#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """html2text: Turn HTML into equivalent Markdown-structured text.""" from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import sys try: from textwrap import wrap except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass from html2text.compat import urlparse, HTMLParser from html2text import config from html2text.utils import ( name2cp, unifiable_n, google_text_emphasis, google_fixed_width_font, element_style, hn, google_has_height, escape_md, google_list_style, list_numbering_start, dumb_css_parser, escape_md_section, skipwrap, pad_tables_in_text ) try: chr = unichr nochr = unicode('') except NameError: # python3 uses chr nochr = str('') __version__ = (2018, 1, 9) # TODO: # Support decoded entities with UNIFIABLE. class HTML2Text(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self, out=None, baseurl='', bodywidth=config.BODY_WIDTH): """ Input parameters: out: possible custom replacement for self.outtextf (which appends lines of text). baseurl: base URL of the document we process """ kwargs = {} if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): kwargs['convert_charrefs'] = False HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Config options self.split_next_td = False self.td_count = 0 self.table_start = False self.unicode_snob = config.UNICODE_SNOB # covered in cli self.escape_snob = config.ESCAPE_SNOB # covered in cli self.links_each_paragraph = config.LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH self.body_width = bodywidth # covered in cli self.skip_internal_links = config.SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS # covered in cli self.inline_links = config.INLINE_LINKS # covered in cli self.protect_links = config.PROTECT_LINKS # covered in cli self.google_list_indent = config.GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT # covered in cli self.ignore_links = config.IGNORE_ANCHORS # covered in cli self.ignore_images = config.IGNORE_IMAGES # covered in cli self.images_to_alt = config.IMAGES_TO_ALT # covered in cli self.images_with_size = config.IMAGES_WITH_SIZE # covered in cli self.ignore_emphasis = config.IGNORE_EMPHASIS # covered in cli self.bypass_tables = config.BYPASS_TABLES # covered in cli self.ignore_tables = config.IGNORE_TABLES # covered in cli self.google_doc = False # covered in cli self.ul_item_mark = '*' # covered in cli self.emphasis_mark = '_' # covered in cli self.strong_mark = '**' self.single_line_break = config.SINGLE_LINE_BREAK # covered in cli self.use_automatic_links = config.USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS # covered in cli self.hide_strikethrough = False # covered in cli self.mark_code = config.MARK_CODE self.wrap_links = config.WRAP_LINKS # covered in cli self.pad_tables = config.PAD_TABLES # covered in cli self.default_image_alt = config.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT # covered in cli self.tag_callback = None self.open_quote = config.OPEN_QUOTE # covered in cli self.close_quote = config.CLOSE_QUOTE # covered in cli if out is None: # pragma: no cover self.out = self.outtextf else: # pragma: no cover self.out = out # empty list to store output characters before they are "joined" self.outtextlist = [] self.quiet = 0 self.p_p = 0 # number of newline character to print before next output self.outcount = 0 self.start = 1 self.space = 0 self.a = [] self.astack = [] self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False self.absolute_url_matcher = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z+]+://') self.acount = 0 self.list = [] self.blockquote = 0 self.pre = 0 self.startpre = 0 self.code = False self.quote = False self.br_toggle = '' self.lastWasNL = 0 self.lastWasList = False self.style = 0 self.style_def = {} self.tag_stack = [] self.emphasis = 0 self.drop_white_space = 0 self.inheader = False self.abbr_title = None # current abbreviation definition self.abbr_data = None # last inner HTML (for abbr being defined) self.abbr_list = {} # stack of abbreviations to write later self.baseurl = baseurl self.stressed = False self.preceding_stressed = False self.preceding_data = None self.current_tag = None try: del unifiable_n[name2cp('nbsp')] except KeyError: pass config.UNIFIABLE['nbsp'] = ' _place_holder;' def feed(self, data): data = data.replace("", "") HTMLParser.HTMLParser.feed(self, data) def handle(self, data): self.feed(data) self.feed("") markdown = self.optwrap(self.close()) if self.pad_tables: return pad_tables_in_text(markdown) else: return markdown def outtextf(self, s): self.outtextlist.append(s) if s: self.lastWasNL = s[-1] == '\n' def close(self): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.close(self) self.pbr() self.o('', 0, 'end') outtext = nochr.join(self.outtextlist) if self.unicode_snob: nbsp = chr(name2cp('nbsp')) else: nbsp = chr(32) try: outtext = outtext.replace(unicode(' _place_holder;'), nbsp) except NameError: outtext = outtext.replace(' _place_holder;', nbsp) # Clear self.outtextlist to avoid memory leak of its content to # the next handling. self.outtextlist = [] return outtext def handle_charref(self, c): self.handle_data(self.charref(c), True) def handle_entityref(self, c): self.handle_data(self.entityref(c), True) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.handle_tag(tag, attrs, 1) def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.handle_tag(tag, None, 0) def previousIndex(self, attrs): """ :type attrs: dict :returns: The index of certain set of attributes (of a link) in the self.a list. If the set of attributes is not found, returns None :rtype: int """ if 'href' not in attrs: # pragma: no cover return None i = -1 for a in self.a: i += 1 match = 0 if 'href' in a and a['href'] == attrs['href']: if 'title' in a or 'title' in attrs: if 'title' in a and \ 'title' in attrs and \ a['title'] == attrs['title']: match = True else: match = True if match: return i def handle_emphasis(self, start, tag_style, parent_style): """ Handles various text emphases """ tag_emphasis = google_text_emphasis(tag_style) parent_emphasis = google_text_emphasis(parent_style) # handle Google's text emphasis strikethrough = 'line-through' in \ tag_emphasis and self.hide_strikethrough # google and others may mark a font's weight as `bold` or `700` bold = False for bold_marker in config.BOLD_TEXT_STYLE_VALUES: bold = (bold_marker in tag_emphasis and bold_marker not in parent_emphasis) if bold: break italic = 'italic' in tag_emphasis and 'italic' not in parent_emphasis fixed = google_fixed_width_font(tag_style) and not \ google_fixed_width_font(parent_style) and not self.pre if start: # crossed-out text must be handled before other attributes # in order not to output qualifiers unnecessarily if bold or italic or fixed: self.emphasis += 1 if strikethrough: self.quiet += 1 if italic: self.o(self.emphasis_mark) self.drop_white_space += 1 if bold: self.o(self.strong_mark) self.drop_white_space += 1 if fixed: self.o('`') self.drop_white_space += 1 self.code = True else: if bold or italic or fixed: # there must not be whitespace before closing emphasis mark self.emphasis -= 1 self.space = 0 if fixed: if self.drop_white_space: # empty emphasis, drop it self.drop_white_space -= 1 else: self.o('`') self.code = False if bold: if self.drop_white_space: # empty emphasis, drop it self.drop_white_space -= 1 else: self.o(self.strong_mark) if italic: if self.drop_white_space: # empty emphasis, drop it self.drop_white_space -= 1 else: self.o(self.emphasis_mark) # space is only allowed after *all* emphasis marks if (bold or italic) and not self.emphasis: self.o(" ") if strikethrough: self.quiet -= 1 def handle_tag(self, tag, attrs, start): self.current_tag = tag # attrs is None for endtags if attrs is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = dict(attrs) if self.tag_callback is not None: if self.tag_callback(self, tag, attrs, start) is True: return # first thing inside the anchor tag is another tag # that produces some output if (start and self.maybe_automatic_link is not None and tag not in ['p', 'div', 'style', 'dl', 'dt'] and (tag != "img" or self.ignore_images)): self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False if self.google_doc: # the attrs parameter is empty for a closing tag. in addition, we # need the attributes of the parent nodes in order to get a # complete style description for the current element. we assume # that google docs export well formed html. parent_style = {} if start: if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] tag_style = element_style(attrs, self.style_def, parent_style) self.tag_stack.append((tag, attrs, tag_style)) else: dummy, attrs, tag_style = self.tag_stack.pop() \ if self.tag_stack else (None, {}, {}) if self.tag_stack: parent_style = self.tag_stack[-1][2] if hn(tag): self.p() if start: self.inheader = True self.o(hn(tag) * "#" + ' ') else: self.inheader = False return # prevent redundant emphasis marks on headers if tag in ['p', 'div']: if self.google_doc: if start and google_has_height(tag_style): self.p() else: self.soft_br() elif self.astack and tag == 'div': pass else: self.p() if tag == "br" and start: if self.blockquote > 0: self.o(" \n> ") else: self.o(" \n") if tag == "hr" and start: self.p() self.o("* * *") self.p() if tag in ["head", "style", 'script']: if start: self.quiet += 1 else: self.quiet -= 1 if tag == "style": if start: self.style += 1 else: self.style -= 1 if tag in ["body"]: self.quiet = 0 # sites like 9rules.com never close if tag == "blockquote": if start: self.p() self.o('> ', 0, 1) self.start = 1 self.blockquote += 1 else: self.blockquote -= 1 self.p() def no_preceding_space(self): return (self.preceding_data and re.match(r'[^\s]', self.preceding_data[-1])) if tag in ['em', 'i', 'u'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): emphasis = ' ' + self.emphasis_mark else: emphasis = self.emphasis_mark self.o(emphasis) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ['strong', 'b'] and not self.ignore_emphasis: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strong = ' ' + self.strong_mark else: strong = self.strong_mark self.o(strong) if start: self.stressed = True if tag in ['del', 'strike', 's']: if start and no_preceding_space(self): strike = ' ~~' else: strike = '~~' self.o(strike) if start: self.stressed = True if self.google_doc: if not self.inheader: # handle some font attributes, but leave headers clean self.handle_emphasis(start, tag_style, parent_style) if tag in ["kbd", "code", "tt"] and not self.pre: self.o('`') # TODO: `` `this` `` self.code = not self.code if tag == "abbr": if start: self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if ('title' in attrs): self.abbr_title = attrs['title'] else: if self.abbr_title is not None: self.abbr_list[self.abbr_data] = self.abbr_title self.abbr_title = None self.abbr_data = '' if tag == "q": if not self.quote: self.o(self.open_quote) else: self.o(self.close_quote) self.quote = not self.quote def link_url(self, link, title=""): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link) title = ' "{0}"'.format(title) if title.strip() else '' self.o(']({url}{title})'.format(url=escape_md(url), title=title)) if tag == "a" and not self.ignore_links: if start: if 'href' in attrs and \ attrs['href'] is not None and not \ (self.skip_internal_links and attrs['href'].startswith('#')): self.astack.append(attrs) self.maybe_automatic_link = attrs['href'] self.empty_link = True if self.protect_links: attrs['href'] = '<' + attrs['href'] + '>' else: self.astack.append(None) else: if self.astack: a = self.astack.pop() if self.maybe_automatic_link and not self.empty_link: self.maybe_automatic_link = None elif a: if self.empty_link: self.o("[") self.empty_link = False self.maybe_automatic_link = None if self.inline_links: try: title = a['title'] if a['title'] else '' title = escape_md(title) except KeyError: link_url(self, a['href'], '') else: link_url(self, a['href'], title) else: i = self.previousIndex(a) if i is not None: a = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 a['count'] = self.acount a['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(a) self.o("][" + str(a['count']) + "]") if tag == "img" and start and not self.ignore_images: if 'src' in attrs: if not self.images_to_alt: attrs['href'] = attrs['src'] alt = attrs.get('alt') or self.default_image_alt # If we have images_with_size, write raw html including width, # height, and alt attributes if self.images_with_size and \ ("width" in attrs or "height" in attrs): self.o("") return # If we have a link to create, output the start if self.maybe_automatic_link is not None: href = self.maybe_automatic_link if self.images_to_alt and escape_md(alt) == href and \ self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href): self.o("<" + escape_md(alt) + ">") self.empty_link = False return else: self.o("[") self.maybe_automatic_link = None self.empty_link = False # If we have images_to_alt, we discard the image itself, # considering only the alt text. if self.images_to_alt: self.o(escape_md(alt)) else: self.o("![" + escape_md(alt) + "]") if self.inline_links: href = attrs.get('href') or '' self.o( "(" + escape_md( urlparse.urljoin( self.baseurl, href ) ) + ")" ) else: i = self.previousIndex(attrs) if i is not None: attrs = self.a[i] else: self.acount += 1 attrs['count'] = self.acount attrs['outcount'] = self.outcount self.a.append(attrs) self.o("[" + str(attrs['count']) + "]") if tag == 'dl' and start: self.p() if tag == 'dt' and not start: self.pbr() if tag == 'dd' and start: self.o(' ') if tag == 'dd' and not start: self.pbr() if tag in ["ol", "ul"]: # Google Docs create sub lists as top level lists if (not self.list) and (not self.lastWasList): self.p() if start: if self.google_doc: list_style = google_list_style(tag_style) else: list_style = tag numbering_start = list_numbering_start(attrs) self.list.append({ 'name': list_style, 'num': numbering_start }) else: if self.list: self.list.pop() if (not self.google_doc) and (not self.list): self.o('\n') self.lastWasList = True else: self.lastWasList = False if tag == 'li': self.pbr() if start: if self.list: li = self.list[-1] else: li = {'name': 'ul', 'num': 0} if self.google_doc: nest_count = self.google_nest_count(tag_style) else: nest_count = len(self.list) # TODO: line up
  1. s > 9 correctly. self.o(" " * nest_count) if li['name'] == "ul": self.o(self.ul_item_mark + " ") elif li['name'] == "ol": li['num'] += 1 self.o(str(li['num']) + ". ") self.start = 1 if tag in ["table", "tr", "td", "th"]: if self.ignore_tables: if tag == 'tr': if start: pass else: self.soft_br() else: pass elif self.bypass_tables: if start: self.soft_br() if tag in ["td", "th"]: if start: self.o('<{0}>\n\n'.format(tag)) else: self.o('\n'.format(tag)) else: if start: self.o('<{0}>'.format(tag)) else: self.o(''.format(tag)) else: if tag == "table": if start: self.table_start = True if self.pad_tables: self.o("<" + config.TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD + ">") self.o(" \n") else: if self.pad_tables: self.o("") self.o(" \n") if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: if self.split_next_td: self.o("| ") self.split_next_td = True if tag == "tr" and start: self.td_count = 0 if tag == "tr" and not start: self.split_next_td = False self.soft_br() if tag == "tr" and not start and self.table_start: # Underline table header self.o("|".join(["---"] * self.td_count)) self.soft_br() self.table_start = False if tag in ["td", "th"] and start: self.td_count += 1 if tag == "pre": if start: self.startpre = 1 self.pre = 1 else: self.pre = 0 if self.mark_code: self.out("\n[/code]") self.p() # TODO: Add docstring for these one letter functions def pbr(self): "Pretty print has a line break" if self.p_p == 0: self.p_p = 1 def p(self): "Set pretty print to 1 or 2 lines" self.p_p = 1 if self.single_line_break else 2 def soft_br(self): "Soft breaks" self.pbr() self.br_toggle = ' ' def o(self, data, puredata=0, force=0): """ Deal with indentation and whitespace """ if self.abbr_data is not None: self.abbr_data += data if not self.quiet: if self.google_doc: # prevent white space immediately after 'begin emphasis' # marks ('**' and '_') lstripped_data = data.lstrip() if self.drop_white_space and not (self.pre or self.code): data = lstripped_data if lstripped_data != '': self.drop_white_space = 0 if puredata and not self.pre: # This is a very dangerous call ... it could mess up # all handling of   when not handled properly # (see entityref) data = re.sub(r'\s+', r' ', data) if data and data[0] == ' ': self.space = 1 data = data[1:] if not data and not force: return if self.startpre: # self.out(" :") #TODO: not output when already one there if not data.startswith("\n") and not data.startswith("\r\n"): #
                        data = "\n" + data
                    if self.mark_code:
                        self.p_p = 0
                bq = (">" * self.blockquote)
                if not (force and data and data[0] == ">") and self.blockquote:
                    bq += " "
                if self.pre:
                    if not self.list:
                        bq += "    "
                    # else: list content is already partially indented
                    for i in range(len(self.list)):
                        bq += "    "
                    data = data.replace("\n", "\n" + bq)
                if self.startpre:
                    self.startpre = 0
                    if self.list:
                        # use existing initial indentation
                        data = data.lstrip("\n")
                if self.start:
                    self.space = 0
                    self.p_p = 0
                    self.start = 0
                if force == 'end':
                    # It's the end.
                    self.p_p = 0
                    self.space = 0
                if self.p_p:
                    self.out((self.br_toggle + '\n' + bq) * self.p_p)
                    self.space = 0
                    self.br_toggle = ''
                if self.space:
                    if not self.lastWasNL:
                        self.out(' ')
                    self.space = 0
                if self.a and ((self.p_p == 2 and self.links_each_paragraph) or
                               force == "end"):
                    if force == "end":
                    newa = []
                    for link in self.a:
                        if self.outcount > link['outcount']:
                            self.out("   [" + str(link['count']) + "]: " +
                                     urlparse.urljoin(self.baseurl, link['href']))
                            if 'title' in link:
                                self.out(" (" + link['title'] + ")")
                    # Don't need an extra line when nothing was done.
                    if self.a != newa:
                    self.a = newa
                if self.abbr_list and force == "end":
                    for abbr, definition in self.abbr_list.items():
                        self.out("  *[" + abbr + "]: " + definition + "\n")
                self.p_p = 0
                self.outcount += 1
        def handle_data(self, data, entity_char=False):
            if self.stressed:
                data = data.strip()
                self.stressed = False
                self.preceding_stressed = True
            elif (self.preceding_stressed
                  and re.match(r'[^\s.!?]', data[0])
                  and not hn(self.current_tag)
                  and self.current_tag not in ['a', 'code', 'pre']):
                # should match a letter or common punctuation
                data = ' ' + data
                self.preceding_stressed = False
            if self.style:
            if self.maybe_automatic_link is not None:
                href = self.maybe_automatic_link
                if (href == data and self.absolute_url_matcher.match(href) and
                    self.o("<" + data + ">")
                    self.empty_link = False
                    self.maybe_automatic_link = None
                    self.empty_link = False
            if not self.code and not self.pre and not entity_char:
                data = escape_md_section(data, snob=self.escape_snob)
            self.preceding_data = data
            self.o(data, 1)
        def unknown_decl(self, data):  # pragma: no cover
            # TODO: what is this doing here?
        def charref(self, name):
            if name[0] in ['x', 'X']:
                c = int(name[1:], 16)
                c = int(name)
            if not self.unicode_snob and c in unifiable_n.keys():
                return unifiable_n[c]
                    return chr(c)
                except ValueError:  # invalid unicode
                    return ''
        def entityref(self, c):
            if not self.unicode_snob and c in config.UNIFIABLE.keys():
                return config.UNIFIABLE[c]
                except KeyError:
                    return "&" + c + ';'
                    if c == 'nbsp':
                        return config.UNIFIABLE[c]
                        return chr(name2cp(c))
        def replaceEntities(self, s):
            s = s.group(1)
            if s[0] == "#":
                return self.charref(s[1:])
                return self.entityref(s)
        def unescape(self, s):
            return config.RE_UNESCAPE.sub(self.replaceEntities, s)
        def google_nest_count(self, style):
            Calculate the nesting count of google doc lists
            :type style: dict
            :rtype: int
            nest_count = 0
            if 'margin-left' in style:
                nest_count = int(style['margin-left'][:-2]) \
                    // self.google_list_indent
            return nest_count
        def optwrap(self, text):
            Wrap all paragraphs in the provided text.
            :type text: str
            :rtype: str
            if not self.body_width:
                return text
            assert wrap, "Requires Python 2.3."
            result = ''
            newlines = 0
            # I cannot think of a better solution for now.
            # To avoid the non-wrap behaviour for entire paras
            # because of the presence of a link in it
            if not self.wrap_links:
                self.inline_links = False
            for para in text.split("\n"):
                if len(para) > 0:
                    if not skipwrap(para, self.wrap_links):
                        result += "\n".join(
                            wrap(para, self.body_width, break_long_words=False)
                        if para.endswith('  '):
                            result += "  \n"
                            newlines = 1
                            result += "\n\n"
                            newlines = 2
                        # Warning for the tempted!!!
                        # Be aware that obvious replacement of this with
                        # line.isspace()
                        # DOES NOT work! Explanations are welcome.
                        if not config.RE_SPACE.match(para):
                            result += para + "\n"
                            newlines = 1
                    if newlines < 2:
                        result += "\n"
                        newlines += 1
            return result
    def html2text(html, baseurl='', bodywidth=None):
        if bodywidth is None:
            bodywidth = config.BODY_WIDTH
        h = HTML2Text(baseurl=baseurl, bodywidth=bodywidth)
        return h.handle(html)
    def unescape(s, unicode_snob=False):
        h = HTML2Text()
        h.unicode_snob = unicode_snob
        return h.unescape(s)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from html2text.cli import main