//===-- CompileUnitIndex.cpp ----------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "CompileUnitIndex.h" #include "PdbIndex.h" #include "PdbUtil.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/LazyRandomTypeCollection.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolDeserializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDeserializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MappedBlockStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiModuleDescriptor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/ModuleDebugStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/NamedStreamMap.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBAssert.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; using namespace lldb_private::npdb; using namespace llvm::codeview; using namespace llvm::pdb; static bool IsMainFile(llvm::StringRef main, llvm::StringRef other) { if (main == other) return true; // If the files refer to the local file system, we can just ask the file // system if they're equivalent. But if the source isn't present on disk // then we still want to try. if (llvm::sys::fs::equivalent(main, other)) return true; llvm::SmallString<64> normalized(other); llvm::sys::path::native(normalized); return main.equals_insensitive(normalized); } static void ParseCompile3(const CVSymbol &sym, CompilandIndexItem &cci) { cci.m_compile_opts.emplace(); llvm::cantFail( SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs(sym, *cci.m_compile_opts)); } static void ParseObjname(const CVSymbol &sym, CompilandIndexItem &cci) { cci.m_obj_name.emplace(); llvm::cantFail( SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs(sym, *cci.m_obj_name)); } static void ParseBuildInfo(PdbIndex &index, const CVSymbol &sym, CompilandIndexItem &cci) { BuildInfoSym bis(SymbolRecordKind::BuildInfoSym); llvm::cantFail(SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs(sym, bis)); // S_BUILDINFO just points to an LF_BUILDINFO in the IPI stream. Let's do // a little extra work to pull out the LF_BUILDINFO. LazyRandomTypeCollection &types = index.ipi().typeCollection(); std::optional cvt = types.tryGetType(bis.BuildId); if (!cvt || cvt->kind() != LF_BUILDINFO) return; BuildInfoRecord bir; llvm::cantFail(TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs(*cvt, bir)); cci.m_build_info.assign(bir.ArgIndices.begin(), bir.ArgIndices.end()); } static void ParseExtendedInfo(PdbIndex &index, CompilandIndexItem &item) { const CVSymbolArray &syms = item.m_debug_stream.getSymbolArray(); // This is a private function, it shouldn't be called if the information // has already been parsed. lldbassert(!item.m_obj_name); lldbassert(!item.m_compile_opts); lldbassert(item.m_build_info.empty()); // We're looking for 3 things. S_COMPILE3, S_OBJNAME, and S_BUILDINFO. int found = 0; for (const CVSymbol &sym : syms) { switch (sym.kind()) { case S_COMPILE3: ParseCompile3(sym, item); break; case S_OBJNAME: ParseObjname(sym, item); break; case S_BUILDINFO: ParseBuildInfo(index, sym, item); break; default: continue; } if (++found >= 3) break; } } static void ParseInlineeLineTableForCompileUnit(CompilandIndexItem &item) { for (const auto &ss : item.m_debug_stream.getSubsectionsArray()) { if (ss.kind() != DebugSubsectionKind::InlineeLines) continue; DebugInlineeLinesSubsectionRef inlinee_lines; llvm::BinaryStreamReader reader(ss.getRecordData()); if (llvm::Error error = inlinee_lines.initialize(reader)) { consumeError(std::move(error)); continue; } for (const InlineeSourceLine &Line : inlinee_lines) { item.m_inline_map[Line.Header->Inlinee] = Line; } } } CompilandIndexItem::CompilandIndexItem( PdbCompilandId id, llvm::pdb::ModuleDebugStreamRef debug_stream, llvm::pdb::DbiModuleDescriptor descriptor) : m_id(id), m_debug_stream(std::move(debug_stream)), m_module_descriptor(std::move(descriptor)) {} CompilandIndexItem &CompileUnitIndex::GetOrCreateCompiland(uint16_t modi) { auto result = m_comp_units.try_emplace(modi, nullptr); if (!result.second) return *result.first->second; // Find the module list and load its debug information stream and cache it // since we need to use it for almost all interesting operations. const DbiModuleList &modules = m_index.dbi().modules(); llvm::pdb::DbiModuleDescriptor descriptor = modules.getModuleDescriptor(modi); uint16_t stream = descriptor.getModuleStreamIndex(); std::unique_ptr stream_data = m_index.pdb().createIndexedStream(stream); std::unique_ptr& cci = result.first->second; if (!stream_data) { llvm::pdb::ModuleDebugStreamRef debug_stream(descriptor, nullptr); cci = std::make_unique(PdbCompilandId{ modi }, debug_stream, std::move(descriptor)); return *cci; } llvm::pdb::ModuleDebugStreamRef debug_stream(descriptor, std::move(stream_data)); cantFail(debug_stream.reload()); cci = std::make_unique( PdbCompilandId{modi}, std::move(debug_stream), std::move(descriptor)); ParseExtendedInfo(m_index, *cci); ParseInlineeLineTableForCompileUnit(*cci); auto strings = m_index.pdb().getStringTable(); if (strings) { cci->m_strings.initialize(cci->m_debug_stream.getSubsectionsArray()); cci->m_strings.setStrings(strings->getStringTable()); } else { consumeError(strings.takeError()); } // We want the main source file to always comes first. Note that we can't // just push_back the main file onto the front because `GetMainSourceFile` // computes it in such a way that it doesn't own the resulting memory. So we // have to iterate the module file list comparing each one to the main file // name until we find it, and we can cache that one since the memory is backed // by a contiguous chunk inside the mapped PDB. llvm::SmallString<64> main_file = GetMainSourceFile(*cci); std::string s = std::string(main_file.str()); llvm::sys::path::native(main_file); uint32_t file_count = modules.getSourceFileCount(modi); cci->m_file_list.reserve(file_count); bool found_main_file = false; for (llvm::StringRef file : modules.source_files(modi)) { if (!found_main_file && IsMainFile(main_file, file)) { cci->m_file_list.insert(cci->m_file_list.begin(), file); found_main_file = true; continue; } cci->m_file_list.push_back(file); } return *cci; } const CompilandIndexItem *CompileUnitIndex::GetCompiland(uint16_t modi) const { auto iter = m_comp_units.find(modi); if (iter == m_comp_units.end()) return nullptr; return iter->second.get(); } CompilandIndexItem *CompileUnitIndex::GetCompiland(uint16_t modi) { auto iter = m_comp_units.find(modi); if (iter == m_comp_units.end()) return nullptr; return iter->second.get(); } llvm::SmallString<64> CompileUnitIndex::GetMainSourceFile(const CompilandIndexItem &item) const { // LF_BUILDINFO contains a list of arg indices which point to LF_STRING_ID // records in the IPI stream. The order of the arg indices is as follows: // [0] - working directory where compiler was invoked. // [1] - absolute path to compiler binary // [2] - source file name // [3] - path to compiler generated PDB (the /Zi PDB, although this entry gets // added even when using /Z7) // [4] - full command line invocation. // // We need to form the path [0]\[2] to generate the full path to the main // file.source if (item.m_build_info.size() < 3) return {""}; LazyRandomTypeCollection &types = m_index.ipi().typeCollection(); StringIdRecord working_dir; StringIdRecord file_name; CVType dir_cvt = types.getType(item.m_build_info[0]); CVType file_cvt = types.getType(item.m_build_info[2]); llvm::cantFail( TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs(dir_cvt, working_dir)); llvm::cantFail( TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs(file_cvt, file_name)); llvm::sys::path::Style style = working_dir.String.starts_with("/") ? llvm::sys::path::Style::posix : llvm::sys::path::Style::windows; if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(file_name.String, style)) return file_name.String; llvm::SmallString<64> absolute_path = working_dir.String; llvm::sys::path::append(absolute_path, file_name.String); return absolute_path; }