/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Local Spooler * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Functions for managing print jobs * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2017 Colin Finck (colin@reactos.org) */ #include "precomp.h" // Global Variables SKIPLIST GlobalJobList; // Local Variables static DWORD _dwLastJobID; // Local Constants static DWORD dwJobInfo1Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pPrinterName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pMachineName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pUserName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pDocument), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pDatatype), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_1W, pStatus), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwJobInfo2Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pPrinterName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pMachineName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pUserName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pDocument), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pNotifyName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pDatatype), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pPrintProcessor), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pParameters), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pDriverName), FIELD_OFFSET(JOB_INFO_2W, pStatus), MAXDWORD }; /** * @name _EqualStrings * * Returns whether two strings are equal. * Unlike wcscmp, this function also works with NULL strings. * * @param pwszA * First string to compare. * * @param pwszB * Second string to compare. * * @return * TRUE if the strings are equal, FALSE if they differ. */ static __inline BOOL _EqualStrings(PCWSTR pwszA, PCWSTR pwszB) { if (!pwszA && !pwszB) return TRUE; if (pwszA && !pwszB) return FALSE; if (!pwszA && pwszB) return FALSE; return (wcscmp(pwszA, pwszB) == 0); } static BOOL _GetNextJobID(PDWORD dwJobID) { ++_dwLastJobID; while (LookupElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, &_dwLastJobID, NULL)) { // This ID is already taken. Try the next one. ++_dwLastJobID; } if (!IS_VALID_JOB_ID(_dwLastJobID)) { ERR("Job ID %lu isn't valid!\n", _dwLastJobID); return FALSE; } *dwJobID = _dwLastJobID; return TRUE; } /** * @name _GlobalJobListCompareRoutine * * SKIPLIST_COMPARE_ROUTINE for the Global Job List. * We need the Global Job List to check whether a Job ID is already in use. Consequently, this list is sorted by ID. */ static int WINAPI _GlobalJobListCompareRoutine(PVOID FirstStruct, PVOID SecondStruct) { PLOCAL_JOB A = (PLOCAL_JOB)FirstStruct; PLOCAL_JOB B = (PLOCAL_JOB)SecondStruct; return A->dwJobID - B->dwJobID; } /** * @name _PrinterJobListCompareRoutine * * SKIPLIST_COMPARE_ROUTINE for each Printer's Job List. * Jobs in this list are sorted in the desired order of processing. */ static int WINAPI _PrinterJobListCompareRoutine(PVOID FirstStruct, PVOID SecondStruct) { PLOCAL_JOB A = (PLOCAL_JOB)FirstStruct; PLOCAL_JOB B = (PLOCAL_JOB)SecondStruct; int iComparison; FILETIME ftSubmittedA; FILETIME ftSubmittedB; // First compare the priorities to determine the order. // The job with a higher priority shall come first. iComparison = A->dwPriority - B->dwPriority; if (iComparison != 0) return iComparison; // Both have the same priority, so go by creation time. if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&A->stSubmitted, &ftSubmittedA)) { ERR("SystemTimeToFileTime failed for A with error %lu!\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&B->stSubmitted, &ftSubmittedB)) { ERR("SystemTimeToFileTime failed for B with error %lu!\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } return CompareFileTime(&ftSubmittedA, &ftSubmittedB); } DWORD GetJobFilePath(PCWSTR pwszExtension, DWORD dwJobID, PWSTR pwszOutput) { TRACE("GetJobFilePath(%S, %lu, %p)\n", pwszExtension, dwJobID, pwszOutput); if (pwszOutput) { CopyMemory(pwszOutput, wszJobDirectory, cchJobDirectory * sizeof(WCHAR)); swprintf(&pwszOutput[cchJobDirectory], L"\\%05lu.%s", dwJobID, pwszExtension); } // pwszExtension may be L"SPL" or L"SHD", same length for both! return (cchJobDirectory + sizeof("\\?????.SPL")) * sizeof(WCHAR); } BOOL InitializeGlobalJobList(void) { const WCHAR wszPath[] = L"\\?????.SHD"; const DWORD cchPath = _countof(wszPath) - 1; DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD dwJobID; HANDLE hFind; PLOCAL_JOB pJob = NULL; PWSTR p; WCHAR wszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData; TRACE("InitializeGlobalJobList()\n"); // This one is incremented in _GetNextJobID. _dwLastJobID = 0; // Initialize an empty list for all jobs of all local printers. // We will search it by Job ID (supply a pointer to a DWORD in LookupElementSkiplist). InitializeSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, DllAllocSplMem, _GlobalJobListCompareRoutine, (PSKIPLIST_FREE_ROUTINE)DllFreeSplMem); // Construct the full path search pattern. CopyMemory(wszFullPath, wszJobDirectory, cchJobDirectory * sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory(&wszFullPath[cchJobDirectory], wszPath, (cchPath + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Use the search pattern to look for unfinished jobs serialized in shadow files (.SHD) hFind = FindFirstFileW(wszFullPath, &FindData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // No unfinished jobs found. dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; } do { // Skip possible subdirectories. if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; // Extract the Job ID and verify the file name format at the same time. // This includes all valid names (like "00005.SHD") and excludes invalid ones (like "10ABC.SHD"). dwJobID = wcstoul(FindData.cFileName, &p, 10); if (!IS_VALID_JOB_ID(dwJobID)) continue; if (_wcsicmp(p, L".SHD") != 0) continue; // This shadow file has a valid name. Construct the full path and try to load it. GetJobFilePath(L"SHD", dwJobID, wszFullPath); pJob = ReadJobShadowFile(wszFullPath); if (!pJob) continue; // Add it to the Global Job List. if (!InsertElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, pJob)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("InsertElementSkiplist failed for job %lu for the GlobalJobList!\n", pJob->dwJobID); goto Cleanup; } // Add it to the Printer's Job List. if (!InsertElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("InsertElementSkiplist failed for job %lu for the Printer's Job List!\n", pJob->dwJobID); goto Cleanup; } } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &FindData)); dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: // Outside the loop if (hFind) FindClose(hFind); SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } void InitializePrinterJobList(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter) { TRACE("InitializePrinterJobList(%p)\n", pPrinter); // Initialize an empty list for this printer's jobs. // This one is only for sorting the jobs. If you need to lookup a job, search the GlobalJobList by Job ID. InitializeSkiplist(&pPrinter->JobList, DllAllocSplMem, _PrinterJobListCompareRoutine, (PSKIPLIST_FREE_ROUTINE)DllFreeSplMem); } DWORD WINAPI CreateJob(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle) { const WCHAR wszDoubleBackslash[] = L"\\"; const DWORD cchDoubleBackslash = _countof(wszDoubleBackslash) - 1; DWORD cchMachineName; DWORD cchUserName; DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hServerBinding = NULL; RPC_WSTR pwszBinding = NULL; RPC_WSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; TRACE("CreateJob(%p)\n", pPrinterHandle); // Create a new job. pJob = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_JOB)); if (!pJob) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } // Reserve an ID for this job. if (!_GetNextJobID(&pJob->dwJobID)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over defaults to the LOCAL_JOB structure. pJob->pPrinter = pPrinterHandle->pPrinter; pJob->pPrintProcessor = pPrinterHandle->pPrinter->pPrintProcessor; pJob->dwPriority = DEF_PRIORITY; pJob->dwStatus = JOB_STATUS_SPOOLING; pJob->pwszDatatype = AllocSplStr(pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype); pJob->pwszDocumentName = AllocSplStr(wszDefaultDocumentName); pJob->pDevMode = DuplicateDevMode(pPrinterHandle->pDevMode); GetSystemTime(&pJob->stSubmitted); // Get the user name for the Job. cchUserName = UNLEN + 1; pJob->pwszUserName = DllAllocSplMem(cchUserName * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!GetUserNameW(pJob->pwszUserName, &cchUserName)) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("GetUserNameW failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // FIXME: For now, pwszNotifyName equals pwszUserName. pJob->pwszNotifyName = AllocSplStr(pJob->pwszUserName); // Get the name of the machine that submitted the Job over RPC. dwErrorCode = RpcBindingServerFromClient(NULL, &hServerBinding); if (dwErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { ERR("RpcBindingServerFromClient failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } dwErrorCode = RpcBindingToStringBindingW(hServerBinding, &pwszBinding); if (dwErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { ERR("RpcBindingToStringBindingW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } dwErrorCode = RpcStringBindingParseW(pwszBinding, NULL, NULL, &pwszMachineName, NULL, NULL); if (dwErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { ERR("RpcStringBindingParseW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } cchMachineName = wcslen(pwszMachineName); pJob->pwszMachineName = DllAllocSplMem((cchMachineName + cchDoubleBackslash + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory(pJob->pwszMachineName, wszDoubleBackslash, cchDoubleBackslash * sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory(&pJob->pwszMachineName[cchDoubleBackslash], pwszMachineName, (cchMachineName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Add the job to the Global Job List. if (!InsertElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, pJob)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("InsertElementSkiplist failed for job %lu for the GlobalJobList!\n", pJob->dwJobID); goto Cleanup; } // Add the job at the end of the Printer's Job List. // As all new jobs are created with default priority, we can be sure that it would always be inserted at the end. if (!InsertTailElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("InsertTailElementSkiplist failed for job %lu for the Printer's Job List!\n", pJob->dwJobID); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! pPrinterHandle->bStartedDoc = TRUE; pPrinterHandle->pJob = pJob; dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Don't let the cleanup routine free this. pJob = NULL; Cleanup: if (pJob) DllFreeSplMem(pJob); if (pwszMachineName) RpcStringFreeW(&pwszMachineName); if (pwszBinding) RpcStringFreeW(&pwszBinding); if (hServerBinding) RpcBindingFree(&hServerBinding); return dwErrorCode; } BOOL WINAPI LocalAddJob(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, PBYTE pData, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { ADDJOB_INFO_1W AddJobInfo1; DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalAddJob(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, Level, pData, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); // Check if this is a printer handle. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // This handle must not have started a job yet! if (pPrinterHandle->pJob) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Check if this is the right structure level. if (Level != 1) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Check if the printer is set to do direct printing. // The Job List isn't used in this case. if (pPrinterHandle->pPrinter->dwAttributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS; goto Cleanup; } // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. *pcbNeeded = sizeof(ADDJOB_INFO_1W) + GetJobFilePath(L"SPL", 0, NULL); if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // All requirements are met - create a new job. dwErrorCode = CreateJob(pPrinterHandle); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup; // Mark that this job was started with AddJob (so that it can be scheduled for printing with ScheduleJob). pPrinterHandle->pJob->bAddedJob = TRUE; // Return a proper ADDJOB_INFO_1W structure. AddJobInfo1.JobId = pPrinterHandle->pJob->dwJobID; AddJobInfo1.Path = (PWSTR)(pData + sizeof(ADDJOB_INFO_1W)); CopyMemory(pData, &AddJobInfo1, sizeof(ADDJOB_INFO_1W)); GetJobFilePath(L"SPL", AddJobInfo1.JobId, AddJobInfo1.Path); Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static void _LocalGetJobLevel1(PLOCAL_JOB pJob, PJOB_INFO_1W* ppJobInfo, PBYTE* ppJobInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD cbDatatype; DWORD cbDocumentName = 0; DWORD cbMachineName; DWORD cbPrinterName; DWORD cbStatus = 0; DWORD cbUserName = 0; PCWSTR pwszStrings[6]; // Calculate the string lengths. if (!ppJobInfo) { cbDatatype = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDatatype) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbMachineName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszMachineName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbPrinterName = (wcslen(pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // These values are optional. if (pJob->pwszDocumentName) cbDocumentName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDocumentName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszStatus) cbStatus = (wcslen(pJob->pwszStatus) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszUserName) cbUserName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszUserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(JOB_INFO_1W) + cbDatatype + cbDocumentName + cbMachineName + cbPrinterName + cbStatus + cbUserName; return; } // Set the general fields. (*ppJobInfo)->JobId = pJob->dwJobID; (*ppJobInfo)->Status = pJob->dwStatus; (*ppJobInfo)->Priority = pJob->dwPriority; (*ppJobInfo)->TotalPages = pJob->dwTotalPages; (*ppJobInfo)->PagesPrinted = pJob->dwPagesPrinted; CopyMemory(&(*ppJobInfo)->Submitted, &pJob->stSubmitted, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // Position in JOB_INFO_1W is the 1-based index of the job in the processing queue. // Retrieve this through the element index of the job in the Printer's Job List. if (!LookupElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob, &(*ppJobInfo)->Position)) { ERR("pJob could not be located in the Printer's Job List!\n"); return; } // Make the index 1-based. ++(*ppJobInfo)->Position; // Set the pPrinterName field. pwszStrings[0] = pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName; // Set the pMachineName field. pwszStrings[1] = pJob->pwszMachineName; // Set the pUserName field. pwszStrings[2] = pJob->pwszUserName; // Set the pDocument field. pwszStrings[3] = pJob->pwszDocumentName; // Set the pDatatype field. pwszStrings[4] = pJob->pwszDatatype; // Set the pStatus field. pwszStrings[5] = pJob->pwszStatus; // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppJobInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppJobInfo), dwJobInfo1Offsets, *ppJobInfoEnd); (*ppJobInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetJobLevel2(PLOCAL_JOB pJob, PJOB_INFO_2W* ppJobInfo, PBYTE* ppJobInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD cbDatatype; DWORD cbDevMode; DWORD cbDocumentName = 0; DWORD cbDriverName; DWORD cbMachineName; DWORD cbNotifyName = 0; DWORD cbPrinterName; DWORD cbPrintProcessor; DWORD cbPrintProcessorParameters = 0; DWORD cbStatus = 0; DWORD cbUserName = 0; FILETIME ftNow; FILETIME ftSubmitted; PCWSTR pwszStrings[10]; ULARGE_INTEGER uliNow; ULARGE_INTEGER uliSubmitted; // Calculate the string lengths. cbDevMode = pJob->pDevMode->dmSize + pJob->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra; if (!ppJobInfo) { cbDatatype = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDatatype) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbDriverName = (wcslen(pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbMachineName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszMachineName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbPrinterName = (wcslen(pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbPrintProcessor = (wcslen(pJob->pPrintProcessor->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // These values are optional. if (pJob->pwszDocumentName) cbDocumentName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDocumentName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszNotifyName) cbNotifyName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszNotifyName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters) cbPrintProcessorParameters = (wcslen(pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszStatus) cbStatus = (wcslen(pJob->pwszStatus) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszUserName) cbUserName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszUserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(JOB_INFO_2W) + cbDatatype + cbDevMode + cbDocumentName + cbDriverName + cbMachineName + cbNotifyName + cbPrinterName + cbPrintProcessor + cbPrintProcessorParameters + cbStatus + cbUserName; return; } // Set the general fields. (*ppJobInfo)->JobId = pJob->dwJobID; (*ppJobInfo)->Status = pJob->dwStatus; (*ppJobInfo)->Priority = pJob->dwPriority; (*ppJobInfo)->StartTime = pJob->dwStartTime; (*ppJobInfo)->UntilTime = pJob->dwUntilTime; (*ppJobInfo)->TotalPages = pJob->dwTotalPages; (*ppJobInfo)->PagesPrinted = pJob->dwPagesPrinted; CopyMemory(&(*ppJobInfo)->Submitted, &pJob->stSubmitted, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // Time in JOB_INFO_2W is the number of milliseconds elapsed since the job was submitted. Calculate this time. if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&pJob->stSubmitted, &ftSubmitted)) { ERR("SystemTimeToFileTime failed with error %lu!\n", GetLastError()); return; } GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftNow); uliSubmitted.LowPart = ftSubmitted.dwLowDateTime; uliSubmitted.HighPart = ftSubmitted.dwHighDateTime; uliNow.LowPart = ftNow.dwLowDateTime; uliNow.HighPart = ftNow.dwHighDateTime; (*ppJobInfo)->Time = (DWORD)((uliNow.QuadPart - uliSubmitted.QuadPart) / 10000); // Position in JOB_INFO_2W is the 1-based index of the job in the processing queue. // Retrieve this through the element index of the job in the Printer's Job List. if (!LookupElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob, &(*ppJobInfo)->Position)) { ERR("pJob could not be located in the Printer's Job List!\n"); return; } // Make the index 1-based. ++(*ppJobInfo)->Position; // FIXME! FIXME("Setting pSecurityDescriptor and Size to 0 for now!\n"); (*ppJobInfo)->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; (*ppJobInfo)->Size = 0; // Set the pDevMode field (and copy the DevMode). *ppJobInfoEnd -= cbDevMode; CopyMemory(*ppJobInfoEnd, pJob->pDevMode, cbDevMode); (*ppJobInfo)->pDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)(*ppJobInfoEnd); // Set the pPrinterName field. pwszStrings[0] = pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName; // Set the pMachineName field. pwszStrings[1] = pJob->pwszMachineName; // Set the pUserName field. pwszStrings[2] = pJob->pwszUserName; // Set the pDocument field. pwszStrings[3] = pJob->pwszDocumentName; // Set the pNotifyName field. pwszStrings[4] = pJob->pwszNotifyName; // Set the pDatatype field. pwszStrings[5] = pJob->pwszDatatype; // Set the pPrintProcessor field. pwszStrings[6] = pJob->pPrintProcessor->pwszName; // Set the pParameters field. pwszStrings[7] = pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters; // Set the pDriverName field. pwszStrings[8] = pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver; // Set the pStatus field. pwszStrings[9] = pJob->pwszStatus; // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppJobInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppJobInfo), dwJobInfo2Offsets, *ppJobInfoEnd); (*ppJobInfo)++; } BOOL WINAPI LocalGetJob(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD JobId, DWORD Level, PBYTE pStart, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD dwErrorCode; PBYTE pEnd = &pStart[cbBuf]; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalGetJob(%p, %lu, %lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, JobId, Level, pStart, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); // Check if this is a printer handle. pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Get the desired job. pJob = LookupElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, &JobId, NULL); if (!pJob || pJob->pPrinter != pPrinterHandle->pPrinter) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } if (Level > 2) { // The caller supplied an invalid level for GetJob. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Count the required buffer size. *pcbNeeded = 0; if (Level == 1) _LocalGetJobLevel1(pJob, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetJobLevel2(pJob, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over the Job information. pEnd = &pStart[*pcbNeeded]; if (Level == 1) _LocalGetJobLevel1(pJob, (PJOB_INFO_1W*)&pStart, &pEnd, NULL); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetJobLevel2(pJob, (PJOB_INFO_2W*)&pStart, &pEnd, NULL); dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static DWORD _LocalSetJobLevel1(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle, PLOCAL_JOB pJob, PJOB_INFO_1W pJobInfo) { DWORD dwErrorCode; // First check the validity of the input before changing anything. if (!FindDatatype(pJob->pPrintProcessor, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; goto Cleanup; } // Check if the datatype has changed. if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszDatatype, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszDatatype, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the document name has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszDocumentName, pJobInfo->pDocument)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszDocumentName, pJobInfo->pDocument)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the status message has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszStatus, pJobInfo->pStatus)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszStatus, pJobInfo->pStatus)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the user name has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszUserName, pJobInfo->pUserName)) { // The new user name doesn't need to exist, so no additional verification is required. // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszUserName, pJobInfo->pUserName)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the priority has changed. if (pJob->dwPriority != pJobInfo->Priority && IS_VALID_PRIORITY(pJobInfo->Priority)) { // Set the new priority. pJob->dwPriority = pJobInfo->Priority; // Remove and reinsert the job in the Printer's Job List. // The Compare function will be used to find the right position now considering the new priority. DeleteElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob); InsertElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob); } // Check if the status flags have changed. if (pJob->dwStatus != pJobInfo->Status) { // Only add status flags that make sense. if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_PAUSED) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_PAUSED; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_ERROR) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_ERROR; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: return dwErrorCode; } static DWORD _LocalSetJobLevel2(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle, PLOCAL_JOB pJob, PJOB_INFO_2W pJobInfo) { DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_PRINT_PROCESSOR pPrintProcessor; // First check the validity of the input before changing anything. pPrintProcessor = FindPrintProcessor(pJobInfo->pPrintProcessor); if (!pPrintProcessor) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTPROCESSOR; goto Cleanup; } if (!FindDatatype(pPrintProcessor, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; goto Cleanup; } // Check if the datatype has changed. if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszDatatype, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszDatatype, pJobInfo->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the document name has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszDocumentName, pJobInfo->pDocument)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszDocumentName, pJobInfo->pDocument)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the notify name has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszNotifyName, pJobInfo->pNotifyName)) { // The new notify name doesn't need to exist, so no additional verification is required. // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszNotifyName, pJobInfo->pNotifyName)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the Print Processor Parameters have changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters, pJobInfo->pParameters)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters, pJobInfo->pParameters)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the Status Message has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszStatus, pJobInfo->pStatus)) { // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszStatus, pJobInfo->pStatus)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the user name has changed. An empty string is permitted here! if (!_EqualStrings(pJob->pwszUserName, pJobInfo->pUserName)) { // The new user name doesn't need to exist, so no additional verification is required. // Use the new value. if (!ReallocSplStr(&pJob->pwszUserName, pJobInfo->pUserName)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } } // Check if the priority has changed. if (pJob->dwPriority != pJobInfo->Priority && IS_VALID_PRIORITY(pJobInfo->Priority)) { // Set the new priority. pJob->dwPriority = pJobInfo->Priority; // Remove and reinsert the job in the Printer's Job List. // The Compare function will be used to find the right position now considering the new priority. DeleteElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob); InsertElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob); } // Check if the status flags have changed. if (pJob->dwStatus != pJobInfo->Status) { // Only add status flags that make sense. if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_PAUSED) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_PAUSED; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_ERROR) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_ERROR; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE; if (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT) pJob->dwStatus |= JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: return dwErrorCode; } BOOL WINAPI LocalSetJob(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD JobId, DWORD Level, PBYTE pJobInfo, DWORD Command) { DWORD dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; WCHAR wszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; TRACE("LocalSetJob(%p, %lu, %lu, %p, %lu)\n", hPrinter, JobId, Level, pJobInfo, Command); // Check if this is a printer handle. pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; if (!pHandle || pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Get the desired job. pJob = LookupElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, &JobId, NULL); if (!pJob || pJob->pPrinter != pPrinterHandle->pPrinter) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } // Set new job information if a valid level was given. if (Level == 1) dwErrorCode = _LocalSetJobLevel1(pPrinterHandle, pJob, (PJOB_INFO_1W)pJobInfo); else if (Level == 2) dwErrorCode = _LocalSetJobLevel2(pPrinterHandle, pJob, (PJOB_INFO_2W)pJobInfo); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup; // If we do spooled printing, the job information is written down into a shadow file. if (!(pPrinterHandle->pPrinter->dwAttributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT)) { // Write the job data into the shadow file. GetJobFilePath(L"SHD", JobId, wszFullPath); WriteJobShadowFile(wszFullPath, pJob); } // Perform an additional command if desired. if (Command) { if (Command == JOB_CONTROL_SENT_TO_PRINTER) { // This indicates the end of the Print Job. // Cancel the Job at the Print Processor. if (pJob->hPrintProcessor) pJob->pPrintProcessor->pfnControlPrintProcessor(pJob->hPrintProcessor, JOB_CONTROL_CANCEL); FreeJob(pJob); // TODO: All open handles associated with the job need to be invalidated. // This certainly needs handle tracking... } else { ERR("Unimplemented SetJob Command: %lu!\n", Command); } } Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalEnumJobs(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD FirstJob, DWORD NoJobs, DWORD Level, PBYTE pStart, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD i; PBYTE pEnd; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PSKIPLIST_NODE pFirstJobNode; PSKIPLIST_NODE pNode; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalEnumJobs(%p, %lu, %lu, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", hPrinter, FirstJob, NoJobs, Level, pStart, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); // Check if this is a printer handle. pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Check the level. if (Level > 2) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Begin counting. *pcbNeeded = 0; *pcReturned = 0; // Lookup the node of the first job requested by the caller in the Printer's Job List. pFirstJobNode = LookupNodeByIndexSkiplist(&pPrinterHandle->pPrinter->JobList, FirstJob); // Count the required buffer size and the number of jobs. i = 0; pNode = pFirstJobNode; while (i < NoJobs && pNode) { pJob = (PLOCAL_JOB)pNode->Element; if (Level == 1) _LocalGetJobLevel1(pJob, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetJobLevel2(pJob, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); // We stop either when there are no more jobs in the list or when the caller didn't request more, whatever comes first. i++; pNode = pNode->Next[0]; } // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over the Job information. i = 0; pNode = pFirstJobNode; pEnd = &pStart[*pcbNeeded]; while (i < NoJobs && pNode) { pJob = (PLOCAL_JOB)pNode->Element; if (Level == 1) _LocalGetJobLevel1(pJob, (PJOB_INFO_1W*)&pStart, &pEnd, NULL); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetJobLevel2(pJob, (PJOB_INFO_2W*)&pStart, &pEnd, NULL); // We stop either when there are no more jobs in the list or when the caller didn't request more, whatever comes first. i++; pNode = pNode->Next[0]; } *pcReturned = i; dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalScheduleJob(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwJobID) { DWORD dwAttributes; DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hThread; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; WCHAR wszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; TRACE("LocalScheduleJob(%p, %lu)\n", hPrinter, dwJobID); // Check if this is a printer handle. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Check if the Job ID is valid. pJob = LookupElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, &dwJobID, NULL); if (!pJob || pJob->pPrinter != pPrinterHandle->pPrinter) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } // Check if this Job was started with AddJob. if (!pJob->bAddedJob) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SPL_NO_ADDJOB; goto Cleanup; } // Construct the full path to the spool file. GetJobFilePath(L"SPL", dwJobID, wszFullPath); // Check if it exists. dwAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(wszFullPath); if (dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES || dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SPOOL_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto Cleanup; } // Spooling is finished at this point. pJob->dwStatus &= ~JOB_STATUS_SPOOLING; // Write the job data into the shadow file. wcscpy(wcsrchr(wszFullPath, L'.'), L".SHD"); WriteJobShadowFile(wszFullPath, pJob); // Create the thread for performing the printing process. hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)PrintingThreadProc, pJob, 0, NULL); if (!hThread) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("CreateThread failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // We don't need the thread handle. Keeping it open blocks the thread from terminating. CloseHandle(hThread); // ScheduleJob has done its job. The rest happens inside the thread. dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } PLOCAL_JOB ReadJobShadowFile(PCWSTR pwszFilePath) { DWORD cbFileSize; DWORD cbRead; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_JOB pReturnValue = NULL; PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINT_PROCESSOR pPrintProcessor; PSHD_HEADER pShadowFile = NULL; PWSTR pwszPrinterName; PWSTR pwszPrintProcessor; TRACE("ReadJobShadowFile(%S)\n", pwszFilePath); // Try to open the file. hFile = CreateFileW(pwszFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR("CreateFileW failed with error %lu for file \"%S\"!\n", GetLastError(), pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Get its file size (small enough for a single DWORD) and allocate memory for all of it. cbFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); pShadowFile = DllAllocSplMem(cbFileSize); if (!pShadowFile) { ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed for file \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Read the entire file. if (!ReadFile(hFile, pShadowFile, cbFileSize, &cbRead, NULL)) { ERR("ReadFile failed with error %lu for file \"%S\"!\n", GetLastError(), pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Check signature and header size. if (pShadowFile->dwSignature != SHD_WIN2003_SIGNATURE || pShadowFile->cbHeader != sizeof(SHD_HEADER)) { ERR("Signature or Header Size mismatch for file \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Retrieve the associated printer from the list. pwszPrinterName = (PWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offPrinterName); pPrinter = LookupElementSkiplist(&PrinterList, &pwszPrinterName, NULL); if (!pPrinter) { ERR("Shadow file \"%S\" references a non-existing printer \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath, pwszPrinterName); goto Cleanup; } // Retrieve the associated Print Processor from the list. pwszPrintProcessor = (PWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offPrintProcessor); pPrintProcessor = FindPrintProcessor(pwszPrintProcessor); if (!pPrintProcessor) { ERR("Shadow file \"%S\" references a non-existing Print Processor \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath, pwszPrintProcessor); goto Cleanup; } // Create a new job structure and copy over the relevant fields. pJob = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_JOB)); if (!pJob) { ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed for file \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } pJob->dwJobID = pShadowFile->dwJobID; pJob->dwPriority = pShadowFile->dwPriority; pJob->dwStartTime = pShadowFile->dwStartTime; pJob->dwTotalPages = pShadowFile->dwTotalPages; pJob->dwUntilTime = pShadowFile->dwUntilTime; pJob->pPrinter = pPrinter; pJob->pPrintProcessor = pPrintProcessor; pJob->pDevMode = DuplicateDevMode((PDEVMODEW)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offDevMode)); pJob->pwszDatatype = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offDatatype)); pJob->pwszMachineName = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offMachineName)); CopyMemory(&pJob->stSubmitted, &pShadowFile->stSubmitted, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // Copy the optional values. if (pShadowFile->offDocumentName) pJob->pwszDocumentName = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offDocumentName)); if (pShadowFile->offNotifyName) pJob->pwszNotifyName = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offNotifyName)); if (pShadowFile->offPrintProcessorParameters) pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offPrintProcessorParameters)); if (pShadowFile->offUserName) pJob->pwszUserName = AllocSplStr((PCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile + pShadowFile->offUserName)); // Jobs read from shadow files were always added using AddJob. pJob->bAddedJob = TRUE; pReturnValue = pJob; Cleanup: if (pShadowFile) DllFreeSplMem(pShadowFile); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); return pReturnValue; } BOOL WriteJobShadowFile(PWSTR pwszFilePath, const PLOCAL_JOB pJob) { BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD cbDatatype = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDatatype) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD cbDevMode = pJob->pDevMode->dmSize + pJob->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra; DWORD cbDocumentName = 0; DWORD cbFileSize; DWORD cbMachineName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszMachineName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD cbNotifyName = 0; DWORD cbPrinterDriver = (wcslen(pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD cbPrinterName = (wcslen(pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD cbPrintProcessor = (wcslen(pJob->pPrintProcessor->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD cbPrintProcessorParameters = 0; DWORD cbUserName = 0; DWORD cbWritten; DWORD dwCurrentOffset; HANDLE hSHDFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hSPLFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PSHD_HEADER pShadowFile = NULL; TRACE("WriteJobShadowFile(%S, %p)\n", pwszFilePath, pJob); // Try to open the SHD file. hSHDFile = CreateFileW(pwszFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hSHDFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR("CreateFileW failed with error %lu for file \"%S\"!\n", GetLastError(), pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Calculate the lengths of the optional values and the total size of the shadow file. if (pJob->pwszDocumentName) cbDocumentName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszDocumentName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszNotifyName) cbNotifyName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszNotifyName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters) cbPrintProcessorParameters = (wcslen(pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pJob->pwszUserName) cbUserName = (wcslen(pJob->pwszUserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbFileSize = sizeof(SHD_HEADER) + cbDatatype + cbDocumentName + cbDevMode + cbMachineName + cbNotifyName + cbPrinterDriver + cbPrinterName + cbPrintProcessor + cbPrintProcessorParameters + cbUserName; // Allocate memory for it. pShadowFile = DllAllocSplMem(cbFileSize); if (!pShadowFile) { ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed for file \"%S\"!\n", pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } // Fill out the shadow file header information. pShadowFile->dwSignature = SHD_WIN2003_SIGNATURE; pShadowFile->cbHeader = sizeof(SHD_HEADER); // Copy the values. pShadowFile->dwJobID = pJob->dwJobID; pShadowFile->dwPriority = pJob->dwPriority; pShadowFile->dwStartTime = pJob->dwStartTime; pShadowFile->dwTotalPages = pJob->dwTotalPages; pShadowFile->dwUntilTime = pJob->dwUntilTime; CopyMemory(&pShadowFile->stSubmitted, &pJob->stSubmitted, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // Determine the file size of the .SPL file wcscpy(wcsrchr(pwszFilePath, L'.'), L".SPL"); hSPLFile = CreateFileW(pwszFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hSPLFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) pShadowFile->dwSPLSize = GetFileSize(hSPLFile, NULL); // Add the extra values that are stored as offsets in the shadow file. // The first value begins right after the shadow file header. dwCurrentOffset = sizeof(SHD_HEADER); CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszDatatype, cbDatatype); pShadowFile->offDatatype = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbDatatype; CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pDevMode, cbDevMode); pShadowFile->offDevMode = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbDevMode; // offDriverName is only written, but automatically determined through offPrinterName when reading. CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver, cbPrinterDriver); pShadowFile->offDriverName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbPrinterDriver; CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszMachineName, cbMachineName); pShadowFile->offMachineName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbMachineName; CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, cbPrinterName); pShadowFile->offPrinterName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbPrinterName; CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pPrintProcessor->pwszName, cbPrintProcessor); pShadowFile->offPrintProcessor = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbPrintProcessor; // Copy the optional values. if (cbDocumentName) { CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszDocumentName, cbDocumentName); pShadowFile->offDocumentName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbDocumentName; } if (cbNotifyName) { CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszNotifyName, cbNotifyName); pShadowFile->offNotifyName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbNotifyName; } if (cbPrintProcessorParameters) { CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters, cbPrintProcessorParameters); pShadowFile->offPrintProcessorParameters = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbPrintProcessorParameters; } if (cbUserName) { CopyMemory((PBYTE)pShadowFile + dwCurrentOffset, pJob->pwszUserName, cbUserName); pShadowFile->offUserName = dwCurrentOffset; dwCurrentOffset += cbUserName; } // Write the file. if (!WriteFile(hSHDFile, pShadowFile, cbFileSize, &cbWritten, NULL)) { ERR("WriteFile failed with error %lu for file \"%S\"!\n", GetLastError(), pwszFilePath); goto Cleanup; } bReturnValue = TRUE; Cleanup: if (pShadowFile) DllFreeSplMem(pShadowFile); if (hSHDFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hSHDFile); if (hSPLFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hSPLFile); return bReturnValue; } void FreeJob(PLOCAL_JOB pJob) { PWSTR pwszSHDFile; TRACE("FreeJob(%p)\n", pJob); // Remove the Job from both Job Lists. DeleteElementSkiplist(&pJob->pPrinter->JobList, pJob); DeleteElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, pJob); // Try to delete the corresponding .SHD file. pwszSHDFile = DllAllocSplMem(GetJobFilePath(L"SHD", 0, NULL)); if (pwszSHDFile && GetJobFilePath(L"SHD", pJob->dwJobID, pwszSHDFile)) DeleteFileW(pwszSHDFile); // Free memory for the mandatory fields. DllFreeSplMem(pJob->pDevMode); DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszDatatype); DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszDocumentName); DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszMachineName); DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszNotifyName); DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszUserName); // Free memory for the optional fields if they are present. if (pJob->pwszOutputFile) DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszOutputFile); if (pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters) DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszPrintProcessorParameters); if (pJob->pwszStatus) DllFreeSplStr(pJob->pwszStatus); // Finally free the job structure itself. DllFreeSplMem(pJob); }