before stylesheets. // extraFooter Extra HTML text shown at the bottom of every page, before // the HotCRP link. If set, should generally end with // " | ". // assetsUrl URL prefix for assets (stylesheets/, scripts/, images/). // Defaults to the conference installation. // scriptAssetsUrl URL prefix for script assets. Defaults to assetsURL, // except for browsers known to ignore `crossorigin`, where // it defaults to the conference installation. // jqueryUrl URL for jQuery. Defaults to the local minified jquery. // jqueryCdn If true, use the jQuery CDN. // redirectToHttps If set to true, then HotCRP will redirect all http // connections to https. // allowLocalHttp Only meaningful if redirectToHttps is set. If true, then // HotCRP will *not* redirect http connections that // originate from localhost. // BEHAVIOR OPTIONS // // sortByLastName Set to true to sort users by last name. // smartScoreCompare Set to true if a search like "ovemer:>B" should search // for scores better than B (i.e., A), rather than scores // alphabetically after B (i.e., C or D). // noFooterVersion Set to true to avoid a version comment in footer HTML. // strictJavascript If true, send Javascript with "use strict". // hideManager If set, PC members are not shown paper managers. // disableCapabilities If set, emails to authors will not have a // token enabling them to view their papers without logging in. $Opt["smartScoreCompare"] = true; // EXTERNAL SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION // // dbHost Database host. Defaults to localhost. // dsn Database configuration string in the format // "mysql://DBUSER:DBPASSWORD@DBHOST/DBNAME". // The default is derived from $Opt["dbName"], etc. // sessionName Internal name used to distinguish conference sessions // running on the same server. NO SPACES ALLOWED. Defaults // to $Opt["dbName"]. // sessionLifetime Number of seconds a user may be idle before their session // is garbage collected and they must log in again. Defaults // to 86400 (24 hours). Should be less than or equal to the // system-wide setting for `session.gc_maxlifetime` in // the PHP initialization file, `php.ini`. // sessionSecure If true, then set the session cookie only on secure // connections. Defaults to false. // sessionDomain The domain scope for the session cookie. Defaults to the // server's domain. To share a cookie across subdomains, // prefix it with a dot: "". // memoryLimit Maximum amount of memory a PHP script can use. Defaults // to 128MB. // pdftohtml Pathname to pdftohtml executable (used only by the "banal" // paper format checker). // banalLimit Limit on number of parallel paper format checker // executions. Defaults to 8. // zipCommand Set to the path to the `zip` executable. Defaults to // `zip`.