objectManager->get(FormDefinition::class, 'myForm'); * * $page1 = $this->objectManager->get(Page::class, 'page1'); * $formDefinition->addPage($page); * * $element1 = $this->objectManager->get(GenericFormElement::class, 'title', 'Textfield'); # the second argument is the type of the form element * $page1->addElement($element1); * \--- * * Creating a Form, Using Abstract Form Element Types * ===================================================== * * While you can use the {@link FormDefinition::addPage} or {@link Page::addElement} * methods and create the Page and FormElement objects manually, it is often better * to use the corresponding create* methods ({@link FormDefinition::createPage} * and {@link Page::createElement}), as you pass them an abstract *Form Element Type* * such as *Text* or *Page*, and the system **automatically * resolves the implementation class name and sets default values**. * * So the simple example from above should be rewritten as follows: * * /---code php * $prototypeConfiguration = []; // We'll talk about this later * * $formDefinition = $this->objectManager->get(FormDefinition::class, 'myForm', $prototypeConfiguration); * $page1 = $formDefinition->createPage('page1'); * $element1 = $page1->addElement('title', 'Textfield'); * \--- * * Now, you might wonder how the system knows that the element *Textfield* * is implemented using a GenericFormElement: **This is configured in the $prototypeConfiguration**. * * To make the example from above actually work, we need to add some sensible * values to *$prototypeConfiguration*: * *
 * $prototypeConfiguration = [
 *   'formElementsDefinition' => [
 *     'Page' => [
 *       'implementationClassName' => 'TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Page'
 *     ],
 *     'Textfield' => [
 *       'implementationClassName' => 'TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\GenericFormElement'
 *     ]
 *   ]
 * ]
* * For each abstract *Form Element Type* we add some configuration; in the above * case only the *implementation class name*. Still, it is possible to set defaults * for *all* configuration options of such an element, as the following example * shows: * *
 * $prototypeConfiguration = [
 *   'formElementsDefinition' => [
 *     'Page' => [
 *       'implementationClassName' => 'TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Page',
 *       'label' => 'this is the label of the page if nothing is specified'
 *     ],
 *     'Textfield' => [
 *       'implementationClassName' => 'TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\GenericFormElement',
 *       'label' = >'Default Label',
 *       'defaultValue' => 'Default form element value',
 *       'properties' => [
 *         'placeholder' => 'Text which is shown if element is empty'
 *       ]
 *     ]
 *   ]
 * ]
* * Using Preconfigured $prototypeConfiguration * --------------------------------- * * Often, it is not really useful to manually create the $prototypeConfiguration array. * * Most of it comes pre-configured inside the YAML settings of the extensions, * and the {@link \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Configuration\ConfigurationService} contains helper methods * which return the ready-to-use *$prototypeConfiguration*. * * Property Mapping and Validation Rules * ===================================== * * Besides Pages and FormElements, the FormDefinition can contain information * about the *format of the data* which is inputted into the form. This generally means: * * - expected Data Types * - Property Mapping Configuration to be used * - Validation Rules which should apply * * Background Info * --------------- * You might wonder why Data Types and Validation Rules are *not attached * to each FormElement itself*. * * If the form should create a *hierarchical output structure* such as a multi- * dimensional array or a PHP object, your expected data structure might look as follows: *
 * - person
 * -- firstName
 * -- lastName
 * -- address
 * --- street
 * --- city
* * Now, let's imagine you want to edit *person.address.street* and *person.address.city*, * but want to validate that the *combination* of *street* and *city* is valid * according to some address database. * * In this case, the form elements would be configured to fill *street* and *city*, * but the *validator* needs to be attached to the *compound object* *address*, * as both parts need to be validated together. * * Connecting FormElements to the output data structure * ==================================================== * * The *identifier* of the *FormElement* is most important, as it determines * where in the output structure the value which is entered by the user is placed, * and thus also determines which validation rules need to apply. * * Using the above example, if you want to create a FormElement for the *street*, * you should use the identifier *person.address.street*. * * Rendering a FormDefinition * ========================== * * In order to trigger *rendering* on a FormDefinition, * the current {@link \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Web\Request} needs to be bound to the FormDefinition, * resulting in a {@link \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime} object which contains the *Runtime State* of the form * (such as the currently inserted values). * * /---code php * # $currentRequest and $currentResponse need to be available, f.e. inside a controller you would * # use $this->request and $this->response; inside a ViewHelper you would use $this->controllerContext->getRequest() * # and $this->controllerContext->getResponse() * $form = $formDefinition->bind($currentRequest, $currentResponse); * * # now, you can use the $form object to get information about the currently * # entered values into the form, etc. * \--- * * Refer to the {@link \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime} API doc for further information. * * Scope: frontend * **This class is NOT meant to be sub classed by developers.** */ class FormDefinition extends AbstractCompositeRenderable implements VariableRenderableInterface { /** * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagerInterface */ protected $objectManager; /** * The finishers for this form * * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Finishers\FinisherInterface[] */ protected $finishers = []; /** * Property Mapping Rules, indexed by element identifier * * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Mvc\ProcessingRule[] */ protected $processingRules = []; /** * Contains all elements of the form, indexed by identifier. * Is used as internal cache as we need this really often. * * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\FormElementInterface[] */ protected $elementsByIdentifier = []; /** * Form element default values in the format ['elementIdentifier' => 'default value'] * * @var array */ protected $elementDefaultValues = []; /** * Renderer class name to be used. * * @var string */ protected $rendererClassName = ''; /** * @var array */ protected $typeDefinitions; /** * @var array */ protected $validatorsDefinition; /** * @var array */ protected $finishersDefinition; /** * @var array */ protected $conditionContextDefinition; /** * The persistence identifier of the form * * @var string */ protected $persistenceIdentifier; /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager * @internal */ public function injectObjectManager(ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager) { $this->objectManager = $objectManager; } /** * Constructor. Creates a new FormDefinition with the given identifier. * * @param string $identifier The Form Definition's identifier, must be a non-empty string. * @param array $prototypeConfiguration overrides form defaults of this definition * @param string $type element type of this form * @param string $persistenceIdentifier the persistence identifier of the form * @throws IdentifierNotValidException if the identifier was not valid */ public function __construct( string $identifier, array $prototypeConfiguration = [], string $type = 'Form', string $persistenceIdentifier = null ) { $this->typeDefinitions = $prototypeConfiguration['formElementsDefinition'] ?? []; $this->validatorsDefinition = $prototypeConfiguration['validatorsDefinition'] ?? []; $this->finishersDefinition = $prototypeConfiguration['finishersDefinition'] ?? []; $this->conditionContextDefinition = $prototypeConfiguration['conditionContextDefinition'] ?? []; if (!is_string($identifier) || strlen($identifier) === 0) { throw new IdentifierNotValidException('The given identifier was not a string or the string was empty.', 1477082503); } $this->identifier = $identifier; $this->type = $type; $this->persistenceIdentifier = $persistenceIdentifier; if ($prototypeConfiguration !== []) { $this->initializeFromFormDefaults(); } } /** * Initialize the form defaults of the current type * * @throws TypeDefinitionNotFoundException * @internal */ protected function initializeFromFormDefaults() { if (!isset($this->typeDefinitions[$this->type])) { throw new TypeDefinitionNotFoundException(sprintf('Type "%s" not found. Probably some configuration is missing.', $this->type), 1474905835); } $typeDefinition = $this->typeDefinitions[$this->type]; $this->setOptions($typeDefinition); } /** * Set multiple properties of this object at once. * Every property which has a corresponding set* method can be set using * the passed $options array. * * @param array $options * @param bool $resetFinishers * @internal */ public function setOptions(array $options, bool $resetFinishers = false) { if (isset($options['rendererClassName'])) { $this->setRendererClassName($options['rendererClassName']); } if (isset($options['label'])) { $this->setLabel($options['label']); } if (isset($options['renderingOptions'])) { foreach ($options['renderingOptions'] as $key => $value) { $this->setRenderingOption($key, $value); } } if (isset($options['finishers'])) { if ($resetFinishers) { $this->finishers = []; } foreach ($options['finishers'] as $finisherConfiguration) { $this->createFinisher($finisherConfiguration['identifier'], $finisherConfiguration['options'] ?? []); } } if (isset($options['variants'])) { foreach ($options['variants'] as $variantConfiguration) { $this->createVariant($variantConfiguration); } } ArrayUtility::assertAllArrayKeysAreValid( $options, ['rendererClassName', 'renderingOptions', 'finishers', 'formEditor', 'label', 'variants'] ); } /** * Create a page with the given $identifier and attach this page to the form. * * - Create Page object based on the given $typeName * - set defaults inside the Page object * - attach Page object to this form * - return the newly created Page object * * @param string $identifier Identifier of the new page * @param string $typeName Type of the new page * @return Page the newly created page * @throws TypeDefinitionNotFoundException */ public function createPage(string $identifier, string $typeName = 'Page'): Page { if (!isset($this->typeDefinitions[$typeName])) { throw new TypeDefinitionNotFoundException(sprintf('Type "%s" not found. Probably some configuration is missing.', $typeName), 1474905953); } $typeDefinition = $this->typeDefinitions[$typeName]; if (!isset($typeDefinition['implementationClassName'])) { throw new TypeDefinitionNotFoundException(sprintf('The "implementationClassName" was not set in type definition "%s".', $typeName), 1477083126); } $implementationClassName = $typeDefinition['implementationClassName']; /** @var Page $page */ $page = $this->objectManager->get($implementationClassName, $identifier, $typeName); if (isset($typeDefinition['label'])) { $page->setLabel($typeDefinition['label']); } if (isset($typeDefinition['renderingOptions'])) { foreach ($typeDefinition['renderingOptions'] as $key => $value) { $page->setRenderingOption($key, $value); } } ArrayUtility::assertAllArrayKeysAreValid( $typeDefinition, ['implementationClassName', 'label', 'renderingOptions', 'formEditor'] ); $this->addPage($page); return $page; } /** * Add a new page at the end of the form. * * Instead of this method, you should often use {@link createPage} instead. * * @param Page $page * @throws FormDefinitionConsistencyException if Page is already added to a FormDefinition * @see createPage */ public function addPage(Page $page) { $this->addRenderable($page); } /** * Get the Form's pages * * @return array|Page[] The Form's pages in the correct order */ public function getPages(): array { return $this->renderables; } /** * Check whether a page with the given $index exists * * @param int $index * @return bool TRUE if a page with the given $index exists, otherwise FALSE */ public function hasPageWithIndex(int $index): bool { return isset($this->renderables[$index]); } /** * Get the page with the passed index. The first page has index zero. * * If page at $index does not exist, an exception is thrown. @see hasPageWithIndex() * * @param int $index * @return Page the page, or NULL if none found. * @throws FormException if the specified index does not exist */ public function getPageByIndex(int $index) { if (!$this->hasPageWithIndex($index)) { throw new FormException(sprintf('There is no page with an index of %d', $index), 1329233627); } return $this->renderables[$index]; } /** * Adds the specified finisher to this form * * @param FinisherInterface $finisher */ public function addFinisher(FinisherInterface $finisher) { $this->finishers[] = $finisher; } /** * @param string $finisherIdentifier identifier of the finisher as registered in the current form (for example: "Redirect") * @param array $options options for this finisher in the format ['option1' => 'value1', 'option2' => 'value2', ...] * @return FinisherInterface * @throws FinisherPresetNotFoundException */ public function createFinisher(string $finisherIdentifier, array $options = []): FinisherInterface { if (isset($this->finishersDefinition[$finisherIdentifier]) && is_array($this->finishersDefinition[$finisherIdentifier]) && isset($this->finishersDefinition[$finisherIdentifier]['implementationClassName'])) { $implementationClassName = $this->finishersDefinition[$finisherIdentifier]['implementationClassName']; $defaultOptions = $this->finishersDefinition[$finisherIdentifier]['options'] ?? []; ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($defaultOptions, $options); /** @var FinisherInterface $finisher */ $finisher = $this->objectManager->get($implementationClassName, $finisherIdentifier); $finisher->setOptions($defaultOptions); $this->addFinisher($finisher); return $finisher; } throw new FinisherPresetNotFoundException('The finisher preset identified by "' . $finisherIdentifier . '" could not be found, or the implementationClassName was not specified.', 1328709784); } /** * Gets all finishers of this form * * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Finishers\FinisherInterface[] */ public function getFinishers(): array { return $this->finishers; } /** * Add an element to the ElementsByIdentifier Cache. * * @param RenderableInterface $renderable * @throws DuplicateFormElementException * @internal */ public function registerRenderable(RenderableInterface $renderable) { if ($renderable instanceof FormElementInterface) { if (isset($this->elementsByIdentifier[$renderable->getIdentifier()])) { throw new DuplicateFormElementException(sprintf('A form element with identifier "%s" is already part of the form.', $renderable->getIdentifier()), 1325663761); } $this->elementsByIdentifier[$renderable->getIdentifier()] = $renderable; } } /** * Remove an element from the ElementsByIdentifier cache * * @param RenderableInterface $renderable * @internal */ public function unregisterRenderable(RenderableInterface $renderable) { if ($renderable instanceof FormElementInterface) { unset($this->elementsByIdentifier[$renderable->getIdentifier()]); } } /** * Get all form elements with their identifiers as keys * * @return FormElementInterface[] */ public function getElements(): array { return $this->elementsByIdentifier; } /** * Get a Form Element by its identifier * * If identifier does not exist, returns NULL. * * @param string $elementIdentifier * @return FormElementInterface The element with the given $elementIdentifier or NULL if none found */ public function getElementByIdentifier(string $elementIdentifier) { return $this->elementsByIdentifier[$elementIdentifier] ?? null; } /** * Sets the default value of a form element * * @param string $elementIdentifier identifier of the form element. This supports property paths! * @param mixed $defaultValue * @internal */ public function addElementDefaultValue(string $elementIdentifier, $defaultValue) { $this->elementDefaultValues = ArrayUtility::setValueByPath( $this->elementDefaultValues, $elementIdentifier, $defaultValue, '.' ); } /** * returns the default value of the specified form element * or NULL if no default value was set * * @param string $elementIdentifier identifier of the form element. This supports property paths! * @return mixed The elements default value * @internal */ public function getElementDefaultValueByIdentifier(string $elementIdentifier) { return ObjectAccess::getPropertyPath($this->elementDefaultValues, $elementIdentifier); } /** * Move $pageToMove before $referencePage * * @param Page $pageToMove * @param Page $referencePage */ public function movePageBefore(Page $pageToMove, Page $referencePage) { $this->moveRenderableBefore($pageToMove, $referencePage); } /** * Move $pageToMove after $referencePage * * @param Page $pageToMove * @param Page $referencePage */ public function movePageAfter(Page $pageToMove, Page $referencePage) { $this->moveRenderableAfter($pageToMove, $referencePage); } /** * Remove $pageToRemove from form * * @param Page $pageToRemove */ public function removePage(Page $pageToRemove) { $this->removeRenderable($pageToRemove); } /** * Bind the current request & response to this form instance, effectively creating * a new "instance" of the Form. * * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return FormRuntime */ public function bind(Request $request, Response $response): FormRuntime { return $this->objectManager->get(FormRuntime::class, $this, $request, $response); } /** * @param string $propertyPath * @return ProcessingRule */ public function getProcessingRule(string $propertyPath): ProcessingRule { if (!isset($this->processingRules[$propertyPath])) { $this->processingRules[$propertyPath] = $this->objectManager->get(ProcessingRule::class); } return $this->processingRules[$propertyPath]; } /** * Get all mapping rules * * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Mvc\ProcessingRule[] * @internal */ public function getProcessingRules(): array { return $this->processingRules; } /** * @return array * @internal */ public function getTypeDefinitions(): array { return $this->typeDefinitions; } /** * @return array * @internal */ public function getValidatorsDefinition(): array { return $this->validatorsDefinition; } /** * @return array * @internal */ public function getConditionContextDefinition(): array { return $this->conditionContextDefinition; } /** * Get the persistence identifier of the form * * @return string * @internal */ public function getPersistenceIdentifier(): string { return $this->persistenceIdentifier; } /** * Set the renderer class name * * @param string $rendererClassName */ public function setRendererClassName(string $rendererClassName) { $this->rendererClassName = $rendererClassName; } /** * Get the classname of the renderer * * @return string */ public function getRendererClassName(): string { return $this->rendererClassName; } }