TODO List --------- + Body BLOCK i.e. BLOCK:BODY MY_IF body p1 p2 : r1 r2 + PROLOG body for inital stuff + EPILOG body final stuff + Naming - Tag all public httest functions with a namespace or capsulate them in structures + Core - Develop a virtual maschine for httest to improve script execution + Syntax - Remove this annoying _ before the calls - No upercase commands anymore - Migration script, test it for adnovum httest scripts - Or keep it backward compatible - Syntax higlighting implement a special XML based output to generate vim, gedit, emacs, ... color coding scheme + Distributed - Synchronize results from distributed tests - Count errors, do not break + HTML - DOM, XmlHttpRequest and HTML interaction - Fill formular and submit + SSL - Need more information on ssl failure + Debugger - break on error + Output - Print line number in output - Stack trace on error is not highlighted. Do it the C way :) - XML output + Scanning - Parameterized scripts - Slowloris - Detect http infrastructure like owa, sharepoint, twiki, ... + htproxy - Etag support - Title matcher - Link name matcher (the stuff between and ) - Generic tag matcher - SSL support + Other - Update user guide! - Transparent forward proxy support - Encrpyt the ntml type 3 message and extrakt user - Clean up unused EXPECT/MATCH after a _ERROR ... _END - Firefox plugin - To display version do shortcut it to -V (htremote, httest, htnlm, ...)