/** * gholder.c -- data structure to hold raw data * ______ ___ * / ____/___ / | _____________ __________ * / / __/ __ \/ /| |/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ ___/ * / /_/ / /_/ / ___ / /__/ /__/ __(__ |__ ) * \____/\____/_/ |_\___/\___/\___/____/____/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Gerardo Orellana * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gholder.h" #include "error.h" #include "gdns.h" #include "gkhash.h" #include "util.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #ifdef HAVE_GEOLOCATION #include "geoip1.h" #endif typedef struct GPanel_ { GModule module; void (*insert) (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const struct GPanel_ *); void (*holder_callback) (GHolder * h); } GPanel; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static void add_data_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const GPanel * panel); static void add_host_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const GPanel * panel); static void add_root_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const GPanel * panel); static void add_host_child_to_holder (GHolder * h); static GPanel paneling[] = { {VISITORS , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {REQUESTS , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {REQUESTS_STATIC , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {NOT_FOUND , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {HOSTS , add_host_to_holder , add_host_child_to_holder} , {OS , add_root_to_holder , NULL}, {BROWSERS , add_root_to_holder , NULL}, {VISIT_TIMES , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {VIRTUAL_HOSTS , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {REFERRERS , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {REFERRING_SITES , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {KEYPHRASES , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {STATUS_CODES , add_root_to_holder , NULL}, {REMOTE_USER , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, {CACHE_STATUS , add_data_to_holder , NULL}, #ifdef HAVE_GEOLOCATION {GEO_LOCATION , add_root_to_holder , NULL}, #endif {MIME_TYPE , add_root_to_holder, NULL} , {TLS_TYPE , add_root_to_holder, NULL} , }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* Get a panel from the GPanel structure given a module. * * On error, or if not found, NULL is returned. * On success, the panel value is returned. */ static GPanel * panel_lookup (GModule module) { int i, num_panels = ARRAY_SIZE (paneling); for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) { if (paneling[i].module == module) return &paneling[i]; } return NULL; } /* Allocate memory for a new GHolder instance. * * On success, the newly allocated GHolder is returned . */ GHolder * new_gholder (uint32_t size) { GHolder *holder = xmalloc (size * sizeof (GHolder)); memset (holder, 0, size * sizeof *holder); return holder; } /* Allocate memory for a new GHolderItem instance. * * On success, the newly allocated GHolderItem is returned . */ static GHolderItem * new_gholder_item (uint32_t size) { GHolderItem *item = xcalloc (size, sizeof (GHolderItem)); return item; } /* Allocate memory for a new double linked-list GSubList instance. * * On success, the newly allocated GSubList is returned . */ static GSubList * new_gsublist (void) { GSubList *sub_list = xmalloc (sizeof (GSubList)); sub_list->head = NULL; sub_list->tail = NULL; sub_list->size = 0; return sub_list; } /* Allocate memory for a new double linked-list GSubItem node. * * On success, the newly allocated GSubItem is returned . */ static GSubItem * new_gsubitem (GModule module, GMetrics * nmetrics) { GSubItem *sub_item = xmalloc (sizeof (GSubItem)); sub_item->metrics = nmetrics; sub_item->module = module; sub_item->prev = NULL; sub_item->next = NULL; return sub_item; } /* Add an item to the end of a given sub list. */ static void add_sub_item_back (GSubList * sub_list, GModule module, GMetrics * nmetrics) { GSubItem *sub_item = new_gsubitem (module, nmetrics); if (sub_list->tail) { sub_list->tail->next = sub_item; sub_item->prev = sub_list->tail; sub_list->tail = sub_item; } else { sub_list->head = sub_item; sub_list->tail = sub_item; } sub_list->size++; } /* Delete the entire given sub list. */ static void delete_sub_list (GSubList * sub_list) { GSubItem *item = NULL; GSubItem *next = NULL; if (sub_list->size == 0) goto clear; for (item = sub_list->head; item; item = next) { next = item->next; free (item->metrics->data); free (item->metrics); free (item); } clear: sub_list->head = NULL; sub_list->size = 0; free (sub_list); } /* Free malloc'd holder fields. */ static void free_holder_data (GHolderItem item) { if (item.sub_list != NULL) delete_sub_list (item.sub_list); free_gmetrics (item.metrics); } /* Free all memory allocated in holder for a given module. */ void free_holder_by_module (GHolder ** holder, GModule module) { int j; if ((*holder) == NULL) return; for (j = 0; j < (*holder)[module].idx; j++) { free_holder_data ((*holder)[module].items[j]); } free ((*holder)[module].items); (*holder)[module].holder_size = 0; (*holder)[module].idx = 0; (*holder)[module].sub_items_size = 0; } /* Free all memory allocated in holder for all modules. */ void free_holder (GHolder ** holder) { GModule module; int j; size_t idx = 0; if ((*holder) == NULL) return; FOREACH_MODULE (idx, module_list) { module = module_list[idx]; for (j = 0; j < (*holder)[module].idx; j++) { free_holder_data ((*holder)[module].items[j]); } free ((*holder)[module].items); } free (*holder); (*holder) = NULL; } /* Iterate over holder and get the key index. * * If the key does not exist, -1 is returned. * On success, the key in holder is returned . */ static int get_item_idx_in_holder (GHolder * holder, const char *k) { int i; if (holder == NULL) return KEY_NOT_FOUND; if (holder->idx == 0) return KEY_NOT_FOUND; if (k == NULL || *k == '\0') return KEY_NOT_FOUND; for (i = 0; i < holder->idx; i++) { if (strcmp (k, holder->items[i].metrics->data) == 0) return i; } return KEY_NOT_FOUND; } /* Copy linked-list items to an array, sort, and move them back to the * list. Should be faster than sorting the list */ static void sort_sub_list (GHolder * h, GSort sort) { GHolderItem *arr; GSubItem *iter; GSubList *sub_list; int i, j, k; /* iterate over root-level nodes */ for (i = 0; i < h->idx; i++) { sub_list = h->items[i].sub_list; if (sub_list == NULL) continue; arr = new_gholder_item (sub_list->size); /* copy items from the linked-list into an array */ for (j = 0, iter = sub_list->head; iter; iter = iter->next, j++) { arr[j].metrics = new_gmetrics (); arr[j].metrics->bw.nbw = iter->metrics->bw.nbw; arr[j].metrics->data = xstrdup (iter->metrics->data); arr[j].metrics->hits = iter->metrics->hits; arr[j].metrics->id = iter->metrics->id; arr[j].metrics->visitors = iter->metrics->visitors; if (conf.serve_usecs) { arr[j].metrics->avgts.nts = iter->metrics->avgts.nts; arr[j].metrics->cumts.nts = iter->metrics->cumts.nts; arr[j].metrics->maxts.nts = iter->metrics->maxts.nts; } } sort_holder_items (arr, j, sort); delete_sub_list (sub_list); sub_list = new_gsublist (); for (k = 0; k < j; k++) { if (k > 0) sub_list = h->items[i].sub_list; add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, arr[k].metrics); h->items[i].sub_list = sub_list; sub_list = NULL; } free (arr); if (sub_list) { delete_sub_list (sub_list); sub_list = NULL; } } } /* Set the data metric field for the host panel. * * On success, the data field/metric is set. */ static int set_host_child_metrics (char *data, uint8_t id, GMetrics ** nmetrics) { GMetrics *metrics; metrics = new_gmetrics (); metrics->data = xstrdup (data); metrics->id = id; *nmetrics = metrics; return 0; } /* Set host panel data, including sub items. * * On success, the host panel data is set. */ static void set_host_sub_list (GHolder * h, GSubList * sub_list) { GMetrics *nmetrics; #ifdef HAVE_GEOLOCATION char city[CITY_LEN] = ""; char continent[CONTINENT_LEN] = ""; char country[COUNTRY_LEN] = ""; #endif char *host = h->items[h->idx].metrics->data, *hostname = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GEOLOCATION /* add geolocation child nodes */ set_geolocation (host, continent, country, city); /* country */ if (country[0] != '\0') { set_host_child_metrics (country, MTRC_ID_COUNTRY, &nmetrics); add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, nmetrics); h->items[h->idx].sub_list = sub_list; h->sub_items_size++; /* flag only */ conf.has_geocountry = 1; } /* city */ if (city[0] != '\0') { set_host_child_metrics (city, MTRC_ID_CITY, &nmetrics); add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, nmetrics); h->items[h->idx].sub_list = sub_list; h->sub_items_size++; /* flag only */ conf.has_geocity = 1; } #endif /* hostname */ if (conf.enable_html_resolver && conf.output_stdout && !conf.no_ip_validation) { hostname = reverse_ip (host); set_host_child_metrics (hostname, MTRC_ID_HOSTNAME, &nmetrics); add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, nmetrics); h->items[h->idx].sub_list = sub_list; h->sub_items_size++; free (hostname); } } /* Set host panel data, including sub items. * * On success, the host panel data is set. */ static void add_host_child_to_holder (GHolder * h) { GMetrics *nmetrics; GSubList *sub_list = new_gsublist (); char *ip = h->items[h->idx].metrics->data; char *hostname = NULL; int n = h->sub_items_size; /* add child nodes */ set_host_sub_list (h, sub_list); pthread_mutex_lock (&gdns_thread.mutex); hostname = ht_get_hostname (ip); pthread_mutex_unlock (&gdns_thread.mutex); /* determine if we have the IP's hostname */ if (!hostname) { dns_resolver (ip); } else if (hostname) { set_host_child_metrics (hostname, MTRC_ID_HOSTNAME, &nmetrics); add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, nmetrics); h->items[h->idx].sub_list = sub_list; h->sub_items_size++; free (hostname); } /* did not add any items */ if (n == h->sub_items_size) free (sub_list); } /* Given a GRawDataType, set the data and hits value. * * On error, no values are set and 1 is returned. * On success, the data and hits values are set and 0 is returned. */ static int map_data (GModule module, GRawDataItem item, datatype type, char **data, uint32_t * hits) { switch (type) { case U32: if (!(*data = ht_get_datamap (module, item.nkey))) return 1; *hits = item.hits; break; case STR: if (!(*hits = ht_get_hits (module, item.nkey))) return 1; *data = xstrdup (item.data); break; } return 0; } /* Given a data item, store it into a holder structure. */ static void set_single_metrics (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, char *data, uint32_t hits) { uint32_t visitors = 0; uint64_t bw = 0, cumts = 0, maxts = 0; bw = ht_get_bw (h->module, item.nkey); cumts = ht_get_cumts (h->module, item.nkey); maxts = ht_get_maxts (h->module, item.nkey); visitors = ht_get_visitors (h->module, item.nkey); h->items[h->idx].metrics = new_gmetrics (); h->items[h->idx].metrics->hits = hits; h->items[h->idx].metrics->data = data; h->items[h->idx].metrics->visitors = visitors; h->items[h->idx].metrics->bw.nbw = bw; h->items[h->idx].metrics->avgts.nts = cumts / hits; h->items[h->idx].metrics->cumts.nts = cumts; h->items[h->idx].metrics->maxts.nts = maxts; if (bw && !conf.bandwidth) conf.bandwidth = 1; if (cumts && !conf.serve_usecs) conf.serve_usecs = 1; if (conf.append_method) { h->items[h->idx].metrics->method = ht_get_method (h->module, item.nkey); } if (conf.append_protocol) { h->items[h->idx].metrics->protocol = ht_get_protocol (h->module, item.nkey); } } /* Set all panel data. This will set data for panels that do not * contain sub items. A function pointer is used for post data set. */ static void add_data_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const GPanel * panel) { char *data = NULL; uint32_t hits = 0; if (map_data (h->module, item, type, &data, &hits) == 1) return; set_single_metrics (item, h, data, hits); if (panel->holder_callback) panel->holder_callback (h); h->idx++; } /* A wrapper to set a host item */ static void set_host (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, const GPanel * panel, char *data, uint32_t hits) { set_single_metrics (item, h, xstrdup (data), hits); if (panel->holder_callback) panel->holder_callback (h); h->idx++; } /* Set all panel data. This will set data for panels that do not * contain sub items. A function pointer is used for post data set. */ static void add_host_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, const GPanel * panel) { char buf4[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char buf6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; char *data = NULL; uint32_t hits = 0; unsigned i; struct in6_addr addr6, mask6, nwork6; struct in_addr addr4, mask4, nwork4; const char *m4 = ""; const char *m6 = "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000"; if (map_data (h->module, item, type, &data, &hits) == 1) return; if (!conf.anonymize_ip) { add_data_to_holder (item, h, type, panel); free (data); return; } if (1 == inet_pton (AF_INET, data, &addr4)) { if (1 == inet_pton (AF_INET, m4, &mask4)) { memset (buf4, 0, sizeof *buf4); nwork4.s_addr = addr4.s_addr & mask4.s_addr; if (inet_ntop (AF_INET, &nwork4, buf4, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) != NULL) { set_host (item, h, panel, buf4, hits); free (data); } } } else if (1 == inet_pton (AF_INET6, data, &addr6)) { if (1 == inet_pton (AF_INET6, m6, &mask6)) { memset (buf6, 0, sizeof *buf6); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { nwork6.s6_addr[i] = addr6.s6_addr[i] & mask6.s6_addr[i]; } if (inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &nwork6, buf6, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) != NULL) { set_host (item, h, panel, buf6, hits); free (data); } } } } /* Set all root panel data. This will set the root nodes. */ static int set_root_metrics (GRawDataItem item, GModule module, datatype type, GMetrics ** nmetrics) { GMetrics *metrics; char *data = NULL; uint64_t bw = 0, cumts = 0, maxts = 0; uint32_t hits = 0, visitors = 0; if (map_data (module, item, type, &data, &hits) == 1) return 1; bw = ht_get_bw (module, item.nkey); cumts = ht_get_cumts (module, item.nkey); maxts = ht_get_maxts (module, item.nkey); visitors = ht_get_visitors (module, item.nkey); metrics = new_gmetrics (); metrics->avgts.nts = cumts / hits; metrics->cumts.nts = cumts; metrics->maxts.nts = maxts; metrics->bw.nbw = bw; metrics->data = data; metrics->hits = hits; metrics->visitors = visitors; *nmetrics = metrics; return 0; } /* Set all root panel data, including sub list items. */ static void add_root_to_holder (GRawDataItem item, GHolder * h, datatype type, GO_UNUSED const GPanel * panel) { GSubList *sub_list; GMetrics *metrics, *nmetrics; char *root = NULL; int root_idx = KEY_NOT_FOUND, idx = 0; if (set_root_metrics (item, h->module, type, &nmetrics) == 1) return; if (!(root = ht_get_root (h->module, item.nkey))) { free_gmetrics (nmetrics); return; } /* add data as a child node into holder */ if (KEY_NOT_FOUND == (root_idx = get_item_idx_in_holder (h, root))) { idx = h->idx; sub_list = new_gsublist (); metrics = new_gmetrics (); h->items[idx].metrics = metrics; h->items[idx].metrics->data = root; h->idx++; } else { sub_list = h->items[root_idx].sub_list; metrics = h->items[root_idx].metrics; idx = root_idx; free (root); } add_sub_item_back (sub_list, h->module, nmetrics); h->items[idx].sub_list = sub_list; h->items[idx].metrics = metrics; h->items[idx].metrics->cumts.nts += nmetrics->cumts.nts; h->items[idx].metrics->bw.nbw += nmetrics->bw.nbw; h->items[idx].metrics->hits += nmetrics->hits; h->items[idx].metrics->visitors += nmetrics->visitors; h->items[idx].metrics->avgts.nts = h->items[idx].metrics->cumts.nts / h->items[idx].metrics->hits; if (nmetrics->maxts.nts > h->items[idx].metrics->maxts.nts) h->items[idx].metrics->maxts.nts = nmetrics->maxts.nts; h->sub_items_size++; } /* Load raw data into our holder structure */ void load_holder_data (GRawData * raw_data, GHolder * h, GModule module, GSort sort) { int i; uint32_t size = 0, max_choices = get_max_choices (); const GPanel *panel = panel_lookup (module); #ifdef _DEBUG clock_t begin = clock (); double taken; char *modstr = NULL; LOG_DEBUG (("== load_holder_data ==\n")); #endif size = raw_data->size; h->holder_size = size > max_choices ? max_choices : size; h->ht_size = size; h->idx = 0; h->module = module; h->sub_items_size = 0; h->items = new_gholder_item (h->holder_size); for (i = 0; i < h->holder_size; i++) { panel->insert (raw_data->items[i], h, raw_data->type, panel); } sort_holder_items (h->items, h->idx, sort); if (h->sub_items_size) sort_sub_list (h, sort); free_raw_data (raw_data); #ifdef _DEBUG modstr = get_module_str (module); taken = (double) (clock () - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; LOG_DEBUG (("== %-30s%f\n\n", modstr, taken)); free (modstr); #endif }