/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* * Copyright © 2008, 2009 Gustavo Noronha Silva * Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2014 Igalia S.L. * * This file is part of Epiphany. * * Epiphany is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Epiphany is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Epiphany. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "ephy-web-view.h" #include "ephy-about-handler.h" #include "ephy-debug.h" #include "ephy-embed-container.h" #include "ephy-embed-prefs.h" #include "ephy-embed-shell.h" #include "ephy-embed-type-builtins.h" #include "ephy-embed-utils.h" #include "ephy-embed.h" #include "ephy-favicon-helpers.h" #include "ephy-file-chooser.h" #include "ephy-file-helpers.h" #include "ephy-file-monitor.h" #include "ephy-filters-manager.h" #include "ephy-gsb-utils.h" #include "ephy-history-service.h" #include "ephy-lib-type-builtins.h" #include "ephy-permissions-manager.h" #include "ephy-prefs.h" #include "ephy-reader-handler.h" #include "ephy-settings.h" #include "ephy-snapshot-service.h" #include "ephy-string.h" #include "ephy-uri-helpers.h" #include "ephy-pdf-handler.h" #include "ephy-view-source-handler.h" #include "ephy-web-app-utils.h" #include "ephy-zoom.h" #include #include #include #include /** * SECTION:ephy-web-view * @short_description: Epiphany custom #WebkitWebView * * #EphyWebView wraps #WebkitWebView implementing custom functionality on top of * it. */ #define EPHY_PAGE_TEMPLATE_ERROR "/org/gnome/epiphany/page-templates/error.html" #define EPHY_PAGE_TEMPLATE_ERROR_CSS "/org/gnome/epiphany/page-templates/error.css" static guint64 web_view_uid = 1; struct _EphyWebView { WebKitWebView parent_instance; EphySecurityLevel security_level; EphyWebViewDocumentType document_type; EphyWebViewNavigationFlags nav_flags; /* Flags */ guint is_blank : 1; guint is_setting_zoom : 1; guint load_failed : 1; guint history_frozen : 1; guint ever_committed : 1; guint in_auth_dialog : 1; char *address; char *display_address; char *typed_address; char *last_committed_address; char *loading_message; char *link_message; GdkPixbuf *icon; /* Reader mode */ gboolean entering_reader_mode; gboolean reader_mode_available; guint reader_js_timeout; /* Local file watch. */ EphyFileMonitor *file_monitor; GtkWidget *geolocation_info_bar; GtkWidget *notification_info_bar; GtkWidget *microphone_info_bar; GtkWidget *webcam_info_bar; GtkWidget *webcam_mic_info_bar; GtkWidget *password_info_bar; GtkWidget *password_form_info_bar; GtkWidget *itp_info_bar; EphyHistoryService *history_service; GCancellable *cancellable; guint snapshot_timeout_id; char *pending_snapshot_uri; EphyHistoryPageVisitType visit_type; /* TLS information. */ GTlsCertificate *certificate; GTlsCertificateFlags tls_errors; gboolean bypass_safe_browsing; gboolean loading_error_page; char *tls_error_failing_uri; EphyWebViewErrorPage error_page; guint unresponsive_process_timeout_id; GtkWidget *unresponsive_process_dialog; guint64 uid; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_ADDRESS, PROP_DOCUMENT_TYPE, PROP_ICON, PROP_LINK_MESSAGE, PROP_NAVIGATION, PROP_SECURITY, PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE, PROP_TYPED_ADDRESS, PROP_IS_BLANK, PROP_READER_MODE, PROP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS, PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE, LAST_PROP }; static GParamSpec *obj_properties[LAST_PROP]; G_DEFINE_TYPE (EphyWebView, ephy_web_view, WEBKIT_TYPE_WEB_VIEW) static void open_response_cb (GtkFileChooser *dialog, gint response, WebKitFileChooserRequest *request) { if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { GSList *file_list = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames (dialog); GPtrArray *file_array = g_ptr_array_new (); for (GSList *file = file_list; file; file = g_slist_next (file)) g_ptr_array_add (file_array, file->data); g_ptr_array_add (file_array, NULL); webkit_file_chooser_request_select_files (request, (const char * const *)file_array->pdata); g_slist_free_full (file_list, g_free); g_ptr_array_free (file_array, FALSE); g_settings_set_string (EPHY_SETTINGS_WEB, EPHY_PREFS_WEB_LAST_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY, gtk_file_chooser_get_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog))); } else { webkit_file_chooser_request_cancel (request); } g_object_unref (request); g_object_unref (dialog); } static gboolean ephy_web_view_run_file_chooser (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitFileChooserRequest *request) { GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (web_view)); GtkFileChooser *dialog; gboolean allows_multiple_selection = webkit_file_chooser_request_get_select_multiple (request); GtkFileFilter *filter = webkit_file_chooser_request_get_mime_types_filter (request); dialog = ephy_create_file_chooser (_("Open"), GTK_WIDGET (toplevel), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, EPHY_FILE_FILTER_ALL); if (filter) { gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), filter); gtk_file_chooser_set_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), filter); } gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), g_settings_get_string (EPHY_SETTINGS_WEB, EPHY_PREFS_WEB_LAST_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY)); gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), allows_multiple_selection); g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (open_response_cb), g_object_ref (request)); gtk_native_dialog_show (GTK_NATIVE_DIALOG (dialog)); return TRUE; } static void ephy_web_view_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ADDRESS: g_value_set_string (value, view->address); break; case PROP_TYPED_ADDRESS: g_value_set_string (value, view->typed_address); break; case PROP_DOCUMENT_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, view->document_type); break; case PROP_ICON: g_value_set_object (value, view->icon); break; case PROP_LINK_MESSAGE: g_value_set_string (value, view->link_message); break; case PROP_NAVIGATION: g_value_set_flags (value, view->nav_flags); break; case PROP_SECURITY: g_value_set_enum (value, view->security_level); break; case PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE: g_value_set_string (value, ephy_web_view_get_status_message (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object))); break; case PROP_IS_BLANK: g_value_set_boolean (value, view->is_blank); break; case PROP_READER_MODE: g_value_set_boolean (value, view->reader_mode_available); break; case PROP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS: g_value_set_string (value, view->display_address); break; case PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE: g_value_set_boolean (value, view->entering_reader_mode); break; default: break; } } static void ephy_web_view_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TYPED_ADDRESS: ephy_web_view_set_typed_address (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object), g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_ADDRESS: case PROP_DOCUMENT_TYPE: case PROP_ICON: case PROP_LINK_MESSAGE: case PROP_NAVIGATION: case PROP_SECURITY: case PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE: case PROP_IS_BLANK: case PROP_READER_MODE: case PROP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS: case PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE: /* read only */ break; default: break; } } static gboolean ephy_web_view_key_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event) { EphyWebView *web_view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (widget); gboolean key_handled = FALSE; key_handled = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (ephy_web_view_parent_class)->key_press_event (widget, event); if (key_handled) return TRUE; g_signal_emit_by_name (web_view, "search-key-press", event, &key_handled); return key_handled; } static gboolean ephy_web_view_button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event) { /* These are the special cases WebkitWebView doesn't handle but we have an * interest in handling. */ /* Handle typical back/forward mouse buttons. */ if (event->button == 8) { webkit_web_view_go_back (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (widget)); return TRUE; } if (event->button == 9) { webkit_web_view_go_forward (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (widget)); return TRUE; } /* Let WebKitWebView handle this. */ return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (ephy_web_view_parent_class)->button_press_event (widget, event); } static void untrack_info_bar (GtkWidget **tracked_info_bar) { g_assert (tracked_info_bar); g_assert (!*tracked_info_bar || GTK_IS_INFO_BAR (*tracked_info_bar)); if (*tracked_info_bar) { g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (*tracked_info_bar), (gpointer *)tracked_info_bar); gtk_widget_destroy (*tracked_info_bar); *tracked_info_bar = NULL; } } static void track_info_bar (GtkWidget *new_info_bar, GtkWidget **tracked_info_bar) { g_assert (GTK_IS_INFO_BAR (new_info_bar)); g_assert (tracked_info_bar); g_assert (!*tracked_info_bar || GTK_IS_INFO_BAR (*tracked_info_bar)); untrack_info_bar (tracked_info_bar); *tracked_info_bar = new_info_bar; g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (new_info_bar), (gpointer *)tracked_info_bar); } static GtkWidget * ephy_web_view_create_form_auth_save_confirmation_info_bar (EphyWebView *web_view, const char *origin, const char *username) { GtkWidget *info_bar; GtkWidget *content_area; GtkWidget *label; char *message; LOG ("Going to show infobar about %s", webkit_web_view_get_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view))); info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("Not No_w"), GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE, _("_Never Save"), GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, _("_Save"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES, NULL); label = gtk_label_new (NULL); /* Translators: The %s the hostname where this is happening. * Example: mail.google.com. */ message = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("Do you want to save your password for “%s”?"), origin); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), message); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); g_free (message); content_area = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar)); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), label); gtk_widget_show (label); track_info_bar (info_bar, &web_view->password_info_bar); ephy_embed_add_top_widget (EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), info_bar, EPHY_EMBED_TOP_WIDGET_POLICY_RETAIN_ON_TRANSITION); return info_bar; } typedef struct { EphyPasswordSaveRequestCallback callback; gpointer callback_data; GDestroyNotify callback_destroy; } SaveRequestData; static void save_auth_request_destroy (SaveRequestData *data, GClosure *ignored) { if (data->callback_destroy) data->callback_destroy (data->callback_data); g_free (data); } static void info_bar_save_request_response_cb (GtkInfoBar *info_bar, gint response_id, SaveRequestData *data) { g_assert (data->callback); data->callback (response_id, data->callback_data); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (info_bar)); } void ephy_web_view_show_auth_form_save_request (EphyWebView *web_view, const char *origin, const char *username, EphyPasswordSaveRequestCallback response_callback, gpointer response_data, GDestroyNotify response_destroy) { GtkWidget *info_bar; SaveRequestData *data; info_bar = ephy_web_view_create_form_auth_save_confirmation_info_bar (web_view, origin, username); data = g_new (SaveRequestData, 1); data->callback = response_callback; data->callback_data = response_data; data->callback_destroy = response_destroy; g_signal_connect_data (info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (info_bar_save_request_response_cb), data, (GClosureNotify)save_auth_request_destroy, 0); gtk_widget_show (info_bar); } static void update_navigation_flags (WebKitWebView *view) { guint flags = 0; if (webkit_web_view_can_go_back (view)) flags |= EPHY_WEB_VIEW_NAV_BACK; if (webkit_web_view_can_go_forward (view)) flags |= EPHY_WEB_VIEW_NAV_FORWARD; if (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (view)->nav_flags != (EphyWebViewNavigationFlags)flags) { EPHY_WEB_VIEW (view)->nav_flags = (EphyWebViewNavigationFlags)flags; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_NAVIGATION]); } } static void ephy_web_view_freeze_history (EphyWebView *view) { view->history_frozen = TRUE; } static void ephy_web_view_thaw_history (EphyWebView *view) { view->history_frozen = FALSE; } static gboolean ephy_web_view_is_history_frozen (EphyWebView *view) { return view->history_frozen; } static void got_snapshot_path_cb (EphySnapshotService *service, GAsyncResult *result, char *url) { char *snapshot; GError *error = NULL; snapshot = ephy_snapshot_service_get_snapshot_path_finish (service, result, &error); if (snapshot) { ephy_embed_shell_set_thumbnail_path (ephy_embed_shell_get_default (), url, snapshot); g_free (snapshot); } else { /* Bad luck, not something to warn about. */ if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_info ("Failed to get snapshot for URL %s: %s", url, error->message); g_error_free (error); } g_free (url); } static void take_snapshot (EphyWebView *view) { EphySnapshotService *service = ephy_snapshot_service_get_default (); ephy_snapshot_service_get_snapshot_path_async (service, WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), view->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)got_snapshot_path_cb, g_strdup (view->pending_snapshot_uri)); } static void history_service_query_urls_cb (EphyHistoryService *service, gboolean success, GList *urls, EphyWebView *view) { const char *url = webkit_web_view_get_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); if (!success) goto out; /* Have we already started a new load? */ if (g_strcmp0 (url, view->pending_snapshot_uri) != 0) goto out; for (GList *l = urls; l; l = g_list_next (l)) { EphyHistoryURL *history_url = l->data; /* Take snapshot if this URL is one of the top history results. */ if (strcmp (history_url->url, view->pending_snapshot_uri) == 0) { take_snapshot (view); break; } } out: g_clear_pointer (&view->pending_snapshot_uri, g_free); g_object_unref (view); } static gboolean maybe_take_snapshot (EphyWebView *view) { EphyEmbedShell *shell; EphyHistoryService *service; EphyHistoryQuery *query; view->snapshot_timeout_id = 0; if (view->error_page != EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NONE) return FALSE; shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); service = ephy_embed_shell_get_global_history_service (shell); /* We want to save snapshots for just a couple more pages than are present * in the overview, so new snapshots are immediately available when the user * deletes a couple pages from the overview. Let's say five more. */ query = ephy_history_query_new_for_overview (); query->limit += 5; ephy_history_service_query_urls (service, query, NULL, (EphyHistoryJobCallback)history_service_query_urls_cb, g_object_ref (view)); ephy_history_query_free (query); return FALSE; } static void _ephy_web_view_update_icon (EphyWebView *view) { g_clear_object (&view->icon); if (view->address) { cairo_surface_t *icon_surface = webkit_web_view_get_favicon (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); if (icon_surface) { gint scale = gtk_widget_get_scale_factor (GTK_WIDGET (view)); view->icon = ephy_pixbuf_get_from_surface_scaled (icon_surface, scale * FAVICON_SIZE, scale * FAVICON_SIZE); } } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_ICON]); } static void icon_changed_cb (EphyWebView *view, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { _ephy_web_view_update_icon (view); } static void password_form_focused_cb (EphyEmbedShell *shell, guint64 page_id, gboolean insecure_form_action, EphyWebView *web_view) { GtkWidget *info_bar; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *content_area; if (web_view->password_form_info_bar) return; if (webkit_web_view_get_page_id (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view)) != page_id) return; if (!insecure_form_action && ephy_security_level_is_secure (web_view->security_level)) return; /* Translators: Message appears when insecure password form is focused. */ label = gtk_label_new (_("Heads-up: this form is not secure. If you type your password, it will not be kept private.")); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); gtk_widget_show (label); info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new (); gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar), GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING); gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar), TRUE); content_area = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar)); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), label); g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_hide), NULL); track_info_bar (info_bar, &web_view->password_form_info_bar); ephy_embed_add_top_widget (EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), info_bar, EPHY_EMBED_TOP_WIDGET_POLICY_DESTROY_ON_TRANSITION); gtk_widget_show (info_bar); } static void allow_tls_certificate_cb (EphyEmbedShell *shell, guint64 page_id, EphyWebView *view) { g_autoptr (GUri) uri = NULL; if (webkit_web_view_get_page_id (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)) != page_id) return; g_assert (G_IS_TLS_CERTIFICATE (view->certificate)); g_assert (view->tls_error_failing_uri != NULL); uri = g_uri_parse (view->tls_error_failing_uri, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE, NULL); webkit_web_context_allow_tls_certificate_for_host (ephy_embed_shell_get_web_context (shell), view->certificate, g_uri_get_host (uri)); ephy_web_view_load_url (view, ephy_web_view_get_address (view)); } static void allow_unsafe_browsing_cb (EphyEmbedShell *shell, guint64 page_id, EphyWebView *view) { if (webkit_web_view_get_page_id (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)) != page_id) return; ephy_web_view_set_should_bypass_safe_browsing (view, TRUE); ephy_web_view_load_url (view, ephy_web_view_get_address (view)); } static void _ephy_web_view_set_is_blank (EphyWebView *view, gboolean is_blank) { if (view->is_blank != is_blank) { view->is_blank = is_blank; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_IS_BLANK]); } } static void readability_js_finish_cb (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (user_data); g_autoptr (WebKitJavascriptResult) js_result = NULL; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; JSCValue *jsc_value; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (object), result, &error); if (!js_result) { if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Error running javascript: %s", error->message); return; } jsc_value = webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result); if (!jsc_value_is_boolean (jsc_value)) { return; } view->reader_mode_available = jsc_value_to_boolean (jsc_value); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_READER_MODE]); } static gboolean run_readability_js_if_needed (gpointer data) { EphyWebView *web_view = data; /* Internal pages should never receive reader mode. */ if (!ephy_embed_utils_is_no_show_address (web_view->address)) { webkit_web_view_run_javascript_from_gresource (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), "/org/gnome/epiphany/readability/Readability-readerable.js", web_view->cancellable, readability_js_finish_cb, web_view); } web_view->reader_js_timeout = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void title_changed_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, GParamSpec *spec, gpointer data) { const char *uri; const char *title; char *title_from_address = NULL; EphyWebView *webview = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); EphyHistoryService *history = webview->history_service; uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); title = webkit_web_view_get_title (web_view); if (!title && uri) title = title_from_address = ephy_embed_utils_get_title_from_address (uri); /* FIXME: we don't follow the same rules for transforming uri here that we do * when adding it to the history db in load_committed. Should probably try to * use EphyWebView:address instead? */ if (uri && title && *title && !ephy_web_view_is_history_frozen (webview)) ephy_history_service_set_url_title (history, uri, title, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (title_from_address); } static void ephy_web_view_set_display_address (EphyWebView *view) { g_clear_pointer (&view->display_address, g_free); if (view->address) { if (g_str_has_prefix (view->address, EPHY_PDF_SCHEME)) view->display_address = ephy_uri_decode (view->address + strlen (EPHY_PDF_SCHEME) + 1); else view->display_address = ephy_uri_decode (view->address); } } /* * Sets the view location to be address. Note that this function might * also set the typed-address property to NULL. */ static void ephy_web_view_set_address (EphyWebView *view, const char *address) { GObject *object = G_OBJECT (view); gboolean was_empty; if (g_strcmp0 (view->address, address) == 0) return; was_empty = view->address == NULL; g_free (view->address); view->address = g_strdup (address); ephy_web_view_set_display_address (view); _ephy_web_view_set_is_blank (view, ephy_embed_utils_url_is_empty (address)); /* If the view was empty there is no need to clean the typed address. */ if (!was_empty && ephy_web_view_is_loading (view) && view->typed_address != NULL) ephy_web_view_set_typed_address (view, NULL); g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, obj_properties[PROP_ADDRESS]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, obj_properties[PROP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS]); } static void uri_changed_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, GParamSpec *spec, gpointer data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); if (view->document_type != EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_PDF) ephy_web_view_set_address (view, webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view)); } static void mouse_target_changed_cb (EphyWebView *web_view, WebKitHitTestResult *hit_test_result, guint modifiers, gpointer data) { const char *message = NULL; if (webkit_hit_test_result_context_is_link (hit_test_result)) message = webkit_hit_test_result_get_link_uri (hit_test_result); ephy_web_view_set_link_message (web_view, message); } static void process_terminated_cb (EphyWebView *web_view, WebKitWebProcessTerminationReason reason, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebViewErrorPage error_page = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PROCESS_CRASH; switch (reason) { case WEBKIT_WEB_PROCESS_CRASHED: g_warning (_("Web process crashed")); break; case WEBKIT_WEB_PROCESS_EXCEEDED_MEMORY_LIMIT: g_warning (_("Web process terminated due to exceeding memory limit")); break; case WEBKIT_WEB_PROCESS_TERMINATED_BY_API: g_warning (_("Web process terminated by API request")); error_page = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_UNRESPONSIVE_PROCESS; break; } if (!ephy_embed_has_load_pending (EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view))) { ephy_web_view_load_error_page (web_view, ephy_web_view_get_address (web_view), error_page, NULL, NULL); } } static gboolean unresponsive_process_timeout_cb (gpointer user_data); static void on_unresponsive_dialog_response (GtkDialog *dialog, int response_id, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *web_view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (user_data); if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) webkit_web_view_terminate_web_process (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view)); else web_view->unresponsive_process_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH, 5, (GSourceFunc)unresponsive_process_timeout_cb, web_view, NULL); g_clear_pointer (&web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); } static gboolean unresponsive_process_timeout_cb (gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *web_view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (user_data); if (!gtk_widget_get_mapped (GTK_WIDGET (web_view))) return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (web_view))), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | GTK_DIALOG_USE_HEADER_BAR, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_NONE, _("The current page '%s' is unresponsive"), ephy_web_view_get_address (web_view)); gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog), _("_Wait"), GTK_RESPONSE_NO); gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog), _("_Kill"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES); g_signal_connect (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (on_unresponsive_dialog_response), web_view); gtk_widget_show_all (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog); web_view->unresponsive_process_timeout_id = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void is_web_process_responsive_changed_cb (EphyWebView *web_view, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { gboolean responsive = webkit_web_view_get_is_web_process_responsive (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view)); g_clear_handle_id (&web_view->unresponsive_process_timeout_id, g_source_remove); if (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog && responsive) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog, on_unresponsive_dialog_response, web_view); g_clear_pointer (&web_view->unresponsive_process_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); } if (!responsive) { web_view->unresponsive_process_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH, 10, (GSourceFunc)unresponsive_process_timeout_cb, web_view, NULL); } } static gboolean decide_policy_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitPolicyDecision *decision, WebKitPolicyDecisionType decision_type, gpointer user_data) { WebKitResponsePolicyDecision *response_decision; WebKitURIResponse *response; WebKitURIRequest *request; WebKitWebResource *main_resource; EphyWebViewDocumentType type; const char *mime_type; const char *request_uri; gboolean is_main_resource; if (decision_type != WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_RESPONSE) return FALSE; /* If WebKit can handle the MIME type, let it. * Otherwise, we'll start a download. */ response_decision = WEBKIT_RESPONSE_POLICY_DECISION (decision); if (webkit_response_policy_decision_is_mime_type_supported (response_decision)) return FALSE; response = webkit_response_policy_decision_get_response (response_decision); mime_type = webkit_uri_response_get_mime_type (response); request = webkit_response_policy_decision_get_request (response_decision); request_uri = webkit_uri_request_get_uri (request); main_resource = webkit_web_view_get_main_resource (web_view); is_main_resource = g_strcmp0 (webkit_web_resource_get_uri (main_resource), request_uri) == 0; /* If it's not the main resource, we don't need to set the document type. */ if (is_main_resource) { const char *method = webkit_uri_request_get_http_method (request); type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_OTHER; if (strcmp (mime_type, "text/html") == 0 || strcmp (mime_type, "text/plain") == 0) { type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_HTML; } else if (strcmp (mime_type, "application/xhtml+xml") == 0) { type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_XML; } else if (strncmp (mime_type, "image/", 6) == 0) { type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_IMAGE; } else if (strcmp (mime_type, "application/pdf") == 0 && strcmp (method, "GET") == 0) { g_autofree char *pdf_uri = NULL; /* FIXME: figure out how to make PDFs work in iframes. */ type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_PDF; EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->document_type = type; pdf_uri = g_strconcat (EPHY_PDF_SCHEME, ":", request_uri, NULL); webkit_web_view_load_uri (web_view, pdf_uri); return FALSE; } /* FIXME: maybe it makes more sense to have an API to query the mime * type when the load of a page starts than doing this here. */ if (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->document_type != type) { EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->document_type = type; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (web_view), obj_properties[PROP_DOCUMENT_TYPE]); } } webkit_policy_decision_download (decision); return TRUE; } typedef struct { EphyWebView *web_view; WebKitPermissionRequest *request; char *origin; } PermissionRequestData; static PermissionRequestData * permission_request_data_new (EphyWebView *web_view, WebKitPermissionRequest *request, const char *origin) { PermissionRequestData *data; data = g_new (PermissionRequestData, 1); data->web_view = web_view; /* Ref the decision to keep it alive while we decide */ data->request = g_object_ref (request); data->origin = g_strdup (origin); return data; } static void permission_request_data_free (PermissionRequestData *data) { g_object_unref (data->request); g_free (data->origin); g_free (data); } static void permission_request_info_bar_destroyed_cb (PermissionRequestData *data, GObject *where_the_info_bar_was) { webkit_permission_request_deny (data->request); permission_request_data_free (data); } static void decide_on_permission_request (GtkWidget *info_bar, int response, PermissionRequestData *data) { const char *address; EphyPermissionType permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_YES: webkit_permission_request_allow (data->request); break; default: webkit_permission_request_deny (data->request); break; } if (WEBKIT_IS_GEOLOCATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST (data->request)) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_LOCATION; } else if (WEBKIT_IS_NOTIFICATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST (data->request)) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS; } else if (WEBKIT_IS_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (data->request)) { gboolean is_for_audio_device = webkit_user_media_permission_is_for_audio_device (WEBKIT_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (data->request)); gboolean is_for_video_device = webkit_user_media_permission_is_for_video_device (WEBKIT_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (data->request)); if (is_for_audio_device) { if (is_for_video_device) permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE; else permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE; } else if (is_for_video_device) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM; } } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } address = ephy_web_view_get_address (data->web_view); if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_NONE && ephy_embed_utils_address_has_web_scheme (address)) { EphyEmbedShell *shell; EphyPermissionsManager *permissions_manager; shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); permissions_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_permissions_manager (shell); if (permission_type != EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE) { ephy_permissions_manager_set_permission (permissions_manager, permission_type, data->origin, response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES ? EPHY_PERMISSION_PERMIT : EPHY_PERMISSION_DENY); } else { ephy_permissions_manager_set_permission (permissions_manager, EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM, data->origin, response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES ? EPHY_PERMISSION_PERMIT : EPHY_PERMISSION_DENY); ephy_permissions_manager_set_permission (permissions_manager, EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE, data->origin, response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES ? EPHY_PERMISSION_PERMIT : EPHY_PERMISSION_DENY); } } g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (info_bar), (GWeakNotify)permission_request_info_bar_destroyed_cb, data); gtk_widget_destroy (info_bar); permission_request_data_free (data); } static void show_permission_request_info_bar (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitPermissionRequest *decision, EphyPermissionType permission_type) { PermissionRequestData *data; GtkWidget *info_bar; GtkWidget *content_area; GtkWidget *label; char *message; char *origin; char *bold_origin; info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("Deny"), GTK_RESPONSE_NO, _("Allow"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES, NULL); /* Label */ origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view)); if (origin == NULL) return; bold_origin = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s", origin); switch (permission_type) { case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS: /* Translators: Notification policy for a specific site. */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("The page at %s wants to show desktop notifications."), bold_origin); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_LOCATION: /* Translators: Geolocation policy for a specific site. */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("The page at %s wants to know your location."), bold_origin); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE: /* Translators: Microphone policy for a specific site. */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("The page at %s wants to use your microphone."), bold_origin); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM: /* Translators: Webcam policy for a specific site. */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("The page at %s wants to use your webcam."), bold_origin); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE: /* Translators: Webcam and microphone policy for a specific site. */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("The page at %s wants to use your webcam and microphone."), bold_origin); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SAVE_PASSWORD: default: g_assert_not_reached (); } label = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), message); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); content_area = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar)); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), label); gtk_widget_show_all (info_bar); data = permission_request_data_new (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), decision, origin); g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (decide_on_permission_request), data); g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (info_bar), (GWeakNotify)permission_request_info_bar_destroyed_cb, data); switch (permission_type) { case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS: track_info_bar (info_bar, &EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->notification_info_bar); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_LOCATION: track_info_bar (info_bar, &EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->geolocation_info_bar); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE: track_info_bar (info_bar, &EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->microphone_info_bar); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM: track_info_bar (info_bar, &EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->webcam_info_bar); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE: track_info_bar (info_bar, &EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->webcam_mic_info_bar); break; case EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SAVE_PASSWORD: default: g_assert_not_reached (); } ephy_embed_add_top_widget (EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), info_bar, EPHY_EMBED_TOP_WIDGET_POLICY_DESTROY_ON_TRANSITION); g_free (message); g_free (origin); g_free (bold_origin); } static void decide_on_itp_permission_request (GtkWidget *info_bar, int response, WebKitPermissionRequest *request) { switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_YES: webkit_permission_request_allow (request); break; default: webkit_permission_request_deny (request); break; } g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (info_bar), "ephy-itp-decision", NULL); gtk_widget_destroy (info_bar); } static void ephy_web_view_show_itp_permission_info_bar (EphyWebView *web_view, WebKitWebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest *decision) { GtkWidget *info_bar; GtkWidget *content_area; GtkWidget *box; GtkWidget *label; g_autofree char *message = NULL; g_autofree char *secondary_message = NULL; g_autofree char *markup = NULL; const char *requesting_domain; const char *current_domain; info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("Deny"), GTK_RESPONSE_NO, _("Allow"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES, NULL); box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); requesting_domain = webkit_website_data_access_permission_request_get_requesting_domain (decision); current_domain = webkit_website_data_access_permission_request_get_current_domain (decision); message = g_strdup_printf (_("Do you want to allow “%s” to use cookies while browsing “%s”?"), requesting_domain, current_domain); markup = g_strdup_printf ("%s", message); label = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), label); gtk_widget_show (label); secondary_message = g_strdup_printf (_("This will allow “%s” to track your activity."), requesting_domain); label = gtk_label_new (secondary_message); gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box), label); gtk_widget_show (label); content_area = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar)); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), box); gtk_widget_show (box); track_info_bar (info_bar, &web_view->itp_info_bar); g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (decide_on_itp_permission_request), decision); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (info_bar), "ephy-itp-decision", g_object_ref (decision), g_object_unref); ephy_embed_add_top_widget (EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), info_bar, EPHY_EMBED_TOP_WIDGET_POLICY_DESTROY_ON_TRANSITION); gtk_widget_show (info_bar); } static gboolean permission_request_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitPermissionRequest *decision) { const char *address; char *origin; EphyEmbedShell *shell; EphyPermissionsManager *permissions_manager; EphyPermission permission; EphyPermissionType permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS; shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); if (WEBKIT_IS_GEOLOCATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_LOCATION; } else if (WEBKIT_IS_NOTIFICATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS; } else if (WEBKIT_IS_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)) { gboolean is_for_audio_device = webkit_user_media_permission_is_for_audio_device (WEBKIT_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)); gboolean is_for_video_device = webkit_user_media_permission_is_for_video_device (WEBKIT_USER_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)); if (is_for_audio_device) { if (is_for_video_device) permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE; else permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE; } else if (is_for_video_device) { permission_type = EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM; } else { return FALSE; } } else if (WEBKIT_IS_WEBSITE_DATA_ACCESS_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)) { ephy_web_view_show_itp_permission_info_bar (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), WEBKIT_WEBSITE_DATA_ACCESS_PERMISSION_REQUEST (decision)); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } address = ephy_web_view_get_address (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)); origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (address); if (origin == NULL) return FALSE; permissions_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_permissions_manager (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()); if (permission_type != EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM_AND_MICROPHONE) { permission = ephy_permissions_manager_get_permission (permissions_manager, permission_type, origin); } else { EphyPermission video_permission; EphyPermission mic_permission; video_permission = ephy_permissions_manager_get_permission (permissions_manager, EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_WEBCAM, origin); mic_permission = ephy_permissions_manager_get_permission (permissions_manager, EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_ACCESS_MICROPHONE, origin); if (video_permission == mic_permission) permission = video_permission; else permission = EPHY_PERMISSION_UNDECIDED; } switch (permission) { case EPHY_PERMISSION_PERMIT: webkit_permission_request_allow (decision); goto out; case EPHY_PERMISSION_DENY: webkit_permission_request_deny (decision); goto out; case EPHY_PERMISSION_UNDECIDED: /* Application mode implies being OK with notifications. */ if (permission_type == EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS && ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (shell) == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_APPLICATION) { ephy_permissions_manager_set_permission (permissions_manager, permission_type, origin, EPHY_PERMISSION_PERMIT); webkit_permission_request_allow (decision); } else { show_permission_request_info_bar (web_view, decision, permission_type); } } out: g_free (origin); return TRUE; } static void get_host_for_url_cb (gpointer service, gboolean success, gpointer result_data, gpointer user_data) { EphyHistoryHost *host; EphyWebView *view; double current_zoom; double set_zoom; if (success == FALSE) return; view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (user_data); host = (EphyHistoryHost *)result_data; current_zoom = webkit_web_view_get_zoom_level (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); /* Use default zoom level in case web page is * - not visited before * - uses default zoom level (0) */ if (host->visit_count == 0 || host->zoom_level == 0.0) { set_zoom = g_settings_get_double (EPHY_SETTINGS_WEB, EPHY_PREFS_WEB_DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL); } else { set_zoom = host->zoom_level; } if (set_zoom != current_zoom) { view->is_setting_zoom = TRUE; webkit_web_view_set_zoom_level (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), set_zoom); view->is_setting_zoom = FALSE; } } static void restore_zoom_level (EphyWebView *view, const char *address) { if (ephy_embed_utils_address_has_web_scheme (address)) ephy_history_service_get_host_for_url (view->history_service, address, view->cancellable, (EphyHistoryJobCallback)get_host_for_url_cb, view); } static void ephy_web_view_set_loading_message (EphyWebView *view, const char *address) { g_clear_pointer (&view->loading_message, g_free); if (address) { char *decoded_address; char *title; decoded_address = ephy_uri_decode (address); title = ephy_embed_utils_get_title_from_address (decoded_address); if (title != NULL && title[0] != '\0') { /* translators: %s here is the address of the web page */ view->loading_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Loading “%s”…"), title); } else { view->loading_message = g_strdup (_("Loading…")); } g_free (decoded_address); g_free (title); } else { view->loading_message = g_strdup (_("Loading…")); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE]); } static void ephy_web_view_unset_loading_message (EphyWebView *view) { g_clear_pointer (&view->loading_message, g_free); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE]); } static void ephy_web_view_set_committed_location (EphyWebView *view, const char *location) { GObject *object = G_OBJECT (view); g_object_freeze_notify (object); /* Do this up here so we still have the old address around. */ ephy_file_monitor_update_location (view->file_monitor, location); if (location == NULL || location[0] == '\0') { ephy_web_view_set_address (view, NULL); } else if (g_str_has_prefix (location, EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME ":applications")) { g_autoptr (GUri) uri = NULL; g_autofree char *new_address = NULL; /* Strip the query from the URL for about:applications. */ uri = g_uri_parse (location, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE, NULL); new_address = g_uri_to_string_partial (uri, G_URI_HIDE_QUERY); ephy_web_view_set_address (view, new_address); } else { /* We do this to get rid of an eventual password in the URL. */ ephy_web_view_set_address (view, location); ephy_web_view_set_loading_message (view, location); } g_clear_pointer (&view->last_committed_address, g_free); view->last_committed_address = g_strdup (view->address); ephy_web_view_set_link_message (view, NULL); _ephy_web_view_update_icon (view); g_object_thaw_notify (object); } static char * hostname_to_tld (const char *hostname) { g_auto (GStrv) parts = NULL; guint length; parts = g_strsplit (hostname, ".", 0); length = g_strv_length (parts); if (length >= 1) return g_strdup (parts[length - 1]); return g_strdup (""); } static void update_security_status_for_committed_load (EphyWebView *view, const char *uri) { EphySecurityLevel security_level = EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_NO_SECURITY; EphyEmbed *embed = NULL; GtkWidget *toplevel; WebKitWebContext *web_context; WebKitSecurityManager *security_manager; g_autoptr (GUri) guri = NULL; g_autofree char *tld = NULL; if (view->loading_error_page) return; if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, "ephy-webextension://")) { /* Hidden WebExtension webview, ignoring */ return; } toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view)); if (EPHY_IS_EMBED_CONTAINER (toplevel)) embed = EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (view); web_context = webkit_web_view_get_context (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); security_manager = webkit_web_context_get_security_manager (web_context); guri = g_uri_parse (uri, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE, NULL); g_clear_object (&view->certificate); g_clear_pointer (&view->tls_error_failing_uri, g_free); if (guri && g_uri_get_host (guri)) tld = hostname_to_tld (g_uri_get_host (guri)); if (!guri || strcmp (g_uri_get_scheme (guri), EPHY_VIEW_SOURCE_SCHEME) == 0 || strcmp (g_uri_get_scheme (guri), EPHY_READER_SCHEME) == 0 || strcmp (g_uri_get_scheme (guri), EPHY_PDF_SCHEME) == 0 || g_strcmp0 (tld, "") == 0 || g_strcmp0 (tld, "::1") == 0 || g_strcmp0 (tld, "localhost") == 0 || /* We trust localhost to be local since glib!616. */ webkit_security_manager_uri_scheme_is_local (security_manager, g_uri_get_scheme (guri)) || webkit_security_manager_uri_scheme_is_empty_document (security_manager, g_uri_get_scheme (guri))) { security_level = EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOCAL_PAGE; } else if (webkit_web_view_get_tls_info (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), &view->certificate, &view->tls_errors)) { g_object_ref (view->certificate); security_level = view->tls_errors == 0 ? EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_STRONG_SECURITY : EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_UNACCEPTABLE_CERTIFICATE; } else if (!embed || ephy_embed_has_load_pending (embed)) { security_level = EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_TO_BE_DETERMINED; } ephy_web_view_set_security_level (view, security_level); } static void update_ucm_ads_state (WebKitWebView *web_view, const char *uri) { WebKitUserContentManager *ucm = webkit_web_view_get_user_content_manager (web_view); EphyPermission permission = EPHY_PERMISSION_UNDECIDED; gboolean enable = FALSE; g_autofree gchar *origin = NULL; EphyEmbedShell *shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (uri); /* Check page setting first in case it overwrites global setting */ if (origin) permission = ephy_permissions_manager_get_permission (ephy_embed_shell_get_permissions_manager (shell), EPHY_PERMISSION_TYPE_SHOW_ADS, origin); enable = permission == EPHY_PERMISSION_DENY; if (permission == EPHY_PERMISSION_UNDECIDED && g_settings_get_boolean (EPHY_SETTINGS_WEB, EPHY_PREFS_WEB_ENABLE_ADBLOCK)) enable = TRUE; ephy_filters_manager_set_ucm_forbids_ads (ephy_embed_shell_get_filters_manager (shell), ucm, enable); } static void reset_background_color (WebKitWebView *web_view) { GdkRGBA white = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; /* https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206953#c2 */ webkit_web_view_set_background_color (web_view, &white); } static void load_changed_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitLoadEvent load_event, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); GObject *object = G_OBJECT (web_view); g_object_freeze_notify (object); view->in_auth_dialog = 0; /* Warning: the URI property may remain set to the URI of the * previously-loaded page until WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED! During * WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED, it may or may not match the URI being loaded. */ switch (load_event) { case WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED: { view->load_failed = FALSE; view->document_type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_HTML; g_clear_handle_id (&view->snapshot_timeout_id, g_source_remove); if (view->address == NULL || view->address[0] == '\0') { /* We've probably never loaded any page before. */ ephy_web_view_set_address (view, webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view)); } ephy_web_view_set_loading_message (view, NULL); break; } case WEBKIT_LOAD_REDIRECTED: break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED: { const char *uri; view->ever_committed = TRUE; /* Title and location. */ uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); ephy_web_view_set_committed_location (view, uri); update_security_status_for_committed_load (view, uri); update_ucm_ads_state (web_view, uri); /* History. */ if (ephy_embed_utils_is_no_show_address (uri)) ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); if (!ephy_web_view_is_history_frozen (view)) { char *history_uri = NULL; /* TODO: move the normalization down to the history service? */ if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME)) history_uri = g_strdup_printf ("about:%s", uri + EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME_LEN + 1); else if (g_str_has_prefix (uri, EPHY_PDF_SCHEME)) history_uri = g_strdup (uri + strlen (EPHY_PDF_SCHEME) + 1); else history_uri = g_strdup (uri); ephy_history_service_visit_url (view->history_service, history_uri, NULL, g_get_real_time (), view->visit_type, TRUE); g_free (history_uri); } if (view->loading_error_page) view->loading_error_page = FALSE; else view->error_page = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NONE; /* Zoom level. */ restore_zoom_level (view, uri); /* We have to reset the background color here because we set a * nonwhite background in constructed. */ if (!g_str_has_prefix (uri, EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME)) reset_background_color (web_view); break; } case WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED: ephy_web_view_unset_loading_message (view); /* Ensure we load the icon for this web view, if available. */ _ephy_web_view_update_icon (view); if (g_str_has_prefix (webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view), "ephy-pdf")) ephy_embed_shell_pdf_handler_stop (ephy_embed_shell_get_default (), web_view); /* Reset visit type. */ view->visit_type = EPHY_PAGE_VISIT_NONE; if (view->entering_reader_mode) { view->entering_reader_mode = FALSE; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (web_view), obj_properties[PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE]); } if (!ephy_web_view_is_history_frozen (view) && ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()) != EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_INCOGNITO) { /* FIXME: The 1s delay is a workaround to allow time to render the page and get a favicon. * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=761065 * https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=164180 */ if (view->snapshot_timeout_id == 0) { view->snapshot_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full (G_PRIORITY_LOW, 1, (GSourceFunc)maybe_take_snapshot, web_view, NULL); g_free (view->pending_snapshot_uri); view->pending_snapshot_uri = g_strdup (webkit_web_view_get_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view))); } } ephy_web_view_thaw_history (view); g_clear_handle_id (&view->reader_js_timeout, g_source_remove); if (!ephy_embed_utils_is_no_show_address (view->address)) view->reader_js_timeout = g_idle_add (run_readability_js_if_needed, web_view); break; default: break; } g_object_thaw_notify (object); } /** * ephy_web_view_set_placeholder: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @uri: uri that will eventually be loaded * @title: last-known title of the page that will eventually be loaded * * Makes the #EphyWebView pretend a page that will eventually be loaded is * already there. * **/ void ephy_web_view_set_placeholder (EphyWebView *view, const char *uri, const char *title) { char *html; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); /* We want only the actual load to be the one recorded in history, but * doing a load here is the simplest way to replace the loading * spinner with the favicon. */ ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); html = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s", title); webkit_web_view_load_alternate_html (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), html, uri, NULL); g_free (html); ephy_web_view_set_address (view, uri); } static char * get_style_sheet (void) { GBytes *bytes; char *sheet; bytes = g_resources_lookup_data (EPHY_PAGE_TEMPLATE_ERROR_CSS, 0, NULL); sheet = g_strdup (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL)); g_bytes_unref (bytes); return sheet; } static char * detailed_message_from_tls_errors (GTlsCertificateFlags tls_errors) { GPtrArray *errors = g_ptr_array_new (); char *retval = NULL; if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website presented identification that belongs to a different website.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification is too old to trust. Check the date on your computer’s calendar.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_CA) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification was not issued by a trusted organization.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_GENERIC_ERROR) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification could not be processed. It may be corrupted.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification has been revoked by the trusted organization that issued it.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_INSECURE) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification cannot be trusted because it uses very weak encryption.")); } if (tls_errors & G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_ACTIVATED) { /* Possible error message when a site presents a bad certificate. */ g_ptr_array_add (errors, _("This website’s identification is only valid for future dates. Check the date on your computer’s calendar.")); } if (errors->len == 1) { retval = g_strdup (g_ptr_array_index (errors, 0)); } else if (errors->len > 1) { GString *message = g_string_new ("
    "); guint i; for (i = 0; i < errors->len; i++) { g_string_append_printf (message, "
  • %s
  • ", (char *)g_ptr_array_index (errors, i)); } g_string_append (message, "
"); retval = g_string_free (message, FALSE); } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } g_ptr_array_free (errors, TRUE); return retval; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_error_page: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the error page currently displayed, or * %EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NONE. * **/ EphyWebViewErrorPage ephy_web_view_get_error_page (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); return view->error_page; } /* Note we go to some effort to avoid error-prone markup in translatable * strings. Everywhere, but also here on the error pages in particular. */ static void format_network_error_page (const char *uri, const char *origin, const char *reason, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **message_details, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { char *formatted_origin; char *formatted_reason; char *first_paragraph; const char *second_paragraph; /* Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Problem Loading Page")); /* Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("Unable to display this website")); formatted_origin = g_strdup_printf ("%s", origin); /* Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. */ first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("The site at %s seems to be " "unavailable."), formatted_origin); /* Further error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. */ second_paragraph = _("It may be temporarily inaccessible or moved to a new " "address. You may wish to verify that your internet " "connection is working correctly."); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("



", first_paragraph, second_paragraph); formatted_reason = g_strdup_printf ("%s", reason); g_free (first_paragraph); /* Technical details when a site cannot be loaded due to a network error. */ first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("The precise error was: %s"), formatted_reason); *message_details = g_strdup_printf ("


", first_paragraph); /* The button on the network error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Reload")); *button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.location = '%s';", uri); /* Mnemonic for the Reload button on browser error pages. */ *button_accesskey = C_("reload-access-key", "R"); *icon_name = "network-error-symbolic.svg"; *style = "default"; g_free (formatted_origin); g_free (formatted_reason); g_free (first_paragraph); } static void format_crash_error_page (const char *uri, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { char *formatted_uri; char *formatted_distributor; char *first_paragraph; char *second_paragraph; /* Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Problem Loading Page")); /* Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("Oops! There may be a problem")); formatted_uri = g_strdup_printf ("%s", uri); /* Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. */ first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("The page %s may have caused Web to " "close unexpectedly."), formatted_uri); formatted_distributor = g_strdup_printf ("%s", DISTRIBUTOR_NAME); /* Further error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a page crash error. */ second_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("If this happens again, please report " "the problem to the %s developers."), formatted_distributor); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("



", first_paragraph, second_paragraph); /* The button on the page crash error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Reload")); *button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.location = '%s';", uri); /* Mnemonic for the Reload button on browser error pages. */ *button_accesskey = C_("reload-access-key", "R"); *icon_name = "computer-fail-symbolic.svg"; *style = "default"; g_free (formatted_uri); g_free (formatted_distributor); g_free (first_paragraph); g_free (second_paragraph); } static void format_process_crash_error_page (const char *uri, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { const char *first_paragraph; /* Page title when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Problem Displaying Page")); /* Message title when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("Oops!")); /* Error details when a site cannot be loaded due to a process crash error. */ first_paragraph = _("Something went wrong while displaying this page. Please reload or visit a different page to continue."); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("


", first_paragraph); /* The button on the process crash error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Reload")); *button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.location = '%s';", uri); /* Mnemonic for the Reload button on browser error pages. */ *button_accesskey = C_("reload-access-key", "R"); *icon_name = "computer-fail-symbolic.svg"; *style = "default"; } static void format_unresponsive_process_error_page (const char *uri, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { const char *first_paragraph; /* Page title when web content has become unresponsive. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Unresponsive Page")); /* Message title when web content has become unresponsive. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("Uh-oh!")); /* Error details when web content has become unresponsive. */ first_paragraph = _("This page has been unresponsive for too long. Please reload or visit a different page to continue."); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("


", first_paragraph); /* The button on the unresponsive process error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Reload")); *button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.location = '%s';", uri); /* Mnemonic for the Reload button on browser error pages. */ *button_accesskey = C_("reload-access-key", "R"); *icon_name = "computer-fail-symbolic.svg"; *style = "default"; } static void format_tls_error_page (EphyWebView *view, const char *origin, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **message_details, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, char **hidden_button_label, char **hidden_button_action, const char **hidden_button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { char *formatted_origin; char *first_paragraph; /* Page title when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Security Violation")); /* Message title when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("This Connection is Not Secure")); formatted_origin = g_strdup_printf ("%s", origin); /* Error details when a site is not loaded due to an invalid TLS certificate. */ first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("This does not look like the real %s. " "Attackers might be trying to steal or " "alter information going to or from " "this site."), formatted_origin); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("


", first_paragraph); *message_details = detailed_message_from_tls_errors (view->tls_errors); /* The button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Go Back")); *button_action = g_strdup ("window.history.back();"); /* Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. */ *button_accesskey = C_("back-access-key", "B"); /* The hidden button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. Do not add mnemonics here. */ *hidden_button_label = g_strdup (_("Accept Risk and Proceed")); *hidden_button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.webkit.messageHandlers.tlsErrorPage.postMessage(%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT ");", webkit_web_view_get_page_id (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view))); /* Mnemonic for the Accept Risk and Proceed button on the invalid TLS certificate error page. */ *hidden_button_accesskey = C_("proceed-anyway-access-key", "P"); *icon_name = "channel-insecure-symbolic.svg"; *style = "danger"; g_free (formatted_origin); g_free (first_paragraph); } static void format_unsafe_browsing_error_page (EphyWebView *view, const char *origin, const char *threat_type, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **message_details, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, char **hidden_button_label, char **hidden_button_action, const char **hidden_button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { char *formatted_origin; char *first_paragraph; /* Page title when a site is flagged by Google Safe Browsing verification. */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("Security Warning")); /* Message title on the unsafe browsing error page. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("Unsafe website detected!")); formatted_origin = g_strdup_printf ("%s", origin); /* Error details on the unsafe browsing error page. * https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/v4/usage-limits#UserWarnings */ if (!g_strcmp0 (threat_type, GSB_THREAT_TYPE_MALWARE)) { first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("Visiting %s may harm your computer. This " "page appears to contain malicious code that could " "be downloaded to your computer without your consent."), formatted_origin); *message_details = g_strdup_printf (_("You can learn more about harmful web content " "including viruses and other malicious code " "and how to protect your computer at %s."), "" "www.stopbadware.org" ""); } else if (!g_strcmp0 (threat_type, GSB_THREAT_TYPE_SOCIAL_ENGINEERING)) { first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("Attackers on %s may trick you into doing " "something dangerous like installing software or " "revealing your personal information (for example, " "passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards)."), formatted_origin); *message_details = g_strdup_printf (_("You can find out more about social engineering " "(phishing) at %s or from %s."), "" "Social Engineering (Phishing and Deceptive Sites)" "", "" "www.antiphishing.org" ""); } else { first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("%s may contain harmful programs. Attackers might " "attempt to trick you into installing programs that " "harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing " "your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit)."), formatted_origin); *message_details = g_strdup_printf (_("You can learn more about unwanted software at %s."), "" "Unwanted Software Policy" ""); } *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("


", first_paragraph); /* The button on unsafe browsing error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Go Back")); *button_action = g_strdup ("window.history.back();"); /* Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the unsafe browsing error page. */ *button_accesskey = C_("back-access-key", "B"); /* The hidden button on the unsafe browsing error page. Do not add mnemonics here. */ *hidden_button_label = g_strdup (_("Accept Risk and Proceed")); *hidden_button_action = g_strdup_printf ("window.webkit.messageHandlers.unsafeBrowsingErrorPage.postMessage(%"G_GUINT64_FORMAT ");", webkit_web_view_get_page_id (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view))); /* Mnemonic for the Accept Risk and Proceed button on the unsafe browsing error page. */ *hidden_button_accesskey = C_("proceed-anyway-access-key", "P"); *icon_name = "security-high-symbolic.svg"; *style = "danger"; g_free (formatted_origin); g_free (first_paragraph); } static void format_no_such_file_error_page (EphyWebView *view, char **page_title, char **message_title, char **message_body, char **button_label, char **button_action, const char **button_accesskey, const char **icon_name, const char **style) { g_autofree gchar *formatted_origin = NULL; g_autofree gchar *first_paragraph = NULL; g_autofree gchar *second_paragraph = NULL; /* Page title on no such file error page */ *page_title = g_strdup_printf (_("File not found")); /* Message title on the no such file error page. */ *message_title = g_strdup (_("File not found")); formatted_origin = g_strdup_printf ("%s", view->address); first_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("%s could not be found."), formatted_origin); second_paragraph = g_strdup_printf (_("Please check the file name for " "capitalization or other typing errors. Also check if " "it has been moved, renamed, or deleted.")); *message_body = g_strdup_printf ("



", first_paragraph, second_paragraph); /* The button on no such file error page. DO NOT ADD MNEMONICS HERE. */ *button_label = g_strdup (_("Go Back")); *button_action = g_strdup ("window.history.back();"); /* Mnemonic for the Go Back button on the no such file error page. */ *button_accesskey = C_("back-access-key", "B"); *icon_name = "computer-fail-symbolic.svg"; *style = "default"; } /** * ephy_web_view_load_error_page: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @uri: uri that caused the failure * @page: one of #EphyWebViewErrorPage * @error: a GError to inspect, or %NULL * @user_data: a pointer to additional data * * Loads an error page appropiate for @page in @view. * **/ void ephy_web_view_load_error_page (EphyWebView *view, const char *uri, EphyWebViewErrorPage page, GError *error, gpointer user_data) { GBytes *html_file; GString *html = g_string_new (""); char *origin = NULL; char *lang = NULL; char *page_title = NULL; char *msg_title = NULL; char *msg_body = NULL; char *msg_details = NULL; char *button_label = NULL; char *hidden_button_label = NULL; char *button_action = NULL; char *hidden_button_action = NULL; char *style_sheet = NULL; const char *button_accesskey = NULL; const char *hidden_button_accesskey = NULL; const char *icon_name = NULL; const char *style = NULL; const char *reason = NULL; g_assert (page != EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NONE); view->loading_error_page = TRUE; view->error_page = page; if (page == EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_INVALID_TLS_CERTIFICATE) ephy_web_view_set_security_level (view, EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_UNACCEPTABLE_CERTIFICATE); else ephy_web_view_set_security_level (view, EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOCAL_PAGE); reason = error ? error->message : _("None specified"); origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (uri); if (origin == NULL) origin = g_strdup (uri); lang = g_strdup (pango_language_to_string (gtk_get_default_language ())); g_strdelimit (lang, "_-@", '\0'); html_file = g_resources_lookup_data (EPHY_PAGE_TEMPLATE_ERROR, 0, NULL); switch (page) { case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NETWORK_ERROR: format_network_error_page (uri, origin, reason, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &msg_details, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_CRASH: format_crash_error_page (uri, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PROCESS_CRASH: format_process_crash_error_page (uri, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_UNRESPONSIVE_PROCESS: format_unresponsive_process_error_page (uri, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_INVALID_TLS_CERTIFICATE: format_tls_error_page (view, origin, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &msg_details, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &hidden_button_label, &hidden_button_action, &hidden_button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_UNSAFE_BROWSING: format_unsafe_browsing_error_page (view, origin, user_data, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &msg_details, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &hidden_button_label, &hidden_button_action, &hidden_button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE: format_no_such_file_error_page (view, &page_title, &msg_title, &msg_body, &button_label, &button_action, &button_accesskey, &icon_name, &style); break; case EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NONE: default: g_assert_not_reached (); } _ephy_web_view_update_icon (view); style_sheet = get_style_sheet (); #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" /* The HTML file is trusted input. */ g_string_printf (html, g_bytes_get_data (html_file, NULL), lang, lang, ((gtk_widget_get_default_direction () == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL) ? "rtl" : "ltr"), page_title, style_sheet, button_action, hidden_button_action, icon_name, style, msg_title, msg_body, msg_details ? "visible" : "hidden", _("Technical information"), msg_details, hidden_button_label ? "visible" : "hidden", hidden_button_accesskey, hidden_button_label, button_accesskey, button_label); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop g_bytes_unref (html_file); g_free (origin); g_free (lang); g_free (page_title); g_free (msg_title); g_free (msg_body); g_free (msg_details); g_free (button_label); g_free (button_action); g_free (hidden_button_label); g_free (hidden_button_action); g_free (style_sheet); /* Make our history backend ignore the next page load, since it will be an error page. */ ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); webkit_web_view_load_alternate_html (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), html->str, uri, 0); g_string_free (html, TRUE); } static gboolean load_failed_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitLoadEvent load_event, const char *uri, GError *error, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); view->load_failed = TRUE; ephy_web_view_set_link_message (view, NULL); if (error->domain != WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR && error->domain != WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR && error->domain != WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR) { if (view->address && g_str_has_prefix (view->address, "file:")) ephy_web_view_load_error_page (view, uri, EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE, error, NULL); else ephy_web_view_load_error_page (view, uri, EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NETWORK_ERROR, error, NULL); return TRUE; } switch (error->code) { case WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_FAILED: case WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_TRANSPORT: case WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL: case WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: case WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_FAILED: case WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_CANNOT_SHOW_MIME_TYPE: case WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_CANNOT_SHOW_URI: case WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_RESTRICTED_PORT: case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED: case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PLUGIN: case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_PLUGIN: case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_JAVA_UNAVAILABLE: case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_CONNECTION_CANCELLED: ephy_web_view_load_error_page (view, uri, EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_PAGE_NETWORK_ERROR, error, NULL); return TRUE; case WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_CANCELLED: { if (!view->typed_address) { const char *prev_uri; prev_uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); ephy_web_view_set_address (view, prev_uri); } } break; case WEBKIT_POLICY_ERROR_FRAME_LOAD_INTERRUPTED_BY_POLICY_CHANGE: /* If we are going to download something, and this is the first * page to load in this tab, we may want to close it down. */ if (!view->ever_committed) g_signal_emit_by_name (view, "download-only-load", NULL); break; /* In case the resource is going to be showed with a plugin just let * WebKit do it */ case WEBKIT_PLUGIN_ERROR_WILL_HANDLE_LOAD: default: break; } return FALSE; } static gboolean load_failed_with_tls_error_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, const char *uri, GTlsCertificate *certificate, GTlsCertificateFlags errors, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); g_clear_object (&view->certificate); g_clear_pointer (&view->tls_error_failing_uri, g_free); view->certificate = g_object_ref (certificate); view->tls_errors = errors; view->tls_error_failing_uri = g_strdup (uri); ephy_web_view_load_error_page (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view), uri, EPHY_WEB_VIEW_ERROR_INVALID_TLS_CERTIFICATE, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } static void mixed_content_detected_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitInsecureContentEvent event, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); if (view->security_level != EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_UNACCEPTABLE_CERTIFICATE) ephy_web_view_set_security_level (view, EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIXED_CONTENT); } static void close_web_view_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *widget = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (web_view)); LOG ("close web view"); if (EPHY_IS_EMBED_CONTAINER (widget)) ephy_embed_container_remove_child (EPHY_EMBED_CONTAINER (widget), EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)); else gtk_widget_destroy (widget); } static void zoom_changed_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { const char *address; double zoom; zoom = webkit_web_view_get_zoom_level (web_view); if (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->is_setting_zoom) return; address = ephy_web_view_get_address (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)); if (ephy_embed_utils_address_has_web_scheme (address)) { ephy_history_service_set_url_zoom_level (EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view)->history_service, address, zoom, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } static gboolean script_dialog_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitScriptDialog *dialog) { if (webkit_script_dialog_get_dialog_type (dialog) != WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_BEFORE_UNLOAD_CONFIRM) return FALSE; /* Ignore beforeunload events for now until we properly support webkit_web_view_try_close() * See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=722032. */ webkit_script_dialog_confirm_set_confirmed (dialog, TRUE); return TRUE; } static const char * enum_nick (GType enum_type, int value) { GEnumClass *enum_class; const GEnumValue *enum_value; const char *nick = NULL; enum_class = g_type_class_ref (enum_type); enum_value = g_enum_get_value (enum_class, value); if (enum_value) nick = enum_value->value_nick; g_type_class_unref (enum_class); return nick; } static void reader_setting_changed_cb (GSettings *settings, gchar *key, EphyWebView *web_view) { const gchar *font_style; const gchar *color_scheme; gchar *js_snippet; if (!g_str_has_prefix (web_view->address, EPHY_READER_SCHEME)) return; font_style = enum_nick (EPHY_TYPE_PREFS_READER_FONT_STYLE, g_settings_get_enum (settings, EPHY_PREFS_READER_FONT_STYLE)); color_scheme = enum_nick (EPHY_TYPE_PREFS_READER_COLOR_SCHEME, g_settings_get_enum (settings, EPHY_PREFS_READER_COLOR_SCHEME)); js_snippet = g_strdup_printf ("document.body.className = '%s %s'", font_style, color_scheme); webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), js_snippet, ephy_embed_shell_get_guid (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()), NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (js_snippet); } typedef struct { EphyWebView *web_view; WebKitAuthenticationRequest *request; } AuthenticationData; static AuthenticationData * authentication_data_new (EphyWebView *web_view, WebKitAuthenticationRequest *request) { AuthenticationData *data; data = g_new (AuthenticationData, 1); data->web_view = g_object_ref (web_view); data->request = g_object_ref (request); return data; } static void authentication_data_free (AuthenticationData *data) { g_object_unref (data->web_view); g_object_unref (data->request); g_free (data); } static void auth_password_query_finished_cb (GList *records, AuthenticationData *data) { EphyPasswordRecord *record; g_autoptr (WebKitCredential) credential = NULL; record = records && records->data ? EPHY_PASSWORD_RECORD (records->data) : NULL; if (record) { credential = webkit_credential_new (ephy_password_record_get_username (record), ephy_password_record_get_password (record), WEBKIT_CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_NONE); } else { /* Provide a non-empty wrong credential to force a retry */ credential = webkit_credential_new (" ", "", WEBKIT_CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_NONE); } webkit_authentication_request_authenticate (data->request, credential); authentication_data_free (data); } static void authenticate_succeeded_cb (WebKitAuthenticationRequest *request, WebKitCredential *credential) { EphyPasswordManager *password_manager; g_autoptr (WebKitSecurityOrigin) security_origin = NULL; g_autofree char *origin = NULL; if (webkit_credential_get_persistence (credential) != WEBKIT_CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_PERMANENT) return; security_origin = webkit_authentication_request_get_security_origin (request); origin = webkit_security_origin_to_string (security_origin); password_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_password_manager (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()); ephy_password_manager_save (password_manager, origin, origin, webkit_credential_get_username (credential), webkit_credential_get_password (credential), "org.gnome.Epiphany.HTTPAuthCredentials.Username", "org.gnome.Epiphany.HTTPAuthCredentials.Password", TRUE); } static gboolean authenticate_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitAuthenticationRequest *request, gpointer user_data) { EphyWebView *ephy_web_view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (web_view); EphyPasswordManager *password_manager; AuthenticationData *data; g_autoptr (WebKitSecurityOrigin) security_origin = NULL; g_autofree char *origin = NULL; if (webkit_authentication_request_is_retry (request)) { webkit_authentication_request_set_can_save_credentials (request, TRUE); g_signal_connect_object (request, "authenticated", G_CALLBACK (authenticate_succeeded_cb), ephy_web_view, 0); ephy_web_view->in_auth_dialog = 1; return FALSE; } data = authentication_data_new (ephy_web_view, request); security_origin = webkit_authentication_request_get_security_origin (request); origin = webkit_security_origin_to_string (security_origin); password_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_password_manager (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()); ephy_password_manager_query (password_manager, NULL, origin, origin, NULL, "org.gnome.Epiphany.HTTPAuthCredentials.Username", "org.gnome.Epiphany.HTTPAuthCredentials.Password", (EphyPasswordManagerQueryCallback)auth_password_query_finished_cb, data); return TRUE; } typedef struct { WebKitWebView *web_view; char *origin; WebKitUserMessage *message; } PasswordManagerData; static void password_manager_data_free (PasswordManagerData *data) { g_object_unref (data->web_view); g_object_unref (data->message); g_free (data); } static void password_manager_query_finished_cb (GList *records, PasswordManagerData *data) { EphyPasswordRecord *record; const char *origin; const char *username = NULL; const char *password = NULL; g_autofree char *real_origin = NULL; record = records && records->data ? EPHY_PASSWORD_RECORD (records->data) : NULL; if (record) { username = ephy_password_record_get_username (record); password = ephy_password_record_get_password (record); } g_variant_get (webkit_user_message_get_parameters (data->message), "(&s@sm@sm@s@s)", &origin, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); real_origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (webkit_web_view_get_uri (data->web_view)); if (g_strcmp0 (real_origin, origin) != 0) { g_debug ("Extension's origin '%s' doesn't match real origin '%s'", origin, real_origin); password_manager_data_free (data); return; } webkit_user_message_send_reply (data->message, webkit_user_message_new ("PasswordManager.QueryPasswordResponse", g_variant_new ("(msms)", username, password))); password_manager_data_free (data); } static gboolean password_manager_handle_query_usernames_message (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitUserMessage *message) { GVariant *parameters; const char *origin; EphyPasswordManager *password_manager; GList *usernames, *l; GVariantBuilder builder; g_autofree char *real_origin = NULL; parameters = webkit_user_message_get_parameters (message); if (!parameters) return FALSE; g_variant_get (parameters, "&s", &origin); real_origin = ephy_uri_to_security_origin (webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view)); if (g_strcmp0 (real_origin, origin) != 0) { g_debug ("Extension's origin '%s' doesn't match real origin '%s'", origin, real_origin); return FALSE; } password_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_password_manager (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()); usernames = ephy_password_manager_get_usernames_for_origin (password_manager, origin); g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY); for (l = usernames; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", l->data); webkit_user_message_send_reply (message, webkit_user_message_new ("PasswordManager.QueryUsernamesResponse", g_variant_builder_end (&builder))); return TRUE; } static gboolean password_manager_handle_query_password_message (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitUserMessage *message) { GVariant *parameters; const char *origin; const char *target_origin; const char *username; const char *username_field; const char *password_field; EphyPasswordManager *password_manager; PasswordManagerData *data; parameters = webkit_user_message_get_parameters (message); if (!parameters) return FALSE; g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s&sm&sm&s&s)", &origin, &target_origin, &username, &username_field, &password_field); /* Don't include username_field in queries unless we actually have a username * to go along with it, or the query will fail because we don't save * username_field without a corresponding username. */ if (!username && username_field) username_field = NULL; data = g_new (PasswordManagerData, 1); data->web_view = g_object_ref (web_view); data->message = g_object_ref (message); password_manager = ephy_embed_shell_get_password_manager (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()); ephy_password_manager_query (password_manager, NULL, origin, target_origin, username, username_field, password_field, (EphyPasswordManagerQueryCallback)password_manager_query_finished_cb, data); return TRUE; } static gboolean user_message_received_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitUserMessage *message) { const char *name; name = webkit_user_message_get_name (message); if (g_strcmp0 (name, "PasswordManager.QueryUsernames") == 0) return password_manager_handle_query_usernames_message (web_view, message); if (g_strcmp0 (name, "PasswordManager.QueryPassword") == 0) return password_manager_handle_query_password_message (web_view, message); return FALSE; } static void scale_factor_changed_cb (EphyWebView *web_view, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data) { _ephy_web_view_update_icon (web_view); } GtkWidget * ephy_web_view_new_with_user_content_manager (WebKitUserContentManager *ucm) { EphyEmbedShell *shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); return g_object_new (EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, "web-context", ephy_embed_shell_get_web_context (shell), "user-content-manager", ucm, "settings", ephy_embed_prefs_get_settings (), "is-controlled-by-automation", ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (shell) == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_AUTOMATION, NULL); } /** * ephy_web_view_load_request: * @view: the #EphyWebView in which to load the request * @request: the #WebKitNetworkRequest to be loaded * * Loads the given #WebKitNetworkRequest in the given #EphyWebView. **/ void ephy_web_view_load_request (EphyWebView *view, WebKitURIRequest *request) { const char *url; char *effective_url; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_assert (WEBKIT_IS_URI_REQUEST (request)); url = webkit_uri_request_get_uri (request); effective_url = ephy_embed_utils_normalize_address (url); webkit_uri_request_set_uri (request, effective_url); g_free (effective_url); webkit_web_view_load_request (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), request); } /** * ephy_web_view_load_url: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @url: a URL * * Loads @url in @view. **/ void ephy_web_view_load_url (EphyWebView *view, const char *url) { char *effective_url; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_assert (url); effective_url = ephy_embed_utils_normalize_address (url); if (g_str_has_prefix (effective_url, "javascript:")) { g_autoptr (GUri) uri = NULL; g_autofree char *decoded_url = NULL; uri = g_uri_parse (effective_url, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE, NULL); decoded_url = g_uri_to_string (uri); webkit_web_view_run_javascript (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), decoded_url, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), effective_url); g_free (effective_url); } /** * ephy_web_view_get_is_blank: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns whether the @view's address is "blank". * * Return value: %TRUE if the @view's address is "blank" **/ gboolean ephy_web_view_get_is_blank (EphyWebView *view) { return view->is_blank; } gboolean ephy_web_view_is_overview (EphyWebView *view) { if (!view->address) return FALSE; return (!strcmp (view->address, EPHY_ABOUT_SCHEME ":overview") || !strcmp (view->address, "about:overview")); } /** * ephy_web_view_get_address: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the address of the currently-loaded page, percent-encoded. * This URI should not be displayed to the user; to do that, use * ephy_web_view_get_display_address(). * * Return value: @view's address. Will never be %NULL. **/ const char * ephy_web_view_get_address (EphyWebView *view) { if (view->address) { if (g_str_has_prefix (view->address, EPHY_READER_SCHEME)) return view->address + strlen (EPHY_READER_SCHEME) + 1; return view->address; } return "about:blank"; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_display_address: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the display address of the currently-loaded page. This is a * decoded URI suitable for display to the user. To get a URI suitable * for sending to a server, e.g. for storage in the bookmarks or history * database, use ephy_web_view_get_address(). * * Return value: @view's address. Will never be %NULL. */ const char * ephy_web_view_get_display_address (EphyWebView *view) { return view->display_address ? view->display_address : "about:blank"; } /** * ephy_web_view_is_loading: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns whether the web page in @view has finished loading. A web * page is only finished loading after all images, styles, and other * dependencies have been downloaded and rendered, or when the load * has failed for some reason. * * Return value: %TRUE if the page is still loading, %FALSE if complete **/ gboolean ephy_web_view_is_loading (EphyWebView *view) { return webkit_web_view_is_loading (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); } /** * ephy_web_view_load_failed: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns whether the web page in @view has failed to load. * * Return value: %TRUE if the page failed to load, %FALSE if it's loading * or load finished successfully **/ gboolean ephy_web_view_load_failed (EphyWebView *view) { return view->load_failed; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_icon: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the view's site icon as a #GdkPixbuf, * or %NULL if it is not available. * * Return value: (transfer none): a the view's site icon **/ GdkPixbuf * ephy_web_view_get_icon (EphyWebView *view) { return view->icon; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_document_type: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the type of document loaded in the @view * * Return value: the #EphyWebViewDocumentType **/ EphyWebViewDocumentType ephy_web_view_get_document_type (EphyWebView *view) { return view->document_type; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_navigation_flags: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns @view's navigation flags. * * Return value: @view's navigation flags **/ EphyWebViewNavigationFlags ephy_web_view_get_navigation_flags (EphyWebView *view) { return view->nav_flags; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_status_message: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the message displayed in @view's #EphyWindow's * #EphyStatusbar. If the user is hovering the mouse over a hyperlink, * this function will return the same value as * ephy_web_view_get_link_message(). Otherwise, it will return a network * status message, or NULL. * * The message returned has a limited lifetime, and so should be copied with * g_strdup() if it must be stored. * * Return value: The current statusbar message **/ const char * ephy_web_view_get_status_message (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); if (view->link_message && view->link_message[0] != '\0') return view->link_message; if (view->loading_message) return view->loading_message; return NULL; } /** * ephy_web_view_get_link_message: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * When the user is hovering the mouse over a hyperlink, returns the URL of the * hyperlink. * * Return value: the URL of the link over which the mouse is hovering **/ const char * ephy_web_view_get_link_message (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); return view->link_message; } /** * ephy_web_view_set_link_message: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @address: new value for link-message in @view * * Sets the value of link-message property which tells the URL of the hovered * link. **/ void ephy_web_view_set_link_message (EphyWebView *view, const char *address) { char *decoded_address; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_free (view->link_message); if (address) { decoded_address = ephy_uri_decode (address); view->link_message = ephy_embed_utils_link_message_parse (decoded_address); g_free (decoded_address); } else { view->link_message = NULL; } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_LINK_MESSAGE]); } /** * ephy_web_view_set_security_level: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @level: the new #EphySecurityLevel for @view * * Sets @view's security-level property to @level. **/ void ephy_web_view_set_security_level (EphyWebView *view, EphySecurityLevel level) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); if (view->security_level != level) { view->security_level = level; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_SECURITY]); } } /** * ephy_web_view_get_typed_address: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns the text that the user introduced in the @view's * #EphyWindow location entry, if any. * * This is not guaranteed to be the same as @view's location, * available through ephy_web_view_get_address(). As the user types a * new address into the location entry, * ephy_web_view_get_typed_address()'s returned string will * change. When the load starts, ephy_web_view_get_typed_address() * will return %NULL, and ephy_web_view_get_address() will return the * new page being loaded. Note that the typed_address can be changed * again while a load is in progress (in case the user starts to type * again in the location entry); in that case * ephy_web_view_get_typed_address() will be again non-%NULL, and the * contents of the entry will not be overwritten. * * Return value: @view's #EphyWindow's location entry text when @view * is selected. **/ const char * ephy_web_view_get_typed_address (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); return view->typed_address; } /** * ephy_web_view_set_typed_address: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @address: the new typed address, or %NULL to clear it * * Sets the text that @view's #EphyWindow will display in its location toolbar * entry when @view is selected. **/ void ephy_web_view_set_typed_address (EphyWebView *view, const char *address) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_free (view->typed_address); view->typed_address = g_strdup (address); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (view), obj_properties[PROP_TYPED_ADDRESS]); } gboolean ephy_web_view_get_should_bypass_safe_browsing (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); return view->bypass_safe_browsing; } void ephy_web_view_set_should_bypass_safe_browsing (EphyWebView *view, gboolean bypass_safe_browsing) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); view->bypass_safe_browsing = bypass_safe_browsing; } static gboolean has_modified_forms_timeout_cb (gpointer user_data) { GTask *task = user_data; g_assert (!g_task_get_completed (task)); g_task_set_task_data (task, GINT_TO_POINTER (0), NULL); g_task_return_boolean (task, FALSE); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void has_modified_forms_cb (WebKitWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result; gboolean retval = FALSE; GError *error = NULL; gulong id; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world_finish (view, result, &error); id = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_task_get_task_data (task)); if (id == 0) { /* We hit the timeout. Our task has already returned. */ goto out; } g_source_remove (id); if (!js_result) { g_task_return_error (task, error); } else { retval = jsc_value_to_boolean (webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result)); g_task_return_boolean (task, retval); } out: if (js_result) webkit_javascript_result_unref (js_result); g_object_unref (task); } /** * ephy_web_view_has_modified_forms: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * A small heuristic is used here. If there's only one input element modified * and it does not have a lot of text the user is likely not very interested in * saving this work, so it returns %FALSE in this case (eg, google search * input). * * Returns %TRUE if the user has modified <input> or <textarea> * values in @view's loaded document. * * Return value: %TRUE if @view has user-modified forms **/ void ephy_web_view_has_modified_forms (EphyWebView *view, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task; gulong id; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); task = g_task_new (view, cancellable, callback, user_data); /* Set timeout to guard against web process hangs. Otherwise, a single * unresponsive web process would prevent the window from closing. Note that * although webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world() takes a cancellable, * it's not *really* cancellable and attempting to cancel it just causes it to * return G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED after however long it takes to finish, which * will be never if the web process is unresponsive, so we always fake * completion after a two second delay. */ id = g_timeout_add_seconds (2, has_modified_forms_timeout_cb, task); g_task_set_task_data (task, GINT_TO_POINTER (id), NULL); webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), "Ephy.hasModifiedForms();", ephy_embed_shell_get_guid (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)has_modified_forms_cb, task); } gboolean ephy_web_view_has_modified_forms_finish (EphyWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_assert (g_task_is_valid (result, view)); return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error); } typedef struct { char *icon_uri; char *icon_color; } GetBestWebAppIconAsyncData; static void get_best_web_app_icon_async_data_free (GetBestWebAppIconAsyncData *data) { g_free (data->icon_uri); g_free (data->icon_color); g_free (data); } static void get_best_web_app_icon_cb (WebKitWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result; GError *error = NULL; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world_finish (view, result, &error); if (js_result) { JSCValue *js_value, *js_uri, *js_color; GetBestWebAppIconAsyncData *data; data = g_new0 (GetBestWebAppIconAsyncData, 1); js_value = webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result); g_assert (jsc_value_is_object (js_value)); js_uri = jsc_value_object_get_property (js_value, "url"); data->icon_uri = jsc_value_to_string (js_uri); g_object_unref (js_uri); js_color = jsc_value_object_get_property (js_value, "icon"); data->icon_color = jsc_value_is_null (js_color) || jsc_value_is_undefined (js_color) ? NULL : jsc_value_to_string (js_color); g_object_unref (js_color); g_task_return_pointer (task, data, (GDestroyNotify)get_best_web_app_icon_async_data_free); webkit_javascript_result_unref (js_result); } else g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); } void ephy_web_view_get_best_web_app_icon (EphyWebView *view, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { WebKitWebView *wk_view; GTask *task; char *script; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); wk_view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view); task = g_task_new (view, cancellable, callback, user_data); script = g_strdup_printf ("Ephy.getWebAppIcon(\"%s\");", webkit_web_view_get_uri (wk_view)); webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world (wk_view, script, ephy_embed_shell_get_guid (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_best_web_app_icon_cb, task); g_free (script); } gboolean ephy_web_view_get_best_web_app_icon_finish (EphyWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, char **icon_uri, GdkRGBA *icon_color, GError **error) { GetBestWebAppIconAsyncData *data; GTask *task = G_TASK (result); g_assert (g_task_is_valid (result, view)); data = g_task_propagate_pointer (task, error); if (!data) return FALSE; if (data->icon_uri != NULL && data->icon_uri[0] != '\0') { *icon_uri = data->icon_uri; data->icon_uri = NULL; } if (data->icon_color != NULL && data->icon_color[0] != '\0') gdk_rgba_parse (icon_color, data->icon_color); get_best_web_app_icon_async_data_free (data); return TRUE; } static void get_web_app_title_cb (WebKitWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result; GError *error = NULL; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world_finish (view, result, &error); if (js_result) { JSCValue *js_value; char *retval = NULL; js_value = webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result); if (!jsc_value_is_null (js_value) && !jsc_value_is_undefined (js_value)) retval = jsc_value_to_string (js_value); g_task_return_pointer (task, retval, (GDestroyNotify)g_free); webkit_javascript_result_unref (js_result); } else g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); } void ephy_web_view_get_web_app_title (EphyWebView *view, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); task = g_task_new (view, cancellable, callback, user_data); webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), "Ephy.getWebAppTitle();", ephy_embed_shell_get_guid (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_web_app_title_cb, task); } char * ephy_web_view_get_web_app_title_finish (EphyWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_assert (g_task_is_valid (result, view)); return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), error); } static void get_web_app_mobile_capable_cb (WebKitWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result; GError *error = NULL; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world_finish (view, result, &error); if (js_result) { JSCValue *js_value; gboolean retval = FALSE; js_value = webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result); retval = jsc_value_to_boolean (js_value); g_task_return_boolean (task, retval); webkit_javascript_result_unref (js_result); } else g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); } void ephy_web_view_get_web_app_mobile_capable (EphyWebView *view, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); task = g_task_new (view, cancellable, callback, user_data); webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), "Ephy.getAppleMobileWebAppCapable();", ephy_embed_shell_get_guid (ephy_embed_shell_get_default ()), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_web_app_mobile_capable_cb, task); } gboolean ephy_web_view_get_web_app_mobile_capable_finish (EphyWebView *view, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_assert (g_task_is_valid (result, view)); return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error); } /** * ephy_web_view_get_security_level: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @level: (out): return value of security level * @address: (out) (transfer none): the URI to which the security level corresponds * @certificate: (out) (transfer none): return value of TLS certificate * @errors: (out): return value of TLS errors * * Fetches the #EphySecurityLevel and a #GTlsCertificate associated * with @view and a #GTlsCertificateFlags showing what problems, if any, * have been found with that certificate. **/ void ephy_web_view_get_security_level (EphyWebView *view, EphySecurityLevel *level, const char **address, GTlsCertificate **certificate, GTlsCertificateFlags *errors) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); if (level) *level = view->security_level; if (address) *address = view->last_committed_address; if (certificate) *certificate = view->certificate; if (errors) *errors = view->tls_errors; } static void ephy_web_view_print_failed (EphyWebView *view, GError *error) { GtkWidget *info_bar; GtkWidget *label; GtkContainer *content_area; EphyEmbed *embed = EPHY_GET_EMBED_FROM_EPHY_WEB_VIEW (view); info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("_OK"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); label = gtk_label_new (error->message); content_area = GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar))); gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar), GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR); gtk_container_add (content_area, label); g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), NULL); ephy_embed_add_top_widget (embed, info_bar, EPHY_EMBED_TOP_WIDGET_POLICY_RETAIN_ON_TRANSITION); gtk_widget_show_all (info_bar); } static void print_operation_finished_cb (WebKitPrintOperation *operation, EphyWebView *view) { ephy_embed_shell_set_page_setup (ephy_embed_shell_get_default (), webkit_print_operation_get_page_setup (operation)); } static void print_operation_failed_cb (WebKitPrintOperation *operation, GError *error, EphyWebView *view) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (operation, print_operation_finished_cb, view); ephy_web_view_print_failed (view, error); } /** * ephy_web_view_print: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Opens a dialog to print the specified view. * * Since: 2.30 **/ void ephy_web_view_print (EphyWebView *view) { WebKitPrintOperation *operation; EphyEmbedShell *shell; GtkPrintSettings *settings; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); operation = webkit_print_operation_new (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_signal_connect (operation, "finished", G_CALLBACK (print_operation_finished_cb), view); g_signal_connect (operation, "failed", G_CALLBACK (print_operation_failed_cb), view); webkit_print_operation_set_page_setup (operation, ephy_embed_shell_get_page_setup (shell)); settings = ephy_embed_shell_get_print_settings (shell); gtk_print_settings_set (settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BASENAME, webkit_web_view_get_title (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view))); webkit_print_operation_set_print_settings (operation, settings); if (webkit_print_operation_run_dialog (operation, NULL) == WEBKIT_PRINT_OPERATION_RESPONSE_PRINT) ephy_embed_shell_set_print_settings (shell, webkit_print_operation_get_print_settings (operation)); g_object_unref (operation); } static void web_resource_get_data_cb (WebKitWebResource *resource, GAsyncResult *result, GOutputStream *output_stream) { guchar *data; gsize data_length; GInputStream *input_stream; GError *error = NULL; data = webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish (resource, result, &data_length, &error); if (!data) { if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Failed to save page: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); g_object_unref (output_stream); return; } input_stream = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (data, data_length, g_free); g_output_stream_splice_async (output_stream, input_stream, G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (input_stream); g_object_unref (output_stream); } static void ephy_web_view_save_main_resource_cb (GFile *file, GAsyncResult *result, WebKitWebView *view) { GFileOutputStream *output_stream; WebKitWebResource *resource; GError *error = NULL; output_stream = g_file_replace_finish (file, result, &error); if (!output_stream) { if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) g_warning ("Failed to save page: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return; } resource = webkit_web_view_get_main_resource (view); webkit_web_resource_get_data (resource, EPHY_WEB_VIEW (view)->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)web_resource_get_data_cb, output_stream); } /** * ephy_web_view_save: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @uri: location to store the saved page * * Saves the currently loaded page of @view to @uri. **/ void ephy_web_view_save (EphyWebView *view, const char *uri) { GFile *file; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); g_assert (uri); file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri); if (g_str_has_suffix (uri, ".mhtml")) webkit_web_view_save_to_file (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view), file, WEBKIT_SAVE_MODE_MHTML, NULL, NULL, NULL); else g_file_replace_async (file, NULL, FALSE, G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION | G_FILE_CREATE_PRIVATE, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, view->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)ephy_web_view_save_main_resource_cb, view); g_object_unref (file); } /** * ephy_web_view_load_homepage: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Loads the homepage set by the user in @view. **/ void ephy_web_view_load_homepage (EphyWebView *view) { EphyEmbedShell *shell; EphyEmbedShellMode mode; char *home; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); mode = ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (shell); if (mode == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_INCOGNITO || mode == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_AUTOMATION) { ephy_web_view_load_new_tab_page (view); return; } home = g_settings_get_string (EPHY_SETTINGS_MAIN, EPHY_PREFS_HOMEPAGE_URL); if (home == NULL || home[0] == '\0') { ephy_web_view_load_new_tab_page (view); } else { ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); ephy_web_view_set_visit_type (view, EPHY_PAGE_VISIT_HOMEPAGE); ephy_web_view_load_url (view, home); } g_free (home); } void ephy_web_view_load_new_tab_page (EphyWebView *view) { EphyEmbedShell *shell; EphyEmbedShellMode mode; g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); mode = ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (shell); ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); ephy_web_view_set_visit_type (view, EPHY_PAGE_VISIT_HOMEPAGE); if (mode == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_INCOGNITO) ephy_web_view_load_url (view, "about:incognito"); else if (mode == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_AUTOMATION) ephy_web_view_load_url (view, "about:blank"); else ephy_web_view_load_url (view, "about:overview"); } /** * ephy_web_view_get_visit_type: * @view: an #EphyWebView * * Returns: the @view #EphyWebViewVisitType **/ EphyHistoryPageVisitType ephy_web_view_get_visit_type (EphyWebView *view) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); return view->visit_type; } /** * ephy_web_view_set_visit_type: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @visit_type: an #EphyHistoryPageVisitType * * Sets the @visit_type for @view, so that the URI can be * properly weighted in the history backend. **/ void ephy_web_view_set_visit_type (EphyWebView *view, EphyHistoryPageVisitType visit_type) { g_assert (EPHY_IS_WEB_VIEW (view)); view->visit_type = visit_type; } /** * ephy_web_view_toggle_reader_mode: * @view: an #EphyWebView * @active: active flag * * Sets reader mode state to @active if necessary. **/ void ephy_web_view_toggle_reader_mode (EphyWebView *view, gboolean active) { WebKitWebView *web_view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view); char *reader_uri = NULL; const gchar *address; gboolean view_active = g_str_has_prefix (view->address, EPHY_READER_SCHEME); if (view_active == active) return; address = ephy_web_view_get_address (view); if (view_active) { ephy_web_view_freeze_history (view); webkit_web_view_load_uri (web_view, address); return; } if (!ephy_web_view_is_reader_mode_available (view)) return; reader_uri = g_strconcat (EPHY_READER_SCHEME, ":", address, NULL); view->entering_reader_mode = TRUE; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (web_view), obj_properties[PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE]); webkit_web_view_load_uri (web_view, reader_uri); } gboolean ephy_web_view_is_reader_mode_available (EphyWebView *view) { return view->reader_mode_available; } gboolean ephy_web_view_get_reader_mode_state (EphyWebView *view) { if (!view->address) return FALSE; return g_str_has_prefix (view->address, EPHY_READER_SCHEME); } gboolean ephy_web_view_is_in_auth_dialog (EphyWebView *view) { return view->in_auth_dialog; } static void ephy_web_view_dispose (GObject *object) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object); WebKitUserContentManager *ucm = webkit_web_view_get_user_content_manager (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (view)); ephy_embed_prefs_unregister_ucm (ucm); ephy_embed_shell_unregister_ucm_handler (ephy_embed_shell_get_default (), ucm); untrack_info_bar (&view->geolocation_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->notification_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->microphone_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->webcam_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->webcam_mic_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->password_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->password_form_info_bar); untrack_info_bar (&view->itp_info_bar); g_clear_object (&view->certificate); g_clear_object (&view->file_monitor); g_clear_object (&view->icon); g_clear_pointer (&view->unresponsive_process_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); if (view->cancellable) { g_cancellable_cancel (view->cancellable); g_clear_object (&view->cancellable); } g_clear_handle_id (&view->snapshot_timeout_id, g_source_remove); g_clear_handle_id (&view->reader_js_timeout, g_source_remove); g_clear_handle_id (&view->unresponsive_process_timeout_id, g_source_remove); G_OBJECT_CLASS (ephy_web_view_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void ephy_web_view_finalize (GObject *object) { EphyWebView *view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object); g_free (view->address); g_free (view->display_address); g_free (view->typed_address); g_free (view->last_committed_address); g_free (view->link_message); g_free (view->loading_message); g_free (view->tls_error_failing_uri); g_free (view->pending_snapshot_uri); G_OBJECT_CLASS (ephy_web_view_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void ephy_web_view_constructed (GObject *object) { EphyWebView *web_view = EPHY_WEB_VIEW (object); g_auto (GStrv) cors_allowlist = NULL; GtkStyleContext *context; GdkRGBA color; G_OBJECT_CLASS (ephy_web_view_parent_class)->constructed (object); g_signal_emit_by_name (ephy_embed_shell_get_default (), "web-view-created", web_view); g_signal_connect (web_view, "web-process-terminated", G_CALLBACK (process_terminated_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect_swapped (webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view)), "changed", G_CALLBACK (update_navigation_flags), web_view); /* Avoid flashing a white background when loading the overview in * dark mode. Note that we have to later reset this to white before * loading any non-Epiphany page. */ context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (web_view)); if (gtk_style_context_lookup_color (context, "theme_base_color", &color)) webkit_web_view_set_background_color (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), &color); cors_allowlist = g_new (char *, 2); cors_allowlist[0] = g_strdup ("ephy-resource://*/*"); cors_allowlist[1] = NULL; webkit_web_view_set_cors_allowlist (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), (const char * const *)cors_allowlist); } static void ephy_web_view_init (EphyWebView *web_view) { EphyEmbedShell *shell; shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); web_view->uid = web_view_uid++; web_view->is_blank = TRUE; web_view->ever_committed = FALSE; web_view->document_type = EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_HTML; web_view->security_level = EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_TO_BE_DETERMINED; web_view->file_monitor = ephy_file_monitor_new (web_view); web_view->history_service = ephy_embed_shell_get_global_history_service (shell); web_view->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); g_signal_connect_object (EPHY_SETTINGS_READER, "changed::" EPHY_PREFS_READER_FONT_STYLE, G_CALLBACK (reader_setting_changed_cb), web_view, 0); g_signal_connect_object (EPHY_SETTINGS_READER, "changed::" EPHY_PREFS_READER_COLOR_SCHEME, G_CALLBACK (reader_setting_changed_cb), web_view, 0); g_signal_connect (web_view, "decide-policy", G_CALLBACK (decide_policy_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "permission-request", G_CALLBACK (permission_request_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "load-changed", G_CALLBACK (load_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "close", G_CALLBACK (close_web_view_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "load-failed", G_CALLBACK (load_failed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "load-failed-with-tls-errors", G_CALLBACK (load_failed_with_tls_error_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "insecure-content-detected", G_CALLBACK (mixed_content_detected_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::zoom-level", G_CALLBACK (zoom_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::title", G_CALLBACK (title_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::uri", G_CALLBACK (uri_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::is-web-process-responsive", G_CALLBACK (is_web_process_responsive_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "mouse-target-changed", G_CALLBACK (mouse_target_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::favicon", G_CALLBACK (icon_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "script-dialog", G_CALLBACK (script_dialog_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "authenticate", G_CALLBACK (authenticate_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "user-message-received", G_CALLBACK (user_message_received_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (web_view, "notify::scale-factor", G_CALLBACK (scale_factor_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect_object (shell, "password-form-focused", G_CALLBACK (password_form_focused_cb), web_view, 0); g_signal_connect_object (shell, "allow-tls-certificate", G_CALLBACK (allow_tls_certificate_cb), web_view, 0); g_signal_connect_object (shell, "allow-unsafe-browsing", G_CALLBACK (allow_unsafe_browsing_cb), web_view, 0); } static void ephy_web_view_class_init (EphyWebViewClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); WebKitWebViewClass *webkit_webview_class = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->dispose = ephy_web_view_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = ephy_web_view_finalize; gobject_class->get_property = ephy_web_view_get_property; gobject_class->set_property = ephy_web_view_set_property; gobject_class->constructed = ephy_web_view_constructed; widget_class->button_press_event = ephy_web_view_button_press_event; widget_class->key_press_event = ephy_web_view_key_press_event; webkit_webview_class->run_file_chooser = ephy_web_view_run_file_chooser; /** * EphyWebView:address: * * View's current address. This is a percent-encoded URI. **/ obj_properties[PROP_ADDRESS] = g_param_spec_string ("address", "Address", "The view's address", "", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:typed-address: * * User typed address for the current view. **/ obj_properties[PROP_TYPED_ADDRESS] = g_param_spec_string ("typed-address", "Typed Address", "The typed address", "", G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:security-level: * * One of #EphySecurityLevel, determining view's current security level. **/ obj_properties[PROP_SECURITY] = g_param_spec_enum ("security-level", "Security Level", "The view's security level", EPHY_TYPE_SECURITY_LEVEL, EPHY_SECURITY_LEVEL_TO_BE_DETERMINED, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:document-type: * * Document type determined for the view. **/ obj_properties[PROP_DOCUMENT_TYPE] = g_param_spec_enum ("document-type", "Document Type", "The view's document type", EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_TYPE, EPHY_WEB_VIEW_DOCUMENT_HTML, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:navigation: * * View's navigation flags as #EphyWebViewNavigationFlags. **/ obj_properties[PROP_NAVIGATION] = g_param_spec_flags ("navigation", "Navigation flags", "The view's navigation flags", EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATION_FLAGS, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:status-message: * * Statusbar message corresponding to this view. **/ obj_properties[PROP_STATUS_MESSAGE] = g_param_spec_string ("status-message", "Status Message", "The view's statusbar message", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:link-message: * * ??? **/ obj_properties[PROP_LINK_MESSAGE] = g_param_spec_string ("link-message", "Link Message", "The view's link message", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:icon: * * View's favicon set by the loaded site. **/ obj_properties[PROP_ICON] = g_param_spec_object ("icon", "Icon", "The view icon's", GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:is-blank: * * Whether the view is showing the blank address. **/ obj_properties[PROP_IS_BLANK] = g_param_spec_boolean ("is-blank", "Is blank", "If the EphyWebView is blank", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:reader-mode: * * Whether the view is in reader mode. **/ obj_properties[PROP_READER_MODE] = g_param_spec_boolean ("reader-mode", "Reader mode", "If the EphyWebView is in reader mode", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:display-address: * * View's current display address. **/ obj_properties[PROP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS] = g_param_spec_string ("display-address", "Display address", "The view's display address", "", G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * EphyWebView:entering-reader-mode: * * Whether the view is entering reader mode. **/ obj_properties[PROP_ENTERING_READER_MODE] = g_param_spec_boolean ("entering-reader-mode", "Entering reader mode", "If the EphyWebView is entering reader mode", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (gobject_class, LAST_PROP, obj_properties); /** * EphyWebView::new-window: * @view: the #EphyWebView that received the signal * @new_view: the newly opened #EphyWebView * * The ::new-window signal is emitted after a new window has been opened by * the view. For example, when a JavaScript popup window is opened. **/ g_signal_new ("new-window", EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET); /** * EphyWebView::search-key-press: * @view: the #EphyWebView that received the signal * @event: the #GdkEventKey which triggered this signal * * The ::search-key-press signal is emitted for keypresses which * should be used for find implementations. **/ g_signal_new ("search-key-press", EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, g_signal_accumulator_true_handled, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, GDK_TYPE_EVENT | G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE); /** * EphyWebView::download-only-load: * @view: the #EphyWebView that received the signal * * The ::download-only-load signal is emitted when the @view has its main load * replaced by a download, and that is the only reason why the @view has been created. **/ g_signal_new ("download-only-load", EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void ephy_web_view_ucm_add_custom_scripts (WebKitUserContentManager *ucm) { WebKitUserScript *script; g_autoptr (GBytes) youtube_js = NULL; g_auto (GStrv) allow_list = NULL; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; youtube_js = g_resources_lookup_data ("/org/gnome/epiphany/adguard/youtube.js", 0, &error); if (!youtube_js) { g_warning ("Failed to load youtube.js from AdGuard: %s", error->message); return; } allow_list = g_new (char *, 2); allow_list[0] = g_strdup ("https://*.youtube.com/*"); allow_list[1] = NULL; script = webkit_user_script_new (g_bytes_get_data (youtube_js, NULL), WEBKIT_USER_CONTENT_INJECT_ALL_FRAMES, WEBKIT_USER_SCRIPT_INJECT_AT_DOCUMENT_END, (const char * const *)allow_list, NULL); webkit_user_content_manager_add_script (ucm, script); } /** * ephy_web_view_new: * * Equivalent to g_object_new() but returns an #GtkWidget so you don't have * to cast it when dealing with most code. * * Return value: the newly created #EphyWebView widget **/ GtkWidget * ephy_web_view_new (void) { EphyEmbedShell *shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); WebKitUserContentManager *ucm = webkit_user_content_manager_new (); ephy_embed_shell_register_ucm_handler (shell, ucm); ephy_embed_prefs_register_ucm (ucm); ephy_web_view_ucm_add_custom_scripts (ucm); return g_object_new (EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, "web-context", ephy_embed_shell_get_web_context (shell), "user-content-manager", ucm, "settings", ephy_embed_prefs_get_settings (), "is-controlled-by-automation", ephy_embed_shell_get_mode (shell) == EPHY_EMBED_SHELL_MODE_AUTOMATION, NULL); } GtkWidget * ephy_web_view_new_with_related_view (WebKitWebView *related_view) { EphyEmbedShell *shell = ephy_embed_shell_get_default (); WebKitUserContentManager *ucm = webkit_user_content_manager_new (); ephy_web_view_ucm_add_custom_scripts (ucm); ephy_embed_shell_register_ucm_handler (shell, ucm); ephy_embed_prefs_register_ucm (ucm); return g_object_new (EPHY_TYPE_WEB_VIEW, "related-view", related_view, "user-content-manager", ucm, "settings", ephy_embed_prefs_get_settings (), NULL); } guint64 ephy_web_view_get_uid (EphyWebView *web_view) { return web_view->uid; }