use strict; use Digest::SHA; my $numtests = 4; print "1..$numtests\n"; # Here's the bitstring to test against, and its SHA-1 digest my $ONEBITS = pack("B*", "1" x 80000); my $digest = "11003389959355c2773af6b0f36d842fe430ec49"; my $state = Digest::SHA->new("sHa1"); my $testnum = 1; $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, 80000); print "not " unless $state->hexdigest eq $digest; print "ok ", $testnum++, "\n"; # buffer using a series of increasingly large bitstrings # Note that (1 + 2 + ... + 399) + 200 = 80000 for (1 .. 399) { $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, $_); } $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, 200); print "not " unless $state->hexdigest eq $digest; print "ok ", $testnum++, "\n"; # create a buffer-alignment nuisance $state = Digest::SHA->new("1"); $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, 1); for (1 .. 99) { $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, 800); } $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, 799); print "not " unless $state->hexdigest eq $digest; print "ok ", $testnum++, "\n"; # buffer randomly-sized bitstrings my $reps = 80000; my $maxbits = 8 * 127; $state = Digest::SHA->new(1); while ($reps > $maxbits) { my $num = int(rand($maxbits)); $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, $num); $reps -= $num; } $state->add_bits($ONEBITS, $reps); print "not " unless $state->hexdigest eq $digest; print "ok ", $testnum++, "\n";