# Android Log _This data source is supported only on Android userdebug builds._ The "android.log" data source records log events from the Android log daemon (`logd`). These are the same log messages that are available via `adb logcat`. Both textual events and binary-formatted events from the [EventLog] are supported. This allows you to see log events time-synced with the rest of the trace. When recording [long traces](/docs/concepts/config#long-traces), it allows you to record event logs indefinitely, regardless of the Android log daemon buffer size (i.e. log events are periodically fetched and copied into the trace buffer). The data source can be configured to filter event from specific log buffers and keep only the events matching specific tags or priority. [EventLog]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/EventLog ### UI At the UI level, log events are showed in two widgets: 1. A summary track that allows to quickly glance at the distribution of events and their severity on the timeline. 2. A table, time-synced with the viewport, that allows to see events within the selected time range. ![](/docs/images/android_logs.png "Android logs in the UI") ### SQL ```sql select l.ts, t.tid, p.pid, p.name as process, l.prio, l.tag, l.msg from android_logs as l left join thread as t using(utid) left join process as p using(upid) ``` ts | tid | pid | process | prio | tag | msg ---|-----|-----|---------|------|-----|---- 291474737298264 | 29128 | 29128 | traced_probes | 4 | perfetto | probes_producer.cc:231 Ftrace setup (target_buf=1) 291474852699265 | 625 | 625 | surfaceflinger | 3 | SurfaceFlinger | Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0 291474853274109 | 1818 | 1228 | system_server | 3 | SurfaceControl | Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 291474882474841 | 1292 | 1228 | system_server | 4 | DisplayPowerController | Unblocked screen on after 242 ms 291474918246615 | 1279 | 1228 | system_server | 4 | am_pss | Pid=28568 UID=10194 Process Name="com.google.android.apps.fitness" Pss=12077056 Uss=10723328 SwapPss=183296 Rss=55021568 StatType=0 ProcState=18 TimeToCollect=51 ### TraceConfig Trace proto: [AndroidLogConfig](/docs/reference/trace-packet-proto.autogen#AndroidLogConfig) Config proto: [AndroidPowerConfig](/docs/reference/trace-config-proto.autogen#AndroidPowerConfig) Sample config: ```protobuf data_sources: { config { name: "android.log" android_log_config { min_prio: PRIO_VERBOSE filter_tags: "perfetto" filter_tags: "my_tag_2" log_ids: LID_DEFAULT log_ids: LID_RADIO log_ids: LID_EVENTS log_ids: LID_SYSTEM log_ids: LID_CRASH log_ids: LID_KERNEL } } } ```