// This may look like C code, but it's really -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Emweb bv, Herent, Belgium. * * See the LICENSE file for terms of use. */ #ifndef WCOMBOBOX_H_ #define WCOMBOBOX_H_ #include #include namespace Wt { /*! \class WComboBox Wt/WComboBox.h Wt/WComboBox.h * \brief A widget that provides a drop-down combo-box control. * * A combo box provides the user with a set of options, from which one * option may be selected. * * %WComboBox is an MVC view class, using a simple string list model * by default. The model may be populated using * addItem(const WString&) or * insertItem(int, const WString&) and the contents can * be cleared through clear(). These methods manipulate the underlying * model(). * * To use the combo box with a custom model instead of the default * WStringListModel, use setModel(). * * To react to selection events, connect to the changed(), activated() * or sactivated() signals. * * At all times, the current selection index is available through * currentIndex() and the current selection text using currentText(). * * WComboBox does not have support for auto-completion, this behaviour * can be found in the WSuggestionPopup. * * \if cpp * Usage example: * \code * Wt::WComboBox *combo = addWidget(std::make_unique()); * combo->addItem("Clint Eastwood"); * combo->addItem("Mick Jagger"); * combo->addItem("Johnny Depp"); * combo->addItem("Kate Winslet"); * * combo->setCurrentIndex(2); // Johnny Depp * combo->activated().connect(this, &MyWidget::comboChanged); * \endcode * \endif * * %WComboBox is an \link WWidget::setInline(bool) inline \endlink widget. * *


* * The widget corresponds to the HTML <select> tag and * does not provide styling. It can be styled using inline or external * CSS as appropriate. * * \ingroup modelview */ class WT_API WComboBox : public WFormWidget { public: /*! \brief Creates an empty combo-box.. */ WComboBox(); /*! \brief Adds an option item. * * This adds an item to the underlying model. This requires that the * model() is editable. * * Equivalent to * \link insertItem(int, const WString&) insertItem\endlink (count(), * \p text). */ void addItem(const WString& text); /*! \brief Returns the number of items */ int count() const; /*! \brief Returns the currently selected item. * * If no item is currently selected, the method returns -1. * * \sa setNoSelectionEnabled() */ int currentIndex() const; /*! \brief Inserts an item at the specified position. * * The item is inserted in the underlying model at position * \p index. This requires that the model() is editable. * * \sa addItem(const WString&), removeItem(int) */ void insertItem(int index, const WString& text); /*! \brief Removes the item at the specified position. * * The item is removed from the underlying model. This requires that * the model() is editable. * * \sa insertItem(int index, const WString&), clear() */ void removeItem(int index); /*! \brief Changes the current selection. * * Specify a value of -1 for \p index to clear the selection. * * \note Setting a value of -1 works only if JavaScript is available. */ void setCurrentIndex(int index); /*! \brief Changes the text for a specified option. * * The text for the item at position \p index is changed. This requires * that the model() is editable. */ void setItemText(int index, const WString& text); /*! \brief Returns the text of the currently selected item. * * \sa currentIndex(), itemText(int) const */ const WString currentText() const; /*! \brief Returns the text of a particular item. * * \sa setItemText(int, const WString&), currentText() */ const WString itemText(int index) const; /*! \brief Sets the model to be used for the items. * * The default model is a WStringListModel. * * Items in the model can be grouped by setting the \ref * ItemDataRole::Level. The contents is interpreted by \ref Wt::asString, and * subsequent items of the same group are rendered as children of a * HTML element. * * \sa setModelColumn(int) */ void setModel(const std::shared_ptr model); /*! \brief Sets the column in the model to be used for the items. * * The column \p index in the model will be used to retrieve data. * * The default value is 0. * * \sa setModel() */ void setModelColumn(int index); /*! \brief Returns the data model. * * \sa setModel() */ std::shared_ptr model() const { return model_; } /*! \brief Returns the index of the first item that matches a text. */ int findText(const WString& text, WFlags flags = MatchFlag::Exactly | MatchFlag::CaseSensitive) const; /*! \brief Returns the selection mode. * * Always returns SelectionMode::Single for a combo box, but may return * SelectionMode::Extended for a selection box * * \sa WSelectionBox::setSelectionMode() */ virtual SelectionMode selectionMode() const { return SelectionMode::Single; } /*! \brief Returns the current value. * * \if cpp * Returns currentText(). * \else * Returns currentText() as a String. * \endif */ virtual WT_USTRING valueText() const override; /*! \brief Sets the current value. * * Sets the current index to the item corresponding to \p value. */ virtual void setValueText(const WT_USTRING& value) override; virtual void refresh() override; /*! \brief Clears all items. * * Removes all items from the underlying model. This requires that the * model() is editable. */ void clear(); /*! \brief %Signal emitted when the selection changed. * * The newly selected item is passed as an argument. * * \sa sactivated(), currentIndex() */ Signal& activated() { return activated_; } /*! \brief %Signal emitted when the selection changed. * * The newly selected text is passed as an argument. * * \sa activated(), currentText() */ Signal& sactivated() { return sactivated_; } /*! \brief Enables the ability to have 'no currently selected' item. * * The setting may only be changed for a combo box (and not for a * selection box). When enabled, the currentIndex() may be '-1' also * when the combo box contains values. The user can however not * select this option, it is thus only useful as a default value. * * By default, no selection is \c false for a combo-box and \c true * for a selection box. */ void setNoSelectionEnabled(bool enabled); /*! \brief Returns whether 'no selection' is a valid state. * * \sa setNoSelectionEnabled() */ bool noSelectionEnabled() const { return noSelectionEnabled_; } private: std::shared_ptr model_; int modelColumn_; int currentIndex_; void *currentIndexRaw_; bool itemsChanged_; bool selectionChanged_; bool currentlyConnected_; bool noSelectionEnabled_; std::vector modelConnections_; Signal activated_; Signal sactivated_; void layoutChanged(); void itemsChanged(); void propagateChange(); void rowsInserted(const WModelIndex &index, int from, int to); void rowsRemoved(const WModelIndex &index, int from, int to); void saveSelection(); void restoreSelection(); virtual bool supportsNoSelection() const; protected: virtual void updateDom(DomElement& element, bool all) override; virtual DomElementType domElementType() const override; virtual void propagateRenderOk(bool deep) override; virtual void setFormData(const FormData& formData) override; virtual bool isSelected(int index) const; friend class WSelectionBox; private: void makeCurrentIndexValid(); }; } #endif // WCOMBOBOX_H_