// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/view.h" #include #include #include #include "base/check_op.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/containers/adapters.h" #include "base/feature_list.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/notreached.h" #include "base/scoped_observer.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h" #include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h" #include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h" #include "ui/base/cursor/cursor.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/mojom/drag_drop_types.mojom-shared.h" #include "ui/base/ime/input_method.h" #include "ui/compositor/clip_recorder.h" #include "ui/compositor/compositor.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer.h" #include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h" #include "ui/compositor/paint_context.h" #include "ui/compositor/paint_recorder.h" #include "ui/compositor/transform_recorder.h" #include "ui/display/screen.h" #include "ui/events/base_event_utils.h" #include "ui/events/event_target_iterator.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point3_f.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/interpolated_transform.h" #include "ui/gfx/scoped_canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/transform.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h" #include "ui/views/accessibility/ax_event_manager.h" #include "ui/views/accessibility/view_accessibility.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/border.h" #include "ui/views/buildflags.h" #include "ui/views/context_menu_controller.h" #include "ui/views/controls/scroll_view.h" #include "ui/views/drag_controller.h" #include "ui/views/layout/layout_manager.h" #include "ui/views/metadata/metadata_impl_macros.h" #include "ui/views/view_observer.h" #include "ui/views/view_tracker.h" #include "ui/views/views_features.h" #include "ui/views/views_switches.h" #include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_private.h" #include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h" #include "ui/views/widget/tooltip_manager.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win/scoped_gdi_object.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_win.h" #endif namespace views { namespace { #if defined(OS_WIN) constexpr bool kContextMenuOnMousePress = false; #else constexpr bool kContextMenuOnMousePress = true; #endif // Default horizontal drag threshold in pixels. // Same as what gtk uses. constexpr int kDefaultHorizontalDragThreshold = 8; // Default vertical drag threshold in pixels. // Same as what gtk uses. constexpr int kDefaultVerticalDragThreshold = 8; // Returns the top view in |view|'s hierarchy. const View* GetHierarchyRoot(const View* view) { const View* root = view; while (root && root->parent()) root = root->parent(); return root; } } // namespace namespace internal { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() class ScopedChildrenLock { public: explicit ScopedChildrenLock(const View* view) : reset_(&view->iterating_, true) {} ~ScopedChildrenLock() = default; private: base::AutoReset reset_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedChildrenLock); }; #else class ScopedChildrenLock { public: explicit ScopedChildrenLock(const View* view) {} ~ScopedChildrenLock() {} }; #endif } // namespace internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ViewMaskLayer // This class is responsible for creating a masking layer for a view that paints // to a layer. It tracks the size of the layer it is masking. class VIEWS_EXPORT ViewMaskLayer : public ui::LayerDelegate, public ViewObserver { public: // Note that |observed_view| must outlive the ViewMaskLayer instance. ViewMaskLayer(const SkPath& path, View* observed_view); ViewMaskLayer(const ViewMaskLayer& mask_layer) = delete; ViewMaskLayer& operator=(const ViewMaskLayer& mask_layer) = delete; ~ViewMaskLayer() override; ui::Layer* layer() { return &layer_; } private: // ui::LayerDelegate: void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_device_scale_factor, float new_device_scale_factor) override; void OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) override; // views::ViewObserver: void OnViewBoundsChanged(View* observed_view) override; ScopedObserver observed_view_{this}; SkPath path_; ui::Layer layer_; }; ViewMaskLayer::ViewMaskLayer(const SkPath& path, View* observed_view) : path_{path} { layer_.set_delegate(this); layer_.SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(false); layer_.SetName("ViewMaskLayer"); observed_view_.Add(observed_view); OnViewBoundsChanged(observed_view); } ViewMaskLayer::~ViewMaskLayer() { layer_.set_delegate(nullptr); } void ViewMaskLayer::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_device_scale_factor, float new_device_scale_factor) {} void ViewMaskLayer::OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) { cc::PaintFlags flags; flags.setAlpha(255); flags.setStyle(cc::PaintFlags::kFill_Style); flags.setAntiAlias(true); ui::PaintRecorder recorder(context, layer()->size()); recorder.canvas()->DrawPath(path_, flags); } void ViewMaskLayer::OnViewBoundsChanged(View* observed_view) { layer_.SetBounds(observed_view->GetLocalBounds()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // View, public: // Creation and lifetime ------------------------------------------------------- View::View() { SetTargetHandler(this); } View::~View() { if (parent_) parent_->RemoveChildView(this); // This view should have been removed from the focus list by now. DCHECK_EQ(next_focusable_view_, nullptr); DCHECK_EQ(previous_focusable_view_, nullptr); // Need to remove layout manager before deleting children because if we do not // it is possible for layout-related calls (e.g. CalculatePreferredSize()) to // be called on this view during one of the callbacks below. Since most // layout managers access child view properties, this would result in a // use-after-free error. layout_manager_.reset(); { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { child->parent_ = nullptr; // Since all children are removed here, it is safe to set // |child|'s focus list pointers to null and expect any references // to |child| will be removed subsequently. child->next_focusable_view_ = nullptr; child->previous_focusable_view_ = nullptr; if (!child->owned_by_client_) delete child; } } for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewIsDeleting(this); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) layer_beneath->RemoveObserver(this); // Clearing properties explicitly here lets us guarantee that properties // outlive |this| (at least the View part of |this|). This is intentionally // called at the end so observers can examine properties inside // OnViewIsDeleting(), for instance. ClearProperties(); } // Tree operations ------------------------------------------------------------- const Widget* View::GetWidget() const { // The root view holds a reference to this view hierarchy's Widget. return parent_ ? parent_->GetWidget() : nullptr; } Widget* View::GetWidget() { return const_cast(const_cast(this)->GetWidget()); } void View::ReorderChildView(View* view, int index) { DCHECK_EQ(view->parent_, this); const auto i = std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), view); DCHECK(i != children_.end()); // If |view| is already at the desired position, there's nothing to do. const bool move_to_end = (index < 0) || (size_t{index} >= children_.size()); const auto pos = move_to_end ? std::prev(children_.end()) : std::next(children_.begin(), index); if (i == pos) return; // Rotate |view| to be at the desired position. #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK(!iterating_); #endif if (pos < i) std::rotate(pos, i, std::next(i)); else std::rotate(i, std::next(i), std::next(pos)); // Update focus siblings. Unhook |view| from the focus cycle first so // SetFocusSiblings() won't traverse through it. view->RemoveFromFocusList(); SetFocusSiblings(view, pos); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnChildViewReordered(this, view); ReorderLayers(); InvalidateLayout(); } void View::RemoveChildView(View* view) { DoRemoveChildView(view, true, false, nullptr); } void View::RemoveAllChildViews(bool delete_children) { while (!children_.empty()) DoRemoveChildView(children_.front(), false, delete_children, nullptr); UpdateTooltip(); } bool View::Contains(const View* view) const { for (const View* v = view; v; v = v->parent_) { if (v == this) return true; } return false; } View::Views::const_iterator View::FindChild(const View* view) const { return std::find(children_.cbegin(), children_.cend(), view); } int View::GetIndexOf(const View* view) const { const auto i = FindChild(view); return i == children_.cend() ? -1 : static_cast(std::distance(children_.cbegin(), i)); } // Size and disposition -------------------------------------------------------- void View::SetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { SetBoundsRect(gfx::Rect(x, y, std::max(0, width), std::max(0, height))); } void View::SetBoundsRect(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { if (bounds == bounds_) { if (needs_layout_) { needs_layout_ = false; TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::Layout(set_bounds)", "class", GetClassName()); Layout(); } return; } bool is_size_changed = bounds_.size() != bounds.size(); // Paint where the view is currently. SchedulePaintBoundsChanged(is_size_changed); gfx::Rect prev = bounds_; bounds_ = bounds; // Paint the new bounds. SchedulePaintBoundsChanged(is_size_changed); if (layer()) { if (parent_) { LayerOffsetData offset_data( parent_->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(nullptr)); offset_data += GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin(); SetLayerBounds(size(), offset_data); } else { SetLayerBounds(bounds_.size(), LayerOffsetData() + bounds_.OffsetFromOrigin()); } // In RTL mode, if our width has changed, our children's mirrored bounds // will have changed. Update the child's layer bounds, or if it is not a // layer, the bounds of any layers inside the child. if (GetMirrored() && bounds_.width() != prev.width()) { for (View* child : children_) { child->UpdateChildLayerBounds( LayerOffsetData(layer()->device_scale_factor(), child->GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin())); } } } else { // If our bounds have changed, then any descendant layer bounds may have // changed. Update them accordingly. UpdateChildLayerBounds(CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(nullptr)); } OnBoundsChanged(prev); if (bounds_ != prev) NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kLocationChanged, false); if (needs_layout_ || is_size_changed) { needs_layout_ = false; TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::Layout(bounds_changed)", "class", GetClassName()); Layout(); } if (GetNeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange()) OnVisibleBoundsChanged(); // Notify interested Views that visible bounds within the root view may have // changed. if (descendants_to_notify_) { for (auto* i : *descendants_to_notify_) { i->OnVisibleBoundsChanged(); } } for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewBoundsChanged(this); } void View::SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) { SetBounds(x(), y(), size.width(), size.height()); } void View::SetPosition(const gfx::Point& position) { SetBounds(position.x(), position.y(), width(), height()); } void View::SetX(int x) { SetBounds(x, y(), width(), height()); } void View::SetY(int y) { SetBounds(x(), y, width(), height()); } gfx::Rect View::GetContentsBounds() const { gfx::Rect contents_bounds(GetLocalBounds()); contents_bounds.Inset(GetInsets()); return contents_bounds; } gfx::Rect View::GetLocalBounds() const { return gfx::Rect(size()); } gfx::Insets View::GetInsets() const { return border_ ? border_->GetInsets() : gfx::Insets(); } gfx::Rect View::GetVisibleBounds() const { if (!IsDrawn()) return gfx::Rect(); gfx::Rect vis_bounds(GetLocalBounds()); gfx::Rect ancestor_bounds; const View* view = this; gfx::Transform transform; while (view != nullptr && !vis_bounds.IsEmpty()) { transform.ConcatTransform(view->GetTransform()); gfx::Transform translation; translation.Translate(static_cast(view->GetMirroredX()), static_cast(view->y())); transform.ConcatTransform(translation); vis_bounds = view->ConvertRectToParent(vis_bounds); const View* ancestor = view->parent_; if (ancestor != nullptr) { ancestor_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, ancestor->width(), ancestor->height()); vis_bounds.Intersect(ancestor_bounds); } else if (!view->GetWidget()) { // If the view has no Widget, we're not visible. Return an empty rect. return gfx::Rect(); } view = ancestor; } if (vis_bounds.IsEmpty()) return vis_bounds; // Convert back to this views coordinate system. gfx::RectF views_vis_bounds(vis_bounds); transform.TransformRectReverse(&views_vis_bounds); // Partially visible pixels should be considered visible. return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(views_vis_bounds); } gfx::Rect View::GetBoundsInScreen() const { gfx::Point origin; View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &origin); return gfx::Rect(origin, size()); } gfx::Rect View::GetAnchorBoundsInScreen() const { return GetBoundsInScreen(); } gfx::Size View::GetPreferredSize() const { if (preferred_size_) return *preferred_size_; return CalculatePreferredSize(); } int View::GetBaseline() const { return -1; } void View::SetPreferredSize(const gfx::Size& size) { if (preferred_size_ && *preferred_size_ == size) return; preferred_size_ = size; PreferredSizeChanged(); } void View::SizeToPreferredSize() { SetSize(GetPreferredSize()); } gfx::Size View::GetMinimumSize() const { if (layout_manager_) return layout_manager_->GetMinimumSize(this); return GetPreferredSize(); } gfx::Size View::GetMaximumSize() const { return gfx::Size(); } int View::GetHeightForWidth(int w) const { if (layout_manager_) return layout_manager_->GetPreferredHeightForWidth(this, w); return GetPreferredSize().height(); } SizeBounds View::GetAvailableSize(const View* child) const { if (layout_manager_) return layout_manager_->GetAvailableSize(this, child); return SizeBounds(); } bool View::GetVisible() const { return visible_; } void View::SetVisible(bool visible) { const bool was_visible = visible_; if (was_visible != visible) { // If the View was visible, schedule paint to refresh parent. // TODO(beng): not sure we should be doing this if we have a layer. if (was_visible) SchedulePaint(); visible_ = visible; AdvanceFocusIfNecessary(); // Notify the parent. if (parent_) { parent_->ChildVisibilityChanged(this); if (!view_accessibility_ || !view_accessibility_->IsIgnored()) { parent_->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kChildrenChanged, true); } } // This notifies all sub-views recursively. PropagateVisibilityNotifications(this, visible_); UpdateLayerVisibility(); // Notify all other subscriptions of the change. OnPropertyChanged(&visible_, kPropertyEffectsPaint); } if (parent_) { LayoutManager* const layout_manager = parent_->GetLayoutManager(); if (layout_manager && layout_manager->view_setting_visibility_on_ != this) layout_manager->ViewVisibilitySet(parent_, this, was_visible, visible); } } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddVisibleChangedCallback( PropertyChangedCallback callback) { return AddPropertyChangedCallback(&visible_, std::move(callback)); } bool View::IsDrawn() const { return visible_ && parent_ ? parent_->IsDrawn() : false; } bool View::GetEnabled() const { return enabled_; } void View::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled_ == enabled) return; enabled_ = enabled; AdvanceFocusIfNecessary(); NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kStateChanged, true); OnPropertyChanged(&enabled_, kPropertyEffectsPaint); } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddEnabledChangedCallback( PropertyChangedCallback callback) { return AddPropertyChangedCallback(&enabled_, std::move(callback)); } View::Views View::GetChildrenInZOrder() { if (layout_manager_) { const auto result = layout_manager_->GetChildViewsInPaintOrder(this); DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), result.size()); return result; } return children_; } // Transformations ------------------------------------------------------------- gfx::Transform View::GetTransform() const { if (!layer()) return gfx::Transform(); gfx::Transform transform = layer()->transform(); gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset = layer()->CurrentScrollOffset(); // Offsets for layer-based scrolling are never negative, but the horizontal // scroll direction is reversed in RTL via canvas flipping. transform.Translate((GetMirrored() ? 1 : -1) * scroll_offset.x(), -scroll_offset.y()); return transform; } void View::SetClipPath(const SkPath& path) { clip_path_ = path; if (layer()) CreateMaskLayer(); } void View::SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform) { if (transform.IsIdentity()) { if (layer()) layer()->SetTransform(transform); paint_to_layer_for_transform_ = false; CreateOrDestroyLayer(); } else { paint_to_layer_for_transform_ = true; CreateOrDestroyLayer(); DCHECK_NE(layer(), nullptr); layer()->SetTransform(transform); layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) layer_beneath->SetTransform(transform); } void View::SetPaintToLayer(ui::LayerType layer_type) { // Avoid re-creating the layer if unnecessary. if (paint_to_layer_explicitly_set_) { DCHECK_NE(layer(), nullptr); if (layer()->type() == layer_type) return; } DestroyLayerImpl(LayerChangeNotifyBehavior::DONT_NOTIFY); paint_to_layer_explicitly_set_ = true; // We directly call |CreateLayer()| here to pass |layer_type|. A call to // |CreateOrDestroyLayer()| is therefore not necessary. CreateLayer(layer_type); if (!clip_path_.isEmpty() && !mask_layer_) CreateMaskLayer(); // Notify the parent chain about the layer change. NotifyParentsOfLayerChange(); } void View::DestroyLayer() { paint_to_layer_explicitly_set_ = false; CreateOrDestroyLayer(); } void View::AddLayerBeneathView(ui::Layer* new_layer) { DCHECK(new_layer); DCHECK(!base::Contains(layers_beneath_, new_layer)) << "Layer already added."; new_layer->AddObserver(this); new_layer->SetVisible(GetVisible()); layers_beneath_.push_back(new_layer); // If painting to a layer already, ensure |new_layer| gets added and stacked // correctly. If not, this will happen on layer creation. if (layer()) { ui::Layer* parent_layer = layer()->parent(); // Note that |new_layer| may have already been added to the parent, for // example when the layer of a LayerOwner is recreated. if (parent_layer && parent_layer != new_layer->parent()) parent_layer->Add(new_layer); new_layer->SetBounds(gfx::Rect(new_layer->size()) + layer()->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin()); if (parent()) parent()->ReorderLayers(); } CreateOrDestroyLayer(); layer()->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(false); } void View::RemoveLayerBeneathView(ui::Layer* old_layer) { RemoveLayerBeneathViewKeepInLayerTree(old_layer); // Note that |old_layer| may have already been removed from its parent. ui::Layer* parent_layer = layer()->parent(); if (parent_layer && parent_layer == old_layer->parent()) parent_layer->Remove(old_layer); CreateOrDestroyLayer(); } void View::RemoveLayerBeneathViewKeepInLayerTree(ui::Layer* old_layer) { auto layer_pos = std::find(layers_beneath_.begin(), layers_beneath_.end(), old_layer); DCHECK(layer_pos != layers_beneath_.end()) << "Attempted to remove a layer that was never added."; layers_beneath_.erase(layer_pos); old_layer->RemoveObserver(this); } std::vector View::GetLayersInOrder() { // If not painting to a layer, there are no layers immediately related to this // view. if (!layer()) return {}; std::vector result; for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) result.push_back(layer_beneath); result.push_back(layer()); return result; } void View::LayerDestroyed(ui::Layer* layer) { // Only layers added with |AddLayerBeneathView()| are observed so |layer| can // safely be removed. RemoveLayerBeneathView(layer); } std::unique_ptr View::RecreateLayer() { std::unique_ptr old_layer = LayerOwner::RecreateLayer(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (widget) widget->LayerTreeChanged(); return old_layer; } // RTL positioning ------------------------------------------------------------- gfx::Rect View::GetMirroredBounds() const { gfx::Rect bounds(bounds_); bounds.set_x(GetMirroredX()); return bounds; } gfx::Rect View::GetMirroredContentsBounds() const { gfx::Rect bounds(bounds_); bounds.Inset(GetInsets()); bounds.set_x(GetMirroredX()); return bounds; } gfx::Point View::GetMirroredPosition() const { return gfx::Point(GetMirroredX(), y()); } int View::GetMirroredX() const { return parent_ ? parent_->GetMirroredXForRect(bounds_) : x(); } int View::GetMirroredXForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const { return GetMirrored() ? (width() - rect.x() - rect.width()) : rect.x(); } gfx::Rect View::GetMirroredRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const { gfx::Rect mirrored_rect = rect; mirrored_rect.set_x(GetMirroredXForRect(rect)); return mirrored_rect; } int View::GetMirroredXInView(int x) const { return GetMirrored() ? width() - x : x; } int View::GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(int x, int w) const { return GetMirrored() ? width() - x - w : x; } // Layout ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::Layout() { needs_layout_ = false; // If we have a layout manager, let it handle the layout for us. if (layout_manager_) layout_manager_->Layout(this); // Make sure to propagate the Layout() call to any children that haven't // received it yet through the layout manager and need to be laid out. This // is needed for the case when the child requires a layout but its bounds // weren't changed by the layout manager. If there is no layout manager, we // just propagate the Layout() call down the hierarchy, so whoever receives // the call can take appropriate action. internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { if (child->needs_layout_ || !layout_manager_) { TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::Layout", "class", child->GetClassName()); child->needs_layout_ = false; child->Layout(); } } } void View::InvalidateLayout() { // Always invalidate up. This is needed to handle the case of us already being // valid, but not our parent. needs_layout_ = true; if (layout_manager_) layout_manager_->InvalidateLayout(); if (parent_) { parent_->InvalidateLayout(); } else { Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (widget) widget->ScheduleLayout(); } } LayoutManager* View::GetLayoutManager() const { return layout_manager_.get(); } void View::SetLayoutManager(std::nullptr_t) { SetLayoutManagerImpl(nullptr); } // Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------ const View* View::GetViewByID(int id) const { if (id == id_) return const_cast(this); internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { const View* view = child->GetViewByID(id); if (view) return view; } return nullptr; } View* View::GetViewByID(int id) { return const_cast(const_cast(this)->GetViewByID(id)); } void View::SetID(int id) { if (id == id_) return; id_ = id; OnPropertyChanged(&id_, kPropertyEffectsNone); } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddIDChangedCallback( PropertyChangedCallback callback) { return AddPropertyChangedCallback(&id_, callback); } void View::SetGroup(int gid) { // Don't change the group id once it's set. DCHECK(group_ == -1 || group_ == gid); if (group_ != gid) { group_ = gid; OnPropertyChanged(&group_, kPropertyEffectsNone); } } int View::GetGroup() const { return group_; } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddGroupChangedCallback( PropertyChangedCallback callback) { return AddPropertyChangedCallback(&group_, callback); } bool View::IsGroupFocusTraversable() const { return true; } void View::GetViewsInGroup(int group, Views* views) { if (group_ == group) views->push_back(this); internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->GetViewsInGroup(group, views); } View* View::GetSelectedViewForGroup(int group) { Views views; GetWidget()->GetRootView()->GetViewsInGroup(group, &views); return views.empty() ? nullptr : views[0]; } // Coordinate conversion ------------------------------------------------------- // static void View::ConvertPointToTarget(const View* source, const View* target, gfx::Point* point) { DCHECK(source); DCHECK(target); if (source == target) return; const View* root = GetHierarchyRoot(target); CHECK_EQ(GetHierarchyRoot(source), root); if (source != root) source->ConvertPointForAncestor(root, point); if (target != root) target->ConvertPointFromAncestor(root, point); } // static void View::ConvertRectToTarget(const View* source, const View* target, gfx::RectF* rect) { DCHECK(source); DCHECK(target); if (source == target) return; const View* root = GetHierarchyRoot(target); CHECK_EQ(GetHierarchyRoot(source), root); if (source != root) source->ConvertRectForAncestor(root, rect); if (target != root) target->ConvertRectFromAncestor(root, rect); } // static void View::ConvertPointToWidget(const View* src, gfx::Point* p) { DCHECK(src); DCHECK(p); src->ConvertPointForAncestor(nullptr, p); } // static void View::ConvertPointFromWidget(const View* dest, gfx::Point* p) { DCHECK(dest); DCHECK(p); dest->ConvertPointFromAncestor(nullptr, p); } // static void View::ConvertPointToScreen(const View* src, gfx::Point* p) { DCHECK(src); DCHECK(p); // If the view is not connected to a tree, there's nothing we can do. const Widget* widget = src->GetWidget(); if (widget) { ConvertPointToWidget(src, p); *p += widget->GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen().OffsetFromOrigin(); } } // static void View::ConvertPointFromScreen(const View* dst, gfx::Point* p) { DCHECK(dst); DCHECK(p); const views::Widget* widget = dst->GetWidget(); if (!widget) return; *p -= widget->GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen().OffsetFromOrigin(); ConvertPointFromWidget(dst, p); } // static void View::ConvertRectToScreen(const View* src, gfx::Rect* rect) { DCHECK(src); DCHECK(rect); gfx::Point new_origin = rect->origin(); views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(src, &new_origin); rect->set_origin(new_origin); } gfx::Rect View::ConvertRectToParent(const gfx::Rect& rect) const { gfx::RectF x_rect = gfx::RectF(rect); GetTransform().TransformRect(&x_rect); x_rect.Offset(GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin()); // Pixels we partially occupy in the parent should be included. return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(x_rect); } gfx::Rect View::ConvertRectToWidget(const gfx::Rect& rect) const { gfx::Rect x_rect = rect; for (const View* v = this; v; v = v->parent_) x_rect = v->ConvertRectToParent(x_rect); return x_rect; } // Painting -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::SchedulePaint() { SchedulePaintInRect(GetLocalBounds()); } void View::SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { needs_paint_ = true; SchedulePaintInRectImpl(rect); } void View::Paint(const PaintInfo& parent_paint_info) { if (!ShouldPaint()) return; const gfx::Rect& parent_bounds = !parent() ? GetMirroredBounds() : parent()->GetMirroredBounds(); PaintInfo paint_info = PaintInfo::CreateChildPaintInfo( parent_paint_info, GetMirroredBounds(), parent_bounds.size(), GetPaintScaleType(), !!layer(), needs_paint_); needs_paint_ = false; const ui::PaintContext& context = paint_info.context(); bool is_invalidated = true; if (paint_info.context().CanCheckInvalid() || base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kEnableViewPaintOptimization)) { // For View paint optimization, do not default to repainting every View in // the View hierarchy if the invalidation rect is empty. Repainting does not // depend on the invalidation rect for View paint optimization. #if DCHECK_IS_ON() if (!context.is_pixel_canvas()) { gfx::Vector2d offset; context.Visited(this); View* view = this; while (view->parent() && !view->layer()) { DCHECK(view->GetTransform().IsIdentity()); offset += view->GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin(); view = view->parent(); } // The offset in the PaintContext should be the offset up to the paint // root, which we compute and verify here. DCHECK_EQ(context.PaintOffset().x(), offset.x()); DCHECK_EQ(context.PaintOffset().y(), offset.y()); // The above loop will stop when |view| is the paint root, which should be // the root of the current paint walk, as verified by storing the root in // the PaintContext. DCHECK_EQ(context.RootVisited(), view); } #endif // If the View wasn't invalidated, don't waste time painting it, the output // would be culled. is_invalidated = paint_info.ShouldPaint(); } TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::Paint", "class", GetClassName()); // If the view is backed by a layer, it should paint with itself as the origin // rather than relative to its parent. // TODO(danakj): Rework clip and transform recorder usage here to use // std::optional once we can do so. ui::ClipRecorder clip_recorder(parent_paint_info.context()); if (!layer()) { // Set the clip rect to the bounds of this View, or |clip_path_| if it's // been set. Note that the X (or left) position we pass to ClipRect takes // into consideration whether or not the View uses a right-to-left layout so // that we paint the View in its mirrored position if need be. if (clip_path_.isEmpty()) { clip_recorder.ClipRect(gfx::Rect(paint_info.paint_recording_size()) + paint_info.offset_from_parent()); } else { SkPath clip_path_in_parent = clip_path_; // Transform |clip_path_| from local space to parent recording space. gfx::Transform to_parent_recording_space; to_parent_recording_space.Translate(paint_info.offset_from_parent()); to_parent_recording_space.Scale( SkFloatToScalar(paint_info.paint_recording_scale_x()), SkFloatToScalar(paint_info.paint_recording_scale_y())); clip_path_in_parent.transform( SkMatrix(to_parent_recording_space.matrix())); clip_recorder.ClipPathWithAntiAliasing(clip_path_in_parent); } } ui::TransformRecorder transform_recorder(context); SetUpTransformRecorderForPainting(paint_info.offset_from_parent(), &transform_recorder); // Note that the cache is not aware of the offset of the view // relative to the parent since painting is always done relative to // the top left of the individual view. if (is_invalidated || !paint_cache_.UseCache(context, paint_info.paint_recording_size())) { ui::PaintRecorder recorder(context, paint_info.paint_recording_size(), paint_info.paint_recording_scale_x(), paint_info.paint_recording_scale_y(), &paint_cache_); gfx::Canvas* canvas = recorder.canvas(); gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(canvas); if (flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_) scoped_canvas.FlipIfRTL(width()); // Delegate painting the contents of the View to the virtual OnPaint method. OnPaint(canvas); } // View::Paint() recursion over the subtree. PaintChildren(paint_info); } void View::SetBackground(std::unique_ptr b) { background_ = std::move(b); SchedulePaint(); } void View::SetBorder(std::unique_ptr b) { const gfx::Rect old_contents_bounds = GetContentsBounds(); border_ = std::move(b); // Conceptually, this should be PreferredSizeChanged(), but for some view // hierarchies that triggers synchronous add/remove operations that are unsafe // in some contexts where SetBorder is called. // // InvalidateLayout() still triggers a re-layout of the view, which should // include re-querying its preferred size so in practice this is both safe and // has the intended effect. if (old_contents_bounds != GetContentsBounds()) InvalidateLayout(); SchedulePaint(); } const ui::ThemeProvider* View::GetThemeProvider() const { const Widget* widget = GetWidget(); return widget ? widget->GetThemeProvider() : nullptr; } const ui::NativeTheme* View::GetNativeTheme() const { if (native_theme_) return native_theme_; if (parent()) return parent()->GetNativeTheme(); const Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (widget) return widget->GetNativeTheme(); return ui::NativeTheme::GetInstanceForNativeUi(); } void View::SetNativeThemeForTesting(ui::NativeTheme* theme) { ui::NativeTheme* original_native_theme = GetNativeTheme(); native_theme_ = theme; if (native_theme_ != original_native_theme) PropagateThemeChanged(); } // RTL painting ---------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::GetFlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUI() const { return flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_; } void View::SetFlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUI(bool enable) { if (enable == flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_) return; flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_ = enable; OnPropertyChanged(&flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_, kPropertyEffectsPaint); } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddFlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUIChangedCallback( PropertyChangedCallback callback) { return AddPropertyChangedCallback(&flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_, std::move(callback)); } void View::SetMirrored(bool is_mirrored) { if (is_mirrored_ && is_mirrored_.value() == is_mirrored) return; is_mirrored_ = is_mirrored; OnPropertyChanged(&is_mirrored_, kPropertyEffectsPaint); } bool View::GetMirrored() const { return is_mirrored_.value_or(base::i18n::IsRTL()); } // Input ----------------------------------------------------------------------- View* View::GetEventHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point) { return GetEventHandlerForRect(gfx::Rect(point, gfx::Size(1, 1))); } View* View::GetEventHandlerForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { return GetEffectiveViewTargeter()->TargetForRect(this, rect); } bool View::GetCanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const { return can_process_events_within_subtree_; } void View::SetCanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(bool can_process) { if (can_process_events_within_subtree_ == can_process) return; can_process_events_within_subtree_ = can_process; OnPropertyChanged(&can_process_events_within_subtree_, kPropertyEffectsNone); } View* View::GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point) { // TODO(tdanderson): Move this implementation into ViewTargetDelegate. if (!HitTestPoint(point) || !GetCanProcessEventsWithinSubtree()) return nullptr; // Walk the child Views recursively looking for the View that most // tightly encloses the specified point. View::Views children = GetChildrenInZOrder(); DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), children.size()); for (auto* child : base::Reversed(children)) { if (!child->GetVisible()) continue; gfx::Point point_in_child_coords(point); ConvertPointToTarget(this, child, &point_in_child_coords); View* handler = child->GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(point_in_child_coords); if (handler) return handler; } return this; } gfx::NativeCursor View::GetCursor(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { #if defined(OS_WIN) static ui::Cursor arrow; if (!arrow.platform()) arrow.SetPlatformCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW)); return arrow; #else return gfx::kNullCursor; #endif } bool View::HitTestPoint(const gfx::Point& point) const { return HitTestRect(gfx::Rect(point, gfx::Size(1, 1))); } bool View::HitTestRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const { return GetEffectiveViewTargeter()->DoesIntersectRect(this, rect); } bool View::IsMouseHovered() const { // If we haven't yet been placed in an onscreen view hierarchy, we can't be // hovered. if (!GetWidget()) return false; // If mouse events are disabled, then the mouse cursor is invisible and // is therefore not hovering over this button. if (!GetWidget()->IsMouseEventsEnabled()) return false; gfx::Point cursor_pos(display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetCursorScreenPoint()); ConvertPointFromScreen(this, &cursor_pos); return HitTestPoint(cursor_pos); } bool View::OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { return false; } bool View::OnMouseDragged(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { return false; } void View::OnMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {} void View::OnMouseCaptureLost() {} void View::OnMouseMoved(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {} void View::OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {} void View::OnMouseExited(const ui::MouseEvent& event) {} void View::SetMouseHandler(View* new_mouse_handler) { // |new_mouse_handler| may be nullptr. if (parent_) parent_->SetMouseHandler(new_mouse_handler); } bool View::OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) { return false; } bool View::OnKeyReleased(const ui::KeyEvent& event) { return false; } bool View::OnMouseWheel(const ui::MouseWheelEvent& event) { return false; } void View::OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) { bool consumed = (event->type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) ? OnKeyPressed(*event) : OnKeyReleased(*event); if (consumed) event->StopPropagation(); } void View::OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) { switch (event->type()) { case ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED: if (ProcessMousePressed(*event)) event->SetHandled(); return; case ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED: if ((event->flags() & (ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON | ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON | ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON)) == 0) { OnMouseMoved(*event); return; } FALLTHROUGH; case ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED: ProcessMouseDragged(event); return; case ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED: ProcessMouseReleased(*event); return; case ui::ET_MOUSEWHEEL: if (OnMouseWheel(*event->AsMouseWheelEvent())) event->SetHandled(); break; case ui::ET_MOUSE_ENTERED: if (event->flags() & ui::EF_TOUCH_ACCESSIBILITY) NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kHover, true); OnMouseEntered(*event); break; case ui::ET_MOUSE_EXITED: OnMouseExited(*event); break; default: return; } } void View::OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) {} void View::OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) { NOTREACHED() << "Views should not receive touch events."; } void View::OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) {} void View::SetNotifyEnterExitOnChild(bool notify) { notify_enter_exit_on_child_ = notify; } bool View::GetNotifyEnterExitOnChild() const { return notify_enter_exit_on_child_; } const ui::InputMethod* View::GetInputMethod() const { Widget* widget = const_cast(GetWidget()); return widget ? const_cast(widget->GetInputMethod()) : nullptr; } std::unique_ptr View::SetEventTargeter( std::unique_ptr targeter) { std::unique_ptr old_targeter = std::move(targeter_); targeter_ = std::move(targeter); return old_targeter; } ViewTargeter* View::GetEffectiveViewTargeter() const { DCHECK(GetWidget()); ViewTargeter* view_targeter = targeter(); if (!view_targeter) view_targeter = GetWidget()->GetRootView()->targeter(); CHECK(view_targeter); return view_targeter; } WordLookupClient* View::GetWordLookupClient() { return nullptr; } bool View::CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) { return IsDrawn(); } ui::EventTarget* View::GetParentTarget() { return parent_; } std::unique_ptr View::GetChildIterator() const { return std::make_unique>(children_); } ui::EventTargeter* View::GetEventTargeter() { return targeter_.get(); } void View::ConvertEventToTarget(const ui::EventTarget* target, ui::LocatedEvent* event) const { event->ConvertLocationToTarget(this, static_cast(target)); } gfx::PointF View::GetScreenLocationF(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) const { DCHECK_EQ(this, event.target()); gfx::Point screen_location(event.location()); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_location); return gfx::PointF(screen_location); } // Accelerators ---------------------------------------------------------------- void View::AddAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { if (!accelerators_) accelerators_ = std::make_unique>(); if (!base::Contains(*accelerators_, accelerator)) accelerators_->push_back(accelerator); RegisterPendingAccelerators(); } void View::RemoveAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { if (!accelerators_) { NOTREACHED() << "Removing non-existing accelerator"; return; } auto i(std::find(accelerators_->begin(), accelerators_->end(), accelerator)); if (i == accelerators_->end()) { NOTREACHED() << "Removing non-existing accelerator"; return; } size_t index = i - accelerators_->begin(); accelerators_->erase(i); if (index >= registered_accelerator_count_) { // The accelerator is not registered to FocusManager. return; } --registered_accelerator_count_; // Providing we are attached to a Widget and registered with a focus manager, // we should de-register from that focus manager now. if (GetWidget() && accelerator_focus_manager_) accelerator_focus_manager_->UnregisterAccelerator(accelerator, this); } void View::ResetAccelerators() { if (accelerators_) UnregisterAccelerators(false); } bool View::AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { return false; } bool View::CanHandleAccelerators() const { const Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (!GetEnabled() || !IsDrawn() || !widget || !widget->IsVisible()) return false; #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_DESKTOP_AURA) // Non-ChromeOS aura windows have an associated FocusManagerEventHandler which // adds currently focused view as an event PreTarget (see // DesktopNativeWidgetAura::InitNativeWidget). However, the focused view isn't // always the right view to handle accelerators: It should only handle them // when active. Only top level widgets can be active, so for child widgets // check if they are focused instead. ChromeOS also behaves different than // Linux when an extension popup is about to handle the accelerator. bool child = widget && widget->GetTopLevelWidget() != widget; bool focus_in_child = widget && widget->GetRootView()->Contains( GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedView()); if ((child && !focus_in_child) || (!child && !widget->IsActive())) return false; #endif return true; } // Focus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::HasFocus() const { const FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); return focus_manager && (focus_manager->GetFocusedView() == this); } View* View::GetNextFocusableView() { return next_focusable_view_; } const View* View::GetNextFocusableView() const { return next_focusable_view_; } View* View::GetPreviousFocusableView() { return previous_focusable_view_; } void View::RemoveFromFocusList() { View* const old_prev = previous_focusable_view_; View* const old_next = next_focusable_view_; previous_focusable_view_ = nullptr; next_focusable_view_ = nullptr; if (old_prev) old_prev->next_focusable_view_ = old_next; if (old_next) old_next->previous_focusable_view_ = old_prev; } void View::InsertBeforeInFocusList(View* view) { DCHECK(view); DCHECK_EQ(parent_, view->parent_); if (view == next_focusable_view_) return; RemoveFromFocusList(); next_focusable_view_ = view; previous_focusable_view_ = view->previous_focusable_view_; if (previous_focusable_view_) previous_focusable_view_->next_focusable_view_ = this; next_focusable_view_->previous_focusable_view_ = this; } void View::InsertAfterInFocusList(View* view) { DCHECK(view); DCHECK_EQ(parent_, view->parent_); if (view == previous_focusable_view_) return; RemoveFromFocusList(); if (view->next_focusable_view_) { InsertBeforeInFocusList(view->next_focusable_view_); return; } view->next_focusable_view_ = this; previous_focusable_view_ = view; } View::FocusBehavior View::GetFocusBehavior() const { return focus_behavior_; } void View::SetFocusBehavior(FocusBehavior focus_behavior) { if (focus_behavior_ == focus_behavior) return; focus_behavior_ = focus_behavior; AdvanceFocusIfNecessary(); OnPropertyChanged(&focus_behavior_, kPropertyEffectsNone); } bool View::IsFocusable() const { return focus_behavior_ == FocusBehavior::ALWAYS && GetEnabled() && IsDrawn(); } bool View::IsAccessibilityFocusable() const { return focus_behavior_ != FocusBehavior::NEVER && GetEnabled() && IsDrawn(); } FocusManager* View::GetFocusManager() { Widget* widget = GetWidget(); return widget ? widget->GetFocusManager() : nullptr; } const FocusManager* View::GetFocusManager() const { const Widget* widget = GetWidget(); return widget ? widget->GetFocusManager() : nullptr; } void View::RequestFocus() { FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager) { bool focusable = focus_manager->keyboard_accessible() ? IsAccessibilityFocusable() : IsFocusable(); if (focusable) focus_manager->SetFocusedView(this); } } bool View::SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(const ui::KeyEvent& event) { return false; } FocusTraversable* View::GetFocusTraversable() { return nullptr; } FocusTraversable* View::GetPaneFocusTraversable() { return nullptr; } // Tooltips -------------------------------------------------------------------- base::string16 View::GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p) const { return base::string16(); } // Context menus --------------------------------------------------------------- void View::ShowContextMenu(const gfx::Point& p, ui::MenuSourceType source_type) { if (!context_menu_controller_) return; context_menu_controller_->ShowContextMenuForView(this, p, source_type); } gfx::Point View::GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation() { gfx::Rect vis_bounds = GetVisibleBounds(); gfx::Point screen_point(vis_bounds.x() + vis_bounds.width() / 2, vis_bounds.y() + vis_bounds.height() / 2); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_point); return screen_point; } // Drag and drop --------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::GetDropFormats(int* formats, std::set* format_types) { return false; } bool View::AreDropTypesRequired() { return false; } bool View::CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data) { // TODO(sky): when I finish up migration, this should default to true. return false; } void View::OnDragEntered(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) {} int View::OnDragUpdated(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) { return ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } void View::OnDragExited() {} int View::OnPerformDrop(const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) { return ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } void View::OnDragDone() {} // static bool View::ExceededDragThreshold(const gfx::Vector2d& delta) { return (abs(delta.x()) > GetHorizontalDragThreshold() || abs(delta.y()) > GetVerticalDragThreshold()); } // Accessibility---------------------------------------------------------------- ViewAccessibility& View::GetViewAccessibility() { if (!view_accessibility_) view_accessibility_ = ViewAccessibility::Create(this); return *view_accessibility_; } bool View::HandleAccessibleAction(const ui::AXActionData& action_data) { switch (action_data.action) { case ax::mojom::Action::kBlur: if (HasFocus()) { GetFocusManager()->ClearFocus(); return true; } break; case ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault: { const gfx::Point center = GetLocalBounds().CenterPoint(); ui::MouseEvent press(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, center, center, ui::EventTimeForNow(), ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON, ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON); OnEvent(&press); ui::MouseEvent release(ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, center, center, ui::EventTimeForNow(), ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON, ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON); OnEvent(&release); return true; } case ax::mojom::Action::kFocus: if (IsAccessibilityFocusable()) { RequestFocus(); return true; } break; case ax::mojom::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible: ScrollRectToVisible(GetLocalBounds()); return true; case ax::mojom::Action::kShowContextMenu: ShowContextMenu(GetBoundsInScreen().CenterPoint(), ui::MENU_SOURCE_KEYBOARD); return true; default: // Some actions are handled by subclasses of View. break; } return false; } gfx::NativeViewAccessible View::GetNativeViewAccessible() { return GetViewAccessibility().GetNativeObject(); } void View::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type, bool send_native_event) { AXEventManager::Get()->NotifyViewEvent(this, event_type); if (send_native_event && GetWidget()) GetViewAccessibility().NotifyAccessibilityEvent(event_type); OnAccessibilityEvent(event_type); } void View::OnAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type) {} // Scrolling ------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::ScrollRectToVisible(const gfx::Rect& rect) { if (parent_) parent_->ScrollRectToVisible(rect + bounds().OffsetFromOrigin()); } void View::ScrollViewToVisible() { ScrollRectToVisible(GetLocalBounds()); } void View::AddObserver(ViewObserver* observer) { CHECK(observer); observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void View::RemoveObserver(ViewObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } bool View::HasObserver(const ViewObserver* observer) const { return observers_.HasObserver(observer); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // View, protected: // Size and disposition -------------------------------------------------------- gfx::Size View::CalculatePreferredSize() const { if (layout_manager_) return layout_manager_->GetPreferredSize(this); return gfx::Size(); } void View::PreferredSizeChanged() { if (parent_) parent_->ChildPreferredSizeChanged(this); // Since some layout managers (specifically AnimatingLayoutManager) can react // to InvalidateLayout() by doing calculations and since the parent can // potentially change preferred size, etc. as a result of calling // ChildPreferredSizeChanged(), postpone invalidation until the events have // run all the way up the hierarchy. InvalidateLayout(); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewPreferredSizeChanged(this); } bool View::GetNeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange() const { return false; } void View::OnVisibleBoundsChanged() {} // Tree operations ------------------------------------------------------------- void View::ViewHierarchyChanged(const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) {} void View::VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) {} void View::NativeViewHierarchyChanged() { FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (accelerator_focus_manager_ != focus_manager) { UnregisterAccelerators(true); if (focus_manager) RegisterPendingAccelerators(); } } void View::AddedToWidget() {} void View::RemovedFromWidget() {} // Painting -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::OnDidSchedulePaint(const gfx::Rect& rect) {} void View::PaintChildren(const PaintInfo& paint_info) { TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::PaintChildren", "class", GetClassName()); RecursivePaintHelper(&View::Paint, paint_info); } void View::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { TRACE_EVENT1("views", "View::OnPaint", "class", GetClassName()); OnPaintBackground(canvas); OnPaintBorder(canvas); } void View::OnPaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (background_) { TRACE_EVENT0("views", "View::OnPaintBackground"); background_->Paint(canvas, this); } } void View::OnPaintBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (border_) { TRACE_EVENT0("views", "View::OnPaintBorder"); border_->Paint(*this, canvas); } } // Accelerated Painting -------------------------------------------------------- View::LayerOffsetData View::CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer( ui::Layer** layer_parent) { if (layer()) { if (layer_parent) *layer_parent = layer(); return LayerOffsetData(layer()->device_scale_factor()); } if (!parent_) return LayerOffsetData(); LayerOffsetData offset_data = parent_->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(layer_parent); return offset_data + GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin(); } void View::UpdateParentLayer() { if (!layer()) return; ui::Layer* parent_layer = nullptr; if (parent_) parent_->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(&parent_layer); ReparentLayer(parent_layer); } void View::MoveLayerToParent(ui::Layer* parent_layer, const LayerOffsetData& offset_data) { LayerOffsetData local_offset_data(offset_data); if (parent_layer != layer()) local_offset_data += GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin(); if (layer() && parent_layer != layer()) { // Adding the main layer can trigger a call to |SnapLayerToPixelBoundary()|. // That method assumes layers beneath have already been added. Therefore // layers beneath must be added first here. See crbug.com/961212. for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) parent_layer->Add(layer_beneath); parent_layer->Add(layer()); SetLayerBounds(size(), local_offset_data); } else { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : GetChildrenInZOrder()) child->MoveLayerToParent(parent_layer, local_offset_data); } } void View::UpdateLayerVisibility() { bool visible = visible_; for (const View* v = parent_; visible && v && !v->layer(); v = v->parent_) visible = v->GetVisible(); UpdateChildLayerVisibility(visible); } void View::UpdateChildLayerVisibility(bool ancestor_visible) { const bool layers_visible = ancestor_visible && visible_; if (layer()) { layer()->SetVisible(layers_visible); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) layer_beneath->SetVisible(layers_visible); } { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->UpdateChildLayerVisibility(layers_visible); } } void View::DestroyLayerImpl(LayerChangeNotifyBehavior notify_parents) { // Normally, adding layers beneath will trigger painting to a layer. It would // leave this view in an inconsistent state if its layer were destroyed while // layers beneath were still present. So, assume this doesn't happen. DCHECK(layers_beneath_.empty()); if (!layer()) return; // Copy children(), since the loop below will mutate its result. std::vector children = layer()->children(); ui::Layer* new_parent = layer()->parent(); for (auto* child : children) { layer()->Remove(child); if (new_parent) new_parent->Add(child); } mask_layer_.reset(); LayerOwner::DestroyLayer(); if (new_parent) ReorderLayers(); UpdateChildLayerBounds(CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(nullptr)); SchedulePaint(); // Notify the parent chain about the layer change. if (notify_parents == LayerChangeNotifyBehavior::NOTIFY) NotifyParentsOfLayerChange(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (widget) widget->LayerTreeChanged(); } void View::NotifyParentsOfLayerChange() { // Notify the parent chain about the layer change. View* view_parent = parent(); while (view_parent) { view_parent->OnChildLayerChanged(this); view_parent = view_parent->parent(); } } void View::UpdateChildLayerBounds(const LayerOffsetData& offset_data) { if (layer()) { SetLayerBounds(size(), offset_data); } else { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { child->UpdateChildLayerBounds( offset_data + child->GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin()); } } } void View::OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) { PaintFromPaintRoot(context); } void View::OnLayerTransformed(const gfx::Transform& old_transform, ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) { NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kLocationChanged, false); } void View::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_device_scale_factor, float new_device_scale_factor) { snap_layer_to_pixel_boundary_ = (new_device_scale_factor - std::floor(new_device_scale_factor)) != 0.0f; if (!layer()) return; // There can be no subpixel offset if the layer has no parent. if (!parent() || !layer()->parent()) return; if (layer()->parent() && layer()->GetCompositor() && layer()->GetCompositor()->is_pixel_canvas()) { LayerOffsetData offset_data( parent()->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(nullptr)); offset_data += GetMirroredPosition().OffsetFromOrigin(); SnapLayerToPixelBoundary(offset_data); } else { SnapLayerToPixelBoundary(LayerOffsetData()); } } void View::CreateOrDestroyLayer() { if (paint_to_layer_explicitly_set_ || paint_to_layer_for_transform_ || !layers_beneath_.empty()) { // If we need to paint to a layer, make sure we have one. if (!layer()) CreateLayer(ui::LAYER_TEXTURED); } else if (layer()) { // If we don't, make sure we delete our layer. DestroyLayerImpl(LayerChangeNotifyBehavior::NOTIFY); } } void View::ReorderLayers() { View* v = this; while (v && !v->layer()) v = v->parent(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (!v) { if (widget) { ui::Layer* layer = widget->GetLayer(); if (layer) widget->GetRootView()->ReorderChildLayers(layer); } } else { v->ReorderChildLayers(v->layer()); } if (widget) { // Reorder the widget's child NativeViews in case a child NativeView is // associated with a view (e.g. via a NativeViewHost). Always do the // reordering because the associated NativeView's layer (if it has one) // is parented to the widget's layer regardless of whether the host view has // an ancestor with a layer. widget->ReorderNativeViews(); } } void View::ReorderChildLayers(ui::Layer* parent_layer) { if (layer() && layer() != parent_layer) { DCHECK_EQ(parent_layer, layer()->parent()); parent_layer->StackAtBottom(layer()); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) parent_layer->StackAtBottom(layer_beneath); } else { // Iterate backwards through the children so that a child with a layer // which is further to the back is stacked above one which is further to // the front. View::Views children = GetChildrenInZOrder(); DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), children.size()); for (auto* child : base::Reversed(children)) child->ReorderChildLayers(parent_layer); } } void View::OnChildLayerChanged(View* child) {} // Input ----------------------------------------------------------------------- View::DragInfo* View::GetDragInfo() { return parent_ ? parent_->GetDragInfo() : nullptr; } // Focus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::OnFocus() { // TODO(beng): Investigate whether it's possible for us to move this to // Focus(). // By default, we clear the native focus. This ensures that no visible native // view as the focus and that we still receive keyboard inputs. FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager) focus_manager->ClearNativeFocus(); // TODO(beng): Investigate whether it's possible for us to move this to // Focus(). // Notify assistive technologies of the focus change. AXVirtualView* focused_virtual_child = view_accessibility_ ? view_accessibility_->FocusedVirtualChild() : nullptr; if (focused_virtual_child) focused_virtual_child->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kFocus); else NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kFocus, true); } void View::OnBlur() {} void View::Focus() { OnFocus(); // If this is the contents root of a |ScrollView|, focus should bring the // |ScrollView| to visible rather than resetting its content scroll position. ScrollView* scroll_view = ScrollView::GetScrollViewForContents(this); if (scroll_view) scroll_view->ScrollViewToVisible(); else ScrollViewToVisible(); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewFocused(this); } void View::Blur() { ViewTracker tracker(this); OnBlur(); if (tracker.view()) { for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewBlurred(this); } } // System events --------------------------------------------------------------- void View::OnThemeChanged() { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() on_theme_changed_called_ = true; #endif } // Tooltips -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::TooltipTextChanged() { Widget* widget = GetWidget(); // TooltipManager may be null if there is a problem creating it. if (widget && widget->GetTooltipManager()) widget->GetTooltipManager()->TooltipTextChanged(this); } // Drag and drop --------------------------------------------------------------- int View::GetDragOperations(const gfx::Point& press_pt) { return drag_controller_ ? drag_controller_->GetDragOperationsForView(this, press_pt) : ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } void View::WriteDragData(const gfx::Point& press_pt, OSExchangeData* data) { DCHECK(drag_controller_); drag_controller_->WriteDragDataForView(this, press_pt, data); } bool View::InDrag() const { const Widget* widget = GetWidget(); return widget ? widget->dragged_view() == this : false; } int View::GetHorizontalDragThreshold() { // TODO(jennyz): This value may need to be adjusted for different platforms // and for different display density. return kDefaultHorizontalDragThreshold; } int View::GetVerticalDragThreshold() { // TODO(jennyz): This value may need to be adjusted for different platforms // and for different display density. return kDefaultVerticalDragThreshold; } PaintInfo::ScaleType View::GetPaintScaleType() const { return PaintInfo::ScaleType::kScaleWithEdgeSnapping; } void View::HandlePropertyChangeEffects(PropertyEffects effects) { if (effects & kPropertyEffectsPreferredSizeChanged) PreferredSizeChanged(); if (effects & kPropertyEffectsLayout) InvalidateLayout(); if (effects & kPropertyEffectsPaint) SchedulePaint(); } PropertyChangedSubscription View::AddPropertyChangedCallback( PropertyKey property, PropertyChangedCallback callback) { auto entry = property_changed_vectors_.find(property); if (entry == property_changed_vectors_.end()) { entry = property_changed_vectors_ .emplace(property, std::make_unique()) .first; } PropertyChangedCallbacks* property_changed_callbacks = entry->second.get(); return property_changed_callbacks->Add(std::move(callback)); } void View::OnPropertyChanged(PropertyKey property, PropertyEffects property_effects) { if (property_effects != kPropertyEffectsNone) HandlePropertyChangeEffects(property_effects); auto entry = property_changed_vectors_.find(property); if (entry == property_changed_vectors_.end()) return; PropertyChangedCallbacks* property_changed_callbacks = entry->second.get(); property_changed_callbacks->Notify(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // View, private: // DropInfo -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::DragInfo::Reset() { possible_drag = false; start_pt = gfx::Point(); } void View::DragInfo::PossibleDrag(const gfx::Point& p) { possible_drag = true; start_pt = p; } // Painting -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::SchedulePaintInRectImpl(const gfx::Rect& rect) { OnDidSchedulePaint(rect); if (!visible_) return; if (layer()) { layer()->SchedulePaint(rect); } else if (parent_) { // Translate the requested paint rect to the parent's coordinate system // then pass this notification up to the parent. parent_->SchedulePaintInRectImpl(ConvertRectToParent(rect)); } } void View::SchedulePaintBoundsChanged(bool size_changed) { if (!visible_) return; // If we have a layer and the View's size did not change, we do not need to // schedule any paints since the layer will be redrawn at its new location // during the next Draw() cycle in the compositor. if (!layer() || size_changed) { // Otherwise, if the size changes or we don't have a layer then we need to // use SchedulePaint to invalidate the area occupied by the View. SchedulePaint(); } else { // The compositor doesn't Draw() until something on screen changes, so // if our position changes but nothing is being animated on screen, then // tell the compositor to redraw the scene. We know layer() exists due to // the above if clause. layer()->ScheduleDraw(); } } void View::SchedulePaintOnParent() { if (parent_) { // Translate the requested paint rect to the parent's coordinate system // then pass this notification up to the parent. parent_->SchedulePaintInRect(ConvertRectToParent(GetLocalBounds())); } } bool View::ShouldPaint() const { return visible_ && !size().IsEmpty(); } void View::SetUpTransformRecorderForPainting( const gfx::Vector2d& offset_from_parent, ui::TransformRecorder* recorder) const { // If the view is backed by a layer, it should paint with itself as the origin // rather than relative to its parent. if (layer()) return; // Translate the graphics such that 0,0 corresponds to where this View is // located relative to its parent. gfx::Transform transform_from_parent; transform_from_parent.Translate(offset_from_parent.x(), offset_from_parent.y()); recorder->Transform(transform_from_parent); } void View::RecursivePaintHelper(void (View::*func)(const PaintInfo&), const PaintInfo& info) { View::Views children = GetChildrenInZOrder(); DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), children.size()); for (auto* child : children) { if (!child->layer()) (child->*func)(info); } } void View::PaintFromPaintRoot(const ui::PaintContext& parent_context) { PaintInfo paint_info = PaintInfo::CreateRootPaintInfo( parent_context, layer() ? layer()->size() : size()); Paint(paint_info); if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kDrawViewBoundsRects)) PaintDebugRects(paint_info); } void View::PaintDebugRects(const PaintInfo& parent_paint_info) { if (!ShouldPaint()) return; const gfx::Rect& parent_bounds = (layer() || !parent()) ? GetMirroredBounds() : parent()->GetMirroredBounds(); PaintInfo paint_info = PaintInfo::CreateChildPaintInfo( parent_paint_info, GetMirroredBounds(), parent_bounds.size(), GetPaintScaleType(), !!layer()); const ui::PaintContext& context = paint_info.context(); ui::TransformRecorder transform_recorder(context); SetUpTransformRecorderForPainting(paint_info.offset_from_parent(), &transform_recorder); RecursivePaintHelper(&View::PaintDebugRects, paint_info); // Draw outline rects for debugging. ui::PaintRecorder recorder(context, paint_info.paint_recording_size(), paint_info.paint_recording_scale_x(), paint_info.paint_recording_scale_y(), &paint_cache_); gfx::Canvas* canvas = recorder.canvas(); const float scale = canvas->UndoDeviceScaleFactor(); gfx::RectF outline_rect(ScaleToEnclosedRect(GetLocalBounds(), scale)); gfx::RectF content_outline_rect( ScaleToEnclosedRect(GetContentsBounds(), scale)); if (content_outline_rect != outline_rect) { content_outline_rect.Inset(0.5f, 0.5f); const SkColor content_color = SkColorSetARGB(0x30, 0, 0, 0xff); canvas->DrawRect(content_outline_rect, content_color); } outline_rect.Inset(0.5f, 0.5f); const SkColor color = SkColorSetARGB(0x30, 0xff, 0, 0); canvas->DrawRect(outline_rect, color); } // Tree operations ------------------------------------------------------------- void View::AddChildViewAtImpl(View* view, int index) { CHECK_NE(view, this) << "You cannot add a view as its own child"; DCHECK_GE(index, 0); DCHECK_LE(size_t{index}, children_.size()); // TODO(https://crbug.com/942298): Should just DCHECK(!view->parent_);. View* parent = view->parent_; if (parent == this) { ReorderChildView(view, index); return; } // Remove |view| from its parent, if any. ui::NativeTheme* old_theme = nullptr; Widget* old_widget = nullptr; if (parent) { old_theme = view->GetNativeTheme(); old_widget = view->GetWidget(); parent->DoRemoveChildView(view, true, false, this); } view->parent_ = this; #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK(!iterating_); #endif const auto pos = children_.insert(std::next(children_.cbegin(), index), view); view->RemoveFromFocusList(); SetFocusSiblings(view, pos); // Ensure the layer tree matches the view tree before calling to any client // code. This way if client code further modifies the view tree we are in a // sane state. const bool did_reparent_any_layers = view->UpdateParentLayers(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (did_reparent_any_layers && widget) widget->LayerTreeChanged(); ReorderLayers(); // Make sure the visibility of the child layers are correct. // If any of the parent View is hidden, then the layers of the subtree // rooted at |this| should be hidden. Otherwise, all the child layers should // inherit the visibility of the owner View. view->UpdateLayerVisibility(); if (widget) { const ui::NativeTheme* new_theme = view->GetNativeTheme(); if (new_theme != old_theme) view->PropagateThemeChanged(); } // Need to notify the layout manager because one of the callbacks below might // want to know the view's new preferred size, minimum size, etc. if (layout_manager_) layout_manager_->ViewAdded(this, view); ViewHierarchyChangedDetails details(true, this, view, parent); for (View* v = this; v; v = v->parent_) v->ViewHierarchyChangedImpl(details); view->PropagateAddNotifications(details, widget && widget != old_widget); UpdateTooltip(); if (widget) { RegisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(view); if (view->GetVisible()) view->SchedulePaint(); } for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnChildViewAdded(this, view); } void View::DoRemoveChildView(View* view, bool update_tool_tip, bool delete_removed_view, View* new_parent) { DCHECK(view); const auto i = std::find(children_.cbegin(), children_.cend(), view); if (i == children_.cend()) return; std::unique_ptr view_to_be_deleted; view->RemoveFromFocusList(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); bool is_removed_from_widget = false; if (widget) { UnregisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(view); if (view->GetVisible()) view->SchedulePaint(); is_removed_from_widget = !new_parent || new_parent->GetWidget() != widget; if (is_removed_from_widget) widget->NotifyWillRemoveView(view); } // Make sure the layers belonging to the subtree rooted at |view| get // removed. view->OrphanLayers(); if (widget) widget->LayerTreeChanged(); // Need to notify the layout manager because one of the callbacks below might // want to know the view's new preferred size, minimum size, etc. if (layout_manager_) layout_manager_->ViewRemoved(this, view); view->PropagateRemoveNotifications(this, new_parent, is_removed_from_widget); view->parent_ = nullptr; if (delete_removed_view && !view->owned_by_client_) view_to_be_deleted.reset(view); #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK(!iterating_); #endif children_.erase(i); if (update_tool_tip) UpdateTooltip(); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnChildViewRemoved(this, view); } void View::PropagateRemoveNotifications(View* old_parent, View* new_parent, bool is_removed_from_widget) { { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { child->PropagateRemoveNotifications(old_parent, new_parent, is_removed_from_widget); } } // When a view is removed from a hierarchy, UnregisterAccelerators() is called // for the removed view and all descendant views in post-order. UnregisterAccelerators(true); ViewHierarchyChangedDetails details(false, old_parent, this, new_parent); for (View* v = this; v; v = v->parent_) v->ViewHierarchyChangedImpl(details); if (is_removed_from_widget) { RemovedFromWidget(); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewRemovedFromWidget(this); } } void View::PropagateAddNotifications(const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details, bool is_added_to_widget) { // When a view is added to a Widget hierarchy, RegisterPendingAccelerators() // will be called for the added view and all its descendants in pre-order. // This means that descendant views will register their accelerators after // their parents. This allows children to override accelerators registered by // their parents as accelerators registered later take priority over those // registered earlier. if (GetFocusManager()) RegisterPendingAccelerators(); { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->PropagateAddNotifications(details, is_added_to_widget); } ViewHierarchyChangedImpl(details); if (is_added_to_widget) { AddedToWidget(); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewAddedToWidget(this); } } void View::PropagateNativeViewHierarchyChanged() { { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->PropagateNativeViewHierarchyChanged(); } NativeViewHierarchyChanged(); } void View::ViewHierarchyChangedImpl( const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) { ViewHierarchyChanged(details); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewHierarchyChanged(this, details); details.parent->needs_layout_ = true; } // Size and disposition -------------------------------------------------------- void View::PropagateVisibilityNotifications(View* start, bool is_visible) { { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->PropagateVisibilityNotifications(start, is_visible); } VisibilityChangedImpl(start, is_visible); } void View::VisibilityChangedImpl(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) { VisibilityChanged(starting_from, is_visible); for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewVisibilityChanged(this, starting_from); } void View::SnapLayerToPixelBoundary(const LayerOffsetData& offset_data) { if (!layer()) return; #if DCHECK_IS_ON() // We rely on our layers beneath being parented correctly at this point. for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) DCHECK_EQ(layer()->parent(), layer_beneath->parent()); #endif // DCHECK_IS_ON() if (layer()->GetCompositor() && layer()->GetCompositor()->is_pixel_canvas()) { gfx::Vector2dF offset = snap_layer_to_pixel_boundary_ && layer()->parent() ? offset_data.GetSubpixelOffset() : gfx::Vector2dF(); layer()->SetSubpixelPositionOffset(offset); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) layer_beneath->SetSubpixelPositionOffset(offset); } } // static void View::RegisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(View* view) { if (view->GetNeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange()) view->RegisterForVisibleBoundsNotification(); for (View* child : view->children_) RegisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(child); } // static void View::UnregisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(View* view) { if (view->GetNeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange()) view->UnregisterForVisibleBoundsNotification(); for (View* child : view->children_) UnregisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(child); } void View::RegisterForVisibleBoundsNotification() { if (registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_) return; registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_ = true; for (View* ancestor = parent_; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_) ancestor->AddDescendantToNotify(this); } void View::UnregisterForVisibleBoundsNotification() { if (!registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_) return; registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_ = false; for (View* ancestor = parent_; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent_) ancestor->RemoveDescendantToNotify(this); } void View::AddDescendantToNotify(View* view) { DCHECK(view); if (!descendants_to_notify_) descendants_to_notify_ = std::make_unique(); descendants_to_notify_->push_back(view); } void View::RemoveDescendantToNotify(View* view) { DCHECK(view && descendants_to_notify_); auto i(std::find(descendants_to_notify_->begin(), descendants_to_notify_->end(), view)); DCHECK(i != descendants_to_notify_->end()); descendants_to_notify_->erase(i); if (descendants_to_notify_->empty()) descendants_to_notify_.reset(); } void View::SetLayoutManagerImpl(std::unique_ptr layout_manager) { // Some code keeps a bare pointer to the layout manager for calling // derived-class-specific-functions. It's an easy mistake to create a new // unique_ptr and re-set the layout manager with a new unique_ptr, which // will cause a crash. Re-setting to nullptr is OK. CHECK(!layout_manager || layout_manager_ != layout_manager); layout_manager_ = std::move(layout_manager); if (layout_manager_) layout_manager_->Installed(this); } void View::SetLayerBounds(const gfx::Size& size, const LayerOffsetData& offset_data) { const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect(size) + offset_data.offset(); const bool bounds_changed = (bounds != layer()->GetTargetBounds()); layer()->SetBounds(bounds); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) { layer_beneath->SetBounds(gfx::Rect(layer_beneath->size()) + bounds.OffsetFromOrigin()); } SnapLayerToPixelBoundary(offset_data); if (bounds_changed) { for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnLayerTargetBoundsChanged(this); } } // Transformations ------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::GetTransformRelativeTo(const View* ancestor, gfx::Transform* transform) const { const View* p = this; while (p && p != ancestor) { transform->ConcatTransform(p->GetTransform()); gfx::Transform translation; translation.Translate(static_cast(p->GetMirroredX()), static_cast(p->y())); transform->ConcatTransform(translation); p = p->parent_; } return p == ancestor; } // Coordinate conversion ------------------------------------------------------- bool View::ConvertPointForAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const { gfx::Transform trans; // TODO(sad): Have some way of caching the transformation results. bool result = GetTransformRelativeTo(ancestor, &trans); auto p = gfx::Point3F(gfx::PointF(*point)); trans.TransformPoint(&p); *point = gfx::ToFlooredPoint(p.AsPointF()); return result; } bool View::ConvertPointFromAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const { gfx::Transform trans; bool result = GetTransformRelativeTo(ancestor, &trans); auto p = gfx::Point3F(gfx::PointF(*point)); trans.TransformPointReverse(&p); *point = gfx::ToFlooredPoint(p.AsPointF()); return result; } bool View::ConvertRectForAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::RectF* rect) const { gfx::Transform trans; // TODO(sad): Have some way of caching the transformation results. bool result = GetTransformRelativeTo(ancestor, &trans); trans.TransformRect(rect); return result; } bool View::ConvertRectFromAncestor(const View* ancestor, gfx::RectF* rect) const { gfx::Transform trans; bool result = GetTransformRelativeTo(ancestor, &trans); trans.TransformRectReverse(rect); return result; } // Accelerated painting -------------------------------------------------------- void View::CreateLayer(ui::LayerType layer_type) { // A new layer is being created for the view. So all the layers of the // sub-tree can inherit the visibility of the corresponding view. { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->UpdateChildLayerVisibility(true); } SetLayer(std::make_unique(layer_type)); layer()->set_delegate(this); layer()->SetName(GetClassName()); UpdateParentLayers(); UpdateLayerVisibility(); // The new layer needs to be ordered in the layer tree according // to the view tree. Children of this layer were added in order // in UpdateParentLayers(). if (parent()) parent()->ReorderLayers(); Widget* widget = GetWidget(); if (widget) widget->LayerTreeChanged(); // Before having its own Layer, this View may have painted in to a Layer owned // by an ancestor View. Scheduling a paint on the parent View will erase this // View's painting effects on the ancestor View's Layer. // (See crbug.com/551492) SchedulePaintOnParent(); } bool View::UpdateParentLayers() { // Attach all top-level un-parented layers. if (layer()) { if (!layer()->parent()) { UpdateParentLayer(); return true; } // The layers of any child views are already in place, so we can stop // iterating here. return false; } bool result = false; internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) { if (child->UpdateParentLayers()) result = true; } return result; } void View::OrphanLayers() { if (layer()) { ui::Layer* parent = layer()->parent(); if (parent) { parent->Remove(layer()); for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) parent->Remove(layer_beneath); } // The layer belonging to this View has already been orphaned. It is not // necessary to orphan the child layers. return; } internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : children_) child->OrphanLayers(); } void View::ReparentLayer(ui::Layer* parent_layer) { DCHECK_NE(layer(), parent_layer); if (parent_layer) { // Adding the main layer can trigger a call to |SnapLayerToPixelBoundary()|. // That method assumes layers beneath have already been added. Therefore // layers beneath must be added first here. See crbug.com/961212. for (ui::Layer* layer_beneath : layers_beneath_) parent_layer->Add(layer_beneath); parent_layer->Add(layer()); } // Update the layer bounds; this needs to be called after this layer is added // to the new parent layer since snapping to pixel boundary will be affected // by the layer hierarchy. LayerOffsetData offset = parent_ ? parent_->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(nullptr) : LayerOffsetData(layer()->device_scale_factor()); SetLayerBounds(size(), offset + GetMirroredBounds().OffsetFromOrigin()); layer()->SchedulePaint(GetLocalBounds()); MoveLayerToParent(layer(), LayerOffsetData(layer()->device_scale_factor())); } void View::CreateMaskLayer() { DCHECK(layer()); mask_layer_ = std::make_unique(clip_path_, this); layer()->SetMaskLayer(mask_layer_->layer()); } // Input ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::ProcessMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { int drag_operations = (enabled_ && event.IsOnlyLeftMouseButton() && HitTestPoint(event.location())) ? GetDragOperations(event.location()) : 0; ContextMenuController* context_menu_controller = event.IsRightMouseButton() ? context_menu_controller_ : nullptr; View::DragInfo* drag_info = GetDragInfo(); const bool was_enabled = GetEnabled(); const bool result = OnMousePressed(event); if (!was_enabled) return result; if (event.IsOnlyRightMouseButton() && context_menu_controller && kContextMenuOnMousePress) { // Assume that if there is a context menu controller we won't be deleted // from mouse pressed. if (HitTestPoint(event.location())) { gfx::Point location(event.location()); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &location); ShowContextMenu(location, ui::MENU_SOURCE_MOUSE); return true; } } // WARNING: we may have been deleted, don't use any View variables. if (drag_operations != ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE) { drag_info->PossibleDrag(event.location()); return true; } return !!context_menu_controller || result; } void View::ProcessMouseDragged(ui::MouseEvent* event) { // Copy the field, that way if we're deleted after drag and drop no harm is // done. ContextMenuController* context_menu_controller = context_menu_controller_; const bool possible_drag = GetDragInfo()->possible_drag; if (possible_drag && ExceededDragThreshold(GetDragInfo()->start_pt - event->location()) && (!drag_controller_ || drag_controller_->CanStartDragForView(this, GetDragInfo()->start_pt, event->location()))) { if (DoDrag(*event, GetDragInfo()->start_pt, ui::mojom::DragEventSource::kMouse)) { event->StopPropagation(); return; } } else { if (OnMouseDragged(*event)) { event->SetHandled(); return; } // Fall through to return value based on context menu controller. } // WARNING: we may have been deleted. if ((context_menu_controller != nullptr) || possible_drag) event->SetHandled(); } void View::ProcessMouseReleased(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { if (!kContextMenuOnMousePress && context_menu_controller_ && event.IsOnlyRightMouseButton()) { // Assume that if there is a context menu controller we won't be deleted // from mouse released. gfx::Point location(event.location()); OnMouseReleased(event); if (HitTestPoint(location)) { ConvertPointToScreen(this, &location); ShowContextMenu(location, ui::MENU_SOURCE_MOUSE); } } else { OnMouseReleased(event); } // WARNING: we may have been deleted. } // Accelerators ---------------------------------------------------------------- void View::RegisterPendingAccelerators() { if (!accelerators_ || registered_accelerator_count_ == accelerators_->size()) { // No accelerators are waiting for registration. return; } if (!GetWidget()) { // The view is not yet attached to a widget, defer registration until then. return; } accelerator_focus_manager_ = GetFocusManager(); if (!accelerator_focus_manager_) { // Some crash reports seem to show that we may get cases where we have no // focus manager (see bug #1291225). This should never be the case, just // making sure we don't crash. NOTREACHED(); return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator i( accelerators_->begin() + registered_accelerator_count_); i != accelerators_->end(); ++i) { accelerator_focus_manager_->RegisterAccelerator( *i, ui::AcceleratorManager::kNormalPriority, this); } registered_accelerator_count_ = accelerators_->size(); } void View::UnregisterAccelerators(bool leave_data_intact) { if (!accelerators_) return; if (GetWidget()) { if (accelerator_focus_manager_) { accelerator_focus_manager_->UnregisterAccelerators(this); accelerator_focus_manager_ = nullptr; } if (!leave_data_intact) { accelerators_->clear(); accelerators_.reset(); } registered_accelerator_count_ = 0; } } // Focus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::SetFocusSiblings(View* view, Views::const_iterator pos) { // |view| was just inserted at |pos|, so all of these conditions must hold. DCHECK(!children_.empty()); DCHECK(pos != children_.cend()); DCHECK_EQ(view, *pos); if (children_.size() > 1) { if (std::next(pos) == children_.cend()) { // |view| was inserted at the end, but the end of the child list may not // be the last focusable element. Try to hook in after the last focusable // child. View* const old_last = *std::find_if(children_.cbegin(), pos, [](View* v) { return !v->next_focusable_view_; }); DCHECK_NE(old_last, view); view->InsertAfterInFocusList(old_last); } else { // |view| was inserted somewhere other than the end. Hook in before the // subsequent child. view->InsertBeforeInFocusList(*std::next(pos)); } } } void View::AdvanceFocusIfNecessary() { // Focus should only be advanced if this is the focused view and has become // unfocusable. If the view is still focusable or is not focused, we can // return early avoiding further unnecessary checks. Focusability check is // performed first as it tends to be faster. if (IsAccessibilityFocusable() || !HasFocus()) return; FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager) focus_manager->AdvanceFocusIfNecessary(); } // System events --------------------------------------------------------------- void View::PropagateThemeChanged() { { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : base::Reversed(children_)) child->PropagateThemeChanged(); } OnThemeChanged(); #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK(on_theme_changed_called_) << "views::View::OnThemeChanged() has not been called. This means that " "some class in the hierarchy is not calling their direct parent's " "OnThemeChanged(). Please fix this by adding the missing call. Do not " "call views::View::OnThemeChanged() directly unless views::View is " "the direct parent class."; on_theme_changed_called_ = false; #endif for (ViewObserver& observer : observers_) observer.OnViewThemeChanged(this); } void View::PropagateDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_device_scale_factor, float new_device_scale_factor) { { internal::ScopedChildrenLock lock(this); for (auto* child : base::Reversed(children_)) { child->PropagateDeviceScaleFactorChanged(old_device_scale_factor, new_device_scale_factor); } } // If the view is drawing to the layer, OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged() is called // through LayerDelegate callback. if (!layer()) OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(old_device_scale_factor, new_device_scale_factor); } // Tooltips -------------------------------------------------------------------- void View::UpdateTooltip() { Widget* widget = GetWidget(); // TODO(beng): The TooltipManager nullptr check can be removed when we // consolidate Init() methods and make views_unittests Init() all // Widgets that it uses. if (widget && widget->GetTooltipManager()) widget->GetTooltipManager()->UpdateTooltip(); } // Drag and drop --------------------------------------------------------------- bool View::DoDrag(const ui::LocatedEvent& event, const gfx::Point& press_pt, ui::mojom::DragEventSource source) { int drag_operations = GetDragOperations(press_pt); if (drag_operations == ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE) return false; Widget* widget = GetWidget(); // We should only start a drag from an event, implying we have a widget. DCHECK(widget); // Don't attempt to start a drag while in the process of dragging. This is // especially important on X where we can get multiple mouse move events when // we start the drag. if (widget->dragged_view()) return false; std::unique_ptr data(std::make_unique()); WriteDragData(press_pt, data.get()); // Message the RootView to do the drag and drop. That way if we're removed // the RootView can detect it and avoid calling us back. gfx::Point widget_location(event.location()); ConvertPointToWidget(this, &widget_location); widget->RunShellDrag(this, std::move(data), widget_location, drag_operations, source); // WARNING: we may have been deleted. return true; } DEFINE_ENUM_CONVERTERS(View::FocusBehavior, {View::FocusBehavior::ACCESSIBLE_ONLY, base::ASCIIToUTF16("ACCESSIBLE_ONLY")}, {View::FocusBehavior::ALWAYS, base::ASCIIToUTF16("ALWAYS")}, {View::FocusBehavior::NEVER, base::ASCIIToUTF16("NEVER")}) // This block requires the existence of METADATA_HEADER(View) in the class // declaration for View. BEGIN_METADATA_BASE(View) ADD_READONLY_PROPERTY_METADATA(const char*, ClassName) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, Enabled) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(View::FocusBehavior, FocusBehavior) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, FlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUI) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(int, Group) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(int, ID) ADD_READONLY_PROPERTY_METADATA(gfx::Size, MaximumSize) ADD_READONLY_PROPERTY_METADATA(gfx::Size, MinimumSize) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, Mirrored) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, NotifyEnterExitOnChild) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, Visible) ADD_PROPERTY_METADATA(bool, CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree) END_METADATA } // namespace views