mystr(GetOwnNum()) + mystr(")"); return 2; } else if(A_coeff.Getrows() != b_coeff.Length()) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: rows of A_matrix and b_vector do not match " + mystr("(check element with number ") + mystr(GetOwnNum()) + mystr(")"); return 2; } else if(A_coeff.Getrows() != GetNOutputs()) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: rows of A_matrix and number of output do not match " + mystr("(check element with number ") + mystr(GetOwnNum()) + mystr(")"); return 2; } } else if(A_coeff.Getrows()*A_coeff.Getcols() == 0 && GetNInputs() != 0) { errorstr = "Inconsistent system: no rows or columns of A_matrix defined, but number of inputs is not zero " + mystr("(check element with number ") + mystr(GetOwnNum()) + mystr(")"); return 2; } return rv; } void LinearTransformation::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; } int LinearTransformation::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { //TODO: resize matrix, if user change the size!!! int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); //// possible extensions e.g. with radio buttons //SetConstant(val); //SetGain(val); //SetAdder(signs); //if(A_coeff.Getrows() == 1 && A_coeff.Getcols() == 1) //{ // if( A_coeff(1,1) == 0.0) // { // SetConstant(b_coeff(1)); // } // else if(b_coeff.Length()==1 && b_coeff(1) == 0.0) // { // SetGain(A_coeff(1,1)); // } //} //else //{ SetLinearTransformation(A_coeff, b_coeff); //} return rv; } double LinearTransformation::GetOutput(double t, int i) const { //to be overwritten in specific class! int elnum = GetOwnNum(); double yi = b_coeff(i); for (int j=1; j <= GetNInputs(); j++) { //y_i = sum_j=1..nI {A_ij*u_j} + b_i yi += A_coeff(i, j)*GetInput(t, j); } /*if (GetOwnNum() == 25 && GetMBS()->GetTime()>0.005) { GetMBS()->UO() << "Gain: t=" << GetMBS()->GetTime() << "\n"; GetMBS()->UO() << "u=" << GetInput(t, 1) << "\n"; GetMBS()->UO() << "y=" << yi << "\n"; }*/ return yi; } void LinearTransformation::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center + Vector2D( -0.35*size.X(), -0.4*size.Y() ), center + Vector2D( -0.35*size.X(), 0.4*size.Y() ), // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.) ); // other properties GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center + Vector2D( -0.4*size.X(), -0.35*size.Y() ), center + Vector2D( 0.4*size.X(), -0.35*size.Y() ), // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.) ); // other properties GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center + Vector2D( -0.4*size.X(), -0.2*size.Y() ), center + Vector2D( 0.4*size.X(), 0.2*size.Y() ), // extent Vector3D(1.,0.,0.) ); // other properties } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void Quantizer::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(roundval, "rounding_value"); ed.SetToolTipText("Max. amplitude of random value."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //edc.Add(ed); } int Quantizer::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.rounding_value", roundval, 1); SetNOutputs(1); SetNStates(0); return rv; } void Quantizer::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* STransferFunction::SymbolText() const { return CSText_STransferFunction; } int STransferFunction::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} if(num.Length() != den.Length()) { errorstr = "Error: Numerator and denominator vectors must have same size. Transfer function is set automatically to \"1/s\"."; SetSTransferFunction(Vector(1.,0.), Vector(0.,1.)); // set to valid value return 1; } if(den(den.Length()) == 0) { errorstr = "Error: Denominator coefficient corresponding to Laplace variable with highest exponent is zero. Transfer function is set automatically to \"1/s\".\n"; SetSTransferFunction(Vector(1.,0.), Vector(0.,1.)); // set to valid value return 1; } if (GetNStates() == 0) { errorstr = "Error: Transfer function is fully algebraic. Transfer function is set automatically to \"1/s\"."; SetSTransferFunction(Vector(1.,0.), Vector(0.,1.)); // set to valid value return 1; } //check if sizes are consistent! if(GetNStates() != x_init.Length()) { errorstr = "Error: Wrong size of intitialization vector. Transfer function is set automatically to \"1/s\"."; SetSTransferFunction(Vector(1.,0.), Vector(0.,1.)); // set to valid value return 1; } return rv; } void STransferFunction::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; //SetElemDataVector(edc, x_init, "Initial_vector"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Initial values of time-domain variables"); } int STransferFunction::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); SetSTransferFunction(num, den); // alternative with inital state "initVector" //GetElemDataVector(mbs, edc, "Initial_vector", initVector, 1); //SetSTransferFunction(numI, denI, initVector); return rv; } void STransferFunction::EvalF(Vector& f, double t) { //compute f(i) = sum_j (A_ij * XG(j)) + b_i /*if (GetOwnNum() == 26 && GetMBS()->GetTime()>0.005) { int test=1; }*/ if(GetNInputs() >=1) //$ RL 2011-01 { int n = ES(); double u = GetInput(t, 1); //f = A*x+u*b; //A=[0 ..... 0 -den1 ] // [1 0 ... 0 -den2 ] // [0 0 ... 1 -den(n)] //bb(i) = num(i) - num(n+1)*den(i) f(1) += -den(1)*XG(n) + (num(1)-num(n+1)*den(1))*u; /*if (GetOwnNum() == 26 && GetMBS()->GetTime()>0.005) { GetMBS()->UO() << "integrator: t=" << GetMBS()->GetTime() << "\n"; GetMBS()->UO() << "u=" << u << "\n"; GetMBS()->UO() << "xg=" << XG(1) << "\n"; GetMBS()->UO() << "f=" << f(1) << "\n"; }*/ for(int i = 2; i<=n; i++ ) { f(i) += XG(i-1) - den(i)*XG(n) + (num(i)-num(n+1)*den(i))*u; //A(i,i-1) * x(i-1) + b(i)*u; // ones in A-matrix } } }; double STransferFunction::GetOutput(double t, int i) const { //to be overwritten in specific class! if (i != 1) { assert(0); return 0; } //y = [0 0 .... 1][x_1 x_2 ... x_n] + b_n*u; int n = ES(); double u = 0; if (num(n+1) != 0.) u = GetInput(t, 1); if (n==0) return num(n+1)*u; else return XG(n) + num(n+1)*u; } void STransferFunction::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* LinearODE::SymbolText() const { return CSText_LinearODE; } int LinearODE::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void LinearODE::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetMatrix(A_coeff.GetMatPtr(),A_coeff.Getrows(),A_coeff.Getcols(),"A_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of state matrix A, x_dot = A*x + B*u"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetMatrix(B_coeff.GetMatPtr(),B_coeff.Getrows(),B_coeff.Getcols(),"B_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of input matrix B, x_dot = A*x + B*u"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetMatrix(C_coeff.GetMatPtr(),C_coeff.Getrows(),C_coeff.Getcols(),"C_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of output matrix C, y = C*x + D*u"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetMatrix(D_coeff.GetMatPtr(),D_coeff.Getrows(),D_coeff.Getcols(),"D_coeffs"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Coefficients of output matrix D, y = C*x + D*u"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 ed.SetVector(x_init.GetVecPtr(),x_init.GetLen(),"initital_vector"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Initial values of time-domain variables"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 //ElementData ed; //SetElemDataMatrix(edc, A_coeff, "A_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of state matrix A, x_dot = A*x + B*u"); //SetElemDataMatrix(edc, B_coeff, "B_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of input matrix B, x_dot = A*x + B*u"); //SetElemDataMatrix(edc, C_coeff, "C_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of output matrix C, y = C*x + D*u"); //SetElemDataMatrix(edc, D_coeff, "D_coeffs"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Coefficients of output matrix D, y = C*x + D*u"); //SetElemDataVector(edc, x_init, "initital_vector"); edc.Last().SetVariableLength(); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Initial values of time-domain variables"); } int LinearODE::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); Vector numI, denI, initVector; GetElemDataMatrix(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.A_coeffs", A_coeff, 1); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 GetElemDataMatrix(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.B_coeffs", B_coeff, 1); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 GetElemDataMatrix(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.C_coeffs", C_coeff, 1); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 GetElemDataMatrix(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.D_coeffs", D_coeff, 1); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 GetElemDataVector(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.initital_vector", initVector, 1); // change: MSax 28-02-2013 int ni = B_coeff.Getcols(); //number of inputs int ns = A_coeff.Getcols(); //number of states int no = C_coeff.Getrows(); //number of outputs if (!(A_coeff.Getrows() == ns) || !(B_coeff.Getrows() == ns) || !(C_coeff.Getcols() == ns) || !(D_coeff.Getrows() == no) || !(D_coeff.Getcols() == ni) || !(initVector.Length() == ns)) rv = 0; if (rv) SetLinearODE(A_coeff, B_coeff, C_coeff, D_coeff, initVector); return rv; } void LinearODE::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOMathFunction::SymbolText() const { return mathfunc.GetTypeName(); } void IOMathFunction::SetIOMathFunction(const MathFunction& mathfuncI) { mathfunc = mathfuncI; //elementspec = mystr("IOMathFunction");// + mystr(mathfunc.GetTypeName()); //SetNOutputs(1); //SetNStates(0); } Element* IOMathFunction::GetCopy() { Element* ec = new IOMathFunction(mbs); ec->CopyFrom(*this); return ec; } //To be overwritten in derived class: void IOMathFunction::CopyFrom(const Element& e) { InputOutputElement::CopyFrom(e); const IOMathFunction& ce = (const IOMathFunction&)e; mathfunc = ce.mathfunc; pieceWiseSwitchOnlyInPostNewton = ce.pieceWiseSwitchOnlyInPostNewton; //pieceWiseIndex = ce.pieceWiseIndex; pieceWiseIteration = ce.pieceWiseIteration; } void IOMathFunction::InitConstructor() { InputOutputElement::InitConstructor(); elementname = GetElementSpec(); //Vector datainit(DataS()); //datainit.SetAll(-1); //SetDataInit(datainit); pieceWiseSwitchOnlyInPostNewton = 0; pieceWiseIndex = -1; pieceWiseIteration = 0; SetNOutputs(1); SetNStates(0); } int IOMathFunction::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void IOMathFunction::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); //mathfunc.GetElementData(edc); //fill in all element data ElementDataContainer edc_mf; mathfunc.GetElementData(edc_mf); ElementData ed; ed.SetEDC(&edc_mf,"MathFunction"); ed.SetToolTipText("mathematical function"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //ElementData ed; //SetElemDataMathFunc(edc, mathfunc, "Math_function"); edc.Last().SetToolTipText("Set coefficients of math function"); } int IOMathFunction::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); //const ElementData* ed = edc.TreeFind("IOBlock.MathFunction"); ElementData* ed = edc.TreeFind("IOBlock.MathFunction"); if(ed && ed->IsEDC()) { //mathfunc.SetElementData(mbs, *ed->GetEDC()); mathfunc.SetElementData(mbs,*ed->GetEDC()); //$ DR 2012-12-12 SetIOMathFunction(mathfunc); } return rv; } void IOMathFunction::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } double IOMathFunction::GetOutput(double t, int i) const { //to be overwritten in specific class! double u = GetInput(t, i); //------------------------------------ //begin: special case: input is IOTime if(mathfunc.GetFuncMode() == TMFpiecewiseconst && u == GetMBS()->GetStepEndTime() && u > 0.0) { if(GetInputType(i) == IOInputTypeElement) { mystr inputname(((const InputOutputElement&)(GetMBS()->GetElement(GetInputNum(i)))).SymbolText()); if(inputname.Compare(mystr(CSText_IOTime))) { // use time tolerance ONLY if input element is IOTime and time is equal to solver - StepEndTime and piecewise constant Mathfunction is used!!! u = u - discrete_time_tol; // if solver needs value at next time point for integration; value changes AFTERWARDS integration of time step is finished (then TItime is increased by FinishStep). } } } //end: special case: input is IOTime //---------------------------------- if(pieceWiseSwitchOnlyInPostNewton && pieceWiseIndex>0) { return mathfunc.InterpolatePiecewise(u, pieceWiseIndex); } else { return mathfunc.Evaluate(u); } } //$ RL 2012-7-25:[ double IOMathFunction::PostNewtonStep(double t) { double error=0.; if(pieceWiseSwitchOnlyInPostNewton && mathfunc.GetFuncMode() == TMFpiecewiselinear && !pieceWiseIteration == 1 ) { double u = GetInput(t, 1); int pieceWiseIndexOld = pieceWiseIndex; pieceWiseIndex = mathfunc.FindIndexPiecewise(u); if(pieceWiseIndexOld != -1 && pieceWiseIndex != pieceWiseIndexOld) { mbs->ForceJacobianRecomputation(); pieceWiseIteration++; double fnew = mathfunc.InterpolatePiecewise(u, pieceWiseIndex); double fold = mathfunc.InterpolatePiecewise(u, pieceWiseIndexOld); //error = fabs(fnew-fold); // difference of new and old value double f_nominal = mathfunc.GetXVector().MaxNorm(); if(!f_nominal){ f_nominal = 1;} // in case of zero - vector: use 1.0 as nominal value to omit division by zero error = fabs((fnew-fold)/f_nominal); // difference of new and old value } else { pieceWiseIteration = 0; } } return error; } void IOMathFunction::PostprocessingStep() { pieceWiseIteration = 0; }; //$ RL 2012-7-25:] //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void IOSaturate::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(upperLimit, "upper_limit"); ed.SetToolTipText("Upper limit of saturate."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(lowerLimit, "lower_limit"); ed.SetToolTipText("Lower limit of saturate."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); } int IOSaturate::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.upper_limit", upperLimit, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.lower_limit", lowerLimit, 0); SetNOutputs(1); SetNStates(0); return rv; } const char* IOSaturate::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOSaturate; } void IOSaturate::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IODeadZone::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IODeadZone; } void IODeadZone::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(start_deadzone, "start_deadzone"); ed.SetToolTipText("Start of dead zone."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(end_deadzone, "end_deadzone"); ed.SetToolTipText("End of dead zone."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); } int IODeadZone::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.start_deadzone", start_deadzone, 0); // lower limit of deadzone GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.end_deadzone", end_deadzone, 0); // upper limit of deadzone return rv; } void IODeadZone::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOTime::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOTime; } void IOTime::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; } int IOTime::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); inputs.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-08-28: added input_types.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-08-28: added input_localnum.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-08-28: added return rv; } void IOTime::DrawBlockSymbol() { Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, 0.7* size, // extent colforeground, colbackground ); // color //#define animate_clock #ifdef animate_clock double angle = GetMBS()->GetDrawTime()*2.*MY_PI; // 1 full revelation per second GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, center + Vector2D(0.30*size.Y()*sin(angle),0.30*size.Y()*cos(angle)), // extent colforeground ); // color #else GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, center + Vector2D(0.,0.30*size.Y()), // extent colforeground ); // color GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, center + Vector2D(0.20*size.X(),0.), // extent colforeground ); // color #endif } // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOPulseGenerator::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOPulseGenerator; } void IOPulseGenerator::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(amplitude, "amplitude"); ed.SetToolTipText("Amplitude of rectangle pulse generator."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(toffs, "offset"); ed.SetToolTipText("Time offset (s)."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(period, "period"); ed.SetToolTipText("Period of signal (s)."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(pulseWidth, "pulse_width"); ed.SetToolTipText("Pulse width (s)."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetInt(useExternalTime, "use_external_time_source"); ed.SetLocked(1); ed.SetToolTipText("1|(0) ... (Don't) use external input as time source."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); } int IOPulseGenerator::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.amplitude", amplitude, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.offset", toffs, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.period", period, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.pulse_width", pulseWidth, 0); GetElemDataInt(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.use_external_time_source", useExternalTime, 0); assert(period > 0. && pulseWidth >= 0.); // $ MSax 2013-02-28: added from set function inputs.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added input_types.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added input_localnum.SetLen(0); //$ MSax 2013-04-03: added return rv; } void IOPulseGenerator::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); Vector2D p1, p2; size *= 0.16; // scale overall size of the symbol for (int i=1; i<=7; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: p1 = center + Vector2D(-2.*size.X(),-2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( -size.X(),-2.*size.Y()); break; case 2: p1 = center + Vector2D( -size.X(),-2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( -size.X(), 2.*size.Y()); break; case 3: p1 = center + Vector2D( -size.X(), 2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( 0.0, 2.*size.Y()); break; case 4: p1 = center + Vector2D( 0.0, 2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( 0.0,-2.*size.Y()); break; case 5: p1 = center + Vector2D( 0.0,-2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( size.X(),-2.*size.Y()); break; case 6: p1 = center + Vector2D( size.X(),-2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( size.X(), 2.*size.Y()); break; case 7: p1 = center + Vector2D( size.X(), 2.*size.Y()); p2 = center + Vector2D( 2.*size.X(), 2.*size.Y()); break; default: break; } GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier p1, p2, // extent colforeground ); // color } } // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOProduct::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOProduct; } void IOProduct::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetVector(exp.GetVecPtr(), exp.Length(), "exponents"); ed.SetVariableLength(); ed.SetToolTipText("Exponent of inputs. y=u1\\^exp1*u2\\^exp2*...*un\\^expn+offset."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //$ MSax2013-02-28 ed.SetDouble(offset, "offset"); ed.SetToolTipText("Output offset."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); } int IOProduct::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataVector(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.exponents", exp, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.offset", offset, 0); if(exp.Length() <= 0) //$ MSax 2013-02-28 added from set function { exp = Vector(1.,1.); mbs->UO(UO_LVL_err).InstantMessageText("Error in SetIOProduct: exponent vector is empty."); } return rv; } double IOProduct::GetOutput(double t, int i) const { assert(GetNInputs() == exp.Length()); double outval = 1.; for(int i = 1; i<=GetNInputs(); i++) { // multiplication double u = GetInput(t, i); if(exp(i)<0) { assert(u != 0.); } ////TODO: if necessary, add strategy if input is zero (e.g. like code below) //if(u == 0.) //{ // // division // u = divide_by_zero_tol; // omit division by zero // mbs->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "Warning in IOProduct: Division by zero. Divisor is set to tolerance\n"; //} //else if(fabs(u) < divide_by_zero_tol) //{ // u = u/fabs(u)*divide_by_zero_tol; // omit division by zero // mbs->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "Warning in IOProduct: Division by value close to zero. Divisor is set to tolerance\n"; //} outval *= pow(u, exp(i)); // just for debugging //if(1) //{ // mbs->UO() << "Product: u = " << u << ", exp = " << exp(i) << "\n"; // if(i == GetNInputs()) // { // mbs->UO() << "Product: y = " << outval << "\n\n"; // } //} } outval += offset; return outval; } void IOProduct::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); size *= 0.16; // scale overall size of the symbol GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center + Vector2D( size.X(), size.Y() ), center + Vector2D( -size.X(), -size.Y() ), // extent colforeground ); // color GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center + Vector2D( -size.X(), size.Y() ), center + Vector2D( size.X(), -size.Y() ), // extent colforeground ); // color } // //+++++++Interface Data element: ControllerInterfaceData ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void ControllerInterfaceData::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) { ElementData ed; //adresses to functions are not in user menu. //void (*Reg_Init)(); // pointer on initialize function, not necessary to show these pointer in data container //void (*Reg_Update)(); // pointer on update function, not necessary to show these pointer in data container //ed.SetDouble(deltaT, "discrete_update_time"); edc.Add(ed); // already defined in InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetElementData(edc); //ed.SetInt(nOut, "number_of_outputs"); edc.Add(ed); // not necessary, already written into menu dialog from InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); //ed.SetInt(nInp, "number_of_inputs"); edc.Add(ed);// not necessary, already written into menu dialog from InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); } int ControllerInterfaceData::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) { int rv = 0; //adresses to functions are not in user menu. //void (*Reg_Init)(); // pointer on initialize function //void (*Reg_Update)(); // pointer on update function //GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "discrete_update_time", deltaT, 0); // already defined in InputOutputElementDiscrete::SetElementData(edc) //GetElemDataInt(mbs, edc, "number_of_outputs", nOut, 0); // not necessary, already written into menu dialog from InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); //GetElemDataInt(mbs, edc, "number_of_outputs", nInp, 0); // not necessary, already written into menu dialog from InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); return rv; } //extern char* CSText_ControllerInterface; extern const char* CSText_ControllerInterface; const char* ControllerInterface::SymbolText() const { return CSText_ControllerInterface; } int ControllerInterface::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void ControllerInterface::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElementDiscrete::GetElementData(edc); data.GetElementData(edc); } int ControllerInterface::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElementDiscrete::SetElementData(edc); rv += data.SetElementData(edc); return rv; } void ControllerInterface::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } // INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // IOTimeWindow //$ DR 2011-12:[ IOTimeWindow added //const char* CSText_IOTimeWindow = "Window"; //"IOTimeWindow"; // AD: moved to top of file ... const char* IOTimeWindow::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOTimeWindow; } int IOTimeWindow::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void IOTimeWindow::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetDouble(t_start, "t_start"); ed.SetToolTipText("Start time (s)."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetDouble(t_end, "t_end"); ed.SetToolTipText("End time (s)."); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); } int IOTimeWindow::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.t_start", t_start, 0); GetElemDataDouble(mbs, edc, "IOBlock.t_end", t_end, 0); if (t_end > t_start) { SetIOTimeWindow(t_start, t_end); } else { SetIOTimeWindow(t_start); } return rv; } double IOTimeWindow::GetOutput(double t, int i) const { // y = u(2) if t_start <= u(1) <= t_start + delta_t // y = u(2) if t_start <= u(1) and delta_t < 0 // y = 0 else if(reached_end) { return 0; } else { if (GetInput(t, 1) < t_start ) { return 0; } else { if(delta_t < 0.) { return GetInput(t, 2); } else if (t_start + delta_t < GetInput(t, 1)) { reached_end = 1; return 0; } else { return GetInput(t, 2); } } } } void IOTimeWindow::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } //$ DR 2011-12:] IOTimeWindow added //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOStopComputation::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOStopComputation; } void IOStopComputation::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; } int IOStopComputation::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); return rv; } void IOStopComputation::DrawBlockSymbol() { InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); } // //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // functions for class IOElementDataModifier Element* IOElementDataModifier::GetCopy() { Element* ec = new IOElementDataModifier(mbs); ec->CopyFrom(*this); return ec; } void IOElementDataModifier::CopyFrom(const Element& e) { InputOutputElement::CopyFrom(e); const IOElementDataModifier& ce = (const IOElementDataModifier&)e; RWdata = ce.RWdata; element_number = ce.element_number; variable_name = ce.variable_name; modify_at_start_time_step_only = ce.modify_at_start_time_step_only; } void IOElementDataModifier::InitConstructor() { InputOutputElement::InitConstructor(); type = TMBSElement(type + TIOElementDataModifier); elementname = GetElementSpec(); RWdata.comp1 = 0; RWdata.comp2 = 0; RWdata.value = 0.; RWdata.RWaccess = TRWElementDataNoAccess; element_number = 1; variable_name = mystr(""); modify_at_start_time_step_only = 0; } const char* IOElementDataModifier::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOElementDataModifier; } void IOElementDataModifier::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; ed.SetText(variable_name.c_str(),"mod_variable_name"); ed.SetToolTipText("variable name of the modified element data"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); ed.SetInt(element_number,"mod_element_number"); ed.SetToolTipText("element number of the modified element or constraint"); edc.TreeAdd("IOBlock",ed); //ElementData ed; } int IOElementDataModifier::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { //TODO: resize matrix, if user change the size!!! int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; GetElemDataText(GetMBS(), edc, "IOBlock.mod_variable_name",variable_name, 1); GetElemDataInt(GetMBS(), edc, "IOBlock.mod_element_number",element_number, 1); SetIOElementDataModifier(element_number, variable_name.c_str()); return rv; } void IOElementDataModifier::DrawBlockSymbol() { return InputOutputElement::DrawBlockSymbol(); Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); //dial Vector2D dial = center + Vector2D( 0., -0.1*draw_dim.Y()); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Ellipse( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier dial , 0.5*size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), Vector3D(.5,.5,.5)); // color GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier dial+Vector2D(0., 0.15*size.Y()) , dial+Vector2D(0., 0.25*size.Y()), // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.) ); // color int nr_of_ticks = 7; double angle_first=0.; double angle_last=180.; for (int i=1; i<=7; i++) { double angle = (MY_PI / 180.) * ((angle_last-angle_first) / (double) (nr_of_ticks-1) ) * (i-1.); Vector2D dir( size.X()*cos(angle), size.Y()*sin(angle) ); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Line( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TConnectionLine, // DRAW identifier dial + 0.3*dir , dial + 0.4*dir, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.) ); // color } } // SM: 10012013 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IODisplay::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IODisplay; } void IODisplay::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; } int IODisplay::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); return rv; } void IODisplay::DrawBlockSymbol() { Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(),refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); double t = GetMBS()->GetDrawTime(); double value = XDataD(1); // $ MSax 2013-03-01: added mystr text(value,ndigits); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, 0.8 * size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black text, // display value TTextAllign (HCenter+VCenter) ); // other properties }; // ELEMENTS for Response to input Key or Mouse during computation //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOResponseElement::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOResponseElement; } void IOResponseElement::GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //fill in all element data { InputOutputElement::GetElementData(edc); ElementData ed; } int IOResponseElement::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); return rv; } void IOResponseElement::DrawBlockSymbol() { Vector3D refpos = GetRefPosD(); Vector2D center(refpos.X(), refpos.Y()); Vector2D size(draw_dim.X(), draw_dim.Y()); int drawn_value = XData(1); // display current value if (IsToggle()) { Vector3D color_onoff; if (drawn_value == 0) color_onoff = Vector3D(1.,0.,0.); if (drawn_value == 1) color_onoff = Vector3D(0.,1.,0.); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Rect( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, 0.5*size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), color_onoff ); // colors } else { mystr text_curr(drawn_value); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 1, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier center, 0.8 * size, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black text_curr, // display value TTextAllign (HCenter+VCenter) ); // other properties } // marker mode in upper left corner mystr text_mode; Vector2D mode_m(refpos.X()-0.4*draw_dim.X(), refpos.Y()+0.4*draw_dim.Y()); Vector2D mode_s(0.2*draw_dim.X(), 0.2*draw_dim.Y()); if (GetInputMode() == TMouseResponse) text_mode = mystr("M"); if (GetInputMode() == TKeyResponse) text_mode = mystr("K"); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 2, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier mode_m, mode_s, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black text_mode, // display value TTextAllign (HCenter+VTop) ); // other properties // marker range at bottom mystr text_range; Vector2D range_c(refpos.X(), refpos.Y()-0.35*draw_dim.Y()); Vector2D range_s(draw_dim.X(), 0.2*draw_dim.Y()); if (IsToggle()) text_range = mystr("[on/off]"); else text_range = mystr("[") + mystr(lower_bound) + mystr(",") + mystr(upper_bound) + mystr("]"); GetMBS()->AddDrawComponent_Text( GetOwnNum(), TIOBlock, // MBS identifier 3, TSymbol, // DRAW identifier range_c, range_s, // extent Vector3D(0.,0.,0.), // color of this label is alway black text_range, // display value TTextAllign (HCenter+VCenter) ); // other properties } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ const char* IOMinMax::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOMinMax; } int IOMinMax::CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr) //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute { int rv = InputOutputElement::CheckConsistency(errorstr); if(rv){ return rv;} return rv; } void IOMinMax::StartTimeStep() { double t = mbs->GetTime(); double u = GetInput(t, 1); if(t= 4) {current_value = fabs(current_value);} first_time_step = 0; WriteToXData(); } else { switch(mode) { case 1: {current_value = min(XData(1),u); break;} case 2: {current_value = max(XData(1),u); break;} case 3: {current_value = XData(1)+u; break;} case 4: {current_value = min(XData(1),fabs(u)); break;} case 5: {current_value = max(XData(1),fabs(u)); break;} case 6: {current_value = XData(1)+fabs(u); break;} } WriteToXData(); } } } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // functions for class IOTCPIPBlock Element* IOTCPIPBlock::GetCopy() { Element* ec = new IOTCPIPBlock(mbs); ec->CopyFrom(*this); return ec; } void IOTCPIPBlock::CopyFrom(const Element& e) { InputOutputElement::CopyFrom(e); const IOTCPIPBlock& ce = (const IOTCPIPBlock&)e; port_number = ce.port_number; ip_address = ce.ip_address; timeout = ce.timeout; serversocket = ce.serversocket; tcpdata = ce.tcpdata; addtcpdata = ce.addtcpdata; use_default_protocol = ce.use_default_protocol; use_additional_communication = ce.use_additional_communication; separate_additional_communication = ce.separate_additional_communication; additional_communication_length = ce.additional_communication_length; additional_communication_unit_size = ce.additional_communication_unit_size; isinitialized = ce.isinitialized; } void IOTCPIPBlock::InitConstructor() { InputOutputElement::InitConstructor(); //type = TMBSElement(type + TIOTCPIPBlock); elementname = GetElementSpec(); port_number = 50000; ip_address = mystr(""); use_default_protocol = 1; use_additional_communication = 1; separate_additional_communication = 0; additional_communication_length = 1; additional_communication_unit_size = 8; timeout = 10000; isinitialized = 0; } const char* IOTCPIPBlock::SymbolText() const { return CSText_IOTCPIPBlock; } int IOTCPIPBlock::SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc) //set element data according to ElementDataContainer { int rv = InputOutputElement::SetElementData(edc); Vector datainit(DataS()); datainit.SetAll(0.); SetDataInit(datainit); return rv; } void IOTCPIPBlock::Initialize() // allocate memory and initialize TCP/IP connection { double tnew; static double told; if(!isinitialized) { told=-1; //ensure consistency if(use_default_protocol) { use_additional_communication = 1; separate_additional_communication = 0; additional_communication_length = 1; additional_communication_unit_size = 8; } else if(!use_additional_communication) { separate_additional_communication = 0; additional_communication_length = 0; additional_communication_unit_size = 8; } if(additional_communication_unit_size!=1 && additional_communication_unit_size!=2 && additional_communication_unit_size!=4 && additional_communication_unit_size!=8) { additional_communication_unit_size = 8; mbs->UO(UO_LVL_warn) << "Warning in IOTCPIPBlock: additional_communication_unit_size was reset to default (8 bytes)\n"; } tcpdata = new double[(GetNInputs()>GetNOutputs() ? GetNInputs() : GetNOutputs()) + additional_communication_length + 1 ]; if(use_additional_communication) { addtcpdata = new char[additional_communication_length*additional_communication_unit_size]; } if(!serversocket) { serversocket = new TCPIPHotInt; serversocket->Set(mbs,SocketType::ST_server,ip_address.c_str(),port_number,1,1); serversocket->SetAutoReconnect(0); serversocket->SetAcceptTimeOut(timeout); serversocket->SetUpConnection(); serversocket->SetRecvTimeOut(timeout); serversocket->SetSendTimeOut(timeout); } isinitialized = 1; } if(use_default_protocol) { //set reset-flag in additional communication per default SetCommunicationFlag(0,Freset,1); //communication of the reset flag and initial values tnew = mbs->GetTime(); //ensure that this is only done once per simulation run (single computation or one computation of a parameter variation) if(abs(tnew-told)>1E-14) { Communicate(tnew); told=tnew; } SetCommunicationFlag(0,Fneutral,1); } else { //to be implemented as required } } void IOTCPIPBlock::CloseAndCleanUp() { if(isinitialized && mbs->GetSimulationStatus().GetStatusFlag(TSimulationProcessFinished)) { SetCommunicationFlag(0,Fclose,1); OutgoingDataCommunication(GetMBS()->GetTime()); delete [] tcpdata; if(use_additional_communication) delete [] addtcpdata; if(serversocket) { serversocket->CloseConnection(); delete [] serversocket; serversocket = NULL; } isinitialized = 0; } } IOTCPIPBlock::~IOTCPIPBlock() { CloseAndCleanUp(); } void IOTCPIPBlock::ComputationFinished() { CloseAndCleanUp(); //if(isinitialized) //{ // if(GetMBS()->GetMBS_EDC_Options()->TreeGetInt("SolverOptions.ParameterVariation.activate")) // { // //without the following, when the parameter variation is finished, the client will just run into a recv timeout // //if(parameter variation is finished) // //{ // // SetCommunicationFlag(0,Fclose,1); // // OutgoingDataCommunication(GetMBS()->GetStepEndTime()); // //} // } // else // { // //SetCommunicationFlag(0,Fclose,1); // //OutgoingDataCommunication(GetMBS()->GetStepEndTime()); // //TSimulationStatus stat = mbs->GetSimulationStatus(); // CloseAndCleanUp(); // } //} } void IOTCPIPBlock::OutgoingDataCommunication(double t) { //outgoing data transfer *(tcpdata)=t; int nin = GetNInputs(); for(int i=0; iSendData((char*)tcpdata,(1+nin+additional_communication_length)*8); } void IOTCPIPBlock::IncomingDataCommunication() { //incoming data transfer int nout = GetNOutputs(); serversocket->RecvData((char*)tcpdata,(nout+additional_communication_length)*8); for(int i=0; iSendData(addtcpdata,additional_communication_length*additional_communication_unit_size); serversocket->RecvData(addtcpdata,additional_communication_length*additional_communication_unit_size); int commdata = ReactToAdditionalCommunication(t); if(commdata) { OutgoingDataCommunication(t); IncomingDataCommunication(); } } else { OutgoingDataCommunication(t); IncomingDataCommunication(); } } void IOTCPIPBlock::SetCommunicationFlag(int pos, CommunicationFlag flag, int convertdouble) { if(convertdouble) { double temp = (double)(int)flag; *(double*)(addtcpdata+pos) = temp; } else *(int*)(addtcpdata+pos) = (int)flag; } CommunicationFlag IOTCPIPBlock::GetCommunicationFlag(int pos, int convertdouble) { if(convertdouble) { return (CommunicationFlag)(int)*(double*)(addtcpdata+pos); } else return (CommunicationFlag)(*(int*)(addtcpdata+pos)); } //called by Communicate(double t) //read received data and respond somehow //possibly rewrite addtcpdata and call Communicate(t) recursively for complex communication schemes int IOTCPIPBlock::ReactToAdditionalCommunication(double t) { //default if(use_default_protocol) { switch(GetCommunicationFlag(0,1)) { case Fneutral: break; case Ferror: mbs->UO().InstantMessageText("An error occurred on the client side!\n"); assert(0); exit(0); break; default: mbs->UO().InstantMessageText("Received an unknown command from the client!\n"); assert(0); exit(0); break; } } else { //to be implemented as required } return 1; //returns a flag deciding if DataCommunication(t) should be called afterwards in case of separate addíonal communication }