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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README and LICENSE files. LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH, the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributing author and copyright for this file: Rahul Mohanty (University of Edinburgh, P&G) Tomaz M. Zorec (University of Ljubljana) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef NORMAL_MODEL NORMAL_MODEL(THORNTON_NING,thornton_ning,8) #else #ifndef NORMAL_THORNTON_NING_H_ #define NORMAL_THORNTON_NING_H_ #include "contact_models.h" #include "normal_model_base.h" #include #include "atom.h" #include "force.h" #include "update.h" #include "global_properties.h" #include "math_extra_liggghts.h" namespace LIGGGHTS { namespace ContactModels { template<> class NormalModel : public NormalModelBase { public: NormalModel(LAMMPS * lmp, IContactHistorySetup * hsetup,class ContactModelBase *c) : NormalModelBase(lmp, hsetup, c), Yeff(NULL), Geff(NULL), betaeff(NULL), limitForce(false), displayedSettings(false) { history_offset = hsetup->add_history_value("tn_virgin_flag", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("delta_old", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("delta_max", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("force_old", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("force_max", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("adhesion_flag", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("detaching_delta", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("detaching_flag", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("detaching_force", "1"); hsetup->add_history_value("yielding_flag", "1"); kc_offset = hsetup->add_history_value("kc", "1"); fo_offset = hsetup->add_history_value("fo", "1"); c->add_history_offset("kc_offset", kc_offset); c->add_history_offset("fo_offset", fo_offset); } void registerSettings(Settings & settings) { settings.registerOnOff("tangential_damping", tangential_damping, true); settings.registerOnOff("limitForce", limitForce); } inline void postSettings(IContactHistorySetup *, ContactModelBase *) {} void connectToProperties(PropertyRegistry & registry) { registry.registerProperty("Yeff", &MODEL_PARAMS::createYeff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.registerProperty("Geff", &MODEL_PARAMS::createGeff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.registerProperty("betaeff", &MODEL_PARAMS::createBetaEff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.registerProperty("gamma_surf", &MODEL_PARAMS::createSurfaceEnergy, "model thornton_ning"); registry.registerProperty("yield_ratio", &MODEL_PARAMS::createYieldRatio, "model thornton_ning"); // registry.registerProperty("coeffRestLog", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCoeffRestLog); registry.connect("Yeff", Yeff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.connect("Geff", Geff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.connect("betaeff", betaeff,"model thornton_ning"); registry.connect("gamma_surf", gamma_surf,"model thornton_ning"); registry.connect("yield_ratio", yield_ratio, "model thornton_ning"); // registry.connect("coeffRestLog", coeffRestLog,"model thornton_ning_oblique"); } // effective exponent for stress-strain relationship inline double stressStrainExponent() { return 1.5; } /* ------------------------ CALL FUNCTIONS --------------------------------*/ inline double calculate_fl(double force_old, double fc, int adhesion_flag) { double fl; if (adhesion_flag == 1) { fl = force_old + 2*(fc-sqrt(fc * (force_old + fc))); } else { fl = force_old + 2*(fc+sqrt(fc * (force_old + fc))); } return fl; } inline double calculate_elastic_force_differential(double a, double E, double fl, double fc) { double df; if (fc != 0) { double up = 3*sqrt(fl) - 3*sqrt(fc); double down = 3*sqrt(fl) - sqrt(fc); df = 2*E*a*up/down; } else { df = 2*E*a; } return df; } inline double calculate_plastic_force_differential(double a_yield, double E, double fl, double fc, double yield_stress, double R) { double df; if (fc != 0) { double up = 3 * M_PI * R * yield_stress *sqrt(fl) - 2 * a_yield * E * sqrt(fc); double down = 3*sqrt(fl) - sqrt(fc); df = up/down; } else { df = 2*E*a_yield; } return df; } inline double calculate_a(double fl, double E, double R, double delta, double gamma_s) { double a; if (gamma_s == 0) { a = sqrt(R * delta); } else { a = pow((3. * R * fl)/(4. * E), (1./3.)); } return a; } inline double calculate_delta_f_ratio(double a, double ac) { double a_over_ac = a/ac; double daf = pow(3, (1./3.))*pow(a_over_ac, 2)*(1-(4./3.)*pow(a_over_ac, -(3./2.))); return daf; } inline void branch_2_force_calc(double force_old, double fc, int adhesion_flag, double E, double rp, double delta, double dn, double gamma_s, double *f_df) { double fl_r = calculate_fl(force_old, fc, adhesion_flag); double a = calculate_a(fl_r, E, rp, delta, gamma_s); /* --------------- For checking the model --------------------*/ // double ac = calculate_a(fc, E, rp, delta, gamma_s); // double daf = calculate_delta_f_ratio(a, ac); /* --------------- End model checking ------------------------*/ double df = calculate_elastic_force_differential(a, E, fl_r, fc) * dn; f_df[0] = force_old + df; f_df[1] = df; } /* ------------------------- END OF CALL FUNCTIONS ------------------------*/ inline void surfacesIntersect(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, ForceData & i_forces, ForceData & j_forces) { const int itype = sidata.itype; const int jtype = sidata.jtype; double ri = sidata.radi; double rj = sidata.radj; double reff=sidata.is_wall ? sidata.radi : (ri*rj/(ri+rj)); #ifdef SUPERQUADRIC_ACTIVE_FLAG if(sidata.is_non_spherical && atom->superquadric_flag) reff = sidata.reff; #endif double meff=sidata.meff; double Eeff = Yeff[itype][jtype]; const double gamma_s = gamma_surf[itype][jtype]; const double sqrtFiveOverSix = 0.91287092917527685576161630466800355658790782499663875; // load history if(sidata.contact_flags) *sidata.contact_flags |= CONTACT_NORMAL_MODEL; double * const history = &sidata.contact_history[history_offset]; double * const kc_history = &sidata.contact_history[kc_offset]; double * const fo_history = &sidata.contact_history[fo_offset]; int virgin_loading_flag = history[0]; double delta_old = history[1]; double delta_max = history[2]; double force_old = history[3]; double force_max = history[4]; int adhesion_flag = history[5]; double detaching_delta = history[6]; int detaching_flag = history[7]; double detaching_force = history[8]; int yielding_flag = history[9]; double fc = gamma_s * reff * M_PI * (3./2.); fo_history[0] = fc; const double delta = sidata.deltan; const double a_yield = ri * yield_ratio[itype]; const double yield_stress = ((2.*Eeff*a_yield)/(M_PI*reff)) - sqrt(2.*gamma_s*Eeff/(M_PI*a_yield)); const double limit_yield_stress = pow(2.*Eeff*Eeff*gamma_s/(M_PI*M_PI*reff), (1./3.)); int plastic_from_start = 0; if (yield_stress < limit_yield_stress) plastic_from_start = 1; if (yield_stress <= 0) error->all(FLERR,"Invalid yield stress, please check surface energy and yield ratio!"); double f, fl, fl_max; //forces double df; // differentials double a; // areas, plastic radius // Initialization at contact double k_t, gammat; const double sqrtval = sqrt(reff*sidata.deltan); // double coeffRestLogChosen = coeffRestLog[itype][jtype]; k_t = 8.*Geff[itype][jtype]*sqrtval; gammat = 2.*sqrtFiveOverSix*betaeff[itype][jtype]*sqrt(k_t*meff); if ((virgin_loading_flag != 1)) { force_old = -(8./9.)*fc; delta_old = 0; virgin_loading_flag = 1; // update virgin loading flag force_max = force_old; delta_max = 0; adhesion_flag = 0; detaching_delta = 0; detaching_flag = 0; detaching_force = -(5./9.)*fc; yielding_flag = 0; } if (detaching_flag == 1) { if (delta >= detaching_delta) { detaching_flag = 0; delta_old = detaching_delta; force_old = detaching_force; goto UNLOADING_RELOADING; } else { f = 0; } } else { UNLOADING_RELOADING: const double dn = delta - delta_old; if (delta >= delta_max) // loading or unloading/reloading { delta_max = delta; fl = calculate_fl(force_old, fc, 0); a = calculate_a(fl, Eeff, reff, delta, gamma_s); if (yielding_flag == 0) if (a >= a_yield) yielding_flag = 1; if (plastic_from_start == 1 || yielding_flag == 1) // if particle already yielded go to plastic, else load elastically { df = calculate_plastic_force_differential(a_yield, Eeff, fl, fc, yield_stress, reff) * dn; f = force_old + df; } else { double f_df[2]; branch_2_force_calc(force_old, fc, adhesion_flag, Eeff, reff, delta, dn, gamma_s, f_df); f = f_df[0]; df = f_df[1]; } } else { if (yielding_flag == 0) // if particle already yielded, the Reff must be modified, if not we use the original Reff { double f_df[2]; branch_2_force_calc(force_old, fc, adhesion_flag, Eeff, reff, delta, dn, gamma_s, f_df); f = f_df[0]; df = f_df[1]; } else { // Calculate modified R and Fc based on that fl_max = calculate_fl(force_max, fc, 0); reff = reff * fl_max / (force_max + sqrt(4*fc*fl_max)); fc = (3./2.) * M_PI * gamma_s * reff; fo_history[0] = -fc; double f_df[2]; branch_2_force_calc(force_old, fc, adhesion_flag, Eeff, reff, delta, dn, gamma_s, f_df); f = f_df[0]; df = f_df[1]; } } if (gamma_s == 0 && f < 0) // the case of no cohesion { f = 0; detaching_flag = 1; detaching_delta = delta; detaching_force = 0; } if (f < -fc) //to prevent stepping into nothingness { double f_df[2]; adhesion_flag = 1 - adhesion_flag; branch_2_force_calc(force_old, fc, adhesion_flag, Eeff, reff, delta, dn, gamma_s, f_df); f = f_df[0]; df = f_df[1]; } if ((adhesion_flag == 1) && (f + 3*df >= -(5./9.)*fc)) // to make sure particles detach and later reload from same point { f = 0; detaching_flag = 1; detaching_delta = delta_old; detaching_force = force_old; } } // put force where it belongs sidata.Fn = f; sidata.kt = k_t; kc_history[0] = 0.0; sidata.gammat = gammat; //sidata.detaching_flag = detaching_flag; force_old = f; force_max = (f > force_max) ? f : force_max; // save history values history[0] = virgin_loading_flag; history[1] = delta; history[2] = delta_max; history[3] = f; history[4] = force_max; history[5] = adhesion_flag; history[6] = detaching_delta; history[7] = detaching_flag; history[8] = detaching_force; history[9] = yielding_flag; // apply normal force if(sidata.is_wall) { const double Fn_ = f * sidata.area_ratio; i_forces.delta_F[0] = Fn_ * sidata.en[0]; i_forces.delta_F[1] = Fn_ * sidata.en[1]; i_forces.delta_F[2] = Fn_ * sidata.en[2]; } else { i_forces.delta_F[0] = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[0]; i_forces.delta_F[1] = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[1]; i_forces.delta_F[2] = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[2]; j_forces.delta_F[0] = -i_forces.delta_F[0]; j_forces.delta_F[1] = -i_forces.delta_F[1]; j_forces.delta_F[2] = -i_forces.delta_F[2]; } } void surfacesClose(SurfacesCloseData & scdata, ForceData&, ForceData&){ if(scdata.contact_flags) *scdata.contact_flags &= ~CONTACT_NORMAL_MODEL; double * const history = &scdata.contact_history[history_offset]; history[0] = 0.0; history[1] = 0.0; history[2] = 0.0; history[3] = 0.0; history[4] = 0.0; history[5] = 0.0; history[6] = 0.0; history[7] = 0.0; history[8] = 0.0; history[9] = 0.0; } void beginPass(SurfacesIntersectData&, ForceData&, ForceData&){} void endPass(SurfacesIntersectData&, ForceData&, ForceData&){} protected: double ** Yeff; double ** Geff; double ** betaeff; double ** gamma_surf; double * yield_ratio; double ** coeffRestLog; int history_offset; int kc_offset; int fo_offset; bool tangential_damping; bool limitForce; bool displayedSettings; class ContactModelBase *cmb; }; } } #endif #endif