///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/motif/menu.h // Purpose: wxMenu, wxMenuBar classes // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 17/09/98 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_MOTIF_MENU_H_ #define _WX_MOTIF_MENU_H_ #include "wx/colour.h" #include "wx/font.h" #include "wx/arrstr.h" class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxFrame; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Menu // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMenu : public wxMenuBase { public: // ctors & dtor wxMenu(const wxString& title, long style = 0) : wxMenuBase(title, style) { Init(); } wxMenu(long style = 0) : wxMenuBase(style) { Init(); } virtual ~wxMenu(); // implement base class virtuals virtual wxMenuItem* DoAppend(wxMenuItem *item); virtual wxMenuItem* DoInsert(size_t pos, wxMenuItem *item); virtual wxMenuItem* DoRemove(wxMenuItem *item); virtual void Break(); virtual void SetTitle(const wxString& title); bool ProcessCommand(wxCommandEvent& event); //// Motif-specific WXWidget GetButtonWidget() const { return m_buttonWidget; } void SetButtonWidget(WXWidget buttonWidget) { m_buttonWidget = buttonWidget; } WXWidget GetMainWidget() const { return m_menuWidget; } int GetId() const { return m_menuId; } void SetId(int id) { m_menuId = id; } void SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar* menuBar) { m_menuBar = menuBar; } wxMenuBar* GetMenuBar() const { return m_menuBar; } void CreatePopup(WXWidget logicalParent, int x, int y); void DestroyPopup(); void ShowPopup(int x, int y); void HidePopup(); WXWidget CreateMenu(wxMenuBar *menuBar, WXWidget parent, wxMenu *topMenu, size_t index, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, bool isPulldown = false); // For popups, need to destroy, then recreate menu for a different (or // possibly same) window, since the parent may change. void DestroyMenu(bool full); WXWidget FindMenuItem(int id, wxMenuItem **it = NULL) const; const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const { return m_backgroundColour; } const wxColour& GetForegroundColour() const { return m_foregroundColour; } const wxFont& GetFont() const { return m_font; } void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour); void SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour); void SetFont(const wxFont& colour); void ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize = false); WXWidget GetHandle() const { return m_menuWidget; } bool IsTearOff() const { return (m_style & wxMENU_TEAROFF) != 0; } void DestroyWidgetAndDetach(); public: // Motif-specific data int m_numColumns; WXWidget m_menuWidget; WXWidget m_popupShell; // For holding the popup shell widget WXWidget m_buttonWidget; // The actual string, so we can grey it etc. int m_menuId; wxMenu* m_topLevelMenu ; bool m_ownedByMenuBar; wxColour m_foregroundColour; wxColour m_backgroundColour; wxFont m_font; private: // common code for both constructors: void Init(); DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMenu) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Menu Bar // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMenuBar : public wxMenuBarBase { public: wxMenuBar() { Init(); } wxMenuBar(long WXUNUSED(style)) { Init(); } wxMenuBar(size_t n, wxMenu *menus[], const wxString titles[], long style = 0); wxMenuBar(size_t n, wxMenu *menus[], const wxArrayString& titles, long style = 0); virtual ~wxMenuBar(); // implement base class (pure) virtuals // ------------------------------------ virtual bool Append( wxMenu *menu, const wxString &title ); virtual bool Insert(size_t pos, wxMenu *menu, const wxString& title); virtual wxMenu *Replace(size_t pos, wxMenu *menu, const wxString& title); virtual wxMenu *Remove(size_t pos); virtual int FindMenuItem(const wxString& menuString, const wxString& itemString) const; virtual wxMenuItem* FindItem( int id, wxMenu **menu = NULL ) const; virtual void EnableTop( size_t pos, bool flag ); virtual void SetMenuLabel( size_t pos, const wxString& label ); virtual wxString GetMenuLabel( size_t pos ) const; // implementation only from now on // ------------------------------- wxFrame* GetMenuBarFrame() const { return m_menuBarFrame; } void SetMenuBarFrame(wxFrame* frame) { m_menuBarFrame = frame; } WXWidget GetMainWidget() const { return m_mainWidget; } void SetMainWidget(WXWidget widget) { m_mainWidget = widget; } // Create menubar bool CreateMenuBar(wxFrame* frame); // Destroy menubar, but keep data structures intact so we can recreate it. bool DestroyMenuBar(); const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const { return m_backgroundColour; } const wxColour& GetForegroundColour() const { return m_foregroundColour; } const wxFont& GetFont() const { return m_font; } virtual bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour); virtual bool SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour); virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& colour); void ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize = false); public: // common part of all ctors void Init(); wxArrayString m_titles; wxFrame *m_menuBarFrame; WXWidget m_mainWidget; wxColour m_foregroundColour; wxColour m_backgroundColour; wxFont m_font; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMenuBar) }; #endif // _WX_MOTIF_MENU_H_