/* * PROJECT: ReactOS NetSh * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Network Shell command interpreter * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2023 Eric Kohl */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BOOL InterpretCommand( _In_ LPWSTR *argv, _In_ DWORD dwArgCount) { PCONTEXT_ENTRY pContext, pSubContext; PCOMMAND_ENTRY pCommand; PCOMMAND_GROUP pGroup; BOOL bDone = FALSE; DWORD dwHelpLevel = 0; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /* If no args provided */ if (dwArgCount == 0) return TRUE; if (pCurrentContext == NULL) { DPRINT1("InterpretCmd: invalid context %p\n", pCurrentContext); return FALSE; } if ((_wcsicmp(argv[dwArgCount - 1], L"?") == 0) || (_wcsicmp(argv[dwArgCount - 1], L"help") == 0)) { dwHelpLevel = dwArgCount - 1; } pContext = pCurrentContext; while (TRUE) { pCommand = pContext->pCommandListHead; while (pCommand != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(argv[0], pCommand->pwszCmdToken) == 0) { if (dwHelpLevel == 1) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, pCommand->dwCmdHlpToken); return TRUE; } else { dwError = pCommand->pfnCmdHandler(NULL, argv, 0, dwArgCount, 0, NULL, &bDone); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ConPrintf(StdOut, L"Error: %lu\n\n"); ConResPrintf(StdOut, pCommand->dwCmdHlpToken); } return !bDone; } } pCommand = pCommand->pNext; } pGroup = pContext->pGroupListHead; while (pGroup != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(argv[0], pGroup->pwszCmdGroupToken) == 0) { if (dwHelpLevel == 1) { HelpGroup(pGroup); return TRUE; } pCommand = pGroup->pCommandListHead; while (pCommand != NULL) { if ((dwArgCount > 1) && (_wcsicmp(argv[1], pCommand->pwszCmdToken) == 0)) { if (dwHelpLevel == 2) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, pCommand->dwCmdHlpToken); return TRUE; } else { dwError = pCommand->pfnCmdHandler(NULL, argv, 1, dwArgCount, 0, NULL, &bDone); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ConPrintf(StdOut, L"Error: %lu\n\n"); ConResPrintf(StdOut, pCommand->dwCmdHlpToken); return TRUE; } return !bDone; } } pCommand = pCommand->pNext; } HelpGroup(pGroup); return TRUE; } pGroup = pGroup->pNext; } if (pContext == pCurrentContext) { pSubContext = pContext->pSubContextHead; while (pSubContext != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(argv[0], pSubContext->pszContextName) == 0) { pCurrentContext = pSubContext; return TRUE; } pSubContext = pSubContext->pNext; } } if (pContext == pRootContext) break; pContext = pContext->pParentContext; } ConResPrintf(StdErr, IDS_INVALID_COMMAND, argv[0]); return TRUE; } /* * InterpretScript(char *line): * The main function used for when reading commands from scripts. */ BOOL InterpretScript( _In_ LPWSTR pszInputLine) { LPWSTR args_vector[MAX_ARGS_COUNT]; DWORD dwArgCount = 0; BOOL bWhiteSpace = TRUE; LPWSTR ptr; memset(args_vector, 0, sizeof(args_vector)); ptr = pszInputLine; while (*ptr != 0) { if (iswspace(*ptr) || *ptr == L'\n') { *ptr = 0; bWhiteSpace = TRUE; } else { if ((bWhiteSpace != FALSE) && (dwArgCount < MAX_ARGS_COUNT)) { args_vector[dwArgCount] = ptr; dwArgCount++; } bWhiteSpace = FALSE; } ptr++; } /* sends the string to find the command */ return InterpretCommand(args_vector, dwArgCount); } VOID InterpretInteractive(VOID) { WCHAR input_line[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; LPWSTR args_vector[MAX_ARGS_COUNT]; DWORD dwArgCount = 0; BOOL bWhiteSpace = TRUE; BOOL bRun = TRUE; LPWSTR ptr; while (bRun != FALSE) { dwArgCount = 0; memset(args_vector, 0, sizeof(args_vector)); /* Shown just before the input where the user places commands */ // ConResPuts(StdOut, IDS_APP_PROMPT); ConPuts(StdOut, L"netsh"); if (pCurrentContext != pRootContext) { ConPuts(StdOut, L" "); ConPuts(StdOut, pCurrentContext->pszContextName); } ConPuts(StdOut, L">"); /* Get input from the user. */ fgetws(input_line, MAX_STRING_SIZE, stdin); ptr = input_line; while (*ptr != 0) { if (iswspace(*ptr) || *ptr == L'\n') { *ptr = 0; bWhiteSpace = TRUE; } else { if ((bWhiteSpace != FALSE) && (dwArgCount < MAX_ARGS_COUNT)) { args_vector[dwArgCount] = ptr; dwArgCount++; } bWhiteSpace = FALSE; } ptr++; } /* Send the string to find the command */ bRun = InterpretCommand(args_vector, dwArgCount); } }