/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ static ALWAYS_INLINE HalfRGBA8 packRGBA8(I32 a, I32 b) { #if USE_SSE2 return _mm_packs_epi32(a, b); #elif USE_NEON return vcombine_u16(vqmovun_s32(a), vqmovun_s32(b)); #else return CONVERT(combine(a, b), HalfRGBA8); #endif } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8(const vec4& v, float scale = 255.0f) { ivec4 i = round_pixel(v, scale); HalfRGBA8 xz = packRGBA8(i.z, i.x); HalfRGBA8 yw = packRGBA8(i.y, i.w); HalfRGBA8 xyzwl = zipLow(xz, yw); HalfRGBA8 xyzwh = zipHigh(xz, yw); HalfRGBA8 lo = zip2Low(xyzwl, xyzwh); HalfRGBA8 hi = zip2High(xyzwl, xyzwh); return combine(lo, hi); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8(Float alpha, float scale = 255.0f) { I32 i = round_pixel(alpha, scale); HalfRGBA8 c = packRGBA8(i, i); c = zipLow(c, c); return zip(c, c); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8(float alpha, float scale = 255.0f) { I32 i = round_pixel(alpha, scale); return repeat2(packRGBA8(i, i)); } UNUSED static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8(const vec4_scalar& v, float scale = 255.0f) { I32 i = round_pixel((Float){v.z, v.y, v.x, v.w}, scale); return repeat2(packRGBA8(i, i)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8() { return pack_pixels_RGBA8(fragment_shader->gl_FragColor); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_pixels_RGBA8(WideRGBA32F v, float scale = 255.0f) { ivec4 i = round_pixel(bit_cast(v), scale); return combine(packRGBA8(i.x, i.y), packRGBA8(i.z, i.w)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 packR8(I32 a) { #if USE_SSE2 return lowHalf(bit_cast>(_mm_packs_epi32(a, a))); #elif USE_NEON return vqmovun_s32(a); #else return CONVERT(a, WideR8); #endif } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 pack_pixels_R8(Float c, float scale = 255.0f) { return packR8(round_pixel(c, scale)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 pack_pixels_R8() { return pack_pixels_R8(fragment_shader->gl_FragColor.x); } // Load a partial span > 0 and < 4 pixels. template static ALWAYS_INLINE V partial_load_span(const P* src, int span) { return bit_cast( (span >= 2 ? combine(unaligned_load>(src), V2

{span > 2 ? unaligned_load

(src + 2) : P(0), 0}) : V4


(src), 0, 0, 0})); } // Store a partial span > 0 and < 4 pixels. template static ALWAYS_INLINE void partial_store_span(P* dst, V src, int span) { auto pixels = bit_cast>(src); if (span >= 2) { unaligned_store(dst, lowHalf(pixels)); if (span > 2) { unaligned_store(dst + 2, pixels.z); } } else { unaligned_store(dst, pixels.x); } } // Dispatcher that chooses when to load a full or partial span template static ALWAYS_INLINE V load_span(const P* src, int span) { if (span >= 4) { return unaligned_load(src); } else { return partial_load_span(src, span); } } // Dispatcher that chooses when to store a full or partial span template static ALWAYS_INLINE void store_span(P* dst, V src, int span) { if (span >= 4) { unaligned_store(dst, src); } else { partial_store_span(dst, src, span); } } template static ALWAYS_INLINE T muldiv256(T x, T y) { return (x * y) >> 8; } // (x*y + x) >> 8, cheap approximation of (x*y) / 255 template static ALWAYS_INLINE T muldiv255(T x, T y) { return (x * y + x) >> 8; } template static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 pack_span(uint32_t*, const V& v, float scale = 255.0f) { return pack_pixels_RGBA8(v, scale); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 pack_span(uint8_t*, C c, float scale = 255.0f) { return pack_pixels_R8(c, scale); } // Helper functions to apply a color modulus when available. struct NoColor {}; template static ALWAYS_INLINE P applyColor(P src, NoColor) { return src; } struct InvertColor {}; template static ALWAYS_INLINE P applyColor(P src, InvertColor) { return 255 - src; } template static ALWAYS_INLINE P applyColor(P src, P color) { return muldiv255(color, src); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 applyColor(PackedRGBA8 src, WideRGBA8 color) { return applyColor(unpack(src), color); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE auto packColor(P* buf, C color) { return pack_span(buf, color, 255.0f); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE NoColor packColor(UNUSED P* buf, NoColor noColor) { return noColor; } template static ALWAYS_INLINE InvertColor packColor(UNUSED P* buf, InvertColor invertColor) { return invertColor; } // Single argument variation that takes an explicit destination buffer type. template static ALWAYS_INLINE auto packColor(C color) { // Just pass in a typed null pointer, as the pack routines never use the // pointer's value, just its type. return packColor((P*)0, color); } // Byte-wise addition for when x or y is a signed 8-bit value stored in the // low byte of a larger type T only with zeroed-out high bits, where T is // greater than 8 bits, i.e. uint16_t. This can result when muldiv255 is used // upon signed operands, using up all the precision in a 16 bit integer, and // potentially losing the sign bit in the last >> 8 shift. Due to the // properties of two's complement arithmetic, even though we've discarded the // sign bit, we can still represent a negative number under addition (without // requiring any extra sign bits), just that any negative number will behave // like a large unsigned number under addition, generating a single carry bit // on overflow that we need to discard. Thus, just doing a byte-wise add will // overflow without the troublesome carry, giving us only the remaining 8 low // bits we actually need while keeping the high bits at zero. template static ALWAYS_INLINE T addlow(T x, T y) { typedef VectorType bytes; return bit_cast(bit_cast(x) + bit_cast(y)); } // Replace color components of each pixel with the pixel's alpha values. template static ALWAYS_INLINE T alphas(T c) { return SHUFFLE(c, c, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15); } // Replace the alpha values of the first vector with alpha values from the // second, while leaving the color components unmodified. template static ALWAYS_INLINE T set_alphas(T c, T a) { return SHUFFLE(c, a, 0, 1, 2, 19, 4, 5, 6, 23, 8, 9, 10, 27, 12, 13, 14, 31); } // Miscellaneous helper functions for working with packed RGBA8 data. static ALWAYS_INLINE HalfRGBA8 if_then_else(V8 c, HalfRGBA8 t, HalfRGBA8 e) { return bit_cast((c & t) | (~c & e)); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE VectorType if_then_else(VectorType c, VectorType t, VectorType e) { return combine(if_then_else(lowHalf(c), lowHalf(t), lowHalf(e)), if_then_else(highHalf(c), highHalf(t), highHalf(e))); } static ALWAYS_INLINE HalfRGBA8 min(HalfRGBA8 x, HalfRGBA8 y) { #if USE_SSE2 return bit_cast( _mm_min_epi16(bit_cast>(x), bit_cast>(y))); #elif USE_NEON return vminq_u16(x, y); #else return if_then_else(x < y, x, y); #endif } template static ALWAYS_INLINE VectorType min(VectorType x, VectorType y) { return combine(min(lowHalf(x), lowHalf(y)), min(highHalf(x), highHalf(y))); } static ALWAYS_INLINE HalfRGBA8 max(HalfRGBA8 x, HalfRGBA8 y) { #if USE_SSE2 return bit_cast( _mm_max_epi16(bit_cast>(x), bit_cast>(y))); #elif USE_NEON return vmaxq_u16(x, y); #else return if_then_else(x > y, x, y); #endif } template static ALWAYS_INLINE VectorType max(VectorType x, VectorType y) { return combine(max(lowHalf(x), lowHalf(y)), max(highHalf(x), highHalf(y))); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE VectorType recip(VectorType v) { return combine(recip(lowHalf(v)), recip(highHalf(v))); } // Helper to get the reciprocal if the value is non-zero, or otherwise default // to the supplied fallback value. template static ALWAYS_INLINE V recip_or(V v, float f) { return if_then_else(v != V(0.0f), recip(v), V(f)); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE VectorType inversesqrt(VectorType v) { return combine(inversesqrt(lowHalf(v)), inversesqrt(highHalf(v))); } // Extract the alpha components so that we can cheaply calculate the reciprocal // on a single SIMD register. Then multiply the duplicated alpha reciprocal with // the pixel data. 0 alpha is treated as transparent black. static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA32F unpremultiply(WideRGBA32F v) { Float a = recip_or((Float){v[3], v[7], v[11], v[15]}, 0.0f); return v * a.xxxxyyyyzzzzwwww; } // Packed RGBA32F data is AoS in BGRA order. Transpose it to SoA and swizzle to // RGBA to unpack. static ALWAYS_INLINE vec4 unpack(PackedRGBA32F c) { return bit_cast( SHUFFLE(c, c, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 5, 9, 13, 0, 4, 8, 12, 3, 7, 11, 15)); } // The following lum/sat functions mostly follow the KHR_blend_equation_advanced // specification but are rearranged to work on premultiplied data. static ALWAYS_INLINE Float lumv3(vec3 v) { return v.x * 0.30f + v.y * 0.59f + v.z * 0.11f; } static ALWAYS_INLINE Float minv3(vec3 v) { return min(min(v.x, v.y), v.z); } static ALWAYS_INLINE Float maxv3(vec3 v) { return max(max(v.x, v.y), v.z); } static inline vec3 clip_color(vec3 v, Float lum, Float alpha) { Float mincol = max(-minv3(v), lum); Float maxcol = max(maxv3(v), alpha - lum); return lum + v * (lum * (alpha - lum) * recip_or(mincol * maxcol, 0.0f)); } static inline vec3 set_lum(vec3 base, vec3 ref, Float alpha) { return clip_color(base - lumv3(base), lumv3(ref), alpha); } static inline vec3 set_lum_sat(vec3 base, vec3 sref, vec3 lref, Float alpha) { vec3 diff = base - minv3(base); Float sbase = maxv3(diff); Float ssat = maxv3(sref) - minv3(sref); // The sbase range is rescaled to ssat. If sbase has 0 extent, then rescale // to black, as per specification. return set_lum(diff * ssat * recip_or(sbase, 0.0f), lref, alpha); } // Flags the reflect the current blend-stage clipping to be applied. enum SWGLClipFlag { SWGL_CLIP_FLAG_MASK = 1 << 0, SWGL_CLIP_FLAG_AA = 1 << 1, SWGL_CLIP_FLAG_BLEND_OVERRIDE = 1 << 2, }; static int swgl_ClipFlags = 0; static BlendKey swgl_BlendOverride = BLEND_KEY_NONE; static WideRGBA8 swgl_BlendColorRGBA8 = {0}; static WideRGBA8 swgl_BlendAlphaRGBA8 = {0}; // A pointer into the color buffer for the start of the span. static void* swgl_SpanBuf = nullptr; // A pointer into the clip mask for the start of the span. static uint8_t* swgl_ClipMaskBuf = nullptr; static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 expand_mask(UNUSED uint8_t* buf, WideR8 mask) { return mask; } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 expand_mask(UNUSED uint32_t* buf, WideR8 mask) { WideRG8 maskRG = zip(mask, mask); return zip(maskRG, maskRG); } // Loads a chunk of clip masks. The current pointer into the color buffer is // used to reconstruct the relative position within the span. From there, the // pointer into the clip mask can be generated from the start of the clip mask // span. template static ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t* get_clip_mask(P* buf) { return &swgl_ClipMaskBuf[buf - (P*)swgl_SpanBuf]; } template static ALWAYS_INLINE auto load_clip_mask(P* buf, int span) -> decltype(expand_mask(buf, 0)) { return expand_mask(buf, unpack(load_span(get_clip_mask(buf), span))); } // Temporarily removes masking from the blend stage, assuming the caller will // handle it. static ALWAYS_INLINE void override_clip_mask() { blend_key = BlendKey(blend_key - MASK_BLEND_KEY_NONE); } // Restores masking to the blend stage, assuming it was previously overridden. static ALWAYS_INLINE void restore_clip_mask() { blend_key = BlendKey(MASK_BLEND_KEY_NONE + blend_key); } // A pointer to the start of the opaque destination region of the span for AA. static const uint8_t* swgl_OpaqueStart = nullptr; // The size, in bytes, of the opaque region. static uint32_t swgl_OpaqueSize = 0; // AA coverage distance offsets for the left and right edges. static Float swgl_LeftAADist = 0.0f; static Float swgl_RightAADist = 0.0f; // AA coverage slope values used for accumulating coverage for each step. static Float swgl_AASlope = 0.0f; // Get the amount of pixels we need to process before the start of the opaque // region. template static ALWAYS_INLINE int get_aa_opaque_start(P* buf) { return max(int((P*)swgl_OpaqueStart - buf), 0); } // Assuming we are already in the opaque part of the span, return the remaining // size of the opaque part. template static ALWAYS_INLINE int get_aa_opaque_size(P* buf) { return max(int((P*)&swgl_OpaqueStart[swgl_OpaqueSize] - buf), 0); } // Temporarily removes anti-aliasing from the blend stage, assuming the caller // will handle it. static ALWAYS_INLINE void override_aa() { blend_key = BlendKey(blend_key - AA_BLEND_KEY_NONE); } // Restores anti-aliasing to the blend stage, assuming it was previously // overridden. static ALWAYS_INLINE void restore_aa() { blend_key = BlendKey(AA_BLEND_KEY_NONE + blend_key); } static PREFER_INLINE WideRGBA8 blend_pixels(uint32_t* buf, PackedRGBA8 pdst, WideRGBA8 src, int span = 4) { WideRGBA8 dst = unpack(pdst); const WideRGBA8 RGB_MASK = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0}; const WideRGBA8 ALPHA_MASK = {0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF}; const WideRGBA8 ALPHA_OPAQUE = {0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255}; // clang-format off // Computes AA for the given pixel based on the offset of the pixel within // destination row. Given the initial coverage offsets for the left and right // edges, the offset is scaled by the slope and accumulated to find the // minimum coverage value for the pixel. A final weight is generated that // can be used to scale the source pixel. #define DO_AA(format, body) \ do { \ int offset = int((const uint8_t*)buf - swgl_OpaqueStart); \ if (uint32_t(offset) >= swgl_OpaqueSize) { \ Float delta = swgl_AASlope * float(offset); \ Float dist = clamp(min(swgl_LeftAADist + delta.x, \ swgl_RightAADist + delta.y), \ 0.0f, 256.0f); \ auto aa = pack_pixels_##format(dist, 1.0f); \ body; \ } \ } while (0) // Each blend case is preceded by the MASK_ variant. The MASK_ case first // loads the mask values and multiplies the source value by them. After, it // falls through to the normal blending case using the masked source. The // AA_ variations may further precede the blend cases, in which case the // source value is further modified before use. #define BLEND_CASE_KEY(key) \ case AA_##key: \ DO_AA(RGBA8, src = muldiv256(src, aa)); \ goto key; \ case AA_MASK_##key: \ DO_AA(RGBA8, src = muldiv256(src, aa)); \ FALLTHROUGH; \ case MASK_##key: \ src = muldiv255(src, load_clip_mask(buf, span)); \ FALLTHROUGH; \ case key: key #define BLEND_CASE(...) BLEND_CASE_KEY(BLEND_KEY(__VA_ARGS__)) switch (blend_key) { BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO): return src; BLEND_CASE(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA): // dst + src.a*(src.rgb1 - dst) // use addlow for signed overflow return addlow(dst, muldiv255(alphas(src), (src | ALPHA_OPAQUE) - dst)); BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA): return src + dst - muldiv255(dst, alphas(src)); BLEND_CASE(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR): return dst - muldiv255(dst, src); BLEND_CASE(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO, GL_ONE): return dst - (muldiv255(dst, src) & RGB_MASK); BLEND_CASE(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA): return dst - muldiv255(dst, alphas(src)); BLEND_CASE(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR): return muldiv255(src, dst); BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ONE): return src + dst; BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA): return src + dst - (muldiv255(dst, src) & ALPHA_MASK); BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_ONE): // src*(1-dst.a) + dst*1 = src - src*dst.a + dst return dst + ((src - muldiv255(src, alphas(dst))) & RGB_MASK); BLEND_CASE(GL_CONSTANT_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR): // src*k + (1-src)*dst = src*k + dst - // src*dst = dst + src*(k - dst) use addlow // for signed overflow return addlow( dst, muldiv255(src, repeat2(ctx->blendcolor) - dst)); // We must explicitly handle the masked/anti-aliased secondary blend case. // The secondary color as well as the source must be multiplied by the // weights. case BLEND_KEY(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR): { WideRGBA8 secondary = applyColor(dst, packColor(fragment_shader->gl_SecondaryFragColor)); return src + dst - secondary; } case MASK_BLEND_KEY(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR): { WideRGBA8 secondary = applyColor(dst, packColor(fragment_shader->gl_SecondaryFragColor)); WideRGBA8 mask = load_clip_mask(buf, span); return muldiv255(src, mask) + dst - muldiv255(secondary, mask); } case AA_BLEND_KEY(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR): { WideRGBA8 secondary = applyColor(dst, packColor(fragment_shader->gl_SecondaryFragColor)); DO_AA(RGBA8, { src = muldiv256(src, aa); secondary = muldiv256(secondary, aa); }); return src + dst - secondary; } case AA_MASK_BLEND_KEY(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR): { WideRGBA8 secondary = applyColor(dst, packColor(fragment_shader->gl_SecondaryFragColor)); WideRGBA8 mask = load_clip_mask(buf, span); DO_AA(RGBA8, mask = muldiv256(mask, aa)); return muldiv255(src, mask) + dst - muldiv255(secondary, mask); } BLEND_CASE(GL_MIN): return min(src, dst); BLEND_CASE(GL_MAX): return max(src, dst); // The KHR_blend_equation_advanced spec describes the blend equations such // that the unpremultiplied values Cs, Cd, As, Ad and function f combine to // the result: // Cr = f(Cs,Cd)*As*Ad + Cs*As*(1-Ad) + Cd*AD*(1-As) // Ar = As*Ad + As*(1-Ad) + Ad*(1-As) // However, working with unpremultiplied values requires expensive math to // unpremultiply and premultiply again during blending. We can use the fact // that premultiplied value P = C*A and simplify the equations such that no // unpremultiplied colors are necessary, allowing us to stay with integer // math that avoids floating-point conversions in the common case. Some of // the blend modes require division or sqrt, in which case we do convert // to (possibly transposed/unpacked) floating-point to implement the mode. // However, most common modes can still use cheaper premultiplied integer // math. As an example, the multiply mode f(Cs,Cd) = Cs*Cd is simplified // to: // Cr = Cs*Cd*As*Ad + Cs*As*(1-Ad) + Cd*Ad*(1-As) // .. Pr = Ps*Pd + Ps - Ps*Ad + Pd - Pd*As // Ar = As*Ad + As - As*Ad + Ad - Ad*As // .. Ar = As + Ad - As*Ad // Note that the alpha equation is the same for all blend equations, such // that so long as the implementation results in As + Ad - As*Ad, we can // avoid using separate instructions to compute the alpha result, which is // dependent on the math used to implement each blend mode. The exact // reductions used to get the final math for every blend mode are too // involved to show here in comments, but mostly follows from replacing // Cs*As and Cd*Ad with Ps and Ps while factoring out as many common terms // as possible. BLEND_CASE(GL_MULTIPLY_KHR): { WideRGBA8 diff = muldiv255(alphas(src) - (src & RGB_MASK), alphas(dst) - (dst & RGB_MASK)); return src + dst + (diff & RGB_MASK) - alphas(diff); } BLEND_CASE(GL_SCREEN_KHR): return src + dst - muldiv255(src, dst); BLEND_CASE(GL_OVERLAY_KHR): { WideRGBA8 srcA = alphas(src); WideRGBA8 dstA = alphas(dst); WideRGBA8 diff = muldiv255(src, dst) + muldiv255(srcA - src, dstA - dst); return src + dst + if_then_else(dst * 2 <= dstA, (diff & RGB_MASK) - alphas(diff), -diff); } BLEND_CASE(GL_DARKEN_KHR): return src + dst - max(muldiv255(src, alphas(dst)), muldiv255(dst, alphas(src))); BLEND_CASE(GL_LIGHTEN_KHR): return src + dst - min(muldiv255(src, alphas(dst)), muldiv255(dst, alphas(src))); BLEND_CASE(GL_COLORDODGE_KHR): { // Color-dodge and color-burn require division, so we convert to FP math // here, but avoid transposing to a vec4. WideRGBA32F srcF = CONVERT(src, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F srcA = alphas(srcF); WideRGBA32F dstF = CONVERT(dst, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F dstA = alphas(dstF); return pack_pixels_RGBA8( srcA * set_alphas( min(dstA, dstF * srcA * recip_or(srcA - srcF, 255.0f)), dstF) + srcF * (255.0f - dstA) + dstF * (255.0f - srcA), 1.0f / 255.0f); } BLEND_CASE(GL_COLORBURN_KHR): { WideRGBA32F srcF = CONVERT(src, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F srcA = alphas(srcF); WideRGBA32F dstF = CONVERT(dst, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F dstA = alphas(dstF); return pack_pixels_RGBA8( srcA * set_alphas((dstA - min(dstA, (dstA - dstF) * srcA * recip_or(srcF, 255.0f))), dstF) + srcF * (255.0f - dstA) + dstF * (255.0f - srcA), 1.0f / 255.0f); } BLEND_CASE(GL_HARDLIGHT_KHR): { WideRGBA8 srcA = alphas(src); WideRGBA8 dstA = alphas(dst); WideRGBA8 diff = muldiv255(src, dst) + muldiv255(srcA - src, dstA - dst); return src + dst + if_then_else(src * 2 <= srcA, (diff & RGB_MASK) - alphas(diff), -diff); } BLEND_CASE(GL_SOFTLIGHT_KHR): { // Soft-light requires an unpremultiply that can't be factored out as // well as a sqrt, so we convert to FP math here, but avoid transposing // to a vec4. WideRGBA32F srcF = CONVERT(src, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F srcA = alphas(srcF); WideRGBA32F dstF = CONVERT(dst, WideRGBA32F); WideRGBA32F dstA = alphas(dstF); WideRGBA32F dstU = unpremultiply(dstF); WideRGBA32F scale = srcF + srcF - srcA; return pack_pixels_RGBA8( dstF * (255.0f + set_alphas( scale * if_then_else(scale < 0.0f, 1.0f - dstU, min((16.0f * dstU - 12.0f) * dstU + 3.0f, inversesqrt(dstU) - 1.0f)), WideRGBA32F(0.0f))) + srcF * (255.0f - dstA), 1.0f / 255.0f); } BLEND_CASE(GL_DIFFERENCE_KHR): { WideRGBA8 diff = min(muldiv255(dst, alphas(src)), muldiv255(src, alphas(dst))); return src + dst - diff - (diff & RGB_MASK); } BLEND_CASE(GL_EXCLUSION_KHR): { WideRGBA8 diff = muldiv255(src, dst); return src + dst - diff - (diff & RGB_MASK); } // The HSL blend modes are non-separable and require complicated use of // division. It is advantageous to convert to FP and transpose to vec4 // math to more easily manipulate the individual color components. #define DO_HSL(rgb) \ do { \ vec4 srcV = unpack(CONVERT(src, PackedRGBA32F)); \ vec4 dstV = unpack(CONVERT(dst, PackedRGBA32F)); \ Float srcA = srcV.w * (1.0f / 255.0f); \ Float dstA = dstV.w * (1.0f / 255.0f); \ Float srcDstA = srcV.w * dstA; \ vec3 srcC = vec3(srcV) * dstA; \ vec3 dstC = vec3(dstV) * srcA; \ return pack_pixels_RGBA8(vec4(rgb + vec3(srcV) - srcC + vec3(dstV) - dstC, \ srcV.w + dstV.w - srcDstA), \ 1.0f); \ } while (0) BLEND_CASE(GL_HSL_HUE_KHR): DO_HSL(set_lum_sat(srcC, dstC, dstC, srcDstA)); BLEND_CASE(GL_HSL_SATURATION_KHR): DO_HSL(set_lum_sat(dstC, srcC, dstC, srcDstA)); BLEND_CASE(GL_HSL_COLOR_KHR): DO_HSL(set_lum(srcC, dstC, srcDstA)); BLEND_CASE(GL_HSL_LUMINOSITY_KHR): DO_HSL(set_lum(dstC, srcC, srcDstA)); // SWGL-specific extended blend modes. BLEND_CASE(SWGL_BLEND_DROP_SHADOW): { // Premultiplied alpha over blend, but with source color set to source alpha // modulated with a constant color. WideRGBA8 color = applyColor(alphas(src), swgl_BlendColorRGBA8); return color + dst - muldiv255(dst, alphas(color)); } BLEND_CASE(SWGL_BLEND_SUBPIXEL_TEXT): // Premultiplied alpha over blend, but treats the source as a subpixel mask // modulated with a constant color. return applyColor(src, swgl_BlendColorRGBA8) + dst - muldiv255(dst, applyColor(src, swgl_BlendAlphaRGBA8)); default: UNREACHABLE; // return src; } #undef BLEND_CASE #undef BLEND_CASE_KEY // clang-format on } static PREFER_INLINE WideR8 blend_pixels(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 dst, WideR8 src, int span = 4) { // clang-format off #define BLEND_CASE_KEY(key) \ case AA_##key: \ DO_AA(R8, src = muldiv256(src, aa)); \ goto key; \ case AA_MASK_##key: \ DO_AA(R8, src = muldiv256(src, aa)); \ FALLTHROUGH; \ case MASK_##key: \ src = muldiv255(src, load_clip_mask(buf, span)); \ FALLTHROUGH; \ case key: key #define BLEND_CASE(...) BLEND_CASE_KEY(BLEND_KEY(__VA_ARGS__)) switch (blend_key) { BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO): return src; BLEND_CASE(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR): return muldiv255(src, dst); BLEND_CASE(GL_ONE, GL_ONE): return src + dst; default: UNREACHABLE; // return src; } #undef BLEND_CASE #undef BLEND_CASE_KEY // clang-format on } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r) { unaligned_store(buf, pack(r)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r, int len) { partial_store_span(buf, pack(r), len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 blend_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r) { return blend_pixels(buf, unaligned_load(buf), r); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideRGBA8 blend_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r, int len) { return blend_pixels(buf, partial_load_span(buf, len), r, len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint32_t* buf, PackedRGBA8 r) { unaligned_store(buf, r); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint32_t* buf, PackedRGBA8 r, int len) { partial_store_span(buf, r, len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE PackedRGBA8 blend_span(uint32_t* buf, PackedRGBA8 r) { return pack(blend_span(buf, unpack(r))); } static ALWAYS_INLINE PackedRGBA8 blend_span(uint32_t* buf, PackedRGBA8 r, int len) { return pack(blend_span(buf, unpack(r), len)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r) { unaligned_store(buf, pack(r)); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r, int len) { partial_store_span(buf, pack(r), len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 blend_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r) { return blend_pixels(buf, unpack(unaligned_load(buf)), r); } static ALWAYS_INLINE WideR8 blend_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r, int len) { return blend_pixels(buf, unpack(partial_load_span(buf, len)), r, len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint8_t* buf, PackedR8 r) { unaligned_store(buf, r); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_span(uint8_t* buf, PackedR8 r, int len) { partial_store_span(buf, r, len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE PackedR8 blend_span(uint8_t* buf, PackedR8 r) { return pack(blend_span(buf, unpack(r))); } static ALWAYS_INLINE PackedR8 blend_span(uint8_t* buf, PackedR8 r, int len) { return pack(blend_span(buf, unpack(r), len)); } template static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_blend_span(P* buf, R r) { if (BLEND) { commit_span(buf, blend_span(buf, r)); } else { commit_span(buf, r); } } template static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_blend_span(P* buf, R r, int len) { if (BLEND) { commit_span(buf, blend_span(buf, r, len), len); } else { commit_span(buf, r, len); } } template static ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_blend_solid_span(P* buf, R r, int len) { for (P* end = &buf[len & ~3]; buf < end; buf += 4) { commit_span(buf, blend_span(buf, r)); } len &= 3; if (len > 0) { partial_store_span(buf, pack(blend_span(buf, r, len)), len); } } template static void commit_solid_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r, int len) { commit_blend_solid_span(buf, r, len); } template <> ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_solid_span(uint32_t* buf, WideRGBA8 r, int len) { fill_n(buf, len, bit_cast(pack(r)).x); } template static void commit_solid_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r, int len) { commit_blend_solid_span(buf, r, len); } template <> ALWAYS_INLINE void commit_solid_span(uint8_t* buf, WideR8 r, int len) { PackedR8 p = pack(r); if (uintptr_t(buf) & 3) { int align = 4 - (uintptr_t(buf) & 3); align = min(align, len); partial_store_span(buf, p, align); buf += align; len -= align; } fill_n((uint32_t*)buf, len / 4, bit_cast(p)); buf += len & ~3; len &= 3; if (len > 0) { partial_store_span(buf, p, len); } }