package log import ( "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" "regexp/syntax" "" ) // Filterer is a interface to filter log lines. type Filterer interface { Filter(line []byte) bool ToStage() Stage } // LineFilterFunc is a syntax sugar for creating line filter from a function type FiltererFunc func(line []byte) bool func (f FiltererFunc) Filter(line []byte) bool { return f(line) } type trueFilter struct{} func (trueFilter) Filter(_ []byte) bool { return true } func (trueFilter) ToStage() Stage { return NoopStage } // TrueFilter is a filter that returns and matches all log lines whatever their content. var TrueFilter = trueFilter{} type notFilter struct { Filterer } func (n notFilter) Filter(line []byte) bool { return !n.Filterer.Filter(line) } func (n notFilter) ToStage() Stage { return StageFunc{ process: func(line []byte, _ *LabelsBuilder) ([]byte, bool) { return line, n.Filter(line) }, } } // newNotFilter creates a new filter which matches only if the base filter doesn't match. // If the base filter is a `or` it will recursively simplify with `and` operations. func newNotFilter(base Filterer) Filterer { // not(a|b) = not(a) and not(b) , and operation can't benefit from this optimization because both legs always needs to be executed. if or, ok := base.(orFilter); ok { return NewAndFilter(newNotFilter(or.left), newNotFilter(or.right)) } return notFilter{Filterer: base} } type andFilter struct { left Filterer right Filterer } // NewAndFilter creates a new filter which matches only if left and right matches. func NewAndFilter(left Filterer, right Filterer) Filterer { // Make sure we take care of panics in case a nil or noop filter is passed. if right == nil || right == TrueFilter { return left } if left == nil || left == TrueFilter { return right } return andFilter{ left: left, right: right, } } func (a andFilter) Filter(line []byte) bool { return a.left.Filter(line) && a.right.Filter(line) } func (a andFilter) ToStage() Stage { return StageFunc{ process: func(line []byte, _ *LabelsBuilder) ([]byte, bool) { return line, a.Filter(line) }, } } type orFilter struct { left Filterer right Filterer } // newOrFilter creates a new filter which matches only if left or right matches. func newOrFilter(left Filterer, right Filterer) Filterer { if left == nil || left == TrueFilter { return right } if right == nil || right == TrueFilter { return left } return orFilter{ left: left, right: right, } } // chainOrFilter is a syntax sugar to chain multiple `or` filters. (1 or many) func chainOrFilter(curr, new Filterer) Filterer { if curr == nil { return new } return newOrFilter(curr, new) } func (a orFilter) Filter(line []byte) bool { return a.left.Filter(line) || a.right.Filter(line) } func (a orFilter) ToStage() Stage { return StageFunc{ process: func(line []byte, _ *LabelsBuilder) ([]byte, bool) { return line, a.Filter(line) }, } } type regexpFilter struct { *regexp.Regexp } // newRegexpFilter creates a new line filter for a given regexp. // If match is false the filter is the negation of the regexp. func newRegexpFilter(re string, match bool) (Filterer, error) { reg, err := regexp.Compile(re) if err != nil { return nil, err } f := regexpFilter{reg} if match { return f, nil } return newNotFilter(f), nil } func (r regexpFilter) Filter(line []byte) bool { return r.Match(line) } func (r regexpFilter) ToStage() Stage { return StageFunc{ process: func(line []byte, _ *LabelsBuilder) ([]byte, bool) { return line, r.Filter(line) }, } } type containsFilter struct { match []byte caseInsensitive bool } func (l containsFilter) Filter(line []byte) bool { if l.caseInsensitive { line = bytes.ToLower(line) } return bytes.Contains(line, l.match) } func (l containsFilter) ToStage() Stage { return StageFunc{ process: func(line []byte, _ *LabelsBuilder) ([]byte, bool) { return line, l.Filter(line) }, } } func (l containsFilter) String() string { return string(l.match) } // newContainsFilter creates a contains filter that checks if a log line contains a match. func newContainsFilter(match []byte, caseInsensitive bool) Filterer { if len(match) == 0 { return TrueFilter } if caseInsensitive { match = bytes.ToLower(match) } return containsFilter{ match: match, caseInsensitive: caseInsensitive, } } // NewFilter creates a new line filter from a match string and type. func NewFilter(match string, mt labels.MatchType) (Filterer, error) { switch mt { case labels.MatchRegexp: return parseRegexpFilter(match, true) case labels.MatchNotRegexp: return parseRegexpFilter(match, false) case labels.MatchEqual: return newContainsFilter([]byte(match), false), nil case labels.MatchNotEqual: return newNotFilter(newContainsFilter([]byte(match), false)), nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown matcher: %v", match) } } // parseRegexpFilter parses a regexp and attempt to simplify it with only literal filters. // If not possible it will returns the original regexp filter. func parseRegexpFilter(re string, match bool) (Filterer, error) { reg, err := syntax.Parse(re, syntax.Perl) if err != nil { return nil, err } reg = reg.Simplify() // attempt to improve regex with tricks f, ok := simplify(reg) if !ok { return newRegexpFilter(re, match) } if match { return f, nil } return newNotFilter(f), nil } // simplify a regexp expression by replacing it, when possible, with a succession of literal filters. // For example `(foo|bar)` will be replaced by `containsFilter(foo) or containsFilter(bar)` func simplify(reg *syntax.Regexp) (Filterer, bool) { switch reg.Op { case syntax.OpAlternate: return simplifyAlternate(reg) case syntax.OpConcat: return simplifyConcat(reg, nil) case syntax.OpCapture: clearCapture(reg) return simplify(reg) case syntax.OpLiteral: return newContainsFilter([]byte(string((reg.Rune))), isCaseInsensitive(reg)), true case syntax.OpStar: if reg.Sub[0].Op == syntax.OpAnyCharNotNL { return TrueFilter, true } case syntax.OpEmptyMatch: return TrueFilter, true } return nil, false } func isCaseInsensitive(reg *syntax.Regexp) bool { return (reg.Flags & syntax.FoldCase) != 0 } // clearCapture removes capture operation as they are not used for filtering. func clearCapture(regs ...*syntax.Regexp) { for _, r := range regs { if r.Op == syntax.OpCapture { *r = *r.Sub[0] } } } // simplifyAlternate simplifies, when possible, alternate regexp expressions such as: // (foo|bar) or (foo|(bar|buzz)). func simplifyAlternate(reg *syntax.Regexp) (Filterer, bool) { clearCapture(reg.Sub...) // attempt to simplify the first leg f, ok := simplify(reg.Sub[0]) if !ok { return nil, false } // merge the rest of the legs for i := 1; i < len(reg.Sub); i++ { f2, ok := simplify(reg.Sub[i]) if !ok { return nil, false } f = newOrFilter(f, f2) } return f, true } // simplifyConcat attempt to simplify concat operations. // Concat operations are either literal and star such as foo.* .*foo.* .*foo // which is a literalFilter. // Or a literal and alternates operation (see simplifyConcatAlternate), which represent a multiplication of alternates. // Anything else is rejected. func simplifyConcat(reg *syntax.Regexp, baseLiteral []byte) (Filterer, bool) { clearCapture(reg.Sub...) // we support only simplication of concat operation with 3 sub expressions. // for instance .*foo.*bar contains 4 subs (.*+foo+.*+bar) and can't be simplified. if len(reg.Sub) > 3 { return nil, false } var curr Filterer var ok bool literals := 0 for _, sub := range reg.Sub { if sub.Op == syntax.OpLiteral { // only one literal is allowed. if literals != 0 { return nil, false } literals++ baseLiteral = append(baseLiteral, []byte(string(sub.Rune))...) continue } // if we have an alternate we must also have a base literal to apply the concatenation with. if sub.Op == syntax.OpAlternate && baseLiteral != nil { if curr, ok = simplifyConcatAlternate(sub, baseLiteral, curr); !ok { return nil, false } continue } if sub.Op == syntax.OpStar && sub.Sub[0].Op == syntax.OpAnyCharNotNL { continue } return nil, false } // if we have a filter from concat alternates. if curr != nil { return curr, true } // if we have only a concat with literals. if baseLiteral != nil { return newContainsFilter(baseLiteral, isCaseInsensitive(reg)), true } return nil, false } // simplifyConcatAlternate simplifies concat alternate operations. // A concat alternate is found when a concat operation has a sub alternate and is preceded by a literal. // For instance bar|b|buzz is expressed as b(ar|(?:)|uzz) => b concat alternate(ar,(?:),uzz). // (?:) being an OpEmptyMatch and b being the literal to concat all alternates (ar,(?:),uzz) with. func simplifyConcatAlternate(reg *syntax.Regexp, literal []byte, curr Filterer) (Filterer, bool) { for _, alt := range reg.Sub { switch alt.Op { case syntax.OpEmptyMatch: curr = chainOrFilter(curr, newContainsFilter(literal, isCaseInsensitive(reg))) case syntax.OpLiteral: // concat the root literal with the alternate one. altBytes := []byte(string(alt.Rune)) altLiteral := make([]byte, 0, len(literal)+len(altBytes)) altLiteral = append(altLiteral, literal...) altLiteral = append(altLiteral, altBytes...) curr = chainOrFilter(curr, newContainsFilter(altLiteral, isCaseInsensitive(reg))) case syntax.OpConcat: f, ok := simplifyConcat(alt, literal) if !ok { return nil, false } curr = chainOrFilter(curr, f) case syntax.OpStar: if alt.Sub[0].Op != syntax.OpAnyCharNotNL { return nil, false } curr = chainOrFilter(curr, newContainsFilter(literal, isCaseInsensitive(reg))) default: return nil, false } } if curr != nil { return curr, true } return nil, false }