/* Copyright 2021 Northern.tech AS This file is part of CFEngine 3 - written and maintained by Northern.tech AS. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See included file COSL.txt. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include int yyparse(void); ParserState PARSER_STATE = { 0 }; /* GLOBAL_X */ extern FILE *yyin; static void ParserStateReset(ParserState *p, bool discard) { assert(p != NULL); p->agent_type = AGENT_TYPE_COMMON; p->warnings = PARSER_WARNING_ALL; p->policy = NULL; int i = CF_MAX_NESTING; while (i-- > 0) /* Clear stacks from top down */ { if (discard) { free(p->currentfnid[i]); RlistDestroy(p->giveargs[i]); FnCallDestroy(p->currentfncall[i]); } else { assert(!p->currentfnid[i]); assert(!p->giveargs[i]); assert(!p->currentfncall[i]); } p->currentfnid[i] = NULL; p->giveargs[i] = NULL; p->currentfncall[i] = NULL; } free(p->current_line); p->current_line = NULL; p->line_no = 1; p->line_pos = 1; p->error_count = 0; p->warning_count = 0; p->list_nesting = 0; p->arg_nesting = 0; free(p->current_namespace); p->current_namespace = xstrdup("default"); p->currentid[0] = '\0'; if (p->currentstring) { free(p->currentstring); } p->currentstring = NULL; p->currenttype[0] = '\0'; if (p->currentclasses) { free(p->currentclasses); } p->currentclasses = NULL; p->currentRlist = NULL; p->currentpromise = NULL; p->currentbody = NULL; if (p->promiser) { free(p->promiser); } p->promiser = NULL; p->blockid[0] = '\0'; p->blocktype[0] = '\0'; RvalDestroy(p->rval); p->rval = RvalNew(NULL, RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE); } static void ParserStateClean(ParserState *p) { free(p->current_namespace); p->current_namespace = NULL; } Policy *ParserParseFile(AgentType agent_type, const char *path, unsigned int warnings, unsigned int warnings_error) { ParserStateReset(&PARSER_STATE, false); PARSER_STATE.agent_type = agent_type; PARSER_STATE.policy = PolicyNew(); PARSER_STATE.warnings = warnings; PARSER_STATE.warnings_error = warnings_error; strlcpy(PARSER_STATE.filename, path, CF_MAXVARSIZE); yyin = safe_fopen(path, "rt"); if (yyin == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "While opening file '%s' for parsing. (fopen: %s)", path, GetErrorStr()); DoCleanupAndExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (!feof(yyin)) { yyparse(); if (ferror(yyin)) { perror("cfengine"); DoCleanupAndExit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } fclose(yyin); if (PARSER_STATE.error_count > 0) { PolicyDestroy(PARSER_STATE.policy); ParserStateReset(&PARSER_STATE, true); ParserStateClean(&PARSER_STATE); return NULL; } Policy *policy = PARSER_STATE.policy; ParserStateReset(&PARSER_STATE, false); ParserStateClean(&PARSER_STATE); return policy; } int ParserWarningFromString(const char *warning_str) { if (strcmp("deprecated", warning_str) == 0) { return PARSER_WARNING_DEPRECATED; } else if (strcmp("removed", warning_str) == 0) { return PARSER_WARNING_REMOVED; } else if (strcmp("all", warning_str) == 0) { return PARSER_WARNING_ALL; } else { return -1; } } const char *ParserWarningToString(unsigned int warning) { switch (warning) { case PARSER_WARNING_DEPRECATED: return "deprecated"; case PARSER_WARNING_REMOVED: return "removed"; default: ProgrammingError("Invalid parser warning: %u", warning); } }