Subroutine dft_mxspin_ovlp(nao,nmo,basis,g_alpha,g_beta,g_tmp) C$Id$ Implicit none #include "errquit.fh" integer basis integer g_s ! overlap integer g_alpha ! alpha eigenvecs [input] integer g_beta ! beta eigenvecs [input] integer g_tmp ! scratch space integer nao ! # of basis functions integer nmo ! # of molecular orbitals #include "bas.fh" #include "cdft.fh" #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "global.fh" #include "tcgmsg.fh" #include "msgids.fh" #include "stdio.fh" #include "util.fh" c c local c integer me,nproc c integer i,j,jbig,n,ichunks,nbe,nend integer k_tmpr1, l_tmpr1, k_tmpr2, l_tmpr2, k_tmpi1, l_tmpi1 integer g_ss, g_vt, g_u, g_t, k_vals, l_vals, g_alphaT integer nalp, g_ualpha, k_unp, l_unp, l_part, k_part integer nct, l_non, k_non, ind c integer ga_create_atom_blocked external ga_create_atom_blocked c double precision prodbig, prodtmp double precision alp_thresh, eval, ovlmax, ovl, absovl c me=ga_nodeid() nproc=ga_nnodes() c g_s = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'AO ovl') c if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,nao,'real_tmp1',l_tmpr1, k_tmpr1)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate real_tmp1',0, & MA_ERR) if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,nao,'real_tmp2',l_tmpr2, k_tmpr2)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate real_tmp2',0, & MA_ERR) if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Int,nao,'int_tmp1',l_tmpi1, k_tmpi1)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate int_tmp1',0, & MA_ERR) c call ga_sync() call ga_zero(g_s) call int_1e_ga(basis,basis,g_s,'overlap',.false.) c c Compute matrix mult (C_alpha)T * S * C_beta = S` c call ga_dgemm('T','N',nmo,nao,nao,1.d0,g_alpha,g_s,0.d0,g_tmp) call ga_dgemm('N','N',nmo,nmo,nao,1.d0,g_tmp,g_beta,0.d0,g_s) c c if(me.eq.0) then write(LuOut, 9996) c call ga_print(g_s) endif if(me.eq.0) then jbig = 1 ! take care of compiler warnings do i = 1, nmo c c get row of g_s c call ga_get(g_s,i,i,1,nmo,DBL_MB(k_tmpr1),1) prodbig=0.0d0 do j = 1, nmo prodtmp = abs(dbl_mb(k_tmpr1+j-1)) if( then prodbig = prodtmp jbig = j endif enddo dbl_mb(k_tmpr2+i-1) = prodbig int_mb(k_tmpi1+i-1) = jbig enddo ichunks = nmo/10 if(ichunks* = ichunks +1 do i = 1, ichunks nbe = 10*(i-1) + 1 nend = nbe + 9 if( = nmo write(LuOut,9997)(n,n=nbe,nend) write(LuOut,9998)(int_mb(k_tmpi1+n-1),n=nbe,nend) write(LuOut,9999)(dbl_mb(k_tmpr2+n-1),n=nbe,nend) enddo endif 9996 format(/,1x,' alpha - beta orbital overlaps ',/, & 1x,' ----------------------------- ',/) 9997 format(/,1x,' alpha ',10(1x,i5,1x)) 9998 format( 1x,' beta ',10(1x,i5,1x)) 9999 format( 1x,'overlap ',10(f7.3),/) c c c ------------------------------------------------------------- c Print some useful information c about the un-paired alpha orbitals. c if(.not.util_print('alpha partner info', print_high)) goto 2001 if(noc(2).eq.0) goto 2001 c c Find alpha orbital which best overlaps with each beta c orbital, then the remaining alpha orbitals are the un-partnered c ones: c if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_int,noc(2),'partners',l_part, k_part)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate values',0, & MA_ERR) c c find alpha partners for the beta orbitals: c do j = 1,noc(2) ovlmax = 0.0d0 do i = 1,noc(1) call ga_get(g_s,i,i,j,j,ovl,1) absovl = dabs(ovl) if ( then ovlmax = absovl int_mb(k_part+j-1) = i endif enddo !i enddo !j c if(me.eq.0) then write(luout,*) write(luout,*)'ALPHA/BETA PARTNERS' endif c call ga_sync() if(me.eq.0) then ichunks = noc(2)/10 if(ichunks* = ichunks +1 do i = 1, ichunks nbe = 10*(i-1) + 1 nend = nbe + 9 if( = noc(2) write(LuOut,9997)(int_mb(k_part+n-1),n=nbe,nend) write(LuOut,9998)(n,n=nbe,nend) enddo write(luout,*) endif c c determine which alpha orbitals are left over: c call ga_sync() if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_int,noc(1),'non',l_non, k_non)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate values',0, & MA_ERR) c nct=1 do 160 i = 1,noc(1) do 150 j = 1,noc(2) if(int_mb(k_part+j-1).EQ.i) goto 160 c if(nct.le.noc(1)-noc(2)) then int_mb(k_non+nct-1) = i c endif 150 continue nct = nct + 1 160 continue c nct=nct-1 c if(me.eq.0) then if (nct.Ge.1) then write(luout,9995) nct, (int_mb(k_non+n-1),n=1,nct) endif endif c 9995 format(/,1X,'THERE ARE ',i3,' UN-PARTNERED ALPHA ORBITALS :',20I4) c c print the un-partnered alpha orbitals c if (nct.GE.1) then !only do the rest if there are un-partnered orbitals c call ga_sync() c call movecs_print_anal(basis,int_mb(k_non),int_mb(k_non) & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,'Alpha Orbitals without Beta Partners', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) c if (nct.GE.2) then do i = 2,nct ind = int_mb(k_non+i-1) call movecs_print_anal(basis,ind,ind & ,0.15d0,g_alpha,' ', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) enddo endif c c Overlap Diagonalization c c SVD diagonalizes Sab*SabT (Sab is the S' calculated above). c Following diagonalization, it is clearer which c alpha orbitals do not have beta partners. For alpha orbitals c with partners, the overlap is very nearly 1.0. For c un-partnered orbitals, the overlap is zero. c See J. Chem. Phys. (1967) 47, 1936. c c c if the SVD vectors and overlap aren't desired in the output, c don't bother calculating them. c c calculate Sab*SabT c call ga_sync() if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,noc(1),noc(1),'SS',0,0,g_ss)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_ss, GA_ERR) c call ga_dgemm('N','T',noc(1),noc(1),noc(2),1.d0,g_s,g_s,0.d0,g_ss) c c call ga_print(g_ss) c create arrays needed for SVD c if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,noc(1),noc(1),'u',0,0,g_u)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_u, GA_ERR) c if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,noc(1),noc(1),'vt',0,0,g_vt)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_vt, GA_ERR) c if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_dbl,noc(1),'values',l_vals, k_vals)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate values',0, & MA_ERR) call ga_sync() c c perform SVD on Sab*SabT to determine unpaired alpha MO's c call ga_svd_seq(g_ss,g_u,g_vt,dbl_mb(k_vals)) c c call ga_print(g_u) c call ga_print(g_vt) c if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vt)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_vt', 0, GA_ERR) if (.not. ga_destroy(g_ss)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_ss', 0, GA_ERR) c call ga_sync() c write(luout,*)'SVD eigenvalues' c write(luout,*) (dbl_mb(k_vals+i),i=0,noc(1)-1) c call ga_sync() c c calculate transformed alpha vectors, alphaT c if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,noc(1),noc(1),'t',0,0,g_t)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_t, GA_ERR) c call ga_zero(g_t) c call ga_sync() do i = 1,noc(1) call ga_put(g_t,i,i,i,i,dbl_mb(k_vals+i-1),k_vals) enddo call ga_sync() c c call ga_print(g_t) c if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nao,noc(1),'alphaT',0,0,g_alphaT)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_alphaT, GA_ERR) c call ga_dgemm('N','N',nao,noc(1),noc(1),1.d0 & ,g_alpha,g_u,0.d0,g_alphaT) c c call ga_print(g_alpha) if (.not. ga_destroy(g_u)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_u', 0, GA_ERR) c c call ga_print(g_alphaT) c if (.not. ga_destroy(g_t)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_t', 0, GA_ERR) c c create array containing only alpha MO's which don't c have beta partners c call ga_sync() nalp = 0 alp_thresh = 1.0d-10 c if(.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_int,noc(1),'unpaired',l_unp, k_unp)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot allocate values',0, & MA_ERR) c do i = 1,noc(1) eval = dbl_mb(k_vals+i-1) if (dabs(eval).LT.alp_thresh) then nalp = nalp + 1 int_mb(k_unp+i-1) = 1 else int_mb(k_unp+i-1) = 0 endif enddo c c c write(luout,*) 'paired/unpaired alpha orbitals' c write(luout,*) (int_mb(k_unp+i-1),i=1,noc(1)) c call ga_sync() if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nao,max(nalp,1),'unp alphaT', $ 0,0,g_ualpha)) $ call errquit('ga_create failed', g_ualpha, GA_ERR) c nalp=0 do i = 1,noc(1) if(int_mb(k_unp+i-1).EQ.1) then nalp = nalp + 1 call ga_copy_patch('N',g_alphaT,1,nbf,i,i & ,g_ualpha,1,nao,nalp,nalp) endif enddo call ga_sync() c call ga_print(g_ualpha) c c associate SVD transformed alpha orbitals with the original c alpha orbitals: c if(me.eq.0) then write(luout,9989) & '==================================================' write(luout,9989) & ' Performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) ' write(luout,9989) & 'to diagonalize and maximize the alpha/beta overlap' write(luout,9989) & ' See J. Chem. Phys. (1967) 47, 1936. ' write(luout,9989) write(luout,9989) & 'NOTE: The vector numbering of the SVD transformed ' write(luout,9989) & 'orbitals is different from the original orbitals. ' write(luout,9989) & '==================================================' write(luout,9989) endif 9989 format(13x,a51) c c if(me.eq.0) then c if (nalp.GT.1) then c write(luout,9990) nalp c endif c endif c 9990 format(/,18x,'THERE ARE',i3,1x,'UN-PARTNERED ALPHA ORBITALS') c call movecs_print_anal(basis, 1, nalp, 0.15d0, g_ualpha, & 'Alpha Orb. w/o Beta Partners (after maxim. alpha/beta overlap)', & .false., 0.0 ,.false., 0 , .false., 0 ) c c print the SVD eigenvalues c call ga_sync() if(me.eq.0) then write(LuOut,9994) ichunks = noc(1)/10 if(ichunks* = ichunks +1 do i = 1, ichunks nbe = 10*(i-1) + 1 nend = nbe + 9 if( nend = noc(1) write(LuOut,9997)(n,n=nbe,nend) write(LuOut,9998)(n,n=nbe,nend) write(LuOut,9999)(dbl_mb(k_vals+n-1),n=nbe,nend) enddo write(luout,*) endif c 9994 format(/,1x,' SVD maximized alpha - beta orbital overlaps ',/, & 1x,' ------------------------------------------- ',/) c c if (.not. ga_destroy(g_ualpha)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_ualpha', 0, GA_ERR) c if (.not. ga_destroy(g_alphaT)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_alphaT', 0, GA_ERR) c if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(l_unp)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR) c if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(l_vals)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR) c endif !if na>nb c if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(l_non)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR) c if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(l_part)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR) c c--------------------------------------------------------------- 2001 continue if (.not. ga_destroy(g_s)) call errquit & ('dft_mxspin_ovlp: could not destroy g_s', 0, GA_ERR) c if(.not.MA_chop_Stack(l_tmpr1)) & call errquit('dft_mxspin_ovlp: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR) c return end