#ifndef INCLUDED_HTTP_HEADER_H #define INCLUDED_HTTP_HEADER_H #include "first.h" #include "base_decls.h" #include "buffer.h" /* HTTP header enum for select HTTP field-names * reference: * https://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xml * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields */ /* Note: must be kept in sync with http_header.c http_headers[] */ /* Note: must be kept in sync h2.c:http_header_lc[] */ /* Note: must be kept in sync h2.c:http_header_lshpack_idx[] */ /* Note: must be kept in sync h2.c:lshpack_idx_http_header[] */ /* Note: when adding new items, must replace OTHER in existing code for item */ /* Note: current implementation has limit of 64 htags * Use of htags is an optimization for quick existence checks in lighttpd. * (In the future, these values may also be used to map to HPACK indices.) * However, listing all possible headers here is highly discouraged, * as extending the bitmap greater than 64-bits may make quick bitmasks * check more expensive, and the cost for looking up unmarked headers * (HTTP_HEADER_OTHER) is not substantially more. In the future, this * list may be revisitied and reviewed, and less frequent headers removed * or replaced. */ enum http_header_h2_e { /* pseudo-headers */ HTTP_HEADER_H2_UNKNOWN = -1 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_AUTHORITY = -2 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_METHOD_GET = -3 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_METHOD_POST = -4 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_PATH = -5 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_PATH_INDEX_HTML = -6 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_SCHEME_HTTP = -7 ,HTTP_HEADER_H2_SCHEME_HTTPS = -8 }; enum http_header_e { HTTP_HEADER_OTHER = 0 ,HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT ,HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING ,HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE ,HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES ,HTTP_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN ,HTTP_HEADER_AGE ,HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW ,HTTP_HEADER_ALT_SVC ,HTTP_HEADER_ALT_USED ,HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION ,HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL ,HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY ,HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE ,HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE ,HTTP_HEADER_DATE ,HTTP_HEADER_DNT ,HTTP_HEADER_ETAG ,HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT ,HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT_CT ,HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES ,HTTP_HEADER_FORWARDED ,HTTP_HEADER_HOST ,HTTP_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGS ,HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH ,HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE ,HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH ,HTTP_HEADER_IF_RANGE ,HTTP_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE ,HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED ,HTTP_HEADER_LINK ,HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION ,HTTP_HEADER_ONION_LOCATION ,HTTP_HEADER_P3P ,HTTP_HEADER_PRAGMA ,HTTP_HEADER_RANGE ,HTTP_HEADER_REFERER ,HTTP_HEADER_REFERRER_POLICY ,HTTP_HEADER_SERVER ,HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE ,HTTP_HEADER_STATUS ,HTTP_HEADER_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY ,HTTP_HEADER_TE ,HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING ,HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE ,HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS ,HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT ,HTTP_HEADER_VARY ,HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE ,HTTP_HEADER_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS ,HTTP_HEADER_X_FORWARDED_FOR ,HTTP_HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PROTO ,HTTP_HEADER_X_FRAME_OPTIONS ,HTTP_HEADER_X_XSS_PROTECTION }; __attribute_pure__ enum http_header_e http_header_hkey_get(const char *s, size_t slen); __attribute_pure__ enum http_header_e http_header_hkey_get_lc(const char *s, size_t slen); __attribute_pure__ int http_header_str_to_code (const char * const s); __attribute_pure__ int http_header_str_contains_token (const char *s, uint32_t slen, const char *m, uint32_t mlen); int http_header_remove_token (buffer * const b, const char * const m, const uint32_t mlen); __attribute_pure__ buffer * http_header_response_get(const request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); __attribute_returns_nonnull__ buffer * http_header_response_set_ptr(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); void http_header_response_unset(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); void http_header_response_set(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); void http_header_response_append(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); void http_header_response_insert(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); __attribute_pure__ buffer * http_header_request_get(const request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); __attribute_returns_nonnull__ buffer * http_header_request_set_ptr(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); void http_header_request_unset(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen); void http_header_request_set(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); void http_header_request_append(request_st *r, enum http_header_e id, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); __attribute_pure__ buffer * http_header_env_get(const request_st *r, const char *k, uint32_t klen); __attribute_returns_nonnull__ buffer * http_header_env_set_ptr(request_st *r, const char *k, uint32_t klen); void http_header_env_set(request_st *r, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); void http_header_env_append(request_st *r, const char *k, uint32_t klen, const char *v, uint32_t vlen); __attribute_hot__ uint32_t http_header_parse_hoff (const char *n, const uint32_t clen, unsigned short hoff[8192]); #endif