# # WKCSheet.pl -- Spreadsheet basic stuff # # (c) Copyright 2007 Software Garden, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # Subject to Software License included with WKC.pm # package WKCSheet; use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use utf8; # use WKC; use WKCStrings; use LWP::UserAgent; use Time::Local; # # Export symbols # require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(parse_sheet_save create_sheet_save render_sheet render_values_only execute_sheet_command parse_header_save create_header_save add_to_editlog recalc_sheet format_number_for_display determine_value_type cr_to_coord coord_to_cr special_chars special_chars_nl encode_for_save decode_from_save url_encode_plain copy_function_args function_args_error function_specific_error top_of_stack_value_and_type lookup_result_type operand_value_and_type operand_as_number operand_as_text decode_range_parts convert_date_gregorian_to_julian convert_date_julian_to_gregorian test_criteria load_special_strings %sheetfields $definitionsfile %formathints $julian_offset $seconds_in_a_day $seconds_in_an_hour); our $VERSION = '1.0.0'; # # Locals and Globals # our %sheetfields = (lastcol => "c", lastrow => "r", defaultcolwidth => "w", defaultrowheight => "h", defaulttextformat => "tf", defaultnontextformat => "ntf", defaulttextvalueformat => "tvf", defaultnontextvalueformat => "ntvf", defaultlayout => "layout", defaultfont => "font", defaultcolor => "color", defaultbgcolor => "bgcolor", circularreferencecell => "circularreferencecell", recalc => "recalc", needsrecalc => "needsrecalc"); my @headerfieldnames = qw(version fullname templatetext templatefile lastmodified lastauthor basefiledt backupfiledt reverted editcomments publishhtml publishsource publishjs viewwithoutlogin); # # Date/time constants # our $julian_offset = 2415019; our $seconds_in_a_day = 24 * 60 * 60; our $seconds_in_an_hour = 60 * 60; # # Input values that have special values, e.g., "TRUE", "FALSE", etc. # Form is: uppercasevalue => "value,type" # my %input_constants = ( 'TRUE' => '1,nl', 'FALSE' => '0,nl', '#N/A' => '0,e#N/A', '#NULL!' => '0,e#NULL!', '#NUM!' => '0,e#NUM!', '#DIV/0!' => '0,e#DIV/0!', '#VALUE!' => '0,e#VALUE!', '#REF!' => '0,e#REF!', '#NAME?' => '0,e#NAME?', ); # Formula constants for parsing: my $token_num = 1; my $token_coord = 2; my $token_op = 3; my $token_name = 4; my $token_error = 5; my $token_string = 6; my $token_space = 7; my $char_class_num = 1; my $char_class_numstart = 2; my $char_class_op = 3; my $char_class_eof = 4; my $char_class_alpha = 5; my $char_class_incoord = 6; my $char_class_error = 7; my $char_class_quote = 8; my $char_class_space = 9; my @char_class = ( # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F # sp ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 9, 3, 8, 4, 6, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, # @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, # P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, # ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, # p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Convert one char token text to input text my %token_op_expansion = ('G' => '>=', 'L' => '<=', 'M' => '-', 'N' => '<>', 'P' => '+'); # Operator Precedence: # 1 ! # 2 : , # 3 M P # 4 % # 5 ^ # 6 * / # 7 + - # 8 & # 9 < > = G(>=) L(<=) N(<>) # Negative value means Right Associative my @token_precedence = ( # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F # sp ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 8, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 2, 7, 0, 6, # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 9, 9, 9, 0, # @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -3, 9, 0, # P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0); # # Information about the resulting value types when doing operations on values # # Each hash entry is a hash with specific types with result type info as follows: # # 'type1a' => '|type2a:resulta|type2b:resultb|... # Type of t* or n* matches any of those types not listed # Results may be a type or the numbers 1 or 2 specifying to return type1 or type2 # my %typelookup = ( unaryminus => { 'n*' => '|n*:1|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|', 't*' => '|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'b' => '|b:n|'}, unaryplus => { 'n*' => '|n*:1|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|', 't*' => '|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'b' => '|b:n|'}, unarypercent => { 'n*' => '|n:n%|n*:n|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|', 't*' => '|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'b' => '|b:n|'}, plus => { 'n%' => '|n%:n%|nd:n|nt:n|ndt:n|n$:n|n:n|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'nd' => '|n%:n|nd:nd|nt:ndt|ndt:ndt|n$:n|n:nd|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'nt' => '|n%:n|nd:ndt|nt:nt|ndt:ndt|n$:n|n:nt|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'ndt' => '|n%:n|nd:ndt|nt:ndt|ndt:ndt|n$:n|n:ndt|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'n$' => '|n%:n|nd:n|nt:n|ndt:n|n$:n$|n:n$|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'n' => '|n%:n|nd:nd|nt:nt|ndt:ndt|n$:n$|n:n|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'b' => '|n%:n%|nd:nd|nt:nt|ndt:ndt|n$:n$|n:n|n*:n|b:n|e*:2|t*:e#VALUE!|', 't*' => '|n*:e#VALUE!|t*:e#VALUE!|b:e#VALUE!|e*:2|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|n*:1|t*:1|b:1|', }, concat => { 't' => '|t:t|th:th|tw:tw|t*:2|e*:2|', 'th' => '|t:th|th:th|tw:t|t*:t|e*:2|', 'tw' => '|t:tw|th:t|tw:tw|t*:t|e*:2|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|n*:1|t*:1|', }, oneargnumeric => { 'n*' => '|n*:n|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|', 't*' => '|t*:e#VALUE!|', 'b' => '|b:n|'}, twoargnumeric => { 'n*' => '|n*:n|t*:e#VALUE!|e*:2|', 'e*' => '|e*:1|n*:1|t*:1|', 't*' => '|t*:e#VALUE!|n*:e#VALUE!|e*:2|'}, propagateerror => { 'n*' => '|n*:2|e*:2|', 'e*' => '|e*:2|', 't*' => '|t*:2|e*:2|', 'b' => '|b:2|e*:2|'}, ); my %old_formats_map = ('default' => "default", # obsolete: converts from early beta versions, used only one place 'none' => 'General', '%1.0f' => "0", ',' => '[,]General', ',%1.0f' => '#,##0', ',%1.1f' => '#,##0.0', ',%1.2f' => '#,##0.00', ',%1.3f' => '#,##0.000', ',%1.4f' => '#,##0.0000', '$,%1.0f' => '$#,##0', '$,%1.1f' => '$#,##0.0', '$,%1.2f' => '$#,##0.00', '(,%1.0f' => '#,##0_);(#,##0)', '(,%1.1f' => '#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)', '(,%1.2f' => '#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)', '($,%1.0f' => '$#,##0_);($#,##0)', '($,%1.1f' => '$#,##0.0_);($#,##0.0)', '($,%1.2f' => '$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)', ',%1.0f%%' => '0%', ',%1.1f%%' => '0.0%', '(,%1.0f%%' => '0%_);(0%)', '(,%1.1f%%' => '0.0%_);(0.0%)', '%02.0f' => '00', '%03.0f' => '000', '%04.0f' => '0000', ); our $definitionsfile = "WKCdefinitions.txt"; 1; # # # # # # # # # # # $ok = parse_sheet_save(\@lines, \%sheetdata) # # Sheet input routine. Fills %sheetdata given lines of text @lines. # # Currently always returns nothing. # # Sheet save format: # # linetype:param1:param2:... # # Linetypes are: # # version:versionname - version of this format. Currently 1.2. # # cell:coord:type:value...:type:value... - Types are as follows: # # v:value - straight numeric value # t:value - straight text/wiki-text in cell, encoded to handle \, :, newlines # vt:fulltype:value - value with value type/subtype # vtf:fulltype:value:formulatext - formula resulting in value with value type/subtype, value and text encoded # vtc:fulltype:value:valuetext - formatted text constant resulting in value with value type/subtype, value and text encoded # vf:fvalue:formulatext - formula resulting in value, value and text encoded (obsolete: only pre format version 1.1) # fvalue - first char is "N" for numeric value, "T" for text value, "H" for HTML value, rest is the value # e:errortext - Error text. Non-blank means formula parsing/calculation results in error. # b:topborder#:rightborder#:bottomborder#:leftborder# - border# in sheet border list or blank if none # l:layout# - number in cell layout list # f:font# - number in sheet fonts list # c:color# - sheet color list index for text # bg:color# - sheet color list index for background color # cf:format# - sheet cell format number for explicit format (align:left, etc.) # cvf:valueformat# - sheet cell value format number (obsolete: only pre format v1.2) # tvf:valueformat# - sheet cell text value format number # ntvf:valueformat# - sheet cell non-text value format number # colspan:numcols - number of columns spanned in merged cell # rowspan:numrows - number of rows spanned in merged cell # cssc:classname - name of CSS class to be used for cell when published instead of one calculated here # csss:styletext - explicit CSS style information, encoded to handle :, etc. # mod:allow - if "y" allow modification of cell for live "view" recalc # # col: # w:widthval - number, "auto" (no width in tag), number%, or blank (use default) # hide: - yes/no, no is assumed if missing # row: # hide - yes/no, no is assumed if missing # # sheet: # c:lastcol - number # r:lastrow - number # w:defaultcolwidth - number, "auto", number%, or blank (default->80) # h:defaultrowheight - not used # tf:format# - cell format number for sheet default for text values # ntf:format# - cell format number for sheet default for non-text values (i.e., numbers) # layout:layout# - default cell layout number in cell layout list # font:font# - default font number in sheet font list # vf:valueformat# - default number value format number in sheet valueformat list (obsolete: only pre format version 1.2) # ntvf:valueformat# - default non-text (number) value format number in sheet valueformat list # tvf:valueformat# - default text value format number in sheet valueformat list # color:color# - default number for text color in sheet color list # bgcolor:color# - default number for background color in sheet color list # circularreferencecell:coord - cell coord with a circular reference # recalc:value - on/off (on is default). If "on", appropriate changes to the sheet cause a recalc # needsrecalc:value - yes/no (no is default). If "yes", formula values are not up to date # # font:fontnum:value - text of font definition (style weight size family) for font fontnum # "*" for "style weight", size, or family, means use default (first look to sheet, then builtin) # color:colornum:rgbvalue - text of color definition (e.g., rgb(255,255,255)) for color colornum # border:bordernum:value - text of border definition (thickness style color) for border bordernum # layout:layoutnum:value - text of vertical alignment and padding style for cell layout layoutnum: # vertical-alignment:vavalue;padding topval rightval bottomval leftval; # cellformat:cformatnum:value - text of cell alignment (left/center/right) for cellformat cformatnum # valueformat:vformatnum:value - text of number format (see format_value_for_display) for valueformat vformatnum (changed in v1.2) # clipboardrange:upperleftcoord:bottomrightcoord - origin of clipboard data. Not present if clipboard empty. # There must be a clipboardrange before any clipboard lines # clipboard:coord:type:value:... - clipboard data, in same format as cell data # # The resulting $sheetdata data structure is as follows: # # $sheetdata{version} - version of save file read in # $sheetdata{datatypes}->{$coord} - Origin of {datavalues} value: # v - typed in numeric value of some sort, constant, no formula # t - typed in text, constant, no formula # f - result of formula calculation ({formulas} has formula to calculate) # c - constant of some sort with typed in text in {formulas} and value in {datavalues} # $sheetdata{formulas}->{$coord} - Text of formula if {datatypes} is "f", no leading "=", or text of constant if "c" # $sheetdata{datavalues}->{$coord} - a text or numeric value ready to be formatted for display or used in calculation # $sheetdata{valuetypes}->{$coord} - the value type of the datavalue as 1 or more characters # First char is "n" for numeric or "t" for text # Second chars, if present, are sub-type, like "l" for logical (0=false, 1=true) # $sheetdata{cellerrors}->{$coord} - If non-blank, error text for error in formula calculation # $sheetdata{cellattribs}->{$coord}-> # {coord} - coord of cell - existence means non-blank cell # {bt}, {br}, {bb}, {bl} - border number or null if no border # {layout} - cell layout number or blank for default # {font} - font number or blank for default # {color} - color number for text or blank for default # {bgcolor} - color number for the cell background or blank for default # {cellformat} - cell format number if not default - controls horizontal alignment # {textvalueformat} - value format number if not default - controls how the cell's text values are formatted into text for display # {nontextvalueformat} - value format number if not default - controls how the cell's non-text values are turned into text for display # {colspan}, {rowspan} - column span and row span for merged cells or blank for 1 # {cssc}, {csss} - explicit CSS class and CSS style for cell # {mod} - if "y" allow modification in live view # $sheetdata{colattribs}->{$colcoord}-> # {width} - column width if not default # {hide} - hide column if yes # $sheetdata{rowattribs}->{$rowcoord}-> # {height} - ignored # {hide} - hide row if yes # $sheetdata{sheetattribs}->{$attrib}-> # {lastcol} - number of columns in sheet # {lastrow} - number of rows in sheet (more may be displayed when editing) # {defaultcolwidth} - number, "auto", number%, or blank (default->80) # {defaultrowheight} - not used # {defaulttextformat} - cell format number for sheet default for text values # {defaultnontextformat} - cell format number for sheet default for non-text values (i.e., numbers) # {defaultlayout} - default cell layout number in sheet cell layout list # {defaultfont} - default font number in sheet font list # {defaulttextvalueformat} - default text value format number in sheet valueformat list # {defaultnontextvalueformat} - default number value format number in sheet valueformat list # {defaultcolor} - default number for text color in sheet color list # {defaultbgcolor} - default number for background color in sheet color list # {circularreferencecell} - cell coord with a circular reference # {recalc} - on/off (on is default). If "on", appropriate changes to the sheet cause a recalc # {needsrecalc} - yes/no (no is default). If "yes", formula values are not up to date # $sheetdata{fonts}->[$index] - font specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{fonthash}->{$value} - hash with font specification as keys and {fonts}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{colors}->[$index] - color specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{colorhash}->{$value} - hash with color specification as keys and {colors}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{borderstyles}->[$index] - border style specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{borderstylehash}->{$value} - hash with border style specification as keys and {borderstyles}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{layoutstyles}->[$index] - cell layout specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{layoutstylehash}->{$value} - hash with cell layout specification as keys and {layoutstyle}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{cellformats}->[$index] - cell format specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{cellformathash}->{$value} - hash with cell format specification as keys and {cellformats}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{valueformats}->[$index] - value format specifications addressable by array position # $sheetdata{valueformathash}->{$value} - hash with value format specification as keys and {valueformats}->[] index position as values # $sheetdata{clipboard}-> - the sheet's clipboard # {range} - coord:coord range of where the clipboard contents came from or null if empty # {datavalues} - like $sheetdata{datavalues} but for clipboard copy of cells # {datatypes} - like $sheetdata{datatypes} but for clipboard copy of cells # {valuetypes} - like $sheetdata{valuetypes} but for clipboard copy of cells # {formulas} - like $sheetdata{formulas} but for clipboard copy of cells # {cellerrors} - like $sheetdata{cellerrors} but for clipboard copy of cells # {cellattribs} - like $sheetdata{cellattribs} but for clipboard copy of cells # $sheetdata{loaderror} - if non-blank, there was an error loading this sheet and this is the text of that error # # # # # # # # # # sub parse_sheet_save { my ($rest, $linetype, $coord, $type, $value, $valuetype, $formula, $style, $fontnum, $layoutnum, $colornum, $check, $maxrow, $maxcol, $row, $col); my ($lines, $sheetdata) = @_; my $errortext; # Initialize sheetdata structure $sheetdata->{datavalues} = {}; $sheetdata->{datatypes} = {}; $sheetdata->{valuetypes} = {}; $sheetdata->{formulas} = {}; $sheetdata->{cellerrors} = {}; $sheetdata->{cellattribs} = {}; $sheetdata->{colattribs} = {}; $sheetdata->{rowattribs} = {}; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs} = {}; $sheetdata->{layoutstyles} = []; $sheetdata->{layoutstylehash} = {}; $sheetdata->{fonts} = []; $sheetdata->{fonthash} = {}; $sheetdata->{colors} = []; $sheetdata->{colorhash} = {}; $sheetdata->{borderstyles} = []; $sheetdata->{borderstylehash} = {}; $sheetdata->{cellformats} = []; $sheetdata->{cellformathash} = {}; $sheetdata->{valueformats} = []; $sheetdata->{valueformathash} = {}; # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $colattribs = $sheetdata->{colattribs}; my $rowattribs = $sheetdata->{rowattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $layoutstyles = $sheetdata->{layoutstyles}; my $layoutstylehash = $sheetdata->{layoutstylehash}; my $fonts = $sheetdata->{fonts}; my $fonthash = $sheetdata->{fonthash}; my $colors = $sheetdata->{colors}; my $colorhash = $sheetdata->{colorhash}; my $borderstyles = $sheetdata->{borderstyles}; my $borderstylehash = $sheetdata->{borderstylehash}; my $cellformats = $sheetdata->{cellformats}; my $cellformathash = $sheetdata->{cellformathash}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $valueformathash = $sheetdata->{valueformathash}; my $clipdatavalues; my $clipdatatypes; my $clipvaluetypes; my $clipdataformulas; my $clipcellerrors; my $clipcellattribs; foreach my $line (@$lines) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/\r//g; # assumed already done in read. # $line =~ s/^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}//; # remove UTF-8 Byte Order Mark if present ($linetype, $rest) = split(/:/, $line, 2); if ($linetype eq "cell") { ($coord, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $coord = uc($coord); $cellattribs->{$coord} = {'coord' => $coord} if $type; # Must have this if cell has anything ($col, $row) = coord_to_cr($coord); $maxcol = $col if $col > $maxcol; $maxrow = $row if $row > $maxrow; while ($type) { if ($type eq "v") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $datatypes->{$coord} = "v"; $valuetypes->{$coord} = "n"; } elsif ($type eq "t") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $datatypes->{$coord} = "t"; $valuetypes->{$coord} = "tw"; # Typed in text is treated as wiki text by default } elsif ($type eq "vt") { ($valuetype, $value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 4); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); if (substr($valuetype,0,1) eq "n") { $datatypes->{$coord} = "v"; } else { $datatypes->{$coord} = "t"; } $valuetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vtf") { ($valuetype, $value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 5); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $dataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $datatypes->{$coord} = "f"; $valuetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vtc") { ($valuetype, $value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 5); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $dataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $datatypes->{$coord} = "c"; $valuetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vf") { # old format ($value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 4); $datavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $dataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $datatypes->{$coord} = "f"; if (substr($value,0,1) eq "N") { $valuetypes->{$coord} = "n"; $datavalues->{$coord} = substr($datavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } elsif (substr($value,0,1) eq "T") { $valuetypes->{$coord} = "t"; $datavalues->{$coord} = substr($datavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } elsif (substr($value,0,1) eq "H") { $valuetypes->{$coord} = "th"; $datavalues->{$coord} = substr($datavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } else { $valuetypes->{$coord} = $valuetypes->{$coord} =~ m/[^0-9+\-\.]/ ? "t" : "n"; } } elsif ($type eq "e") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellerrors->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); } elsif ($type eq "b") { my ($t, $r, $b, $l); ($t, $r, $b, $l, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 6); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bt} = $t; $cellattribs->{$coord}->{br} = $r; $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bb} = $b; $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bl} = $l; } elsif ($type eq "l") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{layout} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "f") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{font} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "c") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{color} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "bg") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cvf") { # obsolete - only pre 1.2 format ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "ntvf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "tvf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "colspan") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "rowspan") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cssc") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "csss") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{csss} = decode_from_save($value); } elsif ($type eq "mod") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $cellattribs->{$coord}->{mod} = $value; } else { $errortext = "Unknown type '$type' in line:\n$_\n"; last; } } } elsif ($linetype eq "col") { ($coord, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $coord = uc($coord); # normalize to upper case $colattribs->{$coord} = {'coord' => $coord}; while ($type) { if ($type eq "w") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $colattribs->{$coord}->{width} = $value; } if ($type eq "hide") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $colattribs->{$coord}->{hide} = $value; } else { $errortext = "Unknown type '$type' in line:\n$_\n"; last; } } } elsif ($linetype eq "row") { ($coord, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $rowattribs->{$coord} = {'coord' => $coord}; while ($type) { if ($type eq "h") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $rowattribs->{$coord}->{height} = $value; } if ($type eq "hide") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $rowattribs->{$coord}->{hide} = $value; } else { $errortext = "Unknown type '$type' in line:\n$_\n"; last; } } } elsif ($linetype eq "sheet") { ($type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); while ($type) { if ($type eq "c") { # number of columns ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "r") { # number of rows ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "w") { # default col width ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultcolwidth} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "h") { #default row height ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultrowheight} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "tf") { #default text format ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaulttextformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "ntf") { #default not text format ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "layout") { #default layout number ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultlayout} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "font") { #default font number ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultfont} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "vf") { #default value format number (old) ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextvalueformat} = $value; $sheetattribs->{defaulttextvalueformat} = ""; } elsif ($type eq "tvf") { #default text value format number ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaulttextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "ntvf") { #default non-text (number) value format number ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "color") { #default text color ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultcolor} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "bgcolor") { #default cell background color ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{defaultbgcolor} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "circularreferencecell") { #cell with a circular reference ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{circularreferencecell} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "recalc") { #recalc on or off ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{recalc} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "needsrecalc") { #recalculation needed, computed values may not be correct ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $sheetattribs->{needsrecalc} = $value; } else { $errortext = "Unknown type '$type' in line:\n$_\n"; last; } } } elsif ($linetype eq "layout") { ($layoutnum, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $layoutstyles->[$layoutnum] = $value; $layoutstylehash->{$value} = $layoutnum; } elsif ($linetype eq "font") { ($fontnum, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $fonts->[$fontnum] = $value; $fonthash->{$value} = $fontnum; } elsif ($linetype eq "color") { ($colornum, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $colors->[$colornum] = $value; $colorhash->{$value} = $colornum; } elsif ($linetype eq "border") { ($style, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $borderstyles->[$style] = $value; $borderstylehash->{$value} = $style; } elsif ($linetype eq "cellformat") { ($style, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $cellformats->[$style] = decode_from_save($value); $cellformathash->{$value} = $style; } elsif ($linetype eq "valueformat") { ($style, $value) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $value = decode_from_save($value); if ($sheetdata->{version} < 1.2) { # old format definitions - convert $value = length($old_formats_map{$value})>=1 ? $old_formats_map{$value} : $value; } if ($value eq "General-separator") { # convert from 0.91 $value = "[,]General"; } $valueformats->[$style] = $value; $valueformathash->{$value} = $style; } elsif ($linetype eq "version") { $sheetdata->{version} = $rest; } elsif ($linetype eq "") { } elsif ($linetype eq "clipboardrange") { $sheetdata->{clipboard} = {}; # clear and create clipboard $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues} = {}; $clipdatavalues = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes} = {}; $clipdatatypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes} = {}; $clipvaluetypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas} = {}; $clipdataformulas = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors} = {}; $clipcellerrors = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs} = {}; $clipcellattribs = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs}; $coord = uc($rest); $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{range} = $coord; } elsif ($linetype eq "clipboard") { # must have a clipboardrange command somewhere before it ($coord, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $coord = uc($coord); if (!$sheetdata->{clipboard}->{range}) { $errortext = "Missing clipboardrange before clipboard data in file\n"; $type = "norange"; } $clipcellattribs->{$coord} = {'coord', $coord}; while ($type) { if ($type eq "v") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "v"; $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = "n"; } elsif ($type eq "t") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "t"; $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = "tw"; # Typed in text is treated as wiki text by default } elsif ($type eq "vt") { ($valuetype, $value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 4); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); if (substr($valuetype,0,1) eq "n") { $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "v"; } else { $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "t"; } $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vtf") { ($valuetype, $value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 5); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $clipdataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "f"; $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vtc") { ($valuetype, $value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 5); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $clipdataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "c"; $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; } elsif ($type eq "vf") { # old format ($value, $formula, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 4); $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); $clipdataformulas->{$coord} = decode_from_save($formula); $clipdatatypes->{$coord} = "f"; if (substr($value,0,1) eq "N") { $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = "n"; $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = substr($clipdatavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } elsif (substr($value,0,1) eq "T") { $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = "t"; $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = substr($clipdatavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } elsif (substr($value,0,1) eq "H") { $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = "th"; $clipdatavalues->{$coord} = substr($clipdatavalues->{$coord},1); # remove initial type code } else { $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} = $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} =~ m/[^0-9+\-\.]/ ? "t" : "n"; } } elsif ($type eq "e") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellerrors->{$coord} = decode_from_save($value); } elsif ($type eq "b") { my ($t, $r, $b, $l); ($t, $r, $b, $l, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 6); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bt} = $t; $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{br} = $r; $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bb} = $b; $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bl} = $l; } elsif ($type eq "l") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{layout} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "f") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{font} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "c") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{color} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "bg") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cvf") { # old ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "ntvf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "tvf") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "colspan") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "rowspan") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "cssc") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "csss") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{csss} = decode_from_save($value); } elsif ($type eq "mod") { ($value, $type, $rest) = split(/:/, $rest, 3); $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{mod} = $value; } elsif ($type eq "norange") { last; } else { $errortext = "Unknown type '$type' in line:\n$_\n"; last; } } } else { #!!!!!! $errortext = "Unknown linetype: $linetype\n" unless $linetype =~ m/^\s*#/; } } $sheetattribs->{lastcol} ||= $maxcol || 1; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} ||= $maxrow || 1; } # # # # # # # # # # # $outstr = create_sheet_save(\%sheetdata) # # Sheet output routine. Returns a string ready to be saved in a file. # # # # # # # # # # sub create_sheet_save { my ($rest, $linetype, $coord, $type, $value, $formula, $style, $colornum, $check, $maxrow, $maxcol, $row, $col); my $sheetdata = shift @_; my $outstr; # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $colattribs = $sheetdata->{colattribs}; my $rowattribs = $sheetdata->{rowattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $layoutstyles = $sheetdata->{layoutstyles}; my $layoutstylehash = $sheetdata->{layoutstylehash}; my $fonts = $sheetdata->{fonts}; my $fonthash = $sheetdata->{fonthash}; my $colors = $sheetdata->{colors}; my $colorhash = $sheetdata->{colorhash}; my $borderstyles = $sheetdata->{borderstyles}; my $borderstylehash = $sheetdata->{borderstylehash}; my $cellformats = $sheetdata->{cellformats}; my $cellformathash = $sheetdata->{cellformathash}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $valueformathash = $sheetdata->{valueformathash}; $outstr .= "version:1.2\n"; # sheet save version for (my $row = 1; $row <= $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; $row++) { for (my $col = 1; $col <= $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); next unless $cellattribs->{$coord}->{coord}; # skip if nothing set for this one $outstr .= "cell:$coord"; if ($datatypes->{$coord} eq "v") { $value = encode_for_save($datavalues->{$coord}); if (!$valuetypes->{$coord} || $valuetypes->{$coord} eq "n") { # use simpler version $outstr .= ":v:$value"; } else { # if we do fancy parsing to determine a type $outstr .= ":vt:$valuetypes->{$coord}:$value"; } } elsif ($datatypes->{$coord} eq "t") { $value = encode_for_save($datavalues->{$coord}); if (!$valuetypes->{$coord} || $valuetypes->{$coord} eq "tw") { # use simpler version $outstr .= ":t:$value"; } else { # if we do fancy parsing to determine a type $outstr .= ":vt:$valuetypes->{$coord}:$value"; } } elsif ($datatypes->{$coord} eq "f") { $value = encode_for_save($datavalues->{$coord}); $formula = encode_for_save($dataformulas->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":vtf:$valuetypes->{$coord}:$value:$formula"; } elsif ($datatypes->{$coord} eq "c") { $value = encode_for_save($datavalues->{$coord}); $formula = encode_for_save($dataformulas->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":vtc:$valuetypes->{$coord}:$value:$formula"; } if ($cellerrors->{$coord}) { $value = encode_for_save($cellerrors->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":e:$value"; } my ($t, $r, $b, $l); $t = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bt}; $r = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{br}; $b = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bb}; $l = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bl}; $outstr .= ":b:$t:$r:$b:$l" if ($t || $r || $b || $l); $outstr .= ":l:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{layout}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{layout}; $outstr .= ":f:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{font}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{font}; $outstr .= ":c:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{color}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{color}; $outstr .= ":bg:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor}; $outstr .= ":cf:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat}; $outstr .= ":tvf:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat}; $outstr .= ":ntvf:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat}; $outstr .= ":colspan:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan}; $outstr .= ":rowspan:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan}; $outstr .= ":cssc:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc}; $outstr .= ":csss:" . encode_for_save($cellattribs->{$coord}->{csss}) if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{csss}; $outstr .= ":mod:$cellattribs->{$coord}->{mod}" if $cellattribs->{$coord}->{mod}; $outstr .= "\n"; } } for (my $col = 1; $col <= $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, 1); $coord =~ s/\d+//; $outstr .= "col:$coord:w:$colattribs->{$coord}->{width}\n" if $colattribs->{$coord}->{width}; $outstr .= "col:$coord:hide:$colattribs->{$coord}->{hide}\n" if $colattribs->{$coord}->{hide}; } for (my $row = 1; $row <= $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; $row++) { $outstr .= "row:$row:w:$rowattribs->{$row}->{height}\n" if $rowattribs->{$row}->{height}; $outstr .= "row:$row:hide:$rowattribs->{$row}->{hide}\n" if $rowattribs->{$row}->{hide}; } $outstr .= "sheet"; foreach my $field (keys %sheetfields) { my $value = encode_for_save($sheetattribs->{$field}); $outstr .= ":$sheetfields{$field}:$value" if $value; } $outstr .= "\n"; for (my $i=1; $i<@$layoutstyles; $i++) { $outstr .= "layout:$i:$layoutstyles->[$i]\n"; } for (my $i=1; $i<@$fonts; $i++) { $outstr .= "font:$i:$fonts->[$i]\n"; } for (my $i=1; $i<@$colors; $i++) { $outstr .= "color:$i:$colors->[$i]\n"; } for (my $i=1; $i<@$borderstyles; $i++) { $outstr .= "border:$i:$borderstyles->[$i]\n"; } for (my $i=1; $i<@$cellformats; $i++) { $style = encode_for_save($cellformats->[$i]); $outstr .= "cellformat:$i:$style\n"; } for (my $i=1; $i<@$valueformats; $i++) { $style = encode_for_save($valueformats->[$i]); $outstr .= "valueformat:$i:$style\n"; } if ($sheetdata->{clipboard}) { my $clipdatavalues = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues}; my $clipdatatypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes}; my $clipvaluetypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes}; my $clipdataformulas = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas}; my $clipcellerrors = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors}; my $clipcellattribs = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs}; $outstr .= "clipboardrange:$sheetdata->{clipboard}->{range}\n"; foreach my $coord (sort keys %$clipcellattribs) { $outstr .= "clipboard:$coord"; if ($clipdatatypes->{$coord} eq "v") { $value = encode_for_save($clipdatavalues->{$coord}); if (!$clipvaluetypes->{$coord} || $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} eq "n") { # use simpler version $outstr .= ":v:$value"; } else { # if we do fancy parsing to determine a type $outstr .= ":vt:$clipvaluetypes->{$coord}:$value"; } } elsif ($clipdatatypes->{$coord} eq "t") { $value = encode_for_save($clipdatavalues->{$coord}); if (!$clipvaluetypes->{$coord} || $clipvaluetypes->{$coord} eq "tw") { # use simpler version $outstr .= ":t:$value"; } else { # if we do fancy parsing to determine a type $outstr .= ":vt:$clipvaluetypes->{$coord}:$value"; } } elsif ($clipdatatypes->{$coord} eq "f") { $value = encode_for_save($clipdatavalues->{$coord}); $formula = encode_for_save($clipdataformulas->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":vtf:$clipvaluetypes->{$coord}:$value:$formula"; } elsif ($clipdatatypes->{$coord} eq "c") { $value = encode_for_save($clipdatavalues->{$coord}); $formula = encode_for_save($clipdataformulas->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":vtc:$clipvaluetypes->{$coord}:$value:$formula"; } if ($clipcellerrors->{$coord}) { $value = encode_for_save($clipcellerrors->{$coord}); $outstr .= ":e:$value"; } my ($t, $r, $b, $l); $t = $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bt}; $r = $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{br}; $b = $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bb}; $l = $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bl}; $outstr .= ":b:$t:$r:$b:$l" if ($t || $r || $b || $l); $outstr .= ":l:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{layout}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{layout}; $outstr .= ":f:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{font}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{font}; $outstr .= ":c:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{color}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{color}; $outstr .= ":bg:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{bgcolor}; $outstr .= ":cf:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cellformat}; $outstr .= ":tvf:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{textvalueformat}; $outstr .= ":ntvf:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{nontextvalueformat}; $outstr .= ":colspan:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan}; $outstr .= ":rowspan:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan}; $outstr .= ":cssc:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{cssc}; $outstr .= ":csss:" . encode_for_save($clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{csss}) if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{csss}; $outstr .= ":mod:$clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{mod}" if $clipcellattribs->{$coord}->{mod}; $outstr .= "\n"; } } return $outstr; } # # # # # # # # # # # $ok = execute_sheet_command($sheetdata, $command) # # Executes commands that modify the sheet data. Sets sheet "needsrecalc" as needed. # # The commands are in the forms: # # set sheet attributename value (plus lastcol and lastrow) # set 22 attributename value # set B attributename value # set A1 attributename value1 value2... (see each attribute below for details) # set A1:B5 attributename value1 value2... # erase/copy/cut/paste/fillright/filldown A1:B5 all/formulas/format # clearclipboard # merge C3:F3 # unmerge C3 # insertcol/insertrow C5 # deletecol/deleterow C5:E7 # # # # # # # # # # sub execute_sheet_command { my ($sheetdata, $command) = @_; # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $colattribs = $sheetdata->{colattribs}; my $rowattribs = $sheetdata->{rowattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $layoutstyles = $sheetdata->{layoutstyles}; my $layoutstylehash = $sheetdata->{layoutstylehash}; my $fonts = $sheetdata->{fonts}; my $fonthash = $sheetdata->{fonthash}; my $colors = $sheetdata->{colors}; my $colorhash = $sheetdata->{colorhash}; my $borderstyles = $sheetdata->{borderstyles}; my $borderstylehash = $sheetdata->{borderstylehash}; my $cellformats = $sheetdata->{cellformats}; my $cellformathash = $sheetdata->{cellformathash}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $valueformathash = $sheetdata->{valueformathash}; my ($cmd1, $rest, $what, $coord1, $coord2, $attrib, $value, $v1, $v2, $v3, $errortext); ($cmd1, $rest) = split(/ /, $command, 2); if ($cmd1 eq "set") { ($what, $attrib, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 3); if ($what eq "sheet") { # sheet attributes if ($attrib eq "defaultcolwidth") { $sheetattribs->{defaultcolwidth} = $rest; } elsif ($attrib eq "defaultcolor" || $attrib eq "defaultbgcolor") { my $colordef = 0; $colordef = $colorhash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$colordef) { if ($rest) { push @$colors, "" unless scalar @$colors; $colordef = (push @$colors, $rest) - 1; $colorhash->{$rest} = $colordef; } } $sheetattribs->{$attrib} = $colordef; } elsif ($attrib eq "defaultlayout") { my $layoutdef = 0; $layoutdef = $layoutstylehash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$layoutdef) { if ($rest) { push @$layoutstyles, "" unless scalar @$layoutstyles; $layoutdef = (push @$layoutstyles, $rest) - 1; $layoutstylehash->{$rest} = $layoutdef; } } $sheetattribs->{$attrib} = $layoutdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "defaultfont") { my $fontdef = 0; $rest = "" if $rest eq "* * *"; $fontdef = $fonthash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$fontdef) { if ($rest) { push @$fonts, "" unless scalar @$fonts; $fontdef = (push @$fonts, $rest) - 1; $fonthash->{$rest} = $fontdef; } } $sheetattribs->{$attrib} = $fontdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "defaulttextformat" || $attrib eq "defaultnontextformat") { my $formatdef = 0; $formatdef = $cellformathash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$formatdef) { if ($rest) { push @$cellformats, "" unless scalar @$cellformats; $formatdef = (push @$cellformats, $rest) - 1; $cellformathash->{$rest} = $formatdef; } } $sheetattribs->{$attrib} = $formatdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "defaulttextvalueformat" || $attrib eq "defaultnontextvalueformat") { my $formatdef = 0; $formatdef = $valueformathash->{$rest} if length($rest); if (!$formatdef) { if (length($rest)) { push @$valueformats, "" unless scalar @$valueformats; $formatdef = (push @$valueformats, $rest) - 1; $valueformathash->{$rest} = $formatdef; } } $sheetattribs->{$attrib} = $formatdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "lastcol") { $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $rest+0; $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = 1 if ($sheetattribs->{lastcol} <= 0); } elsif ($attrib eq "lastrow") { $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $rest+0; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = 1 if ($sheetattribs->{lastrow} <= 0); } } elsif ($what =~ m/^(\d+)(\:(\d+)){0,1}$/) { # row attributes my ($row1, $row2); if ($what =~ m/^(.+?):(.+?)$/) { $row1 = $1; $row2 = $2; } else { $row1 = $what; $row2 = $row1; } if ($attrib eq "hide") { for (my $r = $row1; $r <= $row2; $r++) { $rowattribs->{$r} = {'coord' => $r} unless $rowattribs->{$r}; $rowattribs->{$r}->{hide} = $rest; } } else { $errortext = "Unknown attributename '$attrib' in line:\n$command\n"; return 0; } } elsif ($what =~ m/(^[a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z])?(:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?){0,1}$/) { # column attributes my ($col1, $col2); if ($what =~ m/(.+?):(.+?)/) { $col1 = col_to_number($1); $col2 = col_to_number($2); } else { $col1 = col_to_number($what); $col2 = $col1; } if ($attrib eq "width") { for (my $c = $col1; $c <= $col2; $c++) { my $colname = number_to_col($c); $colattribs->{$colname} = {'coord' => $colname} unless $colattribs->{$colname}; $colattribs->{$colname}->{width} = $rest; } } if ($attrib eq "hide") { for (my $c = $col1; $c <= $col2; $c++) { my $colname = number_to_col($c); $colattribs->{$colname} = {'coord' => $colname} unless $colattribs->{$colname}; $colattribs->{$colname}->{hide} = $rest; } } else { $errortext = "Unknown attributename '$attrib' in line:\n$command\n"; return 0; } } elsif ($what =~ m/([a-z]|[A-Z])([a-z]|[A-Z])?(\d+)/) { # cell attributes $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($coord1); my $c2 = $c1; my $r2 = $r1; ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($coord2) if $coord2; $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $c2 if $c2 > $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $r2 if $r2 > $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; for (my $r = $r1; $r <= $r2; $r++) { for (my $c = $c1; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); if ($attrib eq "value") { # set coord value type numeric-value $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; ($v1, $v2) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $datavalues->{$cr} = $v2; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; $datatypes->{$cr} = "v"; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $v1; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($attrib eq "text") { # set coord text type text-value $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; ($v1, $v2) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $datavalues->{$cr} = $v2; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; $datatypes->{$cr} = "t"; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $v1; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($attrib eq "formula") { # set coord formula formula-body-less-initial-= $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; $datavalues->{$cr} = 0; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; $datatypes->{$cr} = "f"; $valuetypes->{$cr} = "n"; # until recalc'ed $dataformulas->{$cr} = $rest; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($attrib eq "constant") { # set coord constant type numeric-value source-text $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; ($v1, $v2, $v3) = split(/ /, $rest, 3); $datavalues->{$cr} = $v2; if (substr($v1,0,1) eq "e") { # error $cellerrors->{$cr} = substr($v1,1); } else { delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; } $datatypes->{$cr} = "c"; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $v1; $dataformulas->{$cr} = $v3; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($attrib eq "empty") { # erase value delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($attrib =~ m/^b[trbl]$/) { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $borderdef = 0; $borderdef = $borderstylehash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$borderdef) { if ($rest) { push @$borderstyles, "" unless scalar @$borderstyles; $borderdef = (push @$borderstyles, $rest) - 1; $borderstylehash->{$rest} = $borderdef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $borderdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "color" || $attrib eq "bgcolor") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $colordef = 0; $colordef = $colorhash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$colordef) { if ($rest) { push @$colors, "" unless scalar @$colors; $colordef = (push @$colors, $rest) - 1; $colorhash->{$rest} = $colordef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $colordef; } elsif ($attrib eq "layout") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $layoutdef = 0; $layoutdef = $layoutstylehash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$layoutdef) { if ($rest) { push @$layoutstyles, "" unless scalar @$layoutstyles; $layoutdef = (push @$layoutstyles, $rest) - 1; $layoutstylehash->{$rest} = $layoutdef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $layoutdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "font") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $fontdef = 0; $rest = "" if $rest eq "* * *"; $fontdef = $fonthash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$fontdef) { if ($rest) { push @$fonts, "" unless scalar @$fonts; $fontdef = (push @$fonts, $rest) - 1; $fonthash->{$rest} = $fontdef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $fontdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "cellformat") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $formatdef = 0; $formatdef = $cellformathash->{$rest} if $rest; if (!$formatdef) { if ($rest) { push @$cellformats, "" unless scalar @$cellformats; $formatdef = (push @$cellformats, $rest) - 1; $cellformathash->{$rest} = $formatdef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $formatdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "textvalueformat" || $attrib eq "nontextvalueformat") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; my $formatdef = 0; $formatdef = $valueformathash->{$rest} if length($rest); if (!$formatdef) { if (length($rest)) { push @$valueformats, "" unless scalar @$valueformats; $formatdef = (push @$valueformats, $rest) - 1; $valueformathash->{$rest} = $formatdef; } } $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $formatdef; } elsif ($attrib eq "cssc") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; $rest =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]//g; $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $rest; } elsif ($attrib eq "csss") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; $rest =~ s/\n//g; $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = $rest; } elsif ($attrib eq "mod") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; $rest =~ s/[^yY]//g; $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attrib} = lc $rest; } else { $errortext = "Unknown attributename '$attrib' in line:\n$command\n"; return 0; } } } } } elsif ($cmd1 =~ m/^(?:erase|copy|cut|paste|fillright|filldown|sort)$/) { ($what, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($coord1); my $c2 = $c1; my $r2 = $r1; ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($coord2) if $coord2; $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $c2 if $c2 > $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $r2 if $r2 > $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; if ($cmd1 eq "erase") { for (my $r = $r1; $r <= $r2; $r++) { for (my $c = $c1; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); if ($rest eq "all") { delete $cellattribs->{$cr}; delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $dataformulas->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; } elsif ($rest eq "formulas") { delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $dataformulas->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; } elsif ($rest eq "formats") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr}; # Leave with minimal set } } } $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "fillright" || $cmd1 eq "filldown") { my ($fillright, $rowstart, $colstart); if ($cmd1 eq "fillright") { $fillright = 1; $rowstart = $r1; $colstart = $c1 + 1; } else { $rowstart = $r1 + 1; $colstart = $c1; } for (my $r = $rowstart; $r <= $r2; $r++) { for (my $c = $colstart; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); my ($crbase, $rowoffset, $coloffset); if ($fillright) { $crbase = cr_to_coord($c1, $r); $coloffset = $c - $colstart + 1; $rowoffset = 0; } else { $crbase = cr_to_coord($c, $r1); $coloffset = 0; $rowoffset = $r - $rowstart + 1; } if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formats") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr}; # Start with minimal set foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$crbase}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$crbase}->{$attribtype}; } } } if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formulas") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; # Make sure this exists $datavalues->{$cr} = $datavalues->{$crbase}; $datatypes->{$cr} = $datatypes->{$crbase}; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $valuetypes->{$crbase}; if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $dataformulas->{$cr} = offset_formula_coords($dataformulas->{$crbase}, $coloffset, $rowoffset); } else { $dataformulas->{$cr} = $dataformulas->{$crbase}; } $cellerrors->{$cr} = $cellerrors->{$crbase}; } } } $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "copy" || $cmd1 eq "cut") { $sheetdata->{clipboard} = {}; # clear and create clipboard $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues} = {}; my $clipdatavalues = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes} = {}; my $clipdatatypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes} = {}; my $clipvaluetypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas} = {}; my $clipdataformulas = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors} = {}; my $clipcellerrors = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors}; $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs} = {}; my $clipcellattribs = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs}; for (my $r = $r1; $r <= $r2; $r++) { for (my $c = $c1; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); $clipcellattribs->{$cr}->{'coord' => $cr}; # make sure something (used for save) if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formats") { foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$cr}}) { $clipcellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype}; } if ($cmd1 eq "cut") { delete $cellattribs->{$cr}; $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} if $rest eq "formats"; } } if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formulas") { $clipcellattribs->{$cr}->{coord} = $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; # used by save $clipdatavalues->{$cr} = $datavalues->{$cr}; $clipdataformulas->{$cr} = $dataformulas->{$cr}; $clipcellerrors->{$cr} = $cellerrors->{$cr}; $clipdatatypes->{$cr} = $datatypes->{$cr}; $clipvaluetypes->{$cr} = $valuetypes->{$cr}; if ($cmd1 eq "cut") { delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $dataformulas->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; } } } } $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{range} = $coord2 ? "$coord1:$coord2" : "$coord1:$coord1"; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes" if $cmd1 eq "cut"; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "paste") { my $crbase = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{range}; if (!$crbase) { $errortext = "Empty clipboard\n"; return 0; } my $clipdatavalues = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datavalues}; my $clipdatatypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{datatypes}; my $clipvaluetypes = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{valuetypes}; my $clipdataformulas = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{formulas}; my $clipcellerrors = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellerrors}; my $clipcellattribs = $sheetdata->{clipboard}->{cellattribs}; my ($clipcoord1, $clipcoord2) = split(/:/, $crbase); $clipcoord2 = $clipcoord1 unless $clipcoord2; my ($clipc1, $clipr1) = coord_to_cr($clipcoord1); my ($clipc2, $clipr2) = coord_to_cr($clipcoord2); my $coloffset = $c1 - $clipc1; my $rowoffset = $r1 - $clipr1; my $numcols = $clipc2 - $clipc1 + 1; my $numrows = $clipr2 - $clipr1 + 1; $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $c1 + $numcols - 1 if $c1 + $numcols - 1 > $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $r1 + $numrows - 1 if $r1 + $numrows - 1 > $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; for (my $r = 0; $r < $numrows; $r++) { for (my $c = 0; $c < $numcols; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c1+$c, $r1+$r); my $clipcr = cr_to_coord($clipc1+$c, $clipr1+$r); if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formats") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr}; # Start with minimal set foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$clipcellattribs->{$clipcr}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $clipcellattribs->{$clipcr}->{$attribtype}; } } } if ($rest eq "all" || $rest eq "formulas") { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr} unless $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; # Make sure this exists $datavalues->{$cr} = $clipdatavalues->{$clipcr}; $datatypes->{$cr} = $clipdatatypes->{$clipcr}; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $clipvaluetypes->{$clipcr}; if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $dataformulas->{$cr} = offset_formula_coords($clipdataformulas->{$clipcr}, $coloffset, $rowoffset); } else { $dataformulas->{$cr} = $clipdataformulas->{$clipcr}; } $cellerrors->{$cr} = $clipcellerrors->{$clipcr}; } } } $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "sort") { # sort cr1:cr2 col1 up/down col2 up/down col3 up/down my @col_dirs = split(/\s+/, $rest); my (@cols, @dirs); ($cols[1], $dirs[1], $cols[2], $dirs[2], $cols[3], $dirs[3]) = @col_dirs; my $nsortcols = int ((scalar @col_dirs)/2); my $sortdata = {}; # make a place to hold data to sort $sortdata->{datavalues} = {}; my $sortdatavalues = $sortdata->{datavalues}; $sortdata->{datatypes} = {}; my $sortdatatypes = $sortdata->{datatypes}; $sortdata->{valuetypes} = {}; my $sortvaluetypes = $sortdata->{valuetypes}; $sortdata->{formulas} = {}; my $sortdataformulas = $sortdata->{formulas}; $sortdata->{cellerrors} = {}; my $sortcellerrors = $sortdata->{cellerrors}; $sortdata->{cellattribs} = {}; my $sortcellattribs = $sortdata->{cellattribs}; my (@sortlist, @sortvalues, @sorttypes, @rowvalues, @rowtypes); for (my $r = $r1; $r <= $r2; $r++) { # make a copy to replace over original in new order for (my $c = $c1; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); next if !$cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; # don't copy blank cells $sortcellattribs->{$cr}->{'coord' => $cr}; foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$cr}}) { $sortcellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype}; } $sortcellattribs->{$cr}->{coord} = $cellattribs->{$cr}->{coord}; # used by save $sortdatavalues->{$cr} = $datavalues->{$cr}; $sortdataformulas->{$cr} = $dataformulas->{$cr}; $sortcellerrors->{$cr} = $cellerrors->{$cr}; $sortdatatypes->{$cr} = $datatypes->{$cr}; $sortvaluetypes->{$cr} = $valuetypes->{$cr}; } push @sortlist, scalar @sortlist; # make list to sort (0..numrows-1) @rowvalues = (); @rowtypes = (); for (my $i=1;$i<=$nsortcols;$i++) { # save values and types for comparing my $cr = "$cols[$i]$r"; # get from each sorting column push @rowvalues, $datavalues->{$cr}; push @rowtypes, (substr($valuetypes->{$cr},0,1) || "b"); # just major type } push @sortvalues, [@rowvalues]; push @sorttypes, [@rowtypes]; } # Do the sort my ($a1, $b1, $ta, $tb, $cresult); @sortlist = sort { for (my $i=0;$i<$nsortcols;$i++) { if ($dirs[$i+1] eq "up") { # handle sort direction $a1 = $a; $b1 = $b; } else { $a1 = $b; $b1 = $a; } $ta = $sorttypes[$a1][$i]; $tb = $sorttypes[$b1][$i]; if ($ta eq "t") { # numbers < text < errors, blank always last no matter what dir if ($tb eq "t") { $cresult = (lc $sortvalues[$a1][$i]) cmp (lc $sortvalues[$b1][$i]); } elsif ($tb eq "n") { $cresult = 1; } elsif ($tb eq "b") { $cresult = $dirs[$i+1] eq "up" ? -1 : 1; } elsif ($tb eq "e") { $cresult = -1; } } elsif ($ta eq "n") { if ($tb eq "t") { $cresult = -1; } elsif ($tb eq "n") { $cresult = $sortvalues[$a1][$i] <=> $sortvalues[$b1][$i]; } elsif ($tb eq "b") { $cresult = $dirs[$i+1] eq "up" ? -1 : 1; } elsif ($tb eq "e") { $cresult = -1; } } elsif ($ta eq "e") { if ($tb eq "e") { $cresult = $sortvalues[$a1][$i] <=> $sortvalues[$b1][$i]; } elsif ($tb eq "b") { $cresult = $dirs[$i+1] eq "up" ? -1 : 1; } else { $cresult = 1; } } elsif ($ta eq "b") { if ($tb eq "b") { $cresult = 0; } else { $cresult = $dirs[$i+1] eq "up" ? 1 : -1; } } return $cresult if $cresult; } return $a cmp $b; } @sortlist; my $originalrow; for (my $r = $r1; $r <= $r2; $r++) { # copy original back over in new rows $originalrow = $sortlist[$r-$r1]; for (my $c = $c1; $c <= $c2; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); my $sortedcr = cr_to_coord($c, $r1+$originalrow); if (!$sortcellattribs->{$sortedcr}->{coord}) { # copying an empty cell delete $cellattribs->{$cr}; delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $dataformulas->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; next; } $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr}; foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$sortcellattribs->{$sortedcr}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $sortcellattribs->{$sortedcr}->{$attribtype}; } } $datavalues->{$cr} = $sortdatavalues->{$sortedcr}; $datatypes->{$cr} = $sortdatatypes->{$sortedcr}; $valuetypes->{$cr} = $sortvaluetypes->{$sortedcr}; if ($sortdatatypes->{$sortedcr} eq "f") { $dataformulas->{$cr} = offset_formula_coords($sortdataformulas->{$sortedcr}, 0, ($r-$r1)-$originalrow); } else { $dataformulas->{$cr} = $sortdataformulas->{$sortedcr}; } $cellerrors->{$cr} = $sortcellerrors->{$sortedcr}; } } $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } } elsif ($cmd1 eq "clearclipboard") { delete $sheetdata->{clipboard}; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "merge") { ($what, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($coord1); my $c2 = $c1; my $r2 = $r1; ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($coord2) if $coord2; $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $c2 if $c2 > $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $r2 if $r2 > $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; $cellattribs->{$coord1} = {'coord' => $coord1} unless $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{coord}; delete $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{colspan}; $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{colspan} = $c2 - $c1 + 1 if $c2 > $c1; delete $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{rowspan}; $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{rowspan} = $r2 - $r1 + 1 if $r2 > $r1; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "unmerge") { ($what, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); $cellattribs->{$coord1} = {'coord' => $coord1} unless $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{coord}; delete $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{colspan}; delete $cellattribs->{$coord1}->{rowspan}; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "insertcol" || $cmd1 eq "insertrow") { ($what, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($coord1); my $lastcol = $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; my $lastrow = $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; my ($coloffset, $rowoffset, $colend, $rowend, $newcolstart, $newcolend, $newrowstart, $newrowend); if ($cmd1 eq "insertcol") { $coloffset = 1; $colend = $c1; $rowend = 1; $newcolstart = $c1; $newcolend = $c1; $newrowstart = 1; $newrowend = $lastrow; } else { $rowoffset = 1; $rowend = $r1; $colend = 1; $newcolstart = 1; $newcolend = $lastcol; $newrowstart = $r1; $newrowend = $r1; } for (my $row = $lastrow; $row >= $rowend; $row--) { # copy the cells forward for (my $col = $lastcol; $col >= $colend; $col--) { my $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); my $coordnext = cr_to_coord($col+$coloffset, $row+$rowoffset); if (!$cellattribs->{$coord}) { # copying empty cell delete $cellattribs->{$coordnext}; delete $datavalues->{$coordnext}; delete $datatypes->{$coordnext}; delete $valuetypes->{$coordnext}; delete $dataformulas->{$coordnext}; delete $cellerrors->{$coordnext}; next; } $cellattribs->{$coordnext} = {'coord' => $coordnext}; # Start with minimal set foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$coord}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$coordnext}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{$attribtype}; } } $datavalues->{$coordnext} = $datavalues->{$coord}; $datatypes->{$coordnext} = $datatypes->{$coord}; $valuetypes->{$coordnext} = $valuetypes->{$coord}; $dataformulas->{$coordnext} = $dataformulas->{$coord}; $cellerrors->{$coordnext} = $cellerrors->{$coord}; } } for (my $r = $newrowstart; $r <= $newrowend; $r++) { # fill the new cells for (my $c = $newcolstart; $c <= $newcolend; $c++) { my $cr = cr_to_coord($c, $r); delete $cellattribs->{$cr}; delete $datavalues->{$cr}; delete $datatypes->{$cr}; delete $valuetypes->{$cr}; delete $dataformulas->{$cr}; delete $cellerrors->{$cr}; my $crbase = cr_to_coord($c-$coloffset, $r-$rowoffset); # copy attribs of the one before (0 give you A or 1) if ($cellattribs->{$crbase}) { $cellattribs->{$cr} = {'coord' => $cr}; foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$crbase}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$cr}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$crbase}->{$attribtype}; } } } } } foreach my $cr (keys %$dataformulas) { # update cell references to moved cells in calculated formulas if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $dataformulas->{$cr} = adjust_formula_coords($dataformulas->{$cr}, $c1, $coloffset, $r1, $rowoffset); } } for (my $row = $lastrow; $row >= $rowend && $cmd1 eq "insertrow"; $row--) { # copy the row attributes forward my $rownext = $row + $rowoffset; $rowattribs->{$rownext} = {'coord' => $rownext}; # start clean foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$rowattribs->{$row}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $rowattribs->{$rownext}->{$attribtype} = $rowattribs->{$row}->{$attribtype}; } } } for (my $col = $lastcol; $col >= $colend && $cmd1 eq "insertcol"; $col--) { # copy the column attributes forward my $colthis = number_to_col($col); my $colnext = number_to_col($col + $coloffset); $colattribs->{$colnext} = {'coord' => $colnext}; foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$colattribs->{$colthis}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $colattribs->{$colnext}->{$attribtype} = $colattribs->{$colthis}->{$attribtype}; } } } $sheetattribs->{lastcol} += $coloffset; $sheetattribs->{lastrow} += $rowoffset; $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } elsif ($cmd1 eq "deletecol" || $cmd1 eq "deleterow") { ($what, $rest) = split(/ /, $rest, 2); $what = uc($what); ($coord1, $coord2) = split(/:/, $what); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($coord1); my $c2 = $c1; my $r2 = $r1; ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($coord2) if $coord2; my $lastcol = $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; my $lastrow = $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; my ($coloffset, $rowoffset, $colstart, $rowstart); if ($cmd1 eq "deletecol") { $coloffset = $c1 - $c2 - 1; $colstart = $c2 + 1; $rowstart = 1; } else { $rowoffset = $r1 - $r2 - 1; $rowstart = $r2 + 1; $colstart = 1; } for (my $row = $rowstart; $row <= $lastrow - $rowoffset; $row++) { # copy the cells backwards - extra so no dup of last set for (my $col = $colstart; $col <= $lastcol - $coloffset; $col++) { my $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); my $coordbefore = cr_to_coord($col+$coloffset, $row+$rowoffset); if (!$cellattribs->{$coord}) { # copying empty cell delete $cellattribs->{$coordbefore}; delete $datavalues->{$coordbefore}; delete $datatypes->{$coordbefore}; delete $valuetypes->{$coordbefore}; delete $dataformulas->{$coordbefore}; delete $cellerrors->{$coordbefore}; next; } $cellattribs->{$coordbefore} = {'coord' => $coordbefore}; # Start with minimal set foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$cellattribs->{$coord}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $cellattribs->{$coordbefore}->{$attribtype} = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{$attribtype}; } } $datavalues->{$coordbefore} = $datavalues->{$coord}; $datatypes->{$coordbefore} = $datatypes->{$coord}; $valuetypes->{$coordbefore} = $valuetypes->{$coord}; $dataformulas->{$coordbefore} = $dataformulas->{$coord}; $cellerrors->{$coordbefore} = $cellerrors->{$coord}; } } foreach my $cr (keys %$dataformulas) { # update references to moved cells in calculated formulas if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $dataformulas->{$cr} = adjust_formula_coords($dataformulas->{$cr}, $c1, $coloffset, $r1, $rowoffset); } } for (my $row = $rowstart; $row <= $lastrow - $rowoffset && $cmd1 eq "deleterow"; $row++) { # copy the row attributes backward my $rowbefore = $row + $rowoffset; $rowattribs->{$rowbefore} = {'coord' => $rowbefore}; # start with only coord foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$rowattribs->{$row}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $rowattribs->{$rowbefore}->{$attribtype} = $rowattribs->{$row}->{$attribtype}; } } } for (my $col = $colstart; $col <= $lastcol - $coloffset && $cmd1 eq "deletecol"; $col++) { # copy the column attributes backward my $colthis = number_to_col($col); my $colbefore = number_to_col($col + $coloffset); $colattribs->{$colbefore} = {'coord' => $colbefore}; foreach my $attribtype (keys %{$colattribs->{$colthis}}) { if ($attribtype ne "coord") { $colattribs->{$colbefore}->{$attribtype} = $colattribs->{$colthis}->{$attribtype}; } } } if ($cmd1 eq "deletecol") { if ($c1 <= $lastcol) { # shrink sheet unless deleted phantom cols off the end if ($c2 <= $lastcol) { $sheetattribs->{lastcol} += $coloffset; } else { $sheetattribs->{lastcol} = $c1 - 1; } } } else { if ($r1 <= $lastrow) { # shrink sheet unless deleted phantom rows off the end if ($r2 <= $lastrow) { $sheetattribs->{lastrow} += $rowoffset; } else { $sheetattribs->{lastrow} = $r1 - 1; } } } $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc} = "yes"; } else { $errortext = "Unknown command '$cmd1' in line:\n$command\n"; return 0; } return $command; } # # # # # # # # # # # $updatedformula = offset_formula_coords($formula, $coloffset, $rowoffset) # # Change relative cell references by offsets, even those to other worksheets # # # # # # # # # # sub offset_formula_coords { my ($formula, $coloffset, $rowoffset) = @_; my $parseinfo = parse_formula_into_tokens($formula); my $parsed_token_text = $parseinfo->{tokentext}; my $parsed_token_type = $parseinfo->{tokentype}; my $parsed_token_opcode = $parseinfo->{tokenopcode}; my ($ttype, $ttext, $sheetref, $updatedformula); for (my $i=0; $i[$i]; $ttext = $parsed_token_text->[$i]; if ($ttype == $token_coord) { if (($i < scalar @$parsed_token_text-1) && $parsed_token_type->[$i+1] == $token_op && $parsed_token_text->[$i+1] eq "!") { $sheetref = 1; # This is a sheetname that looks like a coord - don't offset it } my ($c, $r) = coord_to_cr($ttext); my $abscol = $ttext =~ m/^\$/; $c += $coloffset unless $abscol || $sheetref; my $absrow = $ttext =~ m/^\${0,1}[a-zA-Z]{1,2}\$\d+$/; $r += $rowoffset unless $absrow || $sheetref; $sheetref = 0; # only lasts for one coord $ttext = cr_to_coord($c, $r); $ttext =~ s/^/\$/ if $abscol; $ttext =~ s/(\d+)$/\$$1/ if $absrow; if ($r < 1 || $c < 1) { $ttext = "WKCERRCELL"; } } elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { $ttext =~ s/"/""/g; $ttext = '"' . $ttext . '"'; } elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { $ttext = $token_op_expansion{$ttext} || $ttext; # make sure short tokens (e.g., "G") go back full (">=") } $updatedformula .= $ttext; } return $updatedformula; } # # # # # # # # # # # $updatedformula = adjust_formula_coords($formula, $col, $coloffset, $row, $rowoffset) # # Change all cell references to cells starting with $col/$row by offsets # # # # # # # # # # sub adjust_formula_coords { my ($formula, $col, $coloffset, $row, $rowoffset) = @_; my $parseinfo = parse_formula_into_tokens($formula); my $parsed_token_text = $parseinfo->{tokentext}; my $parsed_token_type = $parseinfo->{tokentype}; my $parsed_token_opcode = $parseinfo->{tokenopcode}; my ($ttype, $ttext, $sheetref, $updatedformula); for (my $i=0; $i[$i]; $ttext = $parsed_token_text->[$i]; if ($ttype == $token_op) { # references with sheet specifier are not offset if ($ttext eq "!") { $sheetref = 1; # found a sheet reference } elsif ($ttext ne ":") { # for everything but a range, reset $sheetref = 0; } $ttext = $token_op_expansion{$ttext} || $ttext; # make sure short tokens (e.g., "G") go back full (">=") } if ($ttype == $token_coord) { if (($i < scalar @$parsed_token_text-1) && $parsed_token_type->[$i+1] == $token_op && $parsed_token_text->[$i+1] eq "!") { $sheetref = 1; # This is a sheetname that looks like a coord } my ($c, $r) = coord_to_cr($ttext); if (($c == $col && $coloffset < 0) || ($r == $row && $rowoffset < 0)) { # refs to deleted cells become invalid $c = 0 unless $sheetref; $r = 0 unless $sheetref; } my $abscol = $ttext =~ m/^\$/; $c += $coloffset if $c >= $col && !$sheetref; my $absrow = $ttext =~ m/^\${0,1}[a-zA-Z]{1,2}\$\d+$/; $r += $rowoffset if $r >= $row && !$sheetref; $ttext = cr_to_coord($c, $r); $ttext =~ s/^/\$/ if $abscol; $ttext =~ s/(\d+)$/\$$1/ if $absrow; if ($r < 1 || $c < 1) { $ttext = "WKCERRCELL"; } } elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { $ttext =~ s/"/""/g; $ttext = '"' . $ttext . '"'; } $updatedformula .= $ttext; } return $updatedformula; } # # # # # # # # # # # ($stylestr, $outstr) = render_sheet($sheetdata, $extratableattribs, $styleprefix, $anchorsuffix, $editmode, $editcoords, $onclickstr, $linkstyle) # # Sheet rendering routine # # Editmode may be "ajax" (grid), "publish" (no grid, cssc used), "embed" (publish for Javascript embedding), # "inline" (publish with inline CSS and no stylesheet classes except explicit cssc), or null (no grid) # # # # # # # # # # sub render_sheet { my ($sheetdata, $extratableattribs, $extratdattribs, $styleprefix, $anchorsuffix, $editmode, $editcoords, $onclickstr, $linkstyle) = @_; $styleprefix ||= "s"; $extratableattribs = " $extratableattribs" if $extratableattribs; $extratdattribs = " $extratdattribs" if $extratdattribs; my ($publishmode, $embedmode, $inlinemode); if ($editmode eq "publish") { $publishmode = 1; $editmode = ""; } elsif ($editmode eq "embed") { $publishmode = 1; $embedmode = 1; $editmode = ""; } elsif ($editmode eq "inline") { $publishmode = 1; $inlinemode = 1; $editmode = ""; } # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $colattribs = $sheetdata->{colattribs}; my $rowattribs = $sheetdata->{rowattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $layoutstyles = $sheetdata->{layoutstyles}; my $layoutstylehash = $sheetdata->{layoutstylehash}; my $fonts = $sheetdata->{fonts}; my $fonthash = $sheetdata->{fonthash}; my $colors = $sheetdata->{colors}; my $colorhash = $sheetdata->{colorhash}; my $borderstyles = $sheetdata->{borderstyles}; my $borderstylehash = $sheetdata->{borderstylehash}; my $cellformats = $sheetdata->{cellformats}; my $cellformathash = $sheetdata->{cellformathash}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $valueformathash = $sheetdata->{valueformathash}; my ($outstr, $stylestr); my ($rest, $linetype, $coord, $cellattribscoord, $type, $value, $style, $layoutnum, $fontnum, $fontstr, $colornum, $check, $displayvalue, $valueformat, $span, $spanstr, $cellclass, $valuetype, $explicitstyle, $jsstr); my (@styles, %stylehash, %cellskip, %selected); my ($lastcol, $lastrow); my $defaultlayoutnum = $sheetattribs->{defaultlayout}; my $defaultlayout = $defaultlayoutnum ? $layoutstyles->[$defaultlayoutnum] : $WKCStrings{"sheetdefaultlayoutstyle"}; my $defaultfontnum = $sheetattribs->{defaultfont}; my $defaultfont = $defaultfontnum ? $fonts->[$defaultfontnum] : "* * *"; $defaultfont =~ s/^\*/normal normal/; $defaultfont =~ s/(.+)\*(.+)/$1small$2/; $defaultfont =~ s/\*$/$WKCStrings{sheetdefaultfontfamily}/e; $defaultfont =~ m/^(\S+? \S+?) (\S+?) (\S.*)$/; my $defaultfontstyle = $1; my $defaultfontsize = $2; my $defaultfontfamily = $3; $editcoords =~ s/:\w+$//; # only single cell if ($embedmode) { # need special codes and no ID $outstr .= <<"EOF"; c| EOF } else { $outstr .= <<"EOF"; # output table tag
EOF } if ($editmode) { $selected{$editcoords} = 1; my $c = $editcoords; $c =~ s/\d+//; $selected{$c} = "selectedcolname"; my $r = $editcoords; $r =~ s/\D+//; $selected{$r} = "selectedrowname"; ($c, $r) = coord_to_cr($editcoords); $lastcol = $c < $sheetattribs->{lastcol} ? $sheetattribs->{lastcol} : ($c > $sheetattribs->{lastcol} ? $c : $sheetattribs->{lastcol}); $lastrow = $r < $sheetattribs->{lastrow} ? $sheetattribs->{lastrow} : ($r > $sheetattribs->{lastrow} ? $r : $sheetattribs->{lastrow}); } else { my ($c, $r) = coord_to_cr($editcoords); $lastcol = $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; $lastrow = $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; } my ($maxcol, $maxrow); for (my $row = 1; $row <= $lastrow; $row++) { # if span, set to skip other cells in column/row for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); next if $cellskip{$coord}; my $colspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan} || 1; my $rowspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan} || 1; $cellattribs->{$coord}->{hrowspan} = 0; $cellattribs->{$coord}->{hcolspan} = 0; for (my $srow=$row; $srow<$row+$rowspan; $srow++) { $cellattribs->{$coord}->{hrowspan}++ if $rowattribs->{$srow}->{hide} ne "yes"; for (my $scol=$col; $scol<$col+$colspan; $scol++) { $cellattribs->{$coord}->{hcolspan}++ if (($srow==$row) && ($colattribs->{number_to_col($scol)}->{hide} ne "yes")); my $scoord = cr_to_coord($scol, $srow); $cellskip{$scoord} = $coord unless $scoord eq $coord; $maxcol = $scol if $scol > $maxcol; $maxrow = $srow if $srow > $maxrow; } } } } $lastcol = $maxcol; # merged cells may go past cells with content $lastrow = $maxrow; $lastrow += 10 if $editmode; # Show a little extra $outstr .= "c|" if $embedmode; # add special codes used by embedding Javascript $outstr .= ""; $outstr .= qq!! if $editmode; # one for the row number for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, 1); # calculate the width definitions for each column $coord =~ s/\d+//; $value = $colattribs->{$coord}->{width} || $sheetattribs->{defaultcolwidth} || "80"; $value = "" if ($value eq "blank" || $value eq "auto"); if ($embedmode) { $outstr .= qq!!; } else { $outstr .= qq!!; } } $outstr .= "\n"; if ($editmode) { # output column names $outstr .= qq!!; for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, 1); $coord =~ s/\d+//; if ($selected{$coord}) { $outstr .= qq!!; # includes id for colname } else { $outstr .= qq!!; } } $outstr .= "\n"; } for (my $row = 1; $row <= $lastrow; $row++) { if ($editmode) { if ($selected{$row}) { $outstr .= qq!\n!; # includes ids for row and row name } else { $outstr .= qq!\n!; } } else { next if $rowattribs->{$row}->{hide} eq "yes"; # do row hides if not editing $outstr .= "c|" if $embedmode; $outstr .= "\n"; } for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { next if (!$editmode && $colattribs->{number_to_col($col)}->{hide} eq "yes"); # do column hiding $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); next if $cellskip{$coord}; # skip if within a span $cellattribscoord = $cellattribs->{$coord}; $spanstr = ""; # get span string if starting a span if ($span = $cellattribscoord->{$editmode ? "colspan" : "hcolspan"}) { $spanstr .= " colspan=$span" if $span > 1; } if ($span = $cellattribscoord->{$editmode ? "rowspan" : "hrowspan"}) { $spanstr .= " rowspan=$span" if $span > 1; } $displayvalue = $datavalues->{$coord}; # start with raw value to format $displayvalue = format_value_for_display($sheetdata, $displayvalue, $coord, $linkstyle); $stylestr = ""; $layoutnum = $cellattribscoord->{layout} || $sheetattribs->{defaultlayout}; if ($layoutnum) { $stylestr .= $layoutstyles->[$layoutnum]; } else { $stylestr .= $defaultlayout; } $fontnum = $cellattribscoord->{font} || $sheetattribs->{defaultfont}; if ($fontnum) { $fontstr = $fonts->[$fontnum]; $fontstr =~ s/^\*/$defaultfontstyle/; $fontstr =~ s/(.+)\*(.+)/$1$defaultfontsize$2/; $fontstr =~ s/\*$/$defaultfontfamily/; $stylestr .= "font:$fontstr;"; } $colornum = $cellattribscoord->{color} || $sheetattribs->{defaultcolor}; $stylestr .= "color:$colors->[$colornum];" if $colornum; $colornum = $cellattribscoord->{bgcolor} || $sheetattribs->{defaultbgcolor}; $stylestr .= "background-color:$colors->[$colornum];" if $colornum; $style = $cellattribscoord->{cellformat}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "text-align:$cellformats->[$style];"; } else { $valuetype = substr($valuetypes->{$coord},0,1); # get general type if ($valuetype eq "t") { $style = $sheetattribs->{defaulttextformat}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "text-align:$cellformats->[$style];"; } } elsif ($valuetype eq "n") { $style = $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextformat}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "text-align:$cellformats->[$style];"; } else { $stylestr .= "text-align:right;" } } else { # empty $stylestr .= "text-align:left;" } } if ($editmode eq "ajax" && $selected{$coord}) { $cellclass = "cellcursor"; } else { $cellclass = "cellnormal"; } if ($editmode) { $style = $cellattribscoord->{bt}; $check = cr_to_coord($col, $row - 1); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; # look past ignored cells if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-top:$borderstyles->[$style];" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{bb} || $row==1); } else { $stylestr .= "border-top:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{bb} && $row!=1); } $style = $cellattribscoord->{br}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-right:$borderstyles->[$style];"; } else { $check = cr_to_coord($col + 1, $row); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; $stylestr .= "border-right:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{bl}); } $style = $cellattribscoord->{bb}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-bottom:$borderstyles->[$style];"; } else { $check = cr_to_coord($col, $row + 1); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; $stylestr .= "border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{bt}); } $style = $cellattribscoord->{bl}; $check = cr_to_coord($col - 1, $row); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-left:$borderstyles->[$style];" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{br} || $col==1); } else { $stylestr .= "border-left:1px dotted #CCCCCC;" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{br} && $col!=1); } } else { $style = $cellattribscoord->{bt}; $check = cr_to_coord($col, $row - 1); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; # look past ignored cells if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-top:$borderstyles->[$style];" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{bb} || $row==1); } $style = $cellattribscoord->{br}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-right:$borderstyles->[$style];"; } $style = $cellattribscoord->{bb}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-bottom:$borderstyles->[$style];"; } $style = $cellattribscoord->{bl}; $check = cr_to_coord($col - 1, $row); $check = $cellskip{$check} if $cellskip{$check}; if ($style) { $stylestr .= "border-left:$borderstyles->[$style];" if (!$cellattribs->{$check}->{br} || $col==1); } } if ($publishmode && $cellattribscoord->{cssc}) { $style = $cellattribscoord->{cssc}; } else { $style = $stylehash{$stylestr}; if (!$style) { $style = @styles || 1; $stylehash{$stylestr} = $style; $styles[$style] = $stylestr; } $style = "$styleprefix$style"; } $explicitstyle = ""; if ($cellattribscoord->{csss}) { # explicit style $explicitstyle = qq! style="$cellattribscoord->{csss}"!; } my $onclickstrp = $onclickstr; $onclickstrp =~ s/\$coord/$coord/ge; if ($editmode) { $outstr .= <<"EOF";
EOF } elsif ($embedmode) { $outstr .= $style; if ($cellattribscoord->{hcolspan}>1 || $cellattribscoord->{hrowspan}>1 || $explicitstyle) { $outstr .= $cellattribscoord->{cssc} ? ":y" : ":n"; # always add this field if more $outstr .= ":$cellattribscoord->{hcolspan}:$cellattribscoord->{hrowspan}"; if ($explicitstyle) { $outstr .= ":*" . encode_for_javascript($cellattribscoord->{csss}); } } else { $outstr .= ":y" if $cellattribscoord->{cssc}; # only add if cssc } $jsstr = encode_for_javascript($displayvalue); $outstr .= "|$jsstr\n"; } elsif ($inlinemode) { if ($cellattribscoord->{cssc}) { $outstr .= <<"EOF"; $displayvalue EOF } else { $outstr .= <<"EOF"; $displayvalue EOF } } else { $outstr .= <<"EOF"; $displayvalue EOF } } $outstr .= "c|" if $embedmode; $outstr .= "
\n"; } $outstr .= "c|" if $embedmode; $outstr .= ""; # output one last row with no spans to make sure browsers like IE have enough columns for layout $outstr .= qq!! if $editmode; # one for the row number for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $outstr .= qq!!; } $outstr .= "\n"; $outstr .= "c|" if $embedmode; $outstr .= <<"EOF";
EOF $stylestr = ""; $stylestr .= <<"EOF" if $editmode; .colname {text-align: center;color: white;background-color: #CCCC99;border:none;} .selectedcolname {text-align: center;color: white;background-color: #666633;border-left:3px solid #666633;border-right:3px solid #666633;} .rowname {text-align: right;color: white;background-color: #CCCC99;padding-left:1em;border:none;} .selectedrowname {text-align: right;color: white;background-color: #666633;padding-left:1em;border-top:3px solid #666633;border-bottom:3px solid #666633;} .upperleft {border: 0px solid black;} .skippedcell {background-color:#CCCCCC;} EOF for (my $i = 1; $i < @styles; $i++) { if ($embedmode) { $stylestr .= "styles.$styleprefix$i='" . encode_for_javascript($styles[$i]) . "';\n"; } else { $stylestr .= <<"EOF"; .$styleprefix$i {$styles[$i]} EOF } } return ($stylestr, $outstr); }; # # # # # # # # # # # $displayvalue = format_value_for_display(\%sheetdata, $value, $cr, $linkstyle) # # # # # # # # # # sub format_value_for_display { my ($sheetdata, $value, $cr, $linkstyle) = @_; my ($valueformat, $has_parens, $has_commas, $valuetype, $valuesubtype); # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $displayvalue = $value; my $valuetype = $valuetypes->{$cr}; # get type of value to determine formatting my $valuesubtype = substr($valuetype,1); $valuetype = substr($valuetype,0,1); if ($cellerrors->{$cr}) { $displayvalue = expand_markup($cellerrors->{$cr}, $sheetdata, $linkstyle) || $valuesubtype || "Error in cell"; return $displayvalue; } if ($valuetype eq "t") { $valueformat = $valueformats->[($cellattribs->{$cr}->{textvalueformat} || $sheetattribs->{defaulttextvalueformat})] || ""; if ($valueformat eq "formula") { if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $displayvalue = special_chars("=$dataformulas->{$cr}") || " "; } elsif ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "c") { $displayvalue = special_chars("'$dataformulas->{$cr}") || " "; } else { $displayvalue = special_chars("'$displayvalue") || " "; } return $displayvalue; } $displayvalue = format_text_for_display($displayvalue, $valuetypes->{$cr}, $valueformat, $sheetdata, $linkstyle); } elsif ($valuetype eq "n") { $valueformat = $cellattribs->{$cr}->{nontextvalueformat}; if (length($valueformat) == 0) { # "0" is a legal value format $valueformat = $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextvalueformat}; } $valueformat = $valueformats->[$valueformat]; if (length($valueformat) == 0) { $valueformat = ""; } $valueformat = "" if $valueformat eq "none"; if ($valueformat eq "formula") { if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $displayvalue = special_chars("=$dataformulas->{$cr}") || " "; } elsif ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "c") { $displayvalue = special_chars("'$dataformulas->{$cr}") || " "; } else { $displayvalue = special_chars("'$displayvalue") || " "; } return $displayvalue; } elsif ($valueformat eq "forcetext") { if ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "f") { $displayvalue = special_chars("=$dataformulas->{$cr}") || " "; } elsif ($datatypes->{$cr} eq "c") { $displayvalue = special_chars($dataformulas->{$cr}) || " "; } else { $displayvalue = special_chars($displayvalue) || " "; } return $displayvalue; } $displayvalue = format_number_for_display($displayvalue, $valuetypes->{$cr}, $valueformat); } else { # unknown type - probably blank $displayvalue = " "; } return $displayvalue; } # # # # # # # # # # # $displayvalue = format_text_for_display($rawvalue, $valuetype, $valueformat, $sheetdata, $linkstyle) # # # # # # # # # # sub format_text_for_display { my ($rawvalue, $valuetype, $valueformat, $sheetdata, $linkstyle) = @_; my $valuesubtype = substr($valuetype,1); my $displayvalue = $rawvalue; $valueformat = "" if $valueformat eq "none"; $valueformat = "" unless $valueformat =~ m/^(text-|custom|hidden)/; if (!$valueformat || $valueformat eq "General") { # determine format from type $valueformat = "text-html" if ($valuesubtype eq "h"); $valueformat = "text-wiki" if ($valuesubtype eq "w"); $valueformat = "text-plain" unless $valuesubtype; } if ($valueformat eq "text-html") { # HTML - output as it as is ; } elsif ($valueformat eq "text-wiki") { # wiki text # $linkstyle = "[[pagename]]"; $displayvalue = expand_markup($displayvalue, $sheetdata, $linkstyle); # do wiki markup } elsif ($valueformat eq "text-url") { # text is a URL for a link my $dvsc = special_chars($displayvalue); my $dvue = url_encode($displayvalue); $dvue =~ s/\Q{{amp}}/%26/g; $displayvalue = qq!$dvsc!; } elsif ($valueformat eq "text-link") { # text is a URL for a link shown as Link my $dvsc = special_chars($displayvalue); my $dvue = url_encode($displayvalue); $dvue =~ s/\Q{{amp}}/%26/g; $displayvalue = qq!$WKCStrings{linkformatstring}!; } elsif ($valueformat eq "text-image") { # text is a URL for an image my $dvue = url_encode($displayvalue); $dvue =~ s/\Q{{amp}}/%26/g; $displayvalue = qq!!; } elsif ($valueformat =~ m/^text-custom\:/) { # construct a custom text format: @r = text raw, @s = special chars, @u = url encoded my $dvsc = special_chars($displayvalue); # do special chars $dvsc =~ s/ /  /g; # keep multiple spaces $dvsc =~ s/\n/
/g; # keep line breaks my $dvue = url_encode($displayvalue); $dvue =~ s/\Q{{amp}}/%26/g; my %textval; $textval{r} = $displayvalue; $textval{s} = $dvsc; $textval{u} = $dvue; $displayvalue = $valueformat; $displayvalue =~ s/^text-custom\://; $displayvalue =~ s/@(r|s|u)/$textval{$1}/ge; } elsif ($valueformat =~ m/^custom/) { # custom $displayvalue = special_chars($displayvalue); # do special chars $displayvalue =~ s/ /  /g; # keep multiple spaces $displayvalue =~ s/\n/
/g; # keep line breaks $displayvalue .= " (custom format)"; } elsif ($valueformat eq "hidden") { $displayvalue = " "; } else { # plain text $displayvalue = special_chars($displayvalue); # do special chars $displayvalue =~ s/ /  /g; # keep multiple spaces $displayvalue =~ s/\n/
/g; # keep line breaks } return $displayvalue; } # # # # # # # # # # # $displayvalue = format_number_for_display($rawvalue, $valuetype, $valueformat) # # # # # # # # # # sub format_number_for_display { my ($rawvalue, $valuetype, $valueformat) = @_; my ($has_parens, $has_commas); my $displayvalue = $rawvalue; my $valuesubtype = substr($valuetype,1); if ($valueformat eq "Auto" || length($valueformat) == 0) { # cases with default format if ($valuesubtype eq "%") { # will display a % character $valueformat = "#,##0.0%"; } elsif ($valuesubtype eq '$') { $valueformat = '[$]#,##0.00'; } elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'dt') { $valueformat = $WKCStrings{"defaultformatdt"}; } elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'd') { $valueformat = $WKCStrings{"defaultformatd"}; } elsif ($valuesubtype eq 't') { $valueformat = $WKCStrings{"defaultformatt"}; } elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'l') { $valueformat = 'logical'; } else { $valueformat = "General"; } } if ($valueformat eq "logical") { # do logical format return $rawvalue ? $WKCStrings{"displaytrue"} : $WKCStrings{"displayfalse"}; } if ($valueformat eq "hidden") { # do hidden format return " "; } # Use format return format_number_with_format_string($rawvalue, $valueformat); } # # # # # # # # # # # $result = format_number_with_format_string($value, $format_string, $currency_char) # # Use a format string to format a numeric value. Returns a string with the result. # This is a subset of the normal styles accepted by many other spreadsheets, without fractions, E format, and @, # and with any number of comparison fields and with [style=style-specification] (e.g., [style=color:red]) # # # # # # # # # # my %allowedcolors = (BLACK => "#000000", BLUE => "#0000FF", CYAN => "#00FFFF", GREEN => "#00FF00", MAGENTA => "#FF00FF", RED => "#FF0000", WHITE => "#FFFFFF", YELLOW => "#FFFF00"); my %alloweddates = (H => "h]", M => "m]", MM => "mm]", "S" => "s]", "SS" => "ss]"); my %format_definitions; my $cmd_copy = 1; my $cmd_color = 2; my $cmd_integer_placeholder = 3; my $cmd_fraction_placeholder = 4; my $cmd_decimal = 5; my $cmd_currency = 6; my $cmd_general = 7; my $cmd_separator = 8; my $cmd_date = 9; my $cmd_comparison = 10; my $cmd_section = 11; my $cmd_style = 12; sub format_number_with_format_string { my ($rawvalue, $format_string, $currency_char) = @_; $currency_char ||= '$'; my ($op, $operandstr, $fromend, $cval, $operandstrlc); my ($yr, $mn, $dy, $hrs, $mins, $secs, $ehrs, $emins, $esecs, $ampmstr); my $result; my $value = $rawvalue+0; # get a working copy that's numeric my $negativevalue = $value < 0 ? 1 : 0; # determine sign, etc. $value = -$value if $negativevalue; my $zerovalue = $value == 0 ? 1 : 0; parse_format_string(\%format_definitions, $format_string); # make sure format is parsed my $thisformat = $format_definitions{$format_string}; # Get format structure return "Format error!" unless $thisformat; my $section = (scalar @{$thisformat->{sectioninfo}}) - 1; # get number of sections - 1 if ($thisformat->{hascomparison}) { # has comparisons - determine which section $section = 0; # set to which section we will use my $gotcomparison = 0; # this section has no comparison for (my $cpos; ;$cpos++) { # scan for comparisons $op = $thisformat->{operators}->[$cpos]; $operandstr = $thisformat->{operands}->[$cpos]; # get next operator and operand if (!$op) { # at end with no match if ($gotcomparison) { # if comparison but no match $format_string = "General"; # use default of General parse_format_string(\%format_definitions, $format_string); $thisformat = $format_definitions{$format_string}; $section = 0; } last; # if no comparision, matchines on this section } if ($op == $cmd_section) { # end of section if (!$gotcomparison) { # no comparison, so it's a match last; } $gotcomparison = 0; $section++; # check out next one next; } if ($op == $cmd_comparison) { # found a comparison - do we meet it? my ($compop, $compval) = split(/:/, $operandstr, 2); $compval = 0+$compval; if (($compop eq "<" && $rawvalue < $compval) || ($compop eq "<=" && $rawvalue <= $compval) || ($compop eq "<>" && $rawvalue != $compval) || ($compop eq ">=" && $rawvalue >= $compval) || ($compop eq ">" && $rawvalue > $compval)) { # a match last; } $gotcomparison = 1; } } } elsif ($section > 0) { # more than one section (separated by ";") if ($section == 1) { # two sections if ($negativevalue) { $negativevalue = 0; # sign will provided by section, not automatically $section = 1; # use second section for negative values } else { $section = 0; # use first for all others } } elsif ($section == 2) { # three sections if ($negativevalue) { $negativevalue = 0; # sign will provided by section, not automatically $section = 1; # use second section for negative values } elsif ($zerovalue) { $section = 2; # use third section for zero values } else { $section = 0; # use first for positive } } } # Get values for our section my ($sectionstart, $integerdigits, $fractiondigits, $commas, $percent, $thousandssep) = @{%{$thisformat->{sectioninfo}->[$section]}}{qw(sectionstart integerdigits fractiondigits commas percent thousandssep)}; if ($commas > 0) { # scale by thousands for (my $i=0; $i<$commas; $i++) { $value /= 1000; } } if ($percent > 0) { # do percent scaling for (my $i=0; $i<$percent; $i++) { $value *= 100; } } my $decimalscale = 1; # cut down to required number of decimal digits for (my $i=0; $i<$fractiondigits; $i++) { $decimalscale *= 10; } my $scaledvalue = int($value * $decimalscale + 0.5); $scaledvalue = $scaledvalue / $decimalscale; $negativevalue = 0 if ($scaledvalue == 0 && ($fractiondigits || $integerdigits)); # no "-0" unless using multiple sections or General my $strvalue = "$scaledvalue"; # convert to string if ($strvalue =~ m/e/) { # converted to scientific notation return "$rawvalue"; # Just return plain converted raw value } $strvalue =~ m/^\+{0,1}(\d*)(?:\.(\d*)){0,1}$/; # get integer and fraction as character arrays my $integervalue = $1; $integervalue = "" if ($integervalue == 0); my @integervalue = split(//, $integervalue); my $fractionvalue = $2; $fractionvalue = "" if ($fractionvalue == 0); my @fractionvalue = split(//, $fractionvalue); if ($thisformat->{sectioninfo}->[$section]->{hasdate}) { # there are date placeholders if ($rawvalue < 0) { # bad date return "??-???-?? ??:??:??"; } my $startval = ($rawvalue-int($rawvalue)) * $seconds_in_a_day; # get date/time parts my $estartval = $rawvalue * $seconds_in_a_day; # do elapsed time version, too $hrs = int($startval / $seconds_in_an_hour); $ehrs = int($estartval / $seconds_in_an_hour); $startval = $startval - $hrs * $seconds_in_an_hour; $mins = int($startval / 60); $emins = int($estartval / 60); $secs = $startval - $mins * 60; $decimalscale = 1; # round appropriately depending if there is ss.0 for (my $i=0; $i<$fractiondigits; $i++) { $decimalscale *= 10; } $secs = int($secs * $decimalscale + 0.5); $secs = $secs / $decimalscale; $esecs = int($estartval * $decimalscale + 0.5); $esecs = $esecs / $decimalscale; if ($secs >= 60) { # handle round up into next second, minute, etc. $secs = 0; $mins++; $emins++; if ($mins >= 60) { $mins = 0; $hrs++; $ehrs++; if ($hrs >= 24) { $hrs = 0; $rawvalue++; } } } @fractionvalue = split(//, $secs-int($secs)); # for "hh:mm:ss.00" shift @fractionvalue; shift @fractionvalue; ($yr, $mn, $dy) = convert_date_julian_to_gregorian(int($rawvalue+$julian_offset)); my $minOK; # says "m" can be minutes my $mspos = $sectionstart; # m scan position in ops for ( ; ; $mspos++) { # scan for "m" and "mm" to see if any minutes fields, and am/pm $op = $thisformat->{operators}->[$mspos]; $operandstr = $thisformat->{operands}->[$mspos]; # get next operator and operand last unless $op; # don't go past end last if $op == $cmd_section; if ($op == $cmd_date) { if ((lc($operandstr) eq "am/pm" || lc($operandstr) eq "a/p") && !$ampmstr) { if ($hrs >= 12) { $hrs -= 12; $ampmstr = lc($operandstr) eq "a/p" ? "P" : "PM"; } else { $ampmstr = lc($operandstr) eq "a/p" ? "A" : "AM"; } $ampmstr = lc $ampmstr if $operandstr !~ m/$ampmstr/; } if ($minOK && ($operandstr eq "m" || $operandstr eq "mm")) { $thisformat->{operands}->[$mspos] .= "in"; # turn into "min" or "mmin" } if (substr($operandstr,0,1) eq "h") { $minOK = 1; # m following h or hh or [h] is minutes not months } else { $minOK = 0; } } elsif ($op != $cmd_copy) { # copying chars can be between h and m $minOK = 0; } } $minOK = 0; for (--$mspos; ; $mspos--) { # scan other way for s after m $op = $thisformat->{operators}->[$mspos]; $operandstr = $thisformat->{operands}->[$mspos]; # get next operator and operand last unless $op; # don't go past end last if $op == $cmd_section; if ($op == $cmd_date) { if ($minOK && ($operandstr eq "m" || $operandstr eq "mm")) { $thisformat->{operands}->[$mspos] .= "in"; # turn into "min" or "mmin" } if ($operandstr eq "ss") { $minOK = 1; # m before ss is minutes not months } else { $minOK = 0; } } elsif ($op != $cmd_copy) { # copying chars can be between ss and m $minOK = 0; } } } my $integerdigits2 = 0; # init counters, etc. my $integerpos = 0; my $fractionpos = 0; my $textcolor = ""; my $textstyle = ""; my $separatorchar = $WKCStrings{"separatorchar"}; $separatorchar =~ s/ / /g; my $decimalchar = $WKCStrings{"decimalchar"}; $decimalchar =~ s/ / /g; my $oppos = $sectionstart; while ($op = $thisformat->{operators}->[$oppos]) { # execute format $operandstr = $thisformat->{operands}->[$oppos++]; # get next operator and operand if ($op == $cmd_copy) { # put char in result $result .= $operandstr; } elsif ($op == $cmd_color) { # set color $textcolor = $operandstr; } elsif ($op == $cmd_style) { # set style $textstyle = $operandstr; } elsif ($op == $cmd_integer_placeholder) { # insert number part if ($negativevalue) { $result .= "-"; $negativevalue = 0; } $integerdigits2++; if ($integerdigits2 == 1) { # first one if ((scalar @integervalue) > $integerdigits) { # see if integer wider than field for (;$integerpos < ((scalar @integervalue) - $integerdigits); $integerpos++) { $result .= $integervalue[$integerpos]; if ($thousandssep) { # see if this is a separator position $fromend = (scalar @integervalue) - $integerpos - 1; if ($fromend > 2 && $fromend % 3 == 0) { $result .= $separatorchar; } } } } } if ((scalar @integervalue) < $integerdigits && $integerdigits2 <= $integerdigits - (scalar @integervalue)) { # field is wider than value if ($operandstr eq "0" || $operandstr eq "?") { # fill with appropriate characters $result .= $operandstr eq "0" ? "0" : " "; if ($thousandssep) { # see if this is a separator position $fromend = $integerdigits - $integerdigits2; if ($fromend > 2 && $fromend % 3 == 0) { $result .= $separatorchar; } } } } else { # normal integer digit - add it $result .= $integervalue[$integerpos]; if ($thousandssep) { # see if this is a separator position $fromend = (scalar @integervalue) - $integerpos - 1; if ($fromend > 2 && $fromend % 3 == 0) { $result .= $separatorchar; } } $integerpos++; } } elsif ($op == $cmd_fraction_placeholder) { # add fraction part of number if ($fractionpos >= scalar @fractionvalue) { if ($operandstr eq "0" || $operandstr eq "?") { $result .= $operandstr eq "0" ? "0" : " "; } } else { $result .= $fractionvalue[$fractionpos]; } $fractionpos++; } elsif ($op == $cmd_decimal) { # decimal point if ($negativevalue) { $result .= "-"; $negativevalue = 0; } $result .= $decimalchar; } elsif ($op == $cmd_currency) { # currency symbol if ($negativevalue) { $result .= "-"; $negativevalue = 0; } $result .= $operandstr; } elsif ($op == $cmd_general) { # insert "General" conversion my $gvalue = $rawvalue+0; # make sure it's numeric if ($negativevalue) { $result .= "-"; $negativevalue = 0; $gvalue = -$gvalue; } $strvalue = "$gvalue"; # convert original value to string if ($strvalue =~ m/e/) { # converted to scientific notation $result .= "$strvalue"; next; } $strvalue =~ m/^\+{0,1}(\d*)(?:\.(\d*)){0,1}$/; $integervalue = $1; $integervalue = "" if ($integervalue == 0); @integervalue = split(//, $integervalue); $fractionvalue = $2; $fractionvalue = "" if ($fractionvalue == 0); @fractionvalue = split(//, $fractionvalue); $integerpos = 0; $fractionpos = 0; if (scalar @integervalue) { for (;$integerpos < scalar @integervalue; $integerpos++) { $result .= $integervalue[$integerpos]; if ($thousandssep) { # see if this is a separator position $fromend = (scalar @integervalue) - $integerpos - 1; if ($fromend > 2 && $fromend % 3 == 0) { $result .= $separatorchar; } } } } else { $result .= "0"; } if (scalar @fractionvalue) { $result .= $decimalchar; for (;$fractionpos < scalar @fractionvalue; $fractionpos++) { $result .= $fractionvalue[$fractionpos]; } } } elsif ($op == $cmd_date) { # date placeholder $operandstrlc = lc $operandstr; if ($operandstrlc eq "y" || $operandstrlc eq "yy") { $result .= substr("$yr",-2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "yyyy") { $result .= "$yr"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "d") { $result .= "$dy"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "dd") { $cval = 1000 + $dy; $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "ddd") { $cval = int($rawvalue+6) % 7; $result .= (split(/ /, $WKCStrings{"daynames3"}))[$cval]; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "dddd") { $cval = int($rawvalue+6) % 7; $result .= (split(/ /, $WKCStrings{"daynames"}))[$cval]; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "m") { $result .= "$mn"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mm") { $cval = 1000 + $mn; $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mmm") { $result .= (split(/ /, $WKCStrings{"monthnames3"}))[$mn-1]; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mmmm") { $result .= (split(/ /, $WKCStrings{"monthnames"}))[$mn-1]; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mmmmm") { $result .= substr((split(/ /, $WKCStrings{"monthnames"}))[$mn-1], 0, 1); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "h") { $result .= "$hrs"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "h]") { $result .= "$ehrs"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mmin") { $cval = 1000 + $mins; $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "mm]") { if ($emins < 100) { $cval = 1000 + $emins; $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } else { $result .= "$emins"; } } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "min") { $result .= "$mins"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "m]") { $result .= "$emins"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "hh") { $cval = 1000 + $hrs; $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "s") { $cval = int($secs); $result .= "$cval"; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "ss") { $cval = 1000 + int($secs); $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "am/pm" || $operandstrlc eq "a/p") { $result .= $ampmstr; } elsif ($operandstrlc eq "ss]") { if ($esecs < 100) { $cval = 1000 + int($esecs); $result .= substr("$cval", -2); } else { $cval = int($esecs); $result = "$cval"; } } } elsif ($op == $cmd_section) { # end of section last; } elsif ($op == $cmd_comparison) { # ignore next; } else { $result .= "!! Parse error !!"; } } if ($textcolor) { $result = qq!$result!; } if ($textstyle) { $result = qq!$result!; } return $result; } # # # # # # # # # # # parse_format_string(\%format_defs, $format_string) # # Takes a format string (e.g., "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)") and fills in %foramt_defs with the parsed info # # %format_defs # {"#,##0.0"}->{} # elements in the hash are one hash for each format # {operators}->[] # array of operators from parsing the format string (each a number) # {operands}->[] # array of corresponding operators (each usually a string) # {sectioninfo}->[] # one hash for each section of the format # {start} # {integerdigits} # {fractiondigits} # {commas} # {percent} # {thousandssep} # {hasdates} # {hascomparison} # true if any section has [<100], etc. # # # # # # # # # # sub parse_format_string { my ($format_defs, $format_string) = @_; return if ($format_defs->{$format_string}); # already defined - nothing to do my $thisformat = {operators => [], operands => [], sectioninfo => [{}]}; # create info structure for this format $format_defs->{$format_string} = $thisformat; # add to other format definitions my $section = 0; # start with section 0 my $sectioninfo = $thisformat->{sectioninfo}->[$section]; # get reference to info for current section $sectioninfo->{sectionstart} = 0; # position in operands that starts this section my @formatchars = split //, $format_string; # break into individual characters my $integerpart = 1; # start out in integer part my $lastwasinteger; # last char was an integer placeholder my $lastwasslash; # last char was a backslash - escaping following character my $lastwasasterisk; # repeat next char my $lastwasunderscore; # last char was _ which picks up following char for width my ($inquote, $quotestr); # processing a quoted string my ($inbracket, $bracketstr, $cmd); # processing a bracketed string my ($ingeneral, $gpos); # checks for characters "General" my $ampmstr; # checks for characters "A/P" and "AM/PM" my $indate; # keeps track of date/time placeholders foreach my $ch (@formatchars) { # parse if ($inquote) { if ($ch eq '"') { $inquote = 0; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $quotestr; next; } $quotestr .= $ch; next; } if ($inbracket) { if ($ch eq ']') { $inbracket = 0; ($cmd, $bracketstr) = parse_format_bracket($bracketstr); if ($cmd == $cmd_separator) { $sectioninfo->{thousandssep} = 1; # explicit [,] next; } if ($cmd == $cmd_date) { $sectioninfo->{hasdate} = 1; } if ($cmd == $cmd_comparison) { $thisformat->{hascomparison} = 1; } push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $bracketstr; next; } $bracketstr .= $ch; next; } if ($lastwasslash) { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; $lastwasslash = 0; next; } if ($lastwasasterisk) { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch x 5; $lastwasasterisk = 0; next; } if ($lastwasunderscore) { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, " "; $lastwasunderscore = 0; next; } if ($ingeneral) { if (substr("general", $ingeneral, 1) eq lc $ch) { $ingeneral++; if ($ingeneral == 7) { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_general; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; $ingeneral = 0; } next; } $ingeneral = 0; } if ($indate) { # last char was part of a date placeholder if (substr($indate,0,1) eq $ch) { # another of the same char $indate .= $ch; # accumulate it next; } push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_date; # something else, save date info push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $indate; $sectioninfo->{hasdate} = 1; $indate = ""; } if ($ampmstr) { $ampmstr .= $ch; if ("am/pm" =~ m/^$ampmstr/i || "a/p" =~ m/^$ampmstr/i) { if (("am/pm" eq lc $ampmstr) || ("a/p" eq lc $ampmstr)) { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_date; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ampmstr; $ampmstr = ""; } next; } $ampmstr = ""; } if ($ch eq "#" || $ch eq "0" || $ch eq "?") { # placeholder if ($integerpart) { $sectioninfo->{integerdigits}++; if ($sectioninfo->{commas}) { # comma inside of integer placeholders $sectioninfo->{thousandssep} = 1; # any number is thousands separator $sectioninfo->{commas} = 0; # reset count of "thousand" factors } $lastwasinteger = 1; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_integer_placeholder; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } else { $sectioninfo->{fractiondigits}++; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_fraction_placeholder; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } } elsif ($ch eq ".") { # decimal point $lastwasinteger = 0; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_decimal; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; $integerpart = 0; } elsif ($ch eq '$') { # currency char $lastwasinteger = 0; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_currency; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } elsif ($ch eq ",") { if ($lastwasinteger) { $sectioninfo->{commas}++; } else { push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } } elsif ($ch eq "%") { $lastwasinteger = 0; $sectioninfo->{percent}++; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } elsif ($ch eq '"') { $lastwasinteger = 0; $inquote = 1; $quotestr = ""; } elsif ($ch eq '[') { $lastwasinteger = 0; $inbracket = 1; $bracketstr = ""; } elsif ($ch eq '\\') { $lastwasslash = 1; $lastwasinteger = 0; } elsif ($ch eq '*') { $lastwasasterisk = 1; $lastwasinteger = 0; } elsif ($ch eq '_') { $lastwasunderscore = 1; $lastwasinteger = 0; } elsif ($ch eq ";") { $section++; # start next section $thisformat->{sectioninfo}->[$section] = {}; # create a new section $sectioninfo = $thisformat->{sectioninfo}->[$section]; # set to point to the new section $sectioninfo->{sectionstart} = 1 + scalar @{$thisformat->{operators}}; # remember where it starts $integerpart = 1; # reset for new section $lastwasinteger = 0; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_section; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } elsif ((lc $ch) eq "g") { $ingeneral = 1; $lastwasinteger = 0; } elsif ((lc $ch) eq "a") { $ampmstr = $ch; $lastwasinteger = 0; } elsif ($ch =~ m/[dmyhHs]/) { $indate = $ch; } else { $lastwasinteger = 0; push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_copy; push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $ch; } } if ($indate) { # last char was part of unsaved date placeholder push @{$thisformat->{operators}}, $cmd_date; # save what we got push @{$thisformat->{operands}}, $indate; $sectioninfo->{hasdate} = 1; } return; } # # # # # # # # # # # ($operator, $operand) = parse_format_bracket($bracketstr) # # # # # # # # # # sub parse_format_bracket { my $bracketstr = shift @_; my ($operator, $operand); if (substr($bracketstr, 0, 1) eq '$') { # currency $operator = $cmd_currency; if ($bracketstr =~ m/^\$(.+?)(\-.+?){0,1}$/) { $operand = $1 || $WKCStrings{"currencychar"} || '$'; } else { $operand = substr($bracketstr,1) || $WKCStrings{"currencychar"} || '$'; } } elsif ($bracketstr eq '?$') { $operator = $cmd_currency; $operand = '[?$]'; } elsif ($allowedcolors{uc $bracketstr}) { $operator = $cmd_color; $operand = $allowedcolors{uc $bracketstr}; } elsif ($bracketstr =~ m/^style=([^"]*)$/) { # [style=...] $operator = $cmd_style; $operand = $1; } elsif ($bracketstr eq ",") { $operator = $cmd_separator; $operand = $bracketstr; } elsif ($alloweddates{uc $bracketstr}) { $operator = $cmd_date; $operand = $alloweddates{uc $bracketstr}; } elsif ($bracketstr =~ m/^[<>=]/) { # comparison operator $bracketstr =~ m/^([<>=]+)(.+)$/; # split operator and value $operator = $cmd_comparison; $operand = "$1:$2"; } else { # unknown bracket $operator = $cmd_copy; $operand = "[$bracketstr]"; } return ($operator, $operand); } # # # # # # # # # # # $juliandate = convert_date_gregorian_to_julian($year, $month, $day) # # From: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/JD_Formula.html # Uses: Fliegel, H. F. and van Flandern, T. C. (1968). Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 10 (October, 1968). # Translated from the FORTRAN # # I= YEAR # J= MONTH # K= DAY #C # JD= K-32075+1461*(I+4800+(J-14)/12)/4+367*(J-2-(J-14)/12*12) # 2 /12-3*((I+4900+(J-14)/12)/100)/4 # # # # # # # # # # sub convert_date_gregorian_to_julian { my ($year, $month, $day) = @_; my $juliandate= $day-32075+int(1461*($year+4800+int(($month-14)/12))/4); $juliandate += int(367*($month-2-int(($month-14)/12)*12)/12); $juliandate = $juliandate -int(3*int(($year+4900+int(($month-14)/12))/100)/4); return $juliandate; } # # # # # # # # # # # ($year, $month, $day) = convert_date_julian_to_gregorian($juliandate) # # From: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/JD_Formula.html # Uses: Fliegel, H. F. and van Flandern, T. C. (1968). Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 10 (October, 1968). # Translated from the FORTRAN # # # # # # # # # # sub convert_date_julian_to_gregorian { my $juliandate = shift @_; my ($L, $N, $I, $J, $K); $L = $juliandate+68569; $N = int(4*$L/146097); $L = $L-int((146097*$N+3)/4); $I = int(4000*($L+1)/1461001); $L = $L-int(1461*$I/4)+31; $J = int(80*$L/2447); $K = $L-int(2447*$J/80); $L = int($J/11); $J = $J+2-12*$L; $I = 100*($N-49)+$I+$L; return ($I, $J, $K); } # # # # # # # # # # # $value = determine_value_type($rawvalue, \$type) # # Takes a value and looks for special formatting like $, %, numbers, etc. # Returns the value as a number or string and the type. # Tries to follow the spec for spreadsheet function VALUE(v). # # # # # # # # # # sub determine_value_type { my ($rawvalue, $type) = @_; my $value = $rawvalue; $$type = "t"; my $fch = substr($value, 0, 1); my $tvalue = $value; $tvalue =~ s/^\s+//; # value with leading and trailing spaces removed $tvalue =~ s/\s+$//; if (length $value == 0) { $$type = ""; } elsif ($value =~ m/^\s+$/) { # just blanks ; # leave as is with type "t" } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?\d*(?:\.)?\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$/) { # general number, including E $value = $tvalue + 0; $$type = "n"; } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?\d*(?:\.)?\d*\s*%$/) { # 15.1% $value = substr($tvalue,0,-1) / 100; $$type = "n%"; } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?\$\s*\d*(?:\.)?\d*\s*$/ && $tvalue =~ m/\d/) { # $1.49 $tvalue =~ s/\$//; $value = $tvalue; $$type = 'n$'; } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*$/) { # 1,234.49 $tvalue =~ s/,//g; $value = $tvalue; $$type = 'n'; } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*\s*%$/) { # 1,234.49% $tvalue =~ s/,//g; $value = substr($tvalue,0,-1) / 100; $$type = 'n%'; } elsif ($tvalue =~ m/^[-+]?\$\s*(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*$/ && $tvalue =~ m/\d/) { # $1,234.49 $tvalue =~ s/,//g; $tvalue =~ s/\$//; $value = $tvalue; $$type = 'n$'; } elsif ($value =~ m/^(\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,4})\s*$/) { # MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY my $year = $3 < 1000 ? $3 + 2000 : $3; $value = convert_date_gregorian_to_julian($year, $1, $2)-2415019; $$type = 'nd'; } elsif ($value =~ m/^(\d{4})[\/\-](\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{1,2})\s*$/) { # YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD my $year = $1 < 1000 ? $1 + 2000 : $1; $value = convert_date_gregorian_to_julian($year, $2, $3)-2415019; $$type = 'nd'; } elsif ($value =~ m/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/) { # HH:MM my $hour = $1; my $minute = $2; if ($hour < 24 && $minute < 60) { $value = $hour/24 + $minute/(24*60); $$type = 'nt'; } } elsif ($value =~ m/^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/) { # HH:MM:SS my $hour = $1; my $minute = $2; my $second = $3; if ($hour < 24 && $minute < 60 && $second < 60) { $value = $hour/24 + $minute/(24*60) + $second/(24*60*60); $$type = 'nt'; } } elsif ($value =~ m/^\s*([-+]?\d+) (\d+)\/(\d+)\s*$/) { # 1 1/2 my $int = $1; my $num = $2; my $denom = $3; if ($denom > 0) { $value = $int + $num/$denom; $$type = 'n'; } } elsif ($input_constants{uc($value)}) { ($value, $$type) = split(/,/, $input_constants{uc($value)}); } return $value; } # # # # # # # # # # # ($lastcol, $lastrow) = render_values_only(\%sheetdata, \%celldata, $linkstyle) # # Routine to create a structure of cell-by-cell display values, etc., for AJAX-style updating # # The format of celldata: # # $celldata{coord} # {type} - v, t, f, c (value, text, formula, constant) or e (empty) # {display} - display value, as HTML # {align} - left, right, center # {colspan} - 1 or more # {rowspan} - 1 or more # {skip} - coord of cell to go to when you navigate to this one (null means this one) # # # # # # # # # # sub render_values_only { my ($sheetdata, $celldata, $linkstyle) = @_; # Get references to the parts my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $cellattribs = $sheetdata->{cellattribs}; my $colattribs = $sheetdata->{colattribs}; my $rowattribs = $sheetdata->{rowattribs}; my $sheetattribs = $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}; my $cellformats = $sheetdata->{cellformats}; my $cellformathash = $sheetdata->{cellformathash}; my $valueformats = $sheetdata->{valueformats}; my $valueformathash = $sheetdata->{valueformathash}; my ($colspan, $rowspan, $coord, $cellattribscoord, $type, $style, $displayvalue, $valueformat, $align, $valuetype); my %cellskip; my ($maxcol, $maxrow); my $lastcol = $sheetattribs->{lastcol}; my $lastrow = $sheetattribs->{lastrow}; for (my $row = 1; $row <= $lastrow; $row++) { # if span, set to skip other cells in column/row for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); next if $cellskip{$coord}; $colspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan} || 1; $rowspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan} || 1; for (my $srow=$row; $srow<$row+$rowspan; $srow++) { for (my $scol=$col; $scol<$col+$colspan; $scol++) { my $scoord = cr_to_coord($scol, $srow); $cellskip{$scoord} = $coord unless $scoord eq $coord; $maxcol = $scol if $scol > $maxcol; $maxrow = $srow if $srow > $maxrow; } } } } $lastrow = $maxrow+10; # Add the extra rows shown for (my $row = 1; $row <= $lastrow; $row++) { for (my $col = 1; $col <= $lastcol; $col++) { $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row); my $cellspecific = ($celldata->{$coord} = {}); if ($cellskip{$coord}) { # treat specially if within a span $cellspecific->{skip} = $cellskip{$coord}; next; } $cellattribscoord = $cellattribs->{$coord}; $type = $datatypes->{$coord} || "e"; $displayvalue = $datavalues->{$coord}; $displayvalue = format_value_for_display($sheetdata, $displayvalue, $coord, $linkstyle); $align = "left"; $style = $cellattribscoord->{cellformat}; $valuetype = substr($valuetypes->{$coord},0,1); # get general type if ($style) { $align = $cellformats->[$style]; } elsif ($valuetype eq "t") { $style = $sheetattribs->{defaulttextformat}; if ($style) { $align = $cellformats->[$style]; } } else { $style = $sheetattribs->{defaultnontextformat}; if ($style) { $align = $cellformats->[$style]; } else { $align = "right"; } } $colspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{colspan} || 1; $rowspan = $cellattribs->{$coord}->{rowspan} || 1; $cellspecific->{type} = $type; $cellspecific->{display} = $displayvalue; $cellspecific->{align} = $align; $cellspecific->{colspan} = $colspan; $cellspecific->{rowspan} = $rowspan; } } return ($lastcol, $lastrow); }; # # # # # # # # # # # $error = recalc_sheet(\%sheetdata) # # Recalculates the entire spreadsheet # # # # # # # # # # sub recalc_sheet { my $sheetdata = shift @_; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; $sheetdata->{checked} = {}; delete $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{circularreferencecell}; foreach my $coord (keys %$dataformulas) { next unless $coord; my $err = check_and_calc_cell($sheetdata, $coord); } delete $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{needsrecalc}; # remember recalc done } # # # # # # # # # # # $circref = check_and_calc_cell(\%sheetdata, $coord) # # Recalculates one cell after making sure dependencies are calc'ed, too # If circular reference, returns non-null. # # # # # # # # # # sub check_and_calc_cell { my ($sheetdata, $coord) = @_; my $datavalues = $sheetdata->{datavalues}; my $datatypes = $sheetdata->{datatypes}; my $valuetypes = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}; my $dataformulas = $sheetdata->{formulas}; my $cellerrors = $sheetdata->{cellerrors}; my $coordchecked = $sheetdata->{checked}; if ($datatypes->{$coord} ne 'f') { return ""; } if ($coordchecked->{$coord} == 2) { # Already calculated this time return ""; } elsif ($coordchecked->{$coord} == 1) { # Circular reference $cellerrors->{$coord} = "Circular reference to $coord"; return $cellerrors->{$coord}; } my $line = $dataformulas->{$coord}; my $parseinfo = parse_formula_into_tokens($line); my $parsed_token_text = $parseinfo->{tokentext}; my $parsed_token_type = $parseinfo->{tokentype}; my ($ttype, $ttext, $sheetref); $coordchecked->{$coord} = 1; # Remember we are in progress for (my $i=0; $i<@$parsed_token_text; $i++) { $ttype = $parsed_token_type->[$i]; $ttext = $parsed_token_text->[$i]; if ($ttype == $token_op) { # references with sheet specifier are not recursed into if ($ttext eq "!") { $sheetref = 1; # found a sheet reference } elsif ($ttext ne ":") { # for everything but a range, reset $sheetref = 0; } } if ($ttype == $token_coord) { # Sheetnames may be references! # if (($i < scalar @$parsed_token_text-1) # && $parsed_token_type->[$i+1] == $token_op && $parsed_token_text->[$i+1] eq "!") { # $sheetref = 1; # This is a sheetname that looks like a coord # } if ($i >= 2 && $parsed_token_type->[$i-1] == $token_op && $parsed_token_text->[$i-1] eq ':' && $parsed_token_type->[$i-2] == $token_coord && !$sheetref) { # Range -- check each cell #!!!! Add stuff for named ranges eventually!!! my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($parsed_token_text->[$i-2]); my ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($ttext); ($c2, $c1) = ($c1, $c2) if ($c1 > $c2); ($r2, $r1) = ($r1, $r2) if ($r1 > $r2); for (my $r=$r1;$r<=$r2;$r++) { # Checks first cell a second time, but that should just return for (my $c=$c1;$c<=$c2;$c++) { my $rangecoord = cr_to_coord($c, $r); my $circref = check_and_calc_cell($sheetdata, $rangecoord); $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{circularreferencecell} = "$coord|$rangecoord" if $circref; } } } elsif (!$sheetref) { # Single cell reference $ttext =~ s/\$//g; my $circref = check_and_calc_cell($sheetdata, $ttext); $sheetdata->{sheetattribs}->{circularreferencecell} = "$coord|$ttext" if $circref; # remember at least one circ ref } } } my ($value, $valuetype, $errortext) = evaluate_parsed_formula($parseinfo, $sheetdata); $datavalues->{$coord} = $value; $valuetypes->{$coord} = $valuetype; if ($errortext) { $cellerrors->{$coord} = $errortext; } elsif ($cellerrors->{$coord}) { delete $cellerrors->{$coord}; } $coordchecked->{$coord} = 2; # Remember we were here return ""; } # # # # # # # # # # # \%parseinfo = parse_formula_into_tokens($line) # # Parses a text string as if it was a spreadsheet formula # # This uses a simple state machine run on each character in turn. # States remember whether a number is being gathered, etc. # The result is %parseinfo which has the following arrays with one entry for each token: # {tokentext}->[] - the characters making up the parsed token, # {tokentype}->[] - the type of the token, # {tokenopcode}->[] - a single character version of an operator suitable for use in the # precedence table and distinguishing between unary and binary + and -. # # # # # # # # # # sub parse_formula_into_tokens { my $line = shift @_; my @ch = unpack("C*", $line); push @ch, ord('#'); # add eof at end my $state = 0; my $state_num = 1; my $state_alpha = 2; my $state_coord = 3; my $state_string = 4; my $state_stringquote = 5; my $state_numexp1 = 6; my $state_numexp2 = 7; my $state_alphanumeric = 8; my $str; my ($cclass, $chrc, $ucchrc, $last_token_type, $last_token_text, $t); my %parseinfo; $parseinfo{tokentext} = []; $parseinfo{tokentype} = []; $parseinfo{tokenopcode} = []; my $parsed_token_text = $parseinfo{tokentext}; my $parsed_token_type = $parseinfo{tokentype}; my $parsed_token_opcode = $parseinfo{tokenopcode}; foreach my $c (@ch) { $chrc = chr($c); $ucchrc = uc $chrc; $cclass = $char_class[($c <= 127 ? (($c >= 32) ? $c : 32) : 32) - 32]; if ($state == $state_num) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { $str .= $chrc; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_numstart && index($str, '.') == -1) { $str .= $chrc; } elsif ($ucchrc eq 'E') { $str .= $chrc; $state = $state_numexp1; } else { # end of number - save it push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_num; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_numexp1) { if ($cclass == $state_num) { $state = $state_numexp2; } elsif (($chrc eq '+' || $chrc eq '-') && (uc substr($str,-1)) eq 'E') { $str .= $chrc; } elsif ($ucchrc eq 'E') { ; } else { push @$parsed_token_text, $WKCStrings{"parseerrexponent"}; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_error; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_numexp2) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { $str .= $chrc; } else { # end of number - save it push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_num; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_alpha) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { $state = $state_coord; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha) { $str .= $ucchrc; # coords and functions are uppercase, names ignore case } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_incoord) { $state = $state_coord; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op || $cclass == $char_class_numstart || $cclass == $char_class_space || $cclass == $char_class_eof) { push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_name; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } else { push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_error; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_coord) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { $str .= $chrc; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_incoord) { $str .= $chrc; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha) { $state = $state_alphanumeric; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op || $cclass == $char_class_numstart || $cclass == $char_class_eof) { if ($str =~ m/^\$?[A-Z]{1,2}\$?[1-9]\d*$/) { $t = $token_coord; } else { $t = $token_name; } push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $t; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } else { push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_error; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_alphanumeric) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num || $cclass == $char_class_alpha) { $str .= $ucchrc; # coords and functions are uppercase, names ignore case } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op || $cclass == $char_class_numstart || $cclass == $char_class_space || $cclass == $char_class_eof) { push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_name; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } else { push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_error; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; } } if ($state == $state_string) { if ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { $state = $state_stringquote; # got quote in string: is it doubled (quote in string) or by itself (end of string)? } else { $str .= $chrc; } } elsif ($state == $state_stringquote) { # note elseif here if ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { $str .='"'; $state = $state_string; # double quote: add one then continue getting string } else { # something else -- end of string push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_string; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; $state = 0; # drop through to process } } if ($state == 0) { if ($cclass == $char_class_num || $cclass == $char_class_numstart) { $str = $chrc; $state = $state_num; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha || $cclass == $char_class_incoord) { $str = $ucchrc; $state = $state_alpha; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op) { $str = chr($c); if (@$parsed_token_type) { $last_token_type = $parsed_token_type->[@$parsed_token_type-1]; $last_token_text = $parsed_token_text->[@$parsed_token_text-1]; if ($last_token_type == $char_class_op) { if ($last_token_text eq '<' || $last_token_text eq ">") { $str = $last_token_text . $str; pop @$parsed_token_text; pop @$parsed_token_type; pop @$parsed_token_opcode; if (@$parsed_token_type) { $last_token_type = $parsed_token_type->[@$parsed_token_type-1]; $last_token_text = $parsed_token_text->[@$parsed_token_text-1]; } else { $last_token_type = $char_class_eof; $last_token_text = "EOF"; } } } } else { $last_token_type = $char_class_eof; $last_token_text = "EOF"; } $t = $token_op; if ((@$parsed_token_type == 0) || ($last_token_type == $char_class_op && $last_token_text ne ')' && $last_token_text ne '%')) { # Unary operator if ($str eq '-') { # M is unary minus $str = "M"; $c = ord($str); } elsif ($str eq '+') { # P is unary plus $str = "P"; $c = ord($str); } elsif ($str eq ')' && $last_token_text eq '(') { # null arg list OK ; } elsif ($str ne '(') { # binary-op open-paren OK, others no $t = $token_error; $str = $WKCStrings{"parseerrtwoops"}; } } elsif (length $str > 1) { if ($str eq '>=') { # G is >= $str = "G"; $c = ord($str); } elsif ($str eq '<=') { # L is <= $str = "L"; $c = ord($str); } elsif ($str eq '<>') { # N is <> $str = "N"; $c = ord($str); } else { $t = $token_error; $str = $WKCStrings{"parseerrtwoops"}; } } push @$parsed_token_text, $str; push @$parsed_token_type, $t; push @$parsed_token_opcode, $c; $state = 0; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { # starting a string $str = ""; $state = $state_string; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_space) { # store so can reconstruct spacing push @$parsed_token_text, " "; push @$parsed_token_type, $token_space; push @$parsed_token_opcode, 0; } elsif ($cclass == $char_class_eof) { # ignore } } } return \%parseinfo; } # # # # # # # # # # # ($value, $valuetype, $errortext) = evaluate_parsed_formula(\%parseinfo, \%sheetdata) # # Does the calculation expressed in a parsed formula, returning a value, its type, and error info # # The following operators and functions are allowed among others: # # +, -, *, /, ^, unary + and -, unary %, (, ), sum(1,2,A1:B7), wkcerrcell # # # # # # # # # # sub evaluate_parsed_formula { my ($parseinfo, $sheetdata) = @_; my $parsed_token_text = $parseinfo->{tokentext}; my $parsed_token_type = $parseinfo->{tokentype}; my $parsed_token_opcode = $parseinfo->{tokenopcode}; # # # # # # # # # Convert infix to reverse polish notation # # Based upon the algorithm shown in Wikipedia "Reverse Polish notation" article # and then enhanced for additional spreadsheet things # # The @revpolish array ends up with a sequence of references to tokens by number # my @revpolish; my @parsestack; my $function_start = -1; my ($ttype, $ttext, $tprecedence, $tstackprecedence, $errortext); for (my $i=0; $i[$i]; $ttext = $parsed_token_text->[$i]; if ($ttype == $token_num || $ttype == $token_coord || $ttype == $token_string) { push @revpolish, $i; } elsif ($ttype == $token_name) { push @parsestack, $i; push @revpolish, $function_start; } elsif ($ttype == $token_space) { # ignore next; } elsif ($ttext eq ',') { while (@parsestack && $parsed_token_text->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] ne '(') { push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } if (@parsestack == 0) { # no ( -- error $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingopenparen"}; last; } } elsif ($ttext eq '(') { push @parsestack, $i; } elsif ($ttext eq ')') { while (@parsestack && $parsed_token_text->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] ne '(') { push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } if (@parsestack == 0) { # no ( -- error $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrcloseparennoopen"}; last; } pop @parsestack; if (@parsestack && $parsed_token_type->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] == $token_name) { push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } } elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { if (@parsestack && $parsed_token_type->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] == $token_name) { push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } while (@parsestack && $parsed_token_type->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] == $token_op && $parsed_token_text->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] ne '(') { $tprecedence = $token_precedence[$parsed_token_opcode->[$i]-32]; $tstackprecedence = $token_precedence[$parsed_token_opcode->[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]]-32]; if ($tprecedence >= 0 && $tprecedence < $tstackprecedence) { last; } elsif ($tprecedence < 0) { $tprecedence = -$tprecedence; $tstackprecedence = -$tstackprecedence if $tstackprecedence < 0; if ($tprecedence <= $tstackprecedence) { last; } } push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } push @parsestack, $i; } elsif ($ttype == $token_error) { $errortext = $ttext; last; } else { $errortext = "Internal error while processing parsed formula. "; last; } } while (@parsestack) { if ($parsed_token_text->[$parsestack[@parsestack-1]] eq '(') { $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingcloseparen"}; last; } push @revpolish, pop @parsestack; } # # # # # # # # # Execute it # # Operand values are hashes with {value} and {type} # Type can have these values (many are type and sub-type as two or more letters): # "tw", "th", "t", "n", "nt", "coord", "range", "start", "eErrorType", "b" (blank) # The value of a coord is in the form A57 or A57!sheetname # The value of a range is coord|coord|number where number starts at 0 and is # the offset of the next item to fetch if you are going through the range one by one # The number starts as a null string ("A1|B3|") # my @operand; my ($value1, $value2, $tostype, $tostype2, $resulttype); for (my $i=0; $i "start"}; next; } $ttype = $parsed_token_type->[$revpolish[$i]]; $ttext = $parsed_token_text->[$revpolish[$i]]; if ($ttype == $token_num) { push @operand, {type => "n", value => 0+$ttext}; } elsif ($ttype == $token_coord) { $ttext =~ s/[^0-9A-Z]//g; push @operand, {type => "coord", value => $ttext}; } elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { push @operand, {type => "t", value => $ttext}; } elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { if (@operand <= 0) { # Nothing on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "n", value => 0}; # put something there } # Unary minus if ($ttext eq 'M') { $value1 = operand_as_number($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype, $typelookup{unaryminus}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => -$value1}; } # Unary plus elsif ($ttext eq 'P') { $value1 = operand_as_number($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype, $typelookup{unaryplus}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => $value1}; } # Unary % - percent, left associative elsif ($ttext eq '%') { $value1 = operand_as_number($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype, $typelookup{unarypercent}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => 0.01*$value1}; } # & - string concatenate elsif ($ttext eq '&') { if (@operand == 1) { # Need at least two things on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "t", value => ""}; # put something there as second operand } $value2 = operand_as_text($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype2); $value1 = operand_as_text($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype2, $typelookup{concat}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => ($value1 . $value2)}; } # : - Range constructor elsif ($ttext eq ':') { if (@operand == 1) { # Need at least two things on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "n", value => 0}; # put something there as second operand } $value2 = operand_as_coord($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext); $value1 = operand_as_coord($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext); push @operand, {type => "range", value => "$value1|$value2|"}; # make a range value, null sequence number } # ! - sheetname!coord elsif ($ttext eq '!') { if (@operand == 1) { # Need at least two things on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "e#REF!", value => 0}; # put something there as second operand } $value2 = operand_as_coord($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext); $value1 = operand_as_sheetname($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext); push @operand, {type => "coord", value => "$value2!$value1"}; # add sheetname to coord } # Comparison operators: < L = G > N (< <= = >= > <>) elsif ($ttext =~ m/[N]/) { if (@operand == 1) { # Need at least two things on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "n", value => 0}; # put something there as second operand } $value2 = operand_value_and_type($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype2); $value1 = operand_value_and_type($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); if (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "n" && substr($tostype2,0,1) eq "n") { # compare two numbers my $cond = 0; if ($ttext eq "<") { $cond = $value1 < $value2 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "L") { $cond = $value1 <= $value2 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "=") { $cond = $value1 == $value2 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "G") { $cond = $value1 >= $value2 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq ">") { $cond = $value1 > $value2 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "N") { $cond = $value1 != $value2 ? 1 : 0; } push @operand, {type => "nl", value => $cond}; } elsif (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "e") { # error on left push @operand, {type => $tostype, value => 0}; } elsif (substr($tostype2,0,1) eq "e") { # error on right push @operand, {type => $tostype2, value => 0}; } else { # text maybe mixed with numbers or blank if (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "n") { $value1 = format_number_for_display($value1, "n", ""); } if (substr($tostype2,0,1) eq "n") { $value2 = format_number_for_display($value2, "n", ""); } my $cond = 0; my $value1u8 = $value1; my $value2u8 = $value2; utf8::decode($value1u8); # handle UTF-8 utf8::decode($value2u8); $value1u8 = lc $value1u8; # ignore case $value2u8 = lc $value2u8; if ($ttext eq "<") { $cond = $value1u8 lt $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "L") { $cond = $value1u8 le $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "=") { $cond = $value1u8 eq $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "G") { $cond = $value1u8 ge $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq ">") { $cond = $value1u8 gt $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($ttext eq "N") { $cond = $value1u8 ne $value2u8 ? 1 : 0; } push @operand, {type => "nl", value => $cond}; } } # Normal infix arithmethic operators: +, -. *, /, ^ else { # what's left are the normal infix arithmetic operators if (@operand == 1) { # Need at least two things on the stack... $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrmissingoperand"}; # remember error push @operand, {type => "n", value => 0}; # put something there as second operand } $value2 = operand_as_number($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype2); $value1 = operand_as_number($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); if ($ttext eq '+') { $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype2, $typelookup{plus}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => $value1 + $value2}; } elsif ($ttext eq '-') { $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype2, $typelookup{plus}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => $value1 - $value2}; } elsif ($ttext eq '*') { $resulttype = lookup_result_type($tostype, $tostype2, $typelookup{plus}); push @operand, {type => $resulttype, value => $value1 * $value2}; } elsif ($ttext eq '/') { if ($value2 != 0) { push @operand, {type => "n", value => $value1 / $value2}; # gives plain numeric result type } else { push @operand, {type => "e#DIV/0!", value => 0}; } } elsif ($ttext eq '^') { push @operand, {type => "n", value => $value1 ** $value2}; # gives plain numeric result type } } } # function or name (names aren't implemented yet) elsif ($ttype == $token_name) { WKCSheetFunctions::calculate_function($ttext, \@operand, \$errortext, \%typelookup, $sheetdata); } else { $errortext = "Unknown token $ttype ($ttext). "; } } # look at final value and handle special cases my $value = $operand[0]->{value}; my $valuetype; $tostype = $operand[0]->{type}; if ($tostype eq "name") { # name - expand it $value = lc $value; $value = lookup_name($sheetdata, $value, \$tostype, \$errortext); } if ($tostype eq "coord") { # the value is a coord reference, get its value and type $value = operand_value_and_type($sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype); $tostype = "n" if ($tostype eq "b"); } if (scalar @operand > 1) { # something left - error $errortext .= $WKCStrings{"parseerrerrorinformula"}; } # set return type $valuetype = $tostype; if (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "e") { # error value $errortext ||= substr($tostype,1) || $WKCStrings{"calcerrerrorvalueinformula"}; } elsif ($tostype eq "range") { $errortext = $WKCStrings{"parseerrerrorinformulabadval"}; } if ($errortext && substr($valuetype,0,1) ne "e") { $value = $errortext; $valuetype = "e"; } # look for overflow if (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "n" && $value =~ m/1\.#INF/) { $value = 0; $valuetype = "e#NUM!"; $errortext = $WKCStrings{"calcerrnumericoverflow"}; } return ($value, $valuetype, $errortext); } # # test_criteria($value, $type, $criteria) # # Determines whether a value/type meets the criteria. # A criteria can be a numeric value, text beginning with <, <=, =, >=, >, <>, text by itself is start of text to match. # # Returns 1 or 0 for true or false # sub test_criteria { my ($value, $type, $criteria) = @_; my ($comparitor, $basevalue, $basetype); return 0 unless defined $criteria; # undefined (e.g., error value) is always false if ($criteria =~ m/^(<=|<>|<|=|>=|>)(.+?)$/) { # has comparitor $comparitor = $1; $basevalue = $2; } else { $comparitor = "none"; $basevalue = $criteria; } my $basevaluenum = determine_value_type($basevalue, \$basetype); if (!$basetype) { # no criteria base value given return 0 if $comparitor eq "none"; # blank criteria matches nothing if (substr($type,0,1) eq "b") { # empty cell return 1 if $comparitor eq "="; # empty equals empty } else { return 1 if $comparitor eq "<>"; # something does not equal empty } return 0; # otherwise false } my $cond = 0; if (substr($basetype,0,1) eq "n" && substr($type,0,1) eq "t") { # criteria is number, but value is text my $testtype; my $testvalue = determine_value_type($value, \$testtype); if (substr($testtype,0,1) eq "n") { # could be number - make it one $value = $testvalue; $type = $testtype; } } if (substr($type,0,1) eq "n" && substr($basetype,0,1) eq "n") { # compare two numbers if ($comparitor eq "<") { $cond = $value < $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "<=") { $cond = $value <= $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "=" || $comparitor eq "none") { $cond = $value == $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq ">=") { $cond = $value >= $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq ">") { $cond = $value > $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0;} elsif ($comparitor eq "<>") { $cond = $value != $basevaluenum ? 1 : 0; } } elsif (substr($value,0,1) eq "e") { # error on left $cond = 0; } elsif (substr($basetype,0,1) eq "e") { # error on right $cond = 0; } else { # text maybe mixed with numbers or blank if (substr($type,0,1) eq "n") { $value = format_number_for_display($value, "n", ""); } if (substr($basetype,0,1) eq "n") { return 0; # if number and didn't match already, isn't a match } utf8::decode($value); # ignore case and use UTF-8 as chars not bytes $value = lc $value; # ignore case utf8::decode($basevalue); $basevalue = lc $basevalue; if ($comparitor eq "<") { $cond = $value lt $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "<=") { $cond = $value le $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "=") { $cond = $value eq $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "none") { $cond = $value =~ m/^$basevalue/ ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq ">=") { $cond = $value ge $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq ">") { $cond = $value gt $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } elsif ($comparitor eq "<>") { $cond = $value ne $basevalue ? 1 : 0; } } return $cond; } # # $resulttype = lookup_result_type($type1, $type2, \%typelookup); # # %typelookup has values of the following form: # # $typelookup{"typespec1"} = "|typespec2A:resultA|typespec2B:resultB|..." # # First $type1 is looked up. If no match, then the first letter (major type) of $type1 plus "*" is looked up # $resulttype is $type1 if result is "1", $type2 if result is "2", otherwise the value of result. # sub lookup_result_type { my ($type1, $type2, $typelookup) = @_; my $t2 = $type2; my $table1 = $typelookup->{$type1}; if (!$table1) { $table1 = $typelookup->{substr($type1,0,1).'*'}; return "e#VALUE! (missing)" unless $table1; # missing from table -- please add it } if ($table1 =~ m/\Q|$type2:\E(.*?)\|/) { return $type1 if $1 eq '1'; return $type2 if $1 eq '2'; return $1; } $t2 = substr($t2,0,1).'*'; if ($table1 =~ m/\Q|$t2:\E(.*?)\|/) { return $type1 if $1 eq '1'; return $type2 if $1 eq '2'; return $1; } return "e#VALUE!"; } # # copy_function_args(\@operand, \@foperand) # # Pops operands from @operand and pushes on @foperand up to function start # reversing order in the process. # sub copy_function_args { my ($operand, $foperand) = @_; while (@$operand && $operand->[@$operand-1]->{type} ne "start") { # get each arg push @$foperand, $operand->[@$operand-1]; # copy it pop @$operand; } pop @$operand; # get rid of "start" return; } # # function_args_error($fname, \@operand, $$errortext) # # Pushes appropriate error on operand stack and sets errortext, including $fname # sub function_args_error { my ($fname, $operand, $errortext) = @_; $$errortext = qq!$WKCStrings{calcerrincorrectargstofunction} "$fname". !; push @$operand, {type => "e#VALUE!", value => $$errortext}; return; } # # function_specific_error($fname, \@operand, $errortext, $errortype, $text) # # Pushes specified error and text on operand stack # sub function_specific_error { my ($fname, $operand, $errortext, $errortype, $text) = @_; $$errortext = $text; push @$operand, {type => $errortype, value => $$errortext}; return; } # # ($value, $type) = top_of_stack_value_and_type(\@operand) # # Returns top of stack value and type and then pops the stack # sub top_of_stack_value_and_type { my $operand = shift @_; if (@$operand) { my ($value, $type) = ($operand->[@$operand-1]->{value}, $operand->[@$operand-1]->{type}); pop @$operand; return ($value, $type); } else { return (); } } # # $value = operand_as_number(\%sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype) # # Uses operand_value_and_type to get top of stack and pops it. # Returns numeric value and type. # Text values are treated as 0 if they can't be converted somehow. # sub operand_as_number { my ($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext, $tostype) = @_; my $value = operand_value_and_type($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext, $tostype); if (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "n") { return 0+$value; } elsif (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "b") { # blank cell $$tostype = "n"; return 0; } elsif (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "e") { # error return 0; } else { $value = determine_value_type($value, $tostype); if (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "n") { return 0+$value; } else { return 0; } } } # # $value = operand_as_text(\%sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$tostype) # # Uses operand_value_and_type to get top of stack and pops it. # Returns text value, preserving sub-type. # sub operand_as_text { my ($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext, $tostype) = @_; my $value = operand_value_and_type($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext, $tostype); if (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "t") { return $value; } elsif (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "n") { # $value = format_number_for_display($value, $$tostype, ""); $value = "$value"; $$tostype = "t"; return $value; } elsif (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "b") { # blank $$tostype = "t"; return ""; } elsif (substr($$tostype,0,1) eq "e") { # error return ""; } else { $$tostype = "t"; return "$value"; } } # # $value = operand_value_and_type(\%sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext, \$operandtype) # # Pops the top of stack and returns it, following a coord reference if necessary. # Ranges are returned as if they were pushed onto the stack first coord first # Also sets $operandtype with "t", "n", "th", etc., as appropriate # Errortext is set if there is a reference to a cell with error # sub operand_value_and_type { my ($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext, $operandtype) = @_; my $stacklen = scalar @$operand; if (!$stacklen) { # make sure something is there $$operandtype = ""; return ""; } my $value = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{value}; # get top of stack my $tostype = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{type}; pop @$operand; # we have data - pop stack if ($tostype eq "name") { $value = lc $value; $value = lookup_name($sheetdata, $value, \$tostype, $errortext); } if ($tostype eq "range") { $value = step_through_range_down($operand, $value, \$tostype); } if ($tostype eq "coord") { # value is a coord reference my $coordsheetdata = $sheetdata; if ($value =~ m/^([^!]+)!(.+)$/) { # sheet reference $value = $1; my $othersheet = $2; $coordsheetdata = WKC::find_in_sheet_cache($sheetdata, $othersheet); if ($coordsheetdata->{loaderror}) { # this sheet is unavailable $$operandtype = "e#REF!"; return 0; } } my $cellvtype = $coordsheetdata->{valuetypes}->{$value}; # get type of value in the cell it points to $value = $coordsheetdata->{datavalues}->{$value}; $tostype = $cellvtype || "b"; if ($tostype eq "b") { # blank $value = 0; } } $$operandtype = $tostype; # return information return $value; } # # $value = operand_as_coord(\%sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext) # # Gets top of stack and pops it. # Returns coord value. All others are treated as an error. # sub operand_as_coord { my ($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext) = @_; my $stacklen = scalar @$operand; my $value = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{value}; # get top of stack my $tostype = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{type}; pop @$operand; # we have data - pop stack if ($tostype eq "coord") { # value is a coord reference return $value; } else { $$errortext = $WKCStrings{"calcerrcellrefmissing"}; return 0; } } # # $value = operand_as_sheetname(\%sheetdata, \@operand, \$errortext) # # Gets top of stack and pops it. # Returns sheetname value. All others are treated as an error. # sub operand_as_sheetname { my ($sheetdata, $operand, $errortext) = @_; my $stacklen = scalar @$operand; my $value = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{value}; # get top of stack my $tostype = $operand->[$stacklen-1]->{type}; pop @$operand; # we have data - pop stack if ($tostype eq "name") { # could be a sheet name return $value; } elsif ($tostype eq "coord") { # value is a coord reference, follow it to find sheet name my $cellvtype = $sheetdata->{valuetypes}->{$value}; # get type of value in the cell it points to $value = $sheetdata->{datavalues}->{$value}; $tostype = $cellvtype || "b"; } if (substr($tostype,0,1) eq "t") { # value is a string which could be a sheet name return $value; } else { $$errortext = $WKCStrings{"calcerrsheetnamemissing"}; return ""; } } # # $value = lookup_name(\%sheetdata, $name, \$valuetype, \$errortext) # # Returns value and type of a named value # sub lookup_name { my %namelist = (); my ($sheetdata, $name, $valuetype, $errortext) = @_; if (defined $namelist{$name}) { $$valuetype = "number"; return $namelist{$name}; } else { $$valuetype = "e#NAME?"; $$errortext = qq!$WKCStrings{calcerrunknownname} "$name".!; return ""; } } # # $value = step_through_range_up(\@operand, $rangevalue, \$operandtype) # # Returns next coord in a range, keeping track on the operand stack # Goes from bottom right across and up to upper left. # sub step_through_range_up { my ($operand, $value, $operandtype) = @_; my ($value1, $value2, $sequence) = split(/\|/, $value); my ($sheet1, $sheet2); ($value1, $sheet1) = split(/!/, $value1); $sheet1 = "!$sheet1" if $sheet1; ($value2, $sheet2) = split(/!/, $value2); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($value1); my ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($value2); ($c2, $c1) = ($c1, $c2) if ($c1 > $c2); ($r2, $r1) = ($r1, $r2) if ($r1 > $r2); my $count; $sequence = ($r2-$r1+1)*($c2-$c1+1)-1 if length($sequence) == 0; # start at the end for (my $r=$r1;$r<=$r2;$r++) { for (my $c=$c1;$c<=$c2;$c++) { $count++; if ($count > $sequence) { $sequence--; push @$operand, {type => "range", value => "$value1$sheet1|$value2|$sequence"} unless $sequence < 0; $$operandtype = "coord"; return cr_to_coord($c, $r) . $sheet1; } } } } # # $value = step_through_range_down(\@operand, $rangevalue, \$operandtype) # # Returns next coord in a range, keeping track on the operand stack # Goes from upper left across and down to bottom right. # sub step_through_range_down { my ($operand, $value, $operandtype) = @_; my ($value1, $value2, $sequence) = split(/\|/, $value); my ($sheet1, $sheet2); ($value1, $sheet1) = split(/!/, $value1); $sheet1 = "!$sheet1" if $sheet1; ($value2, $sheet2) = split(/!/, $value2); my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($value1); my ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($value2); ($c2, $c1) = ($c1, $c2) if ($c1 > $c2); ($r2, $r1) = ($r1, $r2) if ($r1 > $r2); my $count; for (my $r=$r1;$r<=$r2;$r++) { for (my $c=$c1;$c<=$c2;$c++) { $count++; if ($count > $sequence) { push @$operand, {type => "range", value => "$value1$sheet1|$value2|$count"} unless ($r==$r2 && $c==$c2); $$operandtype = "coord"; return cr_to_coord($c, $r) . $sheet1; } } } } # # ($sheetdata, $col1num, $ncols, $row1num, $nrows) = decode_range_parts(\@sheetdata, $rangevalue, $rangetype) # # Returns \@sheetdata for the sheet where the range is, as well as # the number of the first column in the range, the number of columns, # and equivalent row information. # # If any errors, $sheetdata is returned as null. # sub decode_range_parts { my ($sheetdata, $rangevalue, $rangetype) = @_; my ($value1, $value2, $sequence) = split(/\|/, $rangevalue); my ($sheet1, $sheet2); ($value1, $sheet1) = split(/!/, $value1); ($value2, $sheet2) = split(/!/, $value2); my $coordsheetdata = $sheetdata; if ($sheet1) { # sheet reference $coordsheetdata = WKC::find_in_sheet_cache($sheetdata, $sheet1); if ($coordsheetdata->{loaderror}) { # this sheet is unavailable $coordsheetdata = undef; } } my ($c1, $r1) = coord_to_cr($value1); my ($c2, $r2) = coord_to_cr($value2); ($c2, $c1) = ($c1, $c2) if ($c1 > $c2); ($r2, $r1) = ($r1, $r2) if ($r1 > $r2); return ($coordsheetdata, $c1, $c2-$c1+1, $r1, $r2-$r1+1); } # # ($col, $row) = coord_to_cr($coord) # # Turns B3 into (2, 3). The default for both is 1. # If range, only do this to first coord # sub coord_to_cr { my $coord = shift @_; $coord = lc($coord); $coord =~ s/\$//g; $coord =~ m/([a-z])([a-z])?(\d+)/; my $col = ord($1) - ord('a') + 1 ; $col = 26 * $col + ord($2) - ord('a') + 1 if $2; return ($col, $3); } # # $coord = cr_to_coord($col, $row) # # Turns (2, 3) into B3. The default for both is 1. # sub cr_to_coord { my ($col, $row) = @_; $row = 1 unless $row > 1; $col = 1 unless $col > 1; my $col_high = int(($col - 1) / 26); my $col_low = ($col - 1) % 26; my $coord = chr(ord('A') + $col_low); $coord = chr(ord('A') + $col_high - 1) . $coord if $col_high; $coord .= $row; return $coord; } # # $col = col_to_number($colname) # # Turns B into 2. The default is 1. # sub col_to_number { my $coord = shift @_; $coord = lc($coord); $coord =~ m/([a-z])([a-z])?/; return 1 unless $1; my $col = ord($1) - ord('a') + 1 ; $col = 26 * $col + ord($2) - ord('a') + 1 if $2; return $col; } # # $coord = number_to_col($col) # # Turns 2 into B. The default is 1. # sub number_to_col { my $col = shift @_; $col = $col > 1 ? $col : 1; my $col_high = int(($col - 1) / 26); my $col_low = ($col - 1) % 26; my $coord = chr(ord('A') + $col_low); $coord = chr(ord('A') + $col_high - 1) . $coord if $col_high; return $coord; } # # # # # # # # # # # encode_for_save($string) # # Returns $estring where :, \n, and \ are escaped # sub encode_for_save { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/\\/\\b/g; # \ to \b $string =~ s/:/\\c/g; # : to \c $string =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # line end to \n return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # decode_from_save($string) # # Returns $estring with \c, \n, \b and \\ un-escaped # sub decode_from_save { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; # Old -- shouldn't get this, replace with \b $string =~ s/\\c/:/g; $string =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $string =~ s/\\b/\\/g; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # special_chars($string) # # Returns $estring where &, <, >, " are HTML escaped # sub special_chars { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/&/&/g; $string =~ s//>/g; $string =~ s/"/"/g; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # special_chars_nl($string) # # Returns $estring where &, <, >, ", and LF are HTML escaped, CR's are removed # sub special_chars_nl { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/&/&/g; $string =~ s//>/g; $string =~ s/"/"/g; $string =~ s/\r//gs; $string =~ s/\n/ /gs; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # special_chars_markup($string) # # Returns $estring where &, <, >, " are HTML escaped ready for expand markup # sub special_chars_markup { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/&/{{amp}}amp;/g; $string =~ s//{{amp}}gt;/g; $string =~ s/"/{{amp}}quot;/g; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # expand_markup($string, \%sheetdata, $linkstyle) # # Returns $estring with wiki-style formatting performed # $linkstyle is used by wiki_page_command for links to other pages # sub expand_markup { my ($string, $sheetdata, $linkstyle) = @_; # Process forms that use URL encoding first $string =~ s!\[(http:.+?)\s+(.+?)\]!'{{lt}}a href={{quot}}' . url_encode("$1") . "{{quot}}{{gt}}$2\{{lt}}/a{{gt}}"!egs; # Wiki-style links $string =~ s!\[link:(.+?)\s+(.+?)\:link]!'{{lt}}a href={{quot}}' . url_encode("$1") . "{{quot}}{{gt}}$2\{{lt}}/a{{gt}}"!egs; # [link:url text:link] to link $string =~ s!\[popup:(.+?)\s+(.+?)\:popup]!'{{lt}}a href={{quot}}' . url_encode("$1") . "{{quot}} target={{quot}}_blank{{quot}}{{gt}}$2\{{lt}}/a{{gt}}"!egs; # [popup:url text:popup] to link with popup result $string =~ s!\[image:(.+?)\s+(.+?)\:image]!'{{lt}}img src={{quot}}' . url_encode("$1") . '{{quot}} alt={{quot}}' . special_chars_markup("$2") . '{{quot}}{{gt}}'!egs; # [image:url alt-text:image] for images $string =~ s!\[page:(.+?)(\s+(.+?))?]!wiki_page_command($1,$3, $linkstyle)!egs; # [page:pagename text] to link to other pages on this site # Convert &, <, >, " $string = special_chars($string); # Multi-line text has additional formatting options ignored for single line if ($string =~ m/\n/) { my ($str, @closingtag); foreach my $line (split /\n/, $string) { # do things on a line-by-line basis $line =~ s/\r//g; if ($line =~ m/^([\*|#|;]{1,5})\s{0,1}(.+)$/) { # do list items my $lnest = length($1); my $lchr = substr($1,-1); my $ltype; if ($lnest > @closingtag) { for (my $i=@closingtag; $i<$lnest; $i++) { if ($lchr eq '*') { $ltype = "ul"; } elsif ($lchr eq '#') { $ltype = 'ol'; } else { $ltype = 'dl'; } $str .= "<$ltype>"; push @closingtag, ""; } } elsif ($lnest < @closingtag) { for (my $i=@closingtag; $i>$lnest; $i--) { $str .= pop @closingtag; } } if ($lchr eq ';') { my $rest = $2; if ($rest =~ m/\s*(.*?):(.*)$/) { $str .= "
"; } else { $str .= "
"; } } else { $str .= "
  • $2
  • "; } next; } while (@closingtag) { $str .= pop @closingtag; } if ($line =~ m/^(={1,5})\s(.+)\s\1$/) { # = heading =, with equal number of equals on both sides my $neq = length($1); $str .= "$2"; next; } if ($line =~ m/^(:{1,5})\s{0,1}(.+)$/) { # indent 20pts for each : my $nindent = length($1) * 20; $str .= "
    "; next; } $str .= "$line\n"; } while (@closingtag) { # just in case any left at the end $str .= pop @closingtag; } $string = $str; } $string =~ s/\n/
    /g; # Line breaks are preserved $string =~ s/('*)'''(.*?)'''/$1$2<\/b>/gs; # Wiki-style bold/italics $string =~ s/''(.*?)''/$1<\/i>/gs; $string =~ s/\[b:(.+?)\:b]/$1<\/b>/gs; # [b:text:b] for bold $string =~ s/\[i:(.+?)\:i]/$1<\/i>/gs; # [i:text:i] for italic $string =~ s/\[quote:(.+?)\:quote]/
    $1<\/blockquote>/gs; # [quote:text:quote] to indent $string =~ s/\{\{amp}}/&/gs; # {{amp}} for ampersand $string =~ s/\{\{lt}}//gs; # {{gt}} for greater than $string =~ s/\{\{quot}}/"/gs; # {{quot}} for quote $string =~ s/\{\{lbracket}}/[/gs; # {{lbracket}} for left bracket $string =~ s/\{\{rbracket}}/]/gs; # {{rbracket}} for right bracket $string =~ s/\{\{lbrace}}/{/gs; # {{lbrace}} for brace $string =~ s!\[cell:(.+?)]!wiki_cell_command($1, $sheetdata)!egs; # [cell:coord] to display cell data formatted like cell return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # wiki_page_command($pagename, $text, $linkstyle) # # Returns link to local page with $text as the link text # If $linkstyle is non-null, it is a string that will have # the characters "[[pagename]]" replaced by $pagename, # e.g., "http://www.domain.com/cgi-bin/wikicalc.pl?view=[[pagename]]" # sub wiki_page_command { my ($pagename, $text, $linkstyle) = @_; if (!length($text)) { $text = $pagename; } my $url = lc $pagename; if ($linkstyle) { $linkstyle =~ s/\[\[pagename\]\]/$url/ge; $url = $linkstyle; } else { $url .= ".html"; } return "{{lt}}a href={{quot}}" . url_encode($url) . "{{quot}}{{gt}}$text\{{lt}}/a{{gt}}"; } # # # # # # # # # # # wiki_cell_command($coord, $sheetdata) # # Returns display value of cell formatted as in cell # sub wiki_cell_command { my ($coord, $sheetdata) = @_; my $cr = $coord; if ($cr =~ m/^([^!]+)!(.+)$/) { # does it have an explicit worksheet? my $othersheet = $1; $cr = $2; if ($othersheet =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?(\d+)$/) { $othersheet = $sheetdata->{datavalues}->{uc $othersheet}; } $sheetdata = WKC::find_in_sheet_cache($sheetdata, $othersheet); } my $displayvalue; if ($cr =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?(\d+)$/) { $cr = uc $cr; $displayvalue = format_value_for_display($sheetdata, $sheetdata->{datavalues}->{$cr}, $cr, ""); #!! note: does not use $linkstyle which can lead to strange behavior with wiki [page:] #!! commands because we can't always get to sheet } else { $displayvalue = $coord; } return $displayvalue; } # # # # # # # # # # # url_encode($string) # # Returns $estring with special chars URL encoded # # Based on Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, additional legal characters added # sub url_encode { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-;/?:@=#.])!sprintf('%%%02X', ord($1))!ge; $string =~ s/%26/{{amp}}/gs; # let ampersands in URLs through -- convert to {{amp}} return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # url_encode_plain($string) # # Returns $estring with special chars URL encoded for sending to others by HTTP, not publishing # # Based on Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, additional legal characters added # sub url_encode_plain { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-/?:@=#.])!sprintf('%%%02X', ord($1))!ge; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # # # # encode_for_javascript($string) # # Returns a string with CR, LF, ', and \ escaped to \r, \n, \', \\ for use in Javascript strings # sub encode_for_javascript { my $string = shift @_; $string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $string =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $string =~ s/\r/\\r/g; $string =~ s/'/\\'/g; return $string; } # # # # # # # # # $error = parse_header_save(\@lines, \%headerdata) # # Returns "" if OK, otherwise error string. # Fills in %headerdata. # # Headerdata is: # # %headerdata # $headerdata{version} - version number, currently 1.1 # $headerdata{fullname} - title of page # $headerdata{templatetext} - template HTML # $headerdata{templatefile} - where to get template (location:name), see get_template # $headerdata{lastmodified} - date/time last modified # $headerdata{lastauthor} - author when last modified # $headerdata{basefiledt} - date/time of backup file before this set of edits or blank if new file first edits (survives rename) # $headerdata{backupfiledt} - date/time of backup file holding this data (blank during edits, yyyy-mm-... in published/backup/archive) # $headerdata{reverted} - if non-blank, name of backup file this came from (only during initial editing) # $headerdata{editcomments} - comment text about this series of edits, used when listing backups and RSS # $headerdata{publishhtml} - publish the HTML for this page - sometimes you only want access-controlled live view (yes/no - default yes) # $headerdata{publishsource} - put a copy of the published .txt file along with HTML and allow live view of source (yes/no - default no) # $headerdata{publishjs} - put an embeddable copy of the published HTML as a .js file along with HTML (yes/no - default no) # $headerdata{publishlive} - (ignored and removed after 0.91) make the HTML be a redirect to the recalc code (yes/no - default no) # $headerdata{viewwithoutlogin} - allow live view without being logged in (ignore login for this page) # $headerdata{editlog} - array of entries about edits made since editing started (cleared on new open for edit) # [0] - log entry: command string to execute_sheet_command or comment (starts with "# ") # sub parse_header_save { my ($lines, $headerdata) = @_; my ($rest, $linetype, $name, $type, $type2, $rest, $value); foreach my $line (@$lines) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/\r//g; # assume already done # $line =~ s/^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}//; # remove UTF-8 Byte Order Mark if present ($linetype, $rest) = split(/:/, $line, 2); if ($linetype eq "edit") { $headerdata->{editlog} ||= (); push @{$headerdata->{editlog}}, decode_from_save($rest); } else { $headerdata->{$linetype} = decode_from_save($rest) if ($linetype && $linetype !~ m/^#/); } } return ""; } # # # # # # # # # $outstr = create_header_save(\%headerdata) # # Header output routine # sub create_header_save { my $headerdata = shift @_; my $outstr; $headerdata->{version} = "1.1"; # this is the current version foreach my $val (@headerfieldnames) { my $valstr = encode_for_save($headerdata->{$val}); $outstr .= "$val:$valstr\n"; } foreach my $logentry (@{$headerdata->{editlog}}) { my $valstr = encode_for_save($logentry); $outstr .= "edit:$valstr\n"; } return $outstr; } # # # # # # # # # add_to_editlog(\%headerdata, $str) # # Adds $str to the header editlog # This should be either a string acceptable to execute_sheet_command or start with "# " # sub add_to_editlog { my ($headerdata, $str) = @_; $headerdata->{editlog} ||= (); # make sure array exists push @{$headerdata->{editlog}}, $str; return; } # # # # # # # # # load_special_strings() # # Reads the WCKdefinitions.txt file and fills in %WKCStrings # sub load_special_strings { my ($line, $lineno, $dname, $categories, $sindex, $ftext, $sname, $sbname, $stext); open FDFILE, "$WKCdirectory/$definitionsfile"; my @deflines = ; close FDFILE; $lineno = 0; while ($lineno < scalar @deflines) { $line = $deflines[$lineno]; # get next line $lineno++; chomp $line; $line =~ s/\r//g; $line =~ s/^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}//; # remove UTF-8 Byte Order Mark if present if ($sbname) { # accumulating string block if ($line eq ".") { # just . on a line -- end of block $WKCStrings{$sbname} = $stext; $sbname = ""; next; } $stext .= $line . "\n"; next; } my ($fdtype, $rest) = split(/:/, $line, 2); next if ($fdtype eq "sample"); if ($fdtype eq "number") { # number:displayname|category1:category2:...|sampleindex|format-text ($dname, $categories, $sindex, $ftext) = split(/\|/, $rest, 5); } elsif ($fdtype eq "text") { # text:displayname|sampleindex|format-text ($dname, $sindex, $ftext) = split(/\|/, $rest, 3); } elsif ($fdtype eq "string") { # string:name:replacement text for a WKCStrings entry ($sname, $stext) = split(/:/, $rest, 2); $WKCStrings{$sname} = $stext; next; } elsif ($fdtype eq "stringblock") { # stringblock:name $sbname = $rest; # remember name $stext = ""; # start accumulating lines of text until line with just "." next; } elsif ($fdtype eq "include") { # include:name - load "$WKCdirectory/name.txt"; $rest =~ s/[^A-Za-z-_]//g; open FDFILE, "$WKCdirectory/$rest.txt"; # insert those lines here splice @deflines, $lineno-1, 1, ; close FDFILE; $lineno -= 1; # start with first new line that replaced this line next; } else { next; # ignore other lines } } return; }