package diff import ( "fmt" "strings" "" ) // CompareEnums returns added, deleted enum values func CompareEnums(left, right []interface{}) []TypeDiff { diffs := []TypeDiff{} leftStrs := []string{} rightStrs := []string{} for _, eachLeft := range left { leftStrs = append(leftStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", eachLeft)) } for _, eachRight := range right { rightStrs = append(rightStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", eachRight)) } added, deleted, _ := fromStringArray(leftStrs).DiffsTo(rightStrs) if len(added) > 0 { typeChange := strings.Join(added, ",") diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: AddedEnumValue, Description: typeChange}) } if len(deleted) > 0 { typeChange := strings.Join(deleted, ",") diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: DeletedEnumValue, Description: typeChange}) } return diffs } // CompareProperties recursive property comparison func CompareProperties(location DifferenceLocation, schema1 *spec.Schema, schema2 *spec.Schema, getRefFn1 SchemaFromRefFn, getRefFn2 SchemaFromRefFn, cmp CompareSchemaFn) []SpecDifference { propDiffs := []SpecDifference{} if schema1.Properties == nil && schema2.Properties == nil { return propDiffs } schema1Props := propertiesFor(schema1, getRefFn1) schema2Props := propertiesFor(schema2, getRefFn2) // find deleted and changed properties for eachProp1Name, eachProp1 := range schema1Props { eachProp1 := eachProp1 childLoc := addChildDiffNode(location, eachProp1Name, eachProp1.Schema) if eachProp2, ok := schema2Props[eachProp1Name]; ok { diffs := CheckToFromRequired(eachProp1.Required, eachProp2.Required) if len(diffs) > 0 { for _, diff := range diffs { propDiffs = append(propDiffs, SpecDifference{DifferenceLocation: childLoc, Code: diff.Change}) } } cmp(childLoc, eachProp1.Schema, eachProp2.Schema) } else { propDiffs = append(propDiffs, SpecDifference{DifferenceLocation: childLoc, Code: DeletedProperty}) } } // find added properties for eachProp2Name, eachProp2 := range schema2.Properties { eachProp2 := eachProp2 if _, ok := schema1.Properties[eachProp2Name]; !ok { childLoc := addChildDiffNode(location, eachProp2Name, &eachProp2) propDiffs = append(propDiffs, SpecDifference{DifferenceLocation: childLoc, Code: AddedProperty}) } } return propDiffs } // CompareFloatValues compares a float data item func CompareFloatValues(fieldName string, val1 *float64, val2 *float64, ifGreaterCode SpecChangeCode, ifLessCode SpecChangeCode) []TypeDiff { diffs := []TypeDiff{} if val1 != nil && val2 != nil { if *val2 > *val1 { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ifGreaterCode, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s %f->%f", fieldName, *val1, *val2)}) } else if *val2 < *val1 { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ifLessCode, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s %f->%f", fieldName, *val1, *val2)}) } } else { if val1 != val2 { if val1 != nil { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: DeletedConstraint, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s(%f)", fieldName, *val1)}) } else { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: AddedConstraint, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s(%f)", fieldName, *val2)}) } } } return diffs } // CompareIntValues compares to int data items func CompareIntValues(fieldName string, val1 *int64, val2 *int64, ifGreaterCode SpecChangeCode, ifLessCode SpecChangeCode) []TypeDiff { diffs := []TypeDiff{} if val1 != nil && val2 != nil { if *val2 > *val1 { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ifGreaterCode, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s %d->%d", fieldName, *val1, *val2)}) } else if *val2 < *val1 { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ifLessCode, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s %d->%d", fieldName, *val1, *val2)}) } } else { if val1 != val2 { if val1 != nil { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: DeletedConstraint, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", fieldName, *val1)}) } else { diffs = append(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: AddedConstraint, Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", fieldName, *val2)}) } } } return diffs } // CheckToFromPrimitiveType check for diff to or from a primitive func CheckToFromPrimitiveType(diffs []TypeDiff, type1, type2 interface{}) []TypeDiff { type1IsPrimitive := isPrimitive(type1) type2IsPrimitive := isPrimitive(type2) // Primitive to Obj or Obj to Primitive if type1IsPrimitive != type2IsPrimitive { typeStr1, isarray1 := getSchemaType(type1) typeStr2, isarray2 := getSchemaType(type2) return addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ChangedType, FromType: formatTypeString(typeStr1, isarray1), ToType: formatTypeString(typeStr2, isarray2)}) } return diffs } // CheckRefChange has the property ref changed func CheckRefChange(diffs []TypeDiff, type1, type2 interface{}) (diffReturn []TypeDiff) { diffReturn = diffs if isRefType(type1) && isRefType(type2) { // both refs but to different objects (TODO detect renamed object) ref1 := definitionFromRef(getRef(type1)) ref2 := definitionFromRef(getRef(type2)) if ref1 != ref2 { diffReturn = addTypeDiff(diffReturn, TypeDiff{Change: RefTargetChanged, FromType: getSchemaTypeStr(type1), ToType: getSchemaTypeStr(type2)}) } } else if isRefType(type1) != isRefType(type2) { diffReturn = addTypeDiff(diffReturn, TypeDiff{Change: ChangedType, FromType: getSchemaTypeStr(type1), ToType: getSchemaTypeStr(type2)}) } return } // checkNumericTypeChanges checks for changes to or from a numeric type func checkNumericTypeChanges(diffs []TypeDiff, type1, type2 *spec.SchemaProps) []TypeDiff { // Number _, type1IsNumeric := numberWideness[type1.Type[0]] _, type2IsNumeric := numberWideness[type2.Type[0]] if type1IsNumeric && type2IsNumeric { foundDiff := false if type1.ExclusiveMaximum && !type2.ExclusiveMaximum { diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: WidenedType, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Exclusive Maximum Removed:%v->%v", type1.ExclusiveMaximum, type2.ExclusiveMaximum)}) foundDiff = true } if !type1.ExclusiveMaximum && type2.ExclusiveMaximum { diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: NarrowedType, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Exclusive Maximum Added:%v->%v", type1.ExclusiveMaximum, type2.ExclusiveMaximum)}) foundDiff = true } if type1.ExclusiveMinimum && !type2.ExclusiveMinimum { diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: WidenedType, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Exclusive Minimum Removed:%v->%v", type1.ExclusiveMaximum, type2.ExclusiveMaximum)}) foundDiff = true } if !type1.ExclusiveMinimum && type2.ExclusiveMinimum { diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: NarrowedType, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Exclusive Minimum Added:%v->%v", type1.ExclusiveMinimum, type2.ExclusiveMinimum)}) foundDiff = true } if !foundDiff { maxDiffs := CompareFloatValues("Maximum", type1.Maximum, type2.Maximum, WidenedType, NarrowedType) diffs = append(diffs, maxDiffs...) minDiffs := CompareFloatValues("Minimum", type1.Minimum, type2.Minimum, NarrowedType, WidenedType) diffs = append(diffs, minDiffs...) } } return diffs } // CheckStringTypeChanges checks for changes to or from a string type func CheckStringTypeChanges(diffs []TypeDiff, type1, type2 *spec.SchemaProps) []TypeDiff { // string changes if type1.Type[0] == StringType && type2.Type[0] == StringType { minLengthDiffs := CompareIntValues("MinLength", type1.MinLength, type2.MinLength, NarrowedType, WidenedType) diffs = append(diffs, minLengthDiffs...) maxLengthDiffs := CompareIntValues("MaxLength", type1.MinLength, type2.MinLength, WidenedType, NarrowedType) diffs = append(diffs, maxLengthDiffs...) if type1.Pattern != type2.Pattern { diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: ChangedType, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Pattern Changed:%s->%s", type1.Pattern, type2.Pattern)}) } if type1.Type[0] == StringType { if len(type1.Enum) > 0 { enumDiffs := CompareEnums(type1.Enum, type2.Enum) diffs = append(diffs, enumDiffs...) } } } return diffs } // CheckToFromRequired checks for changes to or from a required property func CheckToFromRequired(required1, required2 bool) (diffs []TypeDiff) { if required1 != required2 { code := ChangedOptionalToRequired if required1 { code = ChangedRequiredToOptional } diffs = addTypeDiff(diffs, TypeDiff{Change: code}) } return diffs } const objType = "object" func getTypeHierarchyChange(type1, type2 string) TypeDiff { fromType := type1 if fromType == "" { fromType = objType } toType := type2 if toType == "" { toType = objType } diffDescription := fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", fromType, toType) if isStringType(type1) && !isStringType(type2) { return TypeDiff{Change: NarrowedType, Description: diffDescription} } if !isStringType(type1) && isStringType(type2) { return TypeDiff{Change: WidenedType, Description: diffDescription} } type1Wideness, type1IsNumeric := numberWideness[type1] type2Wideness, type2IsNumeric := numberWideness[type2] if type1IsNumeric && type2IsNumeric { if type1Wideness == type2Wideness { return TypeDiff{Change: ChangedToCompatibleType, Description: diffDescription} } if type1Wideness > type2Wideness { return TypeDiff{Change: NarrowedType, Description: diffDescription} } if type1Wideness < type2Wideness { return TypeDiff{Change: WidenedType, Description: diffDescription} } } return TypeDiff{Change: ChangedType, Description: diffDescription} } func isRefType(item interface{}) bool { switch s := item.(type) { case spec.Refable: return s.Ref.String() != "" case *spec.Schema: return s.Ref.String() != "" case *spec.SchemaProps: return s.Ref.String() != "" case *spec.SimpleSchema: return false default: return false } }