use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Mock'; use Test2::API qw/context/; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; # If we reuse the same package name (Fake) over and over we can end up # triggering some weird Perl core issues. With Perl 5.14 and 5.16 we were # seeing "panic: gp_free failed to free glob pointer - something is repeatedly # re-creating entries at ..." # # So instead we use Fake, Fake2, Fake3, etc. It's not very elegant, but it # gets the job done. subtest construction => sub { my %calls; my $c = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Test2::Mock', before => [ class => sub { $calls{class}++ } ], override => [ parent => sub { $calls{parent}++ }, child => sub { $calls{child}++ }, ], add => [ foo => sub { $calls{foo}++ }, ], ); my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake', parent => 'Fake', child => 'Fake', foo => 'Fake', ); isa_ok($one, 'Test2::Mock'); is( \%calls, { foo => 1 }, "Only called foo, did not call class, parent or child" ); $c->reset_all; my @args; $c->add(foo => sub { push @args => \@_ }); $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake', foo => 'string', foo => [qw/a list/], foo => {a => 'hash'}, ); isa_ok($one, 'Test2::Mock'); is( \@args, [ [$one, 'string'], [$one, qw/a list/], [$one, qw/a hash/], ], "Called foo with proper args, called it multiple times" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new }, qr/The 'class' field is required/, "Must specify a class" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake', foo => sub { 1 }) }, qr/'CODE\(.*\)' is not a valid argument for 'foo'/, "Val must be sane" ); }; subtest check => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake1'); ok(lives { $one->_check }, "did not die"); $one->set_child(1); like( dies {$one->_check}, qr/There is an active child controller, cannot proceed/, "Cannot use a controller when it has a child" ); }; subtest purge_on_destroy => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake2'); ok(!$one->purge_on_destroy, "Not set by default"); $one->purge_on_destroy(1); ok($one->purge_on_destroy, "Can set"); $one->purge_on_destroy(0); ok(!$one->purge_on_destroy, "Can Unset"); { # need to hide the glob assignment from the parser. no strict 'refs'; *{"Fake2::foo"} = sub { 'foo' }; } can_ok('Fake2', 'foo'); $one = undef; can_ok('Fake2', 'foo'); # Not purged $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake2'); $one->purge_on_destroy(1); $one = undef; my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"Fake2::"}; }; ok(!keys %$stash, "no keys left in stash"); ok(!Fake2->can('foo'), 'purged sub'); }; subtest stash => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake3'); my $stash = $one->stash; ok($stash, "got a stash"); is($stash, {}, "stash is empty right now"); { # need to hide the glob assignment from the parser. no strict 'refs'; *{"Fake3::foo"} = sub { 'foo' }; } ok($stash->{foo}, "See the new sub in the stash"); ok(*{$stash->{foo}}{CODE}, "Code slot is populated"); }; subtest file => sub { my $fake = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake4'); my $complex = Test2::Mock->new(class => "A::Fake'Module::With'Separators"); is($fake->file, "", "Got simple filename"); is($complex->file, "A/Fake/Module/With/", "got complex filename"); }; subtest block_load => sub { my $one; my $construction = sub { $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake5', block_load => 1); }; my $post_construction = sub { $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake5'); $one->block_load; }; for my $case ($construction, $post_construction) { $one = undef; ok(!$INC{''}, "Does not appear to be loaded yet"); $case->(); ok($INC{''}, '%INC is populated'); $one = undef; ok(!$INC{''}, "Does not appear to be loaded anymore"); } }; subtest block_load_fail => sub { $INC{''} = 'path/to/'; my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake6'); like( dies { $one->block_load }, qr/Cannot block the loading of module 'Fake6', already loaded in file/, "Fails if file is already loaded" ); }; subtest constructors => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake7', add_constructor => [new => 'hash'], ); can_ok('Fake7', 'new'); my $i = Fake7->new(foo => 'bar'); isa_ok($i, 'Fake7'); is($i, { foo => 'bar' }, "Has params"); $one->override_constructor(new => 'ref'); my $ref = { 'foo' => 'baz' }; $i = Fake7->new($ref); isa_ok($i, 'Fake7'); is($i, { foo => 'baz' }, "Has params"); is($i, $ref, "same reference"); ok(blessed($ref), "blessed original ref"); $one->override_constructor(new => 'ref_copy'); $ref = { 'foo' => 'bat' }; $i = Fake7->new($ref); isa_ok($i, 'Fake7'); is($i, { foo => 'bat' }, "Has params"); ok($i != $ref, "different reference"); ok(!blessed($ref), "original ref is not blessed"); $ref = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]; $i = Fake7->new($ref); isa_ok($i, 'Fake7'); is($i, [ 'foo', 'bar' ], "has the items"); ok($i != $ref, "different reference"); ok(!blessed($ref), "original ref is not blessed"); like( dies { $one->override_constructor(new => 'bad') }, qr/'bad' is not a known constructor type/, "Bad constructor type (override)" ); like( dies { $one->add_constructor(uhg => 'bad') }, qr/'bad' is not a known constructor type/, "Bad constructor type (add)" ); $one->override_constructor(new => 'array'); $one = Fake7->new('a', 'b'); is($one, ['a', 'b'], "is an array"); isa_ok($one, 'Fake7'); }; subtest autoload => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake8', add_constructor => [new => 'hash'], ); my $i = Fake8->new; isa_ok($i, 'Fake8'); ok(!$i->can('foo'), "Cannot do 'foo'"); like(dies {$i->foo}, qr/Can't locate object method "foo" via package "Fake8"/, "Did not autload"); $one->autoload; ok(lives { $i->foo }, "Created foo") || return; can_ok($i, 'foo'); # Added the sub to the package is($i->foo, undef, "no value"); $i->foo('bar'); is($i->foo, 'bar', "set value"); $i->foo(undef); is($i->foo, undef, "unset value"); ok( dies { $one->autoload }, qr/Class 'Fake8' already has an AUTOLOAD/, "Cannot add additional autoloads" ); $one->reset_all; ok(!$i->can('AUTOLOAD'), "AUTOLOAD removed"); ok(!$i->can('foo'), "AUTOLOADed sub removed"); $one->autoload; $i->foo; ok($i->can('AUTOLOAD'), "AUTOLOAD re-added"); ok($i->can('foo'), "AUTOLOADed sub re-added"); $one = undef; ok(!$i->can('AUTOLOAD'), "AUTOLOAD removed (destroy)"); ok(!$i->can('foo'), "AUTOLOADed sub removed (destroy)"); my $two = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake88', add_constructor => [new => 'hash'], track => 1, autoload => 1, ); my $j = Fake88->new; ok(lives { $j->foo }, "Created foo") || return; can_ok($j, 'foo'); # Added the sub to the package is( $two->sub_tracking, {foo => [{sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => T, args => [exact_ref($j)]}]}, "Tracked autoloaded sub (sub tracking)" ); is( $two->call_tracking, [{sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => T, args => [exact_ref($j)]}], "Tracked autoloaded sub (call tracking)" ); }; subtest autoload_failures => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'fake'); $one->add('AUTOLOAD' => sub { 1 }); like( dies { $one->autoload }, qr/Class 'fake' already has an AUTOLOAD/, "Cannot add autoload when there is already an autoload" ); $one = undef; $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'bad package'); like( dies { $one->autoload }, qr/syntax error/, "Error inside the autoload eval" ); }; subtest ISA => sub { # This is to satisfy perl that My::Parent is loaded no warnings 'once'; local *My::Parent::foo = sub { 'foo' }; my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake9', add_constructor => [new => 'hash'], add => [ -ISA => ['My::Parent'], ], ); isa_ok('Fake9', 'My::Parent'); is(Fake9->foo, 'foo', "Inherited sub from parent"); }; subtest before => sub { { # need to hide the glob assignment from the parser. no strict 'refs'; *{"Fake10::foo"} = sub { 'foo' }; } my $thing; my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake10'); $one->before('foo' => sub { $thing = 'ran before foo' }); ok(!$thing, "nothing ran yet"); is(Fake10->foo, 'foo', "got expected return"); is($thing, 'ran before foo', "ran the before"); }; subtest before => sub { my $want; { # need to hide the glob assignment from the parser. no strict 'refs'; *{"Fake11::foo"} = sub { $want = wantarray; return qw/f o o/ if $want; return 'foo' if defined $want; return; }; } my $ran = 0; my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake11'); $one->after('foo' => sub { $ran++ }); is($ran, 0, "nothing ran yet"); is(Fake11->foo, 'foo', "got expected return (scalar)"); is($ran, 1, "ran the before"); ok(defined($want) && !$want, "scalar context"); is([Fake11->foo], [qw/f o o/], "got expected return (list)"); is($ran, 2, "ran the before"); is($want, 1, "list context"); Fake11->foo; # Void return is($ran, 3, "ran the before"); is($want, undef, "void context"); }; subtest around => sub { my @things; { # need to hide the glob assignment from the parser. no strict 'refs'; *{"Fake12::foo"} = sub { push @things => ['foo', \@_]; }; } my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake12'); $one->around(foo => sub { my ($orig, @args) = @_; push @things => ['pre', \@args]; $orig->('injected', @args); push @things => ['post', \@args]; }); Fake12->foo(qw/a b c/); is( \@things, [ ['pre' => [qw/Fake12 a b c/]], ['foo' => [qw/injected Fake12 a b c/]], ['post' => [qw/Fake12 a b c/]], ], "Got all the things!" ); }; subtest 'add and current' => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake13', add_constructor => [new => 'hash'], add => [ foo => { val => 'foo' }, bar => 'rw', baz => { is => 'rw', field => '_baz' }, -DATA => { my => 'data' }, -DATA => [ qw/my data/ ], -DATA => sub { 'my data' }, -DATA => \"data", ], ); # Do some outside constructor to test both paths $one->add( reader => 'ro', writer => 'wo', -UHG => \"UHG", rsub => { val => sub { 'rsub' } }, # Without $x the compiler gets smart and makes it always return the # same reference. nsub => sub { my $x = ''; sub { $x . 'nsub' } }, ); can_ok('Fake13', qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/); like( dies { $one->add(foo => sub { 'nope' }) }, qr/Cannot add '&Fake13::foo', symbol is already defined/, "Cannot add a CODE symbol that is already defined" ); like( dies { $one->add(-UHG => \'nope') }, qr/Cannot add '\$Fake13::UHG', symbol is already defined/, "Cannot add a SCALAR symbol that is already defined" ); my $i = Fake13->new(); is($i->foo, 'foo', "by value"); is($i->bar, undef, "Accessor not set"); is($i->bar('bar'), 'bar', "Accessor setting"); is($i->bar, 'bar', "Accessor was set"); is($i->baz, undef, "no value yet"); ok(!$i->{_bar}, "hash element is empty"); is($i->baz('baz'), 'baz', "setting"); is($i->{_baz}, 'baz', "set field"); is($i->baz, 'baz', "got value"); is($i->reader, undef, "No value for reader"); is($i->reader('oops'), undef, "No value set"); is($i->reader, undef, "Still No value for reader"); is($i->{reader}, undef, 'element is empty'); $i->{reader} = 'yay'; is($i->{reader}, 'yay', 'element is set'); is($i->{writer}, undef, "no value yet"); $i->writer; is($i->{writer}, undef, "Set to undef"); is($i->writer('xxx'), 'xxx', "Adding value"); is($i->{writer}, 'xxx', "was set"); is($i->writer, undef, "writer always writes"); is($i->{writer}, undef, "Set to undef"); is($i->rsub, $i->rsub, "rsub always returns the same ref"); is($i->rsub->(), 'rsub', "ran rsub"); ok($i->nsub != $i->nsub, "nsub returns a new ref each time"); is($i->nsub->(), 'nsub', "ran nsub"); is($i->DATA, 'my data', "direct sub assignment"); # These need to be eval'd so the parser does not shortcut the glob references ok(eval <<' EOT', "Ran glob checks") || diag "Error: $@"; is($Fake13::UHG, 'UHG', "Set package scalar (UHG)"); is($Fake13::DATA, 'data', "Set package scalar (DATA)"); is(\%Fake13::DATA, { my => 'data' }, "Set package hash"); is(\@Fake13::DATA, [ my => 'data' ], "Set package array"); 1; EOT is($one->current($_), $i->can($_), "current works for sub $_") for qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/; is(${$one->current('$UHG')}, 'UHG', 'got current $UHG'); is(${$one->current('$DATA')}, 'data', 'got current $DATA'); is($one->current('&DATA'), $i->can('DATA'), 'got current &DATA'); is($one->current('@DATA'), [qw/my data/], 'got current @DATA'); is($one->current('%DATA'), {my => 'data'}, 'got current %DATA'); $one = undef; ok(!Fake13->can($_), "Removed sub $_") for qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/; $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'Fake13'); # Scalars are tricky, skip em for now. is($one->current('&DATA'), undef, 'no current &DATA'); is($one->current('@DATA'), undef, 'no current @DATA'); is($one->current('%DATA'), undef, 'no current %DATA'); }; subtest 'override and orig' => sub { # Define things so we can override them eval <<' EOT' || die $@; package Fake14; sub new { 'old' } sub foo { 'old' } sub bar { 'old' } sub baz { 'old' } sub DATA { 'old' } our $DATA = 'old'; our %DATA = (old => 'old'); our @DATA = ('old'); our $UHG = 'old'; sub reader { 'old' } sub writer { 'old' } sub rsub { 'old' } sub nsub { 'old' } EOT my $check_initial = sub { is(Fake14->$_, 'old', "$_ is not overridden") for qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/; ok(eval <<' EOT', "Ran glob checks") || diag "Error: $@"; is($Fake14::UHG, 'old', 'old package scalar (UHG)'); is($Fake14::DATA, 'old', "Old package scalar (DATA)"); is(\%Fake14::DATA, {old => 'old'}, "Old package hash"); is(\@Fake14::DATA, ['old'], "Old package array"); 1; EOT }; $check_initial->(); my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake14', override_constructor => [new => 'hash'], override => [ foo => { val => 'foo' }, bar => 'rw', baz => { is => 'rw', field => '_baz' }, -DATA => { my => 'data' }, -DATA => [ qw/my data/ ], -DATA => sub { 'my data' }, -DATA => \"data", ], ); # Do some outside constructor to test both paths $one->override( reader => 'ro', writer => 'wo', -UHG => \"UHG", rsub => { val => sub { 'rsub' } }, # Without $x the compiler gets smart and makes it always return the # same reference. nsub => sub { my $x = ''; sub { $x . 'nsub' } }, ); like( dies { $one->override(nuthin => sub { 'nope' }) }, qr/Cannot override '&Fake14::nuthin', symbol is not already defined/, "Cannot override a CODE symbol that is not defined" ); like( dies { $one->override(-nuthin2 => \'nope') }, qr/Cannot override '\$Fake14::nuthin2', symbol is not already defined/, "Cannot override a SCALAR symbol that is not defined" ); my $i = Fake14->new(); is($i->foo, 'foo', "by value"); is($i->bar, undef, "Accessor not set"); is($i->bar('bar'), 'bar', "Accessor setting"); is($i->bar, 'bar', "Accessor was set"); is($i->baz, undef, "no value yet"); ok(!$i->{_bar}, "hash element is empty"); is($i->baz('baz'), 'baz', "setting"); is($i->{_baz}, 'baz', "set field"); is($i->baz, 'baz', "got value"); is($i->reader, undef, "No value for reader"); is($i->reader('oops'), undef, "No value set"); is($i->reader, undef, "Still No value for reader"); is($i->{reader}, undef, 'element is empty'); $i->{reader} = 'yay'; is($i->{reader}, 'yay', 'element is set'); is($i->{writer}, undef, "no value yet"); $i->writer; is($i->{writer}, undef, "Set to undef"); is($i->writer('xxx'), 'xxx', "Adding value"); is($i->{writer}, 'xxx', "was set"); is($i->writer, undef, "writer always writes"); is($i->{writer}, undef, "Set to undef"); is($i->rsub, $i->rsub, "rsub always returns the same ref"); is($i->rsub->(), 'rsub', "ran rsub"); ok($i->nsub != $i->nsub, "nsub returns a new ref each time"); is($i->nsub->(), 'nsub', "ran nsub"); is($i->DATA, 'my data', "direct sub assignment"); # These need to be eval'd so the parser does not shortcut the glob references ok(eval <<' EOT', "Ran glob checks") || diag "Error: $@"; is($Fake14::UHG, 'UHG', "Set package scalar (UHG)"); is($Fake14::DATA, 'data', "Set package scalar (DATA)"); is(\%Fake14::DATA, { my => 'data' }, "Set package hash"); is(\@Fake14::DATA, [ my => 'data' ], "Set package array"); 1; EOT is($one->current($_), $i->can($_), "current works for sub $_") for qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/; is(${$one->current('$UHG')}, 'UHG', 'got current $UHG'); is(${$one->current('$DATA')}, 'data', 'got current $DATA'); is($one->current('&DATA'), $i->can('DATA'), 'got current &DATA'); is($one->current('@DATA'), [qw/my data/], 'got current @DATA'); is($one->current('%DATA'), {my => 'data'}, 'got current %DATA'); is($one->orig($_)->(), 'old', "got original $_") for qw/new foo bar baz DATA reader writer rsub nsub/; is(${$one->orig('$UHG')}, 'old', 'old package scalar (UHG)'); is(${$one->orig('$DATA')}, 'old', "Old package scalar (DATA)"); is($one->orig('%DATA'), {old => 'old'}, "Old package hash"); is($one->orig('@DATA'), ['old'], "Old package array"); like( dies { $one->orig('not_mocked') }, qr/Symbol '¬_mocked' is not mocked/, "Cannot get original for something not mocked" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new(class => 'AnotherFake14')->orig('no_mocks') }, qr/No symbols have been mocked yet/, "Cannot get original when nothing is mocked" ); $one = undef; $check_initial->(); }; subtest restore_reset => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake15' ); $one->add(foo => sub { 'a' }); $one->add(-foo => \'a'); $one->add(-foo => ['a']); $one->override(foo => sub { 'b' }); $one->override(foo => sub { 'c' }); $one->override(foo => sub { 'd' }); $one->override(foo => sub { 'e' }); is(Fake15->foo, 'e', "latest override"); is(eval '$Fake15::foo', 'a', "scalar override remains"); is(eval '\@Fake15::foo', ['a'], "array override remains"); $one->restore('foo'); is(Fake15->foo, 'd', "second latest override"); is(eval '$Fake15::foo', 'a', "scalar override remains"); is(eval '\@Fake15::foo', ['a'], "array override remains"); $one->restore('foo'); is(Fake15->foo, 'c', "second latest override"); is(eval '$Fake15::foo', 'a', "scalar override remains"); is(eval '\@Fake15::foo', ['a'], "array override remains"); $one->reset('foo'); ok(!Fake15->can('foo'), "no more override"); is(eval '$Fake15::foo', 'a', "scalar override remains"); is(eval '\@Fake15::foo', ['a'], "array override remains"); $one->add(foo => sub { 'a' }); is(Fake15->foo, 'a', "override"); $one->reset_all; ok(!Fake15->can('foo'), "no more override"); is(eval '$Fake15::foo', undef, "scalar override removed"); no strict 'refs'; ok(!*{'Fake15::foo'}{ARRAY}, "array override removed"); }; subtest exceptions => sub { my $one = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake16' ); like( dies { $one->new(class => 'AnotherFake16') }, qr/Called new\(\) on a blessed instance, did you mean to call \$control->class->new\(\)\?/, "Cannot call new on a blessed instance" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new(class => 'AnotherFake16', foo => 1) }, qr/'foo' is not a valid constructor argument for Test2::Mock/, "Validate constructor args" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new(class => 'AnotherFake16', override_constructor => ['xxx', 'xxx']) }, qr/'xxx' is not a known constructor type/, "Invalid constructor type" ); like( dies { Test2::Mock->new(class => 'AnotherFake16', add_constructor => ['xxx', 'xxx']) }, qr/'xxx' is not a known constructor type/, "Invalid constructor type" ); like( dies { $one->orig('foo') }, qr/No symbols have been mocked yet/, "No symbols are mocked yet" ); like( dies { $one->restore('foo') }, qr/No symbols are mocked/, "No symbols yet!" ); like( dies { $one->reset('foo') }, qr/No symbols are mocked/, "No symbols yet!" ); $one->add(xxx => sub { 1 }); like( dies { $one->orig('foo') }, qr/Symbol '&foo' is not mocked/, "did not mock foo" ); like( dies { $one->restore('foo') }, qr/Symbol '&foo' is not mocked/, "did not mock foo" ); like( dies { $one->reset('foo') }, qr/Symbol '&foo' is not mocked/, "did not mock foo" ); my $bare = Test2::Mock->new( class => 'Fake17', autoload => 1, ); like( dies { $bare->override( missing => 1 ) }, qr/Cannot override '&Fake17::missing', symbol is not already defined/, "Cannot override a method that is not defined in an AUTOLOAD mock" ); }; subtest override_inherited_method => sub { package ABC; our @ISA = 'DEF'; package DEF; sub foo { 'foo' }; package main; is(ABC->foo, 'foo', "Original"); my $mock = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'ABC'); $mock->override('foo' => sub { 'bar' }); is(ABC->foo, 'bar', "Overrode method from base class"); $mock->reset('foo'); $mock->add('foo' => sub { 'baz' }); is(ABC->foo, 'baz', "Added method"); }; subtest set => sub { package My::Set; sub foo { 'foo' } package main; my $mock = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'My::Set'); $mock->set(foo => sub { 'FOO' }); $mock->set(bar => sub { 'BAR' }); is(My::Set->foo, 'FOO', "overrode 'foo'"); is(My::Set->bar, 'BAR', "injected 'bar'"); }; subtest tracking => sub { package My::Track; sub foo { 'foo' } package main; my $mock = Test2::Mock->new(class => 'My::Track', track => 1); my $FOO = sub { 'FOO' }; my $BAR = sub { 'BAR' }; $mock->set(foo => $FOO); $mock->set(bar => $BAR); is(My::Track->foo(1,2), 'FOO', "overrode 'foo'"); is(My::Track->bar(3,4), 'BAR', "injected 'bar'"); is( $mock->sub_tracking, { foo => [{sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 1, 2]}], bar => [{sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]}], }, "Tracked both initial calls (sub)" ); is( $mock->call_tracking, [ {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 1, 2]}, {sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]} ], "Tracked both initial calls (call)" ); My::Track->foo(5, 6); is( $mock->sub_tracking, { foo => [ {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 1, 2]}, {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 5, 6]}, ], bar => [{sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]}], }, "Tracked new call (sub)" ); is( $mock->call_tracking, [ {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 1, 2]}, {sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]}, {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 5, 6]}, ], "Tracked new call (call)" ); $mock->clear_sub_tracking('xxx', 'foo'); My::Track->foo(7, 8); is( $mock->sub_tracking, { foo => [{sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 7, 8]}], bar => [{sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]}], }, "Cleared specific sub, Tracked new call (sub)" ); is( $mock->call_tracking, [ {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 1, 2]}, {sub_name => 'bar', sub_ref => exact_ref($BAR), args => ['My::Track', 3, 4]}, {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 5, 6]}, {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 7, 8]}, ], "did not clear call tracking" ); $mock->clear_sub_tracking(); is($mock->sub_tracking, {}, "Cleared all sub tracking"); $mock->clear_call_tracking(); is($mock->call_tracking, [], "Cleared call tracking"); My::Track->foo(9, 10); is( $mock->sub_tracking, { foo => [{sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 9, 10]}], }, "Tracked new call (sub)" ); is( $mock->call_tracking, [ {sub_name => 'foo', sub_ref => exact_ref($FOO), args => ['My::Track', 9, 10]}, ], "Tracked new call (call)" ); $mock = undef; is(My::Track->foo, 'foo', "Original restored"); }; subtest prototypes => sub { sub foo_022 ($) { $_[0] } # Because this is test 22. # NOTE that we make use of the prototype in the following code. is(foo_022 'bar', 'bar', 'foo_022 returns its argument'); my $one = Test2::Mock->new(class => __PACKAGE__); my $warning = warnings { $one->before(foo_022 => sub ($) { warn "Before foo_022( '$_[0]' )" }); is(foo_022 'baz', 'baz', 'foo_022 still returns its argument'); }; is( $warning, [ match qr/\ABefore foo_022\( 'baz' \)/, ], 'Got warning from before() hook' ); $one->reset_all(); $warning = warnings { is(foo_022 'foo', 'foo', 'foo_022 persists in returning its argument'); }; is $warning, [], 'No warnings after resetting mock'; $warning = warnings { $one->after(foo_022 => sub ($) { warn "After foo_022( '$_[0]' )" }); is(foo_022 'plugh', 'plugh', 'foo_022 steadfastly returns its argument'); }; is( $warning, [ match qr/\AAfter foo_022\( 'plugh' \)/, ], 'Got warning from after() hook' ); $one->reset_all(); $warning = warnings { $one->around(foo_022 => sub ($) { return $_[0]->($_[1]) x 2 }); is foo_022 '42', '4242', 'With around(), foo_022 now doubles its return'; }; is($warning, [], 'around() produced no warnings'); }; done_testing;