c $Id$ * C> \ingroup nwint C> @{ C> C> \brief Print a block of 1-electron integrals C> C> Print a generic block of 1-electron integrals including labels. C> The routine support two print levels: C> C> * 0 - Print the integrals and labels C> C> * 1 - Print shell information in addition to the integrals and labels C> c:tex-% This is part of the standard API c:tex-\subsection{int\_pgen1e} c:tex-This routine prints a generic one electron block of integrals. c:tex-This requires the labels be generated and input to this routine. c:tex- c:tex-{\it Syntax:} c:tex-\begin{verbatim} subroutine int_pgen1e(msg, i_basis, ish, j_basis, jsh, & ilab, jlab, l1e, Gen1e, print_level) c:tex-\end{verbatim} implicit none c c generic one electron printing routine c print_level = 0 print only lables and integrals c = 1 print shell information etc. c #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "errquit.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "geobasmapP.fh" c c::external subroutines used c errquit c::function logical int_chk_sh external int_chk_sh c::passed c:tex-\begin{verbatim} character*(*) msg !< [Input] informational message integer i_basis !< [Input] basis set handle for i shell integer j_basis !< [Input] basis set handle for j shell integer ish !< [Input] i shell integer jsh !< [Input] j shell integer l1e !< [Input] number of integrals and labels integer ilab(l1e) !< [Input] i basis functions labels integer jlab(l1e) !< [Input] j basis functions labels double precision Gen1e(l1e) !< [Input] integrals to be printed integer print_level !< [Input] print level to be used c. . . . . . . . . . . . . .! print_level = 0 print lables and integrals c. . . . . . . . . . . . . .! = 1 also print shell info. c:tex-\end{verbatim} c c::local integer ii integer stdout c stdout = 6 c if (print_level.ge.1) then write(stdout,*)'pgen1e:',msg write(stdout,10000)i_basis,j_basis,ish,jsh endif c do 00100 ii = 1,l1e write(stdout,10001)ilab(ii),jlab(ii),Gen1e(ii) 00100 continue c 10000 format(1x,'-<',i4,':',i4,'>',5x, & '-<',i3,':',i3,'>') 10001 format('i = ',i4,' j = ',i4,5x,'1eval = ',1pd20.10) c end C> @}