Subroutine sca_lab_mat(basis_hand,isha,ishb, & nshbfa,nshbfb,g_a,vec,vec2,what) C$Id$ implicit none #include "errquit.fh" integer basis_hand integer isha,ishb integer nshbfa,nshbfb integer g_a character*3 what double precision vec(nshbfb,*),vec2(nshbfa,*) c**** #include "bas.fh" c integer ifirsta, ilasta, ifirstb, ilastb,jj,ii c c Given a handle to a Gaussian basis set and two shell indices, return the c composite index for the pair of basis functions. c c****************************************************************************** if (.not. bas_cn2bfr( basis_hand, isha, ifirsta, ilasta)) then call errquit('Exiting in sca_lab_mat',1, BASIS_ERR) endif if (.not. bas_cn2bfr( basis_hand, ishb, ifirstb, ilastb)) then call errquit('Exiting in sca_lab_mat',2, BASIS_ERR) endif if(what.eq.'acc') then call ga_acc(g_a, * ifirstb,ilastb, * ifirsta,ilasta, * vec,nshbfb,1.d0) else call ga_put(g_a, * ifirstb,ilastb, * ifirsta,ilasta, * vec,nshbfb) endif if( then do jj=1,nshbfb do ii=1,nshbfa vec2(ii,jj)=vec(jj,ii) enddo enddo if(what.eq.'acc') then call ga_acc(g_a, * ifirsta,ilasta, * ifirstb,ilastb, * vec2,nshbfa,1.d0) else call ga_put(g_a, * ifirsta,ilasta, * ifirstb,ilastb, * vec2,nshbfa) endif endif return end Subroutine sca_lab_mat3d(basis_hand,isha,ishb, & nshbfa,nshbfb,g_a,nmat, . vec,vec2,what) C$Id$ implicit none #include "errquit.fh" #include "bas.fh" integer nmat integer basis_hand integer isha,ishb integer nshbfa,nshbfb integer g_a character*3 what double precision vec(nmat,nshbfb,*),vec2(nmat,nshbfa,*) c integer ifirsta, ilasta, ifirstb, ilastb,jj,ii,kk integer hi(3),lo(3),ld(2) if (.not. bas_cn2bfr( basis_hand, isha, ifirsta, ilasta)) then call errquit('Exiting in sca_lab_mat',1, BASIS_ERR) endif if (.not. bas_cn2bfr( basis_hand, ishb, ifirstb, ilastb)) then call errquit('Exiting in sca_lab_mat',2, BASIS_ERR) endif lo(1)=1 hi(1)=nmat lo(2)=ifirsta hi(2)=ilasta lo(3)=ifirstb hi(3)=ilastb ld(1)=nmat ld(2)=ilastb-ifirstb+1 if(what.eq.'acc') then call errquit(' acc not coded ',0, UNKNOWN_ERR) else call nga_put(g_a, * lo,hi, * vec,ld) endif if( then do kk=1,nmat do jj=1,nshbfb do ii=1,nshbfa vec2(nmat,ii,jj)=vec(nmat,jj,ii) enddo enddo enddo if(what.eq.'acc') then call errquit(' acc not coded ',0, UNKNOWN_ERR) else ld(2)=ilasta-ifirsta+1 call nga_put(g_a, * lo,hi,vec2,ld) endif endif return end Subroutine gat_mat(T,TT,Ni,Nj,mi,mj,ifirst,jfirst,ibf,jbf) C$Id$ implicit none integer mi,mj,Ni,Nj integer ifirst,jfirst integer ibf(mi),jbf(mj) double precision T(mi,mj),TT(Ni,Nj) c integer i,j,jj c c gather into matrix c do j = 1,mj jj=jbf(j)-jfirst+1 do i =1,mi T(i,j)=TT((ibf(i)-ifirst+1),jj) enddo enddo return end