from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from import Iterable from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import openmc import openmc._xml as xml from .checkvalue import check_type class Geometry: """Geometry representing a collection of surfaces, cells, and universes. Parameters ---------- root : openmc.Universe or Iterable of openmc.Cell, optional Root universe which contains all others, or an iterable of cells that should be used to create a root universe. Attributes ---------- root_universe : openmc.Universe Root universe which contains all others bounding_box : 2-tuple of numpy.array Lower-left and upper-right coordinates of an axis-aligned bounding box of the universe. """ def __init__(self, root=None): self._root_universe = None self._offsets = {} if root is not None: if isinstance(root, openmc.Universe): self.root_universe = root else: univ = openmc.Universe() for cell in root: univ.add_cell(cell) self._root_universe = univ @property def root_universe(self): return self._root_universe @property def bounding_box(self): return self.root_universe.bounding_box @root_universe.setter def root_universe(self, root_universe): check_type('root universe', root_universe, openmc.Universe) self._root_universe = root_universe def add_volume_information(self, volume_calc): """Add volume information from a stochastic volume calculation. Parameters ---------- volume_calc : openmc.VolumeCalculation Results from a stochastic volume calculation """ if volume_calc.domain_type == 'cell': for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): if in volume_calc.volumes: cell.add_volume_information(volume_calc) elif volume_calc.domain_type == 'material': for material in self.get_all_materials().values(): if in volume_calc.volumes: material.add_volume_information(volume_calc) elif volume_calc.domain_type == 'universe': for universe in self.get_all_universes().values(): if in volume_calc.volumes: universe.add_volume_information(volume_calc) def export_to_xml(self, path='geometry.xml', remove_surfs=False): """Export geometry to an XML file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file to write. Defaults to 'geometry.xml'. remove_surfs : bool Whether or not to remove redundant surfaces from the geometry when exporting .. versionadded:: 0.12 """ # Find and remove redundant surfaces from the geometry if remove_surfs: self.remove_redundant_surfaces() # Create XML representation root_element = ET.Element("geometry") self.root_universe.create_xml_subelement(root_element, memo=set()) # Sort the elements in the file root_element[:] = sorted(root_element, key=lambda x: ( x.tag, int(x.get('id')))) # Clean the indentation in the file to be user-readable xml.clean_indentation(root_element) # Check if path is a directory p = Path(path) if p.is_dir(): p /= 'geometry.xml' # Write the XML Tree to the geometry.xml file xml.reorder_attributes(root_element) # TODO: Remove when support is Python 3.8+ tree = ET.ElementTree(root_element) tree.write(str(p), xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8') @classmethod def from_xml(cls, path='geometry.xml', materials=None): """Generate geometry from XML file Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to geometry XML file materials : openmc.Materials or None Materials used to assign to cells. If None, an attempt is made to generate it from the materials.xml file. Returns ------- openmc.Geometry Geometry object """ # Helper function for keeping a cache of Universe instances universes = {} def get_universe(univ_id): if univ_id not in universes: univ = openmc.Universe(univ_id) universes[univ_id] = univ return universes[univ_id] tree = ET.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() # Get surfaces surfaces = {} periodic = {} for surface in root.findall('surface'): s = openmc.Surface.from_xml_element(surface) surfaces[] = s # Check for periodic surface other_id = xml.get_text(surface, 'periodic_surface_id') if other_id is not None: periodic[] = int(other_id) # Apply periodic surfaces for s1, s2 in periodic.items(): surfaces[s1].periodic_surface = surfaces[s2] # Dictionary that maps each universe to a list of cells/lattices that # contain it (needed to determine which universe is the root) child_of = defaultdict(list) for elem in root.findall('lattice'): lat = openmc.RectLattice.from_xml_element(elem, get_universe) universes[] = lat if lat.outer is not None: child_of[lat.outer].append(lat) for u in lat.universes.ravel(): child_of[u].append(lat) for elem in root.findall('hex_lattice'): lat = openmc.HexLattice.from_xml_element(elem, get_universe) universes[] = lat if lat.outer is not None: child_of[lat.outer].append(lat) if lat.ndim == 2: for ring in lat.universes: for u in ring: child_of[u].append(lat) else: for axial_slice in lat.universes: for ring in axial_slice: for u in ring: child_of[u].append(lat) # Create dictionary to easily look up materials if materials is None: filename = Path(path).parent / 'materials.xml' materials = openmc.Materials.from_xml(str(filename)) mats = {str( m for m in materials} mats['void'] = None for elem in root.findall('cell'): c = openmc.Cell.from_xml_element(elem, surfaces, mats, get_universe) if c.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'): child_of[c.fill].append(c) # Determine which universe is the root by finding one which is not a # child of any other object for u in universes.values(): if not child_of[u]: return cls(u) else: raise ValueError('Error determining root universe.') def find(self, point): """Find cells/universes/lattices which contain a given point Parameters ---------- point : 3-tuple of float Cartesian coordinates of the point Returns ------- list Sequence of universes, cells, and lattices which are traversed to find the given point """ return self.root_universe.find(point) def get_instances(self, paths): """Return the instance number(s) for a cell/material in a geometry path. The instance numbers are used as indices into distributed material/temperature arrays and tally distribcell filter arrays. Parameters ---------- paths : str or iterable of str The path traversed through the CSG tree to reach a cell or material instance. For example, 'u0->c10->l20(2,2,1)->u5->c5' would indicate the cell instance whose first level is universe 0 and cell 10, second level is lattice 20 position (2,2,1), and third level is universe 5 and cell 5. Returns ------- int or list of int Instance number(s) for the given path(s) """ # Make sure we are working with an iterable return_list = (isinstance(paths, Iterable) and not isinstance(paths, str)) path_list = paths if return_list else [paths] indices = [] for p in path_list: # Extract the cell id from the path last_index = p.rfind('>') last_path = p[last_index+1:] uid = int(last_path[1:]) # Get corresponding cell/material if last_path[0] == 'c': obj = self.get_all_cells()[uid] elif last_path[0] == 'm': obj = self.get_all_materials()[uid] # Determine index in paths array try: indices.append(obj.paths.index(p)) except ValueError: indices.append(None) return indices if return_list else indices[0] def get_all_cells(self): """Return all cells in the geometry. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping cell IDs to :class:`openmc.Cell` instances """ if self.root_universe is not None: return self.root_universe.get_all_cells(memo=set()) else: return OrderedDict() def get_all_universes(self): """Return all universes in the geometry. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping universe IDs to :class:`openmc.Universe` instances """ universes = OrderedDict() universes[] = self.root_universe universes.update(self.root_universe.get_all_universes()) return universes def get_all_materials(self): """Return all materials within the geometry. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping material IDs to :class:`openmc.Material` instances """ if self.root_universe is not None: return self.root_universe.get_all_materials(memo=set()) else: return OrderedDict() def get_all_material_cells(self): """Return all cells filled by a material Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping cell IDs to :class:`openmc.Cell` instances that are filled with materials or distributed materials. """ material_cells = OrderedDict() for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): if cell.fill_type in ('material', 'distribmat'): if cell not in material_cells: material_cells[] = cell return material_cells def get_all_material_universes(self): """Return all universes having at least one material-filled cell. This method can be used to find universes that have at least one cell that is filled with a material or is void. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping universe IDs to :class:`openmc.Universe` instances with at least one material-filled cell """ material_universes = OrderedDict() for universe in self.get_all_universes().values(): for cell in universe.cells.values(): if cell.fill_type in ('material', 'distribmat', 'void'): if universe not in material_universes: material_universes[] = universe return material_universes def get_all_lattices(self): """Return all lattices defined Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping lattice IDs to :class:`openmc.Lattice` instances """ lattices = OrderedDict() for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): if cell.fill_type == 'lattice': if not in lattices: lattices[] = cell.fill return lattices def get_all_surfaces(self): """ Return all surfaces used in the geometry Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict Dictionary mapping surface IDs to :class:`openmc.Surface` instances """ surfaces = OrderedDict() for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): if cell.region is not None: surfaces = cell.region.get_surfaces(surfaces) return surfaces def get_redundant_surfaces(self): """Return all of the topologically redundant surface IDs .. versionadded:: 0.12 Returns ------- dict Dictionary whose keys are the ID of a redundant surface and whose values are the topologically equivalent :class:`openmc.Surface` that should replace it. """ tally = defaultdict(list) for surf in self.get_all_surfaces().values(): coeffs = tuple(surf._coefficients[k] for k in surf._coeff_keys) key = (surf._type,) + coeffs tally[key].append(surf) return { keep for keep, *redundant in tally.values() for replace in redundant} def _get_domains_by_name(self, name, case_sensitive, matching, domain_type): if not case_sensitive: name = name.lower() domains = [] func = getattr(self, 'get_all_{}s'.format(domain_type)) for domain in func().values(): domain_name = if case_sensitive else if domain_name == name: domains.append(domain) elif not matching and name in domain_name: domains.append(domain) domains.sort(key=lambda x: return domains def get_materials_by_name(self, name, case_sensitive=False, matching=False): """Return a list of materials with matching names. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to match case_sensitive : bool Whether to distinguish upper and lower case letters in each material's name (default is False) matching : bool Whether the names must match completely (default is False) Returns ------- list of openmc.Material Materials matching the queried name """ return self._get_domains_by_name(name, case_sensitive, matching, 'material') def get_cells_by_name(self, name, case_sensitive=False, matching=False): """Return a list of cells with matching names. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to search match case_sensitive : bool Whether to distinguish upper and lower case letters in each cell's name (default is False) matching : bool Whether the names must match completely (default is False) Returns ------- list of openmc.Cell Cells matching the queried name """ return self._get_domains_by_name(name, case_sensitive, matching, 'cell') def get_cells_by_fill_name(self, name, case_sensitive=False, matching=False): """Return a list of cells with fills with matching names. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to match case_sensitive : bool Whether to distinguish upper and lower case letters in each cell's name (default is False) matching : bool Whether the names must match completely (default is False) Returns ------- list of openmc.Cell Cells with fills matching the queried name """ if not case_sensitive: name = name.lower() cells = set() for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): names = [] if cell.fill_type in ('material', 'universe', 'lattice'): names.append( elif cell.fill_type == 'distribmat': for mat in cell.fill: if mat is not None: names.append( for fill_name in names: if not case_sensitive: fill_name = fill_name.lower() if fill_name == name: cells.add(cell) elif not matching and name in fill_name: cells.add(cell) return sorted(cells, key=lambda x: def get_universes_by_name(self, name, case_sensitive=False, matching=False): """Return a list of universes with matching names. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to match case_sensitive : bool Whether to distinguish upper and lower case letters in each universe's name (default is False) matching : bool Whether the names must match completely (default is False) Returns ------- list of openmc.Universe Universes matching the queried name """ return self._get_domains_by_name(name, case_sensitive, matching, 'universe') def get_lattices_by_name(self, name, case_sensitive=False, matching=False): """Return a list of lattices with matching names. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to match case_sensitive : bool Whether to distinguish upper and lower case letters in each lattice's name (default is False) matching : bool Whether the names must match completely (default is False) Returns ------- list of openmc.Lattice Lattices matching the queried name """ return self._get_domains_by_name(name, case_sensitive, matching, 'lattice') def remove_redundant_surfaces(self): """Remove redundant surfaces from the geometry""" # Get redundant surfaces redundant_surfaces = self.get_redundant_surfaces() # Iterate through all cells contained in the geometry for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): # Recursively remove redundant surfaces from regions if cell.region: cell.region.remove_redundant_surfaces(redundant_surfaces) def determine_paths(self, instances_only=False): """Determine paths through CSG tree for cells and materials. This method recursively traverses the CSG tree to determine each unique path that reaches every cell and material. The paths are stored in the :attr:`Cell.paths` and :attr:`Material.paths` attributes. Parameters ---------- instances_only : bool, optional If true, this method will only determine the number of instances of each cell and material. """ # (Re-)initialize all cell instances to 0 for cell in self.get_all_cells().values(): cell._paths = [] cell._num_instances = 0 for material in self.get_all_materials().values(): material._paths = [] material._num_instances = 0 # Recursively traverse the CSG tree to count all cell instances self.root_universe._determine_paths(instances_only=instances_only) def clone(self): """Create a copy of this geometry with new unique IDs for all of its enclosed materials, surfaces, cells, universes and lattices.""" clone = deepcopy(self) clone.root_universe = self.root_universe.clone() return clone