// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_WEB_TEST_BROWSER_WEB_TEST_SHELL_PLATFORM_DELEGATE_H_ #define CONTENT_WEB_TEST_BROWSER_WEB_TEST_SHELL_PLATFORM_DELEGATE_H_ #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/shell/browser/shell_platform_delegate.h" namespace content { class WebTestShellPlatformDelegate : public ShellPlatformDelegate { public: WebTestShellPlatformDelegate(); ~WebTestShellPlatformDelegate() override; // ShellPlatformDelegate overrides. void Initialize(const gfx::Size& default_window_size) override; void CreatePlatformWindow(Shell* shell, const gfx::Size& initial_size) override; void DidCreateOrAttachWebContents(Shell* shell, WebContents* web_contents) override; gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow(Shell* shell) override; void CleanUp(Shell* shell) override; void SetContents(Shell* shell) override; void EnableUIControl(Shell* shell, UIControl control, bool is_enabled) override; void SetAddressBarURL(Shell* shell, const GURL& url) override; void SetTitle(Shell* shell, const base::string16& title) override; void RenderViewReady(Shell* shell) override; std::unique_ptr CreateJavaScriptDialogManager( Shell* shell) override; bool HandleRequestToLockMouse(Shell* shell, WebContents* web_contents, bool user_gesture, bool last_unlocked_by_target) override; bool ShouldAllowRunningInsecureContent(Shell* shell) override; bool DestroyShell(Shell* shell) override; void ResizeWebContent(Shell* shell, const gfx::Size& content_size) override; #if defined(OS_MAC) void ActivateContents(Shell* shell, WebContents* top_contents) override; void DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(Shell*, WebContents* contents) override; bool HandleKeyboardEvent(Shell* shell, WebContents* source, const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) override; #endif private: // When headless, no window is shown while running the tests. static bool IsHeadless(); // Data held for each Shell instance, since there is one ShellPlatformDelegate // for the whole browser process (shared across Shells). This is defined for // each platform implementation. struct WebTestShellData; // Holds an instance of WebTestShellData for each Shell. base::flat_map web_test_shell_data_map_; // Data held in ShellPlatformDelegate that is shared between all Shells. This // is created in Initialize(), and is defined for each platform // implementation. struct WebTestPlatformData; std::unique_ptr web_test_platform_; #if defined(OS_MAC) // The last headless shell that called ActivateContents(). Shell* activated_headless_shell_ = nullptr; #endif }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_WEB_TEST_BROWSER_WEB_TEST_SHELL_PLATFORM_DELEGATE_H_