/* * Copyright 2004-2005 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package grails.orm; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport; import groovy.lang.GroovySystem; import groovy.lang.MetaClass; import groovy.lang.MetaMethod; import groovy.lang.MissingMethodException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsClassUtils; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsHibernateUtil; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.EntityMode; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.AggregateProjection; import org.hibernate.criterion.CountProjection; import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Junction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projection; import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.PropertyProjection; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.SimpleExpression; import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionHolder; import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionSynchronizationManager; /** *

Wraps the Hibernate Criteria API in a builder. The builder can be retrieved through the "createCriteria()" dynamic static * method of Grails domain classes (Example in Groovy): * *

 *         def c = Account.createCriteria()
 *         def results = c {
 *             projections {
 *                 groupProperty("branch")
 *             }
 *             like("holderFirstName", "Fred%")
 *             and {
 *                 between("balance", 500, 1000)
 *                 eq("branch", "London")
 *             }
 *             maxResults(10)
 *             order("holderLastName", "desc")
 *         }
* *

The builder can also be instantiated standalone with a SessionFactory and persistent Class instance: * *

 *      new HibernateCriteriaBuilder(clazz, sessionFactory).list {
 *         eq("firstName", "Fred")
 *      }
* * @author Graeme Rocher */ public class HibernateCriteriaBuilder extends GroovyObjectSupport { public static final String AND = "and"; // builder public static final String IS_NULL = "isNull"; // builder public static final String IS_NOT_NULL = "isNotNull"; // builder public static final String NOT = "not";// builder public static final String OR = "or"; // builder public static final String ID_EQUALS = "idEq"; // builder public static final String IS_EMPTY = "isEmpty"; //builder public static final String IS_NOT_EMPTY = "isNotEmpty"; //builder public static final String RLIKE = "rlike";//method public static final String BETWEEN = "between";//method public static final String EQUALS = "eq";//method public static final String EQUALS_PROPERTY = "eqProperty";//method public static final String GREATER_THAN = "gt";//method public static final String GREATER_THAN_PROPERTY = "gtProperty";//method public static final String GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "ge";//method public static final String GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY = "geProperty";//method public static final String ILIKE = "ilike";//method public static final String IN = "in";//method public static final String LESS_THAN = "lt"; //method public static final String LESS_THAN_PROPERTY = "ltProperty";//method public static final String LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "le";//method public static final String LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_PROPERTY = "leProperty";//method public static final String LIKE = "like";//method public static final String NOT_EQUAL = "ne";//method public static final String NOT_EQUAL_PROPERTY = "neProperty";//method public static final String SIZE_EQUALS = "sizeEq"; //method public static final String ORDER_DESCENDING = "desc"; public static final String ORDER_ASCENDING = "asc"; private static final String ROOT_DO_CALL = "doCall"; private static final String ROOT_CALL = "call"; private static final String LIST_CALL = "list"; private static final String LIST_DISTINCT_CALL = "listDistinct"; private static final String COUNT_CALL = "count"; private static final String GET_CALL = "get"; private static final String SCROLL_CALL = "scroll"; private static final String SET_RESULT_TRANSFORMER_CALL = "setResultTransformer"; private static final String PROJECTIONS = "projections"; private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private Session hibernateSession; private Class targetClass; private Criteria criteria; private MetaClass criteriaMetaClass; private boolean uniqueResult = false; private List logicalExpressionStack = new ArrayList(); private List associationStack = new ArrayList(); private boolean participate; private boolean scroll; private boolean count; private ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList(); private BeanWrapper targetBean; private List aliasStack = new ArrayList(); private List aliasInstanceStack = new ArrayList(); private Map aliasMap = new HashMap(); private static final String ALIAS = "_alias"; private ResultTransformer resultTransformer; private int aliasCount; private boolean paginationEnabledList = false; private List orderEntries; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) public HibernateCriteriaBuilder(Class targetClass, SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.targetClass = targetClass; targetBean = new BeanWrapperImpl(BeanUtils.instantiateClass(targetClass)); this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public HibernateCriteriaBuilder(Class targetClass, SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean uniqueResult) { this.targetClass = targetClass; this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.uniqueResult = uniqueResult; } /** * Returns the criteria instance * @return The criteria instance */ public Criteria getInstance() { return criteria; } /** * Set whether a unique result should be returned * @param uniqueResult True if a unique result should be returned */ public void setUniqueResult(boolean uniqueResult) { this.uniqueResult = uniqueResult; } /** * A projection that selects a property name * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void property(String propertyName) { property(propertyName, null); } /** * A projection that selects a property name * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void property(String propertyName, String alias) { final PropertyProjection propertyProjection = Projections.property(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(propertyProjection, alias); } /** * Adds a projection to the projectList for the given alias * * @param propertyProjection The projection * @param alias The alias */ protected void addProjectionToList(Projection propertyProjection, String alias) { if (alias != null) { projectionList.add(propertyProjection,alias); } else { projectionList.add(propertyProjection); } } /** * A projection that selects a distince property name * @param propertyName The property name */ public void distinct(String propertyName) { distinct(propertyName, null); } /** * A projection that selects a distince property name * @param propertyName The property name * @param alias The alias to use */ public void distinct(String propertyName, String alias) { final Projection proj = Projections.distinct(Projections.property(calculatePropertyName(propertyName))); addProjectionToList(proj,alias); } /** * A distinct projection that takes a list * * @param propertyNames The list of distince property names */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void distinct(Collection propertyNames) { distinct(propertyNames, null); } /** * A distinct projection that takes a list * * @param propertyNames The list of distince property names * @param alias The alias to use */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void distinct(Collection propertyNames, String alias) { ProjectionList list = Projections.projectionList(); for (Object o : propertyNames) { list.add(Projections.property(calculatePropertyName(o.toString()))); } final Projection proj = Projections.distinct(list); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property average value * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void avg(String propertyName) { avg(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property average value * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void avg(String propertyName, String alias) { final AggregateProjection aggregateProjection = Projections.avg(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(aggregateProjection, alias); } /** * Use a join query * * @param associationPath The path of the association */ public void join(String associationPath) { criteria.setFetchMode(calculatePropertyName(associationPath), FetchMode.JOIN); } /** * Whether a pessimistic lock should be obtained. * * @param shouldLock True if it should */ public void lock(boolean shouldLock) { String lastAlias = getLastAlias(); if (shouldLock) { if (lastAlias != null) { criteria.setLockMode(lastAlias, LockMode.UPGRADE); } else { criteria.setLockMode(LockMode.UPGRADE); } } else { if (lastAlias != null) { criteria.setLockMode(lastAlias, LockMode.NONE); } else { criteria.setLockMode(LockMode.NONE); } } } /** * Use a select query * * @param associationPath The path of the association */ public void select(String associationPath) { criteria.setFetchMode(calculatePropertyName(associationPath), FetchMode.SELECT); } /** * Whether to use the query cache * @param shouldCache True if the query should be cached */ public void cache(boolean shouldCache) { criteria.setCacheable(shouldCache); } /** * Calculates the property name including any alias paths * * @param propertyName The property name * @return The calculated property name */ private String calculatePropertyName(String propertyName) { String lastAlias = getLastAlias(); if (lastAlias != null) { return lastAlias +'.'+propertyName; } return propertyName; } private String getLastAlias() { if (aliasStack.size() > 0) { return aliasStack.get(aliasStack.size() - 1).toString(); } return null; } /** * Calculates the property value, converting GStrings if necessary * * @param propertyValue The property value * @return The calculated property value */ private Object calculatePropertyValue(Object propertyValue) { if (propertyValue instanceof CharSequence) { return propertyValue.toString(); } return propertyValue; } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property count * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void count(String propertyName) { count(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the property count * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void count(String propertyName, String alias) { final CountProjection proj = Projections.count(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the distinct property count * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void countDistinct(String propertyName) { countDistinct(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the distinct property count * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void countDistinct(String propertyName, String alias) { final CountProjection proj = Projections.countDistinct(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria's result to be grouped by a property * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void groupProperty(String propertyName) { groupProperty(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria's result to be grouped by a property * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void groupProperty(String propertyName, String alias) { final PropertyProjection proj = Projections.groupProperty(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a maximum property value * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void max(String propertyName) { max(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a maximum property value * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void max(String propertyName, String alias) { final AggregateProjection proj = Projections.max(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a minimum property value * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void min(String propertyName) { min(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve a minimum property value * * @param alias The alias to use */ public void min(String propertyName, String alias) { final AggregateProjection aggregateProjection = Projections.min(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(aggregateProjection, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the row count * */ public void rowCount() { rowCount(null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to return the row count * * @param alias The alias to use */ public void rowCount(String alias) { final Projection proj = Projections.rowCount(); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve the sum of the results of a property * * @param propertyName The name of the property */ public void sum(String propertyName) { sum(propertyName, null); } /** * Adds a projection that allows the criteria to retrieve the sum of the results of a property * * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param alias The alias to use */ public void sum(String propertyName, String alias) { final AggregateProjection proj = Projections.sum(calculatePropertyName(propertyName)); addProjectionToList(proj, alias); } /** * Sets the fetch mode of an associated path * * @param associationPath The name of the associated path * @param fetchMode The fetch mode to set */ public void fetchMode(String associationPath, FetchMode fetchMode) { if (criteria != null) { criteria.setFetchMode(associationPath, fetchMode); } } /** * Sets the resultTransformer. * @param resultTransformer The result transformer to use. */ public void resultTransformer(ResultTransformer transformer) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [resultTransformer] not supported here")); } resultTransformer = transformer; } /** * Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for equality * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object eqProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [eqProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.eqProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that compares to class properties for !equality * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object neProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [neProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.neProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than the second property * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object gtProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [gtProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.gtProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is greater than or equal to the second property * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object geProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [geProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.geProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than the second property * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object ltProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [ltProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.ltProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that tests if the first property is less than or equal to the second property * @param propertyName The first property name * @param otherPropertyName The second property name * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object leProperty(String propertyName, String otherPropertyName) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [leProperty] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and other property name [" + otherPropertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); otherPropertyName = calculatePropertyName(otherPropertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.leProperty(propertyName, otherPropertyName)); } /** * Creates a "greater than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object gt(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [gt] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.gt(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates a "greater than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object ge(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [ge] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.ge(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates a "less than" Criterion based on the specified property name and value * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object lt(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [lt] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.lt(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates a "less than or equal to" Criterion based on the specified property name and value * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object le(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [le] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.le(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value. Case-sensitive. * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object eq(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { return eq(propertyName, propertyValue, Collections.emptyMap()); } /** * Groovy moves the map to the first parameter if using the idiomatic form, e.g. * eq 'firstName', 'Fred', ignoreCase: true. * @param params optional map with customization parameters; currently only 'ignoreCase' is supported. * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue * @return A Criterion instance */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object eq(Map params, String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { return eq(propertyName, propertyValue, params); } /** * Creates an "equals" Criterion based on the specified property name and value. * Supports case-insensitive search if the params map contains true * under the 'ignoreCase' key. * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @param params optional map with customization parameters; currently only 'ignoreCase' is supported. * * @return A Criterion instance */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object eq(String propertyName, Object propertyValue, Map params) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [eq] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); SimpleExpression eq = Restrictions.eq(propertyName, propertyValue); if (params != null) { Object ignoreCase = params.get("ignoreCase"); if (ignoreCase instanceof Boolean && (Boolean)ignoreCase) { eq = eq.ignoreCase(); } } return addToCriteria(eq); } /** * Applies a sql restriction to the results to allow something like:
       def results = Person.withCriteria {
           sqlRestriction "char_length(first_name) <= 4"
* * @param sqlRestriction the sql restriction * @return a Criterion instance */ public Object sqlRestriction(String sqlRestriction) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sqlRestriction] with value [" + sqlRestriction + "] not allowed here.")); } return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sqlRestriction(sqlRestriction)); } /** * Creates a Criterion with from the specified property name and "like" expression * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The like value * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object like(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [like] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.like(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates a Criterion with from the specified property name and "rlike" (a regular expression version of "like") expression * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The ilike value * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object rlike(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [rlike] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(new RlikeExpression(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Creates a Criterion with from the specified property name and "ilike" (a case sensitive version of "like") expression * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The ilike value * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object ilike(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [ilike] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.ilike(propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Applys a "in" contrain on the specified property * @param propertyName The property name * @param values A collection of values * * @return A Criterion instance */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object in(String propertyName, Collection values) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [in] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and values [" + values + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.in(propertyName, values)); } /** * Delegates to in as in is a Groovy keyword */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object inList(String propertyName, Collection values) { return in(propertyName, values); } /** * Delegates to in as in is a Groovy keyword */ public Object inList(String propertyName, Object[] values) { return in(propertyName, values); } /** * Applys a "in" contrain on the specified property * @param propertyName The property name * @param values A collection of values * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object in(String propertyName, Object[] values) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [in] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and values [" + values + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.in(propertyName, values)); } /** * Orders by the specified property name (defaults to ascending) * * @param propertyName The property name to order by * @return A Order instance */ public Object order(String propertyName) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [order] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "]not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); Order o = Order.asc(propertyName); if (paginationEnabledList) { orderEntries.add(o); } else { criteria.addOrder(o); } return o; } /** * Orders by the specified property name and direction * * @param propertyName The property name to order by * @param direction Either "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending * * @return A Order instance */ public Object order(String propertyName, String direction) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [order] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "]not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); Order o; if (direction.equals(ORDER_DESCENDING)) { o = Order.desc(propertyName); } else { o = Order.asc(propertyName); } if (paginationEnabledList) { orderEntries.add(o); } else { criteria.addOrder(o); } return o; } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property by size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeEq(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeEq] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeEq(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than the given size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeGt(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeGt] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeGt(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be greater than or equal to the given size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeGe(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeGe] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeGe(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than or equal to the given size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeLe(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeLe] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeLe(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be less than to the given size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeLt(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeLt] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeLt(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a Criterion that contrains a collection property to be not equal to the given size * * @param propertyName The property name * @param size The size to constrain by * * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object sizeNe(String propertyName, int size) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [sizeNe] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and size [" + size + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.sizeNe(propertyName, size)); } /** * Creates a "not equal" Criterion based on the specified property name and value * @param propertyName The property name * @param propertyValue The property value * @return The criterion object */ public Object ne(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [ne] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] and value [" + propertyValue + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); propertyValue = calculatePropertyValue(propertyValue); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.ne(propertyName, propertyValue)); } public Object notEqual(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { return ne(propertyName, propertyValue); } /** * Creates a "between" Criterion based on the property name and specified lo and hi values * @param propertyName The property name * @param lo The low value * @param hi The high value * @return A Criterion instance */ public Object between(String propertyName, Object lo, Object hi) { if (!validateSimpleExpression()) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Call to [between] with propertyName [" + propertyName + "] not allowed here.")); } propertyName = calculatePropertyName(propertyName); return addToCriteria(Restrictions.between(propertyName, lo, hi)); } private boolean validateSimpleExpression() { return criteria != null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object obj) { Object[] args = obj.getClass().isArray() ? (Object[])obj : new Object[]{obj}; if (paginationEnabledList && SET_RESULT_TRANSFORMER_CALL.equals(name) && args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof ResultTransformer) { resultTransformer = (ResultTransformer) args[0]; return null; } if (isCriteriaConstructionMethod(name, args)) { if (criteria != null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("call to [" + name + "] not supported here")); } if (name.equals(GET_CALL)) { uniqueResult = true; } else if (name.equals(SCROLL_CALL)) { scroll = true; } else if (name.equals(COUNT_CALL)) { count = true; } else if (name.equals(LIST_DISTINCT_CALL)) { resultTransformer = CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY; } createCriteriaInstance(); // Check for pagination params if (name.equals(LIST_CALL) && args.length == 2) { paginationEnabledList = true; orderEntries = new ArrayList(); invokeClosureNode(args[1]); } else { invokeClosureNode(args[0]); } if (resultTransformer != null) { criteria.setResultTransformer(resultTransformer); } Object result; if (!uniqueResult) { if (scroll) { result = criteria.scroll(); } else if (count) { criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); result = criteria.uniqueResult(); } else if (paginationEnabledList) { // Calculate how many results there are in total. This has been // moved to before the 'list()' invocation to avoid any "ORDER // BY" clause added by 'populateArgumentsForCriteria()', otherwise // an exception is thrown for non-string sort fields (GRAILS-2690). criteria.setFirstResult(0); criteria.setMaxResults(Integer.MAX_VALUE); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); int totalCount = ((Integer)criteria.uniqueResult()).intValue(); // Drop the projection, add settings for the pagination parameters, // and then execute the query. criteria.setProjection(null); for (Iterator it = orderEntries.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { criteria.addOrder(it.next()); } if (resultTransformer == null) { criteria.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ROOT_ENTITY); } else if (paginationEnabledList) { // relevant to GRAILS-5692 criteria.setResultTransformer(resultTransformer); } GrailsHibernateUtil.populateArgumentsForCriteria(targetClass, criteria, (Map)args[0]); PagedResultList pagedRes = new PagedResultList(criteria.list()); // Updated the paged results with the total number of records calculated previously. pagedRes.setTotalCount(totalCount); result = pagedRes; } else { result = criteria.list(); } } else { result = GrailsHibernateUtil.unwrapIfProxy(criteria.uniqueResult()); } if (!participate) { hibernateSession.close(); } return result; } if (criteria == null) createCriteriaInstance(); MetaMethod metaMethod = getMetaClass().getMetaMethod(name, args); if (metaMethod != null) { return metaMethod.invoke(this, args); } metaMethod = criteriaMetaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args); if (metaMethod != null) { return metaMethod.invoke(criteria, args); } metaMethod = criteriaMetaClass.getMetaMethod(GrailsClassUtils.getSetterName(name), args); if (metaMethod != null) { return metaMethod.invoke(criteria, args); } if (args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof Closure) { if (name.equals(AND) || name.equals(OR) || name.equals(NOT)) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("call to [" + name + "] not supported here")); } logicalExpressionStack.add(new LogicalExpression(name)); invokeClosureNode(args[0]); LogicalExpression logicalExpression = logicalExpressionStack.remove(logicalExpressionStack.size()-1); addToCriteria(logicalExpression.toCriterion()); return name; } if (name.equals(PROJECTIONS) && args.length == 1 && (args[0] instanceof Closure)) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("call to [" + name + "] not supported here")); } projectionList = Projections.projectionList(); invokeClosureNode(args[0]); if (projectionList != null && projectionList.getLength() > 0) { criteria.setProjection(projectionList); } return name; } if (targetBean.isReadableProperty(name.toString())) { ClassMetadata meta = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(targetBean.getWrappedClass()); Type type = meta.getPropertyType(name.toString()); if (type.isAssociationType()) { String otherSideEntityName = ((AssociationType) type).getAssociatedEntityName((SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory); Class oldTargetClass = targetClass; targetClass = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(otherSideEntityName).getMappedClass(EntityMode.POJO); BeanWrapper oldTargetBean = targetBean; targetBean = new BeanWrapperImpl(BeanUtils.instantiateClass(targetClass)); associationStack.add(name.toString()); final String associationPath = getAssociationPath(); createAliasIfNeccessary(name, associationPath); // the criteria within an association node are grouped with an implicit AND logicalExpressionStack.add(new LogicalExpression(AND)); invokeClosureNode(args[0]); aliasStack.remove(aliasStack.size() - 1); if (!aliasInstanceStack.isEmpty()) { aliasInstanceStack.remove(aliasInstanceStack.size() - 1); } LogicalExpression logicalExpression = logicalExpressionStack.remove(logicalExpressionStack.size()-1); if (!logicalExpression.args.isEmpty()) { addToCriteria(logicalExpression.toCriterion()); } associationStack.remove(associationStack.size()-1); targetClass = oldTargetClass; targetBean = oldTargetBean; return name; } } } else if (args.length == 1 && args[0] != null) { if (criteria == null) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("call to [" + name + "] not supported here")); } Object value = args[0]; Criterion c = null; if (name.equals(ID_EQUALS)) { return eq("id", value); } if (name.equals(IS_NULL) || name.equals(IS_NOT_NULL) || name.equals(IS_EMPTY) || name.equals(IS_NOT_EMPTY)) { if (!(value instanceof String)) { throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("call to [" + name + "] with value [" + value + "] requires a String value.")); } String propertyName = calculatePropertyName((String)value); if (name.equals(IS_NULL)) { c = Restrictions.isNull(propertyName) ; } else if (name.equals(IS_NOT_NULL)) { c = Restrictions.isNotNull(propertyName); } else if (name.equals(IS_EMPTY)) { c = Restrictions.isEmpty(propertyName); } else if (name.equals(IS_NOT_EMPTY)) { c = Restrictions.isNotEmpty(propertyName); } } if (c != null) { return addToCriteria(c); } } throw new MissingMethodException(name, getClass(), args) ; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void addToCurrentOrAliasedCriteria(Criterion criterion) { if (!aliasInstanceStack.isEmpty()) { Criteria c = aliasInstanceStack.get(aliasInstanceStack.size()-1); c.add(criterion); } else { criteria.add(criterion); } } private void createAliasIfNeccessary(String associationName, String associationPath) { String newAlias; if (aliasMap.containsKey(associationPath)) { newAlias = aliasMap.get(associationPath); } else { aliasCount++; newAlias = associationName + ALIAS + aliasCount; aliasMap.put(associationPath, newAlias); aliasInstanceStack.add(criteria.createAlias(associationPath, newAlias, CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)); } aliasStack.add(newAlias); } private String getAssociationPath() { StringBuilder fullPath = new StringBuilder(); for (Object anAssociationStack : associationStack) { String propertyName = (String) anAssociationStack; if (fullPath.length() > 0) fullPath.append("."); fullPath.append(propertyName); } final String associationPath = fullPath.toString(); return associationPath; } private boolean isCriteriaConstructionMethod(String name, Object[] args) { return (name.equals(LIST_CALL) && args.length == 2 && args[0] instanceof Map && args[1] instanceof Closure) || (name.equals(ROOT_CALL) || name.equals(ROOT_DO_CALL) || name.equals(LIST_CALL) || name.equals(LIST_DISTINCT_CALL) || name.equals(GET_CALL) || name.equals(COUNT_CALL) || name.equals(SCROLL_CALL) && args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof Closure); } public Criteria buildCriteria(Closure criteriaClosure) { createCriteriaInstance(); criteriaClosure.setDelegate(this); criteriaClosure.call(); return criteria; } private void createCriteriaInstance() { if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(sessionFactory)) { participate = true; hibernateSession = ((SessionHolder)TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(sessionFactory)).getSession(); } else { hibernateSession = sessionFactory.openSession(); } criteria = hibernateSession.createCriteria(targetClass); GrailsHibernateUtil.cacheCriteriaByMapping(targetClass, criteria); criteriaMetaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(criteria.getClass()); } private void invokeClosureNode(Object args) { Closure callable = (Closure)args; callable.setDelegate(this); callable.setResolveStrategy(Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST); callable.call(); } /** * Throws a runtime exception where necessary to ensure the session gets closed */ private void throwRuntimeException(RuntimeException t) { closeSessionFollowingException(); throw t; } private void closeSessionFollowingException() { if (hibernateSession != null && hibernateSession.isOpen() && !participate) { hibernateSession.close(); } criteria = null; } /** * adds and returns the given criterion to the currently active criteria set. * this might be either the root criteria or a currently open * LogicalExpression. */ private Criterion addToCriteria(Criterion c) { if (!logicalExpressionStack.isEmpty()) { logicalExpressionStack.get(logicalExpressionStack.size() - 1).args.add(c); } else { criteria.add(c); } return c; } /** * instances of this class are pushed onto the logicalExpressionStack * to represent all the unfinished "and", "or", and "not" expressions. */ private class LogicalExpression { final Object name; final List args = new ArrayList(); LogicalExpression(Object name) { this.name = name; } Criterion toCriterion() { if (name.equals(NOT)) { switch (args.size()) { case 0: throwRuntimeException(new IllegalArgumentException("Logical expression [not] must contain at least 1 expression")); return null; case 1: return Restrictions.not(args.get(0)); default: // treat multiple sub-criteria as an implicit "OR" return Restrictions.not(buildJunction(Restrictions.disjunction(), args)); } } if (name.equals(AND)) { return buildJunction(Restrictions.conjunction(), args); } if (name.equals(OR)) { return buildJunction(Restrictions.disjunction(), args); } throwRuntimeException(new IllegalStateException("Logical expression [" + name + "] not handled!")); return null; } // add the Criterion objects in the given list to the given junction. Junction buildJunction(Junction junction, List criterions) { for (Criterion c : criterions) { junction.add(c); } return junction; } } }