# UPGRADING 1. `git clone https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify.git` 2. `cd js-beautify` 3. Retrieve the latest tag with ``` git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1` ``` 4. Move to the latest tag `git checkout ${latestTag}` (`${latestTag}` should be replaced with what was printed at step 3). 5. `npm install` 6. `npx webpack` 7. Copy `js/lib/beautify.js` to `devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-js.js` 8. Copy `js/lib/beautify-html.js` to `devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js` 9. Replace the following line at the bottom of the file: ``` var js_beautify = require('./beautify.js'); ``` with (changing `beautify.js` into `beautify-js.js`): ``` var js_beautify = require('./beautify-js.js'); ``` 10. Copy `js/lib/beautify-css.js` to `devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-css.js`