* Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2004 Christophe Combelles * Copyright (C) 2005 Marc Barilley * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Regis Houssin * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Juanjo Menent * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Philippe Grand * Copyright (C) 2013 Florian Henry * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Marcos García * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Alexandre Spangaro * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Frédéric France * Copyright (C) 2019 Ferran Marcet * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/fourn/facture/card.php * \ingroup facture, fournisseur * \brief Page for supplier invoice card (view, edit, validate) */ require '../../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formfile.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/supplier_invoice/modules_facturefournisseur.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/paiementfourn.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/fourn.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/doleditor.class.php'; if (!empty($conf->product->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/product.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/product.lib.php'; } if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/projet/class/project.class.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formprojet.class.php'; } if (!empty($conf->variants->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/variants/class/ProductCombination.class.php'; } if (!empty($conf->accounting->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/accountancy/class/accountingjournal.class.php'; } $langs->loadLangs(array('bills', 'compta', 'suppliers', 'companies', 'products', 'banks', 'admin')); if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) { $langs->load('incoterm'); } $id = (GETPOST('facid', 'int') ? GETPOST('facid', 'int') : GETPOST('id', 'int')); $socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); $action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09'); $confirm = GETPOST("confirm"); $ref = GETPOST('ref', 'alpha'); $cancel = GETPOST('cancel', 'alpha'); $lineid = GETPOST('lineid', 'int'); $projectid = GETPOST('projectid', 'int'); $origin = GETPOST('origin', 'alpha'); $originid = GETPOST('originid', 'int'); $fac_rec = GETPOST('fac_rec', 'int'); // PDF $hidedetails = (GETPOST('hidedetails', 'int') ? GETPOST('hidedetails', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_DETAILS) ? 1 : 0)); $hidedesc = (GETPOST('hidedesc', 'int') ? GETPOST('hidedesc', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_DESC) ? 1 : 0)); $hideref = (GETPOST('hideref', 'int') ? GETPOST('hideref', 'int') : (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_HIDE_REF) ? 1 : 0)); // Initialize technical object to manage hooks of page. Note that conf->hooks_modules contains array of hook context $hookmanager->initHooks(array('invoicesuppliercard', 'globalcard')); $object = new FactureFournisseur($db); $extrafields = new ExtraFields($db); // fetch optionals attributes and labels $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element); // Load object if ($id > 0 || !empty($ref)) { $ret = $object->fetch($id, $ref); if ($ret < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); } $ret = $object->fetch_thirdparty(); if ($ret < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); } } // Security check $socid = ''; if (!empty($user->socid)) { $socid = $user->socid; } $isdraft = (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_DRAFT) ? 1 : 0); $result = restrictedArea($user, 'fournisseur', $id, 'facture_fourn', 'facture', 'fk_soc', 'rowid', $isdraft); // Common permissions $usercanread = ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->lire || $user->rights->supplier_invoice->lire); $usercancreate = ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->creer || $user->rights->supplier_invoice->creer); $usercandelete = ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->supprimer || $user->rights->supplier_invoice->supprimer); // Advanced permissions $usercanvalidate = ((empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($usercancreate)) || (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) && !empty($user->rights->fournisseur->supplier_invoice_advance->validate))); $usercansend = (empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_ADVANCED_PERMS) || $user->rights->fournisseur->supplier_invoice_advance->send); // Permissions for includes $permissionnote = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_setnotes.inc.php $permissiondellink = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_dellink.inc.php $permissiontoedit = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_lineupdown.inc.php $permissiontoadd = $usercancreate; // Used by the include of actions_addupdatedelete.inc.php and actions_lineupdown.inc.php $error = 0; /* * Actions */ $parameters = array('socid'=>$socid); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks if ($reshook < 0) { setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors'); } if (empty($reshook)) { if ($cancel) { if (!empty($backtopage)) { header("Location: ".$backtopage); exit; } $action = ''; } include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_setnotes.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_dellink.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_lineupdown.inc.php'; // Must be include, not include_once // Link invoice to order if (GETPOST('linkedOrder') && empty($cancel) && $id > 0) { $object->fetch($id); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $result = $object->add_object_linked('order_supplier', GETPOST('linkedOrder')); } // Action clone object if ($action == 'confirm_clone' && $confirm == 'yes' && $permissiontoadd) { $objectutil = dol_clone($object, 1); // To avoid to denaturate loaded object when setting some properties for clone. We use native clone to keep this->db valid. if (GETPOST('newsupplierref', 'alphanohtml')) { $objectutil->ref_supplier = GETPOST('newsupplierref', 'alphanohtml'); } $objectutil->date = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('newdatemonth', 'int'), GETPOST('newdateday', 'int'), GETPOST('newdateyear', 'int')); $result = $objectutil->createFromClone($user, $id); if ($result > 0) { header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$result); exit; } else { $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessages($objectutil->error, $objectutil->errors, 'errors'); $action = ''; } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_valid' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercanvalidate) { $idwarehouse = GETPOST('idwarehouse'); $object->fetch($id); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $qualified_for_stock_change = 0; if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2); } else { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1); } // Check parameters if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SUPPLIER_BILL) && $qualified_for_stock_change) { $langs->load("stocks"); if (!$idwarehouse || $idwarehouse == -1) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Warehouse")), null, 'errors'); $action = ''; } } if (!$error) { $result = $object->validate($user, '', $idwarehouse); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } else { // Define output language if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $model = $object->model_pdf; $ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records $result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $result); } } } } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_delete' && $confirm == 'yes') { $object->fetch($id); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $isErasable = $object->is_erasable(); if (($usercandelete && $isErasable > 0) || ($usercancreate && $isErasable == 1)) { $result = $object->delete($user); if ($result > 0) { header('Location: list.php?restore_lastsearch_values=1'); exit; } else { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_deleteline' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) { // Remove a product line $result = $object->deleteline($lineid); if ($result > 0) { // Define output language /*$outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id','aZ09')) $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id','aZ09'); if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; if (! empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $ret = $object->fetch($object->id); // Reload to get new records $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); }*/ header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id); exit; } else { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); /* Fix bug 1485 : Reset action to avoid asking again confirmation on failure */ $action = ''; } } elseif ($action == 'unlinkdiscount' && $usercancreate) { // Delete link of credit note to invoice $discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db); $result = $discount->fetch(GETPOST("discountid")); $discount->unlink_invoice(); } elseif ($action == 'confirm_paid' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) { $object->fetch($id); $result = $object->setPaid($user); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_paid_partially' && $confirm == 'yes') { // Classif "paid partialy" $object->fetch($id); $close_code = GETPOST("close_code", 'restricthtml'); $close_note = GETPOST("close_note", 'restricthtml'); if ($close_code) { $result = $object->setPaid($user, $close_code, $close_note); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Reason")), null, 'errors'); } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_canceled' && $confirm == 'yes') { // Classify "abandoned" $object->fetch($id); $close_code = GETPOST("close_code", 'restricthtml'); $close_note = GETPOST("close_note", 'restricthtml'); if ($close_code) { $result = $object->setCanceled($user, $close_code, $close_note); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Reason")), null, 'errors'); } } // Set supplier ref if ($action == 'setref_supplier' && $usercancreate) { $object->ref_supplier = GETPOST('ref_supplier', 'alpha'); if ($object->update($user) < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } else { // Define output language $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $ret = $object->fetch($object->id); // Reload to get new records $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); } } } // payments conditions if ($action == 'setconditions' && $usercancreate) { $object->fetch($id); $object->cond_reglement_code = 0; // To clean property $object->cond_reglement_id = 0; // To clean property $error = 0; $db->begin(); if (!$error) { $result = $object->setPaymentTerms(GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int')); if ($result < 0) { $error++; setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } if (!$error) { $old_date_echeance = $object->date_echeance; $new_date_echeance = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement(); if ($new_date_echeance > $old_date_echeance) { $object->date_echeance = $new_date_echeance; } if ($object->date_echeance < $object->date) { $object->date_echeance = $object->date; } $result = $object->update($user); if ($result < 0) { $error++; setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } if ($error) { $db->rollback(); } else { $db->commit(); } } elseif ($action == 'set_incoterms' && !empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) { // Set incoterm $result = $object->setIncoterms(GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int'), GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha')); } elseif ($action == 'setmode' && $usercancreate) { // payment mode $result = $object->setPaymentMethods(GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int')); } elseif ($action == 'setmulticurrencycode' && $usercancreate) { // Multicurrency Code $result = $object->setMulticurrencyCode(GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha')); } elseif ($action == 'setmulticurrencyrate' && $usercancreate) { // Multicurrency rate $result = $object->setMulticurrencyRate(price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_tx', 'alpha')), GETPOST('calculation_mode', 'int')); } elseif ($action == 'setbankaccount' && $usercancreate) { // bank account $result = $object->setBankAccount(GETPOST('fk_account', 'int')); } if ($action == 'settransportmode' && ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->creer || $user->rights->supplier_invoice->creer)) { // transport mode $result = $object->setTransportMode(GETPOST('transport_mode_id', 'int')); } elseif ($action == 'setlabel' && $usercancreate) { // Set label $object->fetch($id); $object->label = GETPOST('label'); $result = $object->update($user); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } elseif ($action == 'setdatef' && $usercancreate) { $newdate = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('datefmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('datefday', 'int'), GETPOST('datefyear', 'int'), 'tzserver'); if ($newdate > (dol_now('tzuserrel') + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) { if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY)) { setEventMessages($langs->trans("WarningInvoiceDateInFuture"), null, 'warnings'); } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans("WarningInvoiceDateTooFarInFuture"), null, 'warnings'); } } $object->fetch($id); $object->date = $newdate; $date_echence_calc = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement(); if (!empty($object->date_echeance) && $object->date_echeance < $date_echence_calc) { $object->date_echeance = $date_echence_calc; } if ($object->date_echeance && $object->date_echeance < $object->date) { $object->date_echeance = $object->date; } $result = $object->update($user); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); } } elseif ($action == 'setdate_lim_reglement' && $usercancreate) { $object->fetch($id); $object->date_echeance = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('date_lim_reglementmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('date_lim_reglementday', 'int'), GETPOST('date_lim_reglementyear', 'int')); if (!empty($object->date_echeance) && $object->date_echeance < $object->date) { $object->date_echeance = $object->date; setEventMessages($langs->trans("DatePaymentTermCantBeLowerThanObjectDate"), null, 'warnings'); } $result = $object->update($user); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); } } elseif ($action == "setabsolutediscount" && $usercancreate) { // We use the credit to reduce amount of invoice if (GETPOST("remise_id", "int")) { $ret = $object->fetch($id); if ($ret > 0) { $result = $object->insert_discount(GETPOST("remise_id", "int")); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } else { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); } } // We use the credit to reduce remain to pay if (GETPOST("remise_id_for_payment", "int")) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php'; $discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db); $discount->fetch(GETPOST("remise_id_for_payment", "int")); //var_dump($object->getRemainToPay(0)); //var_dump($discount->amount_ttc);exit; if (price2num($discount->amount_ttc) > price2num($object->getRemainToPay(0))) { // TODO Split the discount in 2 automatically $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore"), null, 'errors'); } if (!$error) { $result = $discount->link_to_invoice(0, $id); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($discount->error, $discount->errors, 'errors'); } } } if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records $result = $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_converttoreduc' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) { // Convertir en reduc $object->fetch($id); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); //$object->fetch_lines(); // Already done into fetch // Check if there is already a discount (protection to avoid duplicate creation when resubmit post) $discountcheck = new DiscountAbsolute($db); $result = $discountcheck->fetch(0, 0, $object->id); $canconvert = 0; if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && empty($discountcheck->id)) { $canconvert = 1; // we can convert deposit into discount if deposit is paid (completely, partially or not at all) and not already converted (see real condition into condition used to show button converttoreduc) } if (($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD) && $object->paye == 0 && empty($discountcheck->id)) { $canconvert = 1; // we can convert credit note into discount if credit note is not refunded completely and not already converted and amount of payment is 0 (see also the real condition used as the condition to show button converttoreduc) } if ($canconvert) { $db->begin(); $amount_ht = $amount_tva = $amount_ttc = array(); $multicurrency_amount_ht = $multicurrency_amount_tva = $multicurrency_amount_ttc = array(); // Loop on each vat rate $i = 0; foreach ($object->lines as $line) { if ($line->product_type < 9 && $line->total_ht != 0) { // Remove lines with product_type greater than or equal to 9 and no need to create discount if amount is null $keyforvatrate = $line->tva_tx.($line->vat_src_code ? ' ('.$line->vat_src_code.')' : ''); $amount_ht[$line->tva_tx] += $line->total_ht; $amount_tva[$line->tva_tx] += $line->total_tva; $amount_ttc[$line->tva_tx] += $line->total_ttc; $multicurrency_amount_ht[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_ht; $multicurrency_amount_tva[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_tva; $multicurrency_amount_ttc[$keyforvatrate] += $line->multicurrency_total_ttc; $i++; } } // If some payments were already done, we change the amount to pay using same prorate if (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ALLOW_REUSE_OF_CREDIT_WHEN_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED) && $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $alreadypaid = $object->getSommePaiement(); // This can be not 0 if we allow to create credit to reuse from credit notes partially refunded. if ($alreadypaid && abs($alreadypaid) < abs($object->total_ttc)) { $ratio = abs(($object->total_ttc - $alreadypaid) / $object->total_ttc); foreach ($amount_ht as $vatrate => $val) { $amount_ht[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_ht[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); $amount_tva[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_tva[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); $amount_ttc[$vatrate] = price2num($amount_ttc[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); $multicurrency_amount_ht[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_ht[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); $multicurrency_amount_tva[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_tva[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); $multicurrency_amount_ttc[$vatrate] = price2num($multicurrency_amount_ttc[$vatrate] * $ratio, 'MU'); } } } //var_dump($amount_ht);var_dump($amount_tva);var_dump($amount_ttc);exit; // Insert one discount by VAT rate category $discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db); if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $discount->description = '(CREDIT_NOTE)'; } elseif ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { $discount->description = '(DEPOSIT)'; } elseif ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_SITUATION) { $discount->description = '(EXCESS PAID)'; } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans('CantConvertToReducAnInvoiceOfThisType'), null, 'errors'); } $discount->discount_type = 1; // Supplier discount $discount->fk_soc = $object->socid; $discount->fk_invoice_supplier_source = $object->id; $error = 0; if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_SITUATION) { // If we're on a standard invoice, we have to get excess paid to create a discount in TTC without VAT // Total payments $sql = 'SELECT SUM(pf.amount) as total_paiements'; $sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiementfourn_facturefourn as pf, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiementfourn as p'; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as c ON p.fk_paiement = c.id AND c.entity IN ('.getEntity('c_paiement').')'; $sql .= ' WHERE pf.fk_facturefourn = '.$object->id; $sql .= ' AND pf.fk_paiementfourn = p.rowid'; $sql .= ' AND p.entity IN ('.getEntity('invoice').')'; $resql = $db->query($sql); if (!$resql) { dol_print_error($db); } $res = $db->fetch_object($resql); $total_paiements = $res->total_paiements; // Total credit note and deposit $total_creditnote_and_deposit = 0; $sql = "SELECT re.rowid, re.amount_ht, re.amount_tva, re.amount_ttc,"; $sql .= " re.description, re.fk_invoice_supplier_source"; $sql .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_remise_except as re"; $sql .= " WHERE fk_invoice_supplier = ".$object->id; $resql = $db->query($sql); if (!empty($resql)) { while ($obj = $db->fetch_object($resql)) { $total_creditnote_and_deposit += $obj->amount_ttc; } } else { dol_print_error($db); } $discount->amount_ht = $discount->amount_ttc = $total_paiements + $total_creditnote_and_deposit - $object->total_ttc; $discount->amount_tva = 0; $discount->tva_tx = 0; $discount->vat_src_code = ''; $result = $discount->create($user); if ($result < 0) { $error++; } } if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { foreach ($amount_ht as $tva_tx => $xxx) { $discount->amount_ht = abs($amount_ht[$tva_tx]); $discount->amount_tva = abs($amount_tva[$tva_tx]); $discount->amount_ttc = abs($amount_ttc[$tva_tx]); $discount->multicurrency_amount_ht = abs($multicurrency_amount_ht[$tva_tx]); $discount->multicurrency_amount_tva = abs($multicurrency_amount_tva[$tva_tx]); $discount->multicurrency_amount_ttc = abs($multicurrency_amount_ttc[$tva_tx]); // Clean vat code $reg = array(); $vat_src_code = ''; if (preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $tva_tx, $reg)) { $vat_src_code = $reg[1]; $tva_tx = preg_replace('/\s*\(.*\)/', '', $tva_tx); // Remove code into vatrate. } $discount->tva_tx = abs($tva_tx); $discount->vat_src_code = $vat_src_code; $result = $discount->create($user); if ($result < 0) { $error++; break; } } } if (empty($error)) { if ($object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { // Classe facture $result = $object->setPaid($user); if ($result >= 0) { $db->commit(); } else { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); $db->rollback(); } } else { $db->commit(); } } else { setEventMessages($discount->error, $discount->errors, 'errors'); $db->rollback(); } } } elseif ($action == 'confirm_delete_paiement' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) { // Delete payment $object->fetch($id); if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0) { $paiementfourn = new PaiementFourn($db); $result = $paiementfourn->fetch(GETPOST('paiement_id')); if ($result > 0) { $result = $paiementfourn->delete(); // If fetch ok and found header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$id); } if ($result < 0) { setEventMessages($paiementfourn->error, $paiementfourn->errors, 'errors'); } } } elseif ($action == 'add' && $usercancreate) { // Insert new invoice in database if ($socid > 0) { $object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); } $selectedLines = GETPOST('toselect', 'array'); $db->begin(); $error = 0; // Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form $ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object); if ($ret < 0) { $error++; } $dateinvoice = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth', 'int'), GETPOST('reday', 'int'), GETPOST('reyear', 'int'), 'tzserver'); // If we enter the 02 january, we need to save the 02 january for server $datedue = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOST('echmonth', 'int'), GETPOST('echday', 'int'), GETPOST('echyear', 'int'), 'tzserver'); /*var_dump($dateinvoice.' '.dol_print_date($dateinvoice, 'dayhour')); var_dump(dol_now('tzuserrel').' '.dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')).' '.dol_print_date(dol_now('tzuserrel'),'dayhour').' '.dol_print_date(dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')), 'dayhour')); var_dump($db->idate($dateinvoice)); exit;*/ // Replacement invoice if (GETPOST('type') == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) { if (empty($dateinvoice)) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('DateInvoice')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; $error++; } elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; } if (!(GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int') > 0)) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("ReplaceInvoice")), null, 'errors'); } if (!$error) { // This is a replacement invoice $result = $object->fetch(GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int')); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $object->ref = GETPOST('ref', 'nohtml'); $object->ref_supplier = GETPOST('ref_supplier', 'alpha'); $object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); $object->libelle = GETPOST('label', 'nohtml'); $object->date = $dateinvoice; $object->date_echeance = $datedue; $object->note_public = GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'); $object->note_private = GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml'); $object->cond_reglement_id = GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int'); $object->mode_reglement_id = GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int'); $object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int'); $object->fk_project = ($tmpproject > 0) ? $tmpproject : null; $object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int'); $object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_tx = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int'); $object->transport_mode_id = GETPOST('transport_mode_id', 'int'); // Proprietes particulieres a facture de remplacement $object->fk_facture_source = GETPOST('fac_replacement', 'int'); $object->type = FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT; $id = $object->createFromCurrent($user); if ($id <= 0) { $error++; setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } } // Credit note invoice if (GETPOST('type') == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $sourceinvoice = GETPOST('fac_avoir', 'int'); if (!($sourceinvoice > 0) && empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CREDIT_NOTE_STANDALONE)) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("CorrectInvoice")), null, 'errors'); } if (GETPOST('socid', 'int') < 1) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('Supplier')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $error++; } if (empty($dateinvoice)) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('DateInvoice')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; $error++; } elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; } if (!GETPOST('ref_supplier')) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('RefSupplier')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; $error++; } if (!$error) { $tmpproject = GETPOST('projectid', 'int'); // Creation facture $object->ref = GETPOST('ref', 'nohtml'); $object->ref_supplier = GETPOST('ref_supplier', 'nohtml'); $object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); $object->libelle = GETPOST('label', 'nohtml'); $object->label = GETPOST('label', 'nohtml'); $object->date = $dateinvoice; $object->date_echeance = $datedue; $object->note_public = GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'); $object->note_private = GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml'); $object->cond_reglement_id = GETPOST('cond_reglement_id'); $object->mode_reglement_id = GETPOST('mode_reglement_id'); $object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int'); $object->fk_project = ($tmpproject > 0) ? $tmpproject : null; $object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int'); $object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_tx = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int'); $object->transport_mode_id = GETPOST('transport_mode_id', 'int'); // Proprietes particulieres a facture avoir $object->fk_facture_source = $sourceinvoice > 0 ? $sourceinvoice : ''; $object->type = FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE; $id = $object->create($user); if ($id <= 0) { $error++; } if (GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithLines', 'int') == 1 && $id > 0) { $facture_source = new FactureFournisseur($db); // fetch origin object if ($facture_source->fetch($object->fk_facture_source) > 0) { $fk_parent_line = 0; foreach ($facture_source->lines as $line) { // Reset fk_parent_line for no child products and special product if (($line->product_type != 9 && empty($line->fk_parent_line)) || $line->product_type == 9) { $fk_parent_line = 0; } $line->fk_facture_fourn = $object->id; $line->fk_parent_line = $fk_parent_line; $line->subprice = -$line->subprice; // invert price for object $line->pa_ht = -$line->pa_ht; $line->total_ht = -$line->total_ht; $line->total_tva = -$line->total_tva; $line->total_ttc = -$line->total_ttc; $line->total_localtax1 = -$line->total_localtax1; $line->total_localtax2 = -$line->total_localtax2; $result = $line->insert(); $object->lines[] = $line; // insert new line in current object // Defined the new fk_parent_line if ($result > 0 && $line->product_type == 9) { $fk_parent_line = $result; } } $object->update_price(1); } } if (GETPOST('invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount', 'int') == 1 && $id > 0) { $facture_source = new FactureFournisseur($db); // fetch origin object if not previously defined if ($facture_source->fetch($object->fk_facture_source) > 0) { $totalpaye = $facture_source->getSommePaiement(); $totalcreditnotes = $facture_source->getSumCreditNotesUsed(); $totaldeposits = $facture_source->getSumDepositsUsed(); $remain_to_pay = abs($facture_source->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits); $object->addline($langs->trans('invoiceAvoirLineWithPaymentRestAmount'), $remain_to_pay, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', '', 'TTC'); } } } } // Standard invoice or Deposit invoice, not from a Predefined template invoice if (GETPOST('type') == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD || GETPOST('type') == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { if (GETPOST('socid', 'int') < 1) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('Supplier')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $error++; } if (empty($dateinvoice)) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('DateInvoice')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; $error++; } elseif ($dateinvoice > (dol_get_last_hour(dol_now('tzuserrel')) + (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_MAX_FUTURE_DELAY))) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDateIsInFuture"), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; } if (!GETPOST('ref_supplier')) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentities('RefSupplier')), null, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; $error++; } if (!$error) { $tmpproject = GETPOST('projectid', 'int'); // Creation invoice $object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); $object->type = GETPOST('type'); $object->ref = GETPOST('ref', 'nohtml'); $object->ref_supplier = GETPOST('ref_supplier', 'nohtml'); $object->socid = GETPOST('socid', 'int'); $object->libelle = GETPOST('label', 'nohtml'); // deprecated $object->label = GETPOST('label', 'nohtml'); $object->date = $dateinvoice; $object->date_echeance = $datedue; $object->note_public = GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml'); $object->note_private = GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml'); $object->cond_reglement_id = GETPOST('cond_reglement_id'); $object->mode_reglement_id = GETPOST('mode_reglement_id'); $object->fk_account = GETPOST('fk_account', 'int'); $object->fk_project = ($tmpproject > 0) ? $tmpproject : null; $object->fk_incoterms = GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'int'); $object->location_incoterms = GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_code = GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha'); $object->multicurrency_tx = GETPOST('originmulticurrency_tx', 'int'); $object->transport_mode_id = GETPOST('transport_mode_id'); // Auto calculation of date due if not filled by user if (empty($object->date_echeance)) { $object->date_echeance = $object->calculate_date_lim_reglement(); } $object->fetch_thirdparty(); // If creation from another object of another module if (!$error && GETPOST('origin', 'alpha') && GETPOST('originid')) { // Parse element/subelement (ex: project_task) $element = $subelement = GETPOST('origin', 'alpha'); /*if (preg_match('/^([^_]+)_([^_]+)/i',$_POST['origin'],$regs)) { $element = $regs[1]; $subelement = $regs[2]; }*/ // For compatibility if ($element == 'order') { $element = $subelement = 'commande'; } if ($element == 'propal') { $element = 'comm/propal'; $subelement = 'propal'; } if ($element == 'contract') { $element = $subelement = 'contrat'; } if ($element == 'order_supplier') { $element = 'fourn'; $subelement = 'fournisseur.commande'; } if ($element == 'project') { $element = 'projet'; } $object->origin = GETPOST('origin', 'alpha'); $object->origin_id = GETPOST('originid', 'int'); require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/'.$element.'/class/'.$subelement.'.class.php'; $classname = ucfirst($subelement); if ($classname == 'Fournisseur.commande') { $classname = 'CommandeFournisseur'; } $objectsrc = new $classname($db); $objectsrc->fetch($originid); $objectsrc->fetch_thirdparty(); if (!empty($object->origin) && !empty($object->origin_id)) { $object->linkedObjectsIds[$object->origin] = $object->origin_id; } // Add also link with order if object is reception if ($object->origin == 'reception') { $objectsrc->fetchObjectLinked(); if (count($objectsrc->linkedObjectsIds['order_supplier']) > 0) { foreach ($objectsrc->linkedObjectsIds['order_supplier'] as $key => $value) { $object->linkedObjectsIds['order_supplier'] = $value; } } } $id = $object->create($user); // Add lines if ($id > 0) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/'.$element.'/class/'.$subelement.'.class.php'; $classname = ucfirst($subelement); if ($classname == 'Fournisseur.commande') { $classname = 'CommandeFournisseur'; } $srcobject = new $classname($db); $result = $srcobject->fetch(GETPOST('originid', 'int')); // If deposit invoice - down payment with 1 line (fixed amount or percent) $typeamount = GETPOST('typedeposit', 'alpha'); if (GETPOST('type') == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && in_array($typeamount, array('amount', 'variable'))) { $valuedeposit = price2num(GETPOST('valuedeposit', 'alpha'), 'MU'); // Define the array $amountdeposit $amountdeposit = array(); if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEPOSIT_MULTI_TVA)) { if ($typeamount == 'amount') { $amount = $valuedeposit; } else { $amount = $srcobject->total_ttc * ($valuedeposit / 100); } $TTotalByTva = array(); foreach ($srcobject->lines as &$line) { if (!empty($line->special_code)) { continue; } $TTotalByTva[$line->tva_tx] += $line->total_ttc; } foreach ($TTotalByTva as $tva => &$total) { $coef = $total / $srcobject->total_ttc; // Calc coef $am = $amount * $coef; $amount_ttc_diff += $am; $amountdeposit[$tva] += $am / (1 + $tva / 100); // Convert into HT for the addline } } else { if ($typeamount == 'amount') { $amountdeposit[0] = $valuedeposit; } elseif ($typeamount == 'variable') { if ($result > 0) { $totalamount = 0; $lines = $srcobject->lines; $numlines = count($lines); for ($i = 0; $i < $numlines; $i++) { $qualified = 1; if (empty($lines[$i]->qty)) { $qualified = 0; // We discard qty=0, it is an option } if (!empty($lines[$i]->special_code)) { $qualified = 0; // We discard special_code (frais port, ecotaxe, option, ...) } if ($qualified) { $totalamount += $lines[$i]->total_ht; // Fixme : is it not for the customer ? Shouldn't we take total_ttc ? $tva_tx = $lines[$i]->tva_tx; $amountdeposit[$tva_tx] += ($lines[$i]->total_ht * $valuedeposit) / 100; } } if ($totalamount == 0) { $amountdeposit[0] = 0; } } else { setEventMessages($srcobject->error, $srcobject->errors, 'errors'); $error++; } } $amount_ttc_diff = $amountdeposit[0]; } foreach ($amountdeposit as $tva => $amount) { if (empty($amount)) { continue; } $arraylist = array( 'amount' => 'FixAmount', 'variable' => 'VarAmount' ); $descline = '(DEPOSIT)'; //$descline.= ' - '.$langs->trans($arraylist[$typeamount]); if ($typeamount == 'amount') { $descline .= ' ('.price($valuedeposit, '', $langs, 0, - 1, - 1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).')'; } elseif ($typeamount == 'variable') { $descline .= ' ('.$valuedeposit.'%)'; } $descline .= ' - '.$srcobject->ref; $result = $object->addline( $descline, $amount, // subprice $tva, // vat rate 0, // localtax1_tx 0, // localtax2_tx 1, // quantity (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_PRODUCTID_DEPOSIT) ? 0 : $conf->global->INVOICE_PRODUCTID_DEPOSIT), // fk_product 0, // remise_percent 0, // date_start 0, // date_end 0, $lines[$i]->info_bits, // info_bits 'HT', 0, // product_type 1, 0, 0, null, $object->origin, 0, '', $lines[$i]->special_code, 0, 0 //,$langs->trans('Deposit') //Deprecated ); } $diff = $object->total_ttc - $amount_ttc_diff; if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DEPOSIT_MULTI_TVA) && $diff != 0) { $object->fetch_lines(); $subprice_diff = $object->lines[0]->subprice - $diff / (1 + $object->lines[0]->tva_tx / 100); $object->updateline($object->lines[0]->id, $object->lines[0]->desc, $subprice_diff, $object->lines[0]->qty, $object->lines[0]->remise_percent, $object->lines[0]->date_start, $object->lines[0]->date_end, $object->lines[0]->tva_tx, 0, 0, 'HT', $object->lines[0]->info_bits, $object->lines[0]->product_type, 0, 0, 0, $object->lines[0]->pa_ht, $object->lines[0]->label, 0, array(), 100); } } elseif ($result > 0) { $lines = $srcobject->lines; if (empty($lines) && method_exists($srcobject, 'fetch_lines')) { $srcobject->fetch_lines(); $lines = $srcobject->lines; } $num = count($lines); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { // TODO handle subprice < 0 if (!in_array($lines[$i]->id, $selectedLines)) { continue; // Skip unselected lines } $desc = ($lines[$i]->desc ? $lines[$i]->desc : $lines[$i]->libelle); $product_type = ($lines[$i]->product_type ? $lines[$i]->product_type : 0); // Extrafields if (method_exists($lines[$i], 'fetch_optionals')) { $lines[$i]->fetch_optionals(); } // Dates // TODO mutualiser $date_start = $lines[$i]->date_debut_prevue; if ($lines[$i]->date_debut_reel) { $date_start = $lines[$i]->date_debut_reel; } if ($lines[$i]->date_start) { $date_start = $lines[$i]->date_start; } $date_end = $lines[$i]->date_fin_prevue; if ($lines[$i]->date_fin_reel) { $date_end = $lines[$i]->date_fin_reel; } if ($lines[$i]->date_end) { $date_end = $lines[$i]->date_end; } // FIXME Missing special_code into addline and updateline methods $object->special_code = $lines[$i]->special_code; // FIXME If currency different from main currency, take multicurrency price if ($object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency || $object->multicurrency_tx != 1) { $pu = 0; $pu_currency = $lines[$i]->multicurrency_subprice; } else { $pu = $lines[$i]->subprice; $pu_currency = 0; } // FIXME Missing $lines[$i]->ref_supplier and $lines[$i]->label into addline and updateline methods. They are filled when coming from order for example. $result = $object->addline( $desc, $pu, $lines[$i]->tva_tx, $lines[$i]->localtax1_tx, $lines[$i]->localtax2_tx, $lines[$i]->qty, $lines[$i]->fk_product, $lines[$i]->remise_percent, $date_start, $date_end, 0, $lines[$i]->info_bits, 'HT', $product_type, $lines[$i]->rang, 0, $lines[$i]->array_options, $lines[$i]->fk_unit, $lines[$i]->id, $pu_currency, $lines[$i]->ref_supplier, $lines[$i]->special_code ); if ($result < 0) { $error++; break; } } // Now reload line $object->fetch_lines(); } else { $error++; } } else { $error++; } } elseif (!$error) { $id = $object->create($user); if ($id < 0) { $error++; } } } } if ($error) { $langs->load("errors"); $db->rollback(); setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $_GET['socid'] = $_POST['socid']; } else { $db->commit(); if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $outputlangs = $langs; $result = $object->generateDocument($object->model_pdf, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error, $object->errors); exit; } } header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$id); exit; } } elseif ($action == 'updateline' && $usercancreate) { // Edit line $db->begin(); if (! $object->fetch($id) > 0) dol_print_error($db); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0); if (GETPOST('price_ht') != '' || GETPOST('multicurrency_subprice') != '') { $up = price2num(GETPOST('price_ht'), '', 2); $price_base_type = 'HT'; } else { $up = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), '', 2); $price_base_type = 'TTC'; } if (GETPOST('productid') > 0) { $productsupplier = new ProductFournisseur($db); if (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_INVOICE_WITH_PREDEFINED_PRICES_ONLY)) { if (GETPOST('productid') > 0 && $productsupplier->get_buyprice(0, price2num(GETPOST('qty')), GETPOST('productid', 'int'), 'restricthtml', GETPOST('socid', 'int')) < 0) { setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier"), null, 'warnings'); } } $prod = new Product($db); $prod->fetch(GETPOST('productid')); $label = $prod->description; if (trim(GETPOST('product_desc', 'restricthtml')) != trim($label)) { $label = GETPOST('product_desc', 'restricthtml'); } $type = $prod->type; } else { $label = GETPOST('product_desc', 'restricthtml'); $type = GETPOST("type") ? GETPOST("type") : 0; } $date_start = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_starthour'), GETPOST('date_startmin'), GETPOST('date_startsec'), GETPOST('date_startmonth'), GETPOST('date_startday'), GETPOST('date_startyear')); $date_end = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_endhour'), GETPOST('date_endmin'), GETPOST('date_endsec'), GETPOST('date_endmonth'), GETPOST('date_endday'), GETPOST('date_endyear')); // Define info_bits $info_bits = 0; if (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx)) { $info_bits |= 0x01; } // Define vat_rate $tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx); $localtax1_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 1, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty); $localtax2_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 2, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty); $remise_percent = price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'), '', 2); $pu_ht_devise = price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_subprice'), 'MU', 2); // Extrafields Lines $extralabelsline = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element_line); $array_options = $extrafields->getOptionalsFromPost($object->table_element_line); // Unset extrafield POST Data if (is_array($extralabelsline)) { foreach ($extralabelsline as $key => $value) { unset($_POST["options_".$key]); } } $result = $object->updateline(GETPOST('lineid', 'int'), $label, $up, $tva_tx, $localtax1_tx, $localtax2_tx, price2num(GETPOST('qty'), 'MS'), GETPOST('productid', 'int'), $price_base_type, $info_bits, $type, $remise_percent, 0, $date_start, $date_end, $array_options, GETPOST('units'), $pu_ht_devise, GETPOST('fourn_ref', 'alpha')); if ($result >= 0) { unset($_POST['label']); unset($_POST['fourn_ref']); unset($_POST['date_starthour']); unset($_POST['date_startmin']); unset($_POST['date_startsec']); unset($_POST['date_startday']); unset($_POST['date_startmonth']); unset($_POST['date_startyear']); unset($_POST['date_endhour']); unset($_POST['date_endmin']); unset($_POST['date_endsec']); unset($_POST['date_endday']); unset($_POST['date_endmonth']); unset($_POST['date_endyear']); $db->commit(); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } elseif ($action == 'addline' && $usercancreate) { $db->begin(); $ret = $object->fetch($id); if ($ret < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $object->error); exit; } $ret = $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $langs->load('errors'); $error = 0; // Set if we used free entry or predefined product $predef = ''; $product_desc = (GETPOSTISSET('dp_desc') ? GETPOST('dp_desc', 'restricthtml') : ''); $date_start = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'hour'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'min'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'sec'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'month'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'day'), GETPOST('date_start'.$predef.'year')); $date_end = dol_mktime(GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'hour'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'min'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'sec'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'month'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'day'), GETPOST('date_end'.$predef.'year')); $prod_entry_mode = GETPOST('prod_entry_mode'); if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free') { $idprod = 0; $price_ht = price2num(GETPOST('price_ht'), 'MU', 2); $tva_tx = (GETPOST('tva_tx') ? GETPOST('tva_tx') : 0); } else { $idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int'); $price_ht = price2num(GETPOST('price_ht'), 'MU', 2); $tva_tx = ''; } $qty = price2num(GETPOST('qty'.$predef, 'alpha'), 'MS'); $remise_percent = price2num(GETPOST('remise_percent'.$predef), 2); $price_ht_devise = price2num(GETPOST('multicurrency_price_ht'), 'MU', 2); // Extrafields $extralabelsline = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label($object->table_element_line); $array_options = $extrafields->getOptionalsFromPost($object->table_element_line, $predef); // Unset extrafield if (is_array($extralabelsline)) { // Get extra fields foreach ($extralabelsline as $key => $value) { unset($_POST["options_".$key]); } } if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && GETPOST('price_ht') < 0 && $qty < 0) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('UnitPrice'), $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), null, 'errors'); $error++; } if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && !GETPOST('idprodfournprice') && GETPOST('type') < 0) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Type')), null, 'errors'); $error++; } if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && GETPOST('price_ht') === '' && GETPOST('price_ttc') === '' && $price_ht_devise === '') { // Unit price can be 0 but not '' setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('UnitPrice')), null, 'errors'); $error++; } if ($prod_entry_mode == 'free' && !GETPOST('dp_desc')) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Description')), null, 'errors'); $error++; } if (!GETPOST('qty')) { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Qty')), null, 'errors'); $error++; } if (!$error && !empty($conf->variants->enabled) && $prod_entry_mode != 'free') { if ($combinations = GETPOST('combinations', 'array')) { //Check if there is a product with the given combination $prodcomb = new ProductCombination($db); if ($res = $prodcomb->fetchByProductCombination2ValuePairs($idprod, $combinations)) { $idprod = $res->fk_product_child; } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorProductCombinationNotFound'), null, 'errors'); $error++; } } } if ($prod_entry_mode != 'free' && empty($error)) { // With combolist mode idprodfournprice is > 0 or -1. With autocomplete, idprodfournprice is > 0 or '' $productsupplier = new ProductFournisseur($db); $idprod = 0; if (GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha') == -1 || GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha') == '') { $idprod = -99; // Same behaviour than with combolist. When not select idprodfournprice is now -99 (to avoid conflict with next action that may return -1, -2, ...) } $reg = array(); if (preg_match('/^idprod_([0-9]+)$/', GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha'), $reg)) { $idprod = $reg[1]; $res = $productsupplier->fetch($idprod); // Load product from its id // Call to init some price properties of $productsupplier // So if a supplier price already exists for another thirdparty (first one found), we use it as reference price if (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_TAKE_FIRST_PRICE_IF_NO_PRICE_FOR_CURRENT_SUPPLIER)) { $fksoctosearch = 0; $productsupplier->get_buyprice(0, -1, $idprod, 'none', $fksoctosearch); // We force qty to -1 to be sure to find if a supplier price exist if ($productsupplier->fourn_socid != $socid) { // The price we found is for another supplier, so we clear supplier price $productsupplier->ref_supplier = ''; } } else { $fksoctosearch = $object->thirdparty->id; $productsupplier->get_buyprice(0, -1, $idprod, 'none', $fksoctosearch); // We force qty to -1 to be sure to find if a supplier price exist } } elseif (GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha') > 0) { $qtytosearch = $qty; // Just to see if a price exists for the quantity. Not used to found vat. //$qtytosearch=-1; // We force qty to -1 to be sure to find if a supplier price exist $idprod = $productsupplier->get_buyprice(GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha'), $qtytosearch); $res = $productsupplier->fetch($idprod); } if ($idprod > 0) { $label = $productsupplier->label; // if we use supplier description of the products if (!empty($productsupplier->desc_supplier) && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_FOURN_TEXTS)) { $desc = $productsupplier->desc_supplier; } else { $desc = $productsupplier->description; } //If text set in desc is the same as product descpription (as now it's preloaded) whe add it only one time if ($product_desc==$desc && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_AUTOFILL_DESC)) { $product_desc=''; } if (!empty($product_desc) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_NO_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION)) { $desc = $product_desc; } if (!empty($product_desc) && trim($product_desc) != trim($desc)) { $desc = dol_concatdesc($desc, $product_desc, '', !empty($conf->global->MAIN_CHANGE_ORDER_CONCAT_DESCRIPTION)); } $type = $productsupplier->type; if (GETPOST('price_ht') != '' || GETPOST('price_ht_devise') != '') { $price_base_type = 'HT'; $pu = price2num($price_ht, 'MU'); $pu_ht_devise = price2num($price_ht_devise, 'CU'); } else { $price_base_type = ($productsupplier->fourn_price_base_type ? $productsupplier->fourn_price_base_type : 'HT'); if (empty($object->multicurrency_code) || ($productsupplier->fourn_multicurrency_code != $object->multicurrency_code)) { // If object is in a different currency and price not in this currency $pu = $productsupplier->fourn_pu; $pu_ht_devise = 0; } else { $pu = $productsupplier->fourn_pu; $pu_ht_devise = $productsupplier->fourn_multicurrency_unitprice; } } $ref_supplier = $productsupplier->ref_supplier; $tva_tx = get_default_tva($object->thirdparty, $mysoc, $productsupplier->id, GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha')); $tva_npr = get_default_npr($object->thirdparty, $mysoc, $productsupplier->id, GETPOST('idprodfournprice', 'alpha')); if (empty($tva_tx)) { $tva_npr = 0; } $localtax1_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 1, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty, $tva_npr); $localtax2_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 2, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty, $tva_npr); if (empty($pu)) { $pu = 0; // If pu is '' or null, we force to have a numeric value } $result = $object->addline( $desc, $pu, $tva_tx, $localtax1_tx, $localtax2_tx, $qty, $idprod, $remise_percent, $date_start, $date_end, 0, $tva_npr, $price_base_type, $type, -1, 0, $array_options, $productsupplier->fk_unit, 0, $pu_ht_devise, $ref_supplier, '' ); } if ($idprod == -99 || $idprod == 0) { // Product not selected $error++; $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("ProductOrService")), null, 'errors'); } if ($idprod == -1) { // Quantity too low $error++; $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier"), null, 'errors'); } } elseif (empty($error)) { // $price_ht is already set $tva_npr = (preg_match('/\*/', $tva_tx) ? 1 : 0); $tva_tx = str_replace('*', '', $tva_tx); $label = (GETPOST('product_label') ? GETPOST('product_label') : ''); $desc = $product_desc; $type = GETPOST('type'); $ref_supplier = GETPOST('fourn_ref', 'alpha'); $fk_unit = GETPOST('units', 'alpha'); if (!preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $tva_tx)) { $tva_tx = price2num($tva_tx); // $txtva can have format '5,1' or '5.1' or '5.1(XXX)', we must clean only if '5,1' } // Local Taxes $localtax1_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 1, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty); $localtax2_tx = get_localtax($tva_tx, 2, $mysoc, $object->thirdparty); if (GETPOST('price_ht') != '' || GETPOST('price_ht_devise') != '') { $pu_ht = price2num($price_ht, 'MU'); // $pu_ht must be rounded according to settings } else { $pu_ttc = price2num(GETPOST('price_ttc'), 'MU'); $pu_ht = price2num($pu_ttc / (1 + ($tva_tx / 100)), 'MU'); // $pu_ht must be rounded according to settings } $price_base_type = 'HT'; $pu_ht_devise = price2num($price_ht_devise, 'CU'); $result = $object->addline($product_desc, $pu_ht, $tva_tx, $localtax1_tx, $localtax2_tx, $qty, 0, $remise_percent, $date_start, $date_end, 0, $tva_npr, $price_base_type, $type, -1, 0, $array_options, $fk_unit, 0, $pu_ht_devise, $ref_supplier); } //print "xx".$tva_tx; exit; if (!$error && $result > 0) { $db->commit(); // Define output language if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $model = $object->model_pdf; $ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records $result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $result); } } unset($_POST ['prod_entry_mode']); unset($_POST['qty']); unset($_POST['type']); unset($_POST['remise_percent']); unset($_POST['pu']); unset($_POST['price_ht']); unset($_POST['multicurrency_price_ht']); unset($_POST['price_ttc']); unset($_POST['fourn_ref']); unset($_POST['tva_tx']); unset($_POST['label']); unset($localtax1_tx); unset($localtax2_tx); unset($_POST['np_marginRate']); unset($_POST['np_markRate']); unset($_POST['dp_desc']); unset($_POST['idprodfournprice']); unset($_POST['units']); unset($_POST['date_starthour']); unset($_POST['date_startmin']); unset($_POST['date_startsec']); unset($_POST['date_startday']); unset($_POST['date_startmonth']); unset($_POST['date_startyear']); unset($_POST['date_endhour']); unset($_POST['date_endmin']); unset($_POST['date_endsec']); unset($_POST['date_endday']); unset($_POST['date_endmonth']); unset($_POST['date_endyear']); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } $action = ''; } elseif ($action == 'classin' && $usercancreate) { $object->fetch($id); $result = $object->setProject($projectid); } elseif ($action == 'confirm_edit' && $confirm == 'yes' && $usercancreate) { // Set invoice to draft status $object->fetch($id); $totalpaye = $object->getSommePaiement(); $resteapayer = $object->total_ttc - $totalpaye; // We check that lines of invoices are exported in accountancy $ventilExportCompta = $object->getVentilExportCompta(); if (!$ventilExportCompta) { // On verifie si aucun paiement n'a ete effectue if ($resteapayer == price2num($object->total_ttc, 'MT', 1) && $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED) { $idwarehouse = GETPOST('idwarehouse'); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $qualified_for_stock_change = 0; if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2); } else { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1); } // Check parameters if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SUPPLIER_BILL) && $qualified_for_stock_change) { $langs->load("stocks"); if (!$idwarehouse || $idwarehouse == -1) { $error++; setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Warehouse")), null, 'errors'); $action = ''; } } $object->setDraft($user, $idwarehouse); // Define output language if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_AUTOUPDATE)) { $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id', 'aZ09'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $object->thirdparty->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $model = $object->model_pdf; $ret = $object->fetch($id); // Reload to get new records $result = $object->generateDocument($model, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $result); } } $action = ''; } } } elseif ($action == 'reopen' && $usercancreate) { // Set invoice to validated/unpaid status $result = $object->fetch($id); if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED && $object->close_code != 'replaced')) { $result = $object->setUnpaid($user); if ($result > 0) { header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$id); exit; } else { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } } // Actions when printing a doc from card include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_printing.inc.php'; // Actions to send emails $triggersendname = 'BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL'; $paramname = 'id'; $autocopy = 'MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_TO'; $trackid = 'sinv'.$object->id; include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_sendmails.inc.php'; // Actions to build doc $upload_dir = $conf->fournisseur->facture->dir_output; $permissiontoadd = $usercancreate; include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/actions_builddoc.inc.php'; // Make calculation according to calculationrule if ($action == 'calculate') { $calculationrule = GETPOST('calculationrule'); $object->fetch($id); $object->fetch_thirdparty(); $result = $object->update_price(0, (($calculationrule == 'totalofround') ? '0' : '1'), 0, $object->thirdparty); if ($result <= 0) { dol_print_error($db, $result); exit; } } if ($action == 'update_extras') { $object->oldcopy = dol_clone($object); // Fill array 'array_options' with data from add form $ret = $extrafields->setOptionalsFromPost(null, $object, GETPOST('attribute', 'restricthtml')); if ($ret < 0) { $error++; } if (!$error) { // Actions on extra fields if (!$error) { $result = $object->insertExtraFields('BILL_SUPPLIER_MODIFY'); if ($result < 0) { $error++; } } } if ($error) { $action = 'edit_extras'; } } if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB) && $usercancreate) { if ($action == 'addcontact') { $result = $object->fetch($id); if ($result > 0 && $id > 0) { $contactid = (GETPOST('userid') ? GETPOST('userid') : GETPOST('contactid')); $typeid = (GETPOST('typecontact') ? GETPOST('typecontact') : GETPOST('type')); $result = $object->add_contact($contactid, $typeid, GETPOST("source", 'aZ09')); } if ($result >= 0) { header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$object->id); exit; } else { if ($object->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') { $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType"), null, 'errors'); } else { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); } } } elseif ($action == 'swapstatut') { // bascule du statut d'un contact if ($object->fetch($id)) { $result = $object->swapContactStatus(GETPOST('ligne', 'int')); } else { dol_print_error($db); } } elseif ($action == 'deletecontact') { // Efface un contact $object->fetch($id); $result = $object->delete_contact(GETPOST("lineid", 'int')); if ($result >= 0) { header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=".$object->id); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } } } /* * View */ $form = new Form($db); $formfile = new FormFile($db); $bankaccountstatic = new Account($db); $paymentstatic = new PaiementFourn($db); if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { $formproject = new FormProjets($db); } $now = dol_now(); $title = $langs->trans('SupplierInvoice')." - ".$langs->trans('Card'); $help_url = 'EN:Module_Suppliers_Invoices|FR:Module_Fournisseurs_Factures|ES:Módulo_Facturas_de_proveedores|DE:Modul_Lieferantenrechnungen'; llxHeader('', $title, $help_url); // Mode creation if ($action == 'create') { $facturestatic = new FactureFournisseur($db); print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans('NewBill'), '', 'supplier_invoice'); dol_htmloutput_events(); $currency_code = $conf->currency; $societe = ''; if (GETPOST('socid') > 0) { $societe = new Societe($db); $societe->fetch(GETPOST('socid', 'int')); if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled) && !empty($societe->multicurrency_code)) { $currency_code = $societe->multicurrency_code; } } if (!empty($origin) && !empty($originid)) { // Parse element/subelement (ex: project_task) $element = $subelement = $origin; if ($element == 'project') { $projectid = $originid; $element = 'projet'; } // For compatibility if ($element == 'order') { $element = $subelement = 'commande'; } if ($element == 'propal') { $element = 'comm/propal'; $subelement = 'propal'; } if ($element == 'contract') { $element = $subelement = 'contrat'; } if ($element == 'order_supplier') { $element = 'fourn'; $subelement = 'fournisseur.commande'; } require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/'.$element.'/class/'.$subelement.'.class.php'; $classname = ucfirst($subelement); if ($classname == 'Fournisseur.commande') { $classname = 'CommandeFournisseur'; } $objectsrc = new $classname($db); $objectsrc->fetch($originid); $objectsrc->fetch_thirdparty(); $projectid = (!empty($objectsrc->fk_project) ? $objectsrc->fk_project : ''); //$ref_client = (!empty($objectsrc->ref_client)?$object->ref_client:''); $soc = $objectsrc->thirdparty; $cond_reglement_id = (!empty($objectsrc->cond_reglement_id) ? $objectsrc->cond_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->cond_reglement_supplier_id) ? $soc->cond_reglement_supplier_id : 0)); // TODO maybe add default value option $mode_reglement_id = (!empty($objectsrc->mode_reglement_id) ? $objectsrc->mode_reglement_id : (!empty($soc->mode_reglement_supplier_id) ? $soc->mode_reglement_supplier_id : 0)); $fk_account = (!empty($objectsrc->fk_account) ? $objectsrc->fk_account : (!empty($soc->fk_account) ? $soc->fk_account : 0)); $remise_percent = (!empty($objectsrc->remise_percent) ? $objectsrc->remise_percent : (!empty($soc->remise_supplier_percent) ? $soc->remise_supplier_percent : 0)); $remise_absolue = (!empty($objectsrc->remise_absolue) ? $objectsrc->remise_absolue : (!empty($soc->remise_absolue) ? $soc->remise_absolue : 0)); $dateinvoice = empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : ''; $transport_mode_id = (!empty($objectsrc->transport_mode_id) ? $objectsrc->transport_mode_id : (!empty($soc->transport_mode_id) ? $soc->transport_mode_id : 0)); if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { if (!empty($objectsrc->multicurrency_code)) { $currency_code = $objectsrc->multicurrency_code; } if (!empty($conf->global->MULTICURRENCY_USE_ORIGIN_TX) && !empty($objectsrc->multicurrency_tx)) { $currency_tx = $objectsrc->multicurrency_tx; } } $datetmp = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth', 'int'), GETPOST('reday', 'int'), GETPOST('reyear', 'int')); $dateinvoice = ($datetmp == '' ? (empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : '') : $datetmp); $datetmp = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['echmonth'], $_POST['echday'], $_POST['echyear']); $datedue = ($datetmp == '' ?-1 : $datetmp); // Replicate extrafields $objectsrc->fetch_optionals(); $object->array_options = $objectsrc->array_options; } else { $cond_reglement_id = $societe->cond_reglement_supplier_id; $mode_reglement_id = $societe->mode_reglement_supplier_id; $transport_mode_id = $societe->transport_mode_supplier_id; $fk_account = $societe->fk_account; $datetmp = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth', 'int'), GETPOST('reday', 'int'), GETPOST('reyear', 'int')); $dateinvoice = ($datetmp == '' ? (empty($conf->global->MAIN_AUTOFILL_DATE) ?-1 : '') : $datetmp); $datetmp = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['echmonth'], $_POST['echday'], $_POST['echyear']); $datedue = ($datetmp == '' ?-1 : $datetmp); if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled) && !empty($soc->multicurrency_code)) { $currency_code = $soc->multicurrency_code; } } // when payment condition is empty (means not override by payment condition form a other object, like third-party), try to use default value if (empty($cond_reglement_id)) { $cond_reglement_id = GETPOST("cond_reglement_id"); } // when payment mode is empty (means not override by payment condition form a other object, like third-party), try to use default value if (empty($mode_reglement_id)) { $mode_reglement_id = GETPOST("mode_reglement_id"); } $note_public = $object->getDefaultCreateValueFor('note_public', ((!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc) && !empty($conf->global->FACTUREFOURN_REUSE_NOTES_ON_CREATE_FROM)) ? $objectsrc->note_public : null)); $note_private = $object->getDefaultCreateValueFor('note_private', ((!empty($origin) && !empty($originid) && is_object($objectsrc) && !empty($conf->global->FACTUREFOURN_REUSE_NOTES_ON_CREATE_FROM)) ? $objectsrc->note_private : null)); print '
'; print ''; print ''; if ($societe->id > 0) { print ''."\n"; } print ''; print ''; if (!empty($currency_tx)) { print ''; } print dol_get_fiche_head(); print ''; // Ref print ''; // Third party print ''; print ''; // Ref supplier print ''; print ''; print ''; if ($societe->id > 0) { // Discounts for third party print ''; } // Label print ''; // Date invoice print ''; // Due date print ''; // Payment term print ''; // Payment mode print ''; // Bank Account if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) { print ''; } // Project if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { $formproject = new FormProjets($db); $langs->load('projects'); print ''; } // Incoterms if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) { print ''; print ''; print ''; } // Multicurrency if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { print ''; print ''; print ''; } // Intracomm report if (!empty($conf->intracommreport->enabled)) { $langs->loadLangs(array("intracommreport")); print ''; } if (empty($reshook)) { print $object->showOptionals($extrafields, 'create'); } // Public note print ''; print ''; // print ''; print ''; // Private note print ''; print ''; // print ''; print ''; if (is_object($objectsrc)) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''; print ''; $txt = $langs->trans($classname); if ($classname == 'CommandeFournisseur') { $langs->load('orders'); $txt = $langs->trans("SupplierOrder"); } print ''; print ''; print '"; if ($mysoc->localtax1_assuj == "1" || $object->total_localtax1 != 0) { //Localtax1 print '"; } if ($mysoc->localtax2_assuj == "1" || $object->total_localtax2 != 0) { //Localtax2 print '"; } print '"; if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { print ''; print '"; print '"; } } // Other options $parameters = array(); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formObjectOptions', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook print $hookmanager->resPrint; // Bouton "Create Draft" print "
'.$langs->trans('Supplier').''; if ($societe->id > 0) { $absolute_discount = $societe->getAvailableDiscounts('', '', 0, 1); print $societe->getNomUrl(1); print ''; } else { print img_picto('', 'company').$form->select_company($societe->id, 'socid', 's.fournisseur=1', 'SelectThirdParty', 0, 0, null, 0, 'minwidth300 widthcentpercentminusxx'); // reload page to retrieve supplier informations if (!empty($conf->global->RELOAD_PAGE_ON_SUPPLIER_CHANGE)) { print ''; } print ' '; } print '
'.$langs->trans('RefSupplier').'id > 0) { print ' autofocus'; } print '>
'.$langs->trans('Type').''; print '
'."\n"; // Standard invoice print '
'; $tmp = ' '; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceStandardAsk"), $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceStandardDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print $desc; print '
'; if (empty($origin) || ($origin == 'order_supplier' && !empty($originid))) { // Deposit - Down payment if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_DEPOSIT)) { print '
'; $tmp=' '; print ''; $tmp = $tmp.''; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($tmp, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceDepositDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print ''; print ''; if ($origin == 'order_supplier') { print ''; print ''; } print '
'; print $desc; print ''; $arraylist = array( 'amount' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('FixAmount', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')), 'variable' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountOneLine', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Deposit')), 'variablealllines' => $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('VarAmountAllLines') ); print $form->selectarray('typedeposit', $arraylist, GETPOST('typedeposit', 'aZ09'), 0, 0, 0, '', 1); print ''; print ''.$langs->trans("AmountOrPercent").''; print '
'; print '
'; } } /* Not yet supported for supplier if ($societe->id > 0) { // Replacement if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_REPLACEMENT)) { // Type invoice $facids = $facturestatic->list_replacable_supplier_invoices($societe->id); if ($facids < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $facturestatic->error, $facturestatic->errors); exit(); } $options = ""; foreach ($facids as $facparam) { $options .= ''; } print ''; print '
'; $tmp=' jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#fac_replacement").change(function() { jQuery("#radio_replacement").prop("checked", true); }); }); '; $text = $tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceReplacementAsk") . ' '; $text .= ''; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceReplacementDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print $desc; print '
'; } } else { print '
'; $tmp=' '; $text = $tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceReplacement") . ' '; $text.= '('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromSupplierThird").') '; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceReplacementDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print $desc; print '
'; } */ if (empty($origin)) { if ($societe->id > 0) { // Credit note if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_DISABLE_CREDIT_NOTE)) { // Show link for credit note $facids = $facturestatic->list_qualified_avoir_supplier_invoices($societe->id); if ($facids < 0) { dol_print_error($db, $facturestatic->error, $facturestatic->errors); exit; } $optionsav = ""; $newinvoice_static = new FactureFournisseur($db); foreach ($facids as $key => $valarray) { $newinvoice_static->id = $key; $newinvoice_static->ref = $valarray ['ref']; $newinvoice_static->statut = $valarray ['status']; $newinvoice_static->type = $valarray ['type']; $newinvoice_static->paye = $valarray ['paye']; $optionsav .= ''; } print '
'; $tmp = ' jQuery(document).ready(function() { if (! jQuery("#radio_creditnote").is(":checked")) { jQuery("#credit_note_options").hide(); } jQuery("#radio_creditnote").click(function() { jQuery("#credit_note_options").show(); }); jQuery("#radio_standard, #radio_replacement, #radio_deposit").click(function() { jQuery("#credit_note_options").hide(); }); }); '; $text = $tmp.$langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirAsk").' '; // $text.=''; $text .= ''; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print $desc; print '
'; print '    0 ? 'checked' : '').' /> '; print '"; print '
    0 ? 'checked' : '').' /> '; print '"; print '
'; print '
'; } } else { print '
'; $tmp = ' '; $text = $tmp.$langs->trans("InvoiceAvoir").' '; $text .= '('.$langs->trans("YouMustCreateInvoiceFromSupplierThird").') '; $desc = $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->transnoentities("InvoiceAvoirDesc"), 1, 'help', '', 0, 3); print $desc; print '
'."\n"; } } print '
'; print '
'.$langs->trans('Discounts').''; $thirdparty = $societe; $discount_type = 1; $backtopage = urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?socid='.$societe->id.'&action='.$action.'&origin='.GETPOST('origin').'&originid='.GETPOST('originid')); include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/object_discounts.tpl.php'; print '
'.$langs->trans('DateInvoice').''; print $form->selectDate($dateinvoice, '', '', '', '', "add", 1, 1); print '
'.$langs->trans('DateMaxPayment').''; print $form->selectDate($datedue, 'ech', '', '', '', "add", 1, 1); print '
'.$langs->trans('PaymentConditionsShort').''; $form->select_conditions_paiements(GETPOSTISSET('cond_reglement_id') ?GETPOST('cond_reglement_id', 'int') : $cond_reglement_id, 'cond_reglement_id'); print '
'.$langs->trans('PaymentMode').''; print img_picto('', 'bank', 'class="pictofixedwidth"'); $form->select_types_paiements(GETPOSTISSET('mode_reglement_id') ?GETPOST('mode_reglement_id', 'int') : $mode_reglement_id, 'mode_reglement_id', 'DBIT', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 'maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx'); print '
'.$langs->trans('BankAccount').''; print img_picto('', 'bank_account', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$form->select_comptes((GETPOSTISSET('fk_account') ?GETPOST('fk_account', 'alpha') : $fk_account), 'fk_account', 0, '', 1, '', 0, 'maxwidth200 widthcentpercentminusx', 1); print '
'.$langs->trans('Project').''; print img_picto('', 'project', 'class="pictofixedwidth"').$formproject->select_projects((empty($conf->global->PROJECT_CAN_ALWAYS_LINK_TO_ALL_SUPPLIERS) ? $societe->id : -1), $projectid, 'projectid', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 'maxwidth500 widthcentpercentminusxx'); print ' id.($fac_rec ? '&fac_rec='.$fac_rec : '')).'">'; print '
'; print $form->select_incoterms(GETPOSTISSET('incoterm_id') ? GETPOST('incoterm_id', 'alphanohtml') : (!empty($objectsrc->fk_incoterms) ? $objectsrc->fk_incoterms : ''), GETPOSTISSET('location_incoterms') ? GETPOST('location_incoterms', 'alphanohtml') : (!empty($objectsrc->location_incoterms) ? $objectsrc->location_incoterms : '')); print '
'.$form->editfieldkey('Currency', 'multicurrency_code', '', $object, 0).''; print $form->selectMultiCurrency((GETPOSTISSET('multicurrency_code') ?GETPOST('multicurrency_code', 'alpha') : $currency_code), 'multicurrency_code'); print '
'.$langs->trans('IntracommReportTransportMode').''; $form->selectTransportMode(isset($_POST['transport_mode_id']) ? $_POST['transport_mode_id'] : $transport_mode_id, 'transport_mode_id'); print '
'.$langs->trans('NotePublic').''; $doleditor = new DolEditor('note_public', (GETPOSTISSET('note_public') ?GETPOST('note_public', 'restricthtml') : $note_public), '', 80, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', 0, false, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PUBLIC) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_3, '90%'); print $doleditor->Create(1); print '
'.$langs->trans('NotePrivate').''; $doleditor = new DolEditor('note_private', (GETPOSTISSET('note_private') ?GETPOST('note_private', 'restricthtml') : $note_private), '', 80, 'dolibarr_notes', 'In', 0, false, empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_NOTE_PRIVATE) ? 0 : 1, ROWS_3, '90%'); print $doleditor->Create(1); print '
'.$txt.''.$objectsrc->getNomUrl(1); // We check if Origin document (id and type is known) has already at least one invoice attached to it $objectsrc->fetchObjectLinked($originid, $origin, '', 'invoice_supplier'); $invoice_supplier = $objectsrc->linkedObjects['invoice_supplier']; // count function need a array as argument (Note: the array must implement Countable too) if (is_array($invoice_supplier)) { $cntinvoice = count($invoice_supplier); if ($cntinvoice >= 1) { setEventMessages('WarningBillExist', null, 'warnings'); echo ' ('.$langs->trans('LatestRelatedBill').end($invoice_supplier)->getNomUrl(1).')'; } } print '
'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT1", $mysoc->country_code).''.price($objectsrc->total_localtax1)."
'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT2", $mysoc->country_code).''.price($objectsrc->total_localtax2)."
\n"; print dol_get_fiche_end(); print '
'; print ''; print '     '; print ''; print '
'; // Show origin lines if (is_object($objectsrc)) { print '
'; $title = $langs->trans('ProductsAndServices'); print load_fiche_titre($title); print ''; $objectsrc->printOriginLinesList('', $selectedLines); print '
'; } print "
\n"; } else { if ($id > 0 || !empty($ref)) { // // View or edit mode // $now = dol_now(); $productstatic = new Product($db); $object->fetch($id, $ref); $result = $object->fetch_thirdparty(); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } $societe = new Fournisseur($db); $result = $societe->fetch($object->socid); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } $totalpaye = $object->getSommePaiement(); $totalcreditnotes = $object->getSumCreditNotesUsed(); $totaldeposits = $object->getSumDepositsUsed(); // print "totalpaye=".$totalpaye." totalcreditnotes=".$totalcreditnotes." totaldeposts=".$totaldeposits." // selleruserrevenuestamp=".$selleruserevenustamp; // We can also use bcadd to avoid pb with floating points // For example print 239.2 - 229.3 - 9.9; does not return 0. // $resteapayer=bcadd($object->total_ttc,$totalpaye,$conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT); // $resteapayer=bcadd($resteapayer,$totalavoir,$conf->global->MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT); $resteapayer = price2num($object->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits, 'MT'); // Multicurrency if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { $multicurrency_totalpaye = $object->getSommePaiement(1); $multicurrency_totalcreditnotes = $object->getSumCreditNotesUsed(1); $multicurrency_totaldeposits = $object->getSumDepositsUsed(1); $multicurrency_resteapayer = price2num($object->multicurrency_total_ttc - $multicurrency_totalpaye - $multicurrency_totalcreditnotes - $multicurrency_totaldeposits, 'MT'); $resteapayer = price2num($multicurrency_resteapayer / $object->multicurrency_tx, 'MT'); } if ($object->paye) { $resteapayer = 0; } $resteapayeraffiche = $resteapayer; if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_DEPOSITS_ARE_JUST_PAYMENTS)) { // Never use this $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filtercreditnote = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice } else { $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL OR (description LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' AND description NOT LIKE '(EXCESS PAID)%')"; $filtercreditnote = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NOT NULL AND (description NOT LIKE '(DEPOSIT)%' OR description LIKE '(EXCESS PAID)%')"; } $absolute_discount = $societe->getAvailableDiscounts('', $filterabsolutediscount, 0, 1); $absolute_creditnote = $societe->getAvailableDiscounts('', $filtercreditnote, 0, 1); $absolute_discount = price2num($absolute_discount, 'MT'); $absolute_creditnote = price2num($absolute_creditnote, 'MT'); /* * View card */ $head = facturefourn_prepare_head($object); $titre = $langs->trans('SupplierInvoice'); print dol_get_fiche_head($head, 'card', $titre, -1, 'supplier_invoice'); $formconfirm = ''; // Confirmation de la conversion de l'avoir en reduc if ($action == 'converttoreduc') { if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD) { $type_fac = 'ExcessPaid'; } elseif ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $type_fac = 'CreditNote'; } elseif ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { $type_fac = 'Deposit'; } $text = $langs->trans('ConfirmConvertToReducSupplier', strtolower($langs->transnoentities($type_fac))); $text .= '
'.$langs->trans('ConfirmConvertToReducSupplier2'); $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ConvertToReduc'), $text, 'confirm_converttoreduc', '', "yes", 2); } // Clone confirmation if ($action == 'clone') { // Create an array for form $formquestion = array( array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'newsupplierref', 'label' => $langs->trans("RefSupplier"), 'value' => $langs->trans("CopyOf").' '.$object->ref_supplier), array('type' => 'date', 'name' => 'newdate', 'label' => $langs->trans("Date"), 'value' => dol_now()) ); // Ask confirmation to clone $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ToClone'), $langs->trans('ConfirmCloneInvoice', $object->ref), 'confirm_clone', $formquestion, 'yes', 1, 250); } // Confirmation of validation if ($action == 'valid') { // We check if number is temporary number if (preg_match('/^[\(]?PROV/i', $object->ref) || empty($object->ref)) { // empty should not happened, but when it occurs, the test save life $numref = $object->getNextNumRef($societe); } else { $numref = $object->ref; } if ($numref < 0) { setEventMessages($object->error, $object->errors, 'errors'); $action = ''; } else { $text = $langs->trans('ConfirmValidateBill', $numref); /*if (! empty($conf->notification->enabled)) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/class/notify.class.php'; $notify=new Notify($db); $text.='
'; $text.=$notify->confirmMessage('BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE',$object->socid, $object); }*/ $formquestion = array(); $qualified_for_stock_change = 0; if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2); } else { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1); } if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SUPPLIER_BILL) && $qualified_for_stock_change) { $langs->load("stocks"); require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php'; $formproduct = new FormProduct($db); $warehouse = new Entrepot($db); $warehouse_array = $warehouse->list_array(); if (count($warehouse_array) == 1) { $label = $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockDecrease", current($warehouse_array)) : $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockIncrease", current($warehouse_array)); $value = ''; } else { $label = $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease") : $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease"); $value = $formproduct->selectWarehouses(GETPOST('idwarehouse') ?GETPOST('idwarehouse') : 'ifone', 'idwarehouse', '', 1); } $formquestion = array( array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'idwarehouse', 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value) ); } $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ValidateBill'), $text, 'confirm_valid', $formquestion, 1, 1); } } // Confirmation edit (back to draft) if ($action == 'edit') { $formquestion = array(); $qualified_for_stock_change = 0; if (empty($conf->global->STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)) { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(2); } else { $qualified_for_stock_change = $object->hasProductsOrServices(1); } if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && !empty($conf->global->STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SUPPLIER_BILL) && $qualified_for_stock_change) { $langs->load("stocks"); require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/html.formproduct.class.php'; $formproduct = new FormProduct($db); $warehouse = new Entrepot($db); $warehouse_array = $warehouse->list_array(); if (count($warehouse_array) == 1) { $label = $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockIncrease", current($warehouse_array)) : $langs->trans("WarehouseForStockDecrease", current($warehouse_array)); $value = ''; } else { $label = $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease") : $langs->trans("SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease"); $value = $formproduct->selectWarehouses(GETPOST('idwarehouse') ?GETPOST('idwarehouse') : 'ifone', 'idwarehouse', '', 1); } $formquestion = array( array('type' => 'other', 'name' => 'idwarehouse', 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value) ); } $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('UnvalidateBill'), $langs->trans('ConfirmUnvalidateBill', $object->ref), 'confirm_edit', $formquestion, 1, 1); } // Confirmation set paid if ($action == 'paid' && $resteapayer <= 0) { $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ClassifyPaid'), $langs->trans('ConfirmClassifyPaidBill', $object->ref), 'confirm_paid', '', 0, 1); } if ($action == 'paid' && $resteapayer > 0) { $close = array(); // Code $i = 0; $close[$i]['code'] = 'discount_vat'; // escompte $i++; $close[$i]['code'] = 'badsupplier'; $i++; $close[$i]['code'] = 'other'; $i++; // Help $i = 0; $close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("HelpEscompte").'

'.$langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscountVatDesc"); $i++; $close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadSupplierDesc"); $i++; $close[$i]['label'] = $langs->trans("Other"); $i++; // Text $i = 0; $close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonDiscount", $resteapayer, $langs->trans("Currency".$conf->currency)), $close[$i]['label'], 1); $i++; $close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadCustomer", $resteapayer, $langs->trans("Currency".$conf->currency)), $close[$i]['label'], 1); $i++; $close[$i]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("Other"), $close[$i]['label'], 1); $i++; // arrayreasons[code]=reason foreach ($close as $key => $val) { $arrayreasons[$close[$key]['code']] = $close[$key]['reason']; } // Create a form table $formquestion = array('text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyQuestion"), array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'close_code', 'label' => $langs->trans("Reason"), 'values' => $arrayreasons), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'close_note', 'label' => $langs->trans("Comment"), 'value' => '', 'morecss' => 'minwidth300')); // Incomplete payment. We ask if the reason is discount or other $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id, $langs->trans('ClassifyPaid'), $langs->trans('ConfirmClassifyPaidPartially', $object->ref), 'confirm_paid_partially', $formquestion, "yes", 1, 310); } // Confirmation of the abandoned classification if ($action == 'canceled') { // Code $close[1]['code'] = 'badsupplier'; $close[2]['code'] = 'abandon'; // Help $close[1]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadSupplierDesc"); $close[2]['label'] = $langs->trans("ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOtherDesc"); // Text $close[1]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyPaidPartiallyReasonBadSupplier", $object->ref), $close[1]['label'], 1); $close[2]['reason'] = $form->textwithpicto($langs->transnoentities("ConfirmClassifyAbandonReasonOther"), $close[2]['label'], 1); // arrayreasons $arrayreasons[$close[1]['code']] = $close[1]['reason']; $arrayreasons[$close[2]['code']] = $close[2]['reason']; // Create a form table $formquestion = array('text' => $langs->trans("ConfirmCancelBillQuestion"), array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'close_code', 'label' => $langs->trans("Reason"), 'values' => $arrayreasons), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'close_note', 'label' => $langs->trans("Comment"), 'value' => '', 'morecss' => 'minwidth300')); $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('CancelBill'), $langs->trans('ConfirmCancelBill', $object->ref), 'confirm_canceled', $formquestion, "yes", 1, 250); } // Confirmation de la suppression de la facture fournisseur if ($action == 'delete') { $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id, $langs->trans('DeleteBill'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteBill'), 'confirm_delete', '', 0, 1); } if ($action == 'deletepayment') { $payment_id = GETPOST('paiement_id'); $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&paiement_id='.$payment_id, $langs->trans('DeletePayment'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeletePayment'), 'confirm_delete_paiement', '', 0, 1); } // Confirmation to delete line if ($action == 'ask_deleteline') { $formconfirm = $form->formconfirm($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&lineid='.$lineid, $langs->trans('DeleteProductLine'), $langs->trans('ConfirmDeleteProductLine'), 'confirm_deleteline', '', 0, 1); } if (!$formconfirm) { $parameters = array('formConfirm' => $formconfirm, 'lineid'=>$lineid); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formConfirm', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook if (empty($reshook)) { $formconfirm .= $hookmanager->resPrint; } elseif ($reshook > 0) { $formconfirm = $hookmanager->resPrint; } } // Print form confirm print $formconfirm; // Supplier invoice card $linkback = ''.$langs->trans("BackToList").''; $morehtmlref = '
'; // Ref supplier $morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldkey("RefSupplier", 'ref_supplier', $object->ref_supplier, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', 0, 1); $morehtmlref .= $form->editfieldval("RefSupplier", 'ref_supplier', $object->ref_supplier, $object, $usercancreate, 'string', '', null, null, '', 1); // Thirdparty $morehtmlref .= '
'.$langs->trans('ThirdParty').' : '.$object->thirdparty->getNomUrl(1); if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_OTHER_LINK) && $object->thirdparty->id > 0) { $morehtmlref .= ' ('.$langs->trans("OtherBills").')'; } // Project if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { $langs->load("projects"); $morehtmlref .= '
'.$langs->trans('Project').' '; if ($usercancreate) { if ($action != 'classify') { $morehtmlref .= ''.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetProject')).' : '; } if ($action == 'classify') { //$morehtmlref.=$form->form_project($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $object->id, $object->socid, $object->fk_project, 'projectid', 0, 0, 1, 1); $morehtmlref .= '
'; $morehtmlref .= ''; $morehtmlref .= ''; $morehtmlref .= $formproject->select_projects((empty($conf->global->PROJECT_CAN_ALWAYS_LINK_TO_ALL_SUPPLIERS) ? $object->socid : -1), $object->fk_project, 'projectid', $maxlength, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 1); $morehtmlref .= ''; $morehtmlref .= '
'; } else { $morehtmlref .= $form->form_project($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->socid, $object->fk_project, 'none', 0, 0, 0, 1); } } else { if (!empty($object->fk_project)) { $proj = new Project($db); $proj->fetch($object->fk_project); $morehtmlref .= ''; $morehtmlref .= $proj->ref; $morehtmlref .= ''; } else { $morehtmlref .= ''; } } } $morehtmlref .= '
'; $object->totalpaye = $totalpaye; // To give a chance to dol_banner_tab to use already paid amount to show correct status dol_banner_tab($object, 'ref', $linkback, 1, 'ref', 'ref', $morehtmlref); print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print ''; // Type print ''; // Relative and absolute discounts print ''; // Label print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; $form_permission = ($object->statut < FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED) && $usercancreate && ($object->getSommePaiement() <= 0); $form_permission2 = ($object->statut < FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED) && $usercancreate; // Date print ''; // Default terms of the settlement $langs->load('bills'); print '"; print ''; // Due date print ''; // Mode of payment $langs->load('bills'); print ''; // Multicurrency if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { // Multicurrency code print ''; print ''; // Multicurrency rate if ($object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency || $object->multicurrency_tx != 1) { print ''; print ''; } } // Bank Account if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) { print '"; print ''; } // Incoterms if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) { print ''; print ''; } // Intracomm report if (!empty($conf->intracommreport->enabled)) { $langs->loadLangs(array("intracommreport")); print ''; print ''; } // Other attributes $cols = 2; include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/extrafields_view.tpl.php'; print '
'.$langs->trans('Type').''; print ''; print $object->getLibType(); print ''; if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) { $facreplaced = new FactureFournisseur($db); $facreplaced->fetch($object->fk_facture_source); print ' ('.$langs->transnoentities("ReplaceInvoice", $facreplaced->getNomUrl(1)).')'; } if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $facusing = new FactureFournisseur($db); $facusing->fetch($object->fk_facture_source); print ' ('.$langs->transnoentities("CorrectInvoice", $facusing->getNomUrl(1)).')'; } $facidavoir = $object->getListIdAvoirFromInvoice(); if (count($facidavoir) > 0) { $invoicecredits = array(); foreach ($facidavoir as $id) { $facavoir = new FactureFournisseur($db); $facavoir->fetch($id); $invoicecredits[] = $facavoir->getNomUrl(1); } print ' ('.$langs->transnoentities("InvoiceHasAvoir") . (count($invoicecredits) ? ' ' : '') . implode(',', $invoicecredits) . ')'; } if (isset($facidnext) && $facidnext > 0) { $facthatreplace = new FactureFournisseur($db); $facthatreplace->fetch($facidnext); print ' ('.$langs->transnoentities("ReplacedByInvoice", $facthatreplace->getNomUrl(1)).')'; } if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { $discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db); $result = $discount->fetch(0, 0, $object->id); if ($result > 0) { print ' '; $s = $langs->trans("CreditNoteConvertedIntoDiscount", '{s1}', '{s2}'); $s = str_replace('{s1}', $object->getLibType(1), $s); $s = str_replace('{s2}', $discount->getNomUrl(1, 'discount'), $s); print $s; print '
'; } } print '
'.$langs->trans('Discounts'); print ''; $thirdparty = $societe; $discount_type = 1; $backtopage = urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?facid='.$object->id); include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/object_discounts.tpl.php'; print '
'.$form->editfieldkey("Label", 'label', $object->label, $object, $usercancreate).''.$form->editfieldval("Label", 'label', $object->label, $object, $usercancreate).'
'; print $form->editfieldkey("DateInvoice", 'datef', $object->datep, $object, $form_permission, 'datepicker'); print ''; print $form->editfieldval("Date", 'datef', $object->datep, $object, $form_permission, 'datepicker'); print '
'; print ''; } print '
'; print $langs->trans('PaymentConditions'); print ''; if ($action != 'editconditions' && $form_permission) { print 'id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetConditions'), 1).'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editconditions') { $form->form_conditions_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->cond_reglement_id, 'cond_reglement_id'); } else { $form->form_conditions_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->cond_reglement_id, 'none'); } print "
'; print $form->editfieldkey("DateMaxPayment", 'date_lim_reglement', $object->date_echeance, $object, $form_permission2, 'datepicker'); print ''; print $form->editfieldval("DateMaxPayment", 'date_lim_reglement', $object->date_echeance, $object, $form_permission2, 'datepicker'); if ($action != 'editdate_lim_reglement' && $object->hasDelay()) { print img_warning($langs->trans('Late')); } print '
'; print ''; if ($action != 'editmode' && $form_permission2) { print ''; } print '
'; print $langs->trans('PaymentMode'); print 'id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetMode'), 1).'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editmode') { $form->form_modes_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->mode_reglement_id, 'mode_reglement_id', 'DBIT', 1, 1); } else { $form->form_modes_reglement($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->mode_reglement_id, 'none'); } print '
'; print ''; if ($action != 'editmulticurrencycode' && $object->statut == $object::STATUS_DRAFT) { print ''; } print '
'; print $form->editfieldkey('Currency', 'multicurrency_code', '', $object, 0); print 'id.'">'.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetMultiCurrencyCode'), 1).'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editmulticurrencycode') { $form->form_multicurrency_code($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_code, 'multicurrency_code'); } else { $form->form_multicurrency_code($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_code, 'none'); } print '
'; print ''; if ($action != 'editmulticurrencyrate' && $object->statut == $object::STATUS_DRAFT && $object->multicurrency_code && $object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) { print ''; } print '
'; print $form->editfieldkey('CurrencyRate', 'multicurrency_tx', '', $object, 0); print 'id.'">'.img_edit($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv('SetMultiCurrencyCode'), 1).'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editmulticurrencyrate' || $action == 'actualizemulticurrencyrate') { if ($action == 'actualizemulticurrencyrate') { list($object->fk_multicurrency, $object->multicurrency_tx) = MultiCurrency::getIdAndTxFromCode($object->db, $object->multicurrency_code); } $form->form_multicurrency_rate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_tx, 'multicurrency_tx', $object->multicurrency_code); } else { $form->form_multicurrency_rate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->multicurrency_tx, 'none', $object->multicurrency_code); if ($object->statut == $object::STATUS_DRAFT && $object->multicurrency_code && $object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency) { print '
        '; print ''.$langs->trans("ActualizeCurrency").''; print '
'; } } print '
'; print ''; } print '
'; print $langs->trans('BankAccount'); print ''; if ($action != 'editbankaccount' && $usercancreate) { print 'id.'">'.img_edit($langs->trans('SetBankAccount'), 1).'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editbankaccount') { $form->formSelectAccount($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->fk_account, 'fk_account', 1); } else { $form->formSelectAccount($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->fk_account, 'none'); } print "
'; print '
'; print $langs->trans('IncotermLabel'); print ''; if ($usercancreate) { print ''.img_edit().''; } else { print ' '; } print '
'; print '
'; if ($action != 'editincoterm') { print $form->textwithpicto($object->display_incoterms(), $object->label_incoterms, 1); } else { print $form->select_incoterms((!empty($object->fk_incoterms) ? $object->fk_incoterms : ''), (!empty($object->location_incoterms) ? $object->location_incoterms : ''), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id); } print '
'; print ''; if ($action != 'editmode' && ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->creer || $user->rights->supplier_invoice->creer)) { print ''; } print '
'; print $langs->trans('IntracommReportTransportMode'); print 'id.'">'.img_edit().'
'; print '
'; if ($action == 'editmode') { $form->formSelectTransportMode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->transport_mode_id, 'transport_mode_id', 1, 1); } else { $form->formSelectTransportMode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id, $object->transport_mode_id, 'none'); } print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print ''; if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled) && ($object->multicurrency_code != $conf->currency)) { // Multicurrency Amount HT print ''; print ''; print ''; // Multicurrency Amount VAT print ''; print ''; print ''; // Multicurrency Amount TTC print ''; print ''; print ''; } // Amount print ''; print ''; // Amount Local Taxes //TODO: Place into a function to control showing by country or study better option if ($societe->localtax1_assuj == "1") { //Localtax1 print ''; print ''; print ''; } if ($societe->localtax2_assuj == "1") { //Localtax2 print ''; print ''; print ''; } print ''; print '
'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountHT', 'multicurrency_total_ht', '', $object, 0).''.price($object->multicurrency_total_ht, '', $langs, 0, - 1, - 1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'
'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountVAT', 'multicurrency_total_tva', '', $object, 0).''.price($object->multicurrency_total_tva, '', $langs, 0, - 1, - 1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'
'.$form->editfieldkey('MulticurrencyAmountTTC', 'multicurrency_total_ttc', '', $object, 0).''.price($object->multicurrency_total_ttc, '', $langs, 0, - 1, - 1, (!empty($object->multicurrency_code) ? $object->multicurrency_code : $conf->currency)).'
'.$langs->trans('AmountHT').''.price($object->total_ht, 1, $langs, 0, -1, -1, $conf->currency).'
'.$langs->trans('AmountVAT').''.price($object->total_tva, 1, $langs, 0, -1, -1, $conf->currency).'
        '; if (GETPOST('calculationrule')) { $calculationrule = GETPOST('calculationrule', 'alpha'); } else { $calculationrule = (empty($conf->global->MAIN_ROUNDOFTOTAL_NOT_TOTALOFROUND) ? 'totalofround' : 'roundoftotal'); } if ($calculationrule == 'totalofround') { $calculationrulenum = 1; } else { $calculationrulenum = 2; } // Show link for "recalculate" if ($object->getVentilExportCompta() == 0) { $s = $langs->trans("ReCalculate").' '; $s .= ''.$langs->trans("Mode1").''; $s .= ' / '; $s .= ''.$langs->trans("Mode2").''; print $form->textwithtooltip($s, $langs->trans("CalculationRuleDesc", $calculationrulenum).'
'.$langs->trans("CalculationRuleDescSupplier"), 2, 1, img_picto('', 'help')); } print '
'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT1", $societe->country_code).''.price($object->total_localtax1, 1, $langs, 0, -1, -1, $conf->currency).'
'.$langs->transcountry("AmountLT2", $societe->country_code).''.price($object->total_localtax2, 1, $langs, 0, -1, -1, $conf->currency).'
'.$langs->trans('AmountTTC').''.price($object->total_ttc, 1, $langs, 0, -1, -1, $conf->currency).'
'; // List of payments $totalpaye = 0; $sign = 1; if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $sign = - 1; } $nbrows = 9; $nbcols = 3; if (!empty($conf->projet->enabled)) { $nbrows++; } if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) { $nbrows++; $nbcols++; } if (!empty($conf->incoterm->enabled)) { $nbrows++; } if (!empty($conf->multicurrency->enabled)) { $nbrows += 5; } // Local taxes if ($societe->localtax1_assuj == "1") { $nbrows++; } if ($societe->localtax2_assuj == "1") { $nbrows++; } $sql = 'SELECT p.datep as dp, p.ref, p.num_paiement as num_payment, p.rowid, p.fk_bank,'; $sql .= ' c.id as paiement_type,'; $sql .= ' pf.amount,'; $sql .= ' ba.rowid as baid, ba.ref as baref, ba.label, ba.number as banumber, ba.account_number, ba.fk_accountancy_journal'; $sql .= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiementfourn as p'; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'bank as b ON p.fk_bank = b.rowid'; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'bank_account as ba ON b.fk_account = ba.rowid'; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as c ON p.fk_paiement = c.id'; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'paiementfourn_facturefourn as pf ON pf.fk_paiementfourn = p.rowid'; $sql .= ' WHERE pf.fk_facturefourn = '.$object->id; $sql .= ' ORDER BY p.datep, p.tms'; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result) { $num = $db->num_rows($result); $i = 0; print '
'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) { print ''; } print ''; print ''; print ''; if ($num > 0) { while ($i < $num) { $objp = $db->fetch_object($result); $paymentstatic->id = $objp->rowid; $paymentstatic->datepaye = $db->jdate($objp->dp); $paymentstatic->ref = ($objp->ref ? $objp->ref : $objp->rowid); $paymentstatic->num_payment = $objp->num_payment; $paymentstatic->payment_code = $objp->payment_code; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; if (!empty($conf->banque->enabled)) { $bankaccountstatic->id = $objp->baid; $bankaccountstatic->ref = $objp->baref; $bankaccountstatic->label = $objp->baref; $bankaccountstatic->number = $objp->banumber; if (!empty($conf->accounting->enabled)) { $bankaccountstatic->account_number = $objp->account_number; $accountingjournal = new AccountingJournal($db); $accountingjournal->fetch($objp->fk_accountancy_journal); $bankaccountstatic->accountancy_journal = $accountingjournal->getNomUrl(0, 1, 1, '', 1); } print ''; } print ''; print ''; print ''; $totalpaye += $objp->amount; $i++; } } else { print ''; } /* if ($object->paye == 0) { print ''; print ''; $resteapayer = $object->total_ttc - $totalpaye; print ''; print ''; } */ $db->free($result); } else { dol_print_error($db); } if ($object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { // Total already paid print ''; //$resteapayer = $object->total_ttc - $totalpaye; $resteapayeraffiche = $resteapayer; $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentcomplete'; // Loop on each credit note or deposit amount applied $creditnoteamount = 0; $depositamount = 0; $sql = "SELECT re.rowid, re.amount_ht, re.amount_tva, re.amount_ttc,"; $sql .= " re.description, re.fk_invoice_supplier_source"; $sql .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_remise_except as re"; $sql .= " WHERE fk_invoice_supplier = ".$object->id; $resql = $db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $num = $db->num_rows($resql); $i = 0; $invoice = new FactureFournisseur($db); while ($i < $num) { $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql); $invoice->fetch($obj->fk_invoice_supplier_source); print ''; print ''; print ''; $i++; if ($invoice->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { $creditnoteamount += $obj->amount_ttc; } if ($invoice->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { $depositamount += $obj->amount_ttc; } } } else { dol_print_error($db); } // Paye partiellement 'escompte' if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'discount_vat') { print ''; $resteapayeraffiche = 0; $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral'; } // Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'badsupplier' if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'badsupplier') { print ''; // $resteapayeraffiche=0; $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral'; } // Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'product_returned' if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'product_returned') { print ''; $resteapayeraffiche = 0; $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral'; } // Paye partiellement ou Abandon 'abandon' if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED) && $object->close_code == 'abandon') { print ''; $resteapayeraffiche = 0; $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral'; } // Billed print ''; // Remainder to pay print ''; print ''; print ''; } else // Credit note { $cssforamountpaymentcomplete = 'amountpaymentneutral'; // Total already paid back print ''; // Billed print ''; // Remainder to pay back print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; // Sold credit note // print ''; // print ''; } print '
'.($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE ? $langs->trans("PaymentsBack") : $langs->trans('Payments')).''.$langs->trans('Date').''.$langs->trans('Type').''.$langs->trans('BankAccount').''.$langs->trans('Amount').' 
'; print $paymentstatic->getNomUrl(1); print ''.dol_print_date($db->jdate($objp->dp), 'day').''; print $form->form_modes_reglement(null, $objp->paiement_type, 'none').' '.$objp->num_payment; print ''; if ($objp->baid > 0) { print $bankaccountstatic->getNomUrl(1, 'transactions'); } print ''.price($sign * $objp->amount).''; if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $user->socid == 0) { print 'rowid.'">'; print img_delete(); print ''; } print '
'.$langs->trans('AlreadyPaid').' :'.price($totalpaye).'
'.$langs->trans("Billed").' :'.price($object->total_ttc).'
'.$langs->trans('RemainderToPay').' :'.price($resteapayer).'
'; print ''; if ($object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaidNoCreditNotesNoDeposits'); } else { print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaid'); } print ''; print ' 0) ? ' class="amountalreadypaid"' : '').'>'.price($totalpaye).' 
'; if ($invoice->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) { print $langs->trans("CreditNote").' '; } if ($invoice->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) { print $langs->trans("Deposit").' '; } print $invoice->getNomUrl(0); print ' :'.price($obj->amount_ttc).''; print 'rowid.'">'.img_delete().''; print '
'; print ''; print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Discount"), $langs->trans("HelpEscompte"), - 1); print ''; print ''.price($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye).' 
'; print ''; print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Abandoned"), $langs->trans("HelpAbandonBadCustomer"), - 1); print ''; print ''.price($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye).' 
'; print ''; print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("ProductReturned"), $langs->trans("HelpAbandonProductReturned"), - 1); print ''; print ''.price($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye).' 
'; $text = $langs->trans("HelpAbandonOther"); if ($object->close_note) { $text .= '

'.$langs->trans("Reason").':'.$object->close_note; } print ''; print $form->textwithpicto($langs->trans("Abandoned"), $text, - 1); print ''; print '
'.price($object->total_ttc - $creditnoteamount - $depositamount - $totalpaye).' 
'; print ''; print $langs->trans("Billed"); print ''; print ''.price($object->total_ttc).' 
'; print ''; if ($resteapayeraffiche >= 0) { print $langs->trans('RemainderToPay'); } else { print $langs->trans('ExcessPaid'); } print ''; print ''.price($resteapayeraffiche).' 
'; print $langs->trans('AlreadyPaidBack'); print ' :'.price($sign * $totalpaye).' 
'.$langs->trans("Billed").' :'.price($sign * $object->total_ttc).' 
'; print ''; if ($resteapayeraffiche <= 0) { print $langs->trans('RemainderToPayBack'); } else { print $langs->trans('ExcessPaid'); } print ''.price($sign * $resteapayeraffiche).' 
'.$langs->trans('TotalTTC').' :'.price($sign * // $object->total_ttc).' 
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '

'; if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_CONTACTS_TAB)) { $blocname = 'contacts'; $title = $langs->trans('ContactsAddresses'); include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/bloc_showhide.tpl.php'; } if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_NOTES_TAB)) { $colwidth = 20; $blocname = 'notes'; $title = $langs->trans('Notes'); include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/bloc_showhide.tpl.php'; } /* * Lines */ print '
'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; print ''; if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_DRAFT) { include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/ajaxrow.tpl.php'; } print '
'; print ''; global $forceall, $senderissupplier, $dateSelector, $inputalsopricewithtax; $forceall = 1; $dateSelector = 0; $inputalsopricewithtax = 1; $senderissupplier = 2; // $senderissupplier=2 is same than 1 but disable test on minimum qty and disable autofill qty with minimum. //if (! empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_INVOICE_WITH_NOPRICEDEFINED)) $senderissupplier=2; if (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_INVOICE_WITH_PREDEFINED_PRICES_ONLY)) { $senderissupplier = 1; } // Show object lines if (!empty($object->lines)) { $ret = $object->printObjectLines($action, $societe, $mysoc, $lineid, 1); } $num = count($object->lines); // Form to add new line if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_DRAFT && $usercancreate) { if ($action != 'editline') { // Add free products/services $parameters = array(); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formAddObjectLine', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook if ($reshook < 0) setEventMessages($hookmanager->error, $hookmanager->errors, 'errors'); if (empty($reshook)) $object->formAddObjectLine(1, $societe, $mysoc); } } print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print dol_get_fiche_end(); if ($action != 'presend') { /* * Buttons actions */ print '
'; $parameters = array(); $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('addMoreActionsButtons', $parameters, $object, $action); // Note that $action and $object may have been // modified by hook if (empty($reshook)) { // Modify a validated invoice with no payments if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $action != 'confirm_edit' && $object->getSommePaiement() == 0 && $usercancreate) { // We check if lines of invoice are not already transfered into accountancy $ventilExportCompta = $object->getVentilExportCompta(); // Should be 0 since the sum of payments are zero. But we keep the protection. if ($ventilExportCompta == 0) { print ''.$langs->trans('Modify').''; } else { print ''.$langs->trans('Modify').''; } } $discount = new DiscountAbsolute($db); $result = $discount->fetch(0, 0, $object->id); // Reopen a standard paid invoice if (($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_REPLACEMENT || ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && empty($discount->id)) || ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && empty($discount->id))) && ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_ABANDONED)) { // A paid invoice (partially or completely) if (!$facidnext && $object->close_code != 'replaced' && $usercancreate) { // Not replaced by another invoice print ''.$langs->trans('ReOpen').''; } else { if ($usercancreate) { print ''.$langs->trans('ReOpen').''; } elseif (empty($conf->global->MAIN_BUTTON_HIDE_UNAUTHORIZED)) { print ''.$langs->trans('ReOpen').''; } } } // Validate if ($action != 'confirm_edit' && $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_DRAFT) { if (count($object->lines)) { if ($usercanvalidate) { print ''.$langs->trans('Validate').''; } else { print ''.$langs->trans('Validate').''; } } } // Send by mail if (empty($user->socid)) { if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED || $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_CLOSED)) { if ($usercansend) { print ''.$langs->trans('SendMail').''; } else { print ''.$langs->trans('SendMail').''; } } } // Create payment if ($object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0) { print ''.$langs->trans('DoPayment').''; // must use facid because id is for payment id not invoice } // Reverse back money or convert to reduction if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD) { // For credit note only if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 0) { if ($resteapayer == 0) { print ''.$langs->trans('DoPaymentBack').''; } else { print ''.$langs->trans('DoPaymentBack').''; } } // For standard invoice with excess paid if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD && empty($object->paye) && ($object->total_ttc - $totalpaye - $totalcreditnotes - $totaldeposits) < 0 && $usercancreate && empty($discount->id)) { print ''.$langs->trans('ConvertExcessPaidToReduc').''; } // For credit note if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->statut == 1 && $object->paye == 0 && $usercancreate && (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ALLOW_REUSE_OF_CREDIT_WHEN_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED) || $object->getSommePaiement() == 0) ) { print ''.$langs->trans('ConvertToReduc').''; } // For deposit invoice if ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $usercancreate && $object->statut > 0 && empty($discount->id)) { print ''.$langs->trans('ConvertToReduc').''; } } // Classify paid if (($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && (($object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->type != FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $resteapayer <= 0) || ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $resteapayer >= 0))) || ($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT && $object->paye == 0 && $object->total_ttc > 0 && $resteapayer == 0 && empty($discount->id)) ) { print ''.$langs->trans('ClassifyPaid').''; } // Classify 'closed not completely paid' (possible if validated and not yet filed paid) if ($object->statut == FactureFournisseur::STATUS_VALIDATED && $object->paye == 0 && $resteapayer > 0) { if ($totalpaye > 0 || $totalcreditnotes > 0) { // If one payment or one credit note was linked to this invoice print ''.$langs->trans('ClassifyPaidPartially').''; } else { if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_NEVER_BE_CANCELED)) { print ''.$langs->trans('ClassifyCanceled').''; } } } // Create event /*if ($conf->agenda->enabled && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_ADD_EVENT_ON_ELEMENT_CARD)) // Add hidden condition because this is not a "workflow" action so should appears somewhere else on page. { print ''; }*/ // Create a credit note if (($object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_STANDARD || $object->type == FactureFournisseur::TYPE_DEPOSIT) && $object->statut > 0 && $usercancreate) { if (!$objectidnext) { print ''.$langs->trans("CreateCreditNote").''; } } // Clone if ($action != 'edit' && $usercancreate) { print 'socid.'">'.$langs->trans('ToClone').''; } // Delete $isErasable = $object->is_erasable(); if ($action != 'confirm_edit' && ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->supprimer || ($usercancreate && $isErasable == 1))) { // isErasable = 1 means draft with temporary ref (draft can always be deleted with no need of permissions) //var_dump($isErasable); if ($isErasable == -4) { print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } elseif ($isErasable == -3) { // Should never happen with supplier invoice print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } elseif ($isErasable == -2) { // Should never happen with supplier invoice print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } elseif ($isErasable == -1) { print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } elseif ($isErasable <= 0) { // Any other cases print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } else { print ''.$langs->trans('Delete').''; } } print '
'; if ($action != 'confirm_edit') { print '
'; /* * Generated documents */ $ref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref); $subdir = get_exdir($object->id, 2, 0, 0, $object, 'invoice_supplier').$ref; $filedir = $conf->fournisseur->facture->dir_output.'/'.$subdir; $urlsource = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?id='.$object->id; $genallowed = $usercanread; $delallowed = $usercancreate; $modelpdf = (!empty($object->model_pdf) ? $object->model_pdf : (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_SUPPLIER_ADDON_PDF) ? '' : $conf->global->INVOICE_SUPPLIER_ADDON_PDF)); print $formfile->showdocuments('facture_fournisseur', $subdir, $filedir, $urlsource, $genallowed, $delallowed, $modelpdf, 1, 0, 0, 40, 0, '', '', '', $societe->default_lang); $somethingshown = $formfile->numoffiles; // Show links to link elements $linktoelem = $form->showLinkToObjectBlock($object, null, array('invoice_supplier')); $somethingshown = $form->showLinkedObjectBlock($object, $linktoelem); print '
'; //print ''; //print '
'; // List of actions on element include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formactions.class.php'; $formactions = new FormActions($db); $somethingshown = $formactions->showactions($object, 'invoice_supplier', $socid, 1, 'listaction'.($genallowed ? 'largetitle' : '')); print '
'; //print ''; } } } // Select mail models is same action as presend if (GETPOST('modelselected')) { $action = 'presend'; } // Presend form $modelmail = 'invoice_supplier_send'; $defaulttopic = 'SendBillRef'; $diroutput = $conf->fournisseur->facture->dir_output; $autocopy = 'MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_TO'; $trackid = 'sinv'.$object->id; include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/tpl/card_presend.tpl.php'; } } // End of page llxFooter(); $db->close();