include(CheckCXXSymbolExists) include(CheckTypeSize) set(LLDB_PROJECT_ROOT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(LLDB_SOURCE_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/source") set(LLDB_INCLUDE_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include") set(LLDB_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(LLDB_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed. CMake would overwrite the makefiles " "distributed with LLDB. Please create a directory and run cmake from " "there, passing the path to this source directory as the last argument. " "This process created the file `CMakeCache.txt' and the directory " "`CMakeFiles'. Please delete them.") endif() set(LLDB_LINKER_SUPPORTS_GROUPS OFF) if (LLVM_COMPILER_IS_GCC_COMPATIBLE AND NOT "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin") # The Darwin linker doesn't understand --start-group/--end-group. set(LLDB_LINKER_SUPPORTS_GROUPS ON) endif() macro(add_optional_dependency variable description package found) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "QUIET" "VERSION" "" ${ARGN}) set(${variable} "Auto" CACHE STRING "${description} On, Off or Auto (default)") string(TOUPPER "${${variable}}" ${variable}) if("${${variable}}" STREQUAL "AUTO") set(find_package TRUE) set(maybe_required) elseif(${${variable}}) set(find_package TRUE) set(maybe_required REQUIRED) else() set(find_package FALSE) set(${variable} FALSE) endif() if(${find_package}) set(maybe_quiet) if(ARG_QUIET) set(maybe_quiet QUIET) endif() find_package(${package} ${ARG_VERSION} ${maybe_required} ${maybe_quiet}) set(${variable} "${${found}}") endif() message(STATUS "${description}: ${${variable}}") endmacro() add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_SWIG "Enable SWIG to generate LLDB bindings" SWIG SWIG_FOUND VERSION 3) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_LIBEDIT "Enable editline support in LLDB" LibEdit LibEdit_FOUND) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_CURSES "Enable curses support in LLDB" CursesAndPanel CURSESANDPANEL_FOUND) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_LZMA "Enable LZMA compression support in LLDB" LibLZMA LIBLZMA_FOUND) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_LUA "Enable Lua scripting support in LLDB" LuaAndSwig LUAANDSWIG_FOUND) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON "Enable Python scripting support in LLDB" PythonAndSwig PYTHONANDSWIG_FOUND) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_LIBXML2 "Enable Libxml 2 support in LLDB" LibXml2 LIBXML2_FOUND VERSION 2.8) add_optional_dependency(LLDB_ENABLE_FBSDVMCORE "Enable libfbsdvmcore support in LLDB" FBSDVMCore FBSDVMCore_FOUND QUIET) option(LLDB_USE_ENTITLEMENTS "When codesigning, use entitlements if available" ON) option(LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK "Build LLDB.framework (Darwin only)" OFF) option(LLDB_NO_INSTALL_DEFAULT_RPATH "Disable default RPATH settings in binaries" OFF) option(LLDB_USE_SYSTEM_DEBUGSERVER "Use the system's debugserver for testing (Darwin only)." OFF) option(LLDB_SKIP_STRIP "Whether to skip stripping of binaries when installing lldb." OFF) option(LLDB_SKIP_DSYM "Whether to skip generating a dSYM when installing lldb." OFF) set(LLDB_GLOBAL_INIT_DIRECTORY "" CACHE STRING "Path to the global lldbinit directory. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing the LLDB library.") if (LLDB_USE_SYSTEM_DEBUGSERVER) # The custom target for the system debugserver has no install target, so we # need to remove it from the LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS list. if (LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS) list(REMOVE_ITEM LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS debugserver) set(LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS ${LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() endif() if(LLDB_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) if(NOT APPLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "LLDB.framework can only be generated when targeting Apple platforms") endif() set(LLDB_FRAMEWORK_VERSION A CACHE STRING "LLDB.framework version (default is A)") set(LLDB_FRAMEWORK_BUILD_DIR bin CACHE STRING "Output directory for LLDB.framework") set(LLDB_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR Library/Frameworks CACHE STRING "Install directory for LLDB.framework") get_filename_component(LLDB_FRAMEWORK_ABSOLUTE_BUILD_DIR ${LLDB_FRAMEWORK_BUILD_DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}) # Essentially, emit the framework's dSYM outside of the framework directory. set(LLDB_DEBUGINFO_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/bin CACHE STRING "Directory to emit dSYM files stripped from executables and libraries (Darwin Only)") # Custom target to remove the targets (binaries, directories) that were # copied into LLDB.framework in the build tree. # # These targets need to be removed before the install phase because otherwise # because otherwise they may overwrite already installed binaries with the # wrong RPATH (i.e. build RPATH instead of install RPATH). # # This target needs to be created here (rather than in API/CMakeLists.txt) # because add_lldb_tool creates the custom rules to copy the binaries before # the framework target exists and that's the only place where this is # tracked. add_custom_target(lldb-framework-cleanup COMMENT "Cleaning up build-tree frameworks in preparation for install") endif() if(APPLE AND CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL Xcode) if(NOT LLDB_EXPLICIT_XCODE_CACHE_USED) message(WARNING "When building with Xcode, we recommend using the corresponding cache script. " "If this was a mistake, clean your build directory and re-run CMake with:\n" " -C ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/caches/Apple-lldb-Xcode.cmake\n" "See:\n") endif() endif() if (NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") set(LLDB_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS 0 CACHE BOOL "Causes lldb to export all symbols when building liblldb.") else() # Windows doesn't support toggling this, so don't bother making it a # cache variable. set(LLDB_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS 0) endif() if ((NOT MSVC) OR MSVC12) add_definitions( -DHAVE_ROUND ) endif() # Check if we libedit capable of handling wide characters (built with # '--enable-widec'). if (LLDB_ENABLE_LIBEDIT) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${LibEdit_LIBRARIES}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${LibEdit_INCLUDE_DIRS}) check_symbol_exists(el_winsertstr histedit.h LLDB_EDITLINE_USE_WCHAR) set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES histedit.h) check_type_size(el_rfunc_t LLDB_EL_RFUNC_T_SIZE) if (LLDB_EL_RFUNC_T_SIZE STREQUAL "") set(LLDB_HAVE_EL_RFUNC_T 0) else() set(LLDB_HAVE_EL_RFUNC_T 1) endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES) endif() if (LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") set(default_embed_python_home ON) else() set(default_embed_python_home OFF) endif() option(LLDB_EMBED_PYTHON_HOME "Embed PYTHONHOME in the binary. If set to OFF, PYTHONHOME environment variable will be used to to locate Python." ${default_embed_python_home}) include_directories(${Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if (LLDB_EMBED_PYTHON_HOME) get_filename_component(PYTHON_HOME "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" DIRECTORY) set(LLDB_PYTHON_HOME "${PYTHON_HOME}" CACHE STRING "Path to use as PYTHONHOME in lldb. If a relative path is specified, it will be resolved at runtime relative to liblldb directory.") endif() endif() if (LLVM_EXTERNAL_CLANG_SOURCE_DIR) include_directories(${LLVM_EXTERNAL_CLANG_SOURCE_DIR}/include) else () include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/clang/include) endif () include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../clang/include") # GCC silently accepts any -Wno- option, but warns about those options # being unrecognized only if the compilation triggers other warnings to be # printed. Therefore, check for whether the compiler supports options in the # form -W, and if supported, add the corresponding -Wno- option. # Disable GCC warnings check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wdeprecated-declarations" CXX_SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wunknown-pragmas" CXX_SUPPORTS_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS "-Wno-unknown-pragmas" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wstrict-aliasing" CXX_SUPPORTS_STRICT_ALIASING) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_STRICT_ALIASING "-Wno-strict-aliasing" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wstringop-truncation" CXX_SUPPORTS_STRINGOP_TRUNCATION) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_STRINGOP_TRUNCATION "-Wno-stringop-truncation" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) # Disable Clang warnings check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wdeprecated-register" CXX_SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_REGISTER) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_REGISTER "-Wno-deprecated-register" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wvla-extension" CXX_SUPPORTS_VLA_EXTENSION) append_if(CXX_SUPPORTS_VLA_EXTENSION "-Wno-vla-extension" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) # Disable MSVC warnings if( MSVC ) add_definitions( -wd4018 # Suppress 'warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch' -wd4068 # Suppress 'warning C4068: unknown pragma' -wd4150 # Suppress 'warning C4150: deletion of pointer to incomplete type' -wd4201 # Suppress 'warning C4201: nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union' -wd4251 # Suppress 'warning C4251: T must have dll-interface to be used by clients of class U.' -wd4521 # Suppress 'warning C4521: 'type' : multiple copy constructors specified' -wd4530 # Suppress 'warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled.' ) endif() # Use the Unicode (UTF-16) APIs by default on Win32 if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") add_definitions( -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE ) endif() # If LLDB_VERSION_* is specified, use it, if not use LLVM_VERSION_*. if(NOT DEFINED LLDB_VERSION_MAJOR) set(LLDB_VERSION_MAJOR ${LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED LLDB_VERSION_MINOR) set(LLDB_VERSION_MINOR ${LLVM_VERSION_MINOR}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED LLDB_VERSION_PATCH) set(LLDB_VERSION_PATCH ${LLVM_VERSION_PATCH}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED LLDB_VERSION_SUFFIX) set(LLDB_VERSION_SUFFIX ${LLVM_VERSION_SUFFIX}) endif() set(LLDB_VERSION "${LLDB_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LLDB_VERSION_MINOR}.${LLDB_VERSION_PATCH}${LLDB_VERSION_SUFFIX}") message(STATUS "LLDB version: ${LLDB_VERSION}") if (LLDB_ENABLE_LZMA) include_directories(${LIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if (LLDB_ENABLE_LIBXML2) include_directories(${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) if (NOT LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY) install(DIRECTORY include/ COMPONENT lldb-headers DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h" PATTERN ".cmake" EXCLUDE ) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/ COMPONENT lldb-headers DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h" PATTERN ".cmake" EXCLUDE ) add_custom_target(lldb-headers) set_target_properties(lldb-headers PROPERTIES FOLDER "lldb misc") if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) add_llvm_install_targets(install-lldb-headers COMPONENT lldb-headers) endif() endif() # If LLDB is building against a prebuilt Clang, then the Clang resource # directory that LLDB is using for its embedded Clang instance needs to point # to the resource directory of the used Clang installation. if (NOT TARGET clang-resource-headers) set(LLDB_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR_NAME "${LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR}") # Iterate over the possible places where the external resource directory # could be and pick the first that exists. foreach(CANDIDATE "${Clang_DIR}/../.." "${LLVM_DIR}" "${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS}" "${LLVM_BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}" "${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}") # Build the resource directory path by appending 'clang/'. set(CANDIDATE_RESOURCE_DIR "${CANDIDATE}/clang/${LLDB_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR_NAME}") if (IS_DIRECTORY "${CANDIDATE_RESOURCE_DIR}") set(LLDB_EXTERNAL_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR "${CANDIDATE_RESOURCE_DIR}") break() endif() endforeach() if (NOT LLDB_EXTERNAL_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Expected directory for clang-resource headers not found: ${LLDB_EXTERNAL_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR}") endif() endif() # Find Apple-specific libraries or frameworks that may be needed. if (APPLE) if(NOT APPLE_EMBEDDED) find_library(CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon) find_library(CORE_SERVICES_LIBRARY CoreServices) endif() find_library(FOUNDATION_LIBRARY Foundation) find_library(CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation) find_library(SECURITY_LIBRARY Security) include_directories(${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() if( WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN ) set(PURE_WINDOWS 1) endif() if(NOT PURE_WINDOWS) set(CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD TRUE) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) endif() # Figure out if lldb could use lldb-server. If so, then we'll # ensure we build lldb-server when an lldb target is being built. if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Android|Darwin|FreeBSD|Linux|NetBSD|Windows") set(LLDB_CAN_USE_LLDB_SERVER ON) else() set(LLDB_CAN_USE_LLDB_SERVER OFF) endif() # Figure out if lldb could use debugserver. If so, then we'll # ensure we build debugserver when we build lldb. if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") set(LLDB_CAN_USE_DEBUGSERVER ON) else() set(LLDB_CAN_USE_DEBUGSERVER OFF) endif() if ((CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Android") AND LLVM_BUILD_STATIC AND ((ANDROID_ABI MATCHES "armeabi") OR (ANDROID_ABI MATCHES "mips"))) add_definitions(-DANDROID_USE_ACCEPT_WORKAROUND) endif() include(LLDBGenerateConfig)