/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the Qt Designer of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "formbuilder.h" #include "formbuilderextra_p.h" #include "ui4_p.h" #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #ifdef QFORMINTERNAL_NAMESPACE namespace QFormInternal { #endif /*! \class QFormBuilder \brief The QFormBuilder class is used to dynamically construct user interfaces from UI files at run-time. \inmodule QtDesigner The QFormBuilder class provides a mechanism for dynamically creating user interfaces at run-time, based on UI files created with \QD. For example: \snippet lib/tools_designer_src_lib_uilib_formbuilder.cpp 0 By including the user interface in the example's resources (\c myForm.qrc), we ensure that it will be present when the example is run: \snippet lib/tools_designer_src_lib_uilib_formbuilder.cpp 1 QFormBuilder extends the QAbstractFormBuilder base class with a number of functions that are used to support custom widget plugins: \list \li pluginPaths() returns the list of paths that the form builder searches when loading custom widget plugins. \li addPluginPath() allows additional paths to be registered with the form builder. \li setPluginPath() is used to replace the existing list of paths with a list obtained from some other source. \li clearPluginPaths() removes all paths registered with the form builder. \li customWidgets() returns a list of interfaces to plugins that can be used to create new instances of registered custom widgets. \endlist The QFormBuilder class is typically used by custom components and applications that embed \QD. Standalone applications that need to dynamically generate user interfaces at run-time use the QUiLoader class, found in the QtUiTools module. \sa QAbstractFormBuilder, {Qt UI Tools} */ /*! \fn QFormBuilder::QFormBuilder() Constructs a new form builder. */ QFormBuilder::QFormBuilder() = default; /*! Destroys the form builder. */ QFormBuilder::~QFormBuilder() = default; /*! \internal */ QWidget *QFormBuilder::create(DomWidget *ui_widget, QWidget *parentWidget) { if (!d->parentWidgetIsSet()) d->setParentWidget(parentWidget); // Is this a QLayoutWidget with a margin of 0: Not a known page-based // container and no method for adding pages registered. d->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false); if (ui_widget->attributeClass() == QFormBuilderStrings::instance().qWidgetClass && !ui_widget->hasAttributeNative() && parentWidget #if QT_CONFIG(mainwindow) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbox) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(stackedwidget) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(scrollarea) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(mdiarea) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && !qobject_cast(parentWidget) #endif ) { const QString parentClassName = QLatin1String(parentWidget->metaObject()->className()); if (!d->isCustomWidgetContainer(parentClassName)) d->setProcessingLayoutWidget(true); } return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_widget, parentWidget); } /*! \internal */ QWidget *QFormBuilder::createWidget(const QString &widgetName, QWidget *parentWidget, const QString &name) { if (widgetName.isEmpty()) { //: Empty class name passed to widget factory method qWarning() << QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "An empty class name was passed on to %1 (object name: '%2').").arg(QString::fromUtf8(Q_FUNC_INFO), name); return nullptr; } QWidget *w = nullptr; #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) if (qobject_cast(parentWidget)) parentWidget = nullptr; #endif #if QT_CONFIG(stackedwidget) if (qobject_cast(parentWidget)) parentWidget = nullptr; #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbox) if (qobject_cast(parentWidget)) parentWidget = nullptr; #endif // ### special-casing for Line (QFrame) -- fix for 4.2 do { if (widgetName == QFormBuilderStrings::instance().lineClass) { w = new QFrame(parentWidget); static_cast(w)->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken); break; } const QByteArray widgetNameBA = widgetName.toUtf8(); const char *widgetNameC = widgetNameBA.constData(); if (w) { // symmetry for macro } #define DECLARE_LAYOUT(L, C) #define DECLARE_COMPAT_WIDGET(W, C) #define DECLARE_WIDGET(W, C) else if (!qstrcmp(widgetNameC, #W)) { Q_ASSERT(w == 0); w = new W(parentWidget); } #define DECLARE_WIDGET_1(W, C) else if (!qstrcmp(widgetNameC, #W)) { Q_ASSERT(w == 0); w = new W(0, parentWidget); } #include "widgets.table" #undef DECLARE_COMPAT_WIDGET #undef DECLARE_LAYOUT #undef DECLARE_WIDGET #undef DECLARE_WIDGET_1 if (w) break; // try with a registered custom widget QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface *factory = d->m_customWidgets.value(widgetName); if (factory != nullptr) w = factory->createWidget(parentWidget); } while(false); if (w == nullptr) { // Attempt to instantiate base class of promoted/custom widgets const QString baseClassName = d->customWidgetBaseClass(widgetName); if (!baseClassName.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "QFormBuilder was unable to create a custom widget of the class '%1'; defaulting to base class '%2'.").arg(widgetName, baseClassName); return createWidget(baseClassName, parentWidget, name); } } if (w == nullptr) { // nothing to do qWarning() << QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "QFormBuilder was unable to create a widget of the class '%1'.").arg(widgetName); return nullptr; } w->setObjectName(name); if (qobject_cast(w)) w->setParent(parentWidget); return w; } /*! \internal */ QLayout *QFormBuilder::createLayout(const QString &layoutName, QObject *parent, const QString &name) { QLayout *l = nullptr; QWidget *parentWidget = qobject_cast(parent); QLayout *parentLayout = qobject_cast(parent); Q_ASSERT(parentWidget || parentLayout); #define DECLARE_WIDGET(W, C) #define DECLARE_COMPAT_WIDGET(W, C) #define DECLARE_LAYOUT(L, C) \ if (layoutName == QLatin1String(#L)) { \ Q_ASSERT(l == 0); \ l = parentLayout \ ? new L() \ : new L(parentWidget); \ } #include "widgets.table" #undef DECLARE_LAYOUT #undef DECLARE_COMPAT_WIDGET #undef DECLARE_WIDGET if (l) { l->setObjectName(name); } else { qWarning() << QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "The layout type `%1' is not supported.").arg(layoutName); } return l; } /*! \internal */ bool QFormBuilder::addItem(DomLayoutItem *ui_item, QLayoutItem *item, QLayout *layout) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::addItem(ui_item, item, layout); } /*! \internal */ bool QFormBuilder::addItem(DomWidget *ui_widget, QWidget *widget, QWidget *parentWidget) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::addItem(ui_widget, widget, parentWidget); } /*! \internal */ QWidget *QFormBuilder::widgetByName(QWidget *topLevel, const QString &name) { Q_ASSERT(topLevel); if (topLevel->objectName() == name) return topLevel; return topLevel->findChild(name); } static QObject *objectByName(QWidget *topLevel, const QString &name) { Q_ASSERT(topLevel); if (topLevel->objectName() == name) return topLevel; return topLevel->findChild(name); } /*! \internal */ void QFormBuilder::createConnections(DomConnections *ui_connections, QWidget *widget) { Q_ASSERT(widget != nullptr); if (ui_connections == nullptr) return; const auto &connections = ui_connections->elementConnection(); for (const DomConnection *c : connections) { QObject *sender = objectByName(widget, c->elementSender()); QObject *receiver = objectByName(widget, c->elementReceiver()); if (!sender || !receiver) continue; QByteArray sig = c->elementSignal().toUtf8(); sig.prepend("2"); QByteArray sl = c->elementSlot().toUtf8(); sl.prepend("1"); QObject::connect(sender, sig, receiver, sl); } } /*! \internal */ QWidget *QFormBuilder::create(DomUI *ui, QWidget *parentWidget) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui, parentWidget); } /*! \internal */ QLayout *QFormBuilder::create(DomLayout *ui_layout, QLayout *layout, QWidget *parentWidget) { // Is this a temporary layout widget used to represent QLayout hierarchies in Designer? // Set its margins to 0. bool layoutWidget = d->processingLayoutWidget(); QLayout *l = QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_layout, layout, parentWidget); if (layoutWidget) { const QFormBuilderStrings &strings = QFormBuilderStrings::instance(); int left, top, right, bottom; left = top = right = bottom = 0; const DomPropertyHash properties = propertyMap(ui_layout->elementProperty()); if (DomProperty *prop = properties.value(strings.leftMarginProperty)) left = prop->elementNumber(); if (DomProperty *prop = properties.value(strings.topMarginProperty)) top = prop->elementNumber(); if (DomProperty *prop = properties.value(strings.rightMarginProperty)) right = prop->elementNumber(); if (DomProperty *prop = properties.value(strings.bottomMarginProperty)) bottom = prop->elementNumber(); l->setContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom); d->setProcessingLayoutWidget(false); } return l; } /*! \internal */ QLayoutItem *QFormBuilder::create(DomLayoutItem *ui_layoutItem, QLayout *layout, QWidget *parentWidget) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_layoutItem, layout, parentWidget); } /*! \internal */ QAction *QFormBuilder::create(DomAction *ui_action, QObject *parent) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_action, parent); } /*! \internal */ QActionGroup *QFormBuilder::create(DomActionGroup *ui_action_group, QObject *parent) { return QAbstractFormBuilder::create(ui_action_group, parent); } /*! Returns the list of paths the form builder searches for plugins. \sa addPluginPath() */ QStringList QFormBuilder::pluginPaths() const { return d->m_pluginPaths; } /*! Clears the list of paths that the form builder uses to search for custom widget plugins. \sa pluginPaths() */ void QFormBuilder::clearPluginPaths() { d->m_pluginPaths.clear(); updateCustomWidgets(); } /*! Adds a new plugin path specified by \a pluginPath to the list of paths that will be searched by the form builder when loading a custom widget plugin. \sa setPluginPath(), clearPluginPaths() */ void QFormBuilder::addPluginPath(const QString &pluginPath) { d->m_pluginPaths.append(pluginPath); updateCustomWidgets(); } /*! Sets the list of plugin paths to the list specified by \a pluginPaths. \sa addPluginPath() */ void QFormBuilder::setPluginPath(const QStringList &pluginPaths) { d->m_pluginPaths = pluginPaths; updateCustomWidgets(); } static void insertPlugins(QObject *o, QMap *customWidgets) { // step 1) try with a normal plugin if (QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface *iface = qobject_cast(o)) { customWidgets->insert(iface->name(), iface); return; } // step 2) try with a collection of plugins if (QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface *c = qobject_cast(o)) { const auto &collectionCustomWidgets = c->customWidgets(); for (QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface *iface : collectionCustomWidgets) customWidgets->insert(iface->name(), iface); } } /*! \internal */ void QFormBuilder::updateCustomWidgets() { d->m_customWidgets.clear(); #if QT_CONFIG(library) for (const QString &path : qAsConst(d->m_pluginPaths)) { const QDir dir(path); const QStringList candidates = dir.entryList(QDir::Files); for (const QString &plugin : candidates) { if (!QLibrary::isLibrary(plugin)) continue; QString loaderPath = path; loaderPath += QLatin1Char('/'); loaderPath += plugin; QPluginLoader loader(loaderPath); if (loader.load()) insertPlugins(loader.instance(), &d->m_customWidgets); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(library) // Check statically linked plugins const QObjectList staticPlugins = QPluginLoader::staticInstances(); for (QObject *o : staticPlugins) insertPlugins(o, &d->m_customWidgets); } /*! \fn QList QFormBuilder::customWidgets() const Returns a list of the available plugins. */ QList QFormBuilder::customWidgets() const { return d->m_customWidgets.values(); } /*! \internal */ void QFormBuilder::applyProperties(QObject *o, const QList &properties) { if (properties.isEmpty()) return; const QFormBuilderStrings &strings = QFormBuilderStrings::instance(); for (DomProperty *p : properties) { const QVariant v = toVariant(o->metaObject(), p); if (!v.isValid()) // QTBUG-33130, do not fall for QVariant(QString()).isNull() == true. continue; const QString attributeName = p->attributeName(); const bool isWidget = o->isWidgetType(); if (isWidget && o->parent() == d->parentWidget() && attributeName == strings.geometryProperty) { // apply only the size part of a geometry for the root widget static_cast(o)->resize(qvariant_cast(v).size()); } else if (d->applyPropertyInternally(o, attributeName, v)) { } else if (isWidget && !qstrcmp("QFrame", o->metaObject()->className ()) && attributeName == strings.orientationProperty) { // ### special-casing for Line (QFrame) -- try to fix me o->setProperty("frameShape", v); // v is of QFrame::Shape enum } else { o->setProperty(attributeName.toUtf8(), v); } } } #ifdef QFORMINTERNAL_NAMESPACE } // namespace QFormInternal #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE