#!@PYTHON@ ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ############################################################################ import argparse import os import glob import sys import re import time import calendar from collections import defaultdict import pprint prog='dnssec-coverage' # These routines permit platform-independent location of BIND 9 tools if os.name == 'nt': import win32con import win32api def prefix(bindir = ''): if os.name != 'nt': return os.path.join('@prefix@', bindir) bind_subkey = "Software\\ISC\\BIND" hKey = None keyFound = True try: hKey = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bind_subkey) except: keyFound = False if keyFound: try: (namedBase, _) = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir") except: keyFound = False win32api.RegCloseKey(hKey) if keyFound: return os.path.join(namedBase, bindir) return os.path.join(win32api.GetSystemDirectory(), bindir) ######################################################################## # Class Event ######################################################################## class Event: """ A discrete key metadata event, e.g., Publish, Activate, Inactive, Delete. Stores the date of the event, and identifying information about the key to which the event will occur.""" def __init__(self, _what, _key): now = time.time() self.what = _what self.when = _key.metadata[_what] self.key = _key self.keyid = _key.keyid self.sep = _key.sep self.zone = _key.zone self.alg = _key.alg def __repr__(self): return repr((self.when, self.what, self.keyid, self.sep, self.zone, self.alg)) def showtime(self): return time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y", self.when) def showkey(self): return self.key.showkey() def showkeytype(self): return self.key.showkeytype() ######################################################################## # Class Key ######################################################################## class Key: """An individual DNSSEC key. Identified by path, zone, algorithm, keyid. Contains a dictionary of metadata events.""" def __init__(self, keyname): directory = os.path.dirname(keyname) key = os.path.basename(keyname) (zone, alg, keyid) = key.split('+') keyid = keyid.split('.')[0] key = [zone, alg, keyid] key_file = directory + os.sep + '+'.join(key) + ".key" private_file = directory + os.sep + '+'.join(key) + ".private" self.zone = zone[1:-1] self.alg = int(alg) self.keyid = int(keyid) kfp = open(key_file, "r") for line in kfp: if line[0] == ';': continue tokens = line.split() if not tokens: continue if tokens[1].lower() in ('in', 'ch', 'hs'): septoken = 3 self.ttl = args.keyttl if not self.ttl: vspace() print("WARNING: Unable to determine TTL for DNSKEY %s." % self.showkey()) print("\t Using 1 day (86400 seconds); re-run with the -d " "option for more\n\t accurate results.") self.ttl = 86400 else: septoken = 4 self.ttl = int(tokens[1]) if not args.keyttl else args.keyttl if (int(tokens[septoken]) & 0x1) == 1: self.sep = True else: self.sep = False kfp.close() pfp = open(private_file, "rU") propDict = dict() for propLine in pfp: propDef = propLine.strip() if len(propDef) == 0: continue if propDef[0] in ('!', '#'): continue punctuation = [propDef.find(c) for c in ':= '] + [len(propDef)] found = min([ pos for pos in punctuation if pos != -1 ]) name = propDef[:found].rstrip() value = propDef[found:].lstrip(":= ").rstrip() propDict[name] = value if("Publish" in propDict): propDict["Publish"] = time.strptime(propDict["Publish"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if("Activate" in propDict): propDict["Activate"] = time.strptime(propDict["Activate"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if("Inactive" in propDict): propDict["Inactive"] = time.strptime(propDict["Inactive"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if("Delete" in propDict): propDict["Delete"] = time.strptime(propDict["Delete"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if("Revoke" in propDict): propDict["Revoke"] = time.strptime(propDict["Revoke"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") pfp.close() self.metadata = propDict def showkey(self): return "%s/%03d/%05d" % (self.zone, self.alg, self.keyid); def showkeytype(self): return ("KSK" if self.sep else "ZSK") # ensure that the gap between Publish and Activate is big enough def check_prepub(self): now = time.time() if (not "Activate" in self.metadata): debug_print("No Activate information in key: %s" % self.showkey()) return False a = calendar.timegm(self.metadata["Activate"]) if (not "Publish" in self.metadata): debug_print("No Publish information in key: %s" % self.showkey()) if a > now: vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) is scheduled for activation but \n" "\t not for publication." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) return False p = calendar.timegm(self.metadata["Publish"]) now = time.time() if p < now and a < now: return True if p == a: vspace() print ("WARNING: %s (%s) is scheduled to be published and\n" "\t activated at the same time. This could result in a\n" "\t coverage gap if the zone was previously signed." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) print("\t Activation should be at least %s after publication." % duration(self.ttl)) return True if a < p: vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) is active before it is published" % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) return False if (a - p < self.ttl): vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) is activated too soon after\n" "\t publication; this could result in coverage gaps due to\n" "\t resolver caches containing old data." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) print("\t Activation should be at least %s after publication." % duration(self.ttl)) return False return True # ensure that the gap between Inactive and Delete is big enough def check_postpub(self, timespan = None): if not timespan: timespan = self.ttl now = time.time() if (not "Delete" in self.metadata): debug_print("No Delete information in key: %s" % self.showkey()) return False d = calendar.timegm(self.metadata["Delete"]) if (not "Inactive" in self.metadata): debug_print("No Inactive information in key: %s" % self.showkey()) if d > now: vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) is scheduled for deletion but\n" "\t not for inactivation." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) return False i = calendar.timegm(self.metadata["Inactive"]) if d < now and i < now: return True if (d < i): vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) is scheduled for deletion before\n" "\t inactivation." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) return False if (d - i < timespan): vspace() print("WARNING: Key %s (%s) scheduled for deletion too soon after\n" "\t deactivation; this may result in coverage gaps due to\n" "\t resolver caches containing old data." % (self.showkey(), self.showkeytype())) print("\t Deletion should be at least %s after inactivation." % duration(timespan)) return False return True ######################################################################## # class Zone ######################################################################## class Zone: """Stores data about a specific zone""" def __init__(self, _name, _keyttl = None, _maxttl = None): self.name = _name self.keyttl = _keyttl self.maxttl = _maxttl def load(self, filename): if not args.compilezone: sys.stderr.write(prog + ': FATAL: "named-compilezone" not found\n') exit(1) if not self.name: return maxttl = keyttl = None fp = os.popen("%s -o - %s %s 2> /dev/null" % (args.compilezone, self.name, filename)) for line in fp: fields = line.split() if not maxttl or int(fields[1]) > maxttl: maxttl = int(fields[1]) if fields[3] == "DNSKEY": keyttl = int(fields[1]) fp.close() self.keyttl = keyttl self.maxttl = maxttl ############################################################################ # debug_print: ############################################################################ def debug_print(debugVar): """pretty print a variable iff debug mode is enabled""" if not args.debug_mode: return if type(debugVar) == str: print("DEBUG: " + debugVar) else: print("DEBUG: " + pprint.pformat(debugVar)) return ############################################################################ # vspace: ############################################################################ _firstline = True def vspace(): """adds vertical space between two sections of output text if and only if this is *not* the first section being printed""" global _firstline if _firstline: _firstline = False else: print ############################################################################ # vreset: ############################################################################ def vreset(): """reset vertical spacing""" global _firstline _firstline = True ############################################################################ # getunit ############################################################################ def getunit(secs, size): """given a number of seconds, and a number of seconds in a larger unit of time, calculate how many of the larger unit there are and return both that and a remainder value""" bigunit = secs // size if bigunit: secs %= size return (bigunit, secs) ############################################################################ # addtime ############################################################################ def addtime(output, unit, t): """add a formatted unit of time to an accumulating string""" if t: output += ("%s%d %s%s" % ((", " if output else ""), t, unit, ("s" if t > 1 else ""))) return output ############################################################################ # duration: ############################################################################ def duration(secs): """given a length of time in seconds, print a formatted human duration in larger units of time """ # define units: minute = 60 hour = minute * 60 day = hour * 24 month = day * 30 year = day * 365 # calculate time in units: (years, secs) = getunit(secs, year) (months, secs) = getunit(secs, month) (days, secs) = getunit(secs, day) (hours, secs) = getunit(secs, hour) (minutes, secs) = getunit(secs, minute) output = '' output = addtime(output, "year", years) output = addtime(output, "month", months) output = addtime(output, "day", days) output = addtime(output, "hour", hours) output = addtime(output, "minute", minutes) output = addtime(output, "second", secs) return output ############################################################################ # parse_time ############################################################################ def parse_time(s): """convert a formatted time (e.g., 1y, 6mo, 15mi, etc) into seconds""" s = s.strip() # if s is an integer, we're done already try: n = int(s) return n except: pass # try to parse as a number with a suffix indicating unit of time r = re.compile('([0-9][0-9]*)\s*([A-Za-z]*)') m = r.match(s) if not m: raise Exception("Cannot parse %s" % s) (n, unit) = m.groups() n = int(n) unit = unit.lower() if unit[0] == 'y': return n * 31536000 elif unit[0] == 'm' and unit[1] == 'o': return n * 2592000 elif unit[0] == 'w': return n * 604800 elif unit[0] == 'd': return n * 86400 elif unit[0] == 'h': return n * 3600 elif unit[0] == 'm' and unit[1] == 'i': return n * 60 elif unit[0] == 's': return n else: raise Exception("Invalid suffix %s" % unit) ############################################################################ # algname: ############################################################################ def algname(alg): """return the mnemonic for a DNSSEC algorithm""" names = (None, 'RSAMD5', 'DH', 'DSA', 'ECC', 'RSASHA1', 'NSEC3DSA', 'NSEC3RSASHA1', 'RSASHA256', None, 'RSASHA512', None, 'ECCGOST', 'ECDSAP256SHA256', 'ECDSAP384SHA384') name = None if alg in range(len(names)): name = names[alg] return (name if name else str(alg)) ############################################################################ # list_events: ############################################################################ def list_events(eventgroup): """print a list of the events in an eventgroup""" if not eventgroup: return print (" " + eventgroup[0].showtime() + ":") for event in eventgroup: print (" %s: %s (%s)" % (event.what, event.showkey(), event.showkeytype())) ############################################################################ # process_events: ############################################################################ def process_events(eventgroup, active, published): """go through the events in an event group in time-order, add to active list upon Activate event, add to published list upon Publish event, remove from active list upon Inactive event, and remove from published upon Delete event. Emit warnings when inconsistant states are reached""" for event in eventgroup: if event.what == "Activate": active.add(event.keyid) elif event.what == "Publish": published.add(event.keyid) elif event.what == "Inactive": if event.keyid not in active: vspace() print ("\tWARNING: %s (%s) scheduled to become inactive " "before it is active" % (event.showkey(), event.showkeytype())) else: active.remove(event.keyid) elif event.what == "Delete": if event.keyid in published: published.remove(event.keyid) else: vspace() print ("WARNING: key %s (%s) is scheduled for deletion before " "it is published, at %s" % (event.showkey(), event.showkeytype())) elif event.what == "Revoke": # We don't need to worry about the logic of this one; # just stop counting this key as either active or published if event.keyid in published: published.remove(event.keyid) if event.keyid in active: active.remove(event.keyid) return (active, published) ############################################################################ # check_events: ############################################################################ def check_events(eventsList, ksk): """create lists of events happening at the same time, check for inconsistancies""" active = set() published = set() eventgroups = list() eventgroup = list() keytype = ("KSK" if ksk else "ZSK") # collect up all events that have the same time eventsfound = False for event in eventsList: # if checking ZSKs, skip KSKs, and vice versa if (ksk and not event.sep) or (event.sep and not ksk): continue # we found an appropriate (ZSK or KSK event) eventsfound = True # add event to current eventgroup if (not eventgroup or eventgroup[0].when == event.when): eventgroup.append(event) # if we're at the end of the list, we're done. if # we've found an event with a later time, start a new # eventgroup if (eventgroup[0].when != event.when): eventgroups.append(eventgroup) eventgroup = list() eventgroup.append(event) if eventgroup: eventgroups.append(eventgroup) for eventgroup in eventgroups: if (args.checklimit and calendar.timegm(eventgroup[0].when) > args.checklimit): print("Ignoring events after %s" % time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y", time.gmtime(args.checklimit))) return True (active, published) = \ process_events(eventgroup, active, published) list_events(eventgroup) # and then check for inconsistencies: if len(active) == 0: print ("ERROR: No %s's are active after this event" % keytype) return False elif len(published) == 0: sys.stdout.write("ERROR: ") print ("ERROR: No %s's are published after this event" % keytype) return False elif len(published.intersection(active)) == 0: sys.stdout.write("ERROR: ") print (("ERROR: No %s's are both active and published " + "after this event") % keytype) return False if not eventsfound: print ("ERROR: No %s events found in '%s'" % (keytype, args.path)) return False return True ############################################################################ # check_zones: # ############################################################################ def check_zones(eventsList): """scan events per zone, algorithm, and key type, in order of occurrance, noting inconsistent states when found""" global foundprob foundprob = False zonesfound = False for zone in eventsList: if args.zone and zone != args.zone: continue zonesfound = True for alg in eventsList[zone]: if not args.no_ksk: vspace() print("Checking scheduled KSK events for zone %s, algorithm %s..." % (zone, algname(alg))) if not check_events(eventsList[zone][alg], True): foundprob = True else: print ("No errors found") if not args.no_zsk: vspace() print("Checking scheduled ZSK events for zone %s, algorithm %s..." % (zone, algname(alg))) if not check_events(eventsList[zone][alg], False): foundprob = True else: print ("No errors found") if not zonesfound: print("ERROR: No key events found for %s in '%s'" % (args.zone, args.path)) exit(1) ############################################################################ # fill_eventsList: ############################################################################ def fill_eventsList(eventsList): """populate the list of events""" for zone, algorithms in keyDict.items(): for alg, keys in algorithms.items(): for keyid, keydata in keys.items(): if("Publish" in keydata.metadata): eventsList[zone][alg].append(Event("Publish", keydata)) if("Activate" in keydata.metadata): eventsList[zone][alg].append(Event("Activate", keydata)) if("Inactive" in keydata.metadata): eventsList[zone][alg].append(Event("Inactive", keydata)) if("Delete" in keydata.metadata): eventsList[zone][alg].append(Event("Delete", keydata)) eventsList[zone][alg] = sorted(eventsList[zone][alg], key=lambda event: event.when) foundprob = False if not keyDict: print("ERROR: No key events found in '%s'" % args.path) exit(1) ############################################################################ # set_path: ############################################################################ def set_path(command, default=None): """find the location of a specified command. if a default is supplied and it works, we use it; otherwise we search PATH for a match. If not found, error and exit""" fpath = default if not fpath or not os.path.isfile(fpath) or not os.access(fpath, os.X_OK): path = os.environ["PATH"] if not path: path = os.path.defpath for directory in path.split(os.pathsep): fpath = directory + os.sep + command if os.path.isfile(fpath) or os.access(fpath, os.X_OK): break fpath = None return fpath ############################################################################ # parse_args: ############################################################################ def parse_args(): """Read command line arguments, set global 'args' structure""" global args compilezone = set_path('named-compilezone', os.path.join(prefix('bin'), 'named-compilezone')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=prog + ': checks future ' + 'DNSKEY coverage for a zone') parser.add_argument('zone', type=str, help='zone to check') parser.add_argument('-K', dest='path', default='.', type=str, help='a directory containing keys to process', metavar='dir') parser.add_argument('-f', dest='filename', type=str, help='zone master file', metavar='file') parser.add_argument('-m', dest='maxttl', type=str, help='the longest TTL in the zone(s)', metavar='time') parser.add_argument('-d', dest='keyttl', type=str, help='the DNSKEY TTL', metavar='time') parser.add_argument('-r', dest='resign', default='1944000', type=int, help='the RRSIG refresh interval ' 'in seconds [default: 22.5 days]', metavar='time') parser.add_argument('-c', dest='compilezone', default=compilezone, type=str, help='path to \'named-compilezone\'', metavar='path') parser.add_argument('-l', dest='checklimit', type=str, default='0', help='Length of time to check for ' 'DNSSEC coverage [default: 0 (unlimited)]', metavar='time') parser.add_argument('-z', dest='no_ksk', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only check zone-signing keys (ZSKs)') parser.add_argument('-k', dest='no_zsk', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only check key-signing keys (KSKs)') parser.add_argument('-D', '--debug', dest='debug_mode', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turn on debugging output') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='9.9.1') args = parser.parse_args() if args.no_zsk and args.no_ksk: print("ERROR: -z and -k cannot be used together."); exit(1) # convert from time arguments to seconds try: if args.maxttl: m = parse_time(args.maxttl) args.maxttl = m except: pass try: if args.keyttl: k = parse_time(args.keyttl) args.keyttl = k except: pass try: if args.resign: r = parse_time(args.resign) args.resign = r except: pass try: if args.checklimit: lim = args.checklimit r = parse_time(args.checklimit) if r == 0: args.checklimit = None else: args.checklimit = time.time() + r except: pass # if we've got the values we need from the command line, stop now if args.maxttl and args.keyttl: return # load keyttl and maxttl data from zonefile if args.zone and args.filename: try: zone = Zone(args.zone) zone.load(args.filename) if not args.maxttl: args.maxttl = zone.maxttl if not args.keyttl: args.keyttl = zone.maxttl except Exception as e: print("Unable to load zone data from %s: " % args.filename, e) if not args.maxttl: vspace() print ("WARNING: Maximum TTL value was not specified. Using 1 week\n" "\t (604800 seconds); re-run with the -m option to get more\n" "\t accurate results.") args.maxttl = 604800 ############################################################################ # Main ############################################################################ def main(): global keyDict parse_args() path=args.path print ("PHASE 1--Loading keys to check for internal timing problems") keyDict = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(dict)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.private')) for infile in files: key = Key(infile) if args.zone and key.zone != args.zone: continue keyDict[key.zone][key.alg][key.keyid] = key key.check_prepub() if key.sep: key.check_postpub() else: key.check_postpub(args.maxttl + args.resign) vspace() print ("PHASE 2--Scanning future key events for coverage failures") vreset() eventsList = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list)) fill_eventsList(eventsList) check_zones(eventsList) if foundprob: exit(1) else: exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()