# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' ######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure. # Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print . # (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.) BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..183\n"; } END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;} use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_variable ); $loaded = 1; print "ok 1\n"; $count=2; use vars qw( $DEBUG ); sub debug { print "\t>>>",@_ if $DEBUG } ######################### End of black magic. $cmd = "print"; $neg = 0; while (defined($str = )) { chomp $str; if ($str =~ s/\A# USING://) { $neg = 0; $cmd = $str; next; } elsif ($str =~ /\A# TH[EI]SE? SHOULD FAIL/) { $neg = 1; next; } elsif (!$str || $str =~ /\A#/) { $neg = 0; next } $str =~ s/\\n/\n/g; debug "\tUsing: $cmd\n"; debug "\t on: [$str]\n"; my @res; $var = eval "\@res = $cmd"; debug "\t list got: [" . join("|",map {defined $_ ? $_ : ''} @res) . "]\n"; debug "\t list left: [$str]\n"; print "not " if (substr($str,pos($str)||0,1) eq ';')==$neg; print "ok ", $count++; print " ($@)" if $@ && $DEBUG; print "\n"; pos $str = 0; $var = eval $cmd; $var = "" unless defined $var; debug "\t scalar got: [$var]\n"; debug "\t scalar left: [$str]\n"; print "not " if ($str =~ '\A;')==$neg; print "ok ", $count++; print " ($@)" if $@ && $DEBUG; print "\n"; } __DATA__ # USING: extract_variable($str); # THESE SHOULD FAIL $a->; $a (1..3) { print $a }; # USING: extract_variable($str); $::obj; $obj->nextval; *var; *$var; *{var}; *{$var}; *var{cat}; \&var; \&mod::var; \&mod'var; $a; $_; $a[1]; $_[1]; $a{cat}; $_{cat}; $a->[1]; $a->{"cat"}[1]; @$listref; @{$listref}; $obj->nextval; $obj->_nextval; $obj->next_val_; @{$obj->nextval}; @{$obj->nextval($cat,$dog)->{new}}; @{$obj->nextval($cat?$dog:$fish)->{new}}; @{$obj->nextval(cat()?$dog:$fish)->{new}}; $ a {'cat'}; $a::b::c{d}->{$e->()}; $a'b'c'd{e}->{$e->()}; $a'b::c'd{e}->{$e->()}; $#_; $#array; $#{array}; $var[$#var]; $1; $11; $&; $`; $'; $+; $*; $.; $/; $|; $,; $"; $;; $#; $%; $=; $-; $~; $^; $:; $^L; $^A; $?; $!; $^E; $@; $$; $<; $>; $(; $); $[; $]; $^C; $^D; $^F; $^H; $^I; $^M; $^O; $^P; $^R; $^S; $^T; $^V; $^W; ${^WARNING_BITS}; ${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}; $^X; # THESE SHOULD FAIL $a->; @{$; $ a :: b :: c $ a ' b ' c # USING: extract_variable($str,'=*'); ========$a;