/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS UEFI Boot Library * FILE: boot/environ/lib/io/display/emscons.c * PURPOSE: Boot Library Remote Console Routines * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "bl.h" /* DATA VARIABLES ************************************************************/ /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS ConsoleRemoteConstruct ( _In_ PBL_REMOTE_CONSOLE RemoteConsole ) { #ifdef BL_EMS_SUPPORT #error Implement me #else /* We don't support EMS for now */ return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #endif } NTSTATUS ConsoleCreateRemoteConsole ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE* TextConsole ) { PBL_REMOTE_CONSOLE RemoteConsole; NTSTATUS Status; /* Allocate the remote console */ RemoteConsole = BlMmAllocateHeap(sizeof(*RemoteConsole)); if (!RemoteConsole) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Construct it */ Status = ConsoleRemoteConstruct(RemoteConsole); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Failed to construct it, delete it */ BlMmFreeHeap(RemoteConsole); return Status; } /* Save the global pointer and return a pointer to the text console */ DspRemoteInputConsole = RemoteConsole; *TextConsole = &RemoteConsole->TextConsole; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }