from textwrap import dedent import jinja2 import pytest import salt.serializers.configparser as configparser import salt.serializers.json as json import salt.serializers.msgpack as msgpack import salt.serializers.plist as plist import salt.serializers.python as python import salt.serializers.toml as toml import salt.serializers.yaml as yaml import salt.serializers.yamlex as yamlex import yaml as _yaml from salt.serializers import SerializationError from salt.serializers.yaml import EncryptedString from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict from import ON_PY35 SKIP_MESSAGE = "{} is unavailable, have prerequisites been met?" @pytest.mark.skipif(json.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("json")) def test_serialize_json(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = json.serialize(data) assert serialized == '{"foo": "bar"}', serialized deserialized = json.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(yaml.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("yaml")) def test_serialize_yaml(): data = {"foo": "bar", "encrypted_data": EncryptedString("foo")} # The C dumper produces unquoted strings when serializing an # EncryptedString, while the non-C dumper produces quoted strings. expected = ( "{encrypted_data: !encrypted foo, foo: bar}" if hasattr(_yaml, "CSafeDumper") else "{encrypted_data: !encrypted 'foo', foo: bar}" ) serialized = yaml.serialize(data) assert serialized == expected, serialized deserialized = yaml.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(yaml.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_serialize_sls(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = yamlex.serialize(data) assert serialized == "{foo: bar}", serialized serialized = yamlex.serialize(data, default_flow_style=False) assert serialized == "foo: bar", serialized deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized serialized = yaml.serialize(data) assert serialized == "{foo: bar}", serialized deserialized = yaml.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized serialized = yaml.serialize(data, default_flow_style=False) assert serialized == "foo: bar", serialized deserialized = yaml.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_serialize_complex_sls(): data = OrderedDict([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("baz", True)]) serialized = yamlex.serialize(data) assert serialized == "{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: true}", serialized deserialized = yamlex.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized serialized = yaml.serialize(data) assert serialized == "{bar: 2, baz: true, foo: 1}", serialized deserialized = yaml.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(yaml.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("yaml")) @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml(): src = "{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}" sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(src) yml_data = yaml.deserialize(src) # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base assert isinstance(sls_data, dict) assert isinstance(yml_data, dict) assert sls_data == yml_data # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict) assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict) @pytest.mark.skipif(yaml.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("yaml")) @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) @pytest.mark.skipif(ON_PY35 is True, reason="This test is unreliable under Py3.5") def test_compare_sls_vs_yaml_with_jinja(): tpl = "{{ data }}" env = jinja2.Environment() src = "{foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: {qux: true}}" sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yamlex.deserialize(src)) yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yaml.deserialize(src)) sls_data = yamlex.deserialize(sls_src) yml_data = yaml.deserialize(yml_src) # ensure that sls & yaml have the same base assert isinstance(sls_data, dict) assert isinstance(yml_data, dict) # The below has been commented out because something the loader test # is modifying the yaml renderer to render things to unicode. Without # running the loader test, the below passes. Even reloading the module # from disk does not reset its internal state (per the Python docs). ## # assert sls_data == yml_data # ensure that sls is ordered, while yaml not assert isinstance(sls_data, OrderedDict) assert not isinstance(yml_data, OrderedDict) # prove that yaml does not handle well with OrderedDict # while sls is jinja friendly. obj = OrderedDict([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("baz", {"qux": True})]) sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj)) try: yml_obj = yaml.deserialize(yaml.serialize(obj)) except SerializationError: # BLAAM! yaml was unable to serialize OrderedDict, # but it's not the purpose of the current test. yml_obj = obj.copy() sls_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=sls_obj) yml_src = env.from_string(tpl).render(data=yml_obj) final_obj = yaml.deserialize(sls_src) assert obj == final_obj # BLAAM! yml_src is not valid ! final_obj = OrderedDict(yaml.deserialize(yml_src)) assert obj != final_obj, "Objects matched! {} == {}".format(obj, final_obj) @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_sls_aggregate(): src = dedent( """ a: lol foo: !aggregate hello bar: !aggregate [1, 2, 3] baz: !aggregate a: 42 b: 666 c: the beast """ ).strip() # test that !aggregate is correctly parsed sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == { "a": "lol", "foo": ["hello"], "bar": [1, 2, 3], "baz": {"a": 42, "b": 666, "c": "the beast"}, }, sls_obj assert ( dedent( """ a: lol foo: [hello] bar: [1, 2, 3] baz: {a: 42, b: 666, c: the beast} """ ).strip() == yamlex.serialize(sls_obj) ), sls_obj # test that !aggregate aggregates scalars src = dedent( """ placeholder: !aggregate foo placeholder: !aggregate bar placeholder: !aggregate baz """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == {"placeholder": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}, sls_obj # test that !aggregate aggregates lists src = dedent( """ placeholder: !aggregate foo placeholder: !aggregate [bar, baz] placeholder: !aggregate [] placeholder: !aggregate ~ """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == {"placeholder": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}, sls_obj # test that !aggregate aggregates dicts src = dedent( """ placeholder: !aggregate {foo: 42} placeholder: !aggregate {bar: null} placeholder: !aggregate {baz: inga} """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == {"placeholder": {"foo": 42, "bar": None, "baz": "inga"}}, sls_obj # test that !aggregate aggregates deep dicts src = dedent( """ placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {foo: 42}} placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {bar: null}} placeholder: {foo: !aggregate {baz: inga}} """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == { "placeholder": {"foo": {"foo": 42, "bar": None, "baz": "inga"}} }, sls_obj # test that {foo: !aggregate bar} and {!aggregate foo: bar} # are roughly equivalent. src = dedent( """ placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}} placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}} placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}} """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == { "placeholder": {"foo": {"foo": 42, "bar": None, "baz": "inga"}} }, sls_obj @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_sls_reset(): src = dedent( """ placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {foo: 42}} placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {bar: null}} !reset placeholder: {!aggregate foo: {baz: inga}} """ ).strip() sls_obj = yamlex.deserialize(src) assert sls_obj == {"placeholder": {"foo": {"baz": "inga"}}}, sls_obj @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_sls_repr(): """ Ensure that obj __repr__ and __str__ methods are yaml friendly. """ def convert(obj): return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj)) sls_obj = convert(OrderedDict([("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "qux")])) # ensure that repr and str are yaml friendly assert sls_obj.__str__() == "{foo: bar, baz: qux}" assert sls_obj.__repr__() == "{foo: bar, baz: qux}" # ensure that repr and str are already quoted assert sls_obj["foo"].__str__() == '"bar"' assert sls_obj["foo"].__repr__() == '"bar"' @pytest.mark.skipif(yamlex.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("sls")) def test_sls_micking_file_merging(): def convert(obj): return yamlex.deserialize(yamlex.serialize(obj)) # let say that we have 2 pillar files src1 = dedent( """ a: first b: !aggregate first c: subkey1: first subkey2: !aggregate first """ ).strip() src2 = dedent( """ a: second b: !aggregate second c: subkey2: !aggregate second subkey3: second """ ).strip() sls_obj1 = yamlex.deserialize(src1) sls_obj2 = yamlex.deserialize(src2) sls_obj3 = yamlex.merge_recursive(sls_obj1, sls_obj2) assert sls_obj3 == { "a": "second", "b": ["first", "second"], "c": {"subkey2": ["first", "second"], "subkey3": "second"}, }, sls_obj3 @pytest.mark.skipif(msgpack.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("msgpack")) def test_msgpack(): data = OrderedDict([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("baz", True)]) serialized = msgpack.serialize(data) deserialized = msgpack.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(python.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("python")) def test_serialize_python(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = python.serialize(data) expected = repr({"foo": "bar"}) assert serialized == expected, serialized @pytest.mark.skipif( configparser.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("configparser") ) def test_configparser(): data = {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}} # configparser appends empty lines serialized = configparser.serialize(data).strip() assert serialized == "[foo]\nbar = baz", serialized deserialized = configparser.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(toml.HAS_TOML is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("toml")) def test_serialize_toml(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = toml.serialize(data) assert serialized == 'foo = "bar"\n', serialized deserialized = toml.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(plist.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("plist")) def test_serialize_plist(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = plist.serialize(data) expected = ( b'\n' b'\n' b'\n' b"\n" b"\tfoo\n" b"\tbar\n" b"\n" b"\n" ) assert serialized == expected, serialized deserialized = plist.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized @pytest.mark.skipif(plist.available is False, reason=SKIP_MESSAGE.format("plist")) def test_serialize_binary_plist(): data = {"foo": "bar"} serialized = plist.serialize(data, fmt="FMT_BINARY") deserialized = plist.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized == data, deserialized