.RookeryApp <- setRefClass( 'RookeryApp', fields = c('app','name','appEnv','configured','workingDir'), methods = list( initialize = function(app=NULL,name=NULL,...){ if (is.null(name) || !is.character(name)){ base::warning("Need a proper app 'name'") .self$configured <- FALSE return(callSuper(...)) } .self$name <- name if (is.character(app) && file.exists(app)){ .self$workingDir <- dirname(app) oldwd <- setwd(.self$workingDir) on.exit(setwd(oldwd)) appEnv <<- new.env(parent=globalenv()) appEnv$.appFile <<- normalizePath(basename(app)) appEnv$.mtime <<- as.integer(file.info(appEnv$.appFile)$mtime) sys.source(appEnv$.appFile,envir=.self$appEnv) if (exists(.self$name,.self$appEnv,inherits=FALSE)) .self$app <- get(.self$name,.self$appEnv) else if (exists('app',.self$appEnv,inherits=FALSE)) .self$app <- get('app',.self$appEnv) else { base::warning("Cannot find a suitable app in file ",app) .self$app <- NULL } } else { base::warning("File does not exist: ",app) .self$configured <- FALSE; } if (!is_rookable(.self$app)){ base::warning("App ",name," is not rookable'") .self$configured <- FALSE; } else { .self$configured <- TRUE; } callSuper(...) } ) ) .Rookery <- setRefClass( 'Rookery', fields = c('req','res','appHash','messages'), methods = list( initialize = function(...){ appHash <<- new.env() messages <<- list( emptypath = c( '

Oops! option Rook.Rookery.paths is NULL

', '

You must set this to a character vector containing', 'valid directories where Rook apps live.

' ), nodots = c( '

Apps cannot be named . or ..

' ) ) callSuper(...) }, message = function(name,opt=NULL){ msg <- paste(messages,collapse='\n') if (!is.null(opt)) msg <- sprintf(msg,opt) res$header('Content-Type','text/html') res$write(msg) }, findSuitableApp = function(appName){ if (appName %in% c('.','..')){ message('nodots') return(NULL) } paths <- getOption('Rook.Rookery.paths') if (is.null(paths)){ message('emptypath') return(NULL) } #for (p in paths){ # appReg <- paste('^',appName,'$',sep='') # if (any(grepl(appReg,basename(list.dirs(p,recursive=FALSE))))){ # } else if ( #} }, listAllApps = function(){ }, call = function(env){ req <<- Request$new(env) res <<- Response$new() # Captures foo from "/foo/.*". Presumes leading /. appName <- strsplit(req$path_info(),'/',fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2] if (is.na(appName)){ listAllApps() } else { app <- findSuitableApp(appName) if (!is.null(app)){ new_path_info <- req$path_info() req$path_info(sub(paste("/",appName,sep=''),'',new_path_info)) oldwd <- setwd(app$workingDir) on.exit(setwd(oldwd)) if (is(app$app,'function')) { return(app$app(env)) } else { return(app$app$call(env)) } } } #res$write("
") res$finish() } ) )