/* * Copyright (C) 2012, Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. */ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/offline_audio_context.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h" #include "third_party/blink/public/platform/platform.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/modules/v8/v8_offline_audio_context_options.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_exception.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/audio_listener.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/deferred_task_handler.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/offline_audio_completion_event.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/offline_audio_destination_node.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/audio_utilities.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_messages.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_state.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/cross_thread_functional.h" namespace blink { OfflineAudioContext* OfflineAudioContext::Create( ExecutionContext* context, unsigned number_of_channels, unsigned number_of_frames, float sample_rate, ExceptionState& exception_state) { // FIXME: add support for workers. auto* document = Document::DynamicFrom(context); if (!document) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException(DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, "Workers are not supported."); return nullptr; } if (document->IsDetached()) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, "Cannot create OfflineAudioContext on a detached document."); return nullptr; } if (!number_of_frames) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, ExceptionMessages::IndexExceedsMinimumBound( "number of frames", number_of_frames, 1)); return nullptr; } if (number_of_channels == 0 || number_of_channels > BaseAudioContext::MaxNumberOfChannels()) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, ExceptionMessages::IndexOutsideRange( "number of channels", number_of_channels, 1, ExceptionMessages::kInclusiveBound, BaseAudioContext::MaxNumberOfChannels(), ExceptionMessages::kInclusiveBound)); return nullptr; } if (!audio_utilities::IsValidAudioBufferSampleRate(sample_rate)) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, ExceptionMessages::IndexOutsideRange( "sampleRate", sample_rate, audio_utilities::MinAudioBufferSampleRate(), ExceptionMessages::kInclusiveBound, audio_utilities::MaxAudioBufferSampleRate(), ExceptionMessages::kInclusiveBound)); return nullptr; } OfflineAudioContext* audio_context = MakeGarbageCollected(document, number_of_channels, number_of_frames, sample_rate, exception_state); audio_context->UpdateStateIfNeeded(); #if DEBUG_AUDIONODE_REFERENCES fprintf(stderr, "[%16p]: OfflineAudioContext::OfflineAudioContext()\n", audio_context); #endif base::UmaHistogramSparse("WebAudio.OfflineAudioContext.ChannelCount", number_of_channels); // Arbitrarly limit the maximum length to 1 million frames (about 20 sec // at 48kHz). The number of buckets is fairly arbitrary. base::UmaHistogramCounts1M("WebAudio.OfflineAudioContext.Length", number_of_frames); // The limits are the min and max AudioBuffer sample rates currently // supported. We use explicit values here instead of // audio_utilities::minAudioBufferSampleRate() and // audio_utilities::maxAudioBufferSampleRate(). The number of buckets is // fairly arbitrary. base::UmaHistogramCustomCounts( "WebAudio.OfflineAudioContext.SampleRate384kHz", sample_rate, 3000, 384000, 50); return audio_context; } OfflineAudioContext* OfflineAudioContext::Create( ExecutionContext* context, const OfflineAudioContextOptions* options, ExceptionState& exception_state) { OfflineAudioContext* offline_context = Create(context, options->numberOfChannels(), options->length(), options->sampleRate(), exception_state); return offline_context; } OfflineAudioContext::OfflineAudioContext(Document* document, unsigned number_of_channels, uint32_t number_of_frames, float sample_rate, ExceptionState& exception_state) : BaseAudioContext(document, kOfflineContext), is_rendering_started_(false), total_render_frames_(number_of_frames) { destination_node_ = OfflineAudioDestinationNode::Create( this, number_of_channels, number_of_frames, sample_rate); Initialize(); } OfflineAudioContext::~OfflineAudioContext() { #if DEBUG_AUDIONODE_REFERENCES fprintf(stderr, "[%16p]: OfflineAudioContext::~OfflineAudioContext()\n", this); #endif } void OfflineAudioContext::Trace(Visitor* visitor) { visitor->Trace(complete_resolver_); visitor->Trace(scheduled_suspends_); BaseAudioContext::Trace(visitor); } ScriptPromise OfflineAudioContext::startOfflineRendering( ScriptState* script_state, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // Calling close() on an OfflineAudioContext is not supported/allowed, // but it might well have been stopped by its execution context. // // See: crbug.com/435867 if (IsContextClosed()) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot call startRendering on an OfflineAudioContext in a stopped " "state."); return ScriptPromise(); } // If the context is not in the suspended state (i.e. running), reject the // promise. if (ContextState() != AudioContextState::kSuspended) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot startRendering when an OfflineAudioContext is " + state()); return ScriptPromise(); } // Can't call startRendering more than once. Return a rejected promise now. if (is_rendering_started_) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot call startRendering more than once"); return ScriptPromise(); } DCHECK(!is_rendering_started_); complete_resolver_ = MakeGarbageCollected(script_state); // Allocate the AudioBuffer to hold the rendered result. float sample_rate = DestinationHandler().SampleRate(); unsigned number_of_channels = DestinationHandler().NumberOfChannels(); AudioBuffer* render_target = AudioBuffer::CreateUninitialized( number_of_channels, total_render_frames_, sample_rate); if (!render_target) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, "startRendering failed to create AudioBuffer(" + String::Number(number_of_channels) + ", " + String::Number(total_render_frames_) + ", " + String::Number(sample_rate) + ")"); return ScriptPromise(); } // Start rendering and return the promise. is_rendering_started_ = true; SetContextState(kRunning); static_cast(destination()) ->SetDestinationBuffer(render_target); DestinationHandler().InitializeOfflineRenderThread(render_target); DestinationHandler().StartRendering(); return complete_resolver_->Promise(); } ScriptPromise OfflineAudioContext::suspendContext(ScriptState* script_state, double when) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); auto* resolver = MakeGarbageCollected(script_state); ScriptPromise promise = resolver->Promise(); // If the rendering is finished, reject the promise. if (ContextState() == AudioContextState::kClosed) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "the rendering is already finished")); return promise; } // The specified suspend time is negative; reject the promise. if (when < 0) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "negative suspend time (" + String::Number(when) + ") is not allowed")); return promise; } // The suspend time should be earlier than the total render frame. If the // requested suspension time is equal to the total render frame, the promise // will be rejected. double total_render_duration = total_render_frames_ / sampleRate(); if (total_render_duration <= when) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot schedule a suspend at " + String::NumberToStringECMAScript(when) + " seconds because it is greater than " "or equal to the total " "render duration of " + String::Number(total_render_frames_) + " frames (" + String::NumberToStringECMAScript(total_render_duration) + " seconds)")); return promise; } // Find the sample frame and round up to the nearest render quantum // boundary. This assumes the render quantum is a power of two. size_t frame = when * sampleRate(); frame = audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames * ((frame + audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames - 1) / audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames); // The specified suspend time is in the past; reject the promise. if (frame < CurrentSampleFrame()) { size_t current_frame_clamped = std::min(CurrentSampleFrame(), static_cast(length())); double current_time_clamped = std::min(currentTime(), length() / static_cast(sampleRate())); resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "suspend(" + String::Number(when) + ") failed to suspend at frame " + String::Number(frame) + " because it is earlier than the current " + "frame of " + String::Number(current_frame_clamped) + " (" + String::Number(current_time_clamped) + " seconds)")); return promise; } // Wait until the suspend map is available for the insertion. Here we should // use GraphAutoLocker because it locks the graph from the main thread. GraphAutoLocker locker(this); // If there is a duplicate suspension at the same quantized frame, // reject the promise. if (scheduled_suspends_.Contains(frame)) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot schedule more than one suspend at frame " + String::Number(frame) + " (" + String::Number(when) + " seconds)")); return promise; } scheduled_suspends_.insert(frame, resolver); return promise; } ScriptPromise OfflineAudioContext::resumeContext(ScriptState* script_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); auto* resolver = MakeGarbageCollected(script_state); ScriptPromise promise = resolver->Promise(); // If the rendering has not started, reject the promise. if (!is_rendering_started_) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot resume an offline context that has not started")); return promise; } // If the context is in a closed state or it really is closed (cleared), // reject the promise. if (IsContextClosed()) { resolver->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "cannot resume a closed offline context")); return promise; } // If the context is already running, resolve the promise without altering // the current state or starting the rendering loop. if (ContextState() == AudioContextState::kRunning) { resolver->Resolve(); return promise; } DCHECK_EQ(ContextState(), AudioContextState::kSuspended); // If the context is suspended, resume rendering by setting the state to // "Running". and calling startRendering(). Note that resuming is possible // only after the rendering started. SetContextState(kRunning); DestinationHandler().StartRendering(); // Resolve the promise immediately. resolver->Resolve(); return promise; } void OfflineAudioContext::FireCompletionEvent() { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // Context is finished, so remove any tail processing nodes; there's nowhere // for the output to go. GetDeferredTaskHandler().FinishTailProcessing(); // We set the state to closed here so that the oncomplete event handler sees // that the context has been closed. SetContextState(kClosed); // Avoid firing the event if the document has already gone away. if (GetExecutionContext()) { AudioBuffer* rendered_buffer = static_cast(destination()) ->DestinationBuffer(); DCHECK(rendered_buffer); if (!rendered_buffer) return; // Call the offline rendering completion event listener and resolve the // promise too. DispatchEvent(*OfflineAudioCompletionEvent::Create(rendered_buffer)); complete_resolver_->Resolve(rendered_buffer); } else { // The resolver should be rejected when the execution context is gone. complete_resolver_->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "the execution context does not exist")); } is_rendering_started_ = false; PerformCleanupOnMainThread(); } bool OfflineAudioContext::HandlePreRenderTasks( const AudioIOPosition* output_position, const AudioCallbackMetric* metric) { // TODO(hongchan, rtoy): passing |nullptr| as an argument is not a good // pattern. Consider rewriting this method/interface. DCHECK_EQ(output_position, nullptr); DCHECK_EQ(metric, nullptr); DCHECK(IsAudioThread()); // OfflineGraphAutoLocker here locks the audio graph for this scope. Note // that this locker does not use tryLock() inside because the timing of // suspension MUST NOT be delayed. OfflineGraphAutoLocker locker(this); // Update the dirty state of the listener. listener()->UpdateState(); GetDeferredTaskHandler().HandleDeferredTasks(); HandleStoppableSourceNodes(); return ShouldSuspend(); } void OfflineAudioContext::HandlePostRenderTasks() { DCHECK(IsAudioThread()); // OfflineGraphAutoLocker here locks the audio graph for the same reason // above in |handlePreOfflineRenderTasks|. { OfflineGraphAutoLocker locker(this); GetDeferredTaskHandler().BreakConnections(); GetDeferredTaskHandler().HandleDeferredTasks(); GetDeferredTaskHandler().RequestToDeleteHandlersOnMainThread(); } } OfflineAudioDestinationHandler& OfflineAudioContext::DestinationHandler() { return static_cast( destination()->GetAudioDestinationHandler()); } void OfflineAudioContext::ResolveSuspendOnMainThread(size_t frame) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // Suspend the context first. This will fire onstatechange event. SetContextState(kSuspended); // Wait until the suspend map is available for the removal. GraphAutoLocker locker(this); // If the context is going away, m_scheduledSuspends could have had all its // entries removed. Check for that here. if (scheduled_suspends_.size()) { // |frame| must exist in the map. DCHECK(scheduled_suspends_.Contains(frame)); SuspendMap::iterator it = scheduled_suspends_.find(frame); it->value->Resolve(); scheduled_suspends_.erase(it); } } void OfflineAudioContext::RejectPendingResolvers() { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // Wait until the suspend map is available for removal. GraphAutoLocker locker(this); // Offline context is going away so reject any promises that are still // pending. for (auto& pending_suspend_resolver : scheduled_suspends_) { pending_suspend_resolver.value->Reject(MakeGarbageCollected( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, "Audio context is going away")); } scheduled_suspends_.clear(); DCHECK_EQ(resume_resolvers_.size(), 0u); RejectPendingDecodeAudioDataResolvers(); } bool OfflineAudioContext::IsPullingAudioGraph() const { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // For an offline context, we're rendering only while the context is running. // Unlike an AudioContext, there's no audio device that keeps pulling on graph // after the context has finished rendering. return ContextState() == BaseAudioContext::kRunning; } bool OfflineAudioContext::ShouldSuspend() { DCHECK(IsAudioThread()); // Note that the GraphLock is required before this check. Since this needs // to run on the audio thread, OfflineGraphAutoLocker must be used. if (scheduled_suspends_.Contains(CurrentSampleFrame())) return true; return false; } bool OfflineAudioContext::HasPendingActivity() const { return is_rendering_started_; } } // namespace blink