#!perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; # We need '../../lib' as well as '../lib' because parts of Config are # delay-loaded, after we've chdir()'ed into $testdir. @INC = ('../lib', '../../lib'); # XXX this could be further munged to enable some parts on other # platforms require './test.pl'; } BEGIN { unless ($^O =~ /^MSWin/) { skip_all 'windows specific test'; } } use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Config; use Cwd; use strict; $| = 1; my $cwd = cwd(); my $testdir = "t e s t"; my $exename = "showav"; my $plxname = "showargv"; rmtree($testdir); mkdir($testdir); die "Could not create '$testdir':$!" unless -d $testdir; open(my $F, ">$testdir/$exename.c") or die "Can't create $testdir/$exename.c: $!"; print $F <<'EOT'; #include int main(int ac, char **av) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) printf("[%s]", av[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; } EOT open($F, ">$testdir/$plxname.bat") or die "Can't create $testdir/$plxname.bat: $!"; print $F <<'EOT'; @rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT EOT print $F <nul goto endofperl @rem '; #!perl #line 15 print "[$_]" for ($0, @ARGV); print "\n"; __END__ :endofperl EOT close $F; # build the executable chdir($testdir); END { chdir($cwd) && rmtree("$cwd/$testdir") if -d "$cwd/$testdir"; unlink "cmd.exe"; } if (open(my $EIN, "$cwd/win32/${exename}_exe.uu")) { note "Unpacking $exename.exe"; my $e; { local $/; $e = unpack "u", <$EIN>; close $EIN; } open my $EOUT, ">$exename.exe" or die "Can't write $exename.exe: $!"; binmode $EOUT; print $EOUT $e; close $EOUT; } else { my $minus_o = ''; if ($Config{cc} =~ /\bgcc/i) { $minus_o = "-o $exename.exe"; } note "Compiling $exename.c"; note "$Config{cc} $Config{ccflags} $exename.c"; if (system("$Config{cc} $Config{ccflags} $minus_o $exename.c >log 2>&1") != 0 || !-f "$exename.exe") { note "Could not compile $exename.c, status $?"; note "Where is your C compiler?"; if (open(LOG,') { note $_; } } else { warn "Cannot open log (in $testdir):$!"; } skip_all "can't build test executable"; } } copy("$plxname.bat","$plxname.cmd"); chdir($cwd); unless (-x "$testdir/$exename.exe") { note "Could not build $exename.exe"; skip_all "can't build test executable"; } # test we only look for cmd.exe in the standard place delete $ENV{PERLSHELL}; copy("$testdir/$exename.exe", "$testdir/cmd.exe") or die $!; copy("$testdir/$exename.exe", "cmd.exe") or die $!; $ENV{PATH} = qq("$testdir";$ENV{PATH}); open my $T, "$^X -I../lib -w win32/system_tests |" or die "Can't spawn win32/system_tests: $!"; my $expect; my $comment = ""; while (<$T>) { chomp; if (s/^1\.\.//) { plan $_; } elsif (/^#+\s(.*)$/) { $comment = $1; } elsif (/^/[]/; $expect =~ s/\Q$plxname\E]/$plxname.bat]/; } else { if ($expect ne $_) { note $comment if $comment; note "want: $expect"; note "got : $_"; } ok($expect eq $_, $comment // ''); } } close $T;