/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS UEFI Boot Library * FILE: boot/environ/lib/io/display/efi/textcons.c * PURPOSE: Boot Library EFI Text Console Routines * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "bl.h" /* DATA VARIABLES ************************************************************/ /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BL_COLOR ConsoleEfiTextGetColorForeground ( _In_ UINT32 Attributes ) { /* Read the foreground color attribute and convert to CGA color index */ switch (Attributes & 0x0F) { case EFI_BLACK: return Black; case EFI_BLUE: return Blue; case EFI_GREEN: return Green; case EFI_RED: return Red; case EFI_CYAN: return Cyan; case EFI_MAGENTA: return Magenta; case EFI_BROWN: return Brown; case EFI_LIGHTGRAY: return LtGray; case EFI_DARKGRAY: return Gray; case EFI_LIGHTBLUE: return LtBlue; case EFI_LIGHTGREEN: return LtGreen; case EFI_LIGHTCYAN: return LtCyan; case EFI_LIGHTRED: return LtRed; case EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA: return LtMagenta; case EFI_YELLOW: return Yellow; case EFI_WHITE: default: return White; } } BL_COLOR ConsoleEfiTextGetColorBackground ( _In_ UINT32 Attributes ) { /* Read the background color attribute and convert to CGA color index */ switch (Attributes & 0xF0) { case EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA: return Magenta; case EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN: return Brown; case EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY: return White; case EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK: default: return Black; case EFI_BACKGROUND_RED: return Red; case EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN: return Green; case EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN: return Cyan; case EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE: return Blue; } } ULONG ConsoleEfiTextGetEfiColorBackground ( _In_ BL_COLOR Color ) { /* Convert the CGA color index into an EFI background attribute */ switch (Color) { case Blue: case LtBlue: return EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE; case Green: case LtGreen: return EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN; case Cyan: case LtCyan: return EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN; case Red: case LtRed: return EFI_BACKGROUND_RED; case Magenta: case LtMagenta: return EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA; case Brown: case Yellow: return EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN; case LtGray: case White: return EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY; case Black: case Gray: default: return EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK; } } ULONG ConsoleEfiTextGetEfiColorForeground ( _In_ BL_COLOR Color ) { /* Convert the CGA color index into an EFI foreground attribute */ switch (Color) { case Black: return EFI_BLACK; case Blue: return EFI_BLUE; case Green: return EFI_GREEN; case Cyan: return EFI_CYAN; case Red: return EFI_RED; case Magenta: return EFI_MAGENTA; case Brown: return EFI_BROWN; case LtGray: return EFI_LIGHTGRAY; case Gray: return EFI_DARKGRAY; case LtBlue: return EFI_LIGHTBLUE; case LtGreen: return EFI_LIGHTGREEN; case LtCyan: return EFI_LIGHTCYAN; case LtRed: return EFI_LIGHTRED; case LtMagenta: return EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA; case Yellow: return EFI_YELLOW; case White: default: return EFI_WHITE; } } ULONG ConsoleEfiTextGetAttribute ( BL_COLOR BgColor, BL_COLOR FgColor ) { /* Convert each part and OR into a single attribute */ return ConsoleEfiTextGetEfiColorBackground(BgColor) | ConsoleEfiTextGetEfiColorForeground(FgColor); } VOID ConsoleEfiTextGetStateFromMode ( _In_ EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE *Mode, _Out_ PBL_DISPLAY_STATE State ) { ULONG TextWidth, TextHeight; /* Get all the EFI data and convert it into our own structure */ BlDisplayGetTextCellResolution(&TextWidth, &TextHeight); State->FgColor = ConsoleEfiTextGetColorForeground(Mode->Attribute); State->BgColor = ConsoleEfiTextGetColorBackground(Mode->Attribute); State->XPos = Mode->CursorColumn * TextWidth; State->YPos = Mode->CursorRow * TextHeight; State->CursorVisible = Mode->CursorVisible != FALSE; } NTSTATUS ConsoleFirmwareTextSetState ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE TextConsole, _In_ UCHAR Mask, _In_ PBL_DISPLAY_STATE State ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG FgColor, BgColor, Attribute, XPos, YPos, TextHeight, TextWidth; BOOLEAN Visible; /* Check if foreground state is being set */ if (Mask & 1) { /* Check if there's a difference from current */ FgColor = State->FgColor; if (TextConsole->State.FgColor != FgColor) { /* Ignore invalid color */ if (FgColor > White) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Convert from NT/CGA format to EFI, and then set the attribute */ Attribute = ConsoleEfiTextGetAttribute(TextConsole->State.BgColor, FgColor); Status = EfiConOutSetAttribute(TextConsole->Protocol, Attribute); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Update cached state */ TextConsole->State.FgColor = FgColor; } } /* Check if background state is being set */ if (Mask & 2) { /* Check if there's a difference from current */ BgColor = State->BgColor; if (TextConsole->State.BgColor != BgColor) { /* Ignore invalid color */ if (BgColor > White) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Convert from NT/CGA format to EFI, and then set the attribute */ Attribute = ConsoleEfiTextGetAttribute(BgColor, TextConsole->State.FgColor); Status = EfiConOutSetAttribute(TextConsole->Protocol, Attribute); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Update cached state */ TextConsole->State.BgColor = BgColor; } } /* Check if position state is being set */ if (Mask & 4) { /* Check if there's a difference from current */ XPos = State->XPos; YPos = State->YPos; if ((TextConsole->State.XPos != XPos) || (TextConsole->State.YPos != YPos)) { /* Set the new cursor position */ BlDisplayGetTextCellResolution(&TextWidth, &TextHeight); Status = EfiConOutSetCursorPosition(TextConsole->Protocol, XPos/ TextWidth, YPos / TextHeight); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Update cached state */ TextConsole->State.XPos = XPos; TextConsole->State.YPos = YPos; } } /* Check if cursor state is being set */ if (Mask & 8) { /* Check if there's a difference from current */ Visible = State->CursorVisible; if (TextConsole->State.CursorVisible != Visible) { /* Ignore invalid state */ if (Visible >= 3) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Set the new cursor state */ Status = EfiConOutEnableCursor(TextConsole->Protocol, Visible); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Update cached status */ TextConsole->State.CursorVisible = Visible; } } /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ConsoleEfiTextFindModeFromAllowed ( _In_ SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE *TextProtocol, _In_ PBL_DISPLAY_MODE SupportedModes, _In_ ULONG MaxIndex, _Out_ PULONG SupportedMode ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE ModeInfo; ULONG MaxMode, MaxQueriedMode, Mode, i, MatchingMode; UINTN HRes, VRes; ULONGLONG ModeListSize; PBL_DISPLAY_MODE ModeEntry, ModeList, SupportedModeEntry; NTSTATUS Status; /* Read information on the current mode */ EfiConOutReadCurrentMode(TextProtocol, &ModeInfo); /* Figure out the max mode, and how many modes we'll have to read */ MaxMode = ModeInfo.MaxMode; ModeListSize = sizeof(*ModeEntry) * ModeInfo.MaxMode; if (ModeListSize > MAXULONG) { return STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW; } /* Allocate a list for all the supported EFI modes */ ModeList = BlMmAllocateHeap(ModeListSize); if (!ModeList) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Scan all the EFI modes */ EfiPrintf(L"Scanning through %d modes\r\n", MaxMode); for (MaxQueriedMode = 0, Mode = 0; Mode < MaxMode; Mode++) { /* Query information on this mode */ ModeEntry = &ModeList[MaxQueriedMode]; if (NT_SUCCESS(EfiConOutQueryMode(TextProtocol, Mode, &HRes, &VRes))) { /* This mode was successfully queried. Save the data */ EfiPrintf(L"EFI Firmware Supported Mode %d is H: %d V: %d\r\n", Mode, HRes, VRes); ModeEntry->HRes = HRes; ModeEntry->VRes = VRes; ModeEntry->HRes2 = HRes; MaxQueriedMode = Mode + 1; } } /* Loop all the supported mode entries */ for (i = 0; i < MaxIndex; i++) { /* Loop all the UEFI queried modes */ SupportedModeEntry = &SupportedModes[i]; for (MatchingMode = 0; MatchingMode < MaxQueriedMode; MatchingMode++) { /* Check if the UEFI mode is compatible with our supported mode */ ModeEntry = &ModeList[MatchingMode]; EfiPrintf(L"H1: %d V1: %d - H2: %d - V2: %d\r\n", ModeEntry->HRes, ModeEntry->VRes, SupportedModeEntry->HRes, SupportedModeEntry->VRes); if ((ModeEntry->HRes == SupportedModeEntry->HRes) && (ModeEntry->VRes == SupportedModeEntry->VRes)) { /* Yep -- free the mode list and return this mode */ BlMmFreeHeap(ModeList); *SupportedMode = MatchingMode; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } /* We can't do anything -- there are no matching modes */ Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; BlMmFreeHeap(ModeList); return Status; } VOID ConsoleFirmwareTextClose ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE TextConsole ) { ULONG Mode; BL_DISPLAY_STATE DisplayState; /* Read the original mode, and see if it's different than the one now */ Mode = TextConsole->OldMode.Mode; if (Mode != TextConsole->Mode) { /* Restore to the original mode */ EfiConOutSetMode(TextConsole->Protocol, Mode); } /* Read the EFI settings for the original mode */ ConsoleEfiTextGetStateFromMode(&TextConsole->OldMode, &DisplayState); /* Set the original settings */ ConsoleFirmwareTextSetState(TextConsole, 0xF, &DisplayState); } NTSTATUS ConsoleFirmwareTextOpen ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE TextConsole ) { BL_DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE CurrentMode, NewMode; UINTN HRes, VRes; ULONG Mode; NTSTATUS Status; /* Read the current mode and its settings */ EfiConOutReadCurrentMode(EfiConOut, &CurrentMode); Status = EfiConOutQueryMode(EfiConOut, CurrentMode.Mode, &HRes, &VRes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Save the current mode and its settings */ NewMode = CurrentMode; DisplayMode.VRes = VRes; DisplayMode.HRes = HRes; DisplayMode.HRes2 = HRes; /* Check if the current mode is compatible with one of our modes */ if (!ConsolepFindResolution(&DisplayMode, ConsoleTextResolutionList, 1)) { /* It isn't -- find a matching EFI mode for what we need */ EfiPrintf(L"In incorrect mode, scanning for right one\r\n"); Status = ConsoleEfiTextFindModeFromAllowed(EfiConOut, ConsoleTextResolutionList, 1, &Mode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"Failed to find mode: %lx\r\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the new EFI mode */ EfiPrintf(L"Setting new mode: %d\r\n", Mode); Status = EfiConOutSetMode(EfiConOut, Mode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Read the current mode and its settings */ EfiConOutReadCurrentMode(EfiConOut, &NewMode); Status = EfiConOutQueryMode(EfiConOut, Mode, &HRes, &VRes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiConOutSetMode(EfiConOut, CurrentMode.Mode); return Status; } /* Save the current mode and its settings */ DisplayMode.HRes = HRes; DisplayMode.VRes = VRes; DisplayMode.HRes2 = HRes; } /* Capture all the current settings */ ConsoleEfiTextGetStateFromMode(&NewMode, &TextConsole->State); TextConsole->Mode = NewMode.Mode; TextConsole->DisplayMode = DisplayMode; TextConsole->Protocol = EfiConOut; TextConsole->OldMode = CurrentMode; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ConsoleInputBaseEraseBuffer ( _In_ PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE Console, _In_opt_ PULONG FillValue ) { ULONG ValueToFill; PULONG i; /* Check if we should fill with a particular value */ if (FillValue) { /* Use it */ ValueToFill = *FillValue; } else { /* Otherwise, use default */ ValueToFill = 0x10020; } /* Set the input buffer to its last location */ Console->DataStart = Console->DataEnd; /* Fill the buffer with the value */ for (i = Console->Buffer; i < Console->EndBuffer; i++) { *i = ValueToFill; } /* All done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ConsoleInputLocalEraseBuffer ( _In_ PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE Console, _In_opt_ PULONG FillValue ) { NTSTATUS Status, EfiStatus; /* Erase the software buffer */ Status = ConsoleInputBaseEraseBuffer(Console, FillValue); /* Reset the hardware console */ EfiStatus = EfiConInEx ? EfiConInExReset() : EfiConInReset(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(EfiStatus)) { /* Normalize the failure code */ EfiStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Check if software reset worked */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Then return the firmware code */ Status = EfiStatus; } /* All done */ return Status; } NTSTATUS ConsoleFirmwareTextClear ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE Console, _In_ BOOLEAN LineOnly ) { BL_ARCH_MODE OldMode; EFI_STATUS EfiStatus; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG i, Column, Row, TextWidth, TextHeight; /* Get the text resolution */ BlDisplayGetTextCellResolution(&TextWidth, &TextHeight); /* Are we just clearing a line? */ if (LineOnly) { /* Get the current column and row */ Column = Console->State.XPos / TextWidth; Row = Console->State.YPos / TextHeight; /* Loop over every remaining character */ for (i = 0; i < Console->DisplayMode.HRes - Column - 1; i++) { /* Write a space on top of it */ Status = EfiConOutOutputString(Console->Protocol, L" "); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } } /* And reset the cursor back at the initial position */ Status = EfiConOutSetCursorPosition(Console->Protocol, Column, Row); } else { /* Are we in protected mode? */ OldMode = CurrentExecutionContext->Mode; if (OldMode != BlRealMode) { /* FIXME: Not yet implemented */ return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Clear the screen */ EfiStatus = Console->Protocol->ClearScreen(Console->Protocol); /* Switch back to protected mode if we came from there */ if (OldMode != BlRealMode) { BlpArchSwitchContext(OldMode); } /* Conver to NT status -- did that work? */ Status = EfiGetNtStatusCode(EfiStatus); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Reset current positions */ Console->State.XPos = 0; Console->State.YPos = 0; } } /* All done */ return Status; }