Newsqueak2 'Langexplr ' class ShapesExperiment usingLib: platform = ( "A small experiment for using Hopscotch shape classes ." | CanvasDependent = platform CanvasDependent. Presenter = platform HPresenter. Subject = platform Subject. EllipseShape = platform EllipseShape. Color = platform Color. | ) ( class ShapesExperimentSubject = Subject( "Subject for shapes experiment" | | ) ('as yet unclassified' createPresenter = ( ^ShapesExperimentPresenter new subject: self. ) ) class ShapesExperimentPresenter = Presenter ( "A presenter for a small experiment of using shape classes" | | ) ('as yet unclassified' controlPoint = ( ^ControlPoint new. ) definition = ( ^ column: { canvas: { at: 10 @ 10 display: controlPoint. at: 15 @ 10 display: controlPoint. } } ) ) class ControlPoint = CanvasDependent( "A class that represents a small point in the screen" | | ) ('as yet unclassified' addVisualsTo: container = ( container add: visual. updateLayout. ) createVisual = ( | s | s:: EllipseShape new size: 5@5 . s color: Color red. ^ s ) ))