% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/delete.R \name{delete} \alias{delete} \alias{file_delete} \alias{dir_delete} \alias{link_delete} \title{Delete files, directories, or links} \usage{ file_delete(path) dir_delete(path) link_delete(path) } \arguments{ \item{path}{A character vector of one or more paths.} } \value{ The deleted paths (invisibly). } \description{ \code{file_delete()} and \code{link_delete()} delete file and links. Compared to \link{file.remove} they always fail if they cannot delete the object rather than changing return value or signalling a warning. If any inputs are directories, they are passed to \code{dir_delete()}, so \code{file_delete()} can therefore be used to delete any filesystem object. \code{dir_delete()} will first delete the contents of the directory, then remove the directory. Compared to \link{unlink} it will always throw an error if the directory cannot be deleted rather than being silent or signalling a warning. } \examples{ \dontshow{.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())} # create a directory, with some files and a link to it dir_create("dir") files <- file_create(path("dir", letters[1:5])) link <- link_create(path_abs("dir"), "link") # All files created dir_exists("dir") file_exists(files) link_exists("link") file_exists(link_path("link")) # Delete a file file_delete(files[1]) file_exists(files[1]) # Delete the directory (which deletes the files as well) dir_delete("dir") file_exists(files) dir_exists("dir") # The link still exists, but what it points to does not. link_exists("link") dir_exists(link_path("link")) # Delete the link link_delete("link") link_exists("link") \dontshow{setwd(.old_wd)} }