///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/motif/cursor.cpp // Purpose: wxCursor class // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 17/09/98 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/list.h" #endif #include "wx/cursor.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/image.h" #include "wx/log.h" #endif #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message disable nosimpint #endif #include #include #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message enable nosimpint #endif #include "wx/motif/private.h" // Cursor for one display, so we can choose the correct one for // the current display. class wxXCursor { public: WXDisplay* m_display; WXCursor m_cursor; }; WX_DECLARE_LIST(wxXCursor, wxXCursorList); #include "wx/listimpl.cpp" WX_DEFINE_LIST(wxXCursorList) class WXDLLEXPORT wxCursorRefData: public wxGDIRefData { public: wxCursorRefData(); virtual ~wxCursorRefData(); wxXCursorList m_cursors; // wxXCursor objects, one per display wxStockCursor m_cursorId; // wxWidgets standard cursor id private: // There is no way to copy m_cursor so we can't implement a copy ctor // properly. wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxCursorRefData); friend class wxCursor; }; #define M_CURSORDATA ((wxCursorRefData *)m_refData) #define M_CURSORHANDLERDATA ((wxCursorRefData *)bitmap->m_refData) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxCursor, wxObject) wxCursorRefData::wxCursorRefData() { m_cursorId = wxCURSOR_NONE; } wxCursorRefData::~wxCursorRefData() { wxXCursorList::compatibility_iterator node = m_cursors.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxXCursor* c = node->GetData(); XFreeCursor((Display*) c->m_display, (Cursor) c->m_cursor); delete c; node = node->GetNext(); } } wxCursor::wxCursor() { } #if wxUSE_IMAGE wxCursor::wxCursor(const wxImage & image) { unsigned char * rgbBits = image.GetData(); int w = image.GetWidth() ; int h = image.GetHeight(); bool bHasMask = image.HasMask(); int imagebitcount = (w*h)/8; unsigned char * bits = new unsigned char [imagebitcount]; unsigned char * maskBits = new unsigned char [imagebitcount]; int i, j, i8; unsigned char c, cMask; for (i=0; i mid grey if (c>127) bits[i] = bits[i] & cMask; cMask = (unsigned char)((cMask << 1) | 1); } } if (bHasMask) { unsigned char r = image.GetMaskRed(), g = image.GetMaskGreen(), b = image.GetMaskBlue(); for (i=0; i= w) hotSpotX = 0; if (hotSpotY < 0 || hotSpotY >= h) hotSpotY = 0; Create( (const char*)bits, w, h, hotSpotX, hotSpotY, (const char*)maskBits ); delete[] bits; delete[] maskBits; } #endif void wxCursor::Create(const char bits[], int width, int height, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY, const char maskBits[]) { if( !m_refData ) m_refData = new wxCursorRefData; Display *dpy = (Display*) wxGetDisplay(); int screen_num = DefaultScreen (dpy); Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, screen_num), (char*) bits, width, height, 1 , 0 , 1); Pixmap mask_pixmap = None; if (maskBits != NULL) { mask_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, screen_num), (char*) maskBits, width, height, 1 , 0 , 1); } Create( (WXPixmap)pixmap, (WXPixmap)mask_pixmap, hotSpotX, hotSpotY ); XFreePixmap( dpy, pixmap ); if (mask_pixmap != None) { XFreePixmap( dpy, mask_pixmap ); } } void wxCursor::Create(WXPixmap pixmap, WXPixmap mask_pixmap, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY) { if( !m_refData ) m_refData = new wxCursorRefData; Display *dpy = (Display*) wxGetDisplay(); int screen_num = DefaultScreen (dpy); XColor foreground_color; XColor background_color; foreground_color.pixel = BlackPixel(dpy, screen_num); background_color.pixel = WhitePixel(dpy, screen_num); Colormap cmap = (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap((WXDisplay*) dpy); XQueryColor(dpy, cmap, &foreground_color); XQueryColor(dpy, cmap, &background_color); Cursor cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (dpy, (Pixmap)pixmap, (Pixmap)mask_pixmap, &foreground_color, &background_color, hotSpotX , hotSpotY); if (cursor) { wxXCursor *c = new wxXCursor; c->m_cursor = (WXCursor) cursor; c->m_display = (WXDisplay*) dpy; M_CURSORDATA->m_cursors.Append(c); } } wxCursor::wxCursor(const char bits[], int width, int height, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY, const char maskBits[] , const wxColour* WXUNUSED(fg), const wxColour* WXUNUSED(bg) ) { Create(bits, width, height, hotSpotX, hotSpotY, maskBits); } wxCursor::wxCursor(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY) { // Must be an XBM file if (type != wxBITMAP_TYPE_XBM) { wxLogError("Invalid cursor bitmap type '%d'", type); return; } m_refData = new wxCursorRefData; int hotX = -1, hotY = -1; unsigned int w, h; Pixmap pixmap = None, mask_pixmap = None; Display *dpy = (Display*) wxGetDisplay(); int screen_num = DefaultScreen (dpy); int value = XReadBitmapFile (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, screen_num), name.mb_str(), &w, &h, &pixmap, &hotX, &hotY); if (value == BitmapSuccess) { // TODO: how do we determine whether hotX, hotY were read correctly? if (hotX < 0 || hotY < 0) { hotX = hotSpotX; hotY = hotSpotY; } if (hotX < 0 || hotY < 0) { hotX = 0; hotY = 0; } Create( (WXPixmap)pixmap, (WXPixmap)mask_pixmap, hotX, hotY ); XFreePixmap( dpy, pixmap ); } } // Cursors by stock number void wxCursor::InitFromStock(wxStockCursor id) { m_refData = new wxCursorRefData; M_CURSORDATA->m_cursorId = id; } wxCursor::~wxCursor() { } wxGDIRefData *wxCursor::CreateGDIRefData() const { return new wxCursorRefData; } wxGDIRefData * wxCursor::CloneGDIRefData(const wxGDIRefData * WXUNUSED(data)) const { wxFAIL_MSG( wxS("Cloning cursors is not implemented in wxMotif.") ); return new wxCursorRefData; } // Motif-specific: create/get a cursor for the current display WXCursor wxCursor::GetXCursor(WXDisplay* display) const { if (!M_CURSORDATA) return (WXCursor) 0; wxXCursorList::compatibility_iterator node = M_CURSORDATA->m_cursors.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxXCursor* c = node->GetData(); if (c->m_display == display) return c->m_cursor; node = node->GetNext(); } // No cursor for this display, so let's see if we're an id-type cursor. if (M_CURSORDATA->m_cursorId != wxCURSOR_NONE) { WXCursor cursor = MakeCursor(display, M_CURSORDATA->m_cursorId); if (cursor) { wxXCursor* c = new wxXCursor; c->m_cursor = cursor; c->m_display = display; M_CURSORDATA->m_cursors.Append(c); return cursor; } else return (WXCursor) 0; } // Not an id-type cursor, so we don't know how to create it. return (WXCursor) 0; } // Make a cursor from standard id WXCursor wxCursor::MakeCursor(WXDisplay* display, wxStockCursor id) const { Display* dpy = (Display*) display; Cursor cursor = (Cursor) 0; int x_cur = -1; switch (id) { case wxCURSOR_CHAR: return (WXCursor)cursor; case wxCURSOR_WAIT: x_cur = XC_watch; break; case wxCURSOR_CROSS: x_cur = XC_crosshair; break; case wxCURSOR_HAND: x_cur = XC_hand1; break; case wxCURSOR_BULLSEYE: x_cur = XC_target; break; case wxCURSOR_PENCIL: x_cur = XC_pencil; break; case wxCURSOR_MAGNIFIER: x_cur = XC_sizing; break; case wxCURSOR_IBEAM: x_cur = XC_xterm; break; case wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY: x_cur = XC_pirate; break; case wxCURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON: x_cur = XC_leftbutton; break; case wxCURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON: x_cur = XC_rightbutton; break; case wxCURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON: x_cur = XC_middlebutton; break; case wxCURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW: x_cur = XC_question_arrow; break; case wxCURSOR_SIZING: x_cur = XC_sizing; break; case wxCURSOR_WATCH: x_cur = XC_watch; break; case wxCURSOR_SPRAYCAN: x_cur = XC_spraycan; break; case wxCURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH: x_cur = XC_spraycan; break; case wxCURSOR_SIZENWSE: case wxCURSOR_SIZENESW: x_cur = XC_crosshair; break; case wxCURSOR_SIZEWE: x_cur = XC_sb_h_double_arrow; break; case wxCURSOR_SIZENS: x_cur = XC_sb_v_double_arrow; break; case wxCURSOR_POINT_LEFT: x_cur = XC_sb_left_arrow; break; case wxCURSOR_POINT_RIGHT: x_cur = XC_sb_right_arrow; break; // (JD Huggins) added more stock cursors for X // X-only cursors BEGIN case wxCURSOR_CROSS_REVERSE: x_cur = XC_cross_reverse; break; case wxCURSOR_DOUBLE_ARROW: x_cur = XC_double_arrow; break; case wxCURSOR_BASED_ARROW_UP: x_cur = XC_based_arrow_up; break; case wxCURSOR_BASED_ARROW_DOWN: x_cur = XC_based_arrow_down; break; case wxCURSOR_BLANK: { GC gc; XGCValues gcv; Pixmap empty_pixmap; XColor blank_color; empty_pixmap = XCreatePixmap (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)), 16, 16, 1); gcv.function = GXxor; gc = XCreateGC (dpy, empty_pixmap, GCFunction, &gcv); XCopyArea (dpy, empty_pixmap, empty_pixmap, gc, 0, 0, 16, 16, 0, 0); XFreeGC (dpy, gc); cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (dpy, empty_pixmap, empty_pixmap, &blank_color, &blank_color, 8, 8); break; } case wxCURSOR_ARROW: default: x_cur = XC_top_left_arrow; break; } if( x_cur == -1 ) return (WXCursor)cursor; cursor = XCreateFontCursor (dpy, x_cur); return (WXCursor) cursor; } // Global cursor setting void wxSetCursor(const wxCursor& WXUNUSED(cursor)) { // Nothing to do for Motif (no global cursor) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // busy cursor stuff // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int wxBusyCursorCount = 0; // Helper function static void wxXSetBusyCursor (wxWindow * win, const wxCursor * cursor) { Display *display = (Display*) win->GetXDisplay(); Window xwin = (Window) win->GetXWindow(); if (!xwin) return; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; if (cursor) { attrs.cursor = (Cursor) cursor->GetXCursor(display); } else { // Restore old cursor if (win->GetCursor().IsOk()) attrs.cursor = (Cursor) win->GetCursor().GetXCursor(display); else attrs.cursor = None; } if (xwin) XChangeWindowAttributes (display, xwin, CWCursor, &attrs); XFlush (display); for(wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = win->GetChildren().GetFirst (); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindow *child = node->GetData (); wxXSetBusyCursor (child, cursor); } } // Set the cursor to the busy cursor for all windows void wxBeginBusyCursor(const wxCursor *cursor) { wxBusyCursorCount++; if (wxBusyCursorCount == 1) { for(wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst (); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindow *win = node->GetData (); wxXSetBusyCursor (win, cursor); } } } // Restore cursor to normal void wxEndBusyCursor() { if (wxBusyCursorCount == 0) return; wxBusyCursorCount--; if (wxBusyCursorCount == 0) { for(wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst (); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindow *win = node->GetData (); wxXSetBusyCursor (win, NULL); } } } // true if we're between the above two calls bool wxIsBusy() { return (wxBusyCursorCount > 0); }